You Have It All Wrong Two Amy's Story
By SaraUK
Part 13
Ann woke the next morning needing the toilet really badly, it didn't help her much when she looked over to find Amy and Amber wrapped up in each other as they slept. Ann had to stop herself laughing, and run to the bathroom before she wet herself.
Amy started to wake, and she realised that she was being pinned down by something, so she slowly opened her eyes and looked down to find Amber's arms wrapped around her. Amber's face was pressed between her breasts, which had Amy wondering what was so great about everyone wanting to stick their face down there.
Amy tried to slide away from Amber without waking her up, but it was no use, Amber moved her head back and looked up at Amy looking very sleepy.
"Morning Amy." Amber said in a sleepy voice, but she soon looked more awake when she realised where her head had been. "Oh god Amy! I am so sorry. I didn't realise where my head was." Amber said looking embarrassed.
"Don't worry about it Amber. Ann did the same thing the other week." Amy said with a giggle.
"It did feel nice and soft down there." Amber said with a grin, as she unwwrapped herself from around Amy.
They both had a stretch and then turned to look at the toilet door when they heard Ann coming back out.
"Morning you two." Ann said with a smile.
"Morning Sis." Amy said, as she smiled back at Ann.
"Only just." Amber said, as she looked at the clock on the bedside table.
"How did you sleep Amber?" Ann asked, as she slid back into bed with the other two.
"I slept a lot better last night with you two, than I did the night before." Amber said with a grin.
"I know I slept really well last night. No bad dreams at all." Amy said with a smile, as she cuddled up to Ann. She really wanted to cuddle with Amber, but didn't want to risk upsetting her.
"I guess we should really see about getting up and seeing how the others are, but it's just so nice lying here with you two." Ann said, as she hugged Amy back.
"I think I might take a soak in the bath for a bit. See if I can wake myself up a little more." Amy said, as she climbed over Ann and made her way to the bathroom.
"Don't lock the door Sis. I want to be able to check on you later, just in case you fall asleep in there." Ann shouted with a giggle.
"Okay Sis." Amy said with a less than convinced look back at her.
Amy knew that the real reason was down to what she caught her doing the other weekend with her hormone pills.
Ann watched Amy enter the bathroom and close the door before she said anything else to Amber.
"So how do you feel about Amy now then Amber?" Ann asked with a grin, as she saw the way Amber watched her sister as she walked over to the bathroom.
"I think I lover her more every minute I'm with her Annie. I'm not to sure if I can keep my promise any more." Amber said with a worried look.
"What promise is that Amber." Ann asked with a puzzled look.
"The one about not letting her know how I really feel about her." Amber said as she gritted her teeth, and spoke in a very quiet voice.
"Oh, that promise." Ann said with a grin. "I thought you were being a little brave when you said that." Ann added with another giggle.
"I have to though Annie. I don't want Amy to be to upset when I leave in a couple of weeks. I don't want her sitting by the phone waiting for me to call her every night." Amber said with a sad look.
"I understand what you're trying to say Amber, but Amy is old enough to deal with it." Ann said, as she brushed away a tear that had run down the side of Amber's face.
"I need to be strong about this and fight these feelings. I'm not sure I'd be able to leave in a couple of weeks, if I do tell Amy how I feel about her." Amber said with a sigh.
"That's the real reason for how you feel, isn't it?" Ann asked.
"Yes it is Annie. I'm scared of how I'll feel when I have to leave, if I do tell Amy how I really feel about her." Amber said, as she let the tears flow freely down her face.
"Oh Amber, I really don't know what to tell you to do." Ann said, as she pulled Amber in for a hug.
They lay like that for ten minutes, until Amber spoke again.
"I better go and see about taking a shower myself. I could do with something to wake me up a little more." She said with a giggle as she wiped her eyes.
"Okay Amber. I better go and check on Amy anyway." Ann smiled, as she let Amber out of the hug fully.
"I'll see you down in the kitchen later." Amber smiled, as she left the bedroom to head over to her own.
Ann walked over to the bathroom and slowly opened the door so she could poke her head round to see if Amy was asleep or not.
Amy was lying in the bath with a wash cloth over her eyes. Ann could tell by the way her chest was moving up and down very slowly, that her baby sister had fallen asleep in there.
Ann entered the bathroom, and slowly made her way over to the bathtub. She knelt down at the side of the tub and started to soap up Amy's breasts and upper chest for her.
Amy stirred from her nap when she felt someone washing her chest. "MMM, that feel's really nice." Amy said in a dreamy voice. Amy wondered if it might be Amber, but deep down she knew it was Ann.
"That looks really nice Sis." Ann said, as she looked at Amy lying in the bath with her head resting on the edge of the tub.
"It feels really good Sis. I can make some room for you, If you don't mind sharing?" Amy asked, as she raised her hand and slid the wash cloth away from her eyes.
Amy found Ann kneeling at the side of the bath grinning at her when she finally looked her way.
Ann was soon on her feet and slipping out of her night-clothes, as Amy sat up and then slid forward, so Ann could slide down in the water behind her. Amy slid back down in the water, and rested her head between Ann's breasts.
"Now this feels really nice Sis." Amy said in a tired voice.
"I have to agree with you there baby sister." Ann said, as she brushed water up onto Amy's breasts. "Amy. Are you really okay with me over this whole thing with Amber, and the surprise?" Ann asked in a worried voice.
"Yes I am. I'm really happy that she still wants to be my friend." Amy said, as she wrapped her arms around Ann's and hugged them. "I'm sorry for not speaking about her all this time, but I was scared that you might say you missed her, and it would be my fault." Amy added in a sad voice.
"I'd never blame you for any of that Amy. Amber was the one that told me to do it whenever I had doubts about leaving her alone back there." Ann said.
"That sounds like Amber." Amy giggled. "She's the only one that ever treated me like a human being back home, apart from you Sis." Amy added with a happy tone to her voice.
"You should have heard the way she laid into dad when he came around to her place just after I moved out. She really wasn't holding anything back, and she kept calling you Amy right in front of him." Ann said with a giggle, as she thought back to that time.
"She really stood up to him then? I bet dad really hated that." Amy giggled, as she thought of Amber shouting at her dad.
"I'm glad that Amber's moved now, but I really don't like the place she's found. I know it's cheap, but it looks like a real dump." Ann said with a sad tone to her voice.
"Do mum and Dad know where she's living now?" Amy asked.
"Not as far as I know. She's not had them turn up on her door step yet." Ann said.
"That's good then. If the place she's living in is that bad, then why don't you take some of the money out the bank account to help her find a better place then Sis." Amy said, as she tilted her head to one side, so she could look up at Ann.
"I've already told her that we want to help her, but you know how stubborn she can be." Ann said with a disappointed look.
"I know what you mean Sis, she's spent way to much time around you." Amy said with a giggle.
"Hay! Who you calling stubborn?" Ann shouted, as she started to tickle Amy.
Amy was splashing around and screaming as Ann kept tickling her. Amy lost her footing in the bathtub, and slipped under the water. She must have swallowed some water, as she came up coughing like mad.
"Oh god Amy, are you okay?" Ann asked really worried.
"I'll be fine in a minute or two." Amy coughed.
"I'm really sorry Sis." Ann said, as she hugged Amy.
"I'm fine, so don't worry about it." Amy giggled. "Do you want me to wash your back for you Sis?" Amy asked, as she finished wiping all the bubbles and water out her eyes.
"I haven't done yours yet Amy." Ann said, as she turned Amy back around so she could wash her back for her.
Once Ann had finished Amy's back, she stood up and stepped around Amy, and sat back down. Amy had got use to seeing Ann naked over the past couple of months, so she just picked up the sponge and set to work washing Ann's back.
"Thanks for doing that Amy, and I'm really sorry for trying to drown you." Ann said with a sad look, as she stood up and stepped out the bath.
"Please, stop worrying about it. What's the point of having a big sister, if you don't let them try to drown you once in a while?" Amy giggled, as she waved her hand in such a way, as to say it was nothing.
Ann started to giggle as well. She thought that Amy looked really funny sat in the bath saying that.
"Okay Sis, point taken." Ann said, as she picked up a towel for Amy. "Now come on and get out the bath before you look like a wrinkled old prune." Ann said with a giggle.
"Yes mum." Amy said with a whine, as she stood up and let Ann rap the towel around her, just like she was a small child.
Ann felt really sorry for Amy as she stood up, as she was trying to hide the thing between her legs.
"It really doesn't bother me Amy. I know what you have down there, but all I see is my baby sister still." Ann said with a smile, as she wrapped the towel around Amy.
"Thanks Sis, that does make me feel much better. I'll be even happier once it's gone though." Amy said, as she let Ann dry her off.
"I know you will Sis, but it's just going to take some time." Ann said with a sad look.
"I was hopping to get time to chat with Prue last night. I wanted to find out if there is anything she can do to make me look more like a girl down there until I can have the SRS." Amy said looking nervous.
"Like what Amy?" Ann asked looking a little worried.
"I've read things on the net about them being able to give the look of having female parts by using glue and tucking everything away. I'm just not to sure how true any of it is." Amy said with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Well it doesn't hurt to ask Amy. It would be nice if Prue could make you look more like a girl down there until you can finally have the SRS." Ann said with some hope that Prue could help make Amy feel better about her self. "Prue will be coming over tomorrow for the barbecue, so we could ask her then." Ann added with a grin.
"That's a really great idea Sis." Amy said with a grin.
They both finished drying off, and then went back to the bedroom to find something to wear for the day. They had no big plans to go out anywhere, so they both opted for tracksuits. Amy still looked like Amy, even with very little makeup on, so she felt just fine in the tracksuit.
Once they were both dressed they left the bedroom, and went in search of the others down in the kitchen. That's if they were up yet, Ann and Amy had a feeling that it would have been pretty late when they got to sleep.
As the girls thought, the kitchen was empty when they got down there, so Amy put the kettle on while Ann sorted out putting some tea bags in the tea pot ready for when the kettle boiled.
"I guess the action must have carried on after we got home last night for some of us." Ann said with a grin, as she looked around the empty kitchen.
"I wonder where they find the energy from some times." Amy giggled. "I was dead on my feet last night when we got home." Amy added with a sigh.
"Maybe you should ask them when they finally get down here." Ann said with a giggle.
"No thanks Sis. I think I'm better off not knowing." Amy giggled.
Ann finished making the pot of tea, and then took it to the table to let is brew for a little bit before she poured Amy and herself a cup out. She was just about to pour it out when they heard someone coming through the kitchen door, so they both looked to see who it was, and found Amber entering the kitchen with a smile on her face.
"Morning you two," Amber said with a smile, as she walked over to the table and took a seat next to Amy.
"Morning Amber, how you feeling now?" Ann asked, as she got another cup out the centre of the table so she could pour Amber a cup of tea out as well.
"I feel much better now I've had a shower, but I'll feel even better once I've had a cup of tea." Amber said with a grin, as she watched Ann pout out the tea.
"Good morning Amber. Did you have a good time last night at the club?" Amy asked.
"I had a great time last night Amy. Thank you for that." Amber said, as she wrapped her arm around Amy's waist and hugged her, as she put her head on Amy's shoulder.
"You really need to thank Carl and the others Amber. I never did anything really." Amy said.
"You had more to do with it than you think Amy. If it wasn't for you moving away and meeting Chrissy and the others, I never would have had a great night out." Amber said with a grin, as she lifted her head of Amy's shoulder so she could take a sip from the cup Ann just put in front of her.
"Well I guess if you look at it that way, then yes I did have something to do with it." Amy smiled.
"MMM, that tastes really good." Amber said, as she put the cup down after taking another sip from it. "I thought I'd be the last one down, but it looks like we're missing a couple of body's." Amber added with a grin, as she looked at Ann, and then Amy.
"Ann seems to think that the party kept going for a couple of them, so they didn't get to bed until much later than we did." Amy said with a raised eyebrow.
"Some of them get all the luck." Amber said with a smirk.
The girls were all quiet for a little bit, as they all sat drinking their tea, but then Amber asked Ann a question.
"So Annie, how do you feel about the big date tonight?" Amber asked with a grin.
"I still can't believe you did that last night." Ann said with a stern look at Amber.
"You should know me by now Annie." Amber said with a grin. "I wasn't going to let him wait another two weeks to go out on a date with you. Not when I have Amy and the others to keep me out of trouble." Amber added, as she wrapped her arm around Amy again.
"I'm really scared about it. I've not been out on a date since before Amy left home." Ann said with some worry in her voice.
"I'm sure it'll all come back to you Annie." Amber said with a grin.
"Maybe Brad has a friend, so you can both go out on a double date at some point over the next couple of weeks." Amy said. She was trying to find out if she stood a chance with Amber at all.
"I'm sure that Amber can find her own lovers, without Brad and I helping." Ann said, as she gave Amber a funny look.
"That's okay; I'm not going to be here long enough to date anyone." Amber said, as she gave Ann the same look she just gave her. "I'm saving myself for someone special." Amber added, as she looked at Amy while she was looking the other way.
Amy was sort of happy that Amber wasn't interested in going out on a double date with Ann, but she was a little worried when she heard Amber say she was saving herself for someone special. Amy wondered if Amber had a guy back home that she was saving herself for. She shuck off her feeling and decided to make a start on some breakfast for them all.
"Do you two want some breakfast? I'm starved, so I'm going to have some." Amy said, as she stood up from the table.
"Don't you think we should wait for the others to come down?" Amber asked.
"I'm sure they'll all be down soon enough." Amy said with a smile, as she made her way over to the fridge so she could work out what to have.
Amy didn't want to do too much, as it was a lot later than they would normally have breakfast, or lunch as it now was. So Amy decided to do some French toast, as it would fill a hole until they had dinner later.
"How does French toast sound to you two?" Amy asked, as she got the eggs out, and the bread.
"Sounds good to me baby sister," Ann said with a grin.
"I've never had it before Amy, but it sounds nice." Amber said with a smile. "Do you need any help?" Amber asked.
"Not really Amber, but you can watch me make it. That way if you like it, you can make it for yourself some time." Amy said with a smile, as she turned to look at Amber.
"I'd really like that Amy." Amber said, as she jumped up to go and watch Amy work.
Amber didn't stand and watch for too long before Amy decided to let her help. She got Amber to break the eggs in a bowl, and then whisk them up for her. Amy added some salt and pepper, then she showed Amber how to put the mix onto a plate so she could then lye the bread down in it to soak it up. Amy had heated up the frying pan, so she showed Amber how to place the bread in the pan to cook it.
"You made that look so simple Amy." Amber said, as she watched the bread frying in the pan.
"It is that simple Amber." Amy said with a giggle.
"Will you show me how to cook other things while I'm here?" Amber asked with a pleading look on her face, and in her voice.
"Sure Amber, but Chrissy is the real whiz in the kitchen. I'm learning more and more every day from her." Amy said with a smile.
"Is there anything Chrissy can't do?" Amber asked with a funny tone to her voice.
Amy was about to ask Amber what she meant by that comment, but she soon stopped when she saw the silly grin come across Amber's face.
"She's a better girl than I am, and I was born one." Amber said with a silly look on her face.
"Who knows Amber, Chrissy is just Chrissy." Amy said, as she shrugged her shoulders. "All I know is that I love having her around." Amy added with a grin.
"So do I Amy. I really love being around her, just as much as I do you and Ann." Amber smiled back.
Amy took the first piece of French toast out the pan, and put it on a plate for Amber to take over to Ann.
"Here you go Annie." Amber said with a grin, as she put the plate down in front of her.
"This looks really good, and smells even better." Ann said, as she picked up her knife and fork to make a start on eating it.
"I really hope you like it Annie. I helped to cook it." Amber said with pride.
Ann stopped just as she was about to put the first fork full in her mouth. "Is it safe to eat then?" Ann asked with a worried look, just before she started to grin at Amber.
"Hay, I'm not that bad at cooking!" Amber said with a hurt look, but soon smiled when she saw Ann start to grin. "I should cut you off, and not let you have any more for that Annie." Amber said, as she walked back to where Amy was stood waiting for her.
"I was only joking Amber! It tastes really good." Ann said, as she put another fork full in her mouth.
Amber just turned her head as she kept walking, and stuck her tong out at Ann. Then she stopped and looked at Amy with a puzzled look when she saw that Amy hadn't put any more French toast in the pan yet.
"Is there a problem Amy?" Amber asked, as she looked at the stuff on the worktop.
"Theres no problem Amber. I'm going to let you take over." Amy said with a smile, as she stepped to one side.
"You want me to take over?" Amber asked with a shocked look.
"Yep. I'll keep an eye on you, but I have a feeling that you won't need me too." Amy said with a grin.
Amy talked Amber through the process a couple of times, and she was soon sorting it with no help from Amy at all.
Amy had just taken a plate to the table with a stack of French toast on it when they all heard Chrissy and Becky enter the kitchen.
"Morning everyone," Chrissy said with a smile. "MMM, something smells nice." She added, as she looked at the table, and then at Amy and Amber.
"I'm making French toast. Take a seat and get stuck in." Amber said sounding really happy with herself.
"Don't mind if we do." Becky said with a grin, as she led Chrissy over to the table and sat her down, then sat down next to her. "Oh! Morning everyone." Becky added with a giggle, as she also sat down at the table.
"I didn't think you could cook Amber? This looks really good." Chrissy asked, as she looked at the food on the table.
"Amy started it, but showed me what she was doing as she went. Then she let me take over, and I've done most of it." Amber said with pride.
"Well let's get stuck in and see what it tastes like then." Becky said with a grin, as she stuck a fork in a piece of French toast on the plate in the middle of the table, and put it on the plate in front of her.
Becky started to cut it up and put a piece in Chrissy's mouth, and then a piece in her own mouth. She did this for the entire meal.
Amber thought it looked really cute to watch Becky feed them both. She'd never seen a couple so much in love before; she just hoped that Amy and her could have that sort of relationship one day.
Amber finished cooking the French toast and sat down with the others to enjoy it. They were all sat around the table enjoying a second cup of tea when Mandy and Carl entered the kitchen.
Carl had borrowed a T-shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms off Mandy. Lucky for Carl they were on the big side for Mandy, so they fit him okay.
Mandy was wearing pretty much the same thing, but in a different colour scheme.
"Arrr, did we miss breakfast." Mandy asked with a pout.
"I can soon make you some Mandy." Amber said, as she stood up.
"It's okay Amber. I don't want to be any trouble to you all." Mandy said, as she took her normal seat at the table.
"I'll be fine with a cup of tea." Carl said with a smile.
"I really don't mind at all. Amy showed me how to make French toast today, and I'd really like you two to try it." Amber said with some pleading in her voice.
"Okay then Amber. Far be if for me to stop you having fun learning to cook." Mandy said with a smile.
"French toast sounds good to me too." Carl added with a smile, as he took the cup of tea Ann just slid over to him.
Amber set to work making some more French toast, as the others all sat and watched her work.
Mandy and Carl were soon sat eating French toast, and really enjoying it.
"This is really good Amber." Carl said, as he put another fork full in his mouth.
"It is really Good Amber. I thought you said you couldn't cook?" Mandy said with a look of amazement on her face.
"Amy showed me how to do it this morning. It was a lot of fun, and I hope that I can learn how to do a lot more before I head home again." Amber said with a smile, as she wrapped an arm around Amy's waist to thank her for the cooking lesson.
"I'd love to do that Amber, but like I said before. You really need to let Chrissy and Becky show you." Amy said, as she smiled at Amber.
"I'd love to show you how to cook Amber." Chrissy said, as she sat cuddling with Becky.
"I'd love to help too." Becky said with a grin.
"Thanks you guys." Amber said with a grin back at them.
Chrissy and Becky were soon getting up to take away the dirty dishes once Mandy and Carl finished. Amber went to get up as well to help, but Chrissy stopped her.
"No Amber. You cooked the breakfast today, so you don't wash or dry the dishes. Becky and I will sort it out." Chrissy said with a smile, as she made Amber sit back down again.
"I really don't mind helping out Chrissy. It's fun to feel like part of the family." Amber said with some pleading in her voice.
"You are part of the family silly. So why don't you make the most of it and spend some time with them." Chrissy smiled, as she wrapped her arms around Amber, and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Chrissy, you're one of the best." Amber said, as she hugged Chrissy back.
"I'm only as good as the rest of the family I have around me sister." Chrissy added with a smile.
Amber felt a warm feeling in her heart when she heard Chrissy use the word sister.
"You'd really think of me as a sister?" Amber asked with a tear in her eye.
"Yes I would Amber, just as I think of Amy and Ann as my sisters." Chrissy said with a smile.
"We all feel the same way Amber." Mandy said, as she sat cuddled up to Carl.
"I could always use another sister too." Carl added with a grin.
Amber just sat there looking around the table at all the smiling faces. She'd gone from having just one friend to having a whole family in just a couple of days. Amber wanted to say something, but she was just too choked up by what she just found out.
Amy could see the tears running down Amber's cheeks, so she wrapped her arm around her, and pulled her in for a hug.
"Hay, don't cry Amber." Amy said with some worry in her voice.
"I'm sorry everyone, but I just didn't expect to be taken in by you all." Amber said with a smile, as she wiped away the tears.
"Welcome to the family Sis." Ann said with a grin.
"Thanks." Was all Amber said, as she let Amy hug her. She was happy to let Amy do that all day long.
Chrissy and Becky made a start on getting the dishes washed and dried, while the others all made their way into the living room. Ann and Amy sat on one sofa with Amber sat between them. While Mandy and Carl sat on another one, where they cuddled up to each other. Chrissy and Becky took the last reaming sofa and cuddled up to each other once they finished the dishes.
They'd brought in a tray with a jug of orange juice on it and enough glasses for them all. So Chrissy set about pouring them all a glass out before she settled back to relax with Becky.
Mandy and the others spent some time telling Amber about the place they found Amy living in, and how Carl tricked the land lord into letting them take her stuff out the place before Carl handed him a fraction of what Amy really owed.
Amber wrapped her arms around Amy when they said how bad the place was, which Amy really liked. The others could all see it too, by the big grin she had on her face.
They all sat relaxing until just before five, when Ann decided she needed to see about getting ready for her date with Brad.
"I better go and sort out getting ready for my date with Brad." Ann said, as she stood up. "I've got no idea what to wear or anything." Ann added with some worry in her voice.
"Do you need any help Ann?" Chrissy asked.
"Would you really Chrissy? That would be great." Ann said with a smile.
"Sure, I love playing dress up with a life size Barbie." Chrissy giggled, as she stood up.
"Can I help too?" Becky asked with a grin.
"Sure, the more help I get the better I'll look when Brad gets here." Ann said with a grin.
"We'll come and help too then." Amber said, as she also stood up and pulled Amy to her feet.
They all looked at Mandy to see if she wanted to join in the fun, but she was happy to just sit and cuddle with Carl, as they watched some old movie on the telly.
"I'm happy to stay just like this thanks." Mandy said with a smile, as she cuddled up to Carl a little tighter.
Carl never gave an answer, he just sat next to Mandy with a big grin on his face. So the others all giggled, and then dragged Ann out the room to go help her get ready for her date.
"Okay Ann, do you want to pick something from your wardrobe, or shall we just head to mine and Becky's room?" Chrissy asked.
"Could you pick me something out of your stuff please Chrissy?" Ann asked with some pleading in her voice.
"I sure can Ann. I have just the outfit in mind." Chrissy said with a grin.
"I'm not to sure where Brad will be taking me Chrissy, so don't make me look to glamorous." Ann said, as she got pulled into Chrissy's room.
"Stop worrying Ann. You'll look beautiful, but smart at the same time." Chrissy smiled, as she led Ann over to the bed and sat her down. "Wait there, and I'll go and find the outfit I'm thinking you should wear tonight." Chrissy added just before she went into her closet to find the clothes for Ann.
Amber could see how nervous Ann was, so she reached over and took her by the hand. That's when she saw the rough state of Ann's nails.
"Annie! You can't go out on a date with Brad with your nails looking like that." Amber said, as she stood up and went to leave the room.
"Where you going Amber?" Ann asked with a puzzled look.
"I'm going to get my nail art kit, so I can sort out this mess for you." Amber said, as she held up Ann's hand.
Ann just smiling at Amber as she watched her leave Chrissy's bedroom to go and get her nail kit.
Chrissy came back holding a couple of items in her hands to show Ann.
"Here you go Ann. I thought this skirt and top would look really good on you." Chrissy said, as she held up a deep red suede skirt and jacket on a hanger, and a silk T-shirt draped over her other arm.
"Wow Chrissy. That's a really nice skirt and jacket." Ann said, as she stood up to take a closer look at it.
"Thanks Ann. I have the same set in a couple of other colours as well. They are all really nice to wear" Chrissy said with a grin.
"Nice choice on the outfit Babe. I love it when you wear them." Becky said with a grin, as she walked over to hug Chrissy.
"I know that Lover. I thought that if you love to see me in this outfit, Brad would feel the same way about seeing Ann wear it." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Very sneaky babe, very sneaky." Becky said with a grin, as she pulled Chrissy's head in closer so she could kiss her.
"Looking at how you're reacting to just thinking about how Chrissy would look in this outfit. I'm worried as to whether I'll be able to keep Brad's hands off me." Ann said with a giggle, as she saw the way Becky was kissing Chrissy.
"I'm sure you'll have fun trying Ann." Becky said, as she broke the kiss with Chrissy.
"I'm sure I will." Ann said with a grin.
"I think you'll look amazing in that outfit Sis." Amy said with a bit of jealously in her voice.
"I'm sure that Chrissy will let you wear it, or one of the other ones she has some day soon." Ann said with a grin, as she hugged Amy.
"That's a promise baby sister." Chrissy said, as she stood cuddling with Becky.
"Thanks big Sis." Amy said with an even bigger grin.
"Don't forget that I have a lot more outfits for you two to wear." Chrissy added with a grin.
Amber was soon back with her nail art kit, so they all set to work on making Ann look beautiful for Brad. Chrissy set to work on Ann'' makeup, while Amber and Amy set to work on doing Ann's nails. To speed up the job they did a hand each. Becky had gone to sort out the boots to go with the outfit.
Ann had put her head back and closed her eyes; she was enjoying all the pampering she was getting. She just loved the feel of Chrissy working on first her face, then her Hair. She almost seemed disappointed when she heard Chrissy say she was done.
Amber and Amy had finished her nails, and got them dried with the help of a hair dryer. So they handed her over to Becky, so she could get her dressed. Ann was happy that the outfit didn't need her to wear a corset.
Becky soon had Ann dressed, and had her sat on the edge of the bed so she could put the boots on.
"These boots are really beautiful Becky." Ann said, as she stood up and looked down at her feet.
"Wow Sis, you look really amazing." Amy said with a grin, as she looked at her big sister.
"Can I take a look at my self in the mirror now?" Ann asked with some worry in her voice.
"Don't let us stop you Annie." Amber said with a grin, as she waved Ann over to stand in front of the mirror.
Ann walked over and stood in front of the mirror. Her mouth would have hit the floor if it had been a cartoon. Ann couldn't believe what they had all done to her.
"I can't believe what you guys did to me." Ann said in a shocked voice, as she looked at the amazing job they had all done.
"Do you like it Ann?" Chrissy asked sounding a little worried that Ann wasn't happy with the look they gave her.
"Do I like it? No. I love it Chrissy." Ann said with a grin, as she looked at them all in the mirror.
"I really hope you're good at fighting people off Sis, because Becky was right when she said that you'd be fighting Brad off tonight." Amy said with a grin, as she looked at her Sister in her killer outfit.
"You do look really hot Annie." Amber said with a grin, as she thought about how Amy would look in the same outfit. She just loved the boots that went with the skirt and jacket.
"Thanks girls for helping me to look this good for Brad." Ann said, as she gave them all a hug.
"We better see about heading down stairs, Brad will be here soon." Becky said, as she looked at the clock on the table at the side of the bed.
The girls all made their way down stairs to wait for Brad to arrive. Ann was happy that she didn't need a corset to wear the skirt, and she was happy that the boots only had a two inch block heel. She'd be able to stay on her feet longer without worrying about her feet hurting so much.
They all headed back to the living room to wait for Brad. Mandy and Carl both gave Ann a wolf whistle when they saw her.
"Looking good Ann," Mandy said with a grin.
"You do look really good Ann. Brad will really fall for you when he sees you in that outfit." Carl said with a smile.
"Thanks, but you should really be thanking this lot." Ann said, as she looked at Chrissy and the others. "They did all the work, and even lent me the outfit." Ann said with a smile.
"They do really good work Ann. I love the nails." Carl said, as he got a better look at the nails Amber and Amy had done.
Ann looked down at her fingernails. They'd painted them in the same shade as her outfit, and added little silver stars to them. Ann really loved what they'd done.
"That's Amber's little speciality, with a little bit of help from Amy here." Ann said, as she wrapped an arm around Amy's waist.
"Amber did the real work. I just cleaned up and added the clear coats at the end, and helped dry them off with the hair dryer." Amy said, as she hugged Ann back.
"I'd love to show you how to do your own nails Amy." Amber said with a grin, as she joined the hug with Ann, and Amy.
They soon broke the hug when they heard the doorbell. Looking at the clock they saw it was just before six, so they all made their way to the door to so they could say hello to Brad, and see Ann off.
Becky opened the door, and found Brad stood there looking very smart in a pair of black trousers and a white shirt that was loose fitting and took some of the edge off Brad's large mussels.
"Hi Brad, you're looking very smart this evening." Becky said with a smile, as she stepped to one side and let Brad enter the house.
"Hi Becky, hi everyone," Brad said with a nervous look on his face, as he entered the house. "Wow Ann, you look amazing." Brad said with an open mouth, as he caught sight of Ann.
"Thanks Brad. You're looking really good as well." Ann said with a grin, as she walked over to great him with a kiss.
Brad had kept one of his hands behind his back as he entered the house, but now he pulled it from behind him to reveal a large wrapped box. He hugged Ann, and returned the kiss. Then he handed the box to Chrissy.
"Here you go Chrissy, this is for you." Brad said, as Chrissy took the box from him.
Chrissy just took the box with a puzzled look on her face, but Ann seemed to know what it was and just smiled.
"I don't understand Brad, Ann. What is this for?" Chrissy asked, as she looked down at the large heavy box.
"Why don't you open it and find out what's inside." Ann said with a grin.
Chrissy undid the bow and then ripped the wrapping off. She found it to be a really big box of very expensive chocolates.
"Thanks Brad, but why are you giving them to me?" Chrissy asked with an even more puzzled look.
"We wanted to thank you for making all this happen Chrissy. Ann and I would have been dancing around each other for ever if you hadn't given us that little push." Brad said with a smile. "I also wanted to thank you for stopping me making a fool of myself by quitting my job at the club." Brad added with a chuckle.
"Thanks Brad, but you really didn't need to do anything. I'm just happy to see you two together." Chrissy said smiling back at the two of them, as they stood side by side.
"I know how modest you are Chrissy, but you really did do an amazing thing this time. Everyone at the club loves you because you're always willing to help out, so please take them and enjoy." Brad said, as she stepped up to her and lifted her up like a small child to give her a hug.
Chrissy had a tear in her eye when Brad put her down. This made Brad look a little worried until Chrissy spoke.
"Thanks for saying that Brad, I never realised anyone at the club really noticed I was even there." Chrissy giggled, as she wiped away a tear.
Becky pulled Chrissy into a hug, and then wiped away another tear when she broke it. "How come guys keep buying you Chocolates babe?" Becky asked with a puzzled look.
"I have no idea, but I hope you will all help me eat them?" Chrissy asked, as she looked around at the group.
"I think I could force myself to help you out this time." Becky said with a grin. The others all agreed that they could help as well.
Brad looked around at the other girls, and found them all to be really beautiful still. Even in the sweat pants and T-shirts they had on. He was so use to seeing them all dressed up for the club that he never really gave much thought to what they looked like normally until now.
"Is everything okay Brad?" Mandy asked when she saw him looking at them all a little oddly.
"I'm sorry, but I've never seen any of you dressed like this before." Brad said, as he pointed at the way they were all dressed.
"We don't always look glamorous Brad. We do look scruffy some of the time." Mandy said with a giggle.
"Scruffy! I didn't mean it that way Mandy. I mean you all still look amazing. Even in sweats and T-shirt," Brad said in a rushed way, as he realised he might have just upset the girls. "I'm sorry." He added at the end.
"Don't be sorry Brad. We knew what you meant, and it was really sweet of you to say so." Mandy said with a smile.
"I think I better get you out of here before you dig an even bigger hole for yourself." Ann said with a grin, as she put her arm through Brad's and started to lead him over to the front door.
"Have a good time you two." Amber shouted, as they went out the front door.
They all walked over to the front door and waved to them both as they drove off in Brad's car.
Amy was glad to have Amber and the others around still to keep her company, as they all made there way back to the living room.
They all sat around chatting about how good Brad looked. Amber seemed to really like what she saw, which made Amy feel a little sad.
Amy was hoping to win Amber over, but who was she kidding. "Why would Amber want anything to do with me, when she could find a guy like Brad?" Amy thought to herself.
Amber could see that Amy was distracted for a little time after they stopped speaking about Brad, but she soon cheered up again when they started talking about other stuff.
"I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to take Carl home so he can get changed. Then were going to head out and have some dinner." Mandy asked the other girls.
"We don't mind at all Sis." Chrissy said with a grin.
"We could order takeout." Becky said with a grin.
"Now that sounds like a great idea." Amy said with a grin, as she sat on one of the sofas next to Amber. "They have a really great Chinese takeout down here Amber." Amy added.
"Please let me pay for it, as I feel like it's my fault you're getting takeout." Carl said, as he picked up the pink purse he used last night when he was Carla.
"I really don't think that purse suits the outfit you have on at the minute." Chrissy giggled, as she pointed at Carl with the pink purse on his knee.
Chrissy's comment set off the other girls with a fit of giggles when they all saw what Chrissy was saying about Carl and the pink purse. Even Carl had to join in giggling with the others when he realised how funny he must look at the minute.
"I'm not sure if I should treat you all too takeout now." Carl said with a pout.
"I'm sorry Carl. I was only teasing you." Chrissy said with a pleading look.
"Okay Chrissy, I'll let you off this time." Carl said with a grin.
"I better go and find something to wear." Mandy said, as she got up off the sofa.
"Do you need any help Sis?" Chrissy asked.
"I should be okay Sis; it's only a simple dinner, but thanks for the offer." Mandy said, as she left the room.
Carl handed Becky some money, and sat with a grin on his face when he saw the shocked look on Becky's face.
"This is way too much money Carl. Please take some of it back." Becky said, as she tried to hand half of it back to him.
"No, keep it Becky. I wanted to make sure you had enough for desert as well." Carl sat grinning at them as he said it.
"MMM, great. This means we can get the boys round now tonight." Chrissy said with a grin.
Amber and Amy both sat looking really shocked at what Chrissy just said.
"Boys round! What boys?" Amber asked in a worried voice.
"I never realised you knew any boys Chrissy. Why are you going to invite then around now?" Amy asked in a really shaky voice.
Amy was already worried about the comments Amber made over Brad. The last thing she wants to see is Amber getting close to some guy that Chrissy and Becky know.
"Don't worry you two, they're really sweet, and have lots of different friends as well." Chrissy said with a dreamy look on her face.
"I didn't think you did boys Chrissy?" Amber said with a puzzled look.
"I don't." Chrissy said with a scowl.
"She's talking about Ben and Jerry. You may have met them before in your local supermarket." Becky said with a smile.
Both Amber and Amy got a look of relief on their faces when they realised that Chrissy had been talking about the ice cream, and not a couple of men they really knew.
Chrissy broke out in a fit of giggles when she saw the looks on their face's change to one of relief.
"Oh, so you think that was funny Chrissy?" Amy asked. "Do you want to know something else that's funny?" Amy added with an evil grin, as she looked at Amber with a knowing look.
Amber understood what Amy was getting at, and they were both soon up on their feet, and making their way over to Chrissy.
Chrissy stopped giggling when she saw the two girls diving at her, but she was to slow to stop the attack. Amy and Amber started tickling Chrissy all over, and she was soon laughing to hard to stop them.
Becky just slid away and let them tickle Chrissy. Becky thought it was a suitable punishment for making them worry.
The girls stopped when they heard Chrissy scream out something that sounded like a sorry. Then they all lay around on the sofa giggling about it.
"I bet you'll think twice next time you try to worry us for no reason." Amy said with a grin, as she watched Chrissy trying to get her breath back.
"You two are evil. There was no way I could fight off two of you." Chrissy said, as she playfully slapped them both on the arm. "And where was you missy?" Chrissy added, as she looked over at Becky.
"Sorry babe, but if you're going to tease people, then you have to take the punishment." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy back into a hug to say sorry for letting them tickle her.
"I'll let you off then babe. I did ask for it." Chrissy said, as she let Becky lean in to kiss her.
"Yes you did little lady." Becky said, as they broke the kiss. "I better go and grab the menu for the Chinese so Amber can see what she wants." Becky added, as she pushed herself away from Chrissy, so she could get up.
Becky went to the kitchen, and grabbed the menu and a note pad. She was soon back in the living room handing Amber the menu, then she sat down next to Chrissy again to take everyone's orders. They all told Becky what they wanted, and then they looked at the list of ice cream they sold. They all picked a flavour they liked, but had already decided to share them all anyway. Becky went back to the kitchen to make the call, and order the food.
Chrissy and the others all turned to look at the living room door when they heard it open. They all saw Mandy enter the room looking really beautiful in a sky blue summer dress. It was a simple look, but all the girls thought it looked really good on Mandy. She'd gone for a simple look with her makeup, as it was just a dinner, and not a night out at the club.
"Looking good Sis," Chrissy said with a grin.
"Thanks baby sister." Mandy said with a smile, as she walked over and bent down to give Chrissy a hug.
"You can still take my breath away babe." Carl said, as he stood up and wrapped his arms around Mandy so he could kiss her.
"Good, I'd hate to think I was going to all this trouble for nothing." Mandy said, as she leaned in for a kiss.
"MMM, I love you babe." Carl said, as they broke the kiss. "Shall we see about getting off then?" He added with a smile.
"I'm ready if you are lover." Mandy smiled.
"Yep, I'm ready." Carl said, as he picked up his purse.
Chrissy and the others all started to giggle when they saw Carl stood with his pink purse.
"Maybe I should carry that for you hon." Mandy said, as she took the purse off Carl.
"Thanks babe." Carl said with a grin.
The girls all walked with Mandy and Carl to the front door.
"I hope you have a nice meal." Chrissy said, as she gave her sister a hug at the front door.
"We will Sis. Are you sure you don't mind me going out for dinner with Carl?" Mandy asked with some concern in her voice.
"Yes I'm sure Sis. Becky's ordered the takeout, and Carl even paid for desert as well." Chrissy said with a grin. "So go and have a great time." Chrissy added with another hug.
"Thanks Sis. Have a great time this evening, and I'll see you later." Mandy said, as she left the house with Carl on her arm.
The girls all waved to Mandy and Carl, as they watched them drive away in Mandy's car. Then they all went back to the kitchen to get the plates out, and wait for the Chinese takeout to turn up.
They all went to the door when they heard the doorbell sound. The delivery guy had a big grin on his face when he saw the four of them all standing there smiling at him. He had an even bigger grin when Becky told him to keep the change from the money Carl gave them.
They all waved to the guy as he walked back to his car. They all had to giggle when he walked into the side of his car because he was watching them, not where he was going. Then they all made their way back to the kitchen to enjoy the food. Chrissy took the four tubs of ice cream, and put them in the freezer until they had finished eating the Chinese.
"This is really good Chinese." Amber said, as she put another fork full in her mouth.
"I told you it was Amber. I've never tasted Chinese this good before I got down here." Amy said with a grin, as she also put another fork full in her mouth.
Chrissy and Becky had to smile at each other when Amber and Amy were soon sharing their meals with each other, just like they did.
Amy was really enjoying this meal, as she let Amber put a fork full of food in her mouth, and she did the same for Amber.
Amber loved the way Amy would smile at her just as she was about to put the fork in her mouth. Amber loved every minute of seeing Amy smile and having fun. The great food was a bonus.
Once they finished the dinner, they all grabbed the tubs of ice cream and made their way to the living room so they could all relax on the sofas to watch some telly. They all opened a tub and made a start on them, and then they would pass the tubs around after they had taken a couple of spoons full.
"This is the best way to have ice cream." Amber said with a grin, as she swapped tubs with Amy.
"I think this is a really great way to spend the evening." Amy said, as she stuck a spoon full of ice cream in her mouth.
They finished about half of every tub, and then took them back to the freezer before they melted.
Once they were all back in the living room they got comfy and watched telly for a little bit longer. They'd been sat there for just over half an hour when Amy turned to Amber and asked her a question.
"Amber, will you do me a favour please?" Amy asked looking a little nervous about it.
"I'll do anything for you Amy, if I can." Amber said with a warm smile.
"Do you think you could show me how to do my nails like you did for Ann? I think you did a really nice job on them." Amy asked.
"I'd love to Amy." Amber said, as she pulled her into a hug.
"That sounds like a great idea. We have a couple of nail art kits upstairs as well, so we could bring them down and have some fun doing each others nails." Becky said, as she went to get up.
"I'll come with you so I can get my kit as well." Amber said, as she also got up and followed Becky out the room.
Amy and Chrissy cleared off the coffee table while Amber and Becky were gone.
Becky was just coming back out her room with a couple of box's in her hands when Amber met up with her carrying her case with all her nail art stuff in.
"How you doing Amber?" Becky asked with a smile.
"I'm really having a great time with you all, but it's hard not letting Amy know how I really feel about her." Amber said, as she wrapped her arm around Becky's waist, and rested her head on Becky's shoulder.
"I can understand why you don't want to see Amy hurt when you leave in a couple of weeks Amber, but I do have to question if it's the right thing to do still." Becky said with a sigh, when she saw how mixed up Amber was over the whole thing.
"I just don't want to see Amy sad when I leave. It's going to be at least another six months before I'll be able to move down here for good. I'll let her know how I feel about her then." Amber said with a smile, as she lifted her head up to look at Becky.
"Is that why you made a big deal of talking about Brad tonight just after Ann left on her date with him?" Becky asked, as they made their way back down stairs. "So Amy would think you were looking for a man like Brad?" Becky added with a sad look.
"Yes it was. I could see that it really upset Amy, but I think it's for the best until I can move down here for good. At least I know now how she feels about me." Amber said with a sad smile.
"We'll keep her safe for you until you can move down here for good Amber." Becky said with a smile.
Amber hugged Becky a little tighter with her free arm, as they walked down the hallway.
"Thanks Becky, I know I can count on you all to keep her safe for me." Amber said, as she rested her head on Becky's shoulder again.
Once back in the living room then all set to work learning how to do their nails as well as Amber did for Ann earlier.
"How come you're so good at doing nails Amber?" Chrissy asked.
"I got a job helping out in a nail salon, and some of the staff started to show me how to do it. They say I have a natural talent for doing it." Amber said with a grin.
"I've never been able to get the hang of doing nails." Chrissy said with a sigh.
"You mean that there is something you're not a master at then Chrissy?" Amber said, but then put her hand to her mouth when she realised what she just said. "I'm sorry Chrissy. I didn't mean it to come out like that." Amber added with a worried look.
Chrissy just giggled when she saw Amber's worried look.
"It's okay Amber. There is a lot of stuff that I'm not very good at." Chrissy said, as she pulled Amber into a hug.
"I'll try and teach you what I know Chrissy. That's if you want me too?" Amber asked, as they broke the hug.
"If you show me how to do my nails, then I'll show you how to cook some really great meals in return." Chrissy said with a grin.
"That's a deal Chrissy." Amber said, as she hugged Chrissy again.
"I'll help teach you to cook too Amber, if you'll teach me too." Amy said, as she watched Amber hugging Chrissy, wishing it was her.
"Amy! I already said I'd show you how to do your nails." Amber said, as she broke the hug with Chrissy and then pulled Amy into a hug.
Chrissy and Becky had to smile when they saw the happy look on Amy's face, as she let Amber hug her.
Amber set to work showing Amy, Chrissy and Becky how to do their nails. They had the telly on in the background with some music playing on one of the music channels while they played around.
Becky grabbed a bottle of wine so they could have a drink while they worked on each other's nails.
They were all amazed at how good Amber was at teaching them how to do their nails. By the time they got done. Amy was sporting deep blue nails with silver stars. Becky had purple nails with little diamonds stuck to them, while Chrissy had a tiger stripe pattern on hers that Amber had shown her how to do. Amber had two-tone colour on her nails that seam to change as she moved her fingers. She'd added some little pictures of kittens doing different things to them as well. Chrissy and Becky had them in one of the nail art kits they had.
By the time they got done with their nails it was late, and they had finished off two bottles of wine. So they all decided to call it a night, as it didn't look like Mandy or Ann were going to be back any time soon.
Chrissy and Becky went to their own room, as they didn't know if Carl would be coming back with Mandy or not.
Amy and Amber knew they would be safe, as Ann would never sleep with Brad on a first date. So Amber went to her room to get ready for bed, while Amy went into her room. Amy was just getting into bed when Amber knocked on the door before entering.
"Is it safe to enter?" Amber asked as she poked her head around the door.
"Sure it's safe to enter Amber." Amy said, as she threw back the covers and pattered the bed next to her, telling Amber it was safe to come and get in.
Amber let a big grin cross her face, as she ran over and jumped in bed next to Amy. They were soon covered up and cuddled up to each other. Amy fell asleep smiling, as she felt the safe arms of Amber around her.
Amy felt Ann get into bed some time later. Amy wrapped her arms around her just like Amber was doing with her. Ann was soon falling asleep feeling really happy to have Amy there for her.
Chrissy and Becky felt Mandy get into bed with them, at some point through the night. They were not really awake enough to ask what happened with Carl, they decided to leave it until morning. So they were soon both falling asleep again, but Chrissy did pull Mandy in for a hug.
Mandy woke the next morning when she felt Chrissy and Becky slip out of bed.
"Morning you two." Mandy said, as she had a stretch.
"Morning Mandy!" Becky shouted, as she went into the bathroom to start the shower. She thought about running a bath, but knew that they didn't really have the time if they ever stood a chance of getting all the food ready for the barbecue.
"Morning Sis!" Chrissy shouted, as she ran back to the bed and jumped on it next to where Mandy was still lying. "Did everything go okay with Carl last night? I was surprised to feel you get in our bed when you got home." Chrissy asked with a worried look.
"Don't look so worried Chrissy. Carl and I weren't sure if you and Becky would be in my bed or not, so we thought it best if I dropped him off at the hotel before I came home." Mandy said with a sad smile. "If I'd know you'd both be in here, I would have dragged him home with me." Mandy added, as the sad look turned to a big grin.
"Well in the future Sis, if you're out with Carl when Becky and I come to bed, we'll sleep in our own bed." Chrissy smiled, as she leaned down to hug Mandy.
"Thanks Chrissy. Did you and the others have a good time while I was out?" Mandy asked, as she returned the hug.
"Yep, we ordered Chinese, and had ice cream for desert. Then Amber showed us all how to do our nails. Look what I did." Chrissy said, as she showed Mandy her nails.
"Wow Chrissy. They look really good. Mandy said, as she looked at the tiger stripe pattern on Chrissy's nails.
"Amber showed me how to do it. She said that if I teach her how to cook, then she'd teach me how to do my nails." Chrissy said all excited.
"You can practice on my nails anytime Sis." Mandy said with a grin.
"You can count on it Sis." Chrissy said grinning back at her.
"I better let you go and take your shower with Becky, and I better go and get one as well. We have a lot to get done, to be ready for the barbecue later." Mandy smiled as she sat up, and let Chrissy run after Becky.
Mandy slid out of bed and made her way over to her own room, so she could take a shower.
Amy woke, and slid out of bed very carefully so she wouldn't wake Ann or Amber up. Then she made her way to the bathroom, so she could take a shower and then get ready to head down for some breakfast.
Amber woke just as she felt Amy getting out of bed so she watched her go into the bathroom before she slid out of bed herself, and headed to her own room to take a shower.
Amy got finished in the shower and then walked over to the sink so she could take her pills before heading down for breakfast. She found herself looking at the amazing nails she now had, and found herself smiling at the thought of Amber being back in her life. She soon shook herself out of her daydreaming, and set to work getting dressed. She went back to the bedroom once she was finished, and found Ann sat up in bed rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Morning Sis!" Amy shouted, as she ran over to the bed. "How was the date with Brad?" Amy asked all excited.
"Morning baby sister." Ann said, as she hugged Amy. "The date with Brad was really great. He's such a great guy." Ann said in a dreamy voice, as she let out a long sigh.
"So there will be lots more dates in the future then Sis?" Amy asked with a grin.
"Oh yes, a lot more dates." Ann replied with an even bigger grin.
"That's great Sis. I'm really happy for you." Amy said, as she hugged her sister even tighter.
"I'll give you details later. I just want to take a long shower, and see about getting ready for the barbecue later." Ann said with a smile, as she hugged Amy once more, before letting go.
"Okay Sis, but I want all the details later." Amy said, as she pointed at Ann with a grin on her face.
"It was only a first date Sis, so we didn't do that much." Ann said, as she slid over to the edge of the bed.
"Well it shouldn't take you long to tell me all the details then." Amy said, as she stood up and made her way over to the bedroom door.
Ann just giggled, as she watched Amy leave the bedroom. Ann stood up and made her way to the bathroom to take her shower.
Amy found Chrissy and Becky just coming out their room as she made her way down the hallway.
"Morning you two." Amy said with a smile, as she court up to them.
"Morning Amy." They both said, as they hugged her.
"How did you sleep last night?" Chrissy asked, as she wwrapped an arm around her waist. Becky did the same from the other side, as they headed down to the kitchen all together.
"I slept really well again. I was a little worried that I might not with Ann being out, but Amber cuddled up to me, and I felt really good as I fell asleep." Amy said with a smile, as she thought about spending the night cuddled up to Amber.
"That's good then Amy." Becky said. "We were a little worried about that our selves last night, but it sounds like Amber took Ann's place really well last night." Becky added with a knowing look at Chrissy on the other side of Amy.
Amy went and got the paper from the front door while Chrissy and Becky went straight to the kitchen to make a start on breakfast. Becky had the kettle on, and Chrissy was getting the stuff out to make a full English breakfast by the time she got into the kitchen herself.
Amber was the next one to arrive in the kitchen to find Amy, Chrissy, and Becky, all dancing around to a song on the radio. She had to giggle at them all, but was soon joining in as she helped them get breakfast ready.
Mandy and Ann had both found each other as they left their rooms, so they walked down to the kitchen together. They both had to laugh when they saw the others all stood at the work tops in the kitchen swinging their bottoms to the rhythm of a song on the radio, as they all sung a long.
They all stopped singing when they heard Mandy and Ann giggling behind them.
"Sorry, but you all looked so funny stood their shaking your backsides from side to side at the same time." Ann said, as she did a quick copy of what they were just doing.
"We can make room for a couple more, if you want to join us." Amber said with a grin.
"Thanks, but I think I'll sit this one out. I'll just relax with a cup of tea." Mandy said, as she took her seat at the table, and poured herself a cup out.
"That sounds like a better idea to me too Mandy." Ann said, as she also took a seat at the table.
Mandy poured a second cup out, and slid it over to Ann.
"MMM, that hits the spot." Ann said just before she took a second sip from her cup.
"MMM, it sure does." Mandy said as she finished taking a long sip from her cup as well.
"So did you two have a good time last night then?" Becky asked, as she brought a plate of toast over to the table.
"Did you go out with Carl last night as well?" Ann asked with a puzzled look.
"Yep. He covered for the girls to buy takeout, and then he took me out for a nice dinner." Mandy said with a smile. "How was your date with Brad?" Mandy asked.
"I had a really great time too. He took me for a really nice dinner, and then we spent the rest of the night dancing together." Ann said with a smile, and a big sigh.
"What kind of dancing Sis?" Amy asked.
"Slow dancing baby sister, It was really nice. The place had a real band playing, and a really good female lead singer." Ann said with a dreamy look in her eyes. "I'd say we should all go there, but I'm not to sure how they would take to having a two girl couple dancing together." Ann said with a sad look.
"Sounds like it could be fun finding out." Becky said with a grin, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy's waist, and kissed her.
"I don't think they really care what other people think." Amber said with a grin when she saw the way Becky and Chrissy were kissing.
"You'll have to get the name of the club off Brad, and I'll book a couple of tables for next Sunday night. Then we can all have a nice dinner, and do some dancing after." Mandy said with a smile, as she took another sip of her tea.
"I'll call Brad later and ask him for the details Mandy." Ann said with a smile, as she thought about having another night out with Brad dancing.
"Is he not coming to the barbecue this afternoon?" Mandy asked.
"I never thought to ask him if he wanted to come." Ann said, as she put her hand to her mouth looking a little shocked at herself.
"Don't worry about it Ann. Just give him a call later, or send him a text message asking him to give you a call when he gets a time." Mandy said.
"That's a great idea Mandy. I'm not sure when he'll be up and about." Ann said.
"I have been known to have the odd one now and then." Mandy smiled. "And no wise cracks from you little sister." Mandy added, as she pointed at Chrissy.
Chrissy just stood over near the cooker with her mouth open. She soon shut it though and started to giggle.
"You take all the fun out of things some times Sis." Chrissy said with a fake pout, just before she started to giggle again.
Chrissy got back to frying the eggs to go with breakfast, while Becky carried on dishing everything up. They were soon all sat at the table eating their breakfast.
"Oh Amy. While I think about it, I was wondering if you wanted to invite Hope, and Faith to the barbecue this afternoon?" Mandy asked, as she sat eating her breakfast.
"I'm not sure if they'll be able to make it, but I'd love to ask them if they can. It would be great to let Amber meet little Kat." Amy said with a smile. "I'll give Hope a call once I've finished my breakfast." Amy added sounding all excited.
Once they all finished eating breakfast, Amy and Ann went up to get their mobiles so they could make their calls.
Ann grabbed her phone and sent a text message asking Brad to give her a call when he got the message.
Amy grabbed her phone and then sat on the edge of the bed to scroll down her list of names until she found Hopes, then she hit the dial button and waited for Hope to answer.
"Hello Amy. Is everything okay?" Amy heard Hope say as she answered her phone.
"Hi Hope. Everything is fine; I just wanted to ask if you had any plans for today?" Amy asked with some hope in her voice, that Hope would say she wasn't.
"Not really Amy. I was hoping to take Kat out for the day, but a client let me down and didn't pay their bill. So I'm stuck in with an unhappy little girl for the day." Hope said in a sad voice.
"I may be able to help you out there then Hope." Amy said sounding a little happier. "Mandy's having a barbecue for a friend of mine, and my sister's from back home. She asked me to give you a call to see if you, Faith, and Kat wanted to come over." Amy asked with her fingers crossed.
"I don't want to be any trouble Amy." Hope said.
"It's no trouble Hope. Mandy wouldn't have asked if it was." Amy giggled down the phone.
"I guess she wouldn't have." Hope also giggled down the phone. "Okay then, tell Mandy that I'd love to come and join you all for a barbecue." Hope added.
Amy was really happy to hear that Hope would be coming. She gave Hope directions on how to get to Mandy's home, and then said she'd see her later that day.
"Can Hope make it or not?" Ann asked, as she came out the bathroom.
"Yep, she was hoping to take Kat out, but someone didn't pay her so she was stuck in for the day with a very unhappy little girl." Amy said with a sad look.
"I'm sorry to hear that Sis. At least Kat will have Cathleen to play with now." Ann said, as she went and sat on the bed next to Amy.
"I wish I knew what to do to help her out. I'd offer her money, but I don't think she'd take it." Amy said with a sigh.
"I could have a word with Carl, and see if he can help her out in such a way, as not to make it look like charity." Ann said, as she wwrapped an arm around Amy to hug her.
"If anyone can help, it would be Carl." Amy said with a giggle.
"He does seem to be good with stuff like that." Ann said with a giggle. "Come on Sis. We better go and help the others get everything ready for this afternoon." Ann added, as she stood up, and pulled Amy to her feet.
Amy smiled at Ann, as they made their way back down to the kitchen. Chrissy was stood at one of the work tops showing Amber how to make a pasta salad. Becky was just getting some chicken drumsticks ready to go in the oven so they would be cooked ready for later. So they won't take as long to cook on the barbecue. Mandy was sorting out boiling some rice ready for Chrissy to make a rice salad once she got done with the pasta one.
"Can Hope make it or not?" Mandy asked.
"Yep, she can make it." Amy said with a smile
"That's really great Amy. I'd really like to spend a little more time with Kat." Mandy said with a smile, as she thought about how playful the little girl was when they met at the pub the other week. "We better get stuck in then, or we'll never be ready in time." Mandy added with a giggle, as she got back to sorting out the rice.
Ann and Amy just got stuck in and helped out where ever they could. Ann took a break to go and answer her phone when she saw it was Brad.
"Hi Brad. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time." Ann asked.
"Hi Ann, You could never catch me at a bad time. It was nice to get your text message." Brad said with a happy tone to his voice. "So what did you need me to call you for?" Brad asked.
"Mandy, Chrissy and the others are all having a barbecue this afternoon, and Mandy told me to give you a call. She wants' you to come as well, if you want to that is?" Ann asked with hope in her voice.
"I'd love to come Ann, any excuse to spend some time with you." Brad said sounding really happy.
"That's great Brad; I'll see you this afternoon then. It's all kicking off around two. Bye for now, Love you." Ann said down the phone.
"I'm looking forward to it Ann. I'll see you later then. Bye." Brad said just before he ended the call.
"Brad's coming this afternoon as well." Ann said with a grin, as she walked back into the kitchen from the living room, where she'd gone to answer the call.
"That's really great Ann. It'll be nice to start and include Brad in more things away from the club." Mandy said with a smile.
"What time will Carl be here Sis?" Chrissy asked.
"He said he'd be here just after midday. He said that he was sorting out all the meat for the barbecue. Apart from the drumsticks that is." Mandy said, as she emptied the rice out of the saucepan into a colander to drain off the water.
Chrissy knew that when Carl said he'd sort something out, he normally did.
"We'll have some nice steaks then to eat this afternoon." Chrissy said with a grin.
Mandy just giggled, but knew that Chrissy was right. They would have some nice steaks and some other nice pieces of meat.
The girls had been busy all morning sorting out food, so they were taking a well-earned rest when they heard the doorbell. Mandy looked at the time, and realised that it was probably Carl, so she jumped up and went to answer it.
Mandy was right, as she found Carl stood at the back of his car just opening the boot.
"Hi babe. I've got a boot full of meat here for you." Carl said with a grin, as he lifted out a large polystyrene box, and headed back over to where Mandy was stood at the front door.
"Do you need a hand lover?" Mandy asked with a smile, as she took in the sight of the man she was so in love with.
"They're a bit on the heavy side babe, so I think it best if you let me take them in." Carl said, as she stopped to plant a kiss on Mandy's lips before he kept heading for the kitchen with the box.
Mandy just smiled as she watched Carl wonder off with the box. Not being one to let the fact the boxes could be heavy stop her, she still walked out to the car and lifted another box out. Carl made it back out to her before she could pick it all the way up though, and took it off her.
"I can cope with carrying it Carl." Mandy said in a firm voice. She wasn't use to being treated like such a delicate thing, but she did like the way Carl was trying to look after her.
"I know you can babe, but I just don't want to see you hurt yourself." Carl said with a worried look on his face. "Besides that, it looks like I have someone else that can help me now." Carl added, as he looked over Mandy's shoulder at something.
Mandy turned to find Brad walking up the drive towards them.
"Hi Brad. You're here early. Did you walk it?" Mandy asked with a smile.
"Hi Mandy, Carl. I thought I'd come a little earlier, and see if I could help get everything set up." Brad asked with his trade mark smile. "No, I didn't walk it, but I thought it best to park out on the road." He added, as he looked in the boot of Carl's car and saw a couple more boxes in there. He grabbed one of them and put it under one arm, and then grabbed the other one and lifted it under is other arm.
Mandy and Carl both just looked on in shock, as they both realised just how strong Brad really was. Carl was only just managing to carry the one box.
"Where do you want them Mandy?" Brad asked with a grin.
"Just follow Carl, and he will show you Brad." Mandy said, as she closed the boot on Carl's car for him.
"Lead the way Boss." Brad said, as he waited for Carl to show him where he wanted the boxes.
Carl made his way to the kitchen with Brad walking just behind. Brad had to turn sideways as he went through the front door, and then the kitchen door. He was a big man anyway, but with a box under each arm he was really to wide to fit through any other way.
"Brad! You're here early." Ann shouted, as she jumped up when she saw Brad enter the kitchen. She ran over to him, but stopped when she saw he had his hands full.
"Hi Ann. I thought I'd come early and see if I could help get everything ready." Brad said with a smile. "I'd give you a hug babe, but I've got my hands full at the minute." He added with a grin.
"Oh, I'm sorry Brad. Please put them down over here." Ann said, as she led Brad over to the worktop where Carl had put the first box.
Ann waited for Brad to put the two boxes down before she jumped into his arms. Brad caught her, and picker her up so he could plant a kiss on her lips.
"I'd have come sooner, if I knew I was going to get that greeting." Brad said with a grin, as they broke the kiss.
"I'll always have that waiting for you baby." Ann purred, as she wrapped her arms around Brad's neck while he held her by the waist.
"Do you two want to go and get a room or something?" Amber asked, as she watched the pair carry out their little seen.
Ann and Brad both went a little red in the face when they realised that they were being watched. Brad put Ann back down, and took a step back.
"Sorry about that." Brad said with a sheepish look. "Right, what can I help you with?" Brad asked, as he rubbed his hands together.
Ann and Amber dragged him out side to help put the tables up that Carl had delivered earlier. The others all giggled at the way he was being led around by the two girls.
"How much meat did you get Carl?" Chrissy asked, as she looked at the four large boxes now sat on the worktop.
"Less than too much, more than not enough." Carl said with a grin, as he wrapped his arms around Mandy to give her a proper greeting. "I thought you could freeze what ever doesn't get used today." Carl added just before he leaned in and kissed Mandy.
"Thanks Carl, it all looks really nice." Chrissy said, as her and Becky took the lids off a couple of the boxes and looked at what was inside.
They found beef steaks, pork steaks, cubed pieces of meat ready for going on skewers, sausages, and lots more. They were all looking forward to tasting some of it later.
"Looks like you've all been really busy." Carl said, as he looked around at all the bowls of rice and pasta dishes sat on the table.
"Well we all knew that you wouldn't do half a job with the meat. So we wanted to make it look like we were doing our bit." Mandy said, as she kissed Carl again.
"I can't wait to taste some of this." Carl said, as she sat at the table and pulled Mandy down onto his lap.
Mandy picked up a spiral piece of pasta and placed in half in her mouth, and then leaned in to let Carl take the other half. They kissed as they ate the pasta.
"That's all you're getting until everyone gets here babe." Mandy said as they broke the kiss.
"MMM, you really know how to tease don't you?" Carl said with a grin, as he licked his lips to taste the last of the pasta.
"A girl got to have some fun." Mandy said with a grin.
"As much as I would love to sit here all afternoon, I better go and make a start on getting the barbecue started." Carl said with a sad look up at Mandy.
"Do you really have to?" Mandy asked with a pout.
"Afraid so lover or everyone will be eating your pasta and rice dishes this afternoon." Carl smiled.
"Okay then, point taken." Mandy said, as she slid off Carl's knee and then helped him to stand up.
Carl stood up, and then wrapped his arms around Mandy and said, "Once we've all eaten, you're all mine babe."
"Now that it what I call a desert." Mandy said with a grin, as she leaned in and kissed Carl.
"MMM, can I get mine with whipped cream?" Carl asked with a grin as they broke the kiss.
"Not while we have guest's hon." Mandy giggled.
"This all sounds very kinky." Becky said from the other side of the table, as she sat with Chrissy on her knee grinning at them.
"I better go and sort out the barbecue." Carl said with a very red face, as he let go of Mandy. He made a quick exit into the garden.
Mandy was a little red in the face from Chrissy and Becky overhearing the little chat she was having with Carl, but she had to giggle when she saw how embarrassed he was, as he left the house.
Amy was sat at one of the tables in the back garden watching Amber, Ann and Brad play around as they put up the last of the tables. She looked at the way Amber played around with Brad, and felt really sad that even when she was still Andy, she was never that sort of a man. Amy knew that her dad never would have had a problem with Andy, if he looked like Brad did.
"Is everything okay Amy?" Amber asked when she saw the sad far away look in her eyes.
Amy had been so lost in thought that she never realised Amber had walked over to where she was sat.
"Yes I'm fine." Amy said with her best fake smile.
"I bet the other one has bells on it." Amber said with a smile, as she realised that Amy was far from okay.
"I'm sorry Amber. I was just looking at the way Brad looks, and wondered if my parents would have been happy if I looked like that." Amy said with a sigh.
"Probably, but that's not who you are Amy. How would you have felt if you looked like that, and felt like you do? At least with being small, you look great as a woman." Amber said, as she took hold of Amy's hands.
Amy thought about what Amber just said, and she was right. It would have been harder for him to become a woman if he was as big and well built at Brad was.
"Thanks Amber. You're right; I would have had more trouble becoming Amy if I looked like Brad." Amy smiled.
"It's all water under the bridge where your parents are concerned. You're living life for yourself now." Amber added with a grin. "And you sure are living." Amber added with a giggle, as she looked around the large garden the house had, and the really large house that stood behind them.
"It is a really nice place." Amy said, as she looked around.
"Yep, a really nice place, with really nice people." Amber added, as she saw Chrissy, Becky and Mandy come out the house to see how everything was going. Ann and Brad were chasing each other around the garden laughing.
"They are really amazing, aren't they?" Amy said with a grin, as she watched Brad catch Ann, and then drop an ice cube down her back.
Amy and Amber both sat giggling, as they watched Ann dance around trying to get the ice cube back out of her T-shirt.
Chrissy, Becky and Mandy all joined Amy and Amber at the table. They were all giggling as well, as they just watched Brad put the ice cube down her back.
"Do you think Ann would teach us that dance?" Becky asked, as she sat down, and then pulled Chrissy down onto her knee.
"Well it doesn't look to hard to learn." Amber giggled, as they watched Ann dancing around as she squealed.
Ann finally got the ice cube out, but didn't chase after Brad, as he'd gone to help Carl get the barbecue lit. So she walked over and sat on Amy's knee.
"Becky was wondering if you could teach us that dance you were just doing?" Amy asked with a giggle.
"Sure, I can teach you all. I just need to go and get some ice." Ann said with a grin, as she went to get up off Amy's knee.
The girls all changed their minds when Ann said that and Amy stopped Ann from getting up. This set all the girls off giggling again.
They all sat and watched Carl and Brad get the barbecue going, and then they watched them make a start on putting up the gazebo. The girls all offered to help, but the men said they could cope. So the girls just sat and giggled as they struggled to put it up. Help soon arrived when Vic turned up with Jenna and Cathleen.
Jenna went over and sat with Chrissy and the others. Cathleen jumped up on Amber's knee, while Vic went over and helped Carl and Brad with the gazebo. He must have done this sort of thing before, because he soon had them back on track, and the thing was up.
"Vic to the rescue!" The girls shouted, as they all clapped.
Vic took a bow as the girls all clapped at him. Carl took the chance to kick him up the backside.
"Smart ass, making us look bad in front of the ladies." Carl said as he stood grinning at Vic.
"More like sore ass." Vic said, as he rubbed the spot where Carl just kicked him.
Everyone started to turn up after that, so Carl and Vic made a start on the barbecue. They started to put the meat on, as the girls brought it out to them on a plate.
Mandy and Chrissy were greeting everyone at the side gate so they didn't have to lead them through the house.
Mable, David and Kim were the next to turn up followed by Prue, Sarah, and Maggie. Sara and Cathy were the next to arrive, and Hope, Faith and Kat were the last.
Hope and Faith were amazed at the size of Mandy's and Chrissy's house. They were even more amazed at the size of the garden.
"Hi Hope, hi Faith. I'm glad you could make it. I hope you didn't have any trouble finding the place?" Mandy asked, as she hugged them both. "Hello Kat. You're looking very pretty today." Mandy added with a smile, as she looked at Kat in her little shorts and T-shirt.
"Hello Mandy. We should be thanking you for inviting us. This is a really lovely house you have." Hope said, as she looked around the garden. "Oh, we didn't have any trouble finding the place. Amy gave me really good instructions." Hope added with a smile.
"Hello Mandy. Yes thanks for inviting us. We weren't sure what to bring, so we grabbed a couple of bottles of wine." Faith said, as she held up the two bottles.
"MMM, you can't go wrong with that Faith." Mandy said with a grin.
Amy saw that Hope, Faith, and Kat had turned up. So she grabbed Amber's hand, and dragged her over to meet them.
"Hi Hope. Hi Faith, and hello Kat." Amy said, as she got to where they were stood talking to Mandy, and Chrissy.
Kat had been gripping her mummies hand until she saw Amy holding her hands out, then she let go and ran over to get a hug from her.
"Hi Amy! You look pretty." Kat said with a grin, as Amy picked her up.
"Hello Kat. You look even prettier that I do." Amy said, as she hugged the little girl. "I'd like you to meet a really good friend of mine. This is Amber." Amy added, as she turned to face Amber.
"Hello Amber. Please to meet you." The little girl said in her best voice.
"Hello Kat. I'm very pleased to meet you too." Amber said, as she shook the hand the little girl just offered her.
Kat giggled as she shook Amber's hand. The little girl really liked this new friend of Amy's.
Amber held out her arms. She was soon carrying the little girl around. Amy took Amber over to meet Hope, and Faith.
"Hope, Faith. I'd like you to meet Amber. Amber, this is Hope, and Faith." Amy said, as she pointed at each woman in turn.
"Hello, it's really nice to meet you both. You have a very lovely daughter Hope." Amber said, as she playfully tickled Kat with one hand while she held onto her with the other. Kat was giggling as she did it.
Hope and Faith both really liked Amber from the start when they saw how good she was with Kat.
"Do you want to go and meet another little girl?" Amber asked once Kat stopped giggling so much.
"Please Amber!" Kat said with wide eyes, as she looked around at all the people. She saw Cathleen blowing bubbles and really wanted to do the same.
Amber walked over to where Cathleen was playing, and put Kat down on the grass close to her.
"Hay Cathleen, do you mind if Kat plays with you?" Amber asked.
"Do you like bubbles too?" Cathleen asked, as she walked over and let Kat blow through the ring she just pulled out the little pot she was holding.
Kat gave it a good blow, and then giggled as she watched lots of bubbles appear, and float away. "More, more" Kat giggled, as she clapped her hands together.
"Okay, here you go Kat. Blow really hard again." Cathleen said, as she held the ring up in front of Kat again.
Everyone was really happy to see that Cathleen and Kat were instant friends. Hope and Faith thought it was really cute how Cathleen was an instant big sister, and Kat was following her around having fun.
Amy led Hope and Faith around the group to introduce them to everyone, and then they found a couple of empty seats and joined in all the fun. Mandy asked if they had driven there before she asked them if they wanted a drink.
"Did you drive here Hope, Faith?" Mandy asked.
"We walked here, as it wasn't too far, and it's such a nice day." Hope said.
"That's good then. You can both have a glass of wine." Mandy said with a grin, as she poured them both a large glass of wine out.
Hope and Faith were soon joining in the chats with everyone. Hope ended up chatting with Jenna about their children, while Faith was chatting with Amber and Ann about Amy.
Amy, Chrissy, and Becky were all playing with Cathleen and Kat.
Vic and Brad were cooking the meat on the barbecue, while Carl sat with Mandy getting a cuddle, and David was cuddling with Kim. They kept swapping and changing, so they all got to spend time with the ones they love.
They soon had enough meat cooked for them to make a start. Everyone was amazed at how good everything tasted.
Hope and Faith couldn't believe that these girls all looked like super models, and they could all cook as well.
"You girl's make me sick." Faith said with a fake sigh. "You all look amazing, and you can all cook too." She added with a giggle.
"Chrissy and Becky are the real cooks; we just do as we're told." Amy said with a grin, as she wrapped an arm around each of the girls.
"It was a team effort really. We all did our little bit." Chrissy said, as she sat with Kat on her knee, while Cathleen was sat on Becky's knee, as they all ate.
"Thanks for having us over. It's really nice to see Kat having such a good time." Hope said, as she watched her munching on a piece of meat Chrissy just gave her.
"Do you feel like you can trust us all a little more Faith?" Ann asked with a sly smile.
"I'm really sorry about what I said to Amy. I feel really foolish now about all that." Faith said with a hurt look.
"Don't worry about it Faith. I'm just teasing you." Ann said with a smile, as she reached over and hugged her.
"I think you're all really amazing. Thanks for letting us join you today." Faith said, as she hugged Ann back.
"We were glad you could come. I wanted to thank you for the necklace you got Amy. She's not taken it off since you gave it to her." Ann said with a grin, as she looked at Amy as she helped Chrissy and Becky feed the girls.
Everyone was having a great time, and the guys stopped putting stuff on the grill when they all slowed down taking it off the table.
Amy waited for Prue to put her plate down, indicating that she'd finished. Then she went over to speak with her.
"I'm sorry to interrupt you Prue, but can I have a quick word in privet?" Amy asked.
"You'll get more than a quick word if I catch you calling me Prue again." She said with a stern look at Amy.
"Sorry mum." Amy said with a grin.
Prue had been sat with Mable, Maggie, and Sarah. They all had to giggle when they saw the way Prue treated Amy, and the others all like her daughters.
"That's better. Now where do you think we should go to have this little chat?" Prue asked. She could see that Amy was really worried about something.
"I was thinking about the living room." Amy said in a worried voice.
Prue got up and followed Amy into the house. Ann saw them walk past, and Amy looked at Ann in such a way as to say please come with me. So Ann got up to follow them.
"Is everything okay Ann?" Amber asked with some worry showing on her face, as she looked at Ann, and then Amy and Prue entering the house.
"Yes. Amy just wants to ask Prue a couple of things, and I think she wants me to hold her hand as she asks." Ann said with a smile. She was trying to stop Amber worry about it.
Prue and Amy had just taken a seat on the sofa when Ann entered the living room.
"Is everything alright dear? Are you having trouble with the breast forms again?" Prue asked looking worried.
"No, everything is fine with me and the breast forms. I wanted to ask you about something else." Amy said with a smile.
Prue took a deep breath then said. "You had me really worried then for a second. So what do you want to ask me?" Prue smiled.
Amy looked to be really nervous about asking the question for a couple of seconds. Then she took a deep breath and asked.
"I was wondering if you knew of any way to make me look more female down there until I can have the SRS?" Amy asked in a whisper so no one overheard what she was asking, even thought they were the only ones in the room.
"I have heard of a couple of things, but I've never really looked into it. I can make some calls, and have a look on the Internet for you tomorrow." Prue said with a smile, as she held Amy's hand.
"Thanks mum." Amy said with a smile.
"Do you really think you'll be able to help her mum?" Ann asked with some hope in her voice.
"Yes I do. I remember reading something about a little trick some drag queens do using ducked tape." Prue said as she looked to be deep in thought.
"I don't want to wear ducked tape down there!" Amy said looking worried.
"Don't be silly. I won't use ducked tape, but I can use the same method to shape what you have into a more female shape. I'll use the same glue we use to attach the forms to your chest." Prue said with a giggle.
"Oh, sorry about that then Mum. I just thought for one minute that you would visit a hardware store and then fix me up." Amy said with a silly look.
Ann and Prue both had to laugh at the thought of using DIY tools to make Amy look more like a real woman.
"Oh Amy, you can really make me laugh sometimes." Prue said with a smile, once she stopped laughing. "I'll see what I can find, and then I will set up to do it to you on Wednesday when you come for your check up. Is that okay?" Prue asked.
"That would be great, thanks mum." Amy said, as she threw her arms around her.
They all got up and went back to join the others in the garden. Amber could see that Amy was a lot happier when they got out there, so she guessed that Prue must have been able to help with the problem.
Amy saw that Kat and Cathleen were now playing with Sara and Cathy, while Chrissy and Becky were just sat on the grass cuddling with each other. Amy walked over and looked down at them both.
"Do you mind if I join you?" Amy asked in such a way that she sounded like a little girl.
"Sure Amy, you know you don't need to ask." Chrissy said with her trademark smile.
"Is everything okay? We saw you go into the house with mum." Becky asked with some worry in her voice.
"Yes, everything is fine. I was just asking mum if there were any way to make me look more female down you know where." Amy said in a whisper.
"Oh I see." Chrissy and Becky said at the same time.
"We'll talk more about it later when everyone has gone home." Chrissy said, as she let Amy cuddle up to her.
Amber was sat with Ann and Faith watching Amy cuddle up with Chrissy and Becky. Amber wanted to be the one cuddling up to Amy, but knew she had to wait. She was snapped out of her thoughts when Ann let out a scream, as Brad snatched her out the chair she was sat in, and started to spin her around like a small child.
"Brad! Put me down!" Ann shouted at him in a firm voice.
Brad did as she said, as he had never heard her talk so firmly to him before. He looked really worried when he saw the look on her face.
"I've only just finished eating. Do you want to see me being sick?" Ann said, as she stood looking up at him.
"I'm sorry Ann, I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to give you a hug to let you know how much I love you." Brad said with a sad look on his face.
Amber was trying not to giggle, as she thought the scene looking really funny. Brad was over a foot taller than Ann, but he still looked really worried as Ann stood pointing her finger as she told him off.
Ann could see that Brad was worried about upsetting her, and she knew that he hadn't dated a lot of girls, so she decided to let him off easy this time.
"Give me a kiss and I'll let you off this time." Ann said with a grin.
Brad very gently leaned down and kissed her like she might break if he wasn't careful.
"I am really sorry Ann. I just got carried away." Brad said, as they broke the kiss.
"I know you are Brad, so don't worry about it." Ann said with a smile.
Everyone was having a great time, and it was nearly nine when they called it a day. Hope and Faith were getting ready to leave when Vic said he'd give them a lift home.
"You really don't have to put yourself out for us." Hope said.
"It's no trouble Hope, and I'll feel much happier knowing you got home safe." Vic said with a smile.
"I would feel safer getting a lift home. Thanks Vic." Hope smiled, as she finished sorting out Kat.
Hope and Faith both thanked Mandy and the others for a really great afternoon, then they left to get in Vic's car with Jenna and Cathleen.
"Thanks for running them home Vic. I was going to call them a taxi until you said you'd take them home." Mandy said, as she gave Vic a hug.
"No problem Mandy. I think Jenna has made a new friend anyway. So this will give them a little more time to chat." Vic said, as he broke the hug.
Prue, Sarah and Maggie all thanked the girls for a really nice afternoon, just before they left. Prue said she'd look into the thing Amy asked about, and she'd talk to her on Wednesday about it.
Mandy and Amber both looked at Amy with a puzzled look when Prue said that.
"I'll tell you about it later." Amy said with a smile.
Sara and Cathy stayed a little longer, as they all sat around in the garden chatting about nothing much. When it started to get really dark, they all went into the living room and carried on drinking and chatting.
"Amber, can I take a look at some of your design work then?" Sara asked with a smile.
"Are you sure you want to Sara? You're going to think them rubbish." Amber said with a worried look, as she got up and went to her room to fetch her design folder.
"That must be a designer thing." Cathy said with a giggle. "Sara is always saying the same thing." She added with a grin.
"Hay! Don't knock us designers. We're the ones that keep you girls looking pretty when you go out." Sara added, as she giggled, and poked Cathy in the side.
Amber had to giggle at the way Sara and Cathy played around with each other so much. She wished she could be like that with Amy. Amber was soon back with her folder, and she handed it to Sara.
Sara spent some time looking through the folder, and then she looked through it a second time. Amber was really worried that Sara hated her designs, as she hadn't said anything all the time she was looking at them. Sara finally closed the folder, and then looked up at Amber.
"I love your ideas Amber. You have a keen eye, and I would love to work with you on making some of them real dress's that the girls can wear." Sara said with a smile.
"Do you really mean that Sara? You would really help me make some of my designs?" Amber asked with a shocked look on her face.
"Yes I really would. I think Chrissy would look amazing in a couple of them." Sara said, as she looked at Chrissy, and tried to imagine what she'd look like in them.
"I'll have some time next week Sara. Ann and the others will all be back at work, and I could do with keeping myself busy through the day." Amber asked with some hope in her voice that Sara would say yes.
"That would be great." Sara said with a grin. "I'd love to see what sort of designs we can come up with together." Sara added with an even bigger grin.
Everyone was happy that Amber wouldn't be left to keep herself busy next week now. They all wanted to take the whole two weeks off, so they could spend more time with Amber, but they had jobs to go too.
Sara and Cathy finally called it a night, and headed home just after eleven. Brad called it a night at the same time. He said he'd follow Sara and Cathy home to make sure they got there safely.
Carl thanked him for doing that, and Ann found yet another reason she loved him. Carl and the girls all waved them off at the door before they all headed back into the house. Carl was stopping the night, so he didn't have to worry about leaving. He was looking forward to spending the night with Mandy.
Chrissy and Becky made everyone a mug of drinking chocolate, and they all sat around the kitchen table to drink it.
Amy filled everyone in on the thing that she spoke to Prue about, and they were all hoping that she could make it work. They all had a laugh when Ann told them what Prue said about the trick some drag queens used, and Amy thinking that Prue was going to use ducked tape on her.
Once they had all finished their drinks, Chrissy and Becky rinsed out the mugs and they all head off to bed.
They all hugged when they got to Mandy's bedroom door before they all headed off to their bedrooms to get some sleep.
"Don't stay up to late you lot! We have a busy day of shopping tomorrow." Amy said with a grin, as she looked at Mandy and Carl, then at Chrissy and Becky.
"I have no idea what you mean about staying up late." Becky said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy with lust in her eyes.
They all giggled when they saw the look Becky had, so they all headed off to their bedrooms, all of them looking forward to a day of shopping tomorrow.
To Be Continued
Edited By ChrisW
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Typo's we don't need no stinking TYPO"S
Again I boldly go where I have little experience.
I'm in a D.I.Y. mode and thought I'd give it (editing) a whack again, so if you see any that I missed then please give me an holler and I'll fix it!
Please enjoy SaraUK's story I did when I edited and reformatted it!
Berry Much Thank you!
Picture taken by Angel O'hare in her back yard
Hang on Baby Friday's coming!
Despite the typos and misuse of English
It's still a great read and one of those stories that I look out for.
To paraphrase a certain musician when describing that particular household - "Still chaotic after all these weeks."
Thank you, Sara.
Love the work.
A really well written tale, I became hooked on these a while back. Touching. Love it.
SaraUk no hanashi ga daisuki (well, I didn't start the japanese thing....)
Take care,
Unless there is truth in my heart, my every effort is doomed to failure....
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
Another great chapter
Its good to see Amber struggling with her need to get with Amy, however I have a feeling Ambers attempt to hide her love will cause Amy to get it all wrong soon.
Thanks again Sara for another great chapter, as always I'm already waiting to read the next one :) I ended up re-reading the whole story from Chrissy's story to present last week whilst awaiting this chapter, but its such a good story its easy to read again, I even cried again all the way through lol (its the hormones lol)
Keep up the good work
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Guess I'll have to wait a little longer for the Amy-Amber thing
Hi Sara,
You are quite sneaky about making sure that Amy and Amber don't get together too soon, aren't you? I suppose it will make it, that much better when it actually happens.
Thank you for sharing another sweet episode.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
I wouldn't be at all surprised...
...if by the time the two weeks are up, Carl's found a solution to Amber's course (distance learning, perhaps?) so she can stay and become a permanent member of the family, which seems to expand more with every episode!
One day I'll have to attempt to sketch out an Org Chart showing official and unofficial personal and professional relationships between the cast. Of course, the complexity means it'll probably be easier to sketch it on paper before attempting to use a behemoth like Visio (ugh!) or work out how to use Draw.
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!