April's Fool

You'll never know what cute truths you'll discover on April Fool's Day.

April's Fool
By Deela Eon

I parked myself on a secluded corner bench in the bus station's
waiting room while mom went on the ticket line to convince them that I
was eligible for the special Easter under-twelve half-fare even though
I was really ten months over when I spotted the budding babe of my
new wet dreams at the soda machine.

My eager green junior high jock glands perked.

I liked seeing girls all dolled-up up fancy. It was a cute change
from them looking like any dude in scruffy sneakers and tight or baggy
jeans and lumpy shirts and hair belonging on the end of a soggy mop,
and she was as nice as dreams came, all Easter time elegant with white
dress gloves and a ribboned roll-brim straw bonnet spilling a flaxen
blonde pageboy coif curling around a surely pretty face and tumbling
over the lacy Peter Pan collar of a nautical powder blue dress with a
nicely mounded bodice and full white accordion skirt which amply
flaunted nice pink-filmed knees and slender calves and well-turned
ankles planted in eggshell-white patent leather skimmer pumps with cute
bows near the toes.

She was one seventh or eighth grade bunny and a half.


I was even more excited when she started strolling my way while
busy into her little white bible, my awe and chest pounding ever harder
as she approached and primly spread her skirt before perching the bench
opposite me and crossing her slender pink legginess at that canted angle
only classy women and models do while leafing through that little white
bible matching her purse.


Stealing glimpses between decoy looks around the dull station, I
saw that my guess that she pretty was more than correct. If you've seen
how those subteen and "tween" girls modeling fancy Easter outfits in
clothes catalogs look, she was just like that--plus!

Boy, for once I was glad I was all spiffed up in my slicked-back
hair and double-breasted suit and buffed brown lace shoes!

My eyes were sneakily caressing her top's modest hills and nicely
rounded knees and feeding my quiet seeping squirm when she suddenly
switched her legs, affording glimpses of sleek thigh beneath her skirt.

I had to shift my own seat because it was getting too tight to pant.


She did that twice again and each time she did I tried peering as
far when her pretty face suddenly looked up right at me.

I blushed a stormed.

Her pale coral-glossed lips smiled. "That okay, I don't mind," she
said in a soft sweet drawl, jarring me even as she went back to reading
her bible.

My jaw fell on the floor.

Doesn't mind??

How do you answer that?

By denying it of course!

"Er, I--I was just going to--to ask what you're reading?"

Her smile seemed to savor and knowingly passed my lie. "Just a
sermon. Where are you going?"

"Er, to spend Easter at grandma's. You?"

She lightly shrugged. "Oh, just hanging around."

"Bus stations?"

"It's fun here!" she chimed in a funny game way. "Train stations
too, and Little League games and video arcades. Anywhere there're lots
of boys!"

I chuckled because she seemed so modest saying it. "Well, I bet you
don't have any problem getting any boyfriends!"

She giggled. "Mom says I'm too young to have any, besides I don't
really need any to feel fun with them."

"What do you mean?"

She only smiled as she slightly cocked her head and petted the bell
of lush hair piling on one shoulder. "Do you really think I'm pretty?"

I gulped. "Er, yea. Very pretty."

Her beaming face basked in that and I was startled numb as she
moved over and actually sat next to me.

Oh man!

If only my junior high locker room crew got a peek at this!!!

"Thank you. And you're real handsome too."

My hot blush felt like badge of smug machohood. "Gee...thanks!"

"You're welcome," she perkily said with a coy flutter of feathery
pale eyelashes. "I'm April."

I sat up proudly. "Er. I'm Greg Carter. You live around here?"

"In Elwood."

"So you go to Grant Junior High, right?"

"No, Lincoln because it's better," she replied, startling me.

"Lincoln? I go to Lincoln!"

"Isn't that rad??"

"Yea--but I don't remember ever seeing you there!"

"Well, I am," she coyly said with an unnerving coral-glossed smile.

I shook my head's racked brains. "Man! I'd remember seeing someone
like you in school!!"

"Maybe it's because you don't see me dolled-up like this, though I
think wearing jeans and sneakers and sweatshirts kind of lame."

"You like dressing up?" I asked and was startled by her girlish
squeal of elation as she stretched back like a yawn except her clasped
knit gloves were shoving down between her skirt.

"Oh, I just love dolling up! Feeling soft and cuddly all over like
regular clothes can't."

"Er, I like getting dressed up too!" I professed to score some
brownie points with an apparently classy chick. She demurely

"Well, I do all the time, not even just for Easter and Christmas or
birthdays but every chance I get!"

"Wow. That's neat. I kinda wish more girls looked more like you all
the time instead of tomboys, you know?"

She tittered. "If they did I wouldn't be having so much fun!"

"What do you mean?"

"Because boys wouldn't be so attracted at how different I look and
that'd cut down all my feel-back!"

"'Feel-back'?" I asked and she coyly smiled and stretched again.

"See...it feels so nice when I know I'm making someone feel the
same way I do."

"Er, what do you mean?"

"Well, weren't you feeling all warm and tingly staring at me
before?" she coyly asked and I chuckled at her nonchalant candy candor.

"Well, kinda..."

"And weren't your underpants getting tight, like right now too?"
she innocently issued to my surprise and speechless blush. "It's okay.
See, my panties feel the same way."

Boy, she sure was immodest in her modesty! I had to snicker some at
that comment though. "I don't think so, April."

"Why not?"

"Because--you know, I'm a guy and you're a girl."


"No what?"

"You're a guy and I'm a guy."

"Huh? Oh, I know girls call themselves guys sometimes, but I meant
you're a girl."

"No. I'm a guy, just like you."

"Like me? What do you mean??"

Her pretty blue eyes rolled. "Oh, gee, so clueless! A boy, silly!!"

"A boy??"


I blinked at her straight pretty face and weird humor. "Right."

"It's true," she said, putting a glove on her bible, so it must've
been serious--and true.

I shook my head. "Naw, no way you're a guy! You're prettier most
the girls in eighth grade!"

"Thank you, but it's true."

I scoffed but her steady pale feathery-lashed blue eyes didn't
have that coy tinkle of a tease and that was awesome. "Com'on, April!
You just can't be a boy! If you're a boy, then why you're all dressed up
like this?"

She(?) rolled her pretty eyes. "Well, for two reasons."


"Well, first you get such an awesome tingly rush up your back
putting girls clothes on and feeling crinkly soft things brush against
your skin... Do you have a sister, Greg?"

"Er, sure, Kyra."

"Have you ever put Kyra's things on?"

"No way!"


"No! 'Cause--because I'm a guy!"

"So am I."

"Any guy who puts girls stuff on is a--a sissy!" I reminded, and
quickly salvaged "--but you're not a sissy because you're a girl!"

"Guys call me sissy in school if they happen to notice me, but it
doesn't bother me anymore," April said with a shrug of pouf-sleeved
shoulders and a sly smug smile. "See, I could make jocks and bullies
squirm themselves soggy ogling me a lot if I want to, just like you
were before. I'm pretty well damp myself now. How about you?"

I tried to act cool through my blush. "You get your kicks off
making guys--like you?"

"Oh, not just them! It's also awesome feeling-back how they feel
too!'Tween that and dolling up's like a double whammy feeling awesome
and nice! Oh, you can feel-up the same way in front of a mirror gawking
yourself, but making other boys squirm and gawk you's hundred times
better than your best wet dream!"


A pretty proper-looking southern girl talking like that!

"I didn't even know girls had--them," I said as nonchalantly as I
could. "I still don't believe you're any boy either, April. Any boy as
pretty as you sure would 'catch it' in the gym locker room and bullies

"I just stay low and quiet so they won't notice me. I'm a nerd at
school anyway so they don't even bother looking close at me. Besides,
I'm using lots of makeup and things to look so pretty different."

I wrung the cobwebs from my skull.

It was hard to believe that this lissome looker was really some
invisible boy-nerd in my own school! Impossible was more like it.

"You dress-up up like that all by yourself?"

"Well, I watched mom and sister dressing up before she went to
college. She used to do pageants and sometimes I helped her doll-up."

"Suppose your folks caught you like that?"

"Dad ran away long long ago and momma doesn't care, especially
since my sister's gone I can carry on winning her pageants--"

"You do pageants too??"

"Oh, I've won a couple, which is kind of awesome when you beat
pretty girls at their own game, you know? That's how I found out about
feeling-back; a couple of junior high jocks in the front row audience
were ogling me while I was sitting for my turn to stroll on stage, and
every time I crossed my knees or stared a smile at them they'd squirm so
much that they almost fell off their seats--and ever better was they
left stains on the cushions!" she said with a smug giggle.

I shook my head.

No--No--No Way!!

"Come-on, April! You're putting me on! No guy can win girl
pageants or dress-up that good! You're just teasing a storm!"

Her cute button nose twitched in a simper as though I was a hard
nut case. "Then would you like to see 'it' in the bathroom then?" she
challenged to my shock.


"My peter."

"You don't have any peter, April! No way you do!"

"'Fraidy cat."

"Not afraid! Besides, you know I can't go in any girls' bathroom!"

"We can go in the boys then."

"You can't do that!"

"Then you'll just have to talk my word for it."

"Look April, first you say you're in my school when I don't
remember you, then you say you're a guy--a real guy and you can't prove
it. You're very pretty, but I think you tease too much."

April looked at me with a sly hunter look then she stood up with
her back to the rest of the station area and startled me by, for a few
seconds, hiking the front of her skirt high as her tights' waistband
then quickly dropped it and primly spread it as she sat down again next
to my jolt of a daze just as Mom sauntered over and beside me with a
pleased grin.

"Well, Greg, I see you've made a lovely friend! Hello!"

April bobbed a pert curtsy, "Ma'am."

Mom tittered and they made small talk while my daze took stock of
my comely companion, even innocently moving off to wildly try to peek up
between April's lacy hem and nice welded knees to confirm any lasting
proof of my stunning glimpse.

The P.A. announced our bus and April followed us to our bus and I
waited for mom to board

"You really stuffed something else in your tights, right??" I
desperately gushed but April's coy coral smile only pecked my lips a soft
press where something firm and wet briefly tickled my teeth and rushed me
with an awesome breathlessness squeezing my toes and gelling my knees.

O Jeeeeezus!!!!


If April was really a guy--a boy-guy--then my macho brains were
thoroughly twisted triple but good!

"You're almost pretty, Greg; try it," she sweetly urged. "You'll
see I'm telling the truth."

I heard mom call and I almost tripped climbing into the bus as I eased
upon the window seat next to mom. "Such a pleasant ladylike young belle,
Greg!" mom's said wistfully. "I hope you meet someone like that!"

"Uh, yea," I murmured, looking out the window at April smiling back
like a Easter-prim girlfriend bading her soldier boyfriend goodbye, and
even as my muddled mind gawked her I felt a weird feeling at the sly
twinkle of her eyes as though they smugly knew that, like heaven knows
how many others, I'd been infected with fatal wonder.

In a way I was kind of lucky.

I imagined April's coy game scrambled the budding sex lives of a
lot of junior jocks and left them ever confused and wary of any date, but
I wouldn't suffer such tormenting doubts, thank goodness.

So here I am at 2:45 PM behind my locked bedroom door before my
closet door's full mirror with my former apprehension and sheepishness
long wafted to stunning affirmation, I beheld the shag-tressed tomboy in
Kyra's mint velvet party dress drawing its lacy hem high above
surprisingly awesome nylon-filmed legs and the tights' crotch where a
familiar trembling budge echoed my feel-back's warm delicious hazy throb.


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