You Have it All Wrong Two - Part 11

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You Have It All Wrong Two

Amy's Story

By SaraUK

Part 11

    Amber had stood up when she heard Ann enter the living room, but she couldn't see Amy because Ann was stood between them. Ann stepped to one said, but Amy was looking at Becky and another couple of woman, that Amber took to be Chrissy and Mandy. When Amy did turn around, Amber heard her stutter her name out just before her eyes rolled up into her head, and she passed out.

    Amber was quick to act, and she stopped Amy from hitting the floor. Amber ended up lying on the sofa with Amy lying on top of her.

    Ann. Chrissy, Becky and Mandy all ran over when they saw Amy pass out.

    "Is she okay!" Ann shouted in a panic, as she knelt down next to the sofa.

    "She's fine Annie. I think the shock of seeing me, just made her pass out." Amber said, as she looked down at the girl's face that looked asleep on her chest.

    Amber found it hard to believe that the girl lying on top of her was once her best friend's little brother. She was just so happy to have the chance to meet Amy face to face. Amber managed to sit up. She ended up with Amy's head resting in her lap.

    "Hi Amber. I'm Chrissy, and this is my sister Mandy." Chrissy said with a warm smile.

    "Hi Chrissy, Mandy. I'm really happy to meet you both at last. I think it's really great, everything that you're doing for Amy, and Ann." Amber said, as she held out her hand to shake Chrissy's and Mandy's.

    "Hello Amber. After what she did to save Chrissy, what else could we do?" Mandy said with a smile, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy's waist.

    "She looks so different now." Amber said, as she looked down at Amy while she stroked her hair.

    "Amy's been taking the hormones for a couple of months, and my mum gave her a couple of shots to kick start it all." Mandy said, as she got a small bottle out her purse.

    "What's in the bottle sis?" Chrissy asked.

    "They're smelling salts. Mum gave them to me some time ago." Mandy said, as she took the top off, and wafted the bottle under Amy's nose.

    They all had to giggle when they saw Amy's nose wrinkle up at the harsh smell coming from the bottle.

    Amy's mind was trying to work out what just happened to her. She was trying to work out why it felt like she was lying down. The last thing she remembered was getting home from work, and talking to Ann in the kitchen.

    Amy opened her eyes when she smelt something nasty, and she found herself looking up at Ann, Becky, Chrissy and Mandy. The thing that had her most puzzled was the fact that someone was stroking her hair, but she was looking at them all.

    They all let out a sigh when they saw Amy open her eyes.

    Amy's puzzled look turned to one of shock, when she remembered that she'd seen Amber stood in the living room. She went to sit up, but felt a hand on her chest stopping her. Amy turned her head to one side, and saw Amber smiling at her.

    "Amber! What are you doing here?" Amy asked with a shocked look on her face.

    "Ann thought it was the best way for us to meet. She knows how worried you can get." Amber said with a smile, as she kept stroking Amy's hair.

    "So you don't hate me then Amber?" Amy said, as she let a tear run down her cheek.

    "Why would I hate you silly?" Amber asked, as she wiped away a tear.

    "For being like this, for taking Ann away from you. Take your pick." Amy said, as she tried to look away.

    "I knew about Amy a long time before you left home. I saw you out with Ann one weekend, not long after you started going out as Amy." Amber smiled, as she turned Amy's head to face her again.

    "You knew all that time, but never said anything to Ann or me. Why not?" Amy asked with a puzzled look.

    "I was worried at first that Ann had found a new best friend, when I saw you both out window shopping." Amber said with a giggle.

    "Why didn't you confront Ann when you first saw us out shopping then?" Amy asked.

    "I was about to do just that, but then I realized that you looked to much like Ann to be a friend, and I knew that she didn't have any female family that would look like her. Then I realized that it was you with her, so I kept away." Amber smiled.

    "I really wish you'd said something sooner Amber. I'd have really liked to have had the chance to go shopping with you and Ann." Amy said with a smile, as she sat up.

    "I just figured that you'd tell me when you were ready, but then your mum and dad found the photo album that Ann was making for you, and you left home. I'm sorry for not telling you I knew. If I had, then you could have come to me when you left home." Amber said with a tear running down her cheek.

    "Please don't blame yourself Amber. Even if you had told me you knew, they would have twisted it all to make it sound like you and Ann set me up." Amy said, as she pulled Amber into a hug.

    "I think you look really good, by the way." Amber said, as she hugged Amy.

    "Thanks Amber. That means a lot coming from you." Amy smiled.

    "Does this mean I can spend some time with you then Amy?" Amber asked with a grin.

    "I'd really like that Amber." Amy said with a smile. "How long can you stop for?" Amy asked.

    "I was hoping to stop for the next couple of weeks, if that is okay with you Amy?" Amber asked.

    "That's great Amber!" Amy shouted, as she hugged Amber even tighter.

    Ann and the others were happy to see that Amy and Amber were getting on so well together.

    "Was this the reason you've both been acting a little funny towards me today?" Amy asked, as she looked at Chrissy and Mandy.

    "We're really sorry about today at the shop Amy. Mandy and I were just really worried about you meeting Amber." Chrissy said with a sad look.

    "Give me a hug, and I'll forgive you both." Amy said with a grin, as she held out her arms for Chrissy to give her a hug.

    "Deal!" Chrissy shouted, she bent over and hugged Amy, as she sat on the sofa next to Amber.

    Amber got a shock when Chrissy hugged her next.

    "Welcome to our little part of the world Amber." Chrissy said, as she hugged her.

    "Thank you Chrissy." Amber said, as she hugged Chrissy back.

    Mandy hugged Amy, and then she also hugged Amber.

    "I want you to think of this as your home for the next couple of weeks Amber." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Thanks Mandy. It's a really beautiful home you have." Amber said, as they broke the hug.

    "It is now." Mandy said, as she looked around the room at Chrissy and the others.

    Mandy had always thought the house was too big for just her, but now she loved it. Having all the girls there really made it feel like a home, and not just a house.

    "I hope you don't mind Amber, but I would really like to take a shower and change out of my work clothes before I eat dinner." Mandy asked, as she waved her hand up and down her body.

    "Please don't let me stop you Mandy." Amber said with a smile.

    "Thank you Amber. I'll see you a little later then at dinner." Mandy said, as she made her way out the room.

    "Do you and Chrissy want to go and get changed as well?" Amber asked, as she looked at Amy, and Chrissy.

    "I'm fine Amber. I normally wait until after dinner, then I can save some water and take my shower with Becky." Chrissy said, as she wrapped an arm around Becky's waist and kissed her.

    Amber found herself getting a little hot watching them kiss. She remembered Ann telling her about how much they loved each other, but now she could really see it. Amber was snapped out of her daze when Amy spoke to her.

    "Don't worry Amber; you'll soon get use to that." Amy said with a giggle.

    Chrissy and Becky broke the kiss when they heard Amy speak. They both looked a little red faced.

    "Sorry Amber, but we get a little carried away some times." Chrissy said with a silly grin on her face, as she looked at Becky.

    "Please don't be sorry Chrissy. I think it's amazing to see how much love you have for each other." Amber smiled.

    Amber found herself looking at Chrissy, and trying to see if there were any signs that she was once male. She looked really close, but couldn't see any sign of it at all.

    Chrissy saw Amber looking at her, and got a little worried that something was wrong. So she started to adjust her skirt and blouse.

    Amber realized that she was starring, and that Chrissy was looking a little worried about it.

    "I'm sorry Chrissy, I didn't mean to stare." Amber said with a worried look. "I just think you look so beautiful. I find it hard to believe that you were once." Amber stopped speaking at that point, as she wasn't sure if Chrissy would be happy for her to use the word male.

    "Male? I don't think I ever was a male. I just pretended to be one. This is the real me." Chrissy smiled. "Thank you for thinking I look beautiful as well." Chrissy added, as she bent over and hugged Amber again.

    Amber could see why everyone loved Chrissy so much. She'd only just met her, and already she was falling in love with her. She just had a smile that hypnotised you.

    "I don't think it Chrissy. You really are beautiful." Amber said.

    Chrissy went to speak again, but was cut off by Becky speaking.

    "Just take the complement babe." Becky said with a grin, as she pulled Chrissy into another kiss.

    "Chrissy doesn't take complement's to well at all." Amy giggled, as she watched Becky wrap her arms around Chrissy and kiss her.

    Ann had been stood off to one side, just watching the others. She was happy that Amber was getting on so well with everyone. Ann jumped when she heard Amy talking to her.

    "Ann! You have some explaining to do." Amy said, as she stood up and walked over to where Ann was stood.

    "I'm really sorry for all the lying Amy. I can understand you being mad at me." Ann said, as she looked down at the floor. She couldn't bring herself to look at Amy.

    "Thank you for looking out for me sis." Amy said, as she wrapped her arms around Ann and hugged her.

    Ann was really shocked when Amy said that, but she really loved the hug she was getting.

    "So you're not mad with me for doing it?" Ann asked, as a tear ran down her cheek.

    "I could never be mad with you ever again sis. I've been worried all this time that Amber hated me for taking you away from her. That's why I've never talked about her. I thought it would be too painful for you to talk about." Amy said, as she hugged Ann again.

    "I had a feeling it was that, but I wasn't sure. I didn't want to see you worrying about a visit from Amber, so I thought it best to just let you two meet face to face." Ann said with a little giggle, as she wiped away a tear.

    Amber had been sat on the sofa watching the way Amy walked in the heels she had on, and how well she filled out the skirt and blouse. She looked really different from the skinny little brother Ann used to have. Amber was snapped out of her thinking when she heard Chrissy speaking to her.

    "She looks really good doesn't she?" Chrissy said, as she watched Amber looking at Amy.

    "She does. I've never seen her looking so happy before." Amber said with a smile. "She looks so pretty, and her makeup and hair look amazing." Amber added.

    "I have a really good teacher." Amy said with a smile, as she'd heard what Amber just said to Chrissy and Becky.

    "Annie's told me about the magical makeup jobs you can do. So you've been teaching Amy to do it as well?" Amber asked with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy.

    Chrissy just went all shy and cuddled up to Becky a little more.

    "Chrissy really doesn't know how to respond to complements." Becky said, as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.

    "I wish I could do half as good a job as you can do Chrissy." Amber said with a smile, as she looked at Amy's makeup again.

    "So do you think you can cope with being seen out and about with Annie's baby sister?" Amy asked, as she struck a sexy pose.

    "Yes! I've wanted to go out with you and Annie shopping since I first found out about Amy." Amber said, as she stood up and walked over to where Amy and Ann were stood.

    "We'll leave you three to catch up on things. I need to go and check on dinner." Becky said, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy's waist, and led her back to the kitchen.

    "I'll come and help." Amy said, as she followed Becky and Chrissy into the kitchen.

    "You really don't need to Amy. Becky and I can cope with it, if you want to chat with Amber." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "I don't want any special treatment. Amber can sit and chat with Ann until we have dinner ready." Amy said in a firm voice, as she got a couple of Aprons of the back of the door, and put one on her, and the other on Chrissy.

    Amber took a seat at the kitchen table next to Ann. They both sat watching Amy sort Dinner out with Chrissy and Becky.

    "I never realized you could cook Amy. You never spent much time in the kitchen back there." Amber said, as she watched Amy dash around.

    "Working in a kitchen is woman's work. Or that's what someone used to tell me." Amy said the last part with some venom in her voice.

    "That man is such a sexist asshole!" Amber spat out. She knew the person Amy was talking about right away. "Sorry." Amber quickly added, as she put her hand over her mouth.

    Amy and the others just giggled when they saw the look on Amber's face, as she realized that she spoke out loud.

    "Don't worry about it Amber, we all feel the same way about him." Amy said.

    "Just be glad you never had to meet either of them pair. Chrissy, Becky." Ann said with a disgusted look on her face.

    "We had a pretty good idea of what they were like, even before Amy told us anything." Chrissy said, as she stood next to the table with her arm wrapped around Becky's waist.

    "How could you know what they were like before Amy told you her story?" Ann asked looking puzzled all of a sudden.

    "From what Prue told me and Mandy at the hospital, when Amy had the accident." Chrissy said.

    "You've lost me now Chrissy. How would Prue know what they were like?" Ann asked looking even more puzzled.

    "She knew from the hospital staff when they called them to say that Amy had been in an accident. They told the hospital staff that they didn't have a son any more, and they didn't care." Chrissy said with a sad look, as she looked at Amy.

    Chrissy jumped, and gripped on to Becky when she heard Ann shout.

    "They did what!" Ann shouted when she heard what Chrissy just said. "They knew that Amy had been in that accident, and they never said a word to me!" Ann added in a loud voice.

    Ann was looking at Chrissy as she shouted. Chrissy was edging behind Becky, as she was really scared of the way Ann was shouting at her.

    "Annie, Annie! Calm down will you. You're scaring her." Amber said, as she stopped Ann from standing up. Amber could see how scared Chrissy was.

    Ann suddenly realized what she was doing, and put her hand over her mouth when she saw the scared look on Chrissy's face.

    "Oh god Chrissy, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you, but I never realized that they knew about the accident." Ann said, as she stood up and went to give Chrissy a hug.

    Chrissy saw Ann stand up and raise her hand, but she was too scared to listen to what she was saying. So when she saw Ann raise her hand, she flinched and gripped onto Becky even tighter, as she burred her head in Becky's back.

    Ann saw the way Chrissy just acted and took a step back. She was shocked that Chrissy would think she'd even want to hit her.

    Chrissy felt an arm wrap around her shoulder, and then she heard the soft voice of Ann whispering in her ear.

    "Chrissy, please don't be like this with me. I'm sorry for shouting at you." Ann said, as she softly stroked Chrissy's shoulder.

    Chrissy slowly lifted her head up, and turned to look at Ann. Chrissy could see the worry on Ann's face, and tears forming in her eyes.

     "Please forgive me Chrissy." Ann asked.

    "So you're not mad with me then Ann?" Chrissy asked in a whisper, as she loosened her grip on Becky.

    "No Silly. I was just shocked to hear what you just said. I never knew that they had been called when Amy had the accident." Ann said, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.

    "I'm sorry Ann. We never really gave it any thought after Amy told us her story." Chrissy said, as she hugged Ann back.

    "Are we okay again now?" Ann asked, as she broke the hug and stepped back so she could look Chrissy in the eyes.

    Chrissy just gave one of her trade mark smiles, as she said. "Yes we're good again."

    Ann was happy to see Chrissy smile. She wondered if Chrissy could heal the sick with that smile of hers.

    Amber let out a sigh when she saw Chrissy smile as well. She could see Chrissy shaking when Ann started shouting at her. Amber could see what Ann had been talking about when she said that Chrissy was very easily scared.

    Ann went and sat down again next to Amber, and sat making fists with her hands.

    "I really can't believe they did that to me Amber. I left home because of what they did to Amy, and they kept the fact she'd been in an accident from me when they were told." Ann said in a calm voice, as she took a couple of deep breaths.

    "Don't let them get to you Ann. I know it's hard to do after finding this out, but you won the battle in the end. You're back with Amy, and you're both doing really well." Amber said, as she patted Ann's back.

    "Please don't let it bother you sis." Amy said, as she sat the other side.

    "Okay, point taken you two." Ann said with a smile, as she saw the same look on both their faces.

    Chrissy stood hugging Becky, she was happy that Amy and Amber had managed to calm Ann down. Chrissy was still a little mad with herself for putting a damper on the evening by opening her big mouth.

    Becky could tell that Chrissy was far from being happy, even if she did give Ann a big smile. She just hoped that Chrissy would relax, and have some fun.

    Chrissy got stuck into helping Becky again, and Amy was soon back up and helping as well.

    Amy could tell that Chrissy was still a little upset over the thing with Ann not being told about her accident, but she didn't know what to say to try and fix it. So she just followed Becky's lead, and just got on with fixing dinner.

    Amber found herself watching Amy as she walked around the kitchen. Amber was amazed at just how well Amy walked in her high heels, and the way they gave her a sexy sway to her walk. Amber found herself studying Amy's new look and shape. She loved the way Amy's bottom filled out the skirt she wore, and the way the corset she had on shrank her waist down to make her bottom look even better. Amber let her eyes wonder up to Amy's chest, and the two domes that pushed her blouse out as she breathed in and out. Amber found herself getting turned on by what she saw. The cleavage Amber could see between the open buttons of the blouse just looked so sexy to her.

    "You okay Amber? You're looking a little flushed." Ann asked with a grin, as she saw the way Amber was looking at Amy.

    "I'm fine Annie. Just looking at how different you're little sister looks these day's." Amber said with a sheepish look on her face.

    "She does look a little different now doesn't she?" Ann asked, as she looked at Amy sorting dinner out with Becky and Chrissy.

    "A little different! I think she looks amazing." Amber said a little louder than she really should have. She saw Amy look at her as she said it, so she looked away and went a little red in the face.

    Amy saw Amber go red in the face, and smiled to herself as she went back to helping with dinner. Amy had always had a little crush on Amber, but now she was becoming a girl herself she knew she couldn't really tell Amber about it. Amy knew that Amber was straight, as she'd seen her dating guys when Amy still lived with her parents.

    Ann could see them both looking at each other, then looking away when the other saw them looking. Ann was beginning to wonder if Amber had feeling for Amy that went beyond wanting to be friends, she knew that only time would tell. Ann was snapped out of her thinking when she heard someone come through the kitchen door.

    Mandy entered the kitchen and found Ann sat with Amber, while Amy helped Becky and Chrissy dish dinner up. She took her normal seat at the table and waited for them to serve it.

    "Thank you for letting me stay here." Amber said with a smile.

    "You're welcome Amber. I'm just happy that Amy has someone else from before the accident." Mandy said, as she looked at Amy mashing the potatoes.

    "Ann told me that you said Amy was in a really bad state when you found her." Amber said with a sad tone to her voice.

    "I think it was more a case of Amy finding us, but she was really thin and pale. She told us that she hadn't eaten in a couple of days before she had the accident." Mandy said with a sad look.

    "Well it looks like she landed on her feet." Amber said with a smile, as she looked at Amy, and then around at the house she was now living in.

    "I painfully landed on everything but my feet." Amy said, as she brought the bowl of mashed potatoes to the table.

    "I wish we could have been there for you sis." Ann said, as she put an arm around Amber's waist.

    "Be glad you weren't." Mandy said with a pained look on her face. "She was a real mess at the beginning, and it took a lot of weeks before she even looked human again. They’re not memory's you want to have Ann." Mandy added with a smile, as she looked at how Amy now looked.

    Ann and Amber both looked at how good Amy now looked, and knew that She'd found a really good group of friends now to keep her safe.

    Amy just smiled at them both and then got back to fetching the other bowls of food over, as Becky and Chrissy put stuff in them. Amy found the time to take a closer look at how Amber looked as she brought the bowls over to the table. She could see that Amber had lost a lot of weight, and she looked a little more tired that she remembered.

    Amy was just wondering if Amber was eating enough when she heard Amber's belly make a weird nose, as though it was answering Amy's question for her.

    Amber wrapped her arms around her belly in an attempt to make the noise stop, as she saw the others all look at her funny.

    "I'm sorry, but it all smells really good." Amber said with a red face.

    "So it's got nothing to do with you not eating properly for the last couple of months then?" Ann asked with a frown.

    Amber felt like a naughty schoolgirl as she saw all the others looking at her in a disappointed way.

    "You need to look after yourself better Amber." Amy said, as she bent over and hugged Amber when she saw how scared she looked. "I can guarantee that you won't starve for the next couple of weeks." Amy added with a grin, as she broke the hug.

    "Ann's told me about the amazing meals you all make. I can't wait to try some of it." Amber said, as she smiled up at Amy.

    "You won't have to wait much longer Amber." Amy smiled, as she went to get another couple of bowls.

    Amy was true to her word, and Amber was soon sat looking at a table full of food. She wasn't use to being fed this well, but she was ready to try everything that was laid out in front of her.

    Amber found herself sat between Ann and Amy. She felt like a small child as she sat and watched them each fill her plate up for her. Amber was soon looking at a plate full of food.

    "Do you both really expect me to eat all this?" Amber asked, as she looked at Ann, and then Amy.

    "We expect you to give it a good go missy." Ann said in a bossy voice.

    Amber went to speak, but saw the look Ann gave her and decided against it. She just picked up her knife and fork, then made a start on trying to clear the plate.

    "MMM, this is really good." Amber said, as she filled her fork up again.

    Becky had done a roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings. Roast potatoes, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and lots of vegetables.

    "I'm glad you like it Amber. Just remember to leave some room for pudding." Becky said with a giggle, as she watched Amber tucking into the plate of food Ann and Amy just gave her.

    "I get pudding as well?" Amber asked in a shocked voice. "I may never want to leave here." Amber added with a giggle.

    The others all giggled at the way Amber was acting over the food, and the thought of getting pudding as well.

    The chat died out as they all sat eating, but Mandy could tell that something was wrong with Chrissy. She was just sat eating, but not really making eye contact with anyone. Mandy tried to start a conversation with Chrissy a couple of times as they ate, but Chrissy would just give quiet short answers, then go back to eating her dinner.

    Becky knew that the thing with Ann had left Chrissy feeling a little down. She knew that Chrissy really hated it when anyone shouted at her. She knew that Chrissy would just need a little time to get over it.

    Ann had a good idea that Chrissy was still upset with her for shouting at her earlier. She just hoped that Chrissy would be okay again soon.

    Amber could see that Chrissy was a kind person, but she was also very afraid of everything that went on around her. Amber could understand the way she must have been feeling at the minute, as Ann could look really scary when she got mad, and nothing got Ann madder than talking about her parents.

    They soon finished eating their dinners and Amber did a really good job and almost cleared the plate, but she wanted to leave a little room for the pudding that Becky promised her.

    "I'm really sorry, but I can't manage any more, and still leave room for my pudding." Amber said with a sigh.

    "I'm sorry, but if you can't finish your dinner then you don't get any pudding." Ann said in a firm voice.

    "Arrr. But I've eaten most of it Annie." Amber said in a sad voice.

    "Sorry, but no clean plate. No pudding." Ann said.

    "Okay then." Amber said looking sad, but she picked up her fork and tried to clear her plate.

    "Amber! Please stop. I was only joking with you." Ann said with a sad look, as she saw that Amber was really going to try and eat what was left on her plate.

    "I thought you really meant it Annie." Amber said with a sigh of relief. "I wasn't sure if it was a house rule, or something." Amber added with a little giggle.

    "We don't have house rules really Amber. We just all help out where we can with the house work." Mandy said, as she saw the worried look on Amber's face.

    "I'll help out where ever I can Mandy, but I must warn you that I'm not a very good cook. I can wash the dishes, and do the cleaning though." Amber said with a smile.

    "You don't need to worry about doing anything really Amber. You're a guest here for the next couple of weeks." Becky said, as she sat cuddling with Chrissy.

    "I know that Becky, but I really want to feel like part of the family for the next couple of weeks. So I would really like to help out where I can." Amber said with a pleading look.

    "Okay Amber. Welcome to the family." Becky said with a grin. Becky went to get up, but Ann stopped her.

    "You sit and make the most of you're time with Chrissy before you need to leave for work Becky. Amy and I can sort out the pudding." Ann said with a smile, as she looked at Chrissy who was still sat very quietly next to her.

    "I can cope with that order Ann." Becky said, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy's waist again.

    Chrissy took a quick look up at Ann, and then rested her head on Becky's shoulder. She thought it best to limit what she said, so she didn't put her foot in it again. She was still feeling really stupid for what she said earlier, and she hated how scared she still got when people shouted at her.

    Ann was hoping that making the little offer to give Becky more time with Chrissy, would let Chrissy know that she really didn't want Chrissy to be upset with her any more.

    "Mable sent David round earlier with an apple pie to welcome Amber down here." Becky said with a smile.

    "Really! Mable did that just for me?" Amber asked with a shocked look on her face.

    "That's Mable for you." Ann said with a grin.

    "I love apple pie. How did she know?" Amber asked with a grin.

    "We were all round there the other week for dinner. I was talking to Mable while Amy and Chrissy were doing the dishes, and I told her that you would have loved the pudding we had after dinner. It was an apple pie. I told her how much you use to like it when you're mum made it for you." Ann said with a sad looking smile.

    "So it's home made then as well?" Amber asked, as she licked her lips.

    "Yes, its home made. I think it even tastes like the one's your mum use to make." Ann said with a grin.

    "I can't wait to taste it now." Amber said, as she went to get up so she could help get it sorted out. "What can I do to help you get it sorted out?" Amber asked.

    "You can sit back down, and wait for me and Amy to bring it over to you." Ann said with a giggle as she pointed at the seat under Amber's bottom.

    "Arrr, but mum." Amber said with a whine.

    Ann stood with her hands on her hips when Amber said that. The others all started to giggle; even Chrissy had to giggle at the way Amber was playing around with Ann.

    Chrissy really liked Amber; she was really funny to be around. Chrissy knew that the next couple of weeks would be fun.

    Amber was happy to see Chrissy having a laugh. She thought that Chrissy looked really beautiful when she laughed. Amber could see why Amy did what she did. Amber had just met her, and she already wanted to see her laugh and have fun.

    Ann and Amy soon had the apple pie served up, and a jug of custard being past around the table.

    Amber loved the smell; it really reminded her of her mum. She poured on some custard and then put a spoon full in her mouth.

    "MMM, this tastes just like the ones my mum use to make." Amber said with a tear in her eye.

    "Are you okay Amber?" Amy asked with worry in her voice.

    "Yes, I'm fine. Just a little shocked to taste apple pie like this again." Amber said with a nervous giggle, as she wiped her eyes with a tissue Ann just gave her. "I'm sorry everyone for being so silly." Amber added, as she took a deep breath.

    "Don't be sorry Amber. I'm sure that Mable would be touched to find out that you like her apple pie as much as you liked your mum's." Mandy said with a smile, as she also had to wipe away a tear.

    "I hope I get to meet Mable and the others while I'm down here." Amber said with some hope in her voice.

    "You'll meet them tomorrow night at the hotel Amber." Ann said with a smile.

    "Why will I meet them tomorrow night at the hotel Annie?" Amber asked with a puzzled look.

    "Carl wanted you to meet everyone, so he sorted out the same function room that we used for Amy's birthday. We're all going to have a sit down meal to welcome you down here." Ann said with a grin.

    Amber suddenly looked shocked and scared at the same time, as she realized that all eyes would be on her tomorrow night.

    "I'm not sure I can cope with all that attention Annie." Amber said with a worried look.

    "Don't look so worried Amber. They're all really nice, and you will love them just as they will love you." Ann said, as she wrapped an arm around Amber and pulled her into a hug.

    "I hope you're right Annie. I'm really not use to all this style of living." Amber said with a nervous giggle.

    They all got back to eating the apple pie, and soon had empty bowls sat in front of them. Ann got up to clear the table, and Amy went to get up as well, but Amber stopped her.

    "You sit and rest for a bit Amy. I'll help Annie clear the table, and get the dishes sorted out." Amber smiled.

    "I really don't mind Amber." Amy said.

    "You've been at work all day, and then you helped sort out dinner with Becky, so the least I can do is help do the dishes." Amber said with a smile.

    "Okay Amber." Amy smiled back.

    "I better go and make a start on getting ready for work, or Vicky will be here and I'll still be dressed like this." Becky said with a giggle, as she waved her hand up and down her body.

    Becky stood up, and pulled Chrissy to her feet as well.

    "Thank you for a really lovely dinner Becky." Amber said, as she walked up to Becky and gave her a hug.

    "You're welcome Amber. I'm glad you liked it." Becky said, as she hugged Amber back.

    Chrissy stood to one side of Becky as she hugged Amber, but soon found herself being hugged by Amber as well.

    "Thanks Chrissy, I know that you helped a lot too." Amber said, as she hugged Chrissy.

    "I never really did that much Amber, but you're welcome." Chrissy said in a quiet voice, as she avoided making eye contact with anyone in the kitchen.

    Mandy could really tell that something was wrong with Chrissy now, but she didn't know what it was. She knew she'd have to ask the others once Becky took her up stairs.

    Becky was really worried about Chrissy. She knew how bad it could get when Chrissy got like this, it could last for days. This is the one thing Becky still hated about the way Chrissy's dad treated her, not even Sarah had found a way to help her get over it.

    "Come on princess, let's go and take a shower." Becky said, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy's waist and led her out the kitchen.

    "Come on Amber, you wash, and I'll dry." Ann said with a sad look, as she watched Becky leave the kitchen with a very sad looking Chrissy.

    Mandy turned to Amy as they sat at the table and said, "What happened while I was up taking my shower? Chrissy looks really down about something." Mandy asked in a worried voice.

    Amy was about to speak when Ann cut her off.

    "I'm sorry Mandy, but it's my fault. I just found out that my parents knew about Amy's accident the day it happened, but never told me about it." Ann said with some anger in her voice.

    "I don't understand why Chrissy looks so upset about it all though." Mandy asked with a puzzled look.

    "I kind of shouted at her about it." Ann said looking sheepish. "I wasn't upset with Chrissy about any of it. I just wasn't thinking when I started shouting." Ann was close to tears by now.

    Amber had dried her hands, and pulled Ann into a hug.

    "Hey come on Annie, you're suppose to be the strong one out of us all." Amber said in a soft voice, as she hugged her friend.

    "I just feel so crappy right now for upsetting Chrissy." Ann said, as she hugged Amber.

    "That's what makes you such a caring person Annie." Amber said, as she led her over to the table and helped her take a seat.

    "I thought we had it all sorted out before dinner. She said that she was okay about it all." Ann said, as she dried her eyes.

    "Don't beat yourself up about it too much Ann. Chrissy has a lot of trouble with people shouting at her." Mandy said with a sad look.

    "Why would being shouted at, bother Chrissy so much?" Amber asked, as she took the seat next to Ann.

    "Chrissy didn't have the years of abuse that Amy had growing up. She had a pretty normal life until she was found dressed by her dad." Mandy said. "He beat her really bad and then spent the next couple of years shouting at her. Chrissy has never really got over that. She speaks to her dad again now, but she still gets really upset when anyone shouts at her." Mandy added with a sad look.

    "I'm really sorry Mandy. Chrissy must really hate me now." Ann said, as another set of tears started to fall from her eyes.

    "Don't be silly Ann. Chrissy couldn't hate anyone. Just show her that you still care about her, and she will soon snap out of it." Mandy said with a smile, as she handed Ann another tissue.

    Becky had walked with Chrissy in silence to their bedroom, but once they were in there, and the door was shut. She turned to Chrissy and said, "Are you okay babe?"

    Chrissy just stood looking at Becky, and then burst into tears.

    "No! I'm sick of being so stupid, and opening my big mouth when I shouldn't." Chrissy said, as she cried.

    Becky pulled her into a hug.

    "You're not stupid babe. How were you to know that Ann's parents never told her about Amy's accident?" Becky was close to tears herself as she hugged Chrissy.

    "I'm sick of getting so scared every time someone shouts at me. I felt really foolish down stairs in front of Amber." Chrissy said, as she rested her head on Becky's shoulder.

    "I don't think Amber will think any less of you for being scared." Becky giggled. "Ann did look really frightening when she started shouting. She even had me worried to start with." Becky added with a smile.

    "I bet you wish you'd found some one a little stronger, and willing to fight for you sometimes." Chrissy asked with a sad look on her face.

    "NO! I've got the woman I wanted, and I don't ever want to hear you speak like that again." Becky said with a stern look into Chrissy's eyes. "I love you silly." Becky added with a smile, as she pulled Chrissy's lips to hers so they could kiss.

    Chrissy jumped when Becky shouted at her, but she soon felt better when she saw Becky smile, and pull her in for a kiss. All the worry and doubt faded away as they kissed.

    "Come on lover, I want to help you get clean." Becky said with a grin, as she pulled Chrissy into the bathroom.

    They were both soon in the shower washing each other. It wasn't long before Becky had Chrissy panting and moaning, then Chrissy did the same for Becky. Chrissy looked a lot more relaxed when she left the bathroom, and that made Becky feel even better.

    Chrissy set to work getting an outfit ready for Becky to wear, so she knew what makeup to use, and how to do her hair.

    Becky just made a start by putting on the underwear Chrissy had laid out for her, and then she went and sat down in front of the dressing table, so Chrissy could do her hair and makeup.

    Amy, Mandy, Ann and Amber were all sat talking at the kitchen table when they heard the doorbell.

    Mandy looked at the time and then said, "That must be Vicky. I lost all track of the time." As she stood up and went to answer the door.

    Amber was soon on her feet and following close behind. She really wanted to see what Vic looked like when he was Vicky.

    Ann and Amy found it a little funny to watch, as Amber ran out the kitchen following Mandy. They got up and went to say hi to Vicky, and wave Becky off when she left for work.

    Amber went and stood next to Mandy, so she could get a good look at Vicky when Mandy opened the door.

    Mandy waited for Amber to reach the front door before she opened it. When she did she found Vicky stood there with a big smile on her face.

    "Hello Vicky. You're looking very beautiful tonight." Mandy said with a smile, as she opened the door fully, and stepped to one side so Vicky could enter.

    "Hello Mandy. Thank you, I wanted to make sure I looked my best for Amber here." Vicky said with a smile, as she stood looking at a very shocked Amber.

    Amber wasn't sure what to expect when Mandy opened the door, but it wasn't this beautiful looking woman she was now looking at. Amber found it hard to believe that the man she'd been speaking to most of the day was now this same woman stood in front of her.

    Vicky had gone for a sparkly blue dress that faded to purple half way down. It had a blue stocking style top piece, that showed off Vicki's breasts, which she had glued on and used makeup to hide the edges. The dress had a split up one side so Vicky was showing a nice amount of leg. She also had her trade mark flat's on, so she didn't look too tall. Vicky had gone with blonde hair too finish off the look.

    Amber stood with her mouth open for a couple of seconds, as she took in all the little details. She loved the dress that Vicky was wearing, and she loved the blond hair, but the thing that Amber found most amazing was the makeup job Vicky had. She really couldn't see any trace of Vic left. All Amber saw was a beautiful woman called Vicky.

    "How do you think I look then Amber?" Vicky asked in her best female voice.

    "I think you look beautiful Vicky." Amber said in amazement, as she kept looking Vicky up and down.

    "Thanks Amber. It's really nice to have a complement like that from a real girl." Vicky said with a grin, as she did a full turn for Amber.

    Ann and Amy had turned up while Vicky was doing her spin.

    "Do you still think you're wonder woman then Vicky?" Ann asked with a giggle.

    This set the others off with a fit of giggling, as they already knew about Vicky first meeting Carl while dressed as Wonder Woman.

    "It would be really great if I only had to spin around to look this good." Vicky said with a grin, as she watched Ann and Amy walk over to where she was stood with Mandy and Amber.

    "Don't we all wish that was the case?" Mandy said with a giggle.

    "You're looking really good tonight Vicky. Do you have a hot date with someone?" Ann asked with an evil grin.

    "No I don't have a hot date with anyone. You know that I only have eyes for Jenna." Vicky said in a firm voice, as she put her hands on her hips. "If I look good tonight, then does that mean I normally don't look very good?" Vicky asked with a hurt look on her face.

    "No I don't mean that, and you know it Vicky." Ann said in a hurt tone of voice. "I just think you look that little bit better than normal." Ann tried to explain.

    "Thanks Ann. I just wanted Amber's first meeting with Vicky to be perfect." Vicky said, as she struck a sexy pose.

    "I think you look amazing Vicky. Thank you for going to all this trouble." Amber said, as she looked Vicky up and down. She was still shocked to see how good Vicky looked.

    "I trust the meeting went okay?" Vicky asked, as she looked at Amber, and then Amy.

    "Yes, it all went fine. Amy fainted on me, but I caught her before she hurt herself." Amber said with a smile, as she stepped over to where Amy was stood and wrapped an arm around her waist.

    Amy just stood grinning as she rested her head on Amber's shoulder. Happy that she had another friend to share her life with. Amy soon picked her head up again when she heard heals on the marble floor behind her. She turned and saw it was Becky and Chrissy.

    Vicky and the others also turned to look when they heard the clicking of heals coming from up the hallway.

    Amber was the last one to look, but she was blown away when she did. She thought that Becky was beautiful when she first met her, but now she was just drop dead beautiful. Amber found herself getting turned on just looking at Becky.

    Becky was wearing a black evening gown that shimmered as she walked. Chrissy had done the corset up a little tighter than normal to give Becky a really nice hour glass look. The dress had a split up the side that showed of her perfectly toned leg as she took each step. Chrissy had done a perfect job on her makeup, and Becky felt really sexy tonight.

    Amber was just stood with her mouth open, as Chrissy and Becky walked up to her and the others. Amber thought that Becky was like the real life version of Jessica rabbit in that dress. If it had been red and Becky had red hair, she would have been her. The way she walked in that dress, and on the high heals she was wearing, was just like Amber remembered Jessica rabbit walking in the cartoon.

    Amy and the others were use to seeing Becky all dressed up, so they never really thought much of it any more. Other that to think how beautiful she always looked when she left with Vicky to go to the club. They did have to giggle when they saw the look on Amber's face though.

    "Wow Becky, you look amazing." Amber said, as she kept looking Becky up and down.

    "Thanks Amber, but you really need to be thanking Chrissy. She's the one that does my hair and makeup; she even picks out what I'll be wearing every night." Becky said with a smile, as she wrapped her arm around Chrissy's waist a little tighter.

    "You're makeup is so perfect Becky. Ann told me that Chrissy was really good with makeup, but I didn't realize how good until now." Amber said, as she stepped a little closer to take a better look.

    Becky just smiled, and turned from side to side, so Amber could take a better look.

    Chrissy was watching Amber looking at Becky, she was getting a little worried that Amber might see a problem with her makeup job on Becky.

    Amber couldn't see one imperfection or floor in Becky's makeup. Becky looked perfect. Amber turned to face Chrissy, and saw a worried look on her face.

    "Chrissy, would you do something for me?" Amber asked, as she looked back at Becky, and then at Chrissy again.

    Chrissy was getting really worried now that Amber had found a problem with Becky's look. Chrissy knew that Amber was a design student, and would know a lot more about fashion than she would. So with a lot of worry in her voice, Chrissy said, "I will if I'm able to Amber."

    "Will you do my makeup tomorrow night, when we go out for the meal? You've made Becky look so beautiful." Amber said in a dreamy voice. "Please try and make me look beautiful." Amber added with a pleading to her voice.

    "I'd love to do your makeup tomorrow night Amber, but you're already very beautiful." Chrissy said with a smile, as she relaxed now she knew that Amber just wanting to join her makeup group.

    "Thank you Chrissy!" Amber shouted, as she threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged her.

    "I already do Amy and Ann's. So one more shouldn't be a problem." Chrissy said with a smile, as she looked at Amy and Ann.

    Ann felt a warm feeling in her chest when she saw Chrissy smile at her. She hoped that Chrissy was feeling a little better about what happened earlier.

    Amber let Chrissy go back to hugging Becky, and she went and stood with Ann and Amy.

    Amy was still dressed in her work clothes, so she was stood a little taller than Amber, but without the heals she'd be the same height as her. Amy loved the feel of the corset around her waist, and the sexy feel of the skirt and blouse, so she wasn't in any rush to go and get changed.

    Amber had wrapped her arm around Amy's waist, and was running her hand down her side. Amber loved the feel of the corset around Amy's waist, and how small it made it feel. Amber's hand ran down to the bottom of the corset, and then onto the skirt Amy had on. Without realizing it, Amber had put her hand on Amy's bottom, and was stroking it with her hand.

    Amy let out a sharp breath when she felt Amber's hand stroking her backside. She turned her head to see what the look was on Amber's face, but all she saw was Amber staring off into space.

    Amber only realized what she was doing when she saw everyone looking at her and Amy. Amber snapped her hand away like she'd just touched something really hot, as she took a step back.

    "I'm really sorry Amy!" Amber said in a shocked voice.

    Amy had found the touch really nice, but she looked a little worried when she saw the look Amber now had. She thought that Amber looked a little disgusted with what she'd just been doing. So Amy never said anything, she just gave a fake smile.

    They others had all turned to look at Amy when she let out a sharp breath, and stifled a squeal. Chrissy, Becky, and Ann all saw where Amber had her hand, and found it a little funny. They also saw the way Amber reacted when she realized that everyone was watching.

    Ann saw a pained look gross Amy's face, just before she smiled at Amber. Ann knew she needed to have a word with Amber about it later, but for now they needed to let Becky and Vicky get off to work.

    Amber had a good giggle when she saw Becky trying to kiss Chrissy, and Chrissy stopping her with complaints about her making a mess of the beautiful makeup job she'd done.

    Vicky had to drag Becky away from Chrissy in the end, just like she always had to. Then the others all stood at the door, and waved as they watched Vicky drive away.

    Mandy wrapped her arm around Chrissy's waist, and walked her to the kitchen so they could get a bottle of wine.

    Amber walked behind with Ann, and Amy. Ann led them to the living room so they could sit down and relax.

    "I'm going to get changed, and take a shower." Amy said in a tired voice.

    "Okay sis." Ann said, as she saw the way Amy looked at Amber with a hurt look. Ann knew that the way Amber acted earlier had upset Amy a little.

    "Everyone looks a little down, are they all okay?" Amber asked Ann as she led the way to the living room.

    "Sort of. Chrissy is always a little sad when Becky leaves for work, but she'll be fine in half an hour or so." Ann said with a smile, as she took a seat on one of the sofas. "I'm not to sure about Amy though. I think she took your shocked look to mean something else." Ann added with a sad look, as she patted the seat next to her.

    "I was a little shocked at myself for doing it. Do you think I upset Amy when I did?" Amber asked, as she put her hand up to her mouth.

    "I don't think it was the touching of her back side that upset her Amber, but more the way you reacted when you realized. It looked like you were disgusted with what you had done." Ann said with a pained look.

    "I was just a little embarrassed with myself for what I did." Amber said with a red face. "Please don't say I've upset her already." Amber added with worry in her voice.

     "I'm sure she'll be okay once she's had a shower, and changed out of her work cloths." Ann said, as she pulled Amber into a hug.

    "I'm sorry Annie. Upsetting Amy is the last thing I'd want to do." Amber said, as she cuddled up to Ann on the sofa.

    Mandy and Chrissy had entered the kitchen. Chrissy got some wineglasses out the cupboard, while Mandy got a couple of bottles of wine out the fridge.

    "Is everything okay Chrissy? Ann told me about her shouting at you, and you've been really quiet since dinner." Mandy asked with some worry in her voice.

    "Yes, I'm fine sis. I got it out my system up stairs with Becky earlier. I had a good cry, and I feel much better now." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "Arrr sis. You really need to stop letting it get to you so much. Ann's been feeling really bad about upsetting you. She had no idea about how your dad use to treat you." Mandy said, as she hugged her sister.

    Mandy hated it when she found out that Chrissy had been crying. Thankfully it didn't happen very often.

    "I never meant to make Ann feel bad sis. I was upset with myself for feeling like I do when people shout at me." Chrissy said with a sigh, as she hugged her sister back.

    "I know you do sis. Maybe you should let Ann know that you still like her though, she was really worried about you." Mandy said, as she broke the hug and played around with a couple of stray hairs that had fallen across Chrissy's face.

    "Okay sis. I'll give her a hug when we go back into the living room." Chrissy said with a grin, as she pecked Mandy on the cheek.

    "She'll like that Chrissy. I think everyone likes to get a hug from you every now and then." Mandy said grinning back at her.

    Mandy picked up the wine bottles she'd put down on the table when she hugged Chrissy. While Chrissy picked up the wineglasses, and then they both made their way to the living room.

    Amy had gone up to her room, and removed her clothes. Then dressed in just her underwear she sat at the dressing table to remover her makeup. Even with her makeup removed, Amy was still staring back at her from the mirror. Amy found herself wondering if it was the hormones making her look more female, or whether it was just the fact that she saw Amy more and more these days. Either way Amy was happy to be just the way she now was.

    She was still troubled about the way Amber reacted when they were stood chatting with Vicky. Amy was beginning to wonder whether or not Amber did really like her, or was it just an act for Ann and the others? Amy was getting worried about what might happen when Amber got her alone.

    Amy finished removing her makeup and then went to the bathroom to take her shower. The water felt really good, and she spent a little longer in there than she really should have. Once she was out, she dried herself off and then spent a little time checking to make sure the edges of the breast forms were still hidden. Happy with what she saw, or didn't see, Amy put on a bra and panty set, and then her bathrobe and then headed to the bedroom to dry her hair.

    Once Amy had her hair dried, and styled a little, she looked in the mirror one last time. Happy with the look she smiled to herself, and then headed back down to the others.

    Chrissy and Mandy had both entered the living room, and put the wineglasses down on the coffee table, and the two bottles of wine.

    "MMM, wine. Just what the doctor ordered." Ann said with a smile.

    "Great food, great company, and alcohol. I could really get use to this." Amber said with a grin.

    "We only do things like this to make us look good when we have guests stopping." Mandy said with a giggle.

    "I get the feeling that you do this all the time." Amber said with a sarcastic look on her face, as she sat forward on the sofa.

    "Damn! We're busted girls." Mandy said, as she playfully slapped her own knee, as she sat down on the sofa facing Amber and Ann.

    Ann got a shock when Chrissy went and sat on her knee instead of the sofa next to Mandy.

    "Ann, I'm really sorry for the way I acted through dinner tonight. Mandy told me that you were really worried about me. I just really hate." Was all Chrissy got out before Ann put her finger up to Chrissy's lips.

    "Mandy told me all about the way you were treated by your dad, and I am really sorry for shouting at you. I really didn't mean to aim the blame at you. I was just mad at them." Ann almost spat out the last word, as she was still pretty mad with her parents over them not telling her about Amy having the accident.

    "Well I'm over it all now Ann, so can we just be friends again?" Chrissy asked with a smile.

    "Nope, but we can still be sisters." Ann said with a grin, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.

    Chrissy was a little worried when Ann said no, but soon smiled when she said that they were still sisters. She was happy to get the hug off Ann as well.

    Once they finished hugging, Chrissy got up and went to join Mandy on the other sofa. Mandy poured them all a glass of wine out, and then sat back and relaxed a little as they waited for Amy to get back down stairs. They didn't have to wait long before they all heard the living room door open, and Amy walking into the room.

    Amber could see that even without any makeup on, that Amy still looked really cute. She loved what Amy had done with her hair as well; it was simple, but very pretty.

    Amy walked around the back of the sofa that Ann, and Amber was sat on. She slid down onto the sofa next to Ann, even though there was more room on the other side of Amber. Ann now knew that Amy was still a little upset over the way Amber acted when she touched her bottom.

    Amber was really hoping that Amy would sit next to her, but was a little sad when she slid in next to Ann on the other side of her. Amber realized that Ann was right, and she had upset Amy. Amy wouldn't even make eye contact with her, which really hurt Amber's feelings.

    Chrissy and Mandy could tell that something was wrong between Amy and Amber, but they didn't know what. Rather than ask, just in case they made it worse. They decided to put the telly on, and see if they could find a film they all wanted to watch.

    Mandy found a romantic comedy they all wanted to watch, so they were soon sat laughing and crying at the film, as they all drank their wine.

    Amber was still really worried about upsetting Amy. She felt really bad when she saw Amy crying at some bits in the movie, as all she wanted to do is hug her.

    Ann was use to Amy crying through movies by now, but she could tell that Amber was really worried about it. Ann just hoped that she could have a chat with Amy later, and try and set the record straight as to why Amber acted the way she did earlier.

    Amy was starting to fall asleep by the end of the movie, so Mandy turned the telly off.

    "I think it's time to call it a night." Mandy said, as she looked at a very sleepy looking Amy.

    Ann looked at Amy, and saw that she was losing the battle with trying to keep her eyes open.

    "I think you could be right there Mandy." Ann said, as she stroked Amy's hair.

    Amy felt Ann stroke her hair and slowly opened her eyes, as she looked up at her sister.

    "Come on sis, I think we better get you up to bed." Ann said with a smile.

    Amy smiled back as she said okay. Ann helped Amy to her feet, and then helped her get up to her bedroom.

    Amber followed behind with Chrissy, and Mandy.

    "I hope the room's okay for you Amber?" Mandy asked, as they walked up the stairs.

    "The room is really beautiful Mandy. Thank you for letting me stay here with you all." Amber said in a really pleased voice.

    "We're happy that we could help you with your first meeting with Amy." Mandy said with a proud look.

    "It's not going as well as I'd hoped." Amber said with a sad look.

    "Don't worry about it to much Amber. Amy is just tired, and she had a big shock when she got home from work to find you stood in the living room." Mandy said, as she pulled Amber into a hug at her bedroom door.

    "I really hope you're right Mandy. I don't want to be the one to make Amy feel as bad as her parents use to." Amber said, as she looked up the hallway to where Ann and Amy were walking.

    "Amber. Amy would never think you were anything like them." Mandy said, as she hugged her a little tighter. "I think you need a good nights sleep as well." Mandy added with a little giggle.

    "I guess you could be right Mandy." Amber said with a little giggle. "Well, goodnight you two." Amber added with a smile, as she hugged Mandy back, and then hugged Chrissy.

    "Goodnight Amber. I hope you get a good nights sleep." Chrissy said, as she hugged Amber back.

    "You know where to find us if you need anything Amber." Mandy added with a smile.

    "Thanks, but I should be okay." Amber smiled, as she headed off up the hallway.

    Mandy and Chrissy watched her head up the hallway, then they went to there own bedrooms to get ready for bed.

    Amber caught up with Ann and Amy just as they got to their bedroom door.

    "Goodnight Amy." Amber said, trying to sound happy.

    "Night Amber." Amy said, as she walked into her bedroom without looking back.

    Amber looked at Ann with a hurt look on her face, as she let her head drop and her shoulders slump down in defeat.

    Ann stepped up to Amber, and pulled her into a hug.

    "I'm sorry Annie. I never meant to upset Amy." Amber said, as she let Ann hug her. "I'm no better than your parents am I?" Amber asked with a sad tone to her voice.

    "Hey! You're nothing like them." Ann snapped. "Amy can just get a little moody from time to time. It's because of the hormones she's taking." Ann added as she hugged Amber a little tighter.

    "Do you think she'll ever forgive me for hurting her tonight?" Amber asked with a pout, as they broke the hug.

    "She'll be as different again in the morning. Trust me." Ann said with a smile.

    "I hope so Annie. I really hope so." Amber said with a little smile. "I better let you go and make sure Amy is okay." Amber added, just before she hugged Ann again and then went down the hallway to her own room.

    Ann entered hers and Amy's room, but couldn't see Amy anywhere so she went to the bathroom. Amy was just brushing her teeth so Ann made a start on getting undressed and sorting out her nightgown. She was going to have a word with Amy, but thought it best to let her sleep on it, and have a proper chat in the morning when Amy was more awake.

    Amy finished at the sink and then left the bathroom, so Ann used the toilet and then brushed her teeth as well before returning to the bedroom. Amy was already in bed with her eyes shut, so Ann just got in and then cuddled up to Amy without saying a word. Ann just hoped that Amy didn't have any bad dreams tonight. She knew how Amy could be when she had a stressful day.

    Amy was half-asleep when Ann got in bed, but she remembered Ann cuddling up to her. Amy was happy that Ann still wanted to touch her, and she was soon drifting off to sleep again.


    Amber had gone into her room and was still really amazed at the size of the room. She went to the bag that had her nightgown, and toiletry stuff in and then made a start on getting ready for bed. Amber was a little jealous of Amy right now, as she was cuddled up in bed with Ann. She wished that she could be in there with them.

    Once Amber had finished in the bathroom, she went over to the bed and got in. The bed was really nice, and Amber was soon drifting off to sleep. She was hoping that Amy would sleep okay; Ann had told her how Amy would have bad dreams when she had a bad day. The last thing Amber wanted was for Amy to have a bad night sleep because of something she did.

    Amy found herself walking through a doorway that she seemed to remember, but she couldn't quite place where from. Amy opened the door and walked through it, that's when she found herself in the kitchen of her parent's house.

    "What am I doing here?" Amy thought to herself as she looked around.

    Deciding that she didn't want to be there any more, Amy turned to leave the kitchen. That's when she found her way blocked by Amber.

    "Where do you think you're going freak?" Amber said in a harsh tone.

    "I don't want any trouble Amber, I just want to leave." Amy said in a scared voice, as she tried to get past Amber.

    Amy heard a voice from behind her that left her shaking. She turned around and found her parent's stood there. Amy found herself stepping backwards until she found her self backed into a corner.

    "Please just let me leave." Amy said with pleading in her voice.

    "You took our daughter from us you freak! You should just kill yourself." Her dad said in a cold tone.

    "Yes, you took my best friend away from me. Why did you ever come back?" Amber snapped at her.

    "I didn't do anything. Ann wanted to be with me, I never forced her to do anything." Amy cried.

    Amber and her parent's were all moving in closer to where Amy was stood, and Amy had no where to go. So she just fell to the ground and rolled into a ball, and waited for the beating to begin.

     Amy found herself being shaken, as some one was calling her name, but it wasn't Amber or her mum. It was Ann calling her name. That's when Amy realized it was just a bad dream she was having, so she opened her eyes and saw a worried looking Ann staring at her.

    "Amy, Amy, are you okay?" Ann asked in a worried tone when she saw Amy open her eyes.

    Amy sat bolt upright and looked around the room to make sure she wasn't in the kitchen at her parent's house.

    "Amy. Is everything okay? You look really scared." Ann asked again.

    "Yes I'm fine. I was just having a bad dream." Amy said, as she took a couple of deep breaths.

    "Do you want to talk about it sis?" Ann asked, as she sat up and wrapped an arm around Amy.

    "No, I don't ever want to think about it sis." Amy said, as she wrapped her arms around Ann's body. Amy started to cry on Ann's shoulder, as she started to shake.

    Ann was really worried about Amy now. She'd not seen Amy act like this since she was a child back home. Ann guessed that the dream must have been about mum and dad.

    All Ann could do is hug her baby sister while she cried on her shoulder.

    "It was just a really bad dream sis. What ever it was about will never really happen." Ann said, as she stroked Amy's hair.

    "They all hate me sis. They all hate me for taking you away from them." Amy said, as she cried.

    "You're the only one I care about Amy. So stop worrying about it." Ann said, as she hugged her sister.

    Ann managed to get Amy to lie down again, and they were soon falling asleep again. Ann had to cuddle Amy a little tighter, but she soon fell asleep again.

    Amy remembered having the bad dream a couple more times, but this time Ann turned up and took her away from her parent's and Amber. Amy knew that Ann was always going to be there for her.

    Amy was still happy when the clock said it was time to get up. She thought it had been a really long night, and she was feeling bad for keeping Ann awake most of the night.

    Amy lay in bed and watched Ann sleeping. She was happy that her sister was getting some sleep at last. Amy slid out of bed, and went to use the toilet so she could get down stairs and make a start on breakfast.

    Ann was just waking up when Amy came out the bathroom.

    "Morning sis." Ann said, as she stretched.

    "Morning sis. I'm sorry for keeping you awake last night." Amy said with a sad look, as she walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it.

    "Don't worry about it baby sister. How are you feeling today?" Ann asked, as she sat up and gave Amy a hug.

    "I feel a little tired today, but I'll be okay." Amy said with a smile.

    "How do you feel about Amber today?" Ann asked.

    "I'm not sure how to feel about her sis. She was the one that looked really disgusted with me when she realized what she was doing." Amy said with a sigh.

     "She wasn't disgusted with you sis. She was just embarrassed that she did it without thinking. You know Amber better than that Amy." Ann said.

     "I thought I knew her sis, but I was still Andy back then. I'm not sure she likes me now I'm Amy." Amy said, as she let her head drop.

    "Now you're just being silly Amy. Amber has been just as worried about you as I have." Ann said in a firm voice.

    "I don't know what to think any more sis. I just feel really sad about how she acted towards me last night. I felt really hurt by it." Amy said sounding really sad.

    "I can understand that Amy, but you need to give her another chance to show you how much she really cares." Ann smiled, as she moved a couple of stray hairs away from Amy's face.

    "I'll try sis." Amy smiled back, as she got off the bed. "I better go and make a start on Breakfast." Amy added, as she hugged Ann again before she left the bedroom.

    Ann really hoped that Amy could give Amber another chance to show her; just how much she really did care for her. Ann knew that Amy had the way Amber felt about her all wrong. Ann knew that Amber had strong feelings for Amy, but Ann wasn't sure how Amy felt about Amber.

    Amy made her way down to the kitchen, and knew that Mandy was already in there when she couldn't see the paper at the front door. So she made her way to the kitchen, and found Mandy sat at the table drinking a cup of tea and reading the paper.

    "Morning Amy. How did you sleep hun?" Mandy asked with a worried look when she saw the dark rings around Amy's eyes.

    "I got some sleep, but I had some really bad dreams." Amy said with a pained look.

    "I was worried about that when you went to bed last night. Chrissy can be just the same way when she had a fun filled day." Mandy said with a grin.

    Amy knew what Mandy meant by, fun filled day, and had to grin back at her.

    "It was a shock to find Amber here when I got home yesterday, but I was happy to see her. I'm not too sure what to make of how she acted though when she touched my bottom. She looked disgusted with me." Amy said with a hurt look.

    "I'd say she looked more embarrassed, than disgusted Amy." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Do you really think so Mandy? I can't remember what her look was like now. I just thought she hated me." Amy said with a sigh.

     "I think you're just letting your worry and doubt play tricks on your mind. Anyone can see that Amber really cares for you." Mandy said, as she stood up and gave Amy a hug. "I'm sure that Chrissy and I can cope with the shop today, if you want to rest up today. You could spend the day with Ann and Amber." Mandy added with a smile, as they broke the hug.

    "Thanks Mandy, but I don't think its fair on you two having to work hard all day while I get to rest up and have fun." Amy said, as she made her way over to the fridge, so she could make a start on what to have for breakfast.

    Amy thought she'd play it by ear and see how Amber acted towards her. She just hoped that Mandy and Ann were right, and Amber did like her.

    Amber was just getting out of bed when she heard a knock on her door. "Come in!" She shouted, as she looked to see who it was.

    Ann poked her head around the door, and smiled at Amber.

    "Hi Amber. How did you sleep?" Ann asked, as she entered the room fully.

    "Hi Annie. I slept really well, but it looks like you had a rough night." Amber said with a sad look when she saw the dark rings around Ann's eyes.

    "I'll be okay. Amy had a couple of bad dreams, but we did get some sleep." Ann smiled.

    "I'm really sorry for all the trouble I've caused you Annie." Amber said with a sad look.

    "Hey! Don't beat yourself up over all this Amber. Amy has bad dreams every now and then, but we deal with them." Ann said, as she walked over to where Amber was sat on the bed. She sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug.

    "I was wondering if you could do me a favour Annie." Amber asked with a worried look on her face.

    "I'll try Amber. What is it?" Ann asked.

    "Could you give Carl a call, and see if the offer of a room at the hotel is still open." Amber asked with a sad tone to her voice.

    "Amber! You're just being silly now." Ann said with frustration.

    "Annie. I'm not going to see Amy suffer with bad dreams, just because I'm here. I'll spend a couple of days at the hotel, and then get the train home again. I knew it was a mistake to come here." Amber said with tears in her eyes.

    Please Amber, at least sit and have a chat with Amy about it first. I'm sure she doesn't want to see you leave so soon again." Ann said in a pleading voice.

    "I think its best that I leave here without talking to Amy. She's been hurt enough already in her life, and I'm not going to add to it." Amber said in a firm voice. "If you could go and make the call, while I pack my things back in my bags. That would be great." Amber added, as she got up and went to the bathroom.

    Ann sat and watched Amber go into the bathroom, then she let out a sigh. Ann got up and made her way down to the kitchen, so she could let the others know what was happening.

    Chrissy and Becky had both arrived down stairs, and were helping Amy sort out breakfast.

    They all turned and looked at Ann, as she entered the Kitchen. They looked to see if Amber was with her.

    "Amber still asleep?" Mandy asked.

    "I really wish she was, with the chat she had with me just now." Ann said, as she slumped down in a chair at the kitchen table.

    "What's wrong Ann?" Mandy asked with a worried look.

    Chrissy, Becky and Amy all walked over to the table with worried looks on their faces.

    Amy was worried that Ann was about to say that Amber can't deal with the way she now looked, and she wanted nothing more to do with her.

    "Amber wants' me to call Carl and asked if he still has a room at the hotel she can use." Ann said with a sad tone to her voice.

    "Does she really hate me that much now?" Amy asked in a flat tone of voice.

    "Don't be so stupid Amy! She's doing this because she cares about you that much!" Ann shouted, as she looked at Amy.

    "I don't understand sis." Amy said with a puzzled look.

    "Amber could tell that I'd had a bad nights sleep, and she knows about the bad dreams you have from time to time. So she said that she doesn't want to be the reason for you suffering any more, so she's going to leave here and stop at the hotel for a couple of days, and then head home again." Ann said.

    "Don't you think she's being a little silly over all this?" Mandy asked, as she slid over to the chair next to Ann so she could hug her.

    "I said that to her, but she just said that she won't hurt Amy any more than my Parent's already have. She feels like she's just as bad as them for what she did last night when we were seeing Becky and Vicky off at the door." Ann said, as she started to cry on Mandy's shoulder.

    "She really said all that to you sis?" Amy asked with a shocked look.

    "Yes, she really said all that. Don't you see Amy! Amber really does care about you." Ann pleaded.

    "Chrissy, Becky. Can you finish off sorting out the breakfast for me? I need to go and sort out this mess with Amber." Amy said in a firm voice, as she wiped her hands and then left the kitchen before Chrissy and Becky could answer.

    "I have a feeling that Amber won't be needing that room at the hotel." Becky said with a grin, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy's waist and led her back to finish off the breakfast.

    "Sure looks that way." Mandy said with a grin, as she passed Ann a tissue.

    "I really hope you're all right. I think Amber has a real soft spot for Amy, that's why she looked so shocked last night when she realized what she was doing with her hand." Ann said, as she wiped her eyes.

    "I've seen the way Amy keeps looking at Amber when she's not looking. I think that Amy has a real soft spot for Amber." Becky said with an even bigger grin.

    "Let's hope that they can sort out this little problem then." Mandy smiled.

    Amy had run up the stairs and down the hallway, but now she was really nervous about facing Amber. She took a deep breath and knocked on the bedroom door.

    Amber was just putting the last of her things in her bag when she heard the knock on the door. "Come in!" She shouted. Amber turned expecting to see Ann enter the room, but was shocked when she saw it was Amy.

    "Amy! What are you doing up here?" Amber asked with a worried tone to her voice.

    "Ann just told me what you want to do, and why you're doing it." Amy said in a firm voice. "Do you really care about me that much?" Amy asked with a more pleading tone to her voice.

    "Yes I do Amy. I think you're one of the most caring people I've ever met. The thought of you feeling hurt or upset because of something I might have done, is killing me inside." Amber said, as she started to cry.

    Amy suddenly felt really bad, she felt as if she were the one to blame for how Amber was now feeling. She walked over to the bed and sat down next to Amber.

    "I'm sorry Amber. I'm to blame for how you feel now; I never wanted to make you cry." Amy said, as she put her arm around Amber's waist so she could hug her.

    Amber felt Amy's arm wrap around her, so she sat up and turned to face her. Amber threw her arms around Amy.

    "Please don't blame yourself for anything Amy. I just want to be your friend, and help you as much as I can to enjoy life." Amber said as she hugged her.

    "I'd really like that Amber. I'd like that a lot." Amy said, as she hugged Amber back. "Does this mean you'll be stopping here with us?" Amy asked, as she broke the hug.

    "Yes please. I really do love being here with you and the others." Amber said with a grin.

    "I feel like the luckiest girl on the planet. I have a great place to live, and the best friends a girl could ask for." Amy said with a smile.

     "I'm lucky to be one of them." Amber said.

    "I'm really sorry about last night Amber. I got the wrong idea when I saw you pull that face. I'd had so many thoughts about what would happen if we ever met again, that when I saw that face you pulled. I thought you hated me." Amy said with a shamed look on her face.

    "Ann said that you were a little upset with me. I'm sorry for misleading you, but I was embarrassed about what I did, not disgusted." Amber said with a silly grin on her face.

    "Do you really think I look that good then Amber?" Amy asked, as she struck a sexy pose.

    "I think you look right now. It's hard to put into words, but I always thought you looked odd as a male." Amber said with a puzzled look on her face. "You looked way to pretty for a male." Amber added.

    "Thanks Amber. I do feel like this is right for me. I feel more relaxed, and normal." Amy said, as she waved her hand up and down her body.

    "You are a lot more fun to be around now. You're not as quiet as you use to be." Amber said.

    "I use to be worried about people seeing Amy in me when I was still Andy, but now I can just be who I feel I really am." Amy said with a grin.

    "I like the real you Amy. I really do like the real you." Amber hugged Amy again, as she said it.

    "Thanks Amber. I'm really happy that I still have you as a friend." Amy said, as she hugged Amber back.

    Amy was really enjoying all the cuddling with Amber, just as Amber was enjoying the cuddling with Amy.

    "Do you want to go down and get some breakfast then now?" Amy asked, as they broke the hug again.

    "Yes please. I could do with something to eat, and a cup of tea." Amber said, as she slapped her lips together.

    "Well I was working on a full English breakfast for us all when Ann came in and told me what you were planning to do." Amy said with her hands on her hips, as she stood up.

    "I'm sorry Amy. I hope it's not spoilt now." Amber said, as she put her hand up to her mouth.

    "Don't worry about it. Chrissy and Becky were sorting it out for me as I left to come up here. They can both cook better than me, so it could work out for the best." Amy giggled.

    "Don't try and fool me Amy. Annie's told me on the phone what I really great cook you are." Amber said, as she tickled Amy as a punishment for lying to her.

    "Hey! Stop it! You know how I hate being tickled." Amy said in between giggles.

    "I know Amy, but I just wanted to see you giggling again. I love to see you happy." Amber said, as she wrapped an arm around Amy's waist and led the way out her room, and down to the kitchen.

    Ann and the others all heard Amy and Amber a long time before they ever got to the kitchen. Amber was doing something to make Amy keep squealing, and giggling.

    "Sounds like Amy sorted out the problem with Amber." Chrissy said with a smile, as she heard them getting closer.

    "Sure sounds that way." Ann smiled.

    They all looked at the kitchen door when they heard it opening. They all smiled when they saw Amy and Amber enter the room with their arms around each other.

    "Hi Everyone. I hope you don't mind, but Amber will be staying here for the rest of her holiday." Amy said with a grin, as she looked at Amber.

    "I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused this morning, and I hope that breakfast isn't spoilt?" Amber said with a shy look on her face.

    "Don't be sorry Amber. We're just happy that you're going to be stopping. As for breakfast, we just need to do the eggs." Becky said with a smile, as she got up from the table.

    Amy went to go with Becky and Chrissy, but she was led back to the table by Chrissy, and forced to take a seat next to Amber.

    "Chrissy, I want to help finish breakfast off." Amy whined.

    "You can sit and keep Amber company while Becky and I finish off the breakfast." Chrissy had her hands on her hips as she said it, so Amy knew she wasn't going to win.

    "Okay Chrissy." Amy said.

    "So are you two okay again now?" Ann asked with a smile, as she could already see that it was.

    "Yes we got it all sorted out." Amber said, as she wrapped an arm around Amy's waist.

    "I'm really glad to hear that." Ann said with a smile.

    They were interrupted when Chrissy started bringing plates of food to the table.

    "Wow Chrissy. This looks really good." Amber said, as Chrissy put a plate down in front of her and another one in front of Amy.

    "I'm hoping it tastes pretty good as well." Chrissy said with a grin, as she turned to go and fetch another couple of plates.

    "Let's find out shall we?" Amber said, as she picked up her knife and fork. "MMM, this is really good." Amber added after trying the first mouth full.

    "I'm glad you like it Amber." Becky said, as she brought hers and Chrissy's to the table while Chrissy brought Ann's and Mandy's.

    A silence fell around the table as they all ate their breakfast. Amber cleared her plate, and even let out a little burp at the end. Which made the others all giggle at her.

    "I'm sorry, but that was the best breakfast I've ever had." Amber giggled, as she put her hand over her mouth.

    "I'm glad you liked it Amber. It was a joint effort this morning." Becky said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy, and Amy.

    "Well, I'd like to thank you all for a really nice meal." Amber said, as she stood up and started to clear the table.

    "I can do that later Amber. Once Chrissy has gone up to get ready for work." Becky said.

    "You sit and make the most of your loved one Becky. I want to help earn my keep." Amber said with a smile, as she made another trip to the table to get some more plates.

    "If you want to wash Amber, I'll wipe them for you, and put them away." Ann said, as she got up and helped clear the table.

    Ann also put the kettle on to make a fresh pot of tea while she was clearing the table. Once the kettle had boiled she made the pot of tea and took it to the table.

    Amber put all the dishes in to soak, and then joined them at the table so she could have a second cup of tea as well.

    "Got any big plans for today then?" Mandy asked Ann and Amber, as she drank her tea.

    "Not really, we want to leave going out until you can all come with us." Ann said, as she took a sip from her cup.

    "You really don't have to Ann. I'm sure that Amber would much rather get out and see some of the city." Chrissy said, as she sat cuddling with Becky.

    "It's okay. I told Ann that I wanted to go out as a group, when I first went out to see some of the city." Amber smiled.

    "We'll have a couple of days next week to get out and do something. Once we shut the shop today, we won't be open again until next Thursday." Mandy said with a grin.

    "Really! How come we're going to be closed for so long?" Amy asked with a shocked look on her face.

    "Well Monday is a bank holiday, and Wednesday we're closed anyway. So I thought that there was no point opening the shop for one day." Mandy said it in a matter of fact way, as she took another sip of her tea.

    "That's great! We'll be able to go shopping and see some of the sites." Amy said with a grin.

    "I'd really like that." Amber said with an even bigger grin.

    "We better see about getting ready for work you two." Mandy said, as she looked at Chrissy and Amy.

    Mandy stood up, and Chrissy and Amy did the same. Becky just watched Chrissy leave the room with a sad look on her face.

    "Why don't you go and help Chrissy get ready for work Becky. Amber and I will sort out the dishes." Ann said with a smile, as she saw Becky's sad look turn to one of happiness.

    "Are you really sure Ann?" Becky asked, as she was already standing up.

    "Yes we're sure Becky. Go and spend a little more time with the one you love." Ann smiled.

    "Thank you Ann!" Becky shouted, as she stood up and hugged Ann before she ran out the kitchen to go and find Chrissy.

    "They really do love each other." Amber said with a smile, as she saw Becky disappear out the kitchen.

    "They really do Amber. They really do." Ann said, as she thought about how much Chrissy and Becky meant to each other.

    "They are both really cute though." Amber said with a grin.

    "Don't get any funny ideas about trying to play around with one of them." Ann said in a firm voice, as she pointed a finger at Amber.

    "Annie, I know I like to play around every now and then, but I'd never even try to come between Chrissy and Becky. Not that I'd ever stand a chance." Amber said with a thoughtful look on her face.

    "I don't think you would Amber, but Chrissy and Becky can very easily be upset when it comes to there love for each other." Ann said with a pained look.

    "I understand Annie. I really do like them both too much too tease them. I'd hate to cause them any trouble." Amber said, as she made a start on washing the dishes.

    Ann could tell that Amber really wouldn't do anything to upset Chrissy and Becky. She also knew that Amber had feelings for Amy anyway.

    "How much did you tell Amy about you liking her?" Ann asked, as she started to dry the dishes.

    "I didn't tell her anything about my feelings. Amy has enough to deal with right now; I don't want to add any more stress." Amber said.

    "She may be more open to a relationship with you, than you think." Ann said with a grin.

     "I know that Annie, but I'll be leaving again in a couple of weeks. I don't think its fair to start anything with Amy, not until I can finish my college course and find a job working down here." Amber said with a proud look on her face.

    "What if Amy finds someone else before you do all that?" Ann asked with a worried tone to her voice.

    "I'll know that Amy is happy, and that will make me happy Annie." Amber said with a smile.

    "You'd do that for my sister? You'd give up your love for her, just to make her happy?" Ann asked.

    "Yes I would Annie. All I want is for Amy to have a great life from now on, and what ever pain she has to face will be met with a good group of friends to back her up." Amber said with a proud look on her face.

    "I knew there was a reason I had you for a best friend." Ann said, as she gave Amber a hug from behind.

    "I'm the lucky one having you as a best friend Annie." Amber said, as she rested her head on Ann's shoulder. She would have turned around and hugged her, but she had wet hands from washing the dishes.

    Ann and Amber broke the hug when they heard the voices of Amy and the others heading towards the kitchen.

    "Are you all ready for work then?" Ann asked when they all entered the kitchen.

    "Yep, we're all ready to go and work, while you two get to laze around all day." Amy said with a pout, as she walked over to Ann.

    "I did give you the chance to take the day off as well Amy." Mandy said with a smile.

    "I know you did Mandy, but I really don't think it’s fair to leave you and Chrissy sorting everything out." Amy smiled. "We'll have a lot to sort out today, if we're going to be closed until Thursday." Amy added with a grin.

    "We do have a lot of orders to sort out for the changing service at the hotel, so I'm happy that you'll be there to help us Amy." Mandy smiled.

    "What about the Ebay orders?" Amy asked.

    "It's normally quiet over the bank holiday weekend. So I'm hoping that we won't get too far behind with the orders." Mandy said. "We better see about getting off, or we'll never get done." Mandy added, as she looked at her watch.

    Ann gave Amy a hug while Amber dried her hands, so she could also give Amy a hug. Ann and Amber also gave Mandy and Chrissy a hug once they got to the front door. Amber had to giggle when she saw Mandy pulling Chrissy and Becky apart.

    "It's like this every morning when Chrissy has to go to work." Ann said with a giggle, as she watched Mandy dragging Chrissy to the car.

    They all stood and watched Mandy drive away with Amy and Chrissy in the car. Amber could see that Becky was a little down about Chrissy leaving, just like Chrissy was last night.

    "You okay Becky?" Amber asked with some worry in her voice.

    "Yes, I'm fine Amber. I always feel a little lost when Chrissy first heads off to work." Becky said with a weak smile. "If it's okay with you two, I think I'll head back to bed for a bit." Becky added, as she started yawning.

    "Please do Becky. It must have been really late when you got home." Amber asked.

    "It was just after four when Vicky and Carla dropped me off this morning." Becky said, as she started yawning again.

    "I'm surprised to see you up now, if you didn't get in until that time Becky." Amber said with a shocked look.

    "There's no way I was going to miss out on taking a shower with Chrissy, and spending some time with her." Becky said with a grin.

    "You little minx." Amber said with a raised eyebrow.

    Becky just giggled, as she hugged Amber, and then Ann.

    "I'll see you both later." Becky said, as she made her way back up to bed.

    "Come on Amber, I'll make a fresh pot of tea. I'll come and help you get unpacked then." Ann smiled, as she wrapped an arm around Amber's waist, and led her back to the kitchen.

    Mandy, Chrissy and Amy all arrived at the shop, and opened up. Amy set about making a pot of tea, while Mandy and Chrissy got all the sheets together, so they knew what orders they needed for the changing service.

    They stopped work long enough to have their tea, and then got back to it. They stopped for some lunch when a woman turned up from the hotel with a basket of food. She also took what orders they had ready, and said that she'd be back later to pick up the other orders.

    Mandy and the others got the rest of the orders sorted out, and then called the hotel to let them know they could send someone to pick them up. They sent the same girl that came with lunch. They gave the girl the rest of the orders, and then set about closing the shop a little earlier so they could all head home, and get a couple of hours sleep before they had to get ready for the meal at the hotel.

    They closed up the shop and headed home, all of them were ready for a night out partying. Amy was really looking forward to spending some time with Amber.

    They found Ann and Amber sat in the kitchen drinking a glass of juice each.

    "Hello. You're all home early today." Ann said, as she got them all a glass of juice.

    "Yes, we're going to try and grab a couple of hours sleep before we head out later." Mandy said, as she sat at the kitchen table, and took a sip from the glass Ann just handed her.

    "That sounds like a good idea Mandy. I think we should do the same." Ann said, as she looked at Amber.

    "If we're not going to be getting home until four in the morning, then I think it's a really great idea." Amber said with a giggle.

    "It's been later than that some mornings." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "Later than that?" Amber asked with a shocked look.

    "Yep. Sometimes Carla will let the staff have an after hours drink before they all head home." Mandy said, as she finished her drink. "We better see about heading up to bed then, or we'll be in no fit shape to party later." Mandy added with a grin.

    They all headed up to bed, and Mandy and Chrissy hugged Ann, Amy and Amber when they got to Mandy's bedroom door. Then they entered Mandy's room while Amy and the others walked down to their room.

    Mandy and Chrissy set about removing their work cloths and their makeup very quietly, as Becky was still sleeping in Mandy's bed.

    Becky woke up when she felt someone get in the bed next to her. She opened her eyes to find Chrissy smiling at her. Becky never said a word, she just wrapped her arms around Chrissy, and went back to sleep with a smile on her face. Mandy got in bed and cuddled up to Chrissy and they were soon all asleep.

    Amber went to hug Ann and Amy, but was shocked when they pulled her into their room with them.

    "What are you two doing?" Amber asked, as she was pulled along.

    "We thought you might like to take a nap with us." Ann said with a grin.

    "You'd really let me do that?" Amber asked, as she looked at Amy to make sure it was okay with her.

    "Yes I'd really like you to come and rest with us Amber." Amy said, as she pulled Amber over to the bed. "I need to take my work cloths off, and my makeup. Then I'll join you both." Amy added with a smile, as she walked over to the closet.

    Amy was soon undressed, and her makeup removed. So she went over to the bed and went to get in next to Ann, but found herself being pulled to the middle of the bed. She found herself the main filling in a sandwich between Ann and Amber. Amy was soon falling asleep, happy to be safe and warm between her sister, and her best friend.


To Be Continued


Sort of edited by: ChrisW Re edited by: HOPE

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Any editing errors are all mine!


It was getting too late to get this off to Hope, so I bit the bullet and edited this chapter all by my little lonesome self! I read threw it 3 times and hope I caught the typo's. But I should warn you I don't do punctuation marks!

HUGGELS and Enjoy!
ChrisW "Postmaster General"

Well Hope just sent me a re-edited copy and I re-posted it (RE Enjoy)

Hang on Baby Friday's coming!


I re-request the re-redundant re-repairs re-receive re-respect

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

Hi All,

Well, being the nit-pickingest reader on BC I just had to edit the text I saw posted and email it to ChrisW, because, well, I had edited a few other of SaraUK's stories and I promised at the end of the last one, part 10, that I would do my best to provide you all with clean text.

Thank you all for reading Sara's story. Please leave her a comment? Should we start a pool on how long it will take Amber and Amy to get romantically involved? I' bet it will happen in part 12. I mean they're in bed together already, there isn't much further to go after that, right?

with love,


with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

Thank You Chris, Hope. For making my story's readable.

I want to thank Chris and Hope for taking the time to proof and fix all the mistakes I make.
I think I would have given up trying to write a long time ago if not for them.
I'm sorry Hope, but i did say in this part that Amber has no plans to take the friendship with Amy any were while she was still living so far away *Grin*
Finally, I'd like to thank everyone that has taken the time to read my story so far, and I hope that you'll keep coming back to read more as I add to it.

Hugs and Love


Amber has "no plans" ... "NO PLANS"??? That seems about right!

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

Dear Sara,

You are most welcome for any help I have given.

As a nit-picker-extraordinaire I must say there are so many holes in that "no plans" story that it looks more like a lace doily, remember those at gramma's house, than an air-tight story idea. Hee hee hee hee I still expect Amber and Amy to be "doing the nasty" before the end of the next episode.

with love,


with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

Ah but...

Vic has already seen that Amber presently lives in less than desirable circumstances and is not eating well. I'm sure that arrangements can be made for her to complete her education elsewhere and I'm also sure that Carl will have designs on Amber's services.

Anyway, I just love this story of a group of young people getting on with life against various odds and their relationships, misunderstandings and obvious love for one another.

And I also go miles on a good hug.


Amy and Amber sitting in a tree K I S S I N G LOL

Another great chapter and another emotional roller coaster, I really enjoyed the ups and downs of this part and cant wait till the next one, Amy has to get together with Amber before the 2 weeks are up it just has to happen Amy needs to know there is someone who wants to be with her for life as a lover, she has plenty of friends but having a lover would just be the icing on the cake.

Keep up the great story

Megumi :)

PS: Sara if Amber cant be with Amy till she is able to live closer then she will just have to move now lol :P


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p

more more

more pretty please i cant wait for more of this lovely story i just enjoy reading it alot so thank you sara_uk and thank you to all who edit it so we can read it
with lots of hugs from sara v bye bye till later

No plans?

Vic has seen the state of Amber's current accommodation and car, and with Amber and Amy possibly getting romantically involved, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if, once Amber has met Sara, Carl gets his chequebook out and the house guest turns into a house resident :)


EAFOAB Episode Summaries

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

The Good Story Button

I haven't bothered to sign in very often and clicking the good story button which I do apoligize for. However, I find that this story is simply too good for just clicking the good story button lol!
This story is just plain excellent! Another one of those stories that I wish would never end but like all good things it will. :{

