Audience Rating:
Character Age:
TG Universes & Series:
TG Themes:
Julie O
Robert Arnold
Featuring characters from The Julieverse
Chapter 1
Richard Greene arrived at his small apartment near the University of Connecticut and opened up his mailbox. He was getting ready to finish up his second year and he was looking forward to the extended break. He pulled out his mail and sorted through it. There was the usual junk mail, and his cable bill. He then saw a letter from Max Prendergast. He had been Richard’s drama teacher back when he had been in high school.
Without hesitation, Richard opened up the envelope and read the letter.
Dear Richard,
I hope you are well and enjoying college. If you put as much effort into your classes as you did in your performances for me then I know that you’ll do fine.
As you know, I left The Norton School and am now producing a play off Broadway. I would like you to attend one of the performances during your next break. Please call me and I’ll set up the details.
Max Prendergast
As he read the letter, Richard felt a strange sensation that he hadn’t felt since high school, it was as if the letter didn’t contain an invitation, rather it was an order, an order than Richard knew he would have to obey.
Chapter 2
Once inside his apartment, Richard pulled out his high school yearbook and sat down on the couch. He opened it up to the section that showed photos of the drama club.
Richard looked at the photos of the various plays, especially the ones of the school’s performance of Romeo and Juliet.
The Norton School was an all-boys private school and therefore all female roles were played by males. In his senior year, Richard had been personally selected by Mr. Prendergast to play Juliet.
Richard had fully expected to be given a female role in the play, based on his small stature; currently he was barely five-eight and was also thin, he was even skinnier back in high school. Still he was shocked that he had been given the title role. Still he received raves for his performance, especially from Mr. Prendergast.
He also had other memories concerning the role.
Chapter 3
(2 years earlier)
“Hey Rich, I hear they’re going to announce the roles for Romeo and Juliet today,” said Ken Marcus, Rich’s best friend and roommate.
The two boys had been roommates at the prestigious Norton School for the last two years. Ken attended because it was a family tradition; all the men on his father’s side of the family had attended the school. Rich also had a family tie to the school, his late father had gone to the school and it had been his dying wish that Rich follow in his footsteps.
Rich nodded as they headed towards the campus theater. “To be honest, I’m not exactly looking forward to it. I mean, I’ve got a pretty good idea what sort of role I’m going to get.”
“Look at the bright side, you won’t have to wear a school uniform for the next few weeks,” said Ken.
Ken was six-one and an athlete, He lettered in both football and volleyball and he knew that the odds were slim that he would be picked for a female role.
“That’s not true, they came up with a female version of the uniform,” stated Rich.
All the students at The Norton School wore a uniform consisting of dark blue trousers, a white shirt, tie and blazer.
“Oh, I didn’t hear about that, any idea of what it looks like?” asked Ken.
“From what I heard, it will be similar to what we wear; basically it will be a white blouse, plaid skirt, knee socks, and blazer,” answered Rich.
Ken shook his head. “I don’t understand why, I mean what’s the point?”
“According to Mr. Prendergast, dressing up and being treated like a girl will allow the guys who are playing female roles a chance to get a real feel for their roles. It’s called method acting.”
“Well, if you get a girl’s part I’ll respect your privacy when you dress,” said Ken with a laugh.
“You won’t have to worry about that. They’ll move me to another room,” replied Rich. “They have a separate dorm already set up for those selected to play female roles. I guess they had a lot of problems last year.”
“Oh, that’s right. Well, maybe you’ll get lucky and won’t get picked.”
Rich shook his head. “No, I have a really bad feeling about this. I mean look at me. I’m not exactly the most masculine guy on campus.”
Ken didn’t reply.
“I noticed that you didn’t disagree,” said Rich.
“What’s there to argue…runt!” joked Ken.
Rich gave his friend a punch in the arm and Ken faked being hurt.
Ken and Rich walked into the theater and took a seat upfront with the rest of the class.
Mr. Prendergast walked out onto the stage. He was in his mid forties and had been the drama teacher for the past five years. He was of average size and build. His hair was black, but there were some premature grey streaks on the sides. He also had a very neatly trimmed beard. It gave him a rather distinguished appearance. The other notable thing about him was his dark piercing eyes.
He had originally been an actor and had supporting roles in several Broadway plays before turning to writing and producing. He originally took the job at Norton to have a steady paycheck as he worked on his latest play. There were also rumors that he had inherited a large sum of money, but no one knew the truth.
“Okay, I have the list of assignments for our production of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Now you all know that everyone who has a female part will be taking on a female persona from now until the end of the production. While they will be treated as females in order to get into character, they are not to be harassed or abused. I don’t have to mention the consequences for anyone who violates these rules,” explained Mr. Prendergast. “This will also apply to the students assigned as understudies.”
A boy in the front row named Lawrence Browning raised his hand.
“Yes, Larry, do you have a question?”
“Um, isn’t it true that consensual behavior is okay?” he asked.
“Yes, that’s correct,” replied Mr. Prendergast. “If any of the girls want to go out on a date that’s perfectly acceptable.”
“You still won’t get a date, Larry!’ exclaimed Bob Nagy.
“Even if you get a girl’s role,” added another boy.
There was a lot of laughing until Mr. Prendergast motioned for everyone to be quiet.
“Okay, okay. Now, I will read off the names of those students who will be playing female roles. They will immediately head back to the dressing area,” announced Mr. Prendergast. “We will start rehearsal tomorrow, so as soon as you get your roles you need to start studying your lines.”
He then began to read off the names and the roles they would be playing.
When he started, Richard opened up his copy of the script and began to countdown as each name was announced.
He thought he might be in the clear, but then he heard his name announced to play Juliet.
“I know you will do an excellent job, Rich,” said Mr. Prendergast. “Now, remember, all of you who have been selected for female roles, I want you to take this very seriously. You can start by thinking of yourself as female in all aspects of your daily life.”
Rich just nodded. He couldn’t ignore the way Mr. Prendergast was staring so intensely at him, it was as if he was peering into Rich’s mind.
Chapter 4
“Okay, Rich you’re next,” announced Mrs. Crandall.
She was one of the English teachers and also in charge of costumes for the drama department. She also helped the males picked for female roles in their wardrobe and grooming.
“Well, I don’t think you’re going to have any trouble passing as a girl,” she stated as she inspected him. She pulled out a tape measure and began to get his measurements.
Rich just nodded and did as she requested.
“Your hair is long enough that it can be cut and styled…or would you rather wear a wig?” she asked as she examined Rich’s hair. “Just so you know Rich, wigs are very uncomfortable.”
“What do you suggest?” he asked timidly. He had meant to get his hair cut shorter several times, but he kept putting it off.
“I’d get it cut and styled. It will make life a bit easier for you. Of course for the play you’ll have to wear a wig.”
Rich shrugged. “Okay, I’ll get it cut.”
She smiled. “Good, the hairdresser should ready by the time we get you dressed. Oh, have you given any thought to what you’d like to be called? Richard isn’t very feminine.”
He shrugged again. “I haven’t given much thought.”
“How about Rachel?” she suggested.
“That’s always been a favorite of mine,” added Mr. Prendergast as he stepped into the room. “It is a very pretty name and it will help you adjust to seeing yourself as female.”
Richard felt a strange tingling throughout his body. He also felt as if he had to obey Mr. Prendergast.
“I want you to think of yourself as female until the play is over…and accepting this name would be a good start,” he continued.
“Sure, why not. For the next month I’ll be Rachel,” she replied.
“Good girl,” he said with a smile. “I know that you’d be wonderful in the role of Juliet, Rachel. I have the highest confidence in your acting abilities.”
Rachel looked at Mr. Prendergast and again she felt his eyes upon her. For some reason it gave her confidence. “Thank you…I’ll try not to let you down.”
He smiled back. “I know you won’t do that.”
Chapter 5
Several hours later Rachel walked across campus to her new room. The weather was still quite cool and she was chilled by the wind as it blew past her bare legs.
She was now dressed in her new school uniform. Mrs. Crandall told her that her new room would have everything else she would need. Her books and other non-male items would be brought over as soon as possible.
The good thing was that along with her heavy class work, she would be kept very busy learning her lines and going to rehearsal.
She knew that she was one of only a handful of “girls’ now on the campus. She also knew that it was perfectly acceptable to be asked out on dates, in fact it was encouraged. Rachel had to admit that she was curious about this, but for the time being she decided to concentrate on her school work.
Her new room was very much like her old one, except for the fact that she didn’t have a roommate. She took this as one of the fringe benefits of playing a female role. Another benefit was that she had her own bathroom and shower. It was worth it just for that.
She found that someone had already unpacked her new female items. Her closet was filled with her new uniforms. There was also nonschool female clothing hanging in the closet. As a senior, she could leave campus even on weeknights. She immediately shook her head at this idea. The last thing she needed was to be hassled out in town.
Rachel spent the next hour exploring her new room and her new things. She then looked at herself in the mirror. With her female uniform, makeup and new hairstyle she had to admit that she didn’t look half bad.
Her hair was styled in a layered cut and it really created a feminine illusion.
Mrs. Crandall had taught all the students in the drama class about makeup. She then showed the girls the differences between stage and regular makeup. Rachel was surprised how quickly she had picked it up. In fact, everything seemed so normal…as if she had been doing it her whole life.
There was a knock at the door, but at first Rachel didn’t hear it, she was too enthralled by her new appearance.
“Hey, Rich, you in there?” yelled Ken.
Rachel snapped out of her daze and walked over to the door and opened it.
“I’m sorry, but there’s no Rich here. I’m Rachel and I just transferred here,” she said as greeted Ken in her best feminine voice.
Ken stepped back. “Holy shit! Damn, Rich…I mean Rachel, you look great!” he exclaimed.
Rachel laughed. “I see that you didn’t get a female role.”
Ken shook his head as he continued to stare at Rachel. “No, I’m on stage crew. I’d like to think it’s because I’m big and strong and not because I’m a terrible actor.”
Rachel couldn’t help but notice the way Ken was looking at her. “So, did you come up here for a reason for are you just going to stare at me?”
Ken smiled. “Sorry about that…that’s the problem of attending an all-male school, we don’t see too many good looking girls on a daily basis,” he replied. “Your hair is a different color.”
“It was Mrs. Crandall’s idea,” replied Rachel. “She said that having a different color would help me adjust quicker. Mr. Prendergast suggested that I go blonde, what do you think?”
“You look great,” replied Ken. “Anyway, I wanted to see if you wanted to go to dinner. If you don’t feel like going to the dining room I could bring you something.”
Rachel thought about it. “No, I need to get used to being out and about. That’s the whole purpose of this isn’t it?”
Ken nodded. “Just so you know, I saw a few of the others; you are by far the best looking.”
“Gee thanks. Just don’t get any ideas, okay?” said Rachel as she put on her coat.
Chapter 6
To her surprise, Rachel found that she had very little trouble adjusting to her new life. It helped that she was one of the more popular students in her class and her friends were quick to protect her.
Yes, there was good-natured kidding, but she found that most of her friends were pretty cool. The strange thing was that several of them asked her out on dates, all of which she turned down.
The hardest thing she had to deal with was learning the lines for her character. Mr. Prendergast was a perfectionist when it came to his performances. He didn’t yell when someone messed up but it was easy to tell when he wasn’t pleased with someone just by the way he looked at them.
Rachel threw herself into the study of her role and spent most of her free time memorizing her lines.
She also found that she was enjoying her time as a female and she took special pride in her appearance. There was a feeling in the back of her mind that being a girl all the time might not be so bad. Part of her began to wish that she wouldn’t have to change back after the play.
Rachel also found herself wondering more and more what it would be like to date a guy. It had started a few days after she became Rachel and the feeling grew stronger every day.
A week before the show, she was in the theater on a Friday evening practicing her lines. She wanted to go through the whole play in order to test herself. Ken was serving as all the other characters. He also kept track of the number of mistakes she made.
“Well?” she asked as they finished the play. “How many screw-ups this time?”
“Not bad, Rach, you only messed up three lines this time and I doubt anyone would have noticed unless they were reading along like I was doing,” said Ken.
“What lines were they?” asked Rachel as she tried to remember what lines they were.
“It’s not that important, Rach, you need to relax a little, why don’t we go into town and catch a movie?” he asked.
Rachel shook her head. “It is important. Remember, this is Shakespeare and some people in the audience will have the play memorized. The show starts next Friday and the last thing I want is to screw up then!”
There was the sound of one person clapping.
Rachel and Ken turned to see Mr. Prendergast step out from behind the curtains.
“Sorry to be eavesdropping, but I was back in my office when I heard you practicing. I’m very impressed with your performance Rachel,” he said. “You’re becoming quite an accomplished actress.”
“Thank you,” she replied. “It wasn’t perfect.”
“It rarely is,” he said.
“I still want to do was well as I can…you’ve drummed that into us, right?” she replied.
He nodded. “That’s true, however, But, Ken is also right. You need to get out and relax a little. I think it would be a great idea for you two to go out to town.”
Even though he was smiling, Rachel could feel the intensity of his stare.
“Um, okay,” she replied as she looked over at Ken.
“So does that mean yes?’ asked Ken hopefully.
Rachel looked at Mr. Prendergast who nodded very slightly.
“Go out and have some fun tonight,” said Mr. Prendergast.
“Yes, why not?” she replied.
“Cool,” he replied.
Chapter 7
Rachel went back to her room to change out of her school uniform. She debated what to wear. At first she was going to wear jeans and a sweater, but then she changed her mind and picked out a skirt and blouse.
It was strange, she knew it wasn’t really a date, but she suddenly wanted to look pretty for Ken.
In addition to her outfit, she took the time to redo her makeup and hair.
Ken picked her up a short time later.
“Wow, you look great,” he commented. “I think this is the first time that I haven’t seen you in your uniform.”
“Do I really look okay?” she asked as she posed in front of him.
“You look fantastic,” he replied as he stared at her.
“Do you think that anyone will suspect that I’m not really a girl?” she asked cautiously.
Ken shook his head. “Rach, you look perfect. Now, come on, if you want to eat before the movie we need to leave now.”
As they walked out of the dorm building, Ken led her towards the student parking lot.
“Dave loaned me his car tonight,” said Ken.
“Really? That’s nice, I really didn’t want to take the bus,” she replied.
When they reached the car, Ken opened the door for Rachel.
“That isn’t necessary,” she said. “But thank you.”
Inside she was pleased that Ken was treating her as if she really was a girl.
“My pleasure,” he replied with a smile.
“So where are we going?” she asked.
“I figured that you might be a bit nervous going right into town, so why don’t we go the mall?” he asked.
The nearby town was usually filled with students from the school on the weekends. The nearest mall was ten miles away. It was less likely that they would run into a lot of other students from the school.
“That’s fine,” she said. “Thank you for being so thoughtful.”
They ate dinner at a mid-range chain restaurant near the multiplex.
Rachel was relived to see that no one paid any undue attention as they walked in and sat down.
As they ate, Rachel was amazed by how normal everything felt. She glanced around and realized that she and Ken didn’t look all that different than the dozens of other teens out on dates.
She laughed to herself that she really wasn’t out on a date. She was just having dinner with a friend. But then when the bill arrived, Ken paid it in full.
“Thank you for dinner, but you didn’t have to do that,” she said as they stood up to leave.
Ken smiled back. “I always pay for my dates.”
Before she could say a word, he slipped his arm around her waist and they walked out together.
She didn’t want to make a scene, and was going to pull away as soon as they stepped out of the restaurant, but then she remembered Mr. Prendergast’s words about immersing fully into her role.
“So you see this as a date?” asked as she looked up at Ken as they walked towards the multiplex.
“Sure, why not?” he asked. “Any objections?”
To her surprise, she shook her head.
Ken smiled back. “I’m happy to hear that, Rach,” he replied as he pulled her closer.
Chapter 8
Instead of the usual mindless action movie that Ken always wanted to see, he picked out a romantic comedy.
“You’re really taking me to a chick-flick?” she asked as they stood in line to get some popcorn.
“Hey, I figure that it’s the least I can do. It’ll help you stay in character,” he replied softly.
That doesn’t seem to be the problem, she thought.
The movie wasn’t bad and afterwards they walked back to the car. This time, Rachel didn’t mind that Ken had his arm around her. In fact, part of her was hoping that he would take it further. She began to wonder what it would be like to be kissed by him.
On the way back to the school, her mind was awash with conflicting thoughts. She knew she was just playing a role, but part of her wanted to see how far this could go. What was the harm in seeing things from a woman’s point of view? After all she was playing a woman in a play about love.
“I had a great time tonight,” she said as they sat in the car in the parking lot. “Thank you.”
Ken turned and looked at her. “I had a great time too.”
They looked at each other in awkward silence.
“Um, Rach do you want me to walk you back to your room…or do you want to stay out longer?” he asked.
“What do you have in mind?” she asked softly.
Ken leaned over and began to kiss her gently on the lips.
“How does that feel?” he asked.
“Nice,” replied Rachel. She could feel her heart beating madly in her chest. It really did feel nice and she hoped that he would kiss her again.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” he continued.
“You can do it again…if you’d like,” she said softly.
Ken smiled and kissed her again. This time his tongue slipped into her mouth; Rachel offered no resistance and kissed him back.
“Want to sneak into the theater?” he asked hopefully. “That way we can be alone…if that’s okay with you.”
Rachel thought about it for a moment. There were many excellent reasons to say no, but they didn’t seem to matter right now.
“I’d like that a lot, Ken,” she replied.
Chapter 9
As they walked together to the back of the theater, Ken had his arm around her waist. Rachel cuddled close to him.
Ken pulled out a key and unlocked the door. “They gave me a key so I could work on props afterhours.”
“How fortunate,” she giggled as he led her inside.
There was a couch in the student lounge area and they sat down next to each other on it.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Rach?” he asked.
She nodded. “Yes, this isn’t the time to be logical. Please kiss me again, Ken.”
Ken smiled and then they began to kiss.
Rachel couldn’t believe how good it felt to be kissed by a boy. She had never felt anything for Ken when she had roomed with him, but that was when she was Rich. Now she was Rachel and she was his girl this night.
Ken was thinking similar thoughts. He didn’t see the beautiful girl he was kissing as a guy named Rich. No, this girl was so different than Rich in so many ways.
He felt his hardening cock pressing against his jeans. Without thinking, he moved one of Rachel’s hands down so she could rub it.
If she was shocked by this action, she didn’t show it. She slowly massaged his cock as they kissed.
“You want to touch it?’ whispered Ken.
Rachel mumbled something that sounded like a yes.
Ken reached down and unzipped his pants. Without waiting to be prompted, Rachel slipped her hand into his pants and began to stroke his cock.
“That feels so good, babe,” he moaned.
When he called her babe, she felt tingles up her spine. Something strange was happening to her, but this wasn’t the time or place to make logical decisions.
A strange sensation swept through her mind and without hesitation she slipped down and began to kiss and lick Ken’s cock.
It felt so normal as she began to take his cock into her mouth.
Mr. Prendergast listened from just outside the lounge and smiled. Everything was progressing as he had planned.
Chapter 10
As Ken escorted her back to her dorm room they talked. He had his arm around her shoulders.
“I had a great time tonight, Ken,” she said. “Thank you for everything.”
“So did I,” he replied.
She could sense his mixed emotions.
You okay about this?” she asked.
“I just don’t want you to think that I made you do this,” he said.
“Look, you didn’t force me to do a thing,” she said. “I wanted to be with you.”
He nodded. “Did it feel like we were being guided by some sort of outside force?”
She shrugged. “Maybe, but it was fun wasn’t it?”
“Yes,” he replied.
“I don’t think that we should try and analyze what happened tonight too much. We both had fun and no one was hurt,” she explained.
“Can I ask you something…personal, Rach?”
She nodded.
“Have you ever been with a guy before?”
She shook her head. “No, you’re my first. I never had any feelings for you or any guy before I became Rachel.”
“Not even slightly curious?” he asked.
She shook her head again. “Nope. But now, it feels…perfect. I guess I really am in character now.”
Ken nodded. “So as long as you’re Rachel you would go out with me again?”
She smiled at him. “Of course. For the rest of this week I’ll be your girlfriend.”
Ken smiled and kissed her good night.
Chapter 11
Back in her room Rachel thought about what had happened that night.
It had been a wonderful night, she thought. There was no sense of guilt at all.
There was something strange happening, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She also had great new insight to her character of Juliet. She could understand the idea of forbidden love and how it felt to give into previously prohibited behaviors.
She looked at herself in the mirror and did a double take. For a moment she thought she had seen her reflection wink at her!
Chapter 12
(Present day)
Richard closed his yearbook. It was strange, but he hadn’t thought about those weeks he had spent as Rachel since they happened. It was almost as if they had been a dream and that Mr. Prendergast’s letter had awakened his memory of the events.
Now the repressed memories flooded out.
It was so strange that he had forgotten all the times he had wished he had been a girl. Now those familiar old feelings were back with a vengeance.
He thought about how good it had felt being Rachel and being in Ken’s arms. And he suddenly wished that he was still Rachel.
He now remembered how he had gone out on several more dates with Ken and that they had made out every time. On the last night of the play, he remembered how Ken had made love to him. He became aroused as he thought about how good Ken’s cock had felt.
As for the play, it had been a major success and he had received rave reviews for his performance as Juliet. Looking back, Richard realized that the time he had spent as Rachel had a huge impact on his performance.
After the last performance he returned to his life as Richard Greene. What was even stranger was that Ken acted as if nothing happened. It was as if some outside power had stepped in and blocked their memories.
Richard stared at the letter. He knew that he had to accept Mr. Prendergast’s invitation, if only to ask him about what had happened back at school.
He dialed the number that had been provided in the letter. After three rings, the call was answered.
“Hello, Mr. Prendergast, this is Richard Greene,” he said.
“Richard! How good to hear from you and please call me Max, you’re no longer in that retched prison of a school,” he said.
Richard laughed. “Okay…Max. I just wanted to let you know that I would love to see your new play.”
“Excellent. Now, I checked your college’s schedule, you finish with the semester in two weeks, right?”
“That’s right,” replied Richard.
“So, when do you think you can be down here?” asked Max.
“I was planning on spending the summer bumming around and so I’ll be moving my stuff into storage after finals. I can be down there on the first, if that’s okay,’ said Richard.
“That will be perfect. Now, I insist that you stay with me. I have a guest room so your staying here isn’t a problem. Trust me, it will be a lot nicer and much cheaper than a hotel room,” said Max.
“That’s very thoughtful,” said Richard. He felt the sensation again as if he had no choice but to say yes.
“Excellent, I will send you the necessary information. I’m very pleased that you’re coming.”
“I’m looking forward to it too, Max,” said Richard.
Chapter 13
It was a warm summer afternoon when Richard arrived in New York City by train. He then took a cab to Max Prendergast’s home, which was a large townhouse located a few blocks away from the theater.
The strange thing was that he could barely remember how he got there. It was if he was in a mental fog. All he could think about was seeing Mr. Prendergast.
Max greeted Richard at the front door and escorted him inside.
“How was your trip Richard?” he asked as they shook hands.
“No problems,” answered Richard automatically, even though the whole trip was in reality a blur. “Thank you for the invitation; I’m very excited about seeing the play.”
“I’m pleased that you accepted,” replied Max cheerfully. “I’ll take your bag and show you to your room.”
They walked upstairs and then Max opened the door to the guest bedroom. He motioned for Richard to walk in first
Richard stepped inside and saw a beautifully furnished room. It immediately struck him that it was very feminine. He then saw was there was a complete woman’s outfit laid out on the bed.
“I think you’ll find everything you need, Rachel, so you won’t need the things in this bag,” said Mr. Prendergast as he set it down in the hallway.
Richard froze in his place and stared at the clothes.
“What’s the matter sweet Rachel, don’t you like what I picked out for you?” asked Max softly as he placed his hands on her shoulders. He leaned close and spoke directly into her right ear. “I picked this outfit out especially for your first day with me.”
“What’s…what’s going on?” asked Richard. He couldn’t take his eyes off the clothes. “Why are you calling me Rachel?”
“It’s your name isn’t it?” asked Mr. Prendergast. “Please, I doubt you’re so surprised, Rachel. Now, I have to run down to the theater for couple of hours. That should give you plenty of time to get ready. Your cosmetics and toiletries are in the bathroom, I think you’ll find everything that you’ll need, Rachel. I left you a note in there on how I would like your makeup to look. I know you won’t disappoint me. When I get back we’ll have a long talk and I’ll explain everything. Don’t fight this…you aren’t strong enough and you know it. Let it out…you are now Rachel.”
“What’s happening…I feel so strange,” said Richard weakly. He felt as if his legs were about to go out on him.
Mr. Prendergast steadied Rachel with his hands.
“Let go of the past…you are no longer Richard Greene…your name is now Rachel and you are my girl, a sweet, weak, obedient young woman,” continued Max in a soft comforting tone. He was leaning closer and was whispering in her ear.
“Yes, isn’t that the name you had back in school, remember how happy you were back then…no longer fighting who you really are,” continued Max. “Strip out of those ugly clothes…those belong to a male and you my dear Rachel are a lovely young lady. Place all those ugly male clothes out in the hall and I will take care of them. Everything you need to dress is inside this room.”
Rachel began to undress; she was still looking at the female wardrobe laid out for her.
Max sensed that he had gained full control. “Very good, you know this is the right path for you, don’t you? Now, tell me your name my darling.”
“My name is…Rachel,” she replied.
“And what are you?”
“I…I’m a…I’m a girl,” she replied softly.
Max smiled at the way her voice changed, she was now talking softer…very much like she had when she had played Juliet.
“That’s a good girl,” said Max as he ran his hands through her hair. “I’m so pleased that you have such nice long hair. You followed my directions and kept it long all these years. The ponytail is nice for now, but I have another look in mind for you and that can wait until later. I also see that you’ve grown your nails out too, just as I requested. I am very pleased with you.”
Rachel looked down and was shocked to see that her nails were much longer than normal. She wondered why she hadn’t noticed this before. She had the sudden urge to file them down to shape them with a nail file to make them look sexy and feminine.
“I’m also pleased that you thinned and shaped your eyebrows too. You are very obedient, I like that in my women,” he continued.
Rachel looked in the mirror and saw what he was talking about. Her eyebrows were thin and arched as if they had been recently plucked. She also realized how feminine she looked even though she was wearing men’s clothing.
“How is this possible?” she asked as she turned and looked at Max.
“I will tell you everything later. Now you have a lot to do to get ready. Don’t fight the feelings, Rachel, you aren’t strong enough,” continued Max. “You must obey me, just like you did back in school.”
Max then kissed her slowly, his tongue slipping into her mouth. She offered no resistance. As they kissed he ran his hands over her body.
“I will be back soon, don’t disappoint me my dear girl,” he said as he left.
Chapter 14
Rachel sat down on the edge of the queen sized bed and slowly examined the outfit that Max had picked for her.
Everything was black. There were lace panties with matching bra, garter belt, and stockings. She then touched the silk top and the short leather skirt. There was a pair of very large silicon breast pads next to the bra. They were obviously top-notch as they even had realistic nipples molded into them.
She looked on the floor next to bed and saw a pair of knee high black high heel boots.
Rachel could close her eyes and picture how the outfit would look on her.
She then realized that, just like back in school, she was seeing herself in female terms. She also realized that Max was right that she wasn’t strong enough to disobey him.
She looked at the framed theater program that hung on the wall near the makeup table. It was from The Phantom of the Opera. She stared at it for several moments as she realized that in many ways it symbolized what was happening to her. She was now trapped and controlled by her mentor and teacher.
Rachel got up and headed into the bathroom. A list of instructions was posted on the wall next to the mirror.
She read the directions and picked up the tube of hair removal cream. Without pause she striped off her clothes and began to apply the cream. The good thing was that she didn’t have a lot of body hair, but still she followed Max’s orders and covered her body from the neck down with the cream.
There was a second tube of cream that she used on her beard area.
After waiting the required amount of time she stepped into the shower to wash off the cream. She immediately noticed how soft and smooth her body now was and it pleased her.
After drying off and applying moisturizer, she began to apply her makeup. Even though she hadn’t used makeup since the time of the play, she found that she knew exactly what to do, as if she had been doing it her whole life.
Max’s written orders were very precise and she made sure that she followed them as best she could. The eyeliner was the hardest part and it took her several attempts to get it right.
When she finished she examined herself in the mirror. The look was very dramatic and rather sexy. Rachel was back and this time it looked like she wouldn’t be leaving.
She applied the nail polish that was left out for her, it was dark red in color, but it seemed to match the look that Max wanted.
After she finished dressing, she added the jewelry that was laid out for her. There were large silver hoop earrings and several matching bracelets. She was a little surprised that there was no necklace.
She studied her appearance in the mirror. The thing that struck her was that even though she was dressed entirely in black, she looked weak and powerless.
Chapter 15
There was a knock on the door and then Max stepped inside. He could see that Rachel was completed dressed.
“Exquisite,” he exclaimed as he studied her appearance. “You have exceeded my wildest dreams, Rachel.”
“Thank you, Max,” she replied softly. She actually felt pleasure in knowing that she had made him happy.
“Please sit down on the bed. I want to braid your hair,” he ordered.
Rachel sat down with her back towards Max. He noticed how she was careful to keep her legs together as she sat down.
“I know you have many questions, my dear,” he said as he worked on her hair. He was putting her long hair into a French braid.
“I do, Max,” she replied softly.
“All in due time, my sweet,” he said.
He finished braiding her hair and then used a black ribbon to tie the end. The bow really completed the look.
“I love how naturally submissive you are Rachel,” he continued. “However, you are not my slave and you don’t have to call me Master or any sort of nonsense like that; we both know that I am in charge and that you belong to me.”
Rachel nodded. “Yes Max, I belong to you.”
“Now, my pet, I suppose it is time I explained what has just happened to you…and what the future holds for you,” he continued.
Chapter 16
They moved to the living room and he ordered her to sit down on the couch while he poured her a glass of wine.
“I suspect that you have many questions,” he said as he sat down next to her. He handed her the wine. “Cheers.”
She accepted the wine and took a sip. It was very good.
“Now, I want you to be very honest with any question I ask you, is that clear?” he asked.
“Yes, Max, I will be honest.”
“Good girl.”
“I do have many questions,” she replied.
“First, I have a few for you,” he said. “Do you remember when you called me after you got my letter?”
Rachel nodded. “Of course.”
“And do you remember the calls that I made back to you?” he asked.
She looked at him with a confused look on her face. “No, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“And that means you don’t remember my visiting you at your apartment, correct?”
She just gasped and slowly shook her head in disbelief.
He just smiled at her. “I was just checking. I visited you several times and that’s how I got your sizes and also why your nails are so long now. I am a master of mind control and I found that you are very accommodating. I implanted many subliminal thoughts and orders in your head.”
Rachel nodded. It made sense as there was no other reason why she had grown out her nails and it also explained her eyebrows.
“Now, who knows that you are here?” he asked.
Rachel thought about it for a moment. “No one does.”
He smiled and sipped his wine. “So tell me again how you came here.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Tell me in detail how you travelled.”
She nodded and took another sip of her wine, “I went to the train station in New London and went to Boston first. I bought my ticket with cash. I then caught a train down here. When I got here in New York, I caught a cab…I mean I caught several cabs. I drove around to several places first. I walked a few blocks then used a different cab each time before coming here,” she reported. A memory then came back and she spoke again. “Just like you told me to do.”
“Very good, so it’s unlikely that anyone would be able to trace you here,” he said. “I don’t want us to be interrupted.”
Rachel realized now that no one would be coming to help her.
“Don’t worry; I am not permanently enslaving you. I just want us to send a few weeks together. When that time is over and you want to leave, I will not stop you,” he said.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“I want you as my lover,” he said. “I have always been drawn to submissive T-girls like you. It is a matter of taste I suppose, but I like girls who are different.”
“How is this possible?” asked Rachel. “I mean, the things I did and didn’t remember being told until now, how could you do this?”
Max shrugged his shoulders as he got up to refill their glasses. “I guess I was born this way. I found that even at an early age I could control some people. I didn’t realize its real power until I began to search for a perfect sexual partner.”
“So, does that make me a weak-minded person?” asked Rachel.
“I wouldn’t put it that way, my dear. I’ve found that my mental powers seem to work stronger on those with higher IQs. I don’t care for dull or stupid people; they are so boring and tedious on the soul. No I picked you because you are intelligent.”
“So even back at school you could control me?” she asked.
“Yes,” he replied. “I also discovered your feminine side and repressed it…other than when you were getting ready for the play. When I saw how feminine the real you was, I knew that I had to have you.”
He refilled her glass and she thanked him.
“So, you picked me out back at Norton, but why did wait until now?” asked Rachel.
“How old were you then? Seventeen? Besides, even if you were older at the time, image the outrage if I got caught with a student, it would have ruined both of us,” he explained.
“I turned eighteen just before Ken and I…” Memories of what she and Ken had done came flooding back. “You let me have sex…as a woman,” she said.
He nodded. “I wanted to see how you handled it. It was better for you to explore your feminine side with a guy close to your own age. Did you enjoy losing your virginity to Ken?”
“Yes, I did,” she replied honestly. “It was… quite wonderful.”
She was shocked that she answered his question so freely. However, she wasn’t lying; her time with Ken was very special.
“I’m pleased to hear that. When a girl loses her virginity it should be with a boy that means a lot to her.”
“Are you the reason why Ken and I started dating?” she asked.
“Not exactly, he definitely was attracted to you; I just gave him a mental nudge so he would ask you out. As I said, you already had desires…to be both feminine and to be with a man. Everything that happened between you two was real.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” she said. “So, why did you block our memories of what happened?”
“Like I said, I wanted you for myself,” he explained. “After all that time and effort I put into you, the last thing I wanted was someone else to benefit and take you away.”
“Why did you wait so long to bring me here?” she asked.
“The play has taken up much of my time and now that it is a success I am ready for a well earned break…and I plan on spending it with you and if things work out you will be mine from now on.”
She just stared back. As farfetched as it all sounded, deep down she knew it was true.
“Rachel, do you find me attractive?” he asked.
“Yes,” she replied honestly.
“I want you to think about this next question before answering. Are you sexually attracted to me?” he asked.
She looked at Max. Even though he was much older than her, she had to admit that he was very handsome, and the more she thought about him, the more she became aroused. She could picture herself having sex with him.
“I find you very attractive,” she replied.
“And do you want to have sex with me? Remember, you must be honest,” he stated. “Let the woman in you out…let her answer.”
He had implanted a very strong sex drive into Rachel and now he planned to use it.
“Yes, I want to be with you, Max,” she replied softly. She then licked her lips without realizing it.
“Very good, your female side is taking over. This is the same part of you that made love to Ken. This is the same female side that allowed you to play Juliet with such passion,” he explained.
“Is…is this the way I will be from now on?” she asked.
“As I said, you’ve always been this way, I didn’t make you transgendered. I can hide the feeling again if you desire, but that isn’t healthy,” he replied.
“Does this mean that I have a choice in all this?” she asked.
“Of course, my dear Rachel. If you decide that you would rather live out your life as a male then I will comply with your wishes. However, if you decide to stay as Rachel, then I will feminize the body to match the mind. I have discovered a marvelous hormone solution that will quickly transform your body. You would have real breasts and curves, but you would still be able to get hard. I will also have you get some facial surgery. You are quite beautiful, but even beauty can be improved.”
She nodded.
“You will be reborn, Rachel,” he continued softly. “There will be times when you will be a lady… and other times you will be my whore…it will all depends on what sort of mood I am in. Do you like that? Does that arouse you?”
It was very appealing she thought. While she was still uneasy about the way it was happening, she knew that her gender issues were real…unless they were planted in her mind. She looked Max straight into his eyes.
“I have one concern…it’s obvious that you can control me and can place ideas in my head. How can I make a real honest decision? I mean, it would be very possible for you to make me want to stay,” she stated.
“I told you I don’t want a slave. Yes, I could easily make you my totally obedient property, but what is pleasure in that? Don’t get me wrong, I want…I crave your submissive and devotion to me, but I want it to be given willingly. I hope by the end of the two weeks, you will see that this is the life for you. But if you decide to leave, I will not stop you,” he explained. “You must trust me.”
“And should I leave and still want to be female, would you stop me?” she asked.
He smiled. “No, of course not. Personally, I think you’re better off as a woman.”
She nodded. “I…I know that these feeling to be female are real…in all ways.”
“Tell me about these feelings?”
“I…I want to feel your arms around me…I want you to make love to me,” she replied.
“Keep going,” he ordered. “Tell me about everything that’s going through your mind. Do you want to be controlled?”
She nodded. “I want to be your woman…I want to feel your cock inside me…I want to serve you.”
“So you realize that you are submissive?”
“Yes, I know that those are also true feelings. I loved how it felt when Ken took me in his arms and kissed me…I also loved the way his cock felt in my body,” she continued.
“Did you like sucking his cock?” he asked. “Do you like pleasuring a man with your mouth?”
Rachel nodded.
“Were you good at it?”
“He seemed to think so,” she replied.
Max smiled. He could see that her female side was totally in control. “Show me, my sweet Rachel, show me what a good cocksucker you are.”
Rachel slipped off the couch and positioned herself in front of Max. She watched with anticipation as he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his semi-erect cock. It was much larger than Ken’s she thought, but this didn’t stop her from leaning closer. Her tongue began to lick it slowly.
Max looked down as the young girl submitted to him. It was even better than he had hoped. If she was this willing so quickly then he would have no trouble breaking her will completely.
He moaned as she took his cock into her mouth.
Oh, Rachel, he thought, if you only knew the plans that I have for you, he thought. He might even be able to start some of the physical changes that he had planned if she stayed this willing.
Rachel was lost in the act of giving Max oral sex. What thoughts came to her head were those focused on pleasing her man. She could also feel herself giving in…and there was nothing she could do about it, and even worse, she didn’t want to fight it.
Chapter 17
“That was fantastic, Rachel,” complimented Max. “No wonder Ken loved being with you so much. You are every man’s dream.”
“Thank you, Max,” she replied as she sipped her wine. She found that she truly enjoyed pleasuring him.
“I truly believe that T-girls give the best oral sex. I guess it’s because you know what makes a cock feel good,” he stated as he looked at his watch. “I will have to leave shortly for the theater. I suspect that you will want to take a nap and rest. When I get back we will have a late dinner and talk. Is that okay with you, my sweet?”
“Yes, Max,” she replied.
“There is some lingerie in your room, it would please me to see you dressed in something sexy when I get home,” he continued.
She nodded.
Max leaned over and kissed her. As he did, he got aroused as he thought how good it would it would feel after he had her tongue pierced.
“I have a few things that I would like to tell you,” he said. “I don’t like to consider them orders, but you must do these things, they are for your own safety and development.”
“What are they Max?” she asked.
“Now, you are to stay in the house and you are not allowed to use the phone or any other communication device; you are not to answer the door either,” he said.
“I will obey,” she replied.
“You have full run of the house, with the exception of my office. It is on the third floor and the door is locked,” he continued.
“I will obey your rules, Max,” she replied.
“Very good,” he stated as he kissed her again. “You can trust me, Rachel.”
She nodded, but at the same time she wondered if she could.
Chapter 18
Rachel was waiting for Max when he came home from the theater.
She was dressed in a white lace bustier, matching panties, white silk stockings, and high heels.
“Almost perfect,” he replied as he took her by the hand and pulled her closer.
“I did everything you requested,” she replied meekly. “What did I do wrong?”
“It’s not that, my dear. You did everything that was asked of you,” he answered. He ran his fingers across her flat chest.
“Oh, I see what you mean,” she replied. “The breast pads didn’t look right in it.”
“Even with breast pads, it wouldn’t look right,” he stated.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Would you like to have your own breasts?” he asked as he walked her into the living room.
“Oh. I understand now, but I can’t do anything about that,” she explained.
“Please sit down, my dear,” he said as he motioned to the couch. “Actually you can do something about it. I can start you on hormones.”
After she sat down, she gracefully crossed her legs.
“I thought you said that you wanted to wait…until after the two weeks,” she stated. .
“I’m impatient my dear. The idea of seeing you with your own breasts is so exciting,” he replied.
“Does that mean that you think that I’m going to stay female?” she asked.
He poured them each a glass of wine. “Yes…yes I do.”
She nodded slowly.
“Now that your memories have been unlocked, I imagine that you also want to stay female…now that you have the opportunity to do so,” he continued. “Isn’t that true?”
“I do feel more comfortable like this. I can remember what it was like growing up and hiding these feelings. I had forgotten how conflicting it all was.”
“Like I said, I picked you because of your feminine side…I didn’t make you this way,” he said as he handed her a glass of wine.
“Thank you,” she replied as she took a sip.
“I want to unleash the woman in you, Rachel. Your path will be easier if your body starts to match your mind. Picture yourself with breasts…with feminine curves…doesn’t that excite you?”
She nodded.
“Let me help you Rachel,” he said softly.
“I…I’d like that,” she replied.
“Do you want me to make love to you?”
Rachel nodded.
Max licked his lips. “Good, let’s go upstairs and into my bedroom.”
Chapter 19
Rachel cuddled next to Max…her lover. She was still glowing from the sensation of having his cock in her body.
“Please tell me more about the hormones, Max.”
Like I said they are very strong…and will work very quickly. You will see physical changes within a week, within a month you will have noticeable breasts and with each passing day you will have the body that matches your mind.”
“I thought that hormones took longer to work,” she remarked.
“Most do, but I have seen the results of these. The changes are quite remarkable,” he said. “They are designed for people like you…those who are born with a male body and a female mind; they act differently than regular hormones. Search your soul Rachel…you know you want this.”
“When can I start on them?” she asked.
He acted mildly surprised, even though he knew she would be asking him this.
“I can give you the first dose right now if you wish,” he replied.
“I’d like that,” she said.
Chapter 20
Rachel was a little surprised that the hormones had to be injected into her body, but Max explained that it was necessary.
It was the first time that she had ever had a shot in her butt, but it didn’t hurt that bad.
“I will give you a dose every day for the first week, and then you can shift to the liquid form of the solution,” he explained.
“What happens if I change my mind?” she asked.
“You can quit at anytime…your body will slowly change back,” he lied.
The hormones he was using were very strong and the changes that they would cause were irreversible. In fact, the hormones would eventually alter her body chemistry permanently. Her tesicles would shrink and for all practical purposes she would be sterile.
There was an additional side effect that would increase her submissive nature. Combined with the mental domination he planned for her, she would soon be totally under his command.
He had been patient long enough and now that he had Rachel in his hands, he had no intention of letting her go.
“You may feel a little sleepy,” he explained.
She stifled a yawn. “I am rather tired.”
“Why don’t you go to sleep?”
Rachel nodded. “What about dinner?”
“We’ll have breakfast when you get up,” he said as he kissed her good night.
Chapter 21
Rachel woke the next morning, feeling fatigued, however, she sloughed this off as a side effect of the hormone shot.
To her surprise, an outfit had been laid out for her. There was a note from Max asking her to wear it.
The outfit was very similar to the school girl uniform that she had worn back at Norton. As she dressed she realized that the skirt was much shorter and the blouse was tighter.
She followed the instructions from Max for her makeup. Like the previous night, her makeup was heavy and sexy. Rachel realized that she now looked like a rather slutty school girl…the type that most men dream about.
Max was very pleased with her appearance and he praised her for it.
“You look absolutely delicious, Rachel,” he remarked.
“Thank you, Max,” she replied.
“After we eat, I will give you another dose of hormones,” he stated. “There’s no point in postponing the inevitable.”
Rachel found that all she could do was nod in agreement. She felt like she was in a mental fog; she found that all she could do was respond to Max…and to obey him.
“And after that?” she asked.
“Then my dear Rachel… I will fuck you,” he replied.
Chapter 22
“How is she responding?” asked the woman sitting across from Max.
She was in her mid-thirties, thin, with short spiky red hair.
He looked around the crowded coffeehouse as if to see if anyone was listening to their conversation.
“She’s become very docile,” he replied. “I’m amazed how quickly she’s changing; I mean it’s only been a few days.”
The woman nodded. “That’s to be expected. She’ll be become even more submissive as the drugs take hold. Your mental ability to control her should accelerate the process. I doubt she realizes how she is being changed and controlled so completely by you,” she continued. She then took a sip of her coffee. “Each additional step you take to feminize her appearance will help to enforce her new status…especially those changes that are drastically different or even permanent.”
“What do you recommend?” asked Max.
“I would definitely style her hair…and change the color. Maybe give her a pageboy cut, dye her hair jet black… with some streaks of purple or magenta. I would also give her ears additional piercings,” suggested the woman. “Permanent makeup would also be a nice touch.”
Max smiled as he pictured Rachel’s new look.
“I would be happy to style her hair,” offered the woman. “And the other things too.”
“That’s very thoughtful,” said Max.
She licked her lips. “You know me Maxie, I love seeing a feminine sissy boy…so demure…obedient…eager to please.”
Max nodded.
“How many doses have you given her?” asked the woman.
“She’s been on them for five days,” said Max. “However, she’s been taking the male hormone repressing vitamins for several months now so I’m hoping to see results soon.”
“And she has no idea that you visited her three months ago?”
Max grinned. “Nope. I’m amazed how easy I have been able to control her.”
The woman took another sip of her coffee. “You have a wonderful gift. I know several people that would pay you a great deal of money for your services.”
“I have found that it works best on those who have a submissive streak…and having a strong feminine side also helps,” he remarked.
The woman smiled. “Those are exactly the subjects that my clients are seeking.”
“I will think about your offer,” said Max.
The woman nodded. “Good. I would like to go into business with you. Together we could become very wealthy.”
“Money isn’t everything,” he replied.
The woman nodded. “That may be true, but it does allow you to have a better life. It would allow you to spend more time with your girl.”
Max nodded. “That’s true. So when do you want to come by and style her hair?”
The woman pulled out her PDA. “How about tomorrow morning? I need to pick up a few things to do it right.”
“Tomorrow is fine. Should I tell her about it?”
The woman shook her head. “Let’s make it a surprise.”
Max nodded. “Tomorrow it is.”
“Do you think she suspects the truth…that you have no intention of letting her leave?”
“Maybe,” he replied. “But soon it will not matter.”
Chapter 23
Rachel stared at her reflection in the mirror in wonder. She couldn’t believe how different she looked.
Her hair was now cut short and styled in what the woman called a wedge cut.
She was also stunned by the new color. Her hair was now jet black…except for the dark red stripes that ran through it.
Her eyebrows were also dyed black and had been shaped so that they were now very thin and highly arched.
The overall look was very dramatic and made her look very feminine and sexy.
“I think that you should consider getting her permanent makeup,” stated the woman.
“What do you have in mind?” asked Max faking surprise with the woman’s suggestion.
“Eyeliner and lips would be a nice start; she wouldn’t have to worry about applying makeup first thing in the morning. I would also recommend collagen injections into the lips, the effect can be quite dramatic,” she replied. “I’m certified to do all of these procedures…in fact I can do them today.”
Max looked at Rachel as it to picture how she would look after the actions suggested.
“She would be quite stunning by the time I’m done with her,” continued the woman. “Very sexy and seductive…the type of look that would make her man very happy.”
Max nodded. “Do you want to be beautiful for me, Rachel?”
“Yes, I do,” replied Rachel softly.
“Very well, I can’t stand in her way. You can start when you’re ready,” he said to the woman.
“Very good,” replied the woman. She then turned to Rachel. “Don’t worry dear, I won’t hurt you. I also want you to look as beautiful as possible.”
While she was excited by the chance to further feminize Rachel, she was more excited about the control that Max had. While his control over Rachel was obviously complete, she was impressed by how little effort was needed to maintain dominance.
Chapter 24
A few days later, Rachel was looking at herself in the mirror and she no longer recognized the person looking back at her.
Thanks to the mystery woman, Rachel’s appearance was very different. She now had permanent eyeliner around her eyes. Her lips were now thicker, pouty and dyed a permanent light shade of pink. The effect was stunning as she now looked feminine even without makeup.
She then ran her fingers over her ears and touched the additional studs that were now in her ears. Next she examined the gold ring that was now in her left nostril. She remembered vaguely Max saying how he would like to attach a chain from the ring and run it to her earlobe.
Next she stuck out her tongue and examined the stud that was now part of her body. The woman told Max that once it healed, it would provide him great pleasure when Rachel gave him oral.
Not that it mattered, but she now knew that Max had lied to her about just keeping her for two weeks. With each passing day, her body was further modified and feminized.
She looked at her breasts. Her nipples showed the most change, they were larger, more sensitive and even darker in color. Her breasts were still small, but there was obvious swelling. If the changes continued at the same rate, she would have sizable breasts in no time at all.
Max’s control over her was now firmly established and she knew that no matter what he told her, he had no intention of letting her go.
She knew that there was nothing she could do about this either. It was impossible to disobey him…in fact; she got genuine joy when she pleased him. Deep down she knew that he had also implanted this in her mind.
She also knew that no one would come looking for her. She had told no one where she was going…for all practical purposes Richard Greene had disappeared off the face of the earth, and now she was just Rachel…the property of Max Prendergast.
He controlled all aspects of her life. It wasn’t mean spirited or anything like that, it was just that she did everything he told her to do. He picked out her outfits and sometimes he even watched her dress.
Today she was dressed all in white. She was wearing a corset, stockings, panties, high heels. He decided that was enough as he said that he wanted to enjoy looking at her body.
All her life she had dreamed she could be a woman…what she hadn’t counted on was that her dream would become a nightmare.
Chapter 25
“Ken, I’m sorry to bother you, but have you heard from Richard?” asked the woman on the phone.
“No, Mrs. Greene, why?” asked Ken as he sat up in his chair. He could tell from the tone of her voice that she was very worried.
“I haven’t talked to him in over three weeks,” she replied nervously. “I’ve tried his cell phone and now it’s disconnected.”
“That doesn’t sound like him. Have you called the college?”
“Yes, he finished his finals and moved out of his apartment,” she replied. “I figured he wanted some time off after classes ended, but I thought he would have called me by now.”
“Um… have you called the police?”
“Yes, I filed a missing persons report; I think the police feel I’m overreacting. I’ve just been calling all his friends and seeing if they have heard from him.”
Ken sensed that something must be very wrong as Rich wasn’t the type to just take off and not let anyone know about it.
“Look, I can take a drive down to where he had been living and see if I can find out anything,” offered Ken.
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you. The police said they would look around for him…but I think they just feel that he’s off enjoying summer break somewhere, I know he’s in trouble, Ken, I can feel it in my bones.”
“Okay, I’ll call you if I find anything out.”
After he hung up he called a relative in law enforcement.
Chapter 26
Ken drive down from Boston to Storrs, Connecticut that afternoon. In addition to Rich’s last known address, he also had some other leads that his uncle had provided him. Sometimes it paid to have a relative who was a federal agent.
Rich’s landlord had no information; just that Rich had paid the last month’s rent and had moved out.
“I’m sorry to see him leave. He kept his place immaculate and always paid his rent on time, real quiet too,” said the old man, who appeared to be in his seventies whose name was John Jamison.
Ken smiled, that sounded like Rich.
“Did he have many visitors, Mr. Jamison?” asked Ken.
John shook his head then paused. “Please call me John. Come to think of it, there was that car that was there a few times…big expensive foreign job…German…with NY plates. It was here a few times, but I just thought it was a relative or family friend. Never saw who was driving the car.”
“You sure the person was there for Rich?” asked Ken.
John nodded. “Parked in his guest spot and no one complained.”
“And it was from NY?”
John nodded again. “Can’t miss the plates. Fuckin’ New Yorkers come up here every fall to see the leaves…clogging up the road. Don’t they have trees down there?”
Ken laughed.
“There was something else on it….one of those EZ pass things in the window…you know so you can speed through the tolls,” said John. “I hate paying those damn tolls, but I don’t go down that way much anymore…not worth getting the pass.”
Ken made a note to ask Mrs. Greene if Rich had any family in NYC.
“Thanks. Do you have any other info?” asked Ken.
“You really think something is wrong?” asked John.
“His mom is worried and I’ve known Rich for years… he’s not the type to just run off and not tell anyone.”
The old man rubbed his chin. “Yeah, come to think of it…I got a call from some storage unit place that was trying to contact him. It’s the big place you passed when you pulled into town.”
“Do you think they’ll talk to me?” asked Ken.
John nodded. “I know the owner; we play cards together at the VFW. His name is Bill Long.”
Chapter 27
Ken sat across from Bill, who also looked to be in his seventies.
They were sitting in the office of the storage area.
“Checking on your friend?” asked Bill.
“A little, I told his mom I would look around for her,” replied Ken. “And…I’m also a little worried. It’s not like him to run off like this.”
“Nice kid. I don’t remember them all, but he was real polite. He paid for three months in advance.”
“Is that all?” asked Ken.
Bill shook his head. “No, a week ago I got another payment; a US Postal money order for an entire year’s rent. I tried to confirm with him, but none of the numbers work so I called John.”
“Where was the letter sent from?” asked Ken.
Bill got up slowly and walked over to a file cabinet and began to sort through the files. “Here it is, old habit, I never throw anything away.”
Ken took the envelope and saw that there was no return address. He did see that it was postmarked from New York City.
“Do you have a copy of the money order?” asked Ken.
Bill smiled. “You sound like a cop.”
Ken laughed. “I have family in law enforcement…might go in myself.”
“Good job…I was a state trooper for a while after I got out of the army. Yep, I have a copy of the money order…too may fakes out there these days.”
“Can I get a copy?” asked ken.
Bill nodded. “I don’t see the harm in that.”
Ken looked at the money order and the note that accompanied it. There was something strange about the signature. It was too neat. He had always remembered Rich having a very sloppy signature.
Chapter 28
Ken spent the next two days in Storrs asking questions, but no one seemed to have a clue what happened to Rich. He asked around the apartment complex, and a few remember seeing the car. Only one person remembered seeing the driver, but all they got was a quick look. They said the driver was a well dressed white man.
Ken reviewed what he had and then he called his uncle.
“Sorry to bother you, but I’m now convinced that Rich is in trouble,” said Ken. He then told his uncle everything he had found out.
“Sounds like you did more than the local police did,” said the man on the other end of the phone.
“I know it’s not much, but I think that Rich may be in New York City, but as to where I have no idea,” replied Ken.
“I’ll run a trace on the money order and I can tell you where it was bought…I have some friends in the Post Office who owe me some favors,” said the man.
“Thanks. Oh, I checked with Rich’s mom. They don’t have any friends or family in New York.”
“What about friends from school?”
“No, and I even called some of our friends from Norton,” said Ken.
“Okay, I’ll get back to you soon. If you think of anything else let me know,” said the man.
“Thanks, Uncle Steve, I really appreciate the help.”
“No problem, Ken. By the way, you did a good job in collecting the evidence. Let me know if you’re still interested in joining the family business,” replied Special Agent Steve Williams.
“I will thanks.”
Chapter 29
Rachel examined her body in the mirror prior to her morning bath. Her breasts were still small, but quite noticeable. She could almost fill out a B-Cup bra on her own now.
She ran her hands over her hips and could feel how they were also changing thanks to the hormones. It was shocking how fast her body was changing.
As she stepped into the bath, she tried to remember how long she had been with Max. It was hard to remember as she hadn’t been outside since she arrived. She was also forbidden to read the newspaper, watch television or even listen to the radio. To the best of her knowledge it was three, maybe four weeks now.
The only things she was allowed her read were romance novels, poems, and of course plays.
She let out a contented moan of pleasure as she eased into the hot bathwater.
As she soaked she wondered if or when Max would take her out of the house. He had said that he wanted to wait until after her surgery.
Rachel ran her fingers over her face and frowned. She didn’t like the idea of having an operation on her face…she felt she was pretty as it was. But she also knew that Max wanted some changes. She had overheard him talking about it with the woman who cut her hair…and had done other things to her. She also finally heard the woman’s name; Heidi.
While it hadn’t happened yet, Max told her that there would be times that he would be sharing her with the woman.
He also told her that she would get feminization facial surgery soon. It would give her a smaller nose, higher cheeks, and larger lips. He also mentioned something about redoing her chin.
She didn’t know when it was going to happen, but she suspected it would be soon.
Deep down, she knew that the real reason for the surgery was to permanently disguise her. He was going to erase all aspects of her old life. Without the hope of rescue what little resistance she had left faded with each passing day.
Chapter 30
“So is everything in place?” asked Heidi as she sipped her champagne.
Max nodded. “Yes, Rachel will be operated on tomorrow. I’m taking her up to the doctor this evening.”
“Can I watch the surgery?” asked the woman with an evil smile on her face.
“Sure, if the doctor doesn’t have a problem with it,” said Max.
“I know him quite well, and he knows my…desires, I doubt he will mind,” she replied. She took another drink. “You seem a little nervous.”
“I just want to get this next step over with,” he replied.
“I’m sure you’ll sleep easier once she has been altered,” said Heidi. “I doubt many people would even suspect she’s actually male. I don’t think you have to worry about someone seeing her and recognizing her even without the surgery.”
“That’s true…I covered my tracks pretty well and I doubt anyone would be able to trace her to me.”
“Then why take all these risks? I mean, there are plenty of willing males who would kill to be transformed in the way you are changing Rachel,” said Heidi.
“Where’s the fun in that?” he asked fighting back a snicker.
Heidi laughed. “Oh, I can relate to forcing someone into servitude, but why take the risk of grabbing someone who could be traced back to you? Are you one of those types turned on by danger?”
“No, it’s nothing like that. I have wanted this one since I saw her back in that stuffy private school. I suspected she would make a lovely woman, but I was stunned by how feminine she was,” replied Max. “I know it’s a bit of an obsession, but it’s worth it. She is incredible in bed, so eager to please. I have never met anyone that I could so easily control.”
“When did you first know she was transgendered?”
“When I interviewed her for the role of Juliet; I placed her under my control and questioned her. When she told me that she really wanted to be a woman…well it was a dream come true.”
“Did you also implant the desire to have sex with that boy?”
“Yes, but again, it wasn’t that difficult, she had the desires in her…I just gave her focus. I also had to implant the urges in the boy’s mind. The hard part was blocking her feelings and memories after the play…I had to do the same to the boy…he was a little more difficult to handle, but in the end he also fell under my control.”
Heidi nodded. “So have you considered my business offer?”
“Yes I have. I would like to wait until I have worked a bit more with Rachel if you don’t mind,” he replied.
“Good,” she replied. However she was disappointed that Max wasn’t more enthusiastic to her business offer and she wondered if he was having second thoughts. “I promise that this will be very profitable for both of us.”
He nodded. “I said that I would think about it.”
“Max, my dear, may I ask you for a small favor?” she asked.
“Ask away,” he replied.
“Can I fuck her before you take her in for the facial surgery? I just love using a strap-on on a sissy boy,” she confessed.
“Do you mind if I watch?” he asked.
Heidi licked her lips. “No, in fact I love having an audience.”
Chapter 31
“The money order was bought in New York City, the same place the letter had been sent from,” said Steve.
“Okay, so what happens now?” asked Ken.
“You feel like a trip to the city?”
“What do you have in mind?” asked Ken. He was excited about the idea of helping on the investigation.
“I’ve arranged for you to sit down with a postal inspector friend of mine. He’ll let you look through the surveillance video for that day.”
“Um, how legal is this?” asked Ken.
“Perfectly legal, after all this isn’t an official investigation...yet. It’s also payback for a favor,” replied Steve. “While this isn’t an official investigation right now, but we still need to do this right. If you turn up anything let me know immediately. If it looks promising I can get involved.”
“Okay, I can be there tomorrow morning,” said Ken.
“Excellent, save all your receipts, I’ll pick up the cost for you,” said Steve. Then he provided Ken with a name and address.
“Good luck,” said Steve. “Look, if you need any additional help, let me know.”
Chapter 32
“Her surgery was a success,” explained the doctor as he met with Max and Heidi.
“How long will it take for her to recover?” asked Max.
“She should recover rather quickly as I used some new procedures…not exactly approved…but very effective, still, I would like to keep her here for a week, maybe two,” said the doctor. “Don’t worry, it’s very safe and secure here. Part of what I offer is total secrecy. Anyway, I don’t have any other guests right now so you’ll have the place to yourselves.”
Max nodded. The services were expensive, but worth it. Doctor X, as he was known, had once been a top plastic surgeon. However, his license was revoked due his arrest for sexual abuse of his clients. He had raped a woman that had been unconscious. He now worked underground, providing services to a wide variety of clients, who wished to obtain operations in secret.
His current alias came from the case that had cost him his license. The DA called him an ex-doctor and he decided that was a good name to use for his new business. In fact he refused to answer to anything else. His clients were willing to overlook his eccentricities due to his brilliant surgical skills.
Dr. X’s clients ranged from wanted criminals to sexual slaves. Personally, he didn’t care as long as he was paid top dollar, which he was.
To conduct his business, Dr. X owned a large farm. He had picked the location to be close enough to major cities, but far enough away to escape attention. The entire basement had been converted into an operating room. The second floor was a secure recovery area.
“You caught me at a good time,” said Dr. X. “Things have been rather slow lately.”
“I had hoped to take her home sooner,” said Max.
“She’ll be fine. Besides, there’s not much you can do with her right now as he needs to heal,” said Dr. X. “I like the physical changes you have started. Her breasts are very nice. What sort of hormones have you been using?”
Max described them.
“How much larger will her breasts get?’ asked Dr. X.
“Her current bra size is 32-B and they should go up two cup sizes in the next few months,” he replied.
“How many more doses will that take?”
Max shook his head. “None, the concoction is very strong and stays in the body a long time. She may need occasional back doses, but considering her age that might not be necessary. I was told that the drugs change the body’s chemistry.”
“Can you put your supplier in contact with me?” asked the doctor.
Max nodded.
“Good. Now, will you be staying here, or will you be heading back to the city?”
“I’ll be staying here. I am on leave from the theater and will not be starting a new production until next year. As soon as Rachel has recovered, I plan on taking her on a little trip.”
Chapter 33
Ken arrived in New York for his meeting with the postal inspector. It was a hot humid day and the air conditioning in the office felt wonderful.
“I’m Kevin Jones,” greeted the large African-American man as he vigorously shook Ken’s hand.
“Pleased to meet you. Thank you for helping,” replied Ken.
“Hey I owe your uncle big time, he’s a good man, one of the best, I’m glad to be able to finally pay him back,” explained Kevin. “Follow me; I’ve set up a room for you.”
Kevin led Ken to a small office.
“I’ve hooked up a copy of the surveillance video in here. It covers the day that the money order was purchased,” said Kevin.
Ken sat down and started the VCR.
“Call me if you have any questions,” said Kevin. “I’ll be in my office.”
Ken found that he really had to concentrate as he watched the video. It wasn’t the best quality and there were so many people in the post office. He found that he had to watch very carefully, and he replayed several sections.
He watched it twice without seeing Rich. He played it one more time, this time looking for anything strange.
Forty minutes into the video his eyes opened wide.
He played it back several times to confirm what he had seen.
He was positive it was Mr. Prendergast from Norton.
He thought about school and some strange memories he had. They were sort of like when it was like when you tried to remember a dream. They were memory snippets and he realized that they all involved Rich.
Ken pulled out his cell phone and called his uncle.
He told him what he had seen.
“I know it’s probably just a coincidence,” said Ken.
“In my line of work there is no such thing. Give me this teacher’s full name and I’ll run a background check on him,” said Steve.
Twenty minutes later Ken’s phone rang.
Steve told him what he had found out about Max Prendergast.
“He’s living in New York City and has just produced a rather successful play. He’s pretty well off financially, having inherited a large sum of money from his grandfather. He’s single, never been married, never been arrested…in all everything appears to very normal. “
“So what do we do? Do I stop by his house and see if Rich is there?” asked Ken. “I mean, it’s probably something innocent.”
“And it might not be,” said Steve, “No, I’ll have a friend take a look.”
“Okay, so what do you want me to do?”
“Nothing…for now,” said Steve. “By the way…great job, Ken, I’ve very proud of you.”
Chapter 34
Rachel woke up and groaned slightly from the pain from her surgery. Her entire face was bandaged.
A nurse checked in on her and gave her an injection to ease the pain.
The nurse’s name was Gina. She had once been a nurse at the same hospital where Dr. X had worked. She had been arrested for stealing drugs and had served two years for this offense. Dr. X had hired her after she had been paroled and she had worked for him ever since.
“Just so you know, the doctor was very pleased with the surgery. You’ll be gorgeous!” she said.
Rachel moaned a reply.
“Just lay back and relax…you shouldn’t try and do anything for a while,” said the nurse.
Max looked in and smiled.
“I know it must hurt my dear, but it will be worth it,” he said. “You’ll be staying here for a week…maybe longer.”
Rachel nodded.
“Good girl, why don’t you get some sleep?” he suggested.
Rachel closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 35
“What did you find out, Walt?” asked Steve.
“We stopped by the house and also the theater where he last worked. No one has seen him in the last few days,” said the NY City detective. “The neighbors said that he wasn’t that social and they didn’t know him well.”
Walt Taylor had once worked for Steve, but had decided to shift back to regular law and enforcement to appease his wife and kids.
“Any idea when he’ll be back?” asked Steve.
“No one knows a thing,” replied Walt. “What’s going on with this, since when do Feds get involved in a missing person’s case?”
“It’s a favor for my nephew,” replied Steve.
“Okay…but is that all?”
“No…I have one of those feelings…a sickening feeling in the pit of the stomach type of thing if you know what I mean.”
“Well, I tell you what I’ll do, I’ll dig a bit deeper and see what turns up on Mr. Prendergast,” said Walt. “Maybe if we get enough info we can get a search warrant.”
“Okay and I’ll do some checking on my own,” said Steve.
“Must be some bad feeling,” said Walt.
“Uh huh. Do you remember that sex slave ring we broke a few years ago?”
“Which one?”
“The one that I threatened to kill that bastard of a British diplomat back in Washington, DC,” said Steve with a grin.
“Oh yeah, I do, the Margo Simon case, that was a bad one.”
“Well, I have the same sort of bad feeling on this one,” confessed Steve.
“Shit,” replied Walt.
“My exact thoughts,” said Steve. “Anyway for now I’m still just an observer. I can’t get directly involved unless something else turns up.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” replied Walt.
Chapter 36
The next day Walt called Steve.
“What do you have?” asked Steve.
“You were right about the local cops not doing a thing. They think the kid is probably getting drunk or stoned down in Florida,” said Walt. “Anyway, I decided to try some actual police work; I talked to the missing kid’s mom and got her permission to assist. We ran a trace on the missing kid’s phones and came up with several calls from a cell phone here in the city. There were six calls over a three month period. All the calls took place before the end of the school year.”
“Can you trace the phone?”
“We tried, it was stolen,” said Walt.
“What the hell. How did someone use a stolen phone for three months and not get caught?”
“It was stolen from an electronics store out on Long Island. I placed a few calls and tracked down the fine upstanding citizen who activated it and he agreed to help…for a reduction in charges,” explained Walt. “I didn’t tell him what sort of case this involved. He didn’t know Prendergast, but he gave me a list of his clients.”
“I’m sure he keeps them for tax reasons. So who’s on the list?” asked Steve.
“Most were nothing, but one name sticks out; does the name Heidi Walsh ring any bells?”
Steve paused before answering. “You sure?”
“Our perp identified her photo from a lineup book,” said Walt.
“I thought she was in prison,” said Steve. “Wasn’t she convicted of running a call girl service…very high end…rather perverted clientele?”
“Among other things, she was also accused of sexual slavery,” interjected Walt.
“Tell me more,” said Steve.
“She got out of prison on appeal, the DA thinks she paid off the witnesses,” said Walt. “She also beat the sexual slavery charges against her.”
“Anything else?”
“Of course. I contracted my cousin in the traffic department and he told me that his people ticketed a car registered to Heidi Walsh twice within two blocks of Prendergast’s home this past month.”
“Okay, but that’s still weak,” said Steve.
“Yes, but being a trained detective I asked Prendergast’s neighbors and two identified Walsh.”
“So we have a known sexual predator and suspect in the sex slave business visiting a suspect in a missing person’s case…is that enough for you to get a warrant?”
“Shaky at best,” said Walt. “I’d like to get some more evidence before taking it to the DA. Missing person cases aren’t a top priority right now, even those involving potential sexual slavery.”
“I understand. Wait, I just thought of something!” replied Steve as he flipped through his notes. “Does Prendergast have a car?”
Walt checked his computer files. “Yes, a 2008 Lexus, silver with NY plates.”
“What kind of car does Heidi drive?” asked Steve.
Walt typed some more. “Here it is, a 2007 BMW 355i…Monaco Blue Metallic in color, NY plates. Nice car, well beyond my salary.”
“It wouldn’t be if you weren’t so honest. Now, can you see if she has an EZ Pass for the car and if so, get the records for the last few months,” said Steve.
“My nephew learned from the missing kid’s landlord that a dark blue foreign car was parked at the apartment a few times. The car had an EZ Pass,” said Steve.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do,” said Walt.
“I appreciate this. I’ll also work it from my end,” said Steve. “Thanks Walt, I’ll keep you informed.”
“Sure thing Steve…it’s good to work with you again.”
Steve hung up his phone and then called Ken.
Chapter 37
“Tell me everything you know about Mr. Prendergast, Ken,” asked Steve.
“To be honest I’m having trouble remembering him in any great detail. It’s weird, I know that I took three years of theater with him, but I can barely remember anything,” said Ken.
“You mean that you can’t remember anything specific?”
“No, this is going to sound really bizarre but I can barely remember him at all…which is strange as I was on stage crew for him for three years, yet I have to concentrate on him to remember any details.”
“It is strange,” said Steve.
“I don’t know if this means anything…but I have a feeling that something happened back at school…I just don’t know what,” said Ken cautiously. He told Steve about the vague memories. “I have memories of dreams…of having sex… with Rachel.”
“Rachel, who is Rachel?”
Ken told Steve about the play and how Rich dressed as a girl.
“It’s probably nothing,” said Ken.
“Where are you now?” asked Steve.
“I’m back in Boston,” said Ken.
“Give me your address, I’m coming up to talk to you,” said Steve.
“You sound worried,” stated Ken.
“I just have a feeling,” replied Steve.
Chapter 38
Steve talked to Ken as they drove down I-95 towards Providence, Rhode Island. He was pleased to see that his older sister’s kid was now a tall handsome young man.
“Do you really think that I was hypnotized?” asked Ken fighting off disbelief.
“Hypnotized, mind control, it doesn’t matter what you call it…it’s a possibility and it could explain how Prendergast gained control over Rich,” explained Steve.
“So…these memories of ...Ri…Rachel…they might not be dreams?”
“I don’t know, Ken, but we better check it out,” continued Steve.
“So you think that Rich is in trouble?”
Steve nodded. “Unfortunately in my line of work I’ve seen a few cases like this. Dr. Sullivan will be able to confirm if Prendergast hypnotized you…and if so it may give us some leads on where to find him. I’m sorry.”
“What else have you found out?” asked Ken.
“Heidi Walsh’s car passed into Connecticut several times during the period that the landlord said that Rich had a visitor. The landlord confirmed that the car was a BMW 33i, just like Heidi Walsh drives. I stopped on the way up here and showed him a photo of the car. I suspect that Prendergast borrowed the car to cover his tracks.”
“Why would he be visiting Rich?”
“Maybe he was laying the groundwork. I suspect he didn’t exactly abduct Rich, rather he hypnotized Rich and had him come to New York.”
“Why?” asked Ken with trepidation in his voice.
“I’m not sure,” replied Steve.
“But…you have an idea…right?” asked Ken.
Steve nodded. “You said that Rich played the part of Juliet in the school play and that he was selected for this role by Prendergast, right? And while Rich was learning his part he dressed as a girl, a girl called Rachel?”
Ken nodded and then it hit him. “You don’t mean that he has Rich dressed up like a girl right now?”
“Or worse,” replied Steve.
Chapter 39
Steve parked in front of the three-story brick building in Providence Rhode Island that served as Dr. Angela Sullivan’s home and office.
“Angela is an old family friend,” explained Steve. “She’s one of the best psycho-therapists that I’ve ever known. She’s also trained in hypnosis; I think she can help us figure out what’s going on.”
Ken nodded as they walked up to the house.
“What I’m trying to say Ken is that I trust her…and that means that you can trust her,” said Steve.
“I just want to know what happened to Rich,” said Ken. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”
They were met by a thin woman who was holding a large orange tomcat that was struggling in vain to flee outside.
“I see the furry beast is still trying to escape,” greeted Steve.
“Yes, Pumpkin has the soul of a cougar…but there are too many cars to let him run free,” she replied.
Once they were both inside, she set the cat down. Pumpkin immediately began to rub up against their legs before heading off down the hall.
“Give me a hug you old pirate,” said Angela.
Steve smiled and hugged her.
Ken smiled as he saw the genuine friendship that existed between his uncle and Dr. Sullivan.
“This is my nephew Ken,” Steve announced.
Angela gave him a friendly hug.
“I’m very pleased to meet you Ken,” she greeted.
“Pleased to meet you Dr. Sullivan,” replied Ken.
“Polite too!” she stated as she looked at Steve.
“I’m the only pirate in the family,” replied Steve with a grin.
“Ken, please call me Angela,” she replied.
“I will…thanks,” he replied.
“Your uncle told me a little about his concerns. Why don’t we go back into my office and talk?”
“Just us?” asked Ken.
Angela nodded. “Steve, if you want something to drink, you know where the kitchen is.”
“Call me if you need anything,” said Steve.
Chapter 40
“How’s she doing Doc?” asked Max.
“Everything is proceeding according to schedule. She’s healing nicely and there is no sign of any infection,” answered Dr. X. “I still want to keep her here for at least another week. There’s not a lot you can do with her anyway as I’m keeping her lightly sedated.”
Max nodded. “Sorry, I’m just anxious to get back to New York.”
“You can go back now if you want. You don’t have to worry about her,” continued Dr. X.
Heidi walked over and slipped her arm around Max’s waist.
“He’s right, you’re going stir-crazy here, why don’t I drive you back down to the city. That way you can have everything ready for her when she’s released,” she said.
“I suppose you’re right,” he said.
“Just to make sure she doesn’t cause any trouble, why don’t you order her to obey me?” suggested Heidi.
Max nodded. “That makes sense.”
He walked over to Rachel’s bed and told her that he had to head back to the city and that she must obey Heidi’s orders as if they were his own.
Rachel nodded submissively.
“I’ll be back to take you home,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips.
Chapter 41
Over in Providence, Angela was sitting on her couch sipping a glass of Sandeman port. Pumpkin was lounging on her lap, purring contently as Angela was gently scratching his chin.
Steve was sitting across from her with Ken next to him.
“I can’t believe that I was repressing these memories,” muttered Ken softly. “I can’t believe I had sex with Rachel…I mean Rich.”
“I don’t think you had any choice, Ken,” said Angela. “From what I could tell Prendergast convinced you that Rich was really Rachel…and that she was a real girl.”
“How is this possible, Angela? I mean, I know that most hypnosis this strong is usually done with drugs and is done over a long period of time. From what you said, this Prendergast was able to control Ken and Rich quite easily,” asked Steve.
“I’ve read studies about people with strong mental abilities. I’ve always been rather skeptical…until now,” she explained. “If this man has these sorts of powers there is no telling what he is capable of making Rich do.”
She took another sip of the port.
“Ken, did Rich ever say anything about wanting to be a woman?” she asked.
“You think he’s transgendered?” asked Ken.
“It makes sense…it would be easier for Prendergast to control him if he was,” she said.
Ken shook his head. “He never said anything…but then again…when he was Rachel…he said how normal it felt. Rich is in deep trouble isn’t he?”
She nodded. “Steve, you need to find Prendergast as soon as possible,” said Angela. “And I would like Ken to stay here a few days. I would like to work with him in dealing with what has happened.”
“How do you feel about that Ken?” asked Steve.
“I‘m okay,” he replied.
“Ken, you can be honest with us,” said Angela softly. “I think it’s wonderful that you want to help your friend, but you’re a victim of Prendergast’s abuse too.”
“Listen to her, Ken,” stated Steve.
Ken nodded. “I guess you two are right. I’m sort of overwhelmed by these memories…I know they’re real…I just can’t believe…well you know.”
Steve smiled. “I understand.”
“What about Rich? Are you going to find him?” asked Ken nervously.
“I’m going to do my best,” he replied as pulled out his cell phone. He called Walt.
“How soon can you have a search warrant for Prendergast’s home?” demanded Steve. He then told the detective what he had discovered.
“A few hours…maybe longer, I don’t know if the DA will buy what you’re telling me,” stated Walt.
“Give me your DA’s number,” ordered Steve.
“Sure thing, but I doubt he’ll be impressed by talking to you,” continued Walt. “He’s not impressed with feds.”
“He’s not going to talk to me…he’s going to listen to The Director of the Agency.”
Walt chuckled. “The old man himself? Damn, you haven’t changed a bit Steve…and thank god for that.”
“Well, this is personal now, it involves family,” replied Steve.
Chapter 42
Steve Williams arrived at Max Prendergast’s home in a NYC patrol car that had picked him up at the airport.
“Thanks for the ride,” said Steve as he stepped out of the car.
“Hell, it was my pleasure,” replied the officer. “I enjoyed hearing those stories about Det. Taylor. I always thought he had a wild side, never knew he had been a fed.”
Steve nodded and walked up the steps. He had been briefed on what had happened on the way in from the airport.
Walt greeted him in the main hallway.
“Have you gone into the room yet?”
Walt shook his head. “We waited for you. I’ll show you the room after I introduce you to Max Prendergast.”
“Where is he?” asked Steve.
“In the living room, the forensics team is still doing their thing,” said Walt.
“What have you found out?” asked Steve as he followed Walt into the living room.
The body of Max Prendergast was lying on its stomach. There were three bullet holes in his back.
“The house was empty. Prendergast was shot at close range…probably never saw it coming,” said Walt. “The holes look like 10 millimeter. Whoever shot him took the shell casings…rather strange. Also, nothing appears to be missing. It looks like an execution.”
Steve saw the broken crystal decanter near Prendergast’s right hand. Near his left were the shattered remains of a glass. On the table next to the body was a full glass of liquor.
“Nice, shoot someone as they are pouring you a drink,” noted Steve. “Any of the neighbors hear anything?”
Walt shook his head. “We think the shooter used a pillow to muffle the sound.”
Steve nodded as he saw the pillow lying next to Prendergast.
“We had the house under surveillance and the officer saw him enter with a woman…we’ve identified her as Heidi Walsh. He didn’t hear anything either,” said Walt as he flipped through his notebook. “She was seen leaving twenty minutes later…which coincides with time of death.”
“So where is she?” asked Steve. “Do you have her in custody?”
“There was only one detective here at the time. …I’m sorry. We should have had more people here.”
“You couldn’t have known…anyway it may work out to our benefit. Have you talked to the press yet?”
“No,” replied Walt who was wondering what his old boss was thinking.
“Okay, I’ll have a story for you as a cover shortly,” said Steve.
A female detective walked over to Walt.
“Detective Padilla, this is Special Agent Steve Williams,” said Walt.
The Hispanic woman shook hands with Steve. “I’ve heard a lot about you Sir, it’s quite an honor to meet you in person.”
“Please call me Steve.”
She nodded. “There are four agents in the hallway…they said that you were expecting them.”
“Good,” replied Steve. “I hope you don’t mind some help.”
“From you? Always!” stated Walt.
“You can also tell your DA that we’re only interested in getting the kid back safely. We’re more than willing to give you credit for the arrest.”
“That will make him happy,” replied Walt.
“Now, I think it’s time you showed me the room,” said Steve.
Walt nodded. “Follow me.”
Chapter 43
“When do you think you’ll know something?” Steve asked one of the agents who was working Rachel’s room.
“Give us a few hours…maybe sooner if we get lucky. We have the missing kid’s DNA and hopefully we’ll turn up something to match it to,” replied Special Agent Jim Grace.
“Call me as soon as you find anything,” said Steve.
Walt motioned for Steve.
“We found all kinds of sex toys and S&M gear in the deceased’s bedroom. They look clean, but we’ll leave them for your team.”
“Thanks Walt. Have you found any computers or PDAs?”
“There’s a computer in the office,” said Walt.
“Cathleen, come with us and bring your toys,” said Steve.
The female agent smiled as she walked quickly to join Steve and Walt. She was The Agency’s best computer specialist and hacker.
“Have you got something fun for me to play with?” she asked eagerly. A large grin was on her face.
“Maybe,” said Steve.
They walked into Max’s office and Cathleen immediately sat down at the desk and turned on the computer.
“Can you get in?” asked Steve.
“Hmmm… this is interesting. Must be something good in here as he has a top rate security program installed, not the kind you usually see on a home computer,” said Cathleen as she opened her large black bag.
“How long will it take?” asked Steve.
“I don’t know, but I’ve cracked this program before…it’s a little tricky but not impossible,” she said as she got to work.
“Okay, call me when you get in,” said Steve.
“I will,” she replied without looking at him. She was too busy concentrating on her work.
“You need anything, Cathleen?” asked Walt.
“A six-pack of Diet Coke and a big bag of Skittles would be a nice start,” she replied without looking up from her work.
Walt laughed. “You haven’t changed a bit. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Now, let’s work on the story for the press,” said Steve.
Chapter 44
Heidi Walsh watched the late news back at Dr. X’s farm.
There was a small story on the murder of Max Prendergast. The reporter said that the initial investigation stated that it looked like a burglary gone bad.
She smiled to herself. By the time the police figured out the truth she would be long gone with her new prize. Through her connections she could sell Rachel for a very large sum. Yes, she could have made some money with Max, but she didn’t trust him. He was too obsessed with his creation to be of any real use.
The girl was still completely obedient to her and this would allow her to transport the transformed girl to Miami without any problems. The bad part of the plan was that she would have to wait at Dr. X’s for another week. But there was no way for the police to know she was here.
Dr. X didn’t seem surprised that she had betrayed Max. She had known him for years and provided him with a steady diet of new clients and also victims. Dr. X had some rather perverted sexual tastes, but that was his business she thought.
For Heidi it was a perfect plan, just kick back for a week and then take a leisurely drive down to Miami where she would meet the man who was buying Rachel.
Chapter 45
“We’ve staked out Heidi Walsh’s apartment. The doorman said that she has been out of town for the last week. He also said that she said that she wouldn’t be home for a month,” said Walt.
“When did he last see her?” asked Steve.
“A week ago. He appears to be telling the truth as he’s been holding her mail,” said Walt. “So how long do we wait before putting out an APB on her? I have enough to go to the DA with this one and I won’t need a phone call from DC.”
Steve nodded. “If we put out an APB she may kill Rich.”
“So you think she has the kid?”
“Yes. I’ve been catching up on my reading. She’s not as bad as Margo Simon, but this fits her past history of sexual slavery. I think she helped Prendergast and then decided that she wanted Rich all to herself. I also suspect she’ll try and sell him.”
“Maybe she already has,” suggested Walt.
Steve shook his head. “No, she had to kill Max first. We need to find out where she has gone.”
“Makes sense, but how do we do that?”
“That’s up to Cathleen,” said Steve.
“It’s too bad that we can’t search her apartment,” lamented Walt. “I mean we might get some additional information on her.”
Steve grinned. “That might not such a bad idea…but I think that we should take care of that…less likely to attract attention and tip her off.”
Chapter 46
Rachel sensed something was wrong, but she didn’t know what it was. The woman now insisted on being addressed as Mistress Heidi. Rachel also overheard her talking to the doctor about some additional procedures.
Rachel pretended to be asleep when she heard Mistress Heidi talk to the doctor about breast implants; specifically how large he could make them. Unfortunately, Rachel couldn’t hear his answer, but she did hear Mistress Heidi’s laughter and it sent chills up her spine.
All Rachel could do was wait for Max to return…it was strange, but she now looked at him as her protector and maybe her only hope.
As she rested in her bed, she wondered what her face…her new face would look like. She gently touched her face and could feel the changes through the dressings. There was nothing she could do about the surgery and now all she hoped for was that she looked attractive.
Chapter 47
Steve closed his phone and turned to Walt. “The lab just confirmed that Richard Greene was in the room. We have DNA and fingerprints.”
“So the bastard really did it,” said Walt angrily. “He abducted and abused the kid.”
“It looks like it,” said Steve. His phone rang again.
“Steve, this is Cathleen…I’m in.”
Steve rushed up to the office and saw a very exhausted Cathleen smiling back at him. She was drinking from a can of Diet Coke. A large bag of Skittles, its contents almost two-thirds gone, lay slightly crumpled beside the keyboard on the desk.
“What a bitch. It took me six hours, but I have access to all his files, what do you want to see first?” she asked.
Steve pulled up a chair and sat down next to her.
“Let’s start with his email,” said Steve.
Chapter 48
“I think the girl can be moved within forty-eight hours,” said Dr. X to Heidi.
She looked slightly confused by this as he has always pushed for maximum time recovering for his patients.
“Why is that?” she asked. “Don’t you trust me?”
“It’s not exactly that, I’m just worried that your killing of Prendergast could lead the police to my business,” he replied.
“How could they do that? The cops are idiots. I’ve beat their charges twice.”
“You underestimate them Heidi. I know how intelligent they are…they ruined my life once,” he said. “I don’t want to go back to prison.”
She absorbed his words and replayed her actions. There was nothing that she could think of that she had done wrong.
“Her face is healing nicely and I can provide you with a name of trusted associate that you can take her to if you feel the need,” he continued.
“Jarvis, you know me…”
“That’s no longer my name,” he interrupted angrily. “That was taken away from me by the DA.”
She nodded. “Excuse me…I forgot. Look, the police think Max was killed by a robber.”
“Maybe…and maybe not. I have friends in the city too my dear Heidi and they have told me that the police have been at his house for several days now. Seems like a lot of effort for a random murder.”
“He was semi-well known,” she said. “I’m sure that his neighbors have put some pressure on the police to solve the case,” she countered.
“Aren’t you slightly concerned that the police might connect you to Max?”
“No,” she replied. “I will just say that we were friends.”
“What about the girl?” asked Dr. X.
“What about her?”
“I’m sure that the police discovered her things in the house. That might raise some questions,” he said.
Heidi thought about that. She had forgotten about the room where Rachel stayed. Max was single and didn’t have any children…it could spark some interest.
“So they will think that Max had a girlfriend,” she said.
“You don’t even sound like you believe that one,” he replied as he started out of the room. He then stopped and turned to look at Heidi. “You have forty-eight hours, be thankful I am giving you that much time.”
Chapter 49
Steve studied the emails they found on Max’s computer.
Most of them were routine and easily explainable, but there were four that caught his interest. They didn’t mention any names and only used letters to designate people.
As he re-read them he suspected that “R” referred to Rich…or possibly Rachel the name that he had used while training for the play. “H” was most likely Heidi. “X” was the curious one. There was sometime in the back of his mind that told him this wasn’t just a random letter.
He pulled out his phone and called The Agency,
“How can I help you Steve?” asked the woman.
“Michelle, I need your extraordinary research skills,” he said.
Michelle ran The Agency’s Research Department.
“You always flatter me, now tell me what you need?” she asked.
He told her about the cases and about the emails.
“You say one of the persons is listed as X?” asked Michelle.
“Yes, and I don’t think it’s just the random assignment of a letter,” he explained. “It’s a hunch…but sometimes that’s all we have.”
“I’ll see what I can find, it sounds familiar. Are you sure about Heidi Walsh being involved in this?”
“One hundred percent. She’s the main suspect in Prendergast’s murder. We also uncovered a lot of evidence in her apartment. She seems to run in the same circles as Margo Simon. However, until this case she appears to do all her dirty work out of the country. I have maybe twenty hours until the NYPD will issue a warrant for her arrest for murder. The DA is delaying their charges until we find the kid, but he’s getting impatient.”
“You didn’t tell me there was a time limit on this one…well; I’ve always loved a challenge.”
“Thanks, Michelle. I have a bad feeling about this one.”
“This will be my top priority,” she said. “So will there just be the murder charges?”
“No, it looks like we can nail her on sexual slavery charges…I imagine that the Thai and Mexican Governments will want a shot at her too. Seems she has led sexual tourism trips to those two countries. Cathleen is still working on the laptop we took from Heidi’s apartment so the number of charges will probably grow.”
“I won’t fail you, Steve.”
Chapter 50
Rachel stared at her new face. There was still some swelling, but thanks to the unique and innovative procedures used by Dr. X, it was minimal.
She no longer recognized herself. In addition to looking very feminine, she also looked younger. She now had high feminine cheeks and a petite nose. Her lips were also larger and thicker.
“Very impressive,” said Heidi. “If I didn’t know better I would say she’s no older than fifteen. In fact I can use the swelling to my advantage, it gives her that ‘just entering puberty’ look. I can make her look even younger through clothes and makeup.”
“I’m also very pleased,” said Dr. X. “I’ve been waiting for a suitable candidate to try these techniques out.”
“You should be proud of yourself,” said Heidi.
“I have to agree with you about her age…combined with her petite body she does look like she’s a teenager…if her breasts weren’t as large as they are I would even say that you could pass her off as a preteen.”
Heidi nodded. “Rachel, if anyone asks you, you are my niece…and you have just turned fourteen I will go shopping and pick you out some appropriate clothing…what a little girl like you would wear.”
“I understand, Aunt Heidi,” replied Rachel.
“Aunt Heidi, I love that!” laughed Heidi gleefully.
Chapter 51
Steve called Ken to check in on him.
“Thanks for calling…Angela is really helping me deal with all this. I mean, I thought I was just searching for a friend…I had no idea how involved I was in all this,” said Ken.
“She’s the best,” stated Steve, “Oh, I just want to let you know this doesn’t affect my opinion of you in any way…in fact I’m very proud of what you’ve done in helping track Rich… and how you’re handling everything else.”
Ken paused before answering. “Um, thanks, Uncle Steve, you have no idea how much that means to me. I was worried that…well that you would think of me as less of a man.”
“Ken, you don’t have to worry about that.”
“What if I told you that I really found Rachel attractive,” confessed Ken.
“It wouldn’t matter to me. It’s your life and you should be honest about your feelings,” he said.
“You really mean that?”
Steve laughed. “One of the best agents I’ve ever worked with is transgendered…and she’s also the one of the most attractive women in The Agency, right behind Maggie and Beth of course.”
It was Ken’s turn to laugh. “Thanks for cheering me up…I really appreciate it. So any word on Rich?”
“I’m working on it, I’m sorry but I can’t tell you more right now,” said Steve.
“Please let me know as soon as you find him,” said Ken.
“I will,” replied Steve.
There was a buzz from his phone.
“Ken, I have another call. Gotta run. I’ll talk to you later,” said Steve. He then answered the other call.
“Steve, this is Walt. On a hunch I did some background on Heidi Walsh’s car. When she bought it, she got every option, including one of those anti-theft tracking devices.”
“Is it still installed?”
“I don’t know…my DA doesn’t like the idea of getting the info from the company. We’ve been turned down for similar warrant requests in the past.”
“Get me the info,” replied Steve.
Chapter 52
Two hours later the anti-theft tracking device on Heidi Walsh’s BMW was activated. A special message was also sent out to law enforcement agencies to only report the detection of the signal.
“If the system is still operational we should get a hit very quickly,” said Walt.
Steve nodded. He was looking at a large area map.
“I suspect she’s within a two-to-three hour drive from here, maybe even closer,” said Steve.
“What will you do when you find her car?” asked Walt.
“We’ll track it and hopefully she’ll lead us to Rich,” said Steve. “Don’t worry; I’ll let you have her. A murder conviction will put her away for life…I’m more interested in getting the kid back.”
“He’s what, twenty?” asked Walt.
“Around that… and to me that’s a kid,” replied Steve. “Damn, I’m so sick of dealing with these depraved animals. I thought I had seen the worst with Margo Simon…but it seems like a case of pervert whack-a-mole. We hit one of these freaks and another one just pops up to take their place.”
“How is that bitch doing?” asked Walt.
“She’s rotting in a Super Max,” replied Steve.
Steve’s phone buzzed. He opened it up and answered it.
“What do you have Michelle?”
“Nothing solid, but X could refer to an underground plastic surgeon AKA Dr. X. He’s rumored to have a plastic surgery clinic somewhere in the Northeast. He has been tied to the mob… and to people like Heidi Walsh,” said Michelle. “I’m sending you a full file.”
“Thanks Michelle, I’ll pick you out a nice vintage,” he replied, referring to her taste in good wine.
“Just get the boy back, Steve.”
“You can count on it,” replied Steve.
As Steve hung up the phone, Walt’s phone went off.
“Where?” he asked as he leaned over the map. “No, don’t apprehend her, just follow. Thank you.”
“Well?” asked Steve anxiously.
Walt searched the map and then pointed to an area in western Massachusetts near the Connecticut border. “Here it is!”
Steve looked at the map. “Southwick?”
“Not much there, but it makes sense, close to New York, Boston, Providence, but outside the jurisdiction of any major city,” said Walt. “A State Trooper picked up the signal. A friend on the Massachusetts State Police was the one who called.”
Steve pulled out his phone and notified the strike team.
“As they may have moved the kid across stateliness, this is our case now. You want in on this?” he asked Walt.
“I’d like that…just like old times,” he replied.
“Oh, and you’ll still get your shot at Heidi in court,” stated Steve. “I suspect that your DA will go for murder one in the Prendergast case.”
Walt nodded. “He’ll probably push for the death penalty on this one.”
Chapter 53
Steve and Walt arrived before the strike team and met with two Massachusetts State Troopers.
“We followed the car as you asked. It stopped at several local stores before heading down 202 south,” said one of the troopers, whose last name was Robinson.
“It finally stopped here,” said the second as he pointed to the map. His last name was Olson. “It’s been there ever since.”
“What’s there?” asked Steve.
“Not a whole hell of a lot,” said Olson. There’s a large farm there, but that’s all.”
Steve nodded. “Who owns the farm?”
“We’re checking on it,” answered Robinson.
“Okay, let me know as soon as you find out,” replied Steve.
“Are you going to tell us what’s going on?” asked Olson.
Steve shook his head. “No, not right now. Please stand by.”
The two troopers exchanged dirty looks and walked away without saying a word.
“What do you think?” asked Walt.
“It seems like the perfect place to have a private clinic,” said Steve as he looked at the aerial recon map he had called up on his laptop. “It’s fairly isolated and there are no close neighbors.”
The farm house was located on a large piece of land. There was a heavily wooded area all around the outer fence line. The only way in or out of the farm was along a quarter mile long driveway.
“When do you want to move in?” asked Walt.
“As soon as the strike team arrives,” he replied. “I would like more time, but something tells me that we need to hurry. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dr. X has some of the local police on the take.”
“You think they’ll be tipped off?” asked Walt.
“Yes, that’s my worry. Heidi killed Max, and I’m sure she would kill Rich if it helped her get away.” He glanced over at the two state troopers. “To be honest I don’t even know if we can trust them.”
Chapter 54
Dr. X rushed into Heidi’s room.
“You stupid bitch! You led the police here!” he frantically screamed.
“What are you babbling about?” she demanded.
“I just got a call from one of the people on my payroll and they said that the State Police tracked you here.”
“How?” she asked, slightly worried.
“They used the car theft tracking device you have in your car,” he snapped back. “It seems that the police activated it…apparently they’re not as stupid as you think they are!”
Heidi stared at him. “Somehow they made the connection between Max and me. Do you have another car I could borrow?”
“An extra car? You must be kidding!”
“Then can I take your car?” she asked.
“You go to hell, that’s my ticket out of here,” he growled. “I’m heading up to Canada…if I’m lucky. You’re on your own.”
He started out of the room, but he didn’t get far as Heidi shot him twice in the back.
She quickly packed her bag, stepped over Dr. X’s body and headed to Rachel’s room.
Hearing the shots, Gina stepped out of Rachel’s room and was immediately shot twice by Heidi at nearly point blank range. The nurse meant nothing to Heidi and she felt no remorse for taking Gina’s life.
Heidi knew that if she could get away from the farm quickly there was a chance she could escape. She would head to the Mass Turnpike and go west. Once she was safely away from the farm she could finalize her plans.
“Get up Rachel, we have to leave…now,” she ordered.
“Why Aunt Heidi?” asked Rachel as she sat up in bed. She had heard the shots and could see the gun in Heidi’s hand. Chills ran up her spine as she wondered if she too was about to be killed.
Heidi saw the fear in Rachel’s face and smiled softly to calm the girl. “I had to kill them as they were going to hurt you my dear.”
Rachel nodded.
“Max wants us to join him down in New York. Now get dressed quickly,” she ordered. She then thought of something. She hated wigs, but she also needed a disguise. “While you’re dressing I need to do something.”
“What do you want me to wear?”
“Go with the denim skirt and pink top. Do your makeup like I showed you. I want you to look like a young girl.”
“Yes, Aunt Heidi,” replied Rachel.
Chapter 55
“Steve, we’ll be ready to go in twenty minutes,” stated a federal agent dressed in full tactical gear. “You were right about the security system, it’s installed but not activated, probably due to the false alarms caused by wildlife.”
He was pointing to a computerized map to show Steve the latest positions of the agents of the Strike Team. “We’re just waiting for Madison to get his team around the back of the main house. Joe and his team are protecting Jackson and they are also carrying his backup weapon.”
They were parked in a darkened van just off the road from the driveway to the farm.
“Thanks for the info, Tom,” stated Steve. Like the others, Steve was also dressed in all in a black tactical uniform. “What’s Jackson using tonight?”
“For his primary weapon the 50 cal and for backup his Remington,” replied Tom referring to the status of the team’s sniper.
While he wasn’t sure if Rich was at the farm he did know that it was owned by Jarvis Lansing, AKA Dr. X. Michelle had been able to trace the deed back to him. They also knew that Heidi Walsh’s car was there.
“I don’t like going in so quickly without a full recon, but we don’t have any choice,” stated Steve.
“I don’t like the fact that there’s a full moon tonight too. It’s like daylight out there,” grumbled Tom. “Too bad there’s not going to be a thunderstorm tonight to provide some cover.”
“Hopefully they’ll all be asleep,” said Steve as he glanced at his watch.
“We have activity at the main house,” stated Madison over the radio. “Two figures are getting into a car.”
Tom froze as they all looked towards the farm. “Shit! Madison can you stop them?”
“Negative. They’re heading out as we speak,” replied Madison.
Steve looked at his watch. It was almost one in the morning. “So much for secrecy. Jackson, do you have a shot at the car?” he asked as he spoke into his headset.
“Negative,” replied the sniper.
“Block the driveway, don’t let them out onto the main road,” ordered Steve in a calm yet deliberate tone.
“Roger that,” replied Mark, the driver of the van.
The van was specially reinforced so that it could absorb the impact of another vehicle.
Without a reply the engine was started and they accelerated towards the driveway. It was now a race.
“Walt, they’ve moving, stand by with the state police to move up if they get through,” ordered Steve over the radio.
“They won’t get by us,” promised Walt.
“Madison, move your team up to the farm house, enter and secure the building,” ordered Steve.
“Roger,” replied Madison.
“Now, turn here,” ordered Tom as he stood behind Mark.
“I see where you mean. Hold on!” replied Mark as he swerved into the driveway, effectively blocking the exit.
The agents saw that the stonewall that ran on either side of the driveway narrow ahead, thus allowing the van to completely block the road. It would be impossible for the car to make a cross-country escape attempt.
The silver Mercedes slammed on its brakes, stopping just a few feet away from the van.
Tom and three other agents rushed out of the van, followed by Steve, All had their weapons drawn.
The Mercedes began to rapidly back up.
“Don’t shoot,” ordered Tom. He saw what looked like a woman and a teenage girl in the car. He turned to the van. “Keep the road blocked.”
Mark acknowledged Tom’s order with a wave.
“Walt, we have them trapped, bring up the state police,” ordered Steve. “Madison the car is heading back your way. The abducted teen may be in the car.”
“We’ll be careful,” replied Madison.
“Jackson, try to disable the car when you get a clear shot,” ordered Steve.
“I should have a shot in another five seconds. Stand by, I will take out the engine,” replied Jackson calmly, who was armed with a customized Barrett M82, a 50 caliber sniper rifle.
A few moments later he heard the sharp report of the rifle firing, followed by the sound of the car’s engine blowing.
“The car is immobilized,” reported Jackson.
Steve nodded. He knew that Jackson wasn’t exaggerating as he could see steam and smoke pouring out of the now stationary car.
The agents immediately surrounded the car.
“Step out of the car, you’re under arrest,” shouted Tom when they were approximately twenty-five feet from the car.
A woman with long brown hair quickly exited from the driver side. She was holding a handgun against the head of a teenage girl.
“If you move any closer I’ll kill her,” shouted the woman. “I want another car and I want the road clear…NOW! I’m not going to jail.”
Mark drove up in the van and stopped a short distance away. He turned on then pointed a bank of floodlights toward Heidi.
“If you shoot her you’ll be dead before her body hits the ground,” replied Tom. He was pointing his latest toy at her, the Belgium made FN P90 submachine gun at her. Steve allowed his team to choose their own weapons.
Unfortunately she was completely shielded by Rachel’s body and none of the agents could get a clean shot.
“Heidi Walsh, you’re under arrest,” shouted Steve. He was armed with an old favorite of his, the very reliable HK MP5 submachine gun.
“Who the fuck are you?” she demanded as she pressed the barrel of the handgun closer to Rachel’s head.
“Federal Agents. You’re under arrest for the murder of Max Prendergast and the abduction of Richard Greene,” replied Steve.
She didn’t reply as it sank in what she was now up against. It was one thing to get into a shoot out with the local police, but federal agents were a totally different thing.
“You can’t get away, Heidi. We’re not going to let you pass. Now, let your hostage go, and drop the weapon,” ordered Tom.
Heidi strained to look at the dark figures that were around the car. The spotlights on their van were so bright that she could barely make the agents out. She estimated that there were at least six agents, all heavily armed, and she knew that there was no way she could take them all. She also knew that she didn’t want to go to jail.
“Jackson, can you get a shot?” whispered Steve into his headset.
“No. I’ve shifted to my Remington, I can’t get a clear shot,” he replied. “I’m moving to a different position.”
“Let me know if you get one,” replied Steve. He could see that Heidi was getting very nervous and the last thing he wanted was for her to shoot the hostage. “Don’t worry about being seen, speed is the key right now.”
“Roger,” replied Jackson.
Tom continued to try and talk Heidi into dropping her weapon. She had what looked to be a semiautomatic handgun in her hand. If it was the same gun she had used to shoot Prendergast it would be a 10 millimeter.
Like the rest of the team, Tom was wearing the best body armor available, but he wasn’t that concerned about her shooting him. He could tell that if she tried to shoot him she would have to step out from her human shield and that would allow him to shoot her first.
“Look up the road,” he said without moving. “You can see the lights of the state police, there’s no way out.”
“You bastards are going move back and I’m going to walk up the driveway…if you get in my way the girl dies,” threatened Heidi. “When I get to the road tell the cops to give me one of their cars.”
“No,” replied Tom as he continued to steadily point his weapon at her. If she just moved up a bit he would have a shot. “That’s not going to happen. We don’t negotiate.”
To Rachel it was like being in a movie. She could feel the gun against her head and see the armed men who were surrounding them. It seemed so surreal. She then realized what one of the men had said…was it true, was Max dead?”
“I’m not afraid of you,” yelled Heidi. “Now back off or the girl dies! You know that I’m not afraid to use this…and it’s been modified so it’s fully automatic!”
“You’re not going anywhere, Heidi,” countered Tom. “And if you shoot the girl I guarantee you will be killed.”
“Max is dead?” asked Rachel.
“Shut up!” shouted Heidi irritably at Rachel. “Shut your mouth or I will do it for you, Rachel.”
Seeing an opportunity, Steve spoke to Rachel in a calm manner.
“Yes…Rachel…Max is dead…she killed him.”
“Don’t listen to them, Rachel…they’re lying…you must obey me,” demanded Heidi as he tried to pull Rachel closer. “If you disobey me I will kill you.” She then pressed the gun to the base of Rachel’s head. She was afraid that one of the agents might shoot her hand if it was exposed.
Despite Heidi’s actions, Rachel felt a sense of freedom that she hadn’t felt in weeks. Max was dead! For the first time in weeks she felt free. The power Max had over her was gone and the same applied to Heidi.
“Did you kill him?” asked Rachel.
“Yes, my little whore and I will kill you unless you shut up and do what you’re told,” snapped Heidi.
What happened next took place in the blink of an eye.
At first Rachel seemed broken by this news and she let her body go limp. She felt Heidi momentarily loosen her grip and when she adjusted her hold Rachel slammed her elbow into Heidi’s chest… and at the same time rapidly pulled away. She attempted to sprint directly towards one of the agents. Heidi bellowed out in rage and pointed her gun at Rachel.
As soon as he saw Rachel break away, Tom pulled the trigger of his weapon, letting out a short ripping sound as Heidi was hit numerous times in the chest. Her lifeless body slipped silently to the ground. Unfortunately he wasn’t quite fast enough. Heidi had been able to fire her weapon before she had been hit.
Tom and another agent closed in on Heidi and confirmed she was dead.
Steve crouched over Rachel and motioned for assistance. Two of the agents began to do emergency first aid on Rachel
“How bad?” asked Tom.
“Bad, it looks like she was hit two or three times, but she’s still breathing,” stated Steve. “What about Heidi?”
Tom shook his head.
“Good,” replied Steve without emotion.
“Steve, we need to get her to a hospital ASAP,” said one of the agents. “We need a Medevac helicopter. I don’t think she’ll make it to a hospital in an ambulance.”
Steve didn’t even have to reply as Tom stated he was already on it.
“Steve, this is Madison. The house is empty except for two bodies, one male and one female. The male was shot twice in the back. I think it’s Jarvis Lansing, AKA Dr. X. At least it looks like him. I have no idea who the woman was, but I suspect she was a nurse working for Jarvis. She was shot twice in the chest. We’ll run their prints and see what we can find.”
“Roger,” replied Steve as he watched the agents struggle to save Rachel’s life. He looked over at Heidi’s body and shook his head in disgust; at least there wouldn’t be a trial he thought.
Chapter 56
The medical emergency helicopter took off with Rachel and headed to the closest hospital, which was in Springfield.
“How does it look?” asked Tom.
“The EMT said its 50-50 that she’ll make it to the hospital. She’s lost a lot of blood,” replied Steve. He stared at the helicopter as it disappeared into the darkness.
“She’ll make it, she’s got guts. Pretty brave move by the kid,” noted Tom as he stood by Steve.
Steve nodded.
“Reminds me of something Beth would have done,” Tom continued, referring to Steve’s adopted daughter.
Steve nodded again.
“You did everything you could, Steve,” continued Tom. “You can’t blame yourself for this. Hell, if we hadn’t moved when we did who knows where the kid might be now!”
“I know…doesn’t make me feel any better,” he replied. “Come on, we have a lot of work to do here. By the way, nice shooting.”
“I learned from the best,” replied Tom.
Chapter 57
Steve didn’t leave the farm until mid-morning. By then additional agents had arrived to take over the investigation. They were very interested in Dr. X’s records, especially his photographic records of his patients. Other records were starting to reveal the local people on his payroll and the arrests were already well under way. At least two State Troopers and the local Chief of police were already guests in the local lock-up after it had been taken over by Federal officers.
“The organized crime unit will love this,” said Walt. “I imagine that many international law enforcement agencies will also be interested in looking through his files. They’ve already rescued a teen changed by this piece of crap from a local judge that paid for the work. A lot of thoroughly nasty people are going to take a fall on this one.”
Steve nodded. He had changed back into street clothes and was getting ready to leave for the hospital.
“Any word on the kid?” asked Walt.
“She just got out of surgery and is in the ICU,” said Steve. “It’s still too soon to know if she will make it.”
“I’m very sorry, Steve,” said Walt.
“Bad luck,” he replied softly.
The State Police provided a driver to take Steve to the hospital.
“Tom, I want to meet her mother when she arrives,” said Steve.
“I understand. I’ll hold the debrief when we get back to DC,” replied Tom. “Um, we found evidence in the car that Heidi was heading to Miami.”
“What do you have?” asked Steve.
Tom showed Steve a folder of information which included a map of Miami with notes scribbled on the margins.
“Contact the Miami office and see what they can do with this,” replied Steve as he fought off a yawn. “Send them anything you find in the Doc’s records about the Miami area. There might be some connection between them.”
“Roger that.” Tom smiled. “Oh, try and get some sleep…you look like hell.”
Steve smirked. “You’re no beauty yourself. Good job, Tom. Tell the team they earned their money on this one. Send me the bill for the beer.”
The team always decompressed following a raid with beer.
“Thanks, Boss,” replied Tom. “Keep us informed on the kid, okay?”
Steve nodded. “I will.”
Chapter 58
The State Police drove Steve to the hospital. He immediately headed up to the ICU where he was briefed by one of the doctors.
“Agent Williams, I’m Doctor Henderson,” greeted the middle-aged man dressed in surgical scrubs.
“How’s the patient?” asked Steve as they shook hands.
The doctor shook his head. “It’s been rough; to be honest I’m amazed she’s still alive. She was just hanging on when she got here. The EMTs did a hell of a job. We moved her immediately in surgery and stabilized her condition. Unfortunately we’re going to have to go back in, there’s still some internal bleeding. The only good news is that none of the bullets struck her spinal cord or the heart, damn lucky considering the range. We’ve brought in a fresh surgical team and they’re prepping as we speak. To be honest, Agent Williams, I’m amazed she’s still alive. Damn I hate guns.”
“I noticed you referred to her as female.”
The doctor shrugged wearily. “How else would I refer to her? I don’t make judgments on things like that anymore. Besides, it might not matter if we can’t stop the bleeding; she’s lost a lot of blood.”
Steve nodded.
“So this person was abducted?” asked Dr. Henderson.
“Yes, and we think that the gender changes were forced,” said Steve.
“Does that really matter?” asked Dr. Henderson. “What’s important right now is being alive.”
“I agree,” said Steve.
“If she survives we can worry about what was done to her, right now I want to save her life,” continued Dr. Henderson.
Steve nodded again.
“So, what’s your connection to this, Agent Williams?” he asked. “It’s obviously more than just a case to you.”
“My nephew is her friend. He’s the one who contacted me and got me involved,” replied Steve.
“You must be proud of him,” said Dr. Henderson.
“Very much so,” replied Steve. “She also reminds me of my daughter.”
Dr. Henderson nodded. “And did you catch the one who did this?”
“We won’t have to worry about them,” replied Steve without emotion.
Dr Henderson nodded knowingly. “Well, sometimes that’s for the best, no need for some sleazy lawyer getting paid for trying to save their butts.”
“Doc, her mother will be here soon. She’s due to arrive shortly from Chicago and I’m having an agent meet her at Bradley and drive her up here,” said Steve. “What are you going to tell her?”
“Just the truth. We’re doing everything we can,” he replied. “I never lie or make false promises.”
“I know that Doc. I’m just worried how she will react when she sees her child.”
“Does she know what happened?”
“Yes, I talked to her,” said Steve.
“Did you tell her everything?”
“Yes, she knows what was done to her child,” said Steve.
“Then you did everything you can,” he replied.
“I wish I was as confident as you…I’ve had some dealings in cases like this.”
“Then you know about that foundation down in Connecticut…I think it’s called the Farnsworth Foundation or something like that, I know they help people like this,” he said.
Steve smiled. “I know all about it…I know the founder personally.”
“I suggest you tell the mother about it,” said Dr. Henderson. He looked at his watch. “Well, I need to head into the O.R. I’m not operating, but I want to help. I’m a stubborn old bastard, I hate to lose. I take it personally.”
Steve smiled. “We share that trait, Doc. Good luck.”
Chapter 59
Laura Greene arrived two hours later. She was a petite woman with short brown hair.
Steve introduced himself and briefed her on the latest.
“They’re still in the operating room,” he said.
“I don’t know what I will do if Richard dies,” she cried. “It was bad enough when his father died five years ago, Agent Williams.”
“I’m sorry,” comforted Steve. “Oh, please call me Steve.”
“Thank you and you must call me Laura. I know you did everything possible. I knew something bad had happened when Rich stopped calling me. Thank you for finding him.”
“My nephew was the one who got me involved,” replied Steve.
“So the people that hurt him are dead?” she asked.
“Yes, Heidi Walsh, the one who shot Rich was killed at the farm. She also killed Max Prendergast and Jarvis Lansing, the doctor who operated on Rich.”
“I know it’s awful to say, but I’m glad they’re dead” she stated. “Steve, can I ask you something else?”
He nodded.
“You’ve seen Rich. How feminine does my child look? Please be honest,” she asked.
“If I didn’t know Rich’s real gender I never would have suspected the truth. He also looked younger than the photos I had been shown by Ken,” stated Steve honestly. “It looks like Dr. Lansing performed facial surgery that enhanced the changes caused by Max and Heidi.”
“Thank you for being so honest,” she replied.
“There’s more,” he said.
“Please tell me,” asked Laura.
Steve told her about the physical changes.
“Unfortunately I’ve seen a few cases like this, the physical changes are very difficult…if not impossible… to reverse,” he said.
“So Rich may be better off staying female?”
Steve shrugged. “Either way, I can get you some help.”
She nodded. “Oh, I would like to see Ken and thank him for what he did,” she said. “Can you put me in touch with him?”
Steve told her about Ken. “But, I’m sure that he’ll want to see you.”
She shook her head slowly. “I wonder how many other students at the school that bastard hurt.”
“We’ve contacted the school, there will be a full investigation,” explained Steve.
“Um, Steve, does Richard have a feminine name?” she asked.
“Ken said that it was Rachel when they were back in school,” said Steve.
“Rachel…it’s a nice name,” she said barely holding back her tears. She then began to sob uncontrollably. “Please God… don’t let my child die!”
As she cried, Steve held and comforted her the best he knew how.
Chapter 60
An hour later Doctor Henderson came out and sat down next to Steve and Laura in the waiting room. Steve introduced him to Laura.
“How’d it go?” asked Steve.
“Better, we’ve stopped the bleeding, but the next few days will be critical,” he explained.
“I want to see my child,” demanded Laura.
He looked at Steve, who nodded.
“I need to let you know that we currently have her in a drug induced coma,” he explained. “She’s also hooked up to a lot of equipment including a respirator.”
“Doctor, my husband died of cancer, he spent a year in and out of hospitals. I can deal with this,” she stated.
“I just wanted to prepare you for what you’re going to see,” he stated. “Obviously you know that your child has been changed?”
“Steve has explained that to me…male or female, that’s my child in there. I want to be with him…or her. It doesn’t matter,” explained Laura. “And God forbid… should Rich die, I want to be there with my child. No child should die alone.”
Dr. Henderson nodded. “I’ll take you back there.”
“Thank you,” she said.
“Oh, Agent Williams, there’s a hotel just down the street from here; I suggest you get some sleep. It’s just my medical opinion, but you look like hell,” he said.
Steve smirked. “Thanks Doc, you have a great bedside manner.”
“Actually I do…but you’re not my patient. Go get some sleep.”
Laura smiled at him. “He’s right, you do look exhausted. Thank you for saving my child.” She then hugged him.
Laura Greene was led into the ICU and looked at Rich through the glass.
“I’m sorry that we can’t let you get closer, but it’s procedure,” said Doctor Henderson.
“I understand. Oh my God, he really does look like a young girl!” she exclaimed. “She looks so small.”
Doctor Henderson just nodded as he motioned to the nurse.
“This is Mrs. Greene, please get her a chair and whatever else she needs,” he ordered.
Chapter 61
Steve debated getting some sleep, but he decided that he needed to see Ken first.
He paged one of his agents to drive him to Providence. As they drove towards Rhode Island, Steve called his wife.
He needed to talk to someone about what had happened.
“I’m on my way to see Ken, he’s staying with Angela Sullivan,” he explained. He also told her what had happened back at Norton. “Do you think I’m doing the right thing?”
“I think Ken has a right to know and if he’s going to hear bad news at least he’ll have both you and Angela to support him,” she replied.
“Thanks,” he replied wearily.
“You sound exhausted, when did you sleep last?” she asked.
“To be honest I have no idea,” he replied. “Don’t worry. I’ll grab some sleep after I talk to Ken. I should be home in a day or so.”
“Just take care of yourself, okay?” she replied.
“I will…and you do the same,” he replied. “Is Beth around or is she up in Philly?”
“Actually she’s in Columbus, Ohio…some get together with her friends,” replied Maggie.
“If she calls tell her I love her,” said Steve. “I love you and Stevie too.”
“Whoa, are you okay?” she asked.
“This case just struck a little close to home… if you know what I mean,” he replied.
“I understand. Call me when you’re done with Ken.”
“I will,” he replied. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” said Maggie.
Chapter 62
Ken listened intently as Steve told him what had happened.
“And is Rich…or Rachel going to make it?” asked Ken. “Shit, I don’t know how to refer to my friend!”
“Friend is good enough for now. It’s too early to say, but I would say the odds are improving,” said Steve.
“So that fuckin’ bastard Prendergast feminized Rich…god damn him to hell…he got off lightly,” growled Ken.
“I’m glad to see that you’re not holding in your feelings,” noted Steve.
“Angela has helped me deal with all this,” said Ken.
“And I’ll be here for you as you deal with this,” she said.
“Thank you,” replied Ken. “So what happens now?”
“That depends on Rich…or Rachel,” said Steve.
“Rach is going to make it,” stated Ken firmly. “I mean what will happen after she leaves the hospital.”
“I know a place…nearby that can help,” said Steve as he yawned.
“Have you called Celeste yet?” asked Angela.
Steve shook his head slowly and stifled another yawn.
“I’ll take care of it,” she said as she stood up. “Now, follow me Steve, I have a second guest room and you need to get some sleep. No arguments!”
Steve smirked. “When did Maggie call?”
“Right after you got off the phone with her.”
“Well… I know when I’m licked,” said Steve as he stood up and followed Angela upstairs.
Chapter 63
Steve slept straight through the night. The next morning he woke, showered, dressed and headed downstairs.
Angela was sitting in the kitchen reading the paper. Pumpkin was curled up in a chair next to her.
“There’s a fresh pot of coffee if you want some,” she said. “You still drink coffee, right?”
“Is a bear Catholic?” asked Steve as he filled his mug.
Angela laughed. “I suppose that’s better than asking me the bathroom habits of the Pope.”
Steve smiled. “Where’s Ken?”
“Here I am,” announced Ken as he stepped into the kitchen. “You look better.”
Steve nodded as he sipped his coffee.
“So are you driving back to Springfield?” asked Ken.
“That’s the plan,” he said as he pulled out his phone.
“Are you checking on Rachel?”
Steve nodded.
He talked to Dr. Henderson for a few minutes.
“Well?” asked Ken.
“She’s improving,” said Steve. “She’s still in a coma, but her vital signs are improving.”
“Thank god,” stated Ken.
“She still has a long recovery, Ken. She was hit at a very close range,” said Steve.
“I know. But I’m sure she’ll make it.”
“Angela, did you call Celeste while I was asleep?”
Angela nodded. “They’ll send up one of their teams as soon as they are requested by the family.”
“Good,” replied Steve who looked at his watch. “My driver should be here soon. Do you want to come with me Ken?”
“I’ve been ready since five this morning,” replied Ken.
“What do you say Angela?”
“I’m all in favor of Ken going with you. However, I still want to talk to you Ken. We made some good progress, but you still have some baggage from this,” she stated.
Ken nodded. “I won’t forget.”
“If he does just let me know,” said Steve.
“Don’t worry, I definitely won’t forget now,” replied Ken.
Chapter 64
Laura Greene was very pleased to see Ken.
“Thank you so much, Ken,” she stated as she hugged him.
“How is …um, Rach doing?” asked Ken.
“Still in a coma, but the doctors feel they can start to bring her out of it soon,” she replied. “Oh, and don’t worry about which name to use…or which gender to use either. We’ll sort that all out after he’s awake and on the road to recovery,” she said.
“So, you’d be okay if Rich wants to be Rachel?” asked Ken.
“I would adjust,” Laura replied truthfully. “I can’t say that I fully understand it…but I’m willing to learn. What about you?”
Ken stared back. “It’s a little complex.”
“Well, I’m going to let you two talk,” interrupted Steve. “I have some loose ends on this case I need to tie up. Laura, where are you staying?”
“At the motel up the street,” she replied.
“Ken why don’t you get a room there. I imagine you’ll want to be here when Rach wakes up,” said Steve. “Call me once you get the room and I’ll take care of the bill.”
“Okay, that’s really nice of you,” replied Ken.
Steve smiled. “Don’t worry; I won’t be the one paying for it.”
Chapter 65
The next day Steve was picked up at JFK by Walt.
“How’s the kid?” asked Walt.
“Improving slowly,” replied Steve. “They still have her in a coma.”
“So where are we going?” asked Walt as they headed into the city.
“To see Max Prendergast’s lawyer. One of our lawyers will be meeting us at his office,” said Steve.
“Why?” asked Walt.
“Let’s just call it a surprise,” replied Steve.
“For who?”
“Let’s wait and see.”
Liam Montague was one of the Agency’s top lawyers. He had had been recruited directly out of Harvard Law School twenty years ago, some say personally, by The Director.
He greeted Steve and Walt outside the law office of Miller, Carlsberg, and Adams.
“Did you get everything?” asked Steve.
The small balding man nodded. “It required an all-nighter but we have what we need,” he replied as they shook hands.
“Liam, this is Walt Taylor, he used to be on my Spec-Ops team, now he’s a NYC detective,” stated Steve.
The two men shook hands.
“So what’s up?” asked Walt.
“You’ll see,” said Steve as a sly smile appeared on his face. “I don’t want to spoil the surprise.
The three men walked inside and talked to the receptionist.
“Excuse me, but do you have an appointment?” she asked timidly.
Steve pulled out his badge and ID. “I have it right here.”
The woman stared at the ID as if she didn’t know what to do.
“I’d like to see whoever is handing the affairs of the late Maxwell R. Prendergast,” continued Steve.
She nervously picked up her phone and dialed a number. A minute later a middle-aged slightly overweight man in a twelve hundred dollar tailored suit came out of his office.
“I’m Carter Adams, want do you want?” he asked without offering to shake hands.
“I think it would be better if we spoke in private,” said Steve as he flashed his badge again. He decided to save time and immediately dislike the arrogant, balding, overweight lawyer.
Carter looked at the badge and ID. “And who are the other two, more feds?”
Liam pulled out his ID and Walt showed his badge.
“So the NYPD is in on this too? Do you have a warrant?” demanded Carter barely fighting his annoyance. “I know my rights and I’m not about to be bullied.”
“Again, I would prefer to talk in private, unless you want the sorted details of one of your clients discussed in public…doesn’t bother me either way,” replied Steve in a calm manner. He wanted to say end his sentence with the word ‘asshole’ but he didn’t think that it would help matters.
Carter glared back. “Very well, follow me. Mary, tell Mr. Carlsberg and Mr. Miller to meet us in the conference room.”
They entered the room and sat down. They were immediately joined by two other men. One was tall and thin, and the other appeared to be in his late fifties and was bald.
“These are my partners, Jacob Carlsberg and Roland Miller,” stated Carter. “Now, will you tell us what you want?”
“I thought you’d be more polite,” said Steve. He then introduced Walt and Liam to the other lawyers.
Jacob and Roland looked worried. They couldn’t imagine why they had both the feds and NYPD in their office.
“Now that we all know each other, it’s time to tell you want we want,” stated Steve. He nodded at Liam.
Liam opened up his case and took out several stacks of papers. He calmly handed them to the three lawyers. “The first page summarizes the content of the rest of the package.”
The three men read them and then stared back in disbelief.
“You must be fucking kidding!” stated Carter.
“No, no we’re not. I believe you’ll find everything in order,” replied Liam.
“Mr. Prendergast was a murder victim and a well respected man in this city,” interjected Roland. “You can’t just seize his entire estate like this.”
“Everything is perfectly legal,” replied Liam. “Your client… had he lived would currently be facing a very long list of charges ranging from kidnapping to sexual slavery. We have sufficient evidence to seize his property to provide restitution to his victims.”
“We’ll see you in court,” stated Carter angrily as he shoved the papers back towards Liam.
“You will lose,” said Liam with quiet confidence. “I’ve filed dozens of claims like this and haven’t lost once.”
“Not in New York,” said Roland.
“These are Federal charges,” stated Liam. “Your client crossed state bounders to commit his crimes. The federal laws regarding these sorts of seizures are very strong. And just for your personal education, I have won several cases like this in New York... and against much more powerful and prestigious law firms.”
The three men leaned closer to confer.
“We’re not going to just hand over his estate without a fight. It’s currently valued at nearly two million dollars,” argued Roland.
“Actually it’s closer to four million, if you include his home and ownership in the theater,” noted Liam.
“It doesn’t matter how much it is…we’re not just going to give it to you,” snapped Carter.
“Why do you care?” asked Walt. “It’s not your money.”
“Mr. Prendergast’s will clearly states that his estate would go to a charitable organization,” replied Carter.
“Which, according to the documents that I have seen, would be controlled by this law firm,” interjected Liam.
“And therefore we will go to court to protect our interest,” continued Carter.
“Unbelievable! You just want his money!” exclaimed Walt.
“It’s also the principal of the issue,” snapped Carter.
“By maintaining his assets we are merely following the final wishes of Mr. Prendergast,” added Roland. “We would also ensure that his estate is managed properly.”
“And profit from it too,” interrupted Walt.
“Charities require management and you can’t expect us to do that sort of work for free can you?” asked Carter.
Walt was about to reply when he was stopped by Steve.
“Fine, we’ll go to court. It will come out publically that your client, Max Prendergast abducted and repeatedly sexually abused a nineteen-year-old male college student. We will also reveal to the world that he started his abuse while the victim was a minor at a prestigious private high school,” asserted Steve in a calm manner. “We have accessed his computer and your well respected client was associated with dealers in sexual slavery. We also have solid evidence that he used his wealth to support his illegal activities.”
“In addition, we have sufficient evidence to start an investigation of business associates of the deceased…including his lawyers,” added Liam who leaned back slowly in his chair.
“You wouldn’t dare!” snapped Carter.
Steve smirked as he leaned closer to the lawyer. “Wanna bet?”
“Are you…threatening us?” asked Roland nervously.
“Not a threat, a promise. What Special Agent Williams is saying is all true,” stated Liam. “We don’t take sexual slavery cases lightly… and neither does the general public. Even if you’re not directly involved in the crimes committed by Mr. Prendergast…there will be the guilt by association especially if you fight to keep the money in court. I doubt your other clients will like that and I imagine they will seek out a new law firm.”
“We…we had no idea…you can’t possibly think that we were involved in something like that?” stammered Jacob nervously.
“We’ve only had Mr. Prendergast as a client for three years…and even then, we’ve barely talked,” added Roland. “He directed us to set up his estate, but we were just in the preliminary phases.”
“So what you’re saying is that there’s no big emotional attachment,” said Liam. “So why put up a fight?”
“The money from his estate will go into a fund that will go towards his victims,” explained Steve. “We’re currently investigating the possibility that there may be more victims of your client’s perversions. I doubt that it would be good for your firm to be associated with someone like that. However, I know the press would love it, cases like this are hard to keep secret.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” exclaimed Carter.
Steve turned to Walt. “Detective, do you have the phone number for the Daily News? I bet they’d love a story like this.”
Walt nodded as he pulled out his cell phone; he was barely able to hold back his smile.
“Sounds like their kind of story, I imagine they’ll come up with a real doozey of a headline too. You know, I think it was P.T. Barnum that said no publicity is bad publicity, but I’ve never believed that. All the press coverage will turn this into a guaranteed three-ring circus. With the public outrage this will start I bet that my DA might even want to take a look at your so-called charity operations,” said Walt.
The three lawyers traded nervous glances.
“I bet the IRS would like to take a look at your books too,” added Liam.
“Please don’t!” cried Roland.
“Maybe… we can reach a deal?” asked Jacob hopefully.
“We’re not here to deal; accept our terms or be prepared to fight it out in court and in public. If you agree to our terms we can handle this very quietly; the money would go to a good cause, the victims would be compensated and the ‘good’ name of your firm wouldn’t be tarnished,” explained Liam. “But if you want to fight over someone else’s money…be prepared to put up a long and costly fight…and be prepared to lose.”
The three attorneys stared back in defeat.
“When… when do you need… a decision?” asked Carter as he wiped sweat off his brow with a handkerchief.
Liam looked at his watch. “Twenty-four hours…I’m a busy man and my colleague is even more impatient,” he explained as he pointed to Steve.
“Fine, you’ll be hearing from us by then,” said Carter.
“The clock is ticking,” stated Steve as they stood up to leave.
Chapter 66
Outside the law office, Steve, Walt, and Liam talked.
“I should get a call from them in next couple of hours,” said Liam cheerfully. “They won’t fight it; it’s not worth the effort for them. The publicity alone from a court case would destroy their firm. Even if they did decide to fight us their court costs could potentially be more than the money they’re trying to retain.”
“What about Heidi Walsh and Jarvis Lansing?” asked Steve.
“Their estates should be even less of a problem,” said Liam. “My staff is finishing up the paperwork as we speak.”
“Pretty neat,” said Walt. “So, how many victims are we walking about?”
“From the files on his computer, Prendergast appears to have abused at least three others. Who knows how many that witch Heidi abused and we should get a large share of Lansing’s estate. I doubt any relatives will appear to make a claim,” explained Liam. “I know money isn’t a cure all, but it will help the victims.”
“Do you think we can get the farm in Southwick?” asked Steve. “I think it would be a nice addition to the Farnsworth Foundation.”
Liam nodded. “That’s a splendid idea!”
Steve shook Liam’s hand. “Always a pleasure doing business with you Liam.”
Liam smiled back. “I was about to say the same thing, Steve. Give my best to Maggie.”
Steve nodded. “I will and you do the same for JoAnne, we have to have dinner sometime soon.”
“Good to meet you Walt, I hope we can work together again soon,” said Liam as he shook the detective’s hand. He then handed the detective a business card.
“I hope so,” replied Walt.
Steve and Walt watched Liam drive away.
“Where did you meet him?” asked Walt.
“We sometimes play poker,” replied Steve.
“Damn, I bet he’s a dangerous player,” replied Walt.
Steve nodded. “He’s a tough little bastard. I’m glad he’s on our side.”
“So why were we here?” asked Walt. “I seriously doubt that Liam needed our help.”
“We weren’t here for him, I just wanted a little closure and to be present when it happened,” explained Steve. “I thought you’d like that too.”
Walt nodded. “To paraphrase a line from ‘The Sting’, ‘It’s not enough but it’s damned close.’”
Steve laughed as he looked at his watch. “I need to get going. I’m catching the Acela to Washington in an hour.”
“I’ll give you a lift,” said Walt. “It was good working with you again.”
“Likewise,” replied Steve. “And if you ever get bored you’d always be welcome back on the team.”
“My wife would kill me,” replied Walt as they got into his car. “Oh, did you find out why Heidi was trying to take the kid to Miami?”
“It looks like she was going to sell her. Unfortunately the suspected buyer fled the country, but now we know who he is and I suspect that he’ll be back,” replied Steve. “We’ll be looking for him.”
“It really doesn’t end, does it?” asked Walt.
Steve shook his head. “No, unfortunately it doesn’t.”
Chapter 67
Two days later Ken called Steve.
“Rachel is out of the coma,” he stated.
“And how is she doing?” asked Steve.
“She’s weak…but she’s getting stronger. Oh, and she wants to stay female,” continued Ken.
“Is that just because of how she looks?” asked Steve.
“No,” replied Ken. “She told her mom that she feels whole now. Mrs. Greene doesn’t seem to mind.”
“That’s good to hear. How are you doing?” asked Steve.
“Mixed feelings,” he replied honestly. “I’m happy for Rachel…but I also have feelings for her…beyond friendship if you know what I mean.”
“I do, but I think that you can best help her by being her friend, she’s going to have a long recovery…both physical and mental.”
“I know,” replied Ken.
“There will be time later to talk about everything else,” continued Steve.
“You’re right,” replied Ken.
“Oh, I’ll call the foundation down in Connecticut and let them know the good news. They’ll send up someone to talk to both Rachel and her mom,” stated Steve.
“Angela told me about it. She also said that you helped rescue the woman who founded it,” said Ken.
“Did she? She always talked too much,” chuckled Steve.
“She told me quite a few things about some of the cases you’ve worked on. What do I have to do to be accepted into The Agency?”
“Finish college,” answered Steve. “If I took you before you did that your mom would kick my butt.”
Ken laughed. “Okay. But what about Rachel?”
“Why does she want to join too?” asked Steve.
Ken laughed. “You know what I mean.”
“No, it doesn’t matter to me who you love. I told you that one of the best agents I know is transgendered and her life partner is also an agent. The more important question I have for you is why do you want to be an agent?”
“That’s easy, I like the idea of going after sick bastards like Prendergast,” replied Ken. “I also felt something when I was working on the case…I enjoyed what I was doing.”
“That’s a good start. I gotta run, Ken. Keep me informed on how things are going, okay?”
“I will, thank you for everything,” he replied.
“Oh, when things settle down, I’d like you to come down to DC; I would like to give you a little tour of where I work and if you play your cards right it might be the place you work.”
“I’d like that, thank you again.”
Chapter 68
It was late October in Connecticut and Rachel Greene walked quickly from her dorm room to the office of her therapist. It was a chilly and blustery day; the only sounds came from the wind, the rustling of the leaves and the occasional honking of geese as they flew over. The gentle tapping of her knee-high boots on the hard concrete sidewalk added a soothing counterpoint to nature’s symphony.
The grounds of the Farnsworth Foundation were designed to create a relaxing environment and Rachel had grown to love it.
Rachel had been staying there ever since she had been released from the hospital. The first month at the foundation, her mom had stayed nearby in a Bed and Breakfast owned by the foundation. But now she was back in Chicago, still they talked daily on the phone.
Rachel felt as if a huge weight had been removed from her shoulders. She could be the girl she had always wanted to be. She was also ecstatic that her mom accepted the change.
The physical pain and scars from her abduction were mostly healed; the good thing was that there was no permanent damage, although she still had bullet fragments in her body. The doctors said it was a miracle that no major organs were injured by the bullets.
It was too bad that the mind didn’t heal as quickly she thought as she entered the building where Dr. Nancy Chen was waiting for her. While it was true that the news of Max’s death had snapped her out of the induced submissive state that she had been in, she now had to deal with the fact that she could remember everything that had been done to her by both Max and by Heidi.
They met only twice a week now, down from the daily sessions that they had when Rachel first arrived.
Rachel still carried a lot of guilt over what had happened. If only she had been stronger none of this would had ever happened. Nancy tried to help her accept that she wasn’t at fault.
“We now know that he abused at least a dozen students while he was at Norton,” Nancy had told her at their last session.
“Yes, but he picked me,” replied Rachel. “He must have seen me as the easiest target, just like in the nature shows; the predator picks out the weakest and easiest to catch.”
“I watch those shows too and sometimes the predator also picks out the closest,” replied Nancy.
“I wish I could believe that,” replied Rachel.
Rachel stepped into the office and was greeted by Nancy.
“You look lovely today, Rachel, is that a new outfit?” asked Nancy.
Rachel was wearing a long gray skirt and emerald green cashmere sweater.
“Yes, Mrs. Marks picked this out for me,” replied Rachel as she referred to a fashion consultant on the staff.
“She has a great eye for fashion,” replied Nancy. “Come on in.”
“She says that these sorts of outfits will make me look more mature,” replied Rachel. “I’m so sick of people thinking I’m a kid!” She then laughed slightly.
Thanks to the surgery, Rachel looked to be around fifteen, even though she would be twenty-one in three months.
“I like your hair too,” replied Nancy. “When did you get it styled?”
Rachel smiled. “Yesterday, I wanted something very different from what I had before when…well you know what I mean.”
Her hair was now her natural brown, with some highlights. It was styled short and layered.
They walked into Nancy’s office. It was more like a living room than an office. The bay windows looked out at a large oak tree. There were several birdfeeders hanging from its branches.
“Do you want some tea or coffee?” asked Nancy.
Rachel shook her head as sat down gracefully in a large plush chair.
“No thank you,” she said as she watched the birds on the feeder. They were fattening themselves up for the approaching winter.
“So do you have any plans for the weekend?” asked Nancy.
Rachel nodded. “Ken is coming down from Boston.” A big smile appeared on her face.
“That’s nice, when was the last time he was down here?” asked Nancy as she sipped her coffee.
“Three weeks ago,” she replied.
“How’s he doing?”
“He’s still seeing his therapist. Do you know Dr. Sullivan?”
Nancy nodded. “I also know her daughter who’s also a great therapist.”
“I didn’t know that. Well, Ken trusts her and he said that they’ve made great progress,” she replied.
“That’s good to hear. Rachel, how do you see Ken?” asked Nancy.
“He’s my best friend…he also saved me, he saved my life,” she replied.
“Do you have any other feelings for him?”
Rachel nodded. “I have very strong feelings for him, but we’ve both agreed to keep this as friendship for now. I don’t think I could stand someone touching me sexually for a while…even Ken.”
“That’s very normal considering what you went through,” replied Nancy.
“Can I ask you something?” asked Rachel.
Nancy nodded. “Of course.”
“I’d like to go back to college soon. Don’t get me wrong, I love it here, but I want to get back to my studies.”
“I’m sure we can work something out,” replied Nancy.
“Sooo, that’s a no for now, right?” asked Rachel fighting back her disappointment.
“Let’s just say that it’s not a yes…yet. You still have a lot of healing to do and it’s best to be careful and not rush things, okay? In the meantime, we can sign you up for one of the courses here.”
“Okay, that’s better than nothing,” replied Rachel.
“So do you plan on going for the same degree?” asked Nancy.
Rachel shook her head. “No, I want to change majors. Now that I have a sizable trust fund I have decided that I want to be a marine biologist. I would have picked it as my original major but it didn’t seem practical.”
“I’m not surprised by this decision. You’ve gone to the Mystic Aquarium six times since you’ve been here.”
The foundation regularly took the girls out on field trips.
“I like it…I feel at peace there,” she replied.
“Maybe we can work out something with them,” said Nancy. “Celeste is a major contributor.”
Rachel nodded. “I like her.”
“So do I,” replied Nancy. “So where did we stop last time?”
Chapter 69
Ken arrived at the front office early Saturday morning and checked in. It was cool and cloudy day. The weather reports stated that it might rain that evening.
“I’ll call her room for you,” said the friendly young woman at the front desk.
Ken nodded and seeing the girl’s nametag he thanked her.
“I appreciate that, Bobbi,” he stated.
A few minutes later Rachel walked up to the main office. She was wearing jeans, a red sweater and a black leather coat.
“Hi Rach,” he greeted.
“Hi Ken,” she replied as she gave him a hug.
“You look great,” he replied.
“I’ve put on a few pounds…they still think I’m too thin,” she replied.
Ken nodded. Rachel had lost a lot of weight during the three weeks she had spent in the hospital.
“So what do you want to do?” he asked.
“Have you had breakfast?” she asked.
“Nope, I passed a diner on the way here,” he said. “You want to grab a bite?”
“That sounds great,” she replied.
Over breakfast Rachel updated Ken on her status.
“I think it’s smart to take it slowly,” said Ken as he picked up a piece of bacon. “I didn’t go through ten percent of what you did, and it still bothers me.”
“Nancy says I have to let it out to move forward,” said Rachel as she spread some cream cheese on her bagel.
“That sounds smart,” replied Ken as he took another bite of his bacon.
“So how are you doing?” she asked. “I mean with school.”
“College is great. I officially changed my major and am now studying criminal justice,” he replied. “I might even go for my Masters…now that money isn’t an object.”
“So you’re really going to apply to the Agency?”
“When I graduate,” replied Ken. “Uncle Steve told me that I had to get my degree.”
“Do you feel any guilt about taking the money?” she asked.
Ken shook his head as he wiped his mouth. “None at all, what about you?”
She shook her head. “I look at it as a way to get my life back on track.”
“I’m glad that some good can come out of this. Uncle Steve told me that the Agency tries to set up trust funds whenever possible.”
“That reminds me, I never got a chance to thank him in person,” she said before taking a small bite of her bagel.
“Well, I’m going down to see him this spring in DC. Would you like to join me?”
“Really?” she asked excitedly. “But that’s not right; I don’t want to impose on him.”
Ken smiled. “I already called and asked him. He thinks it’s a great idea. My Aunt Maggie wants to meet you too. Maybe Beth will be there, she’s pretty cool.”
“Who’s Beth?”
“Their adopted daughter, she’s currently going to Penn,” said Ken. “I have the feeling that you two will get along perfectly.”
“I just hope the foundation lets me go,” she said. “I would like to meet more of your family.”
“I’m sure they will. I know it must seem like you’re locked up, but from what Uncle Steve told me, they do that will all new patients.”
Rachel nodded. “I hope he’s right. Hey, if we’re going to DC can I meet that agent you told me about, the one who is like me?”
Ken didn’t reply at first. He lowered his head and took a sip of coffee.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. “And don’t say nothing; I have always been able to tell when you’re lying.”
He let out a sigh. “Do you watch TV, Rach?”
Rachel nodded.
“Did you see that story about the agent who was stabbed last week?” asked Ken.
Rachel’s hands went to her mouth. “You mean?”
Ken nodded. “Yes, that was her, Ally Burns. The good thing is that Uncle Steve told me that she’s going to make it…but she may not regain full use of her arm.”
“I’m so sorry…and you still want to be an agent?”
“Yes, even more so. Uncle Steve told me all about her…you’re connected to her more than you realize,” replied Ken. “I’ll tell you about her if you’d like.”
“Please,” she replied.
Chapter 70
“I had no idea there were people like Ally Burns,” said Rachel as they walked around Mystic Seaport. Even though it was chilly they were having a good time.
“I’ve heard a lot of my uncle’s stories and she’s one of the few people that he’s truly impressed by,” replied Ken.
“Thank you for telling me about her,” said Rachel. “I also want to thank you again for saving me.”
“You’ve thanked me at least ten times already; don’t you think that’s enough?”
She shook her head. “You the reason I’m free today, how can I ever thank you enough?”
“We’re friends,” he continued. “That’s what friends do.”
“Yes, but we both know that we’re more than just friends,” she said softly as she took his hand into hers.
He glanced over at her as they continued to walk. “You sure about this?”
She smiled back. “Yes. I don’t want to rush things, Ken, but I do care about you…I always have and I always will.”
“You mean a lot to me too, Rach,” he replied.
“I’m glad to hear that,” she said. “I was afraid that…well, I’m not exactly a real woman.”
“No, Rach that’s not true, and I love you for who you are.”
“Thank you,” she said.
“We’ll just take it slow, right?” he asked.
“Yep, we have our whole lives ahead of us,” she replied as she gently squeezed his hand.
The End
Julieverse Characters
Ally Burns — Federal agent and head of The Agency’s Internet crime department, recruited to The Agency by Carol Martin. Ally has recently undergone SRS and lives with Carol and their cat in the Washington DC area. (The Protector Series, Combined Forces)
Dr. Nancy Chen- Originally a therapist for The Agency, she left to work at The Farnsworth Foundation. — (Combined Forces, Celestial Awakenings)
Celeste Farnsworth — Originally Jeremy Green; was abducted and feminized by Margo Simon. Celeste was then sold to Sherman Farnsworth, a self-made millionaire. Instead of using her as a sex slave, Celeste became his wife. Sherman died of a heart attack and Celeste used his wealth to create a foundation for abused transgendered teens. (Combined Forces, Celestial Awakenings, Coeds)
Bobbi Marks- Born and raised in the Tidewater area of Virginia, Bob was abducted and enslaved by Monica Lee. She escaped to only face a different threat by an overzealous attorney- (Double Jeopardy)
Mary Marks- The mother of Bobbi. Along with her husband they moved from Virginia to Connecticut to work at the Farnsworth Foundation. (Double Jeopardy)
Margo Simon- A sick twisted sociopath and those are her good points. Her sex slave business was broken up by Ally Burns. Sentenced to multiple life sentences in a Super Max prison. (Combined Forces, The Protector Series)
Dr. Angela Sullivan —She still works out of her office in Providence RI. Angela began to assist transgendered teens back in the 1980’s. Her daughter Jenna attended Brown and then went to work for the Agency. (The Protector Series, Change of Course Series, Combined Forces, Celestial Awakenings, Band of Sisters).
Tom, Madison, Joe, & Jackson- Members of Steve Williams’ elite Strike Force. (Protector Series)
Cathleen and Michelle- Cathleen is the Agencies top computer field agent. Michelle runs the Agency’s research department (Protector Series)
Beth Williams- While serving in the navy, LT Ben Carlson was transformed into a teenage girl by Dr. Martz, through a DNA process. Beth was adopted by two federal agents, Maggie and Steve Williams. Beth has also served as an agent, although she is now currently a fulltime student. Beth is currently dating a fellow Penn student named Jim Buchwalter. (Change of Course I-IV, Combined Forces, The Protector Series, Coeds)
Steve Williams- One of the top agents at the federal law enforcement organization called The Agency, a hybrid of the FBI and CIA. Recruited from the US Navy SEALs, Steve currently works out of the Spec-Ops department and runs the tactical strike teams. His wife is Maggie who is also an agent. They have two children, Beth their adopted daughter and their son Steve Jr. (Change of Course and Protector Series)
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Another great work by a
Another great work by a great author. I love your works you are my all time fav author on the net.I will be waiting for your next story.
>>>>>I'm a new soul.I came to this strange world.Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.<<<<<
eddie Another
Another wonderful story, can't wait for the next one.I love the Juliverse stories.
Good to see you in such fine form
Julie- so good to see another episode in your universe- I do so miss the quality of storytelling you bring to the genre, where the tg elements are part of the plot but not all of the plot, where they are part of the character but not all of the character.
Thanks for your ongoing efforts- please keep them coming.
Thank you
Thank you, Julie O, for another wonderful story. I always look forward to reading your works as you are definitely one of my favorite authors. All your stories are read and re-read many times; looking forward to more Ally Burns and Jirra Reid works too.
Thanks again for keeping us entertained.
Great Story
I've read a few of Julie O's stories and enjoyed what I've read. Is there a sequential order (Julie-verse story time line wise) that provides the best experience?
Brilliant! I'd love to see more on Rachel. Poor girl.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
into the heart of the julieverse
I was somehow thinking this was going to be one of Julie O's more "stand-alone" type stories. A lot of these are pretty good, but what I really love is when characters I know and love from the established series start showing up. So this was a real treat. Her FBI vs. the creepoid predator-ring are among my favorites of hers. I guess Allie Burns is at this point in the timeline recuperating from injuries sustained during her last adventure, but Steve Williams (Beth's Dad) is a good guy and played a nice substanial role in this one, and Dr. Angela, and a neat new character has entered the Julieverse, displaying courage when it counted, in a neat little twist that reminded me of the "You're fired" scene in ROBOCOP, and if she's going back to college I have a feeling we'll be seeing her again (a marine biology student? Maybe Julie can see fit to throw Mediterranean mermaids into the mix...). I think in a comment to an earlier story I referred to this Heidi Walsh as "Margo Lite", but here she proves to be a very nasty villian in her own right. Great to see Julie's stories appearing regularly again after what seemed a long haitus, and this here was a good-un...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
A New "Coed"
Your stories are always so good. It looks like we're about to have another "Coed", provided we can get Rachel in a Philadelphia school. Thanks Julie.
Good story
Julie, I really enjoyed this latest of your wonderful stories with the Julieverse characters. It took me a while to get into this one, as the forced domination is difficult for me to read. But, turned out very well. Best wishes to Ken and Rachel. Hugs, Wendy Marie
Wendy Marie
'Is a bear Catholic?'
I have been using that for a very long time. Glad to see someone else actually use it.
Great story.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil Blonde Proofreaders
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.