Surprise Acceptance

Surprise Acceptance

By Joan Knight


John / Joan Knight, late 50s, 5’10”, 175 pounds, short-cropped brown hair.
Andrea Knight, late 50s, 5'5”, 120 (?) pounds, short brown/grey hair, 38-D breasts, 34-inch waist, 36-inch hips.

Andrea, my wife of nearly 30 years, has known about my crossdressing since shortly after we started dating.
She does not condone the practice and barely tolerates that I have a collection of wigs, shoes, lingerie, and dresses.
My female clothing is always stored away, where she never sees anything.

Chapter One: Revelations


Andrea had been on a two-week trip to visit with family and attend her high school reunion. She also attended a wedding and a birthday party.

When she left, I used hair removal cream to defoliate my body and took the opportunity to dress, except when I needed to leave the house.

I spent this morning doing laundry and packing all my female clothes away. Her return flight was not scheduled to arrive until after seven o’clock in the evening, so I had all day to do laundry and clean the house.

I drove to the airport, parked, and went to baggage claim, getting there as her flight was scheduled to land.
On the drive home, Andrea recounted her trip, then fell silent.
I thought she was only tired and did not give her silence much thought.
As we were exiting the expressway, she asked “Did you dress up while I was gone?”

I was startled by the question but answered “Yes.”

“Every day?”

“I slept in a nightgown every night. I did not dress if I went anywhere.”

“What do you call yourself when you are dressed?”

“I refer to myself as Joan Knight.”

“That is a cute name.”

We arrived home, I pulled into the garage, unloaded her luggage, and carried everything into the bedroom so she could unpack. As it was now approaching ten o’clock, I got undressed and ready for bed.

“Do you want to wear your nightgown?”

“If you want me to. I did not think you liked me being dressed around you.”

“I think it will be okay. Go ahead and change.”

A little bewildered I unpacked my nightgown, panties, and tube top breast forms. After removing my tee shirt and shorts, I put on the breast forms, and panties, and slipped on the nightgown. Leaving the closet, I looked for Andrea, finding her in the bathroom. She turned and looked at me, smiling “You look fine. We will talk some more tomorrow. Go to sleep. I will be up for a little while.”

Still confused, I went to bed and tried to go to sleep. I had a tough time winding down, wondering what had changed and why Andrea was now encouraging me to dress up.

Andrea got up at six-thirty in the morning. After taking a shower and getting dressed she came back to the bedroom. “I am going to play pickleball. While I am gone, I want you to put on your nicest outfit and do your make-up. I will be back around nine-thirty.”

I started to ask questions, but she put her fingers on my lips to silence me. “Just get dressed.” She kissed me and went into the kitchen, had a quick breakfast, and left.

There is no way I would be able to go back to sleep after those instructions! I got out of bed hung my nightgown in the closet and removed my breast forms.

It had only been two weeks since I used hair removal cream, but I took the time to do this again before taking a shower. After drying off, I applied body lotion and slipped on my tube top breast forms, white lace panties, and matching 40-D bra.

Next, I shaved, using a new blade, and began applying makeup. Beard cover, foundation, blush, lip liner, and lip gloss. I painted my fingers and toes with a light pink nail polish. Once the polish had dried, I donned a wig, brushed it out, and added clip-on earrings.

I rolled the pantyhose onto my feet and wiggled them up, using a waist-cincher to smooth my tummy and hold the pantyhose top in place. I finished with a dove grey dress and black open-toe 2” heels. Looking at the clock it has been just under two hours since I got out of bed.

With Andrea not due back for another half-hour, I sat at the kitchen counter, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I was surprised and confused. What had changed that made Andrea approve of my cross-dressing? Where is this going?
Chapter Two: Surprise
At about nine-thirty, I heard the garage door. Shortly, Andrea came into the kitchen. I stood. “My goodness! You look much better than I had anticipated.” She gave me a hug and a light kiss.

Behind her, to my astonishment, was her friend, Rachel.

I was mortified. We have known Rachel, a mid-fifties widow, for about six years. She is about five-foot-five and has short-cropped curly dark red hair, blue eyes, and D-cup breasts. She is wearing a form-fitting red and white striped top with a navy-blue skort, and bright red lip gloss. Very pleasing to the eye.

“Rachel, this is Joan.”

Rachel looked at me with a big smile. Seeing the abject horror in my eyes she opened her arms. “Oh, my goodness. Come and hug me. You look lovely.” She pulled me to her, giving me a hug and a soft kiss.

I returned the hug and kiss. “Thank you, Rachel. I was certainly not expecting to meet anyone this morning.”

“Quite all right. I am perfectly fine with you wearing a dress. Andrea admitted to me that you cross-dress. She did not tell me how well you dressed. You are gorgeous.”

“I agree. You do look beautiful. I had no idea you looked this good when dressed.” Added Andrea.

“Thank you both. Andrea had never seen me completely dressed before now. This is not something that I do regularly.”

“Turn around. Show us the whole package. You look better than most of the women I know. I do not see a guy in a dress. You are wearing heels. Are you comfortable in anything higher, say a 3” or more?” asked Rachel.

I spun around, giving them a 360 look, “I have two pairs of 3 ½” sling-backs, but I cannot stand in them for extended periods.”

“Your bosom is quite impressive. What are your measurements?” asked Rachel.

“I am wearing a 40-D bra, my waist is 34 and my hips are 38. I wear L or XL, size 16 or 18, and 9 ½ wide heels,” I answered.

“Many women would love to have that figure. Your bosom looks appropriate for your body frame.”

Andrea led us into the living room. “Rachel picked me up this morning. We discussed your cross-dressing while driving to the courts. She wanted to see what you looked like, so I invited her in. Please, just relax and tell us how you spent your week cross-dressing. How does being dressed make you feel? Start at the beginning and tell us everything.”

I smoothed my skirt, sat in a side chair, and held my knees together.

“First, I had no idea that you would tell anyone about this. It was supposed to be a secret between you and me.”

“I know, but I needed to talk to someone, and Rachel is a good friend.”

“Joan, please do not be upset. We are good friends, and I knew something was bothering Andrea. She did not want to tell, but I pulled the story out. Please know that I will never tell anyone about this. If you do not mind my asking, I am curious. How long have you been cross-dressing? What made you start?”

“Okay. Where do I begin? I started dressing when I was in grade school. After graduating from high school and moving away, I did not have any opportunity for several years. An occasional girlfriend would allow me to sleep in a nightgown, but none ever condoned, let alone encouraged me to dress. I told Andrea shortly after we started dating, but she never wanted anything to do with me dressing. On the drive home from the airport last night, she began to ask questions and allowed me to wear a nightgown to bed for the first time in years. This morning, she told me to get dressed and do my makeup while she was gone. I am still wondering how this will play out.”

“To answer Andrea’s question, I spent the week wearing a bra and panties. Mostly with a golf shirt and shorts. Occasionally I would put on a dress and wig. Since I never go out of the house, there was no need to use makeup. I slept in a nightgown, as I did last night. What changed so that you suddenly wanted to see me dressed up?”

“Brenda Hayes, one of our old neighbors, was at Linda Blair’s birthday party. She raved about her husband, and how much fun they had when he was dressed. He was at the party in a cute dress. Until she introduced Anita as Tony, I would never have known she was a guy. Several months before, Brenda had coerced him into dressing for a costume party. After that, he told her he enjoyed being dressed. They continued and incorporated his dressing into their lifestyle. We talked at length. She gave several examples of how their relationship improved with his cross-dressing. I know you like to dress, so I thought I would try to see if I could be accepting.”

“What do you have in mind? I certainly do not want anyone else to know about this. I have no desire to go out in public, nor to be with anyone besides you.”

“I am pleasantly surprised how well you did your makeup. A couple of touches and no one would ever suspect you were not as advertised. More clarity around your eyes. I see that you painted your nails. Let me work on your makeup.

I went to the master bathroom, retrieved my makeup bag, and returned to the kitchen. Andrea selected eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, powder, and blush. I sat while she fixed my makeup.

“You looked very good before, but now you look fantastic,” exclaimed Rachel.

“You do look much better. We need to get you some better makeup. Touch up your lip gloss and see what you think.”

“I bought all this online, and rarely use any of it. It is not like I have ever gone out in public.” I took my lip gloss into the bathroom to use the mirror to refresh my lips. The subtle changes to my eyes and cheeks were wonderful. I was amazed at how much better I looked.
Chapter Three: Out in Public
“Joan, please, get your purse. We are going to brunch and continue this conversation.” Instructed Rachel.

“Please. I do not want to go out in public. This has been enough stress for one day. Why not stay here and I will cook for you?”

“Nonsense. You look too good to stay home. It will be three ladies having brunch. No one will bother us. Now. Get your purse. You can ride with me. Andrea can follow and bring you back home.”

I went to the bathroom, retrieved my purse, and added my lip gloss and wallet. I was still nervous. Rachel just smiled and hugged me, and we went out to her golf cart.

“Just relax. You look wonderful. Tuck your skirt under your legs and keep your knees together so the wind does not blow your skirt over your head!”

“This is all a whirlwind. While driving home from the airport, Andrea asked me if I spent the time dressed. I said yes. She suggested that I wear a nightgown last night. That is the first time in years she has allowed me to do that. Then, this morning, she told me to get dressed and do my makeup. I rarely wear makeup. This is the first time I have ever been out of the house!”

“It is okay. Anyone who looks at you will see a lovely lady.”

We arrived at a breakfast and lunch café. Andrea was right behind us. Rachel led us in and asked for a booth. The hostess escorted us to our seats. I sat against the wall with Andrea on one side, and Rachel by herself on the opposite. Rachel ordered coffee and water all around. Both women raved about different items on the menu, so I allowed Andrea to order for me.

“How do you feel about Rachel seeing you dressed?” Andrea asked.

“For some reason, I am amazingly relaxed being dressed right now. I was mortified when she came in, but I must say I feel exceptionally comfortable. Thank you.”

“You are welcome. I was surprised when I walked in and saw you dressed. If Andrea had not told me that you were a crossdresser, I would have had no idea that you were not a woman. You present yourself very well. Your makeup is now perfect. I am extremely impressed with your feminine walk and mannerisms.”

“Andrea had never condoned my dressing, and I had never been seen by anyone else. You quickly put me at ease. I feel perfectly comfortable sitting here with you in public wearing a dress. Thank you both for your support.”

“I was more than amazed when we returned home today. Joan had never been completely dressed around me. I had always been intolerant of this lifestyle. Seeing her right now, I am astonished at how convincing she is. As we sit here, I see an incredibly beautiful woman and am delighted. We will have to explore to see what works for us.” Added Andrea.

Our food order was delivered. The conversation paused while we ate.

We finished and as we started to leave, I told Andrea that I needed to go to the restroom. She came with me. I went into a stall, sat, relieved myself, washed my hands, and refreshed my lip gloss all without anyone else in the restroom. We went outside to where the golf carts were parked. Rachel was waiting for us.

“Of all the people Andrea might have chosen to expose my cross-dressing to and bring to see me, I am glad it was you.”

“I feel privileged to meet Joan. If you would be interested, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Rachael, at this point, you can ask for just about anything.”

“Thank you. Would you consider wearing a maid uniform and serving tomorrow afternoon's Mahjong game at my house? I am serious. Please come home with me and see if the uniform will fit.”

I looked at Andrea. She just smiled and waved me on. I got into Rachel’s golf cart and with Andrea following, she drove to her home. Rachel pulled into the garage. Andrea parked in the drive and we all entered through the garage.

Rachel went into the guest bedroom and came back with a clothing bag.

“Here. Go try this on and let us see how it fits. You have a well-defined bosom, so it might be a little tight.”

I took the clothing bag into the guest bedroom and took off my dress.

The maid uniform came with a choker, petticoat, garter, and thigh-high fishnet stockings. I rolled the stockings over my pantyhose. Next, the petticoat, garter, and then the dress, with a back zipper. As Rachel expected, my bosom filled the front of the dress. In the bathroom, I put on the choker and refreshed my lip gloss. Rachel and Andrea were sitting in the living room. My heels on the hardwood floor announced my return. They both looked up, gasped, and then stood to meet me.

“Oh, my goodness. You look stunning. Knowing the truth, I do not see you as a guy in a dress.” exclaimed Rachel.

“Yes. I agree. You do look beautiful.” Added Andrea.

“How does it fit and feel?” asked Rachel.

“Everything fits and feels fine. Snug, but comfortable. As you expected, my bosom does fill the dress to the limits. It took an effort to get the zipper closed.”

“This is not something that you have to do, but I think it would be wonderful.” Added Rachel.

“I think I need a drink first.”

Andrea & Rachel were both drinking Chardonnay, so I filled a glass and joined them.

“Cheers,” I clicked glasses with both before sitting on the sofa. The petticoat wanted to make the skirt stand up. Both girls chuckled at my attempts to flatten it out. I held my knees together to at least try and be ladylike.

“Please give me some more specifics on what I would be doing. Will there be anyone there who knows me?”

“No. Andrea and I will be the only ones you might know. There will be six other women from my Mahjong group. I doubt anyone will figure out that you are not a female. Even if they do, it will not be an issue. They might want you to work at one of their parties!”

“If you and Andrea can come back tomorrow at about four, we can get everything arranged for the games. They will last about two hours. Please plan to stay a little longer for drinks afterward. Your choice is whether you want to wear a dress and change or if you want to wear the maid uniform over and back. After we have finished, you are welcome to keep the maid uniform. It looks exceptionally good on you.”

“Most, if not all the women, will drink Chardonnay. There will be three bottles in the refrigerator chilling. Any exceptions will bring their drinks.”

“I will try to be a good maid for your games.”

“Thank you. I am sure this will be a fun afternoon.”

I went back to the guest bedroom to change back to my dress. I put the maid uniform, stockings, choker, garter, and petticoat back in the clothing bag and took it out to the living room.

“Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

Hugs and kisses around, and then Andrea drove us home. “This is a new chapter in our life. I had no idea all this was going to happen. I am comfortable with you being dressed.”

“I am surprised, yet pleased, with your acceptance.”

We hugged and kissed.

I looked at the clock. It is only 1 p.m.
Chapter Four: Shopping
I took the maid uniform into the bedroom, refreshed my lip gloss, and fluffed my wig before returning to the living room. Andrea was sitting in her recliner with her laptop. I smoothed my skirt and sat in a chair, being conscious to keep my knees together.

“Are you sure you are okay with me wearing a dress?”

“Yes. I am still processing everything, but I cannot find any reason to object right now. I had no idea how fabulous you look when dressed and made-up. I doubt anyone would have any reason to believe that you are not a true lady.”

“Are you going to be okay with me wearing a nightgown to bed?”

“I see no reason why not.”

“Would you mind if I bought a new nightgown? The one I have is a few years old.”

“No problem. What did you have in mind?”

“How about a babydoll?”

“What else do you need? You mentioned that you could not stand for long in your 3 ½” sling-back pumps. Would you like to find a pair that fits better? You need new makeup. We can go shopping. There is a JC Penney a few miles away. They will have babydoll nightgowns. The beauty salon can match your skin tone and recommend the correct colors for you.”

“If you think I am passable, we can go away to shop. I have no problem going into a shoe store.”

“How many outfits do you have?”

“I have this dress and another quite similar in light brown. In addition to this pair, I have a pair of 2” brown heels, and two pairs of 3 ½” sling-back pumps, one beige and one navy blue. Would you mind helping me find some additional outfits? Skirts, skorts, shorts, and blouses to wear around the house. Probably need to refresh my bras and panties. They are as old as my nightgown.”

“Certainly. We can look for some more outfits while we are shopping. Let me get some measurements so we start at the correct size racks. You will be able to try some things on, or you might prefer to bring things home. A lot will depend upon how many other customers are in the area.”

Andrea went to get her measuring tape and a pad of paper. She confirmed that my bra band size is forty inches, my waist is thirty-four, my hips are thirty-eight, and that I wear size nine and one-half wide shoes. With my breast forms, my bra is a D-cup. I will need large blouses and large or size ten skirts.

“Okay. We have what we need to get started. Grab your purse and we can go.”

We both grabbed our purses. I found it difficult to get in the car wearing heels. Face outboard, sit, and rotate into the seat. As I fastened the seatbelt, it was a thrill to have the belt bisect my bosom. Andrea drove us to JC Penney.

Entering the store, I grabbed a shopping cart. We started in the lingerie section, where there was a sale rack of bra and panty sets. Luckily, size 40-D was on the rack, as well as a matching size eight panties. We picked up three sets in white, two in black and one nude. We also selected four different nightgowns, three babydolls, one white, one black, and one pink. There was also a knee-length gown in powder blue. Moving over to outerwear we found another sale rack.
“What colors do you prefer?”

“With brown eyes and hair, I have always stayed with earth tones. Brown, green, blue, or black. Not very much in the pink, red, or white.”

Andrea picked out four tops of varying colors and patterns. “What do you think of these?”

“They all look good. Now to find coordinating bottoms.”

We laid the tops across the shopping cart to facilitate matching skirts or shorts. Staying with solid colors, we completed the outfits.

“Do you want to try these on, or take them home?”

“There are no customers in the department, so I will go try them on.”

We went over to the dressing room. I took three of the outfits in to try on. After pulling my dress off over my head, I had to re-adjust my wig. I put on the first outfit, looked in the mirror, and stepped out to get Andrea’s opinion.

“That looks cute. Does it fit properly?”

“I think so.” I wiggled my arms around to make sure.

“Here, I found two dresses I think you will like.”

Back in the dressing room, I repeated the procedure for one more outfit and the two dresses, with the same results. After trying on all six outfits, and getting approval from Andrea, I put my dress back on.

1. Skirt – Pink drawstring w/ White Paisley Keyhole-neck Sleeveless blouse
2. Skirt – Red / White checked w/ White Crew Neck Short Sleeve blouse
3. Shorts – Black w/ Coral Red Crinkle Chest Short Sleeve top
4. Shorts – White drawstring w/ Blue floral square neck flutter sleeve blouse
5. Dress - Floral Baby-doll short sleeve - Pink
6. Dress - Empire waist floral print – Red/white
We went over to the shoe department and found four distinctive styles of ladies’ pumps. I tried each pair, walking back and forth to find the most comfortable. Andrea advised that spike heels might not be as comfortable as block heels. I agreed, but the four-inch pumps looked very sexy! We finally settled on a pair of Life Stride 3 ½” ankle straps with block heels.

Andrea approached one of the makeup clerks and asked that she recommend the correct colors for me.

“Hey sweetie, this is Cindy. Come sit here and let her find the right colors for you.”

I sat at the counter to let Cindy do her job. She gave me a warm smile. “Just relax. You will be amazed at what we can do by matching your skin color.”

She began putting strips of color on the top of my hands and cheeks, finally deciding on the correct colors for my skin tone. With that information, she and Andrea picked out the necessary items.

Walking past the jewelry counter, Andrea asked a clerk if they could pierce my ears. She said, yes, so we stopped and picked out a pair of large hoops. I removed my clip-on earrings, had my ears pierced, and had the hoops inserted. Looking in the mirror, the change was dramatic.

“Okay. Is there anything else we need to shop for today?” I asked.

“Not of which I can think. We are close enough in size that if needed, you could borrow something.”

We checked out and returned home. I hung my new clothes in the closet and put my bras and panties in the dresser.

“Go remove your makeup and I will help you apply what we just bought.”

I went to the bathroom and scrubbed my makeup off.

Out to the kitchen counter, I sat to let Andrea apply my new makeup.

“You are going to love this new color. Go look in the mirror.”

I went to the bathroom. The change was dramatic.

“Even Rachel would not recognize me now! This is much better than my old makeup.”

“It is now four o’clock. What do we want to do for dinner?”

“We went out for brunch. Why not stay home tonight?”

We made a salad, warmed some leftovers, and played a game while eating. After cleaning up, it was time to see what was on TV for the evening.

“Do you want to watch TV out here, or in the bedroom?” I asked.

“I will take the living room you can watch in the bedroom.” She answered.

We kissed. A little more passionately than normal. I went to the bedroom, removed my heels, dress, bra, and wig, and put on my white baby doll. Scrubbed off my makeup and settled down to see what was on TV. It did not take long before I was dozing off. It has been a very eventful day. I finished my drink, turned the TV off, and went to sleep.
Chapter Five: A New Perspective

As usual, I woke up at seven o’clock. I got out of bed and took a shower. I put on a bra and panties, then applied makeup, and donned a new pink drawstring skirt with a white paisley keyhole-neck sleeveless blouse, 2” open-toe black heels, a wig, and new hoop earrings. Walking back through the bedroom, Andrea was stirring.

“You certainly look wonderful.”

“Thanks” I leaned down and gave her a soft kiss.

In the kitchen, I started the coffee maker and then realized I would have to go out for the newspaper. Andrea said I looked good, so if anyone walks by, hopefully, they will not recognize me!

I made it out to the driveway, retrieved the newspaper, and back into the house without encountering anyone. I had finished reading the paper before Andrea came out of the bedroom.

“You have done a wonderful job with your makeup. I am impressed.”

“Thanks. I tried to remember the final changes you applied yesterday. I had to go out and get the newspaper. Luckily, no one was walking by at that time.”

“There is no reason for anyone to look at you and see anything but a beautiful woman.”

I was astonished. “Thank you. You have no idea how much your acceptance and support mean to me. I promise I will never do anything to embarrass you. Joan will be very discreet. I certainly do not need anyone else to know that I am a crossdresser.”

We hugged and kissed, passionately.
Chapter Six: The Party

It was time to get ready for the party. I undressed, scrubbed off my makeup, showered, and shaved again. I put on black lace panties and a matching bra. Andrea gave me some nail polish remover. After I scrubbed the old polish off my fingers, she applied a pastel pink polish to my fingers and toes. While the polish was drying, she applied my new makeup.

Getting dressed, I removed my panties, pulled on my waist cincher and garter belt, the fishnet stockings, and then replaced my panties over the garter tabs. I stepped into the dress, zipped the back, then added the petticoat, leg garter, and choker.

With new makeup, large hoop earrings, and high heels, the look was very sexy. Time to go.

Andrea loaned me a knee-length raincoat to wear over the maid uniform. It was a little tight, so I draped it over my shoulders. We took her golf cart to Rachel’s house and parked in the double driveway away from the front door. We went to the front door and rang the doorbell. Rachel answered almost immediately and ushered us in.

“Thank you for coming early. Joan, you look amazing. Your hoop earrings are great. I hope you will enjoy the party. Let me put your coat on the guest bed.”

Rachel had already set two card tables with four chairs at each table. Two side tables at opposite corners of each table for drinks and snacks.

“Most, if not all the women, will drink Chardonnay. There are three bottles in the refrigerator chilling. Any exceptions will bring their refreshments. Joan, I have a name tag for you.”

She handed me a name tag holder with ‘JOAN’ in bold letters. I clipped it to the ruffled collar of my dress. We finished setting out drink coasters, napkins, and snack plates. The snacks were on the kitchen counter. The doorbell rang and the first of the women came in.

“Ladies, we have our very own maid for the afternoon. This is Joan. Please let her know what you want to drink, and she will be happy to bring it to you. Joan, this is Sharon and Diane.”

“You went all out bringing in a maid, Rachel. What a pretty lady you are, Joan.” Diane added.

“Nice to meet you as well. What may I offer you to drink?”

“Thank you, Joan. It will be Chardonnay for both of us. And you do look lovely.” Added Sharon.

“Thank you very much. I will get your drinks.”

I went to the kitchen and filled two wine glasses from the open bottle in the refrigerator. As I was doing this, the front door opened, and four more ladies paraded into the living room. Rachel introduced Mary, Judy, Pat, and Nancy to Joan with the same offer of her services. They welcomed having a maid and all opted for Chardonnay. I poured four more glasses of wine and delivered them to the new arrivals. The ladies sat and started playing Mahjong. They were intent, with plenty of chit-chat.

I went around the two tables, checking to see if anyone needed a drink or snack refill. In the early rounds, they all smiled, thanked me, and declined anything. As the game progressed, one or another would ask for a refill. At the end of a hand, one or more might take a bathroom break.

At about an hour into the afternoon, a general break was taken, and everyone got up to stretch. Rachel had prepared a half-time dessert which I helped serve.

During this time, Judy came to me. “Do you live in the neighborhood?”

“Yes. Andrea and I are housemates.” I chickened out to avoid the implications of being same-sex partners. “We have lived here for about six years. Andrea met Rachel in a pickleball group.”

“You certainly look good in your maid’s outfit. I doubt I would have the nerve to wear one. What made you do this?”

“Andrea was going to be playing, and I had nothing else planned, so it was just something to do for the evening.”

“We thank you for giving up your time to wait on us. You are doing a wonderful job.”

“Thank you. You are all a pleasure to serve.”

She went back to her table and the game continued for another hour. I continued making the rounds attending to their drink and snack needs. When the games were all completed, the ladies all thanked Rachel for hosting, and me for waiting on them. I acknowledged their compliments and thanked them for making the evening so much fun. Rachel and I cleaned up the kitchen while Andrea broke down the folding tables and chairs.

“Thank you for serving as a wonderful maid. You did an excellent job. I do not think any of the other women had any idea that you were anything but a beautiful lady. Would you like an after-party cocktail?”

“Thank you. Yes. If you have any vodka, I will make a martini. It has been an enjoyable evening. This dress is snug but supports my breasts. Andrea convinced me to get block heels instead of spikes, and that turned out to be a very good decision. They are wonderfully comfortable. She did an excellent job with my nails and makeup to make me feel very relaxed.”

“The martini shaker is in the cabinet beside the refrigerator. The vodka is in the same cabinet. Martini glasses are in the corner cabinet. If you do not mind, I will have one as well. Andrea, what would you like?”

“I will have a Cosmo if you have some cranberry juice.”

“Yes. There is cranberry juice in the refrigerator.”

I went into the kitchen, found the martini shaker, and filled it with ice. Found the vodka and poured six ounces into the shaker. While shaking the ice and vodka, I retrieved the cranberry juice from the refrigerator and three martini glasses from the cupboard. I continued shaking while filling the glasses with ice. Dumping the glasses, I poured about two ounces of cranberry into one glass, then filled all three with vodka.

“Here you are, ladies. I hope these are satisfactory.”

“These look wonderful. Thank you so much, Joan.”

“Yes. Joan, you have done a wonderful job this evening. We may have a new career for you!” added Andrea.

“I have to say, I was mortified when Rachel came in yesterday. Andrea had never condoned my dressing, and I had never been seen by anyone else. I was very apprehensive when this plan first came out. Rachel, you quickly put me at ease. I feel perfectly comfortable sitting here wearing a dress. Thank you both for your support.”

“You present yourself very well. Your walk and mannerisms are feminine. Your makeup is perfect. The only thing that might give you away is your voice. You did a respectable job speaking softly today. I hope I have the pleasure of being with you again, soon.”

“Seeing her yesterday and today, and especially this afternoon, I am amazed at how convincing she can be. We will have to explore more and see what works for us. For right now, I see an incredibly beautiful woman and am thrilled.” Added Andrea.

We finished our martinis. I draped Andrea’s raincoat over my shoulders to cover the maid's uniform. Hugs and kisses around and we returned home.

“Whew! What an eventful two days. A lot has changed in our life. Do we want to discuss this now, or sleep on it and talk tomorrow?” I asked.

“I agree. A lot has changed in my perception, and I must decide how to adjust. Why not chill this evening and see how we feel in the morning?”

“Do you want to watch TV out here, or in the bedroom?” I asked.

“I will take the living room you can watch in the bedroom.” She answered.

We kissed passionately. I asked Andrea to unzip my dress.
I fixed a drink and went into the bedroom. Removed my heels, maid dress, choker, garter belt, bra, and fishnet stockings. I decided to keep my breast forms on and selected my new black baby doll. Scrubbed off my makeup and settled down to see what was on TV. It did not take long before I was dozing off. It has been a very eventful two days. I finished my drink, turned the TV off, and went to sleep.
Chapter Seven: Changes
Without an alarm, I woke up at seven o’clock. Andrea was still sleeping soundly. I got up as quietly as I could, hung my nightgown in my closet, threw my panties into the hamper, and went into the bathroom for a shower, shaved, and applied my makeup. I selected a matching white lace bra and panties, a blue floral square neck flutter sleeve blouse with white drawstring shorts, a wig, hoop earrings, and black 2” heels.

Quietly passing through the bedroom, I closed the door. Into the kitchen, I started a cup of coffee and went out to get the newspaper. No neighbors were walking down the street, so there was no issue there. I sipped my coffee and read the newspaper before Andrea came out of the bedroom.

“Good morning beautiful.” She greeted me with a kiss. “You did a fantastic job with your makeup. I like it.”

“Thank you, sweetie. I tried to remember all the pointers you gave me. How did you sleep?”

“I stayed up later than I intended catching up on some shows I missed while gone. You were sound asleep when I came to bed.”

“What do you have planned for today? I have nothing on my calendar.”

“I have nothing planned. What would you like to do?”

Right then, Andrea’s phone rang. She answered. All I heard was “Yes. Good morning to you. Nothing. Sure.” She put the call on speaker.

“Rachel wants to talk about yesterday and having you serve at some upcoming parties.”

“Good morning, Joan. You made quite an impression on the ladies yesterday. You will not believe the responses I received. My phone rang most of the evening. The ladies were extremely impressed with your services and would like to book you for some of their parties. None mentioned anything that might suggest they felt you were anything but a remarkably beautiful lady.”

“That is very surprising and encouraging. I must ask, how do you feel about dealing with a crossdresser?”

“You are the first crossdresser I have knowingly encountered. Your presentation, carriage, and attitude are fantastic. I have no problem interacting with you and will never expose you. You are a wonderful maid and an exceptionally beautiful woman.”

“Thank you, Rachel. Let me know when you need me again.”

“Thank you, Joan. Talk to you soon.”

The call ended.

“This means Joan will now become a part of our relationship. Part of the reason I sat up so late last night was to decide how I felt about you in female mode. You have done such an excellent job of presenting yourself, that I cannot find a reason to object. As such, you may be Joan when necessary and I will accept you.” Andrea added.

I was astonished. “Thank you. You have no idea how much your acceptance and support mean to me. I promise I will never do anything to embarrass you. Joan will be very discreet. I certainly do not need any of my friends to know that I am a crossdresser.”

We hugged and kissed, passionately.
Chapter Eight: Out to Dinner

“We are going celebrate this new lifestyle by going out to dinner! As Rachel said, you look too good to stay home. We can leave the area, but we are going out to dinner.”

“Just a minute. I need to put pantyhose on to cover my ‘golfer tan’ ankles.”

Andrea giggled. “Okay. Hurry up.”

Back to the closet, I undressed, wiggled on my pantyhose, put on my waist-cincher, and decided to change into my red and white empire waist floral print dress and new block heels with ankle straps. Grabbing my purse, we went to the garage.

Andrea drove out of our neighborhood to another town, about ten miles away. The resort and spa offered four different restaurants, from elegant to casual. Andrea led us to the elegant restaurant and asked for a table. The maître de showed us to a table by a window overlooking the golf course and a lake, laying a menu in front of each of us, and unfolding napkins into our laps. A server scurried over to fill our water glasses and informed us that our waiter would be with us shortly.

“See. I told you no one would see you as anything but a beautiful woman.”

“Thank you, but I am still nervous.”

Our waiter came over, introduced herself as Melanie, and asked if we wanted to start with a cocktail or drink.

“I think a Prosecco would be appropriate,” Andrea answered.

“Certainly. Be right back.”

“Here you are, ladies. Enjoy.” Melanie delivered two flutes of Prosecco and left.
“Cheers!” We clicked our glasses and sipped the bubbly.

“Here is to my new girlfriend. I wish I had accepted your feminine persona long ago. You do look lovely.”

“Thank you. I am happy you are now more accepting. We will have to explore new frontiers to discover our comfort level for the future.”

“I find it interesting that while you never condoned my cross-dressing, I always did it in the privacy of our home. Since you decided to accept this, we have now been out in public three times since yesterday. Brunch with Rachel, then our shopping trip, and the party, now dinner, what do we do next?”

“Just think of the possibilities for Halloween or any other costume party!”

“That might be fun, but then others would learn of my cross-dressing.”

“Not if you wore a mask.”

Melanie returned and Andrea ordered for both of us. We had a wonderful dinner with no issues.

We returned home. I undressed, removed my makeup, and chose my new pink baby doll. It has been an exceptionally long day. We were both exhausted, cuddling as we drifted off to sleep.

Joan will now be a big part of our lives.
What a dramatic change since Tuesday.
****** THE END ******

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