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Chapter 1: The Wish
The morning sunlight filtered into the small bedroom, casting a soft glow on Daniel’s face as he sat on the edge of his bed, staring at himself in the mirror. His hazel eyes looked tired, and his brown hair, always a bit unruly, stuck up in all directions. He sighed, pulling at the loose hem of his shirt.
Today was his fifteenth birthday, but he felt as invisible as ever.
Daniel’s sister, Tessa, was his complete opposite. As he listened to her bustling across the hall, he thought about her easy confidence and athletic build. Tessa was tall and lean and had a natural grace that made people stop and notice her. Her green eyes sparkled with the thrill of life, and her thick hair, always tied back in a high ponytail, swayed behind her with every step. She was friendly, popular, the star of the track team, and—whether she knew it or not—effortlessly cool. In contrast, Daniel was more reserved, often feeling overshadowed by his sister's outgoing nature.
“Danny, are you coming, or are you just going to stare at yourself all day?” Tessa’s voice rang out as she tapped on his bedroom door, her tone teasing but light.
“I’m coming!” Daniel called back, shoving his hands into his pockets as he reluctantly left his room.
In the kitchen, their mom, a petite woman with the same hazel eyes as Daniel, was flipping pancakes on the stove while their dad poured juice into two glasses. The smell of birthday breakfast filled the air, and a stack of presents sat on the table, two for each twin.
“There they are, the birthday twins!” their dad said, looking up with a smile as they entered the room. He ruffled Daniel’s hair as he walked by. “Fifteen already, huh?”
“Yup,” Tessa grinned, plopping down in her chair. “That means only one more year until I can get my license.”
“You’re not getting behind the wheel until you learn how to load the dishwasher,” their mom teased, setting a plate of pancakes in front of her. She turned to Daniel, her voice softer. “And what about you, Danny? Any big goals for this year?”
Daniel shrugged, glancing at his sister as she launched into her plans for track season, talking about an upcoming meet and how she hoped to break her personal record. His parents’ attention shifted toward her, their faces beaming with pride as they listened, and Daniel felt himself slipping into the background, as usual. The few times he tried to join the conversation, his words seemed to go unheard.
Once breakfast was over and they’d unwrapped their presents, Daniel spent the day watching as his sister was showered with birthday messages from friends. He spent most of the afternoon in his room, escaping the reminders of his loneliness.
Finally, evening arrived, and the family gathered in the living room for a small cake covered in fifteen brightly lit candles. Tessa’s friends had all sent messages or posted about her on social media, while his phone sat silent, save for a single message from his friend Leo. He’d read it earlier—a quick “Happy birthday, dude”—and even that felt like an afterthought.
As they prepared to blow out the candles, his mom dimmed the lights, and they leaned forward over the cake. The glow of the flames lit up Tessa’s smile as she looked at him.
“Ready to make a wish?” she asked with a grin.
“Yeah,” he mumbled, glancing at her as he closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, thinking about how he wished he could be like Tessa—confident, strong, someone who didn’t get pushed around or overlooked. She made everything look so easy, and he felt like he was stumbling through life, barely noticed.
“I wish I could be just like my sister," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the crackling of the candles. His wish was a desperate plea, a yearning to be seen and acknowledged, to be as confident and admired as his sister.
They blew out the candles, and smoke curled up into the dim room, carrying his wish away.
That night, Daniel lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. He replayed the events of the day, feeling a familiar ache of loneliness. His wish echoed in his head as he drifted off to sleep, and his dreams were filled with scenes of himself as someone new—someone bold, someone strong, someone... like Tessa.
In the early hours of the morning, a strange sensation began to spread through his body, like tiny sparks dancing under his skin. He felt a tugging, stretching feeling and slowly came awake, blinking in confusion. He sat up, and something felt... off.
Groggy, he rubbed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair, pausing when he realized it felt longer than usual. Looking down, he noticed his hands. They seemed more slender and delicate. He flexed his fingers, his mind still foggy.
Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, he stood up, swaying a little. His reflection caught his eye, and he stopped short, his breath hitching. The face staring back at him wasn’t his own. High cheekbones, a strong jaw softened by a more feminine shape, and green eyes stared back at him. The reflection looked just like… Tessa.
“What the—?” he whispered, his hand flying to his face. His voice sounded higher, softer. Panicked, he rushed over to the mirror, inspecting every feature. His hands were shaking, and he felt a surge of disbelief. He didn’t just look like Tessa. He was her. Down to the last detail, he was the mirror image of his twin sister. The shock and confusion were overwhelming, and he struggled to make sense of what was happening.
“Is this... real?” He whispered, touching his cheek and running his fingers through his hair. The reflection mimicked his every movement. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it might burst.
Just then, he heard footsteps in the hallway. He froze, staring at the door as it slowly creaked open.
“Danny, why are you up so early?” Tessa mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she leaned against the doorway. But as she opened her eyes fully and saw him, her jaw dropped.
Chapter 2: Tessa’s Reaction
The sun was starting to rise, casting a soft glow through the window, when Tessa stumbled down the hallway, half-asleep. She yawned, rubbing her eyes as she shuffled toward her brother’s room to wake him up for their morning birthday run. She’d started a tradition a few years back, though Daniel rarely kept up. Still, she liked getting him outside, even if just for a few minutes.
She knocked lightly, her voice a groggy murmur. “Danny, you up yet?”
There was no answer. Terra pushed open the door, expecting to see her brother wrapped in blankets, grumbling about the early hour. Instead, she froze, her hand still on the doorknob as she blinked at the figure sitting up on the bed.
It was... her.
For a split second, she thought she was staring into a mirror. The figure on the bed had her face, her green eyes, her hair. Every detail was the same, down to the faint freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her mind reeled as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing.
“Danny?” she whispered, her voice barely a breath.
The figure on the bed—a mirror image of herself—nodded slowly, his—her—eyes wide with the same confusion. Tessa took a step back, her mouth opening and closing as she struggled to find the right words. Her pulse was racing, her heart pounding in her chest. It was like a nightmare and a hallucination all at once.
“What... what the hell is going on?” she finally managed, her voice a strangled whisper.
The figure on the bed—her brother, but looking exactly like her—raised a shaky hand. “Tess, I... I don’t know,” he stammered, his—her—voice just as high and light as Tessa’s own. “I just woke up, and... this happened.”
Tessa took another step back, clutching the doorframe for support. Her mind was spinning with questions, each more frantic than the last. This was impossible. People didn’t just wake up as someone else, least of all as a copy of their twin. She felt an unsettling chill crawl up her spine as she continued to stare at him.
“Are... are you messing with me?” she asked, her voice filled with equal parts disbelief and suspicion. But even as she said it, she knew the answer. There was no trick, no prank that could explain the sight in front of her.
Danny—or whoever this was—shook his head, his eyes desperate. “Tessa, I swear, it’s me. I didn’t do anything... I just... I just made a wish.”
Tessa’s brows knit together, her shock mingling with frustration. “A wish? Danny, that’s... that’s not how things work! You don’t just wish to look like someone and then wake up like them!”
“I know!” he cried, sounding exasperated. “But that’s exactly what happened. I wished I could be like you, and then... this.” He gestured at himself, his hands trembling slightly.
Tessa felt a strange twist in her stomach, her mind racing with the implications. She watched him for a moment, her expression hardening. “Why would you even want to be like me?” she asked, her voice barely concealing a mix of hurt and bewilderment.
Danny looked down, his face—her face—filled with a sadness she didn’t often see. “Because Tessa... you’re everything I’m not. People notice you. They respect you. And I just... I thought, maybe, if I were like you...”
His words trailed off, and for the first time, Tessa felt a pang of empathy amid her shock. She knew Danny struggled—she’d seen it in the way he carried himself, quiet and withdrawn, always a step behind her. But she hadn’t realized just how deeply he felt the difference between them.
For a long moment, they simply stared at each other. Tessa’s mind still rebelled against what she was seeing, but she couldn’t deny the emotion in his words, the sadness in his—her—eyes.
“Danny,” she whispered, her voice softening. “I... I didn’t know you felt that way.”
He looked up, biting his lip, and nodded. “I didn’t think you’d understand.”
She took a deep breath, steadying herself, and walked into the room, closing the door behind her. “Okay, well... we’re gonna figure this out. But for now, don’t freak out,” she said, though she was barely keeping it together herself. Her mind raced with questions, fears, and a strange sense of protectiveness. Whatever had caused this, she would help him find a way through it—even if, deep down, the idea of seeing her own face staring back at her felt more unsettling than she could have ever imagined.
At that moment, the confusion and anger faded, replaced by the familiar feeling she had always had for him as her brother: a need to look out for him, no matter how bizarre the situation.
Chapter 3: The Parents
As Tessa and Daniel descended the stairs, the kitchen bustled with the usual morning sounds—the clink of plates, the soft hum of the coffee maker, and the faint sizzle of bacon in the skillet. The warm scent of breakfast wafted through the air, and for a moment, Daniel felt almost normal, as if this strange, impossible morning were just a dream he was about to wake up from.
But one look down at his—her—new body reminded him that this was all too real.
He followed Tessa into the kitchen, trying to keep his face composed, though inside, he was a mess of nerves. His parents were seated at the table, their backs turned as they chatted and prepared their plates. Their mom, a petite woman with curly brown hair that matched Tessa’s, glanced up first, her warm smile freezing as her eyes landed on the two of them.
She blinked, her brows knitting in confusion. She looked from Tessa to Daniel, her mouth opening slightly as if her brain were struggling to catch up with what her eyes were seeing.
“Tessa? Honey... what...?” She trailed off, her gaze darting back and forth between them.
Their dad, a tall, lean man with a graying beard, set down his coffee cup, frowning as he turned around. When he saw them, he gave a confused chuckle. “Alright, what’s going on here?” he asked, glancing at their mom with a bewildered smile. “Is it a prank or something? Did you two switch clothes?”
Tessa forced a smile, though Daniel could feel the tension radiating from her. She glanced sideways at him, silently urging him to stay calm, then looked back at their parents.
“Uh... no, not exactly,” she said, shifting uncomfortably. “This is... actually Daniel.”
Their mom’s jaw dropped, her eyes wide with disbelief. “Daniel? Sweetheart, that’s not funny.”
“It’s not a joke,” Tessa replied, her voice steady but her expression uneasy. “This is Daniel. He... well, he woke up like this.”
Their parents stared at her, clearly grappling with the absurdity of what she was saying. Their mom gave a nervous laugh, glancing at Daniel, searching his face for any hint of familiarity. But there was nothing—just Tessa’s face, reflected twice, down to the last freckle.
Daniel shifted under her gaze, feeling both vulnerable and surreal. He cleared his throat, trying to speak in a calm, steady voice, even though hearing Tessa’s tone come out of his mouth was unnerving.
“It’s... it’s me, Mom,” he said softly. “I know it sounds insane, but... something happened last night. I... I made a wish, and I woke up like this.”
His parents continued to stare, the confusion in their eyes growing with each passing second. Their dad shook his head, rubbing his temples as if trying to clear his thoughts.
“A wish? What are you talking about, Daniel?” he asked, his tone bordering on exasperation. “People don’t just wake up looking like someone else, especially not their twin sister. This doesn’t make any sense.”
His mom, however, seemed more worried than frustrated. She stood up slowly, her face softening as she reached out a trembling hand, hesitating just before touching his face. “Daniel... is that really you?” she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.
He nodded, biting his lip. “Yeah, Mom. I don’t know how, but... it’s me. I’m still me. I just... look like Tessa.”
His mom’s hand flew to her mouth, her eyes filling with a mixture of shock and concern. She turned to Tessa, seeking confirmation, as if hoping this could somehow still be a joke. “Is... is this real, Tessa? How is this even possible?”
Tessa shook her head, glancing from her mom to her dad with a helpless expression. “I don’t know, Mom. It’s as confusing to us as it is to you. He made a wish, and then... well, this happened.”
Their dad sat back, crossing his arms as he stared at them, his gaze hard and skeptical. “This has to be some kind of prank,” he said slowly, his eyes narrowing. “Maybe some special effects makeup, or... or a digital trick.” He shook his head. “I don’t understand how you could just... wake up as your sister.”
Daniel felt a wave of frustration rising in his chest. He clenched his fists, trying to keep calm, but it was difficult, with everyone looking at him like he was some kind of alien. “Dad, I’m telling you, it’s real. I didn’t do anything. I just... I wished I could be like Tessa. And then I woke up, and... here I am.”
His dad continued to frown, but his mom looked back at him, her expression softening with a strange mixture of sympathy and worry. She seemed to be slowly accepting the impossible truth in front of her, though the look of bewilderment never left her face.
“So... you wished to be like Tessa,” she repeated slowly as if testing the words. “And... and then you just... turned into her?”
Daniel nodded, his voice small. “Yeah. I know it sounds unbelievable. But... I wanted to know what it was like to be like her. To be confident, and... and strong.”
His mom’s eyes softened as she looked at him, understanding dawning in her expression. She reached out again, gently taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Oh, honey,” she said quietly. “I had no idea you felt that way.”
Daniel glanced down, feeling a flicker of shame. “It’s just... I always felt like I was invisible. And Tessa... she’s everything I wanted to be. I thought, maybe, if I was more like her, people would notice me, too.”
Their mom wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a warm embrace. Daniel closed his eyes, feeling a wave of comfort despite the strangeness of the situation. “You don’t have to be anyone else to be noticed, sweetheart,” she whispered, her voice full of love. “You’re special just as you are.”
Their dad finally spoke up, his voice gruff but softened. “If this is real... then we’ll figure it out. I don’t understand it, but... we’re here for you, Daniel. We’ll figure it out together.”
As they pulled away, Daniel felt a little lighter. His parents were as confused as he was, but their support reassured him. They didn’t have all the answers for now, but he didn’t feel so alone.
His mom gave him a gentle smile, though a hint of confusion lingered in her eyes. “Well... I suppose we should have breakfast,” she said, glancing at the table. “I think we could all use something to settle our nerves.”
Their dad nodded, chuckling softly as he shook his head in disbelief. “Well, I certainly didn’t expect this on your sixteenth birthday,” he said, attempting a smile. “Guess it’s one for the books.”
As Tessa nudged Daniel, she simply whispered, “Well, I guess you got more than you bargained for. " Her tone was a mix of amusement and empathy.
Daniel managed to make a small, shaky smile, nodding. Though the confusion and shock still lingered in the air, he felt a glimmer of relief, knowing that his family was with him in facing this impossible situation. The birthday may have been over, but the impact of that wish had only just begun, and together, they would try to make sense of it all.
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If Only
It were that easy!
Wish it was as well
Andria Neko
lots of problems ahead
no student ID, no records that will match the change, no way anybody in authority would believe her . . . life is going to be tricky for her for a while!
A birthday wish parts 1 through 3
Is there going to be more to this story