so I have been getting this reoccurring image, and I think I will have to figure out a story to go with it.
Here is the image:
There is a new form of VR, that taps into the brain of the user, to produce an avatar of their inmost self.
A group of trans people have been offered the chance to be beta testers, and being very attracted to the idea, they say yes.
The initial setting is a park, and one by one, the group comes in, getting to see their authentic selves, many for the first time.
But one of the group seems to be missing - one Dorothy Colleen by name.
They go looking, and find Dorothy sitting on a park bench, but something is wrong.
Instead of becoming a beautiful girl or a handsome man, like the rest, Dorothy looks like a corpse.
Thier body is broken, their clothes are ripped and burned, and their face is barely human.
Confused, they ask her what happened.
Dorothy tells them this is her inmost self.
Well, that is the image. Like I said, I might find a story out of this.
I kind of hope so, because then maybe the image would leave me alone ...
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Just a suggestion I heard long ago. Actually, it was about hypnotism, so it might have no effect on one's self-image.
Writing the story may satisfy its demands, or it may aggravate the problem. One hopes it's not your muse haunting you.
Maybe do something that distracts you, or occupies your mind -- a physics problem, perhaps -- or read a story. I have a Star Wars fanfic here, as well as two BttF fanfics.
-- Daphne Xu
The image is flawed
Not because you saw yourself as broken, Dot. But because you saw the rest of them — of us — as whole. As you are, dear, so are we all.
— Emma
I really hope not, Emma
this came out of a flashback, and I wouldnt wish them on anybody, much less a friend.
== Every. Single. One. Of. Us. - Everyone - is "Broken". ==
"Broken" from the instant of my conception, when either 'my' sperm or 'my' egg, held a dwarf gene.
The historical Buddha - and most before and after him - have noted the 'breakages' of old age, sickness, and death.
Just by living, we're going to accumulate all kinds of damage and breakages. Mostly, we heal.
Some dings show; some don't.
I''d never come to the end of ways we get dinged up, that we get broken ... and everyone here would tire of such a list ...
=== ===
Here's the secret:
So long as our heart=mind=mind=soul=spirits refuses to break ...
We are gonna (mostly) do "just fine". We just have to work around the breakages.
In a grocery store, I borrow other people's 'tallness' to reach things on the top shelves.
I'm aware of what school bullies have taught me --- so I work to not use their false teachings.
I have trouble with names and faces, so I work harder to remember ... (like that ever works ... sigh).
You've been taught a lot wrong-false-broken 'opinions' about yourself.
Worse, I think, is you're trying to teach -yourself- wrong things about yourself. Tell Eeyore to pack himself a sandwich while you and Winnie-the-Poo plan (yeah, planning is not Winnie's strongest skill) an adventure.
So, rely on our opinions while you you repair your own.
As for "unclean" ... only by =knowingly= choosing evil, could anyone possibly be "unclean". And when we stop, presto-bingo-shazam! All clean!
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Something I noted in College - All of my friends - the best people i knew - had in some way had their faces kicked off by Life. Broken - yes. Unclean? =NO!=