Pretend Princess - The Final Chapter


"Your Highness, it is such an honor to have you on the show," Annie said to Nick a moment after filming began.

Nick and I sat close enough that he could take my hand in his with Annie positioned just opposite us forming a semi circle.

The lights were bright, the cameras were rolling, tonight, Lenoria and the rest of the world would get its first glimpse of us as fiancés.

"Happy to be here on such a wonderful occasion"

"Truly, Your Highness," she beamed, "I suppose very soon, it will be Your Highnesses"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Annie" I smiled at the camera.

"Is there any other way to live?" she asked me before turning to the camera, "In case you've been living under a rock, His Highness, Prince Nicholas is engaged to our beloved Lady Amelia Beaumont. Long time coming I'd say"

"Indeed" I heard Nick reply.

"May I ask sir, what made you finally decide to ask the age old question?" Annie asked.

"I think we've always been very open about our feelings for each other." Nick answered, "I've always been in love with her but I will admit, the recent conflict had a way of really sorting out priorities. And right now, my priority is getting married to the love of my life"

I turned to look up at him and met his warm gaze.

"Your Highness, I think you just melted the hearts of everyone watching" Annie commented, "Your future bride included"

I caught myself blushing and so did the cameras.

"Amelia, tell me woman to woman, when our prince proposed, was it everything you dreamed?" She asked me.

"Oh it was, it really was," I replied, "I've never been happier"

"Surely, you can give us some specifics" She leaned in and spoke just loud enough for the mics to pick up, "What was it like?"

"I can't," I blushed a deep shade of red.

After placing my other hand over his and rubbing gently, I continued, "He went through the trouble of reserving the entire restaurant just for us. I think this story is meant to stay between us"

"Oh, to be a fly on that wall!" She exclaimed.

"Thankfully, there were no flies present" Nick added charmingly.

"Of course," Annie chuckled, "We may not have been able to be part of the proposal but we can all be part of the wedding"

"That's right," Nick agreed, "I look forward to getting married to her in front of God and the people of this great country"

"May I ask if you have chosen a date?" She asked.

"You may." Nick nodded, "We've settled on the 20th of September at the Royal Cathedral"

"If I'm correct, that's a little under a month away," Annie continued, "I wonder if the people might think it's a bit sudden"

"What can we say, Annie?" I stepped in to answer, "We're very eager to be husband and wife"

"We are" Nick agreed.

It was part of the point of this interview to keep the rumors to a minimum ahead of our marriage.

"I think everyone watching can see that," Annie added, "We are so blessed to be able to experience such pure, genuine love"

I did my best to smile gracefully, "You're very kind"

"For our viewers at home, I'm sure the Royal Cathedral venue comes as no surprise to you," Annie turned to the camera, "Most recently Her Highness and the Grand Duke were wed there. Those familiar with Lenorian history should also know that their Majesties were also wed there"

"There's centuries of family history within those walls and I'm just happy to be following in their footsteps," Nick told her.

"I'd marry you under a bridge, I don't mind either way," I commented which caused the two of them to laugh, "But seriously, I'm happy we're getting married on such hallowed grounds"

I smiled warmly as I looked up at him. He'd trimmed his hair a bit in preparation for the interview. He looked handsome either way but I couldn't help but miss his longer hair. Not that I would ever tell him that of course.

"Well I for one can't wait for the day," Annie said lightheartedly, "Expect me in the front row"

"I'll hold you to that," Nick replied finally.


In the days that followed, the entire court seemed wholly focused on wedding preparations.

Not me though, I was right back to work.

Sophia and I were tasked with dedicating the site where the memorial was going to be. It was beautiful location in the heart of the capital.

It wasn't going to bring any of the dead back but it was the hope that the country could begin to heal and put that chapter behind us.

"Congratulations on your engagement," Sophia said to me some distance away from the venue.

It went without saying that I would have rather been there with Nick but since he hadn't been present for most of the actual fighting, it was decided against.

"Thank you," I replied quietly.

"You don't have to be so tense," She told me, "This is a good thing. I'm very happy for you"

"I know it's a good thing for you," I replied, "I know about the deal"

"Deal? You make it sound so serious," she brushed it off, "Nicky and I only found a way to get what we both want. Everybody wins here. Even you. And you don't even have to sacrifice anything."

"Neither do you," I said boldly, "Nick is the only one sacrificing anything here"

"Here's what you don't understand about being the child of a King," she said to me just as the venue was coming into view, "When you're the last born, you don't grow up thinking about the throne. You get to live your life, enjoy it, and not worry about ruling one day. When you're the first, it's all you ever think about from the day you are born."

I listened quietly.

"I lived my life preparing for the responsibility," she continued, "while Nicky did whatever he wanted. He isn't sacrificing the throne because it never belonged to him. I did you both a favor here, you should show some gratitude," she said finally as the car rolled to a stop.

We hadn't even opened the doors and countless photographs were already being taken of our arrival. This was my life now.

"Miss Penelope--" I asked Sophia as the guards approached our doors, "What happened to her?"

"I'll give you one piece of advice," she said finally before stepping out to wave to her adoring fans, "Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to"

Princess Sophia gave a heartwarming speech about how the people of Lenoria refused to be divided and stood together when faced with evil. She spoke impressively about those who gave their lives to protect all we held dear.

She mentioned a few names, and Eddie Wolcott was among them. His parents would take the stage soon after to say a few words where they thanked the Princess for keeping her promise to rid the world of his killers.

As she humbly received their thanks and vowed to do her best to not allow such a tragedy repeat itself , it was hard not to admire her.


In the week that followed, I had my first dress fitting.

"A timeless A-line silhouette with a fitted bodice that flows into a softly flared skirt, symbolizing grace and modesty while allowing ease of movement," I listened as the designer described the gown to the Queen in one of the castle's dressing rooms.

I stood quietly in front of the mirror admiring how I looked in the beautiful white gown. There was a part of me that wished my mother could be here at least.

I wondered whether my family would accept me if they saw how beautiful I looked.

"Crafted from the finest Lenorian silk, known for its soft sheen and luxurious feel--" The tall man continued.

"How does it feel, dear?" The Queen interrupted him.

"Comfortable," I answered, "A bit long maybe?"

"It's just right, I think," The designer said quickly.

"It is," The Queen agreed so I said nothing else of it. "Walk across the room let me get a good look at you" She instructed and I obeyed.

This carried on for a few minutes with the Queen issuing instructions and with me following them. All things considered, she did seem pleased with how the dress appeared on me.

"Bring the crown," she told the designer and he hurried off somewhere to get it leaving just the two of us and one of her servants in the room.

This gave me the opportunity I'd been searching for. I stepped up to where she was sitting, cleared my throat, and began.

"Your Majesty, I've wanted to thank you for agreeing to my marriage to your son." I said, "I know I'm far from your first choice but I promise to always do right by your family and be the best daughter-in-law I can be"

She was quiet for a while, long enough that I began to wonder if she'd  heard me at all.

"You lied against my sons," she replied when she was ready, "You, a rat off the street. Do not think for a second that I have forgotten"

She paused as if giving me time to reflect on her words. I didn't respond because what could I even say? How could she even know that? Did Sophia tell her? Did she work it out on her own? Was she only guessing to see my reaction? Was my proof enough that I was guilty?

"But it is clear Nicholas loves you and I suspect he intends to marry you regardless of his father's or my approval--" she said, "whether here or in a hole somewhere. I will not have you taking my son from me so you have my blessing. That is all"

From her expression, I could tell that is all she intended to say on the matter so I curtsied and stepped away and that was that.

The designer returned with the crown I would be wearing on the day.

I couldn't tell what it was made off but I recognized the stones encrusted on it to be diamonds and sapphire. I had one of those on my finger after all.

"Come closer," The Queen commanded as the man placed the crown on my head. She inspected me for a moment before deciding all was in order.

Removing everything turned out to be almost as tedious as it had been putting it all on. I had decided then that getting married was a lot of work but I didn't even yet know the half of it.


Things only grew more hectic as the date neared. There were rehearsals and practice sessions for the procession and ceremony. These went on until it was clear both the bridal party and my attendants knew the protocol like the back of their hands.

I quickly realized that a royal wedding was nothing like a normal wedding. Hell, I'd even received a blessing from the Archbishop the day before.

I grew more and more nervous as the day drew closer and the last thing I needed was a morning in the salon with all the Royal ladies. That is exactly what the Queen requested.

"Amelia, so glad you could join us," The Queen called to me immediately I walked into the salon.

I took one glance around the room and groaned internally. Olivia was already present and so were Emily and Charlotte.

I could have gone a couple more years without dealing with the spoiled princess. The Queen had made known her true feelings for me. I really didn't want to have to deal with Emily.

I got into position and displayed a perfect curtsy after the door closed behind me. I thought I might as well give Emily, Charlotte, and Olivia a good, final one before I outrank them all.

"Come, take a seat, " The Queen offered, "And no need to be so rigid, you're about to be family after all. I expect you are forward to it?"

"Very much, Your Majesty"

"I thought it might be a good idea if we spend the morning together," she explained, "especially since the men are out hunting"

As I understood it, Nick had gone on a hunting trip to celebrate his last days as a bachelor with the other men of the court. By extension, I think that made this my bachelorette party.

"Amelia, congratulations" I heard Olivia say.

"Thank you," I smiled as I took a seat next to her.

"Congratulations," Little Charlotte repeated.

"Thank you," I said again softer this time.

We all expectantly looked to Emily who seemed caught off guard. I'd already braced myself for whatever nastiness was coming my way but it never did.

All she did was repeat what the two girls before her had said. It was low effort and devoid of emotion but as they say, beggars can't be choosers.

"Thank you all," I said softly, "This is all a dream come true. It's like I have so many sisters now. I grew up as an only child so this makes me happy"

"I wish I was an only child," Charlotte said which caused her sister to shoot her a dirty look.

"At your age, it's normal to fight with your siblings," The Queen chimed in, "You'll begin to appreciate them more as you grow older. Eventually, the little squabbles begin to seem petty and you'll realize no one else in the world understands you as she does. That is even more true when you are princesses"

We listened carefully the way everyone did when the Queen spoke. I wondered whether one day, I would command that sort of respect and attention.

"Amelia, you probably don't understand this yet but eventually you'll realize that your station makes you a unicorn and you can only surround yourself with other unicorns"

It was clear she was speaking from experience. I let my expression show that I was eager to learn from her. I figured if she saw in me a teachable lady, we may eventually be able to put the past behind us.

"Those unicorns are the girls you see around you now," She finished. "Is that understood?"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

"Yes, aunty," The three other girls said in unison.

We carried on with typical conversation until we began hearing what sounded like commotion originating from outside the salon.

"What is going on out there?" The Queen snapped.

"I will find out, Your Majesty" One of the servants who stood quietly in the corner announced.

"How tiring," The Queen voiced to no one in particular.

The servant returned moments later with a worried look on her face. She looked unsure of what to say. It couldn't have helped that we were all staring expectantly at her.

"Well, out with it, Lovette," The Queen said quickly losing her patience.

"It's--" she paused, "Prince Dominic, Your Majesty. It appears he's throwing things"

"What is it this time around?"

"His Highness wants to be allowed in," she explained.

"In here?" The Queen asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty"

"Absolutely not," The Queen decided without a second thought, "Have him returned to Goldcrest Castle and maybe serve his lunch early just this once"

The servant bowed and set out to execute the order.

"Oh grandmother, won't you let him join us today?" Lady Olivia asked, "He's probably just lonely all by himself"

"Being by one's self is not the worst thing in the world, Olivia" the Queen countered, "It is often the curse of nobility. And this is a women's gathering, we shouldn't confuse him"

"But all the men are away, and they're too busy to spend any time with him anyway" Olivia added.

I turned my gaze over to the servant who was standing by the door expertly waiting for a resolution.

"Aunty, I'm sure he would have liked to go hunting as well but he is only too young," Emily chimed in giving Olivia a hand. "I'm sure he will enjoy it when he's older and the time comes."

"You girls spoil him," Queen Arabella clicked her tongue, "That is why he remains so effeminate. But I suppose one time won't hurt, and it is a special occasion after all. Charlotte, would you like your brother to join us?"

"I don't mind," The little girl replied.

"Bring him," The queen instructed the servant and that was that.

The young prince arrived a moment later smiling ear to ear.

"Good morning, aunty" the boy greeted. His voice was soft and there was something whimsical about the way he carried himself. Still, I couldn't tell what all the fuss was about.

He could be classed as 'pretty' since he shared a lot of features with his sisters but nothing puberty wouldn't sort out.

The question to me was whether that's what Little Dominic wanted.

"I hear you were throwing a tantrum," The Queen got right to business, "What have I told you about how a prince should behave?"

"Sorry, aunty" he replied sheepishly.

"I better not hear about you acting in such a manner again, do you understand?"

The young boy could only nod.

"Good, now come take a seat near me," The Queen changed her tune when she was satisfied, "Bring the prince some biscuits"

I kinda felt bad for him. Being the only son of his parents meant that he was to inherit their titles upon their deaths. He will be made Duke of some place or another and expected to marry and build a family of his own.

I feared the expectations had only just begun.

"I'm sure you know Lady Amelia, don't you?" The Queen asked, "She's getting married to your cousin, Prince Nicholas very soon"

When he looked at me, I waved at him and flashed him a warm smile. I wished there was a way to show him that he wasn't alone and there was nothing wrong with him. I remember what it was like to be forced into boxes by adults when you were just trying to live in the way that made you happiest.

"You will get married too one day," The Queen continued speaking, "That goes for all of you. Some hopefully sooner than others" The Queen turned her attention to Lady Olivia.

"I know who I'd like to marry," Princess Charlotte announced.

"Who, dear?"

"Lucas," Charlotte said simply as though we were all to know who that was.

"Some hockey player," Emily explained, "The latest boy she's obsessed with"

"I am not obsessed," Charlotte argued.

"Mm-hmm, is that so?" Emily asked, "I suppose it's just a coincidence then that you watch all his games"

"Your uncle enjoys his hockey matches as well," The Queen joined the conversation, "Perhaps you can talk about the games together?"

"She doesn't care about hockey, Aunty-- she only cares about Lucas St. Clair"

While their conversation continued, I turned my attention to Lady Olivia who sat beside me, "I thought it was very nice how you stood up for him"

"You could have said something too," she replied.

I smiled, "No, I couldn't have"

Could you imagine me arguing with the Queen? What a scary thought. Deep down, I knew regardless of rank, these girls would always belong here more than I could ever hope to.

"I just think it's unfair how he's treated," she said quietly. "He's not like other boys, we shouldn't force him"

"It's the patriarchy," I told her, "It affects boys too"

"Exactly," she agreed, "Boys must learn to rule and girls must sit back and be quiet" she made an exhausted face.

"I guess you don't want that"

She shook her head but didn't say anything else.

"For what it's worth, I think you'd make a really good Duchess"

"I thought so too," she said finally.


"Your Highness, I think we got off on the wrong foot," I said to Emily when we found ourselves near one another. I thought if one of us was going to have to offer up an olive branch, it wasn't going to be her.

"You're speaking to me," she said and I wasn't sure if it was a statement or a question.

"I was hoping maybe we can start over?"

"You probably think I care that you're getting married to the Prince. I don't" she said coldly.

"I wasn't thinking that," I said quickly.

"What is this, is it pity?" she asked. I couldn't help but notice her glance down at the ring on my finger, "Because--"

"It's not," I said quickly again. I didn't mean to interrupt her but it felt necessary before we went too off track, "I was hoping we could be friends. You know, unicorns?"

She sighed and looked away, "I wish you both a very happy life together"

When she got up and walked to sit elsewhere, I knew there was no need pressing the matter any further. So I just let it go.


Sometime later, we got ourselves a surprise visitor. Princess Sophia who was no longer staying at Eclipton Castle and had long since returned to Rosemont Hall dropped in for a visit.

"Hello, Mother"

"My dear, please come join us," The Queen invited her daughter with a big smile.

"I'm afraid I'm not staying long," The Princess replied, "Although I was hoping to speak to Amelia before I leave. Can I borrow her?"

"What business could you have together?" The Queen asked suspiciously.

"Just memorial committee matters," Sophia replied unfazed, "Nothing that would interest you, Mother"

"Mhm" Whatever else the Queen was thinking, she didn't let us know what it was.

"Amelia? A moment?" Sophia turned her attention to me at which point I stood, curtsied, and followed her out the door. I had caught lingering glances between Princess Sophia and Lady Olivia but I had also learned not to press these things.

We'd had to walk quite some distance before Princess Sophia was satisfied. I couldn't help but wonder what this was about. I would find out soon after.

"I brought you an early wedding present," She said as she handed me what appeared to be an expensive-looking folder. It was made of leather that felt really nice to the touch and embossed with gold foil accents.

I opened it and found documents inside. The first one was the Declaration of Trust I recognized from one of our earlier meetings.

"Signed and notarized," she told me.

I flipped through the other documents and as far as I could tell, they appeared to be supporting documents for my trust.

"Not that you'll need that now," she continued, "but I'd rather not have you thinking I don't honor my end of bargains"

I stared at her with a blank expression on my face. As she'd said, this was now pretty much worthless to me. With Morgan being the beneficiary, a person I know no longer was, giving me this now was only a show.

"You wouldn't want anyone to get their hands on that so I'll hold on to it for you," she said with her hand outstretched.

I sighed, returned  the folder back to her, all the while wondering what I would do if I could go back to that moment she'd made the offer with everything I know now.

"Try to smile a bit more," she told me before taking her leave, "It's almost your wedding day"


Celeste woke me up that morning much earlier than usual and it took me a while to gain my bearings.

When I did though, I remembered it was my wedding day and a wave of anxiety washed over me. It felt as though I had a pit steadily growing in my stomach.

"What time is it?" I asked her weakly.

"5:30, my lady"

I groaned uncomfortably. My heart beat faster the more I thought about the day ahead. This was really happening, I was getting married.

It dawned on me eventually that we weren't at Eclipton that morning. Last night, I'd been ferried over the King's city residence. Apparently, it was from here that I'd ride in the carriage to the cathedral.

It made sense when you realized how far from society Eclipton actually was.

Additionally, when I arrived last night, I found 'my parents' waiting for me. Not my real parents obviously but Henri and Jennifer Beaumont. Two people I'd never met that I was now supposed to pretend had brought me into this world.

"My lady, we must prepare you," Celeste told me and that is exactly what we did. We didn't have much time because Izzy and the rest of the makeup team had already arrived.

I had only a very light breakfast before I was hurried into a room where a whole team was waiting to do my makeup.

"My lady!" Izzy squealed happily when she saw me, "You're getting married!"

"I know, it's so hard to believe" I managed as I was forced into the chair.

It really was hard to believe. Only a year ago, I had met Izzy for the first time in America before which I'd been a regular guy. Now I was going to be a princess.

"Sit, we're going to make you so pretty," she promised.

It was a bigger operation than ever before. Separate groups of girls went to work on my face, hair, nails, and so on.

I watched the transformation as my makeup was done and my hair was arranged into the agreed bridal style.

They finished around 8:30 am and set out to get me into my wedding dress. I watched the girls fuss on every detail making sure it was all perfect and nothing was out of place.

It might have just been my imagination but I could swear my skin felt just a bit smoother than it had a month ago. What couldn't have been my imagination was the feeling of my nipples against the breast forms.

Next came the jewelry. I was adorned with a beautiful diamond necklace and earrings to match. The crown came down soon after and the veil followed. Finally, I was given a bouquet of flowers and the work was done.

It wasn't long before I could see myself standing in the full-body mirror ready to be wed.

There was something about the way I looked in that moment with all those ladies watching me proudly that made me very emotional.

"Uh oh, here comes the waterworks," One of the women announced.

"No, don't cry," Izzy jumped in in a kind tone, "I know it's very overwhelming. You're okay, I promise"

I sniffed and blinked to try to keep the tears from flowing. They'd done such good work, the last thing I wanted was to ruin it.

"You're very beautiful," Izzy whispered to me. "I'd go so far as to say you're my greatest creation-- Your Highness"

It caught me off guard when she'd said it. It was the very first time I'd ever been called that. Certain to not be the last.

"We better go," Izzy announced, "The country is waiting"


I met my parents again downstairs as well as my bridal party. Women that were supposedly my long-time friends made up my bridal party and the cutest Lenorian girls made up the flower girls.

With each minute that passed, departure time drew closer and closer until it arrived.

It was a perfect day outside. Quite warm for a fall morning with the color of the trees offering an almost magical backdrop. A truly perfect day for a wedding.

I was guided into the horse-drawn Royal Carriage alongside my father and just like that, we were on our way.

Right from outside the gates, we were met with a flood of people cheering from behind barricades. It seemed as though all of Lenoria was in the streets.

The checkpoints had been opened just for the occasion allowing citizens from the other cities to pour into the capital without a pass.

"You should wave to them," my father told me. I briefly wondered about his background. Was he simply an actor hired to play a role? A spy perhaps?

Regardless of what he was, I took his advice and waved to the people of Lenoria as we passed.

They roared with cheers in response.

The people really loved me, and what had I done for them in response? I'd only ever lied to them and told them what the monarchy wanted them to hear. And they loved me for it.

It was now my understanding that the truth didn't matter. Only what was believed to be the truth.

I smiled and waved to the crowd so they would love me even more.

The ride dragged a bit at the end and I began to wonder why they hadn't simply put in a car. We could have covered this distance in a fraction of the time and my arms were starting to ache from all the waving.

If I had to guess why, I would say it was due to the Lenorian monarchy's insistence on rejecting modernity in favor of their long traditions. Understandable but tedious nonetheless.

But eventually, we arrived at the cathedral and it was time to turn my attention to more important things like exiting the carriage as elegantly as possible.

One of the guards opened the carriage door for me, allowing me room to hand the bouquet over to one of my ladies waiting outside.

As I began my exit, 'my father' who remained in the carriage helped with the unreasonable length of my wedding dress that lagged behind before handing it over to the ladies after I'd successfully made my exit. One of them would follow closely behind to keep the dress from sweeping.

I took a deep breath the lady returned my bouquet and my father took my free hand and we advanced into the cathedral, no doubt dignitaries from around the world were waiting to see the bride.

A beautiful melancholic sound played from the organ as I stepped through the doors, my eyes catching the thousands of people waiting within.

Down the terribly long, red carpet, we walked hand in hand as the music played, all eyes glued on me. It was already a day I would never forget.

Near the front, I saw him. Not dressed in a suit like I'd expected but in full military attire more extravagant than on that day when we first came to Lenoria.

I could just make out his brother standing by his side dressed similarly but to less of a degree.

At the front of the church, I found faces of world leaders I recognized and those I didn't. I found the King and Queen sitting there as well. It was the very first time I'd seen either of them outside Eclipton Castle.

My gaze found Princess Sophia who gave me a small, approving smile that reassured me a bit. It meant I was doing well enough.

Nothing was as nerve-wracking as the moment when I was led right up to the front to Nick's side. We would leave this altar a married couple.

"You look amazing," Nick whispered to me causing me to turn to look at him, "No, don't" he whispered immediately after.

Was he trying to get me in trouble?

I may have zoned out as the hymns began. It was hard to be focused as thousands of people read from the papers they'd been given, while my heart beat quicker still.

"We are gathered here today in this house of God to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony," The officiant began jolting me back to reality.

It was starting.

He spoke and spoke some more and seemed to be going on forever without end. Whenever you thought he might be reaching the end, he carried on.

Again I let my mind wander, only coming to reality when he asked,

"If any man can show reason why these two souls should not be married, let him speak now or forever hold his peace"

For a second, I thought someone might say something and shatter all my dreams but no one did.

Turning his attention to Nick and me, he continued, "I implore you both as it shall be held against you on the day of judgment when all hearts are opened that if you know of any reason why you must not be wed, you speak now"

I hadn't yet considered it up until that point. Was what we were doing a sin? I could never be accused of being the most religious person in the world, but I had to wonder if it was right to marry while deceiving so many people.

Despite my own internal thoughts, there was silence between Nick and me and after a moment, the window was closed.

"Now I ask, do you Prince Nicholas of Lenoria, take this woman to be your wife according to the holiest law of God? Will you love and cherish her, protect her, and keep yourself only unto her for as long as you shall live?" the officiant asked.

"I will" Nick replied immediately.

"Now I ask, do you Amelia Beaumont, take this man to be your husband according to the holiest law of God?" Will you serve and honor him, comfort him, and forsake all others, keep only him so long as you both shall live?"

"I will," I replied.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" The officiant asked and the man who played the role of my father stepped forward.

He took my hand in his and handed it over to Nick who was waiting eagerly.

"I, Prince Nicholas of Lenoria--" the officiant began as practiced.

"I, Prince Nicholas of Lenoria--" Nick repeated.

"Take thee, Amelia Beaumont--"

"Take thee, Amelia Beaumont--"

God, Nick's voice was so soothing and filled with so much love. This couldn't have been wrong no matter which way I saw it. I loved him and he loved me. Regardless of the deceitful origins, I was sure we'd found something wonderful and pure along the way and I couldn't let doubt taint it.

Before long, I was reciting my own vows while looking into his eyes. Those perfect eyes.

A lot of praying followed and a surprising amount of singing afterward but eventually the magic words were uttered.

"By the power vested in me, and by the grace of our Sovereign and the laws of this realm, I now pronounce you husband and wife. May your union be blessed with enduring love, and the strength to fulfill your duties to each other and to the kingdom. You may now seal your vows with a kiss."

I closed my eyes when Nick did and leaned in. Our lips met for only a brief moment. There weren't any ravaging displays of affection this time as was typical with us but there was something different about this one that made me cherish it all the more.

It was our first kiss with Nick as my husband.

Against all odds, we were now married. Something that would have sounded utterly ridiculous a year ago was now my reality.

And perhaps even more unbelievable was the fact that I was now Princess of Lenoria.


Despite everything that had happened, I grew to really admire Sophia. Even more so when she would become the very first Queen of Lenoria 8 years after my marriage to Nick.

She would be crowned Queen only two years after she would be declared crown Princess following King Richard's sudden illness and abdication.

It was around this time that the pressure would mount from the Lenorian High Society for me to produce an heir. Sophia had been spot on regarding the constant onslaught I would receive. Nick and I would leave Lenoria soon after choosing to return to America almost a decade after I first left.

We would leave once again after purchasing a small castle in Scotland, a far cry from the grandeur of Tynedale Castle that the former King and Queen had given us as a wedding gift but it didn't matter to me because we were finally at peace in Scotland.

I had asked Celeste to come with me, not as a servant but as a friend but she'd refused, opting to stay in close proximity with her family.

Isidora and I remained good friends and she visited regularly. We never grew apart again.

One notably good thing about Queen Sophia's ascension was the fact that Olivia did eventually marry but ruled Huxley as its Duchess. The title would pass to her son or daughter after her death, whichever one was born first. The days of male priority were finally over.

In the end, Miss Penelope's rebellion would come to an end only a few months after she declared war on the monarchy. I never found out what became of her.

There are those who are of the opinion that that conflict might have had a different outcome if I hadn't been present in Lenoria at the time. I believe they are wrong.

It was my conclusion that there were moles and spies among the rebels since the movement was only an idea. Miss Penelope's rebellion would have been doomed from the start.

In the end, the rebellion only served as a catalyst for Queen Sophia's rise to the throne.

The End.










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