My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 26


  This is an unauthorized continuation of Jeremy Chandler’s, “My Summer in Pantyhose,” last added to by Jeremy 04/07/2023. The story line and characters belong to Jeremy Chandler and are used without express permission. What follows is intended as fan fiction with the greatest of admiration for Jeremy and appreciation for the original work.



My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 26
Continued by Patricia Marie Allen

  “So, I have you to thank for getting my daughter home at a decent hour,” Julie’s mom said.

  “Yes ma’am. It’s no big deal, really. I was kind of out of the loop before Julie and her friends showed up, but they livened things up. Kind of new blood in and old group. So when she told me that she needed to go home and none of her group wanted to leave, I decided to give her a ride. It was sundown and starting to get cooler and I hadn’t brought a jacket.”

  “How do you know Julie?”

  “Mom!” Julie interjected. “No need to give him the third degree. He just did me a favor. I invited him in because I knew that you’d want to know who brought me home. I wanted you to see who he was and that he was a nice guy.”

  “I don’t mind Julie. She’s your mother and it’s only reasonable that she’s concerned about who your friends are.” Then turning to her mother. “I know Julie from the mall. I work at a shoe store. We’ve run into each other at lunch and we’ve had occasion to talk. It can get rather crowded in the food court and well we’ve shared a table sometimes.”

  That much was true. At least it was the year before, but last year she’d started sitting with him even when it wasn’t crowed. That and clandestine meetings on Saturday afternoons for matinee showing of movies and just hanging out at the mall.

  “Aaron is really one of the good ones. I feel a little like he’s a knight in shining armor and I was a damsel in distress today.”

  “I really wish you’d called me to say that the party was moving to the beach. I could have been prepared to come get you and save Aaron the trouble.”

  “Well after the barf in the pool thing it was all kind of a rush and I knew that you were spending the day with Jamie and I didn’t want to interrupt your time with him.”

  “Well,” Mom said. “At any rate, thanks for seeing her home safely.”

  “No trouble at all, ma’am. I suppose I’d better be going. See you around Julie.”

  “Yeah, sure. Thanks again for the ride.”


  Melissa and Carla just happened to be at the front window when Aaron and Julie dropped Megan off.

  “That’s not the car she left in and that’s not who she left with. Wonder why Josh didn’t bring her home,” Melissa said when she saw Megan get out of the car.

  Megan headed straight for the upstairs bathroom the minute she came in.

  “Hey, Mom and Dad, I’m home. I’m going to get a quick shower to get the sand out of my hair,” she said as she darted up the stairs.

  Melissa followed slowly with Carla right behind her. If Megan was going to shower, maybe there might be time to send that email. She had it all ready in a separate draft folder. She stopped at the top of the stairs so she could peek over the last step enough to see just what Megan was doing. She watched as Megan stepped into her room, only to reappear with her robe a minute later. Then she went straight to the bath room. Melissa waited until she heard the shower running.

  “I wonder what she was doing to get sand in her hair,” Melissa mused. “Go stand near the bathroom door and come warn me when she turns off the water.”


  Megan stepped into the shower and cranked up the temp as hot as she could stand it. turning her back to the shower head she leaned against far wall. The hot water streamed into her shoulder blades. Megan began crying. She felt so dirty.

  “Will I ever feel clean again? How could Josh do that? He was going to force me. And now I have to give up Jamie. Yes, he’s weird for wearing pantyhose, but he treated me good and he’s a good person. How could I have been such a fool. I should have known what kind of guy Josh was when we were at the park. Kim was giving it up to Kyle and Josh acted as if it was an everyday thing and I was strange because I didn’t.”

  Eventually Megan quit crying and managed to wash he hair. She felt a little sick to her stomach.


  “Alright,” thought Melissa, in a hot second she was at Megan’s computer. A few keystrokes later, the poison email was on its way. It went to all of Megan’s contacts, their their relatives. It had been a chore to remove them from the “to” line but she’d done that before and had simply cut and pasted that into the email. At the last minute, she decided to add Jamie back in after deleting him earlier. Megan had too many friends but Melissa was sure that they’d all be relieved to find out she was through with Jamie in favor of dating Josh.


  Jamie was surprised to see Melissa and the rest of the family at church, but not Megan. He stood and watched them walk by on their way into the church.

  “Megan’s home sick today,” Melissa had said snidely as she walked by a few steps behind her parents.

  “Did she say Megan was sick today,” Jamie's mother wanted to know.

  “Yeah, that’s what she said.”

  “You can call her when we get home.”

  Samatha pulled Julie aside as the entered the church.

  “You’ve got to get your mother to stop by my house for a minute after church.”


  “I got Brenda to forward her sister’s email to me. You won’t believe what Megan sent to her friends. I’ve got it printed out. I didn’t want to bring it because someone might see it.” She pointed toward Jamie.

  “Is it bad?”

  “Worse than bad.”



  Megan had no idea how she was going to breakup with Jamie, but she knew she had to. She was sure that Julie wasn’t bluffing when she said that she tell her parents about what happened.

  After her shower, she went down stairs ready for bed and told her parents that she was tired what with all the swimming and sun and was going to bed early. Melissa stood at the top of the stairs with Carla and listened.

  “Yeah, swimming and sun and getting sand in her hair,” Melissa said softly. “She wouldn’t get sand in her hair with sissy-hose Jamie.”

  She and Carla quickly jogged to Melissa’s room.

  Megan couldn’t get back to her room fast enough. She mounted the steps just short of running. She threw herself on the bed. She thought she’d cried herself out in the shower, but the tears flowed again. She didn’t know anything until morning when the sun rudely shone in her bedroom window since she’d not closed the blinds.

  It was early, rather than get dressed and ready for church she decided to check her email; something she usually did before going to bed.

  Her inbox was awash with replies to an email she didn’t remember sending.

  Subject: Why the sissy-hose boy.

  She opened the first one. It read:

  “Oh Megan. Such good news. Everyone thought you’d lost your mind. I’m sure that Josh will be glad to read that you’ve finally dumped the sissy and won’t be seeing him anymore.”

  What the hell? Megan thought. What’s that all about?

  She clicked on “Show original message.”

  "I have finally come to my senses. Some of you have probably heard rumors that I've been spending a lot of time with Jamie lately and that we're now a couple. You've probably also heard rumors that Jamie now openly wears pantyhose all the time. The last rumor is true. The little sissy does wear hose all the time. I've also been spending a lot of time with him. I'm trying to figure out what makes him tick. I think, no, I'm certain he has developed a hopeless crush on me. Does he really think I would be interested in a geeky sissy who parades around in pantyhose? LOL!!! Pathetic is the only word for it but it is amusing to watch him follow me around like a little puppy dog. Last night I went out with Josh and let me tell you there is no comparison between Josh and Jamie. One is a man and the other is something. I'm not sure what but definitely amusing. So, I just wanted to let you all know that I have not lost my mind. You may see me hanging out with Jamie. The poor sissy needs a friend or two and he is kind of sweet but this is a mercy case, like charity work. LOL!!! It provides some amusement while I wait impatiently for my next encounter with Josh."

  “Oh… my… God,” she thought. So much for letting him down easy.

  Suddenly, Megan felt sick to her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and hunkered over the toilet and brought up everything she’d eaten or drunk in the last twenty-four hours.


  “I can’t believe what she wrote. That ungrateful bitch. I told her if she didn’t break up with Jamie, I’d confess to her parents about how I helped her cover up the date rape attempt and she said she would. She seemed so contrite and accepting of the consequence of her actions. I thought she’d find some way to let him down easy, like claiming her mother forbid her from having a relationship with a boy who wears pantyhose.”

  “I know. What I really can’t believe is the way she was impatiently waiting for her next encounter with Josh. After he attempted to rape her you think that she’d at least remain mum about him. But the way she said that, you’d think she was sorry he didn’t get away with it.”

  “God, this is going to crush Jamie. I mean her breaking up with him would have been bad enough, but to call him names and put him down in a group email is too much. We’ve got to keep Jamie from seeing this.”

  “It may be too late. This went out shortly after you guys left my house. Jamie’s email is in the address line. She didn’t even use the BCC option and everyone can see who else got the email.”

  “He can’t have read it already. He’s way too happy this morning.”

  “Do you think we need to give your mom a heads up?”


  “Jamie, do you want to stop by Megan’s before we go home to check on her?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea mom,” Julie put in.

  “Why not?”

  “She may be contagious. I heard her symptoms when her mom was explaining why she wasn’t with them this morning. It sounds like a bad case of the flu. I’m glad we didn’t sit near them today. They might all have it and not know it yet.”

  “Well, OK then. You can call her when we get home Jamie.”

  “Mom, I need to talk to you in private before we get home.”


  As usual, they went to grandma’s house for lunch and Jamie went to change into one of his new skorts outfits. Julie pulled mom aside when Jamie went to change his clothes

  “Mom, we had to stop by Samantha's so she could show me an email that Megan sent out to all her friends. She’s breaking up with Jamie and she’s not being nice about it. She’s been two timing him with a guy named Josh. In the email, calls Jamie sissy-hose boy and tells the world that he’s not a real man like Josh. She says the only reason she hung out with him was because he’s a mercy case and needed a friend. Somehow we have to keep him away from his email until we can figure out how to delete that email.”

  “As you know, I have the passwords to both of your emails. When we go home, I’ll say that there’s something I need to do on the computer and take care of it.”

  “OK, the subject line is ‘No more sissy-hose boy’ so you’ll be able to tell which one it is.


  “Oh Jamie,” Grandma said when Jamie came out of the bathroom. “That’s a nice outfit. It’s well suited to your age. You should wear that to work tomorrow. I’m sure that Lucille would love them. Jamie’s mother had packed the Pleated Woven Skorts and a short sleeve, white blouse with a Peter Pan collar.

  They gathered around the dining table and Jamie noticed that grandma had set an extra place. Grandma noticed him looking at it.

  “I thought you might bring your girlfriend again. She’s such a nice girl. She’s welcome anytime, you know.”

  Julie had just taken a drink of water and nearly spit it out at that statement.

  “She stayed home sick today,” Jamie said.

  “Oh dear. I hope it’s not too serious,” Grandma replied.

  “I heard her mother describing the symptoms. I think it sounds like a bad case of flu. I hope that Megan’s family isn’t already contagious or there’ll be a whole lot of people out sick,” Julie stated.

  Jamie’s mother made a mental note to tell Grandma that Megan was breaking up with Jamie.


  Megan was sitting at her computer trying think how she would counteract the effect of the email and still break up with Jamie when her IM popped up with a message from Josh.

  Josh: Hey babe; I read your email. I thought that it was something like that when I heard you were hanging out with that little fag. Just so you know, I don’t hold you responsible for that asshole busting up our party and I’m glad you’re looking forward to our next encounter. We’ll take up right where we left of and this time you won’t be left hot and dry.

  She stared at in disbelief. “No, no. Hell no!” she screamed.

  She answered.

  Megan: Go away Josh! Go away!

  Hit the send button and shut down the computer before he could answer.

  Two minutes later the phone started ringing.

  “Damn him!”

  She was home alone, but her mom might be home at any time. She sprinted to the library to answer.

  “I said go away Josh, so just go away. I never want to talk to you again.”

  “Woah, it’s Nikkie.”

  “Oh I thought it was Josh.”

  “So I gathered. What’s up you two have a fight or something? Last I saw you together, you were on his lap necking. Then Eric got a little demanding and I told him that he’d have to wait until we were alone. So he threw me over his shoulder and told me we’d be alone right quick. When we came back, they said Josh had done the same with you.”

  -“Yeah well, that didn’t work out so well.”

  “All the other girls say he’s great. You didn’t like it? I haven’t had a chance with him yet.”

  “Oh God Nikkei, Josh ruined my life.”

  “It’s not ruined. Look it was your first time. It might have hurt. It’ll be better the next time. Give him another chance.”

  “Not on a bet. He didn’t even care about what I wanted…”

  “But your email said, you were waiting impatiently for your next encounter with Josh.”

  “If I never see him again it’ll be too soon.”

  “Oh Megan, if you don’t give him another chance, you’ll be cutting your own social throat. He’ll bad mouth you to the other guys and none of them will want you and the girls will have to go along or risk getting black balled.”


  “Wait a minute. There’s something you’re not telling me. What happened when you went off with Josh?”

  “I didn’t ‘go off’ with Josh. He threw me over his shoulder and hauled me off like the neanderthal he is.”

  “That’s kind of sexy, don’t you think? Anyway, that’s just the way they do it. Every girl at the party has been hauled off that way… more than once. It’s kind of a ‘Me Tarzan, you Jane’ thing.”

  “You don’t get it; he was going to date rape me. He would have too, if Ju… some guy and his girlfriend hadn’t heard me shouting ‘No’ and came to stop him.”

  “I said no the first time too, but I didn’t really mean it. I mean I thought I was supposed to. But I’m glad he didn’t take me serious.”

  “Well I meant it. A… the guy knocked him out and they took me home.”

  “I guess that would explain why when Josh finally came back he grabbed his chairs and left. Look, I have your bag and all your stuff. Do you want me to bring it over?”

  “No. Hang onto it and I’ll be over on Tuesday when mom’s out doing her charity thing and get it.”

  “It’s no trouble I was going to come over anyway.”

  “Does your mom know you have it?”

  “I don’t know; I don’t think so.”

  “Good; hide them. My mom can’t know that what I wore home wasn’t what I left the house in.”


  “I hope neither of you need the computer. I need to do a quick internet search. I won’t be long.” Jamie’s mom said as they took off their shoes.

  “I don’t,” Julie said.

  After her mom was out of sight, Julie remembered she was supposed to keep Jamie occupied.

  “Let’s surprise mom and prep dinner, so it’ll be nearly done when she gets through with the computer.”

  Jamie followed Julie into the kitchen.

  “What are we having?”

  “Spaghetti. I’ll get the sauce going and you can get the salad to go with.”

  “Ah, I don’t know anything about making salad.”

  “It’s easy,” Julie said as she opened the cupboard and began taking out cans of diced tomatoes, tomato sauce and a jar of Prego. “There a bag of salad mix and some green onions. Oh and get out the bag of shredded cheddar cheese.”

  Jamie snatched “his” apron before he did as she said while she started opening cans.

  “What do I do with all this stuff?” Jamie wanted to know.

  Julie looked at him and smiled as she paused to put on the other apron.

  Julie got out a sauce pan and emptied the jar into it, telling him to get a large bowl and dump the salad mix in it. She added the other things and turned on the burner under the pan.

  “What about the green onions?” Jamie wanted to know.

  Julie stirred the sauce and adjusted the heat. She walked over to the counter and pulled out the cutting board.

  “Bring them over here.”

  She selected the chef’s knife from the block. I’ll show you on three of them and then you do it,” she told him.

  Taking three of the onions, she nipped off the roots and began slicing them in about one-eighth inch sections. She spoke again as she got to the loose green portion.

  “You stop there and throw the rest away.” She hand him the knife. “You give it a try.”

  She watch him get started before going back to her sauce. Grabbing some spices from the rack, stirred as she add some oregano and Italian seasoning.

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