My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 36

My 'Summer in  Pantyhose.png


This is an unauthorized continuation of Jeremy Chandler’s, “My Summer in Pantyhose,” last added to by Jeremy 04/07/2023. The story line and characters belong to Jeremy Chandler and are used without express permission. What follows is intended as fan fiction with the greatest of admiration for Jeremy and appreciation for the original work.

  My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 36
Continued by Patricia Marie Allen

  “I got a call from Samantha’s mother last night at bedtime,” Julie’s mother said to her when she came into the family room after changing out of her work clothes.

  “Samantha’s mother called you? What’d she want?”

  “She wanted to know how I could approve of you dating a college boy.”

  Julie looked at her with her mind whirling. When it settled, a penny dropped.

  “Let me guess. Samantha wants to have permission to date Aaron’s cousin.”

  “Got it in one. Samantha seemed to think that if I gave her mother a glowing report about Aaron, that would mean that his cousin would be like him. What do you know about this?”

  “Well, Samantha complained that we didn’t see much of each other anymore. The idea of double dating came up and one thing led to another and Aaron said if Samantha wanted, he’d see if he could set something up with his cousin.”

  “What do you know about his cousin?”

  “Not much. He’ll be a freshman at City University this September.”

  “So that means he’s two years older than Samantha.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “You’ll be glad to know that her mother and I have come up with a plan that would work out. We think that the double date Samantha suggested to start with would be great. As a matter-of-fact she’s allowed to date this cousin so long as it’s a double date with you and Aaron. As I remember most of your dates were double dates with her anyway. I’d be more comfortable with that arrangement as well going forward.”

  “Am I to understand that will be a condition of my dating Aaron as well?”

  “You understand correctly. An exception might be that you include Jamie and Tabitha like last Saturday. But I can’t imagine that idea would be attractive to you.”

  “Not as a regular thing, but it was kind of fun to watch them interact. What about lunches. Are suggesting that I need to double for that as well? That would be nearly impossible to work out. I don’t know where Aaron’s cousin works and it’d put a lot of pressure on Samantha to meet me for lunch every day.”

  “Lunches can be an exception as well. It’s not like you have an opportunity to do more than a quick kiss there.”

  “Mother! I don’t do PDAs.”

  “Good. Any other exceptions need to be negotiated on an individual basis.”

  “I hope Samantha likes Aaron’s cousin.”

  Jamie came down the stairs. Julie did a double take. He was wearing his Floral Ruffle Hem Skort. His top was a lavender, button up, long-sleeve blouse that looked almost like a man’s shirt, except that the collar and cuffs weren’t quite right. The top was just translucent enough that as he walked past the window and the late day sunlight hit him she could see that he had a matching camisole underneath. His hair was longer than she remembered and was mussed in an artful way that looked natural, but like nothing he’d ever worn it before. Julie was struck by how much he looked like a girl. What’s more he looked comfortable and at ease. Dressed like that, he could pass as a girl anywhere, anytime, she thought.

  His mother noticed as well and had similar thoughts. She decided on the spot to have a talk with Jamie about the clothes and his thoughts about them.

  “Julie, I thought we could have some girl time tonight. How about I make some popcorn and we all take in a movie?”

  “I’m up for it.”

  “Would you go into the family room and find a good one for us? I’ve recorded a number of them, so look in recorded menu first.”

  “On it.”

  Julie headed for the family room.

  “Hey, mom,” he said, “I’ve been meaning to ask you for a favor, but I forgot it until just now,” he said.

  “Before you do, can we have a talk? You’re not in trouble, but I need to touch base with you about something.”


  Jamie was a bit apprehensive. Even if he wasn’t in trouble per se, a talk alone with mom was always serious.

  “Have a seat,” she motioned toward a stool at the kitchen island. “I like your outfit. I see you’re wearing a cami under the blouse.” She’d decided not to use euphemisms but call things by their proper name and the top he was wearing definitely a blouse. “You’ve done an excellent job in coordinating the two pieces.”

  That took Jamie off guard. A serious talk had never begun with a compliment before.

  “Thank you. They just look good together. I like the combination too.”

  “That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. You liking it. I’ve been kind of pushing you a bit since I caught you in my pantyhose. Have you noticed?”

  “I don’t know. I know that you made it plain in the beginning, that the punishment was for getting into your things and that there would be no exceptions. So I’ve tried my best to do it right. So I'm not sure what you mean by you ‘pushing’ me.”

  “I’m sure that with all that’s happened between now and then, you are aware people read lots of things into your wearing pantyhose. I have to admit that it raised a lot of questions in my mind. As a result, I’ve tried different things in an effort to answer those questions.

  “Pantyhose is a pretty feminine piece of clothing. The only thing more feminine would be a bra. You deciding that the punishment should be to continue to wear them 24/7 instead of the more traditional grounding kind of caught me off guard. Have you heard the expression ‘feminine side’ regarding men having one?” Jamie nodded. “You making the choice you did tells me that you have a feminine side. The question I had was just how much of a feminine side do you have. I question that because you admitted to trying on my slips.

  “I needed to explore the depth of your feminine side. You seemed reluctant to talk about it and I understand why. I’d be willing to bet you don’t have any idea how deep it runs and haven’t, until I started to push just a little, allowed yourself to explore it, have you.”

  “No, Mom. I kind of thought it was something I shouldn’t be doing, but I found myself wanting to bad enough to jump on the chance to do it at every opportunity.”

  “That’s what I thought. I’m sure you’ve noticed that when I bought you clothes for work, that they were form the woman’s department, and that I’ve encouraged you to wear them. That’s the pushing I was talking about. You seemed reluctant at first, but then said it was because the clothes were something only an older person would wear. We went out and bought some that were more for younger tastes. Then Grandma bought those two skorts but you complained that they really looked like a skirt and that while they were comfortable to wear, the look made you uncomfortable. So I took you out and allowed you to pick some out yourself. I was surprised when one of the ones you wanted was, as you put it, a skirt with shorts underneath. The one you have on right now.”

  “What I want to know is after all this time, about two months, how do you feel about wearing an outfit like you’re wearing right now. I can see you’ve got a cami on under the blouse and your grandmother told me that the camisoles she bought you were cami/panty sets. Are you now wearing panties as well as the cami?”

  Jamie looked down.

  “Grandma said that most girls wear underwear under their pantyhose, especially when wearing sheer to the waist. I’d tried it the next day because I was wearing sheer to the waist, nude hose.”

  “What did you think about wearing panties under your hose?”

  “It’s really more comfortable.”

  “So that means you like it and have continued to wear panties then?”

  Jamie nodded. He felt a little uncomfortable admitting it, but he knew the panties would have to turn up in the wash, so he couldn’t get away with lying about it.

  “But I shouldn’t should I?”

  “It’s no different than wearing pantyhose. But what about the outfit you have on? You chose to wear it, so I presume that means you like it. Am I right?” He nodded again.

  His mother paused and reorganized her thoughts.

  “Does that mean you’d like to explore your feminine side? I’ll help you if you do. I think we’d better know just how deep it runs before school starts.”

  “I… I think I should. I’m really confused right now.”

  “Can you tell me about your confusion?”

  “Well, like you said, I like this outfit. I even think I like the skorts that Grandma bought. My real concern is that if other people see me wearing them they might think I’m gay and I’m not. I mean I know that these days, it’s alright to be gay, but if that’s what they think, then I might get some gay guy hitting on me. When Tabitha and I were at the arcade, a couple of guys wanted to challenge us when we tried a four-player game and they thought we were both girls. Tabitha thought it was a good idea not to correct them. As a result they insisted on buying us a coke at the food court. It was way too much like a date and I didn’t like it. Tabitha got us out of there when we were through with our drinks by saying we were supposed to help with dinner.”

  “I could imagine. I was pretty sure you weren’t gay, but that proves it. If you were, it would have been a kind of thrill to be on a date with a guy. Tabitha was right by the way. I think it was better not to correct them. Some transgender girls have gotten themselves beat up when the straight guys they were interacting with found out.

  “OK, this conversation has gotten pretty heavy. We’ll work on how to explore your feminine side. Let’s move on. What kind of favor did you need?”

  “I was talking with Tabitha today and she really likes the skorts that I’ve been wearing to work. I’ve decided that I like them a lot more that the shorts that I got before. I’ve got some money saved up and I’d like some more and Tabitha would like to get some of her own as well. Is there any chance you could take us shopping this coming Saturday?”

  De-Javu, his mom thought. Shopping with a girlfriend. Only this time he’s not admitting she’s a girlfriend. Though, I’m sure that Tabitha would gladly claim that status.

  “I suppose so, what time did you have in mind?”

  “I’m not sure. You know I like to sleep in on Saturday and I’m pretty sure that Tabitha would like too as well,”

  “Maybe you should call her.”


  The phone was ringing as Tabitha’s mother walked in to the kitchen,


  “Hi, this Jamie. Is Tabitha there?”

  “Hello, Jamie. I just got in, but I’m sure she’s up in her room zapping some zombies or whatever is the bad guy in her video game. If you’ll hang on, I’ll go see if I can get her to pause the game and take your call.”

  She’s never had a boyfriend call her before, Tabitha’s mom thought as she mounted the stairs. As expected, Tabitha was on her computer with headphones on. A bomb could have gone off and she’d have never noticed, let alone hear the phone. She walked over and waved her hand in front of her face. Tabitha zapped whatever was on the screen and paused the game.

  She looked at her mother who made a fist with thumb and little finger sticking out and held it up to the side of her head.

  “Phone,” she said, not sure if Tabitha could hear her. Tabitha removed the headphones.

  “Who is it?”

  “Your boyfriend.”

  A moment of confusion crossed Tabitha’s face, followed by a smile.

  “You mean Jamie?”

  “Yes Jamie. How many boyfriends do you have?”

  She put the headphones and controller on the desk and stood.

  “None Mom. Jamie’s not really my boyfriend, Mom, we just work together.”

  “Work together, go to visit a friend to play computer games, eat dinner at his house, double date with his sister for ice cream, meet at the mall for video games, bring him home for dinner and now he’s calling you. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.”

  Tabitha rolled her eyes and headed for the kitchen, where she always took her phone calls. Her mother followed her down, smiling a self-satisfied smile.


  “Hi Tabitha. It’s Jamie.”

  “Hi Jamie, what’s up?”

  “You kind of acted like you might want to get some skorts of your own. I really need some more that I can wear to work and my mom’s agreed to take me shopping Saturday and I thought you might want to come along. You could help me convince my mom that what I pick out is something kids our age would wear.”

  “I’d love to. What time?”

  “Sometime in the afternoon. Say about one o’clock?”

  “Oh, that would be good, but why wait so late? Why not ten?”

  “I thought you might want to sleep in.”

  “I can’t sleep past eight. I have a set bedtime, even in the summer.”

  “OK, if you want, we could pick you up at ten.”

  “Great, let me clear it with my mom.”

  Tabitha turned to go find her mom and saw she was standing by the kitchen island with a cup of coffee.”

  “Mom, Jamie wants me to go shopping with him about ten on Saturday. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone. Is it OK?”

  “I think so, so long as your home by dinnertime.”

  Back on the phone, she said, “Mom says that’s fine, so long as I’m home by dinner time. I kinda thought she’d want me home by dinnertime. That’s why I suggested ten. If we waited ’til one, we’d feel rushed.”

  “Great. I didn’t think of that. Ten it is.”

  “Do you think Mike will mind? We kinda said we’d go over there on Saturday.”

  “Oh, man. I forgot all about that. Maybe we should go earlier and the over to Mike’s in the afternoon.”

  “The stores don’t all open until nine. So that’s the earliest we could go. Can you make it then?”

  “Yeah, I think so, if you can go to Mike’s after.”

  “Let me ask my mom.”

  “Mom, we just remembered that we kind of made a date to play games at Mike’s house on Saturday. Would it be OK if we went shopping at nine and then to Mike’s afternoon?”

  “Can you still make it home for dinner?”

  “Ah, you remember that you were going to give me a ride to go over to Jamie’s so we could go to Mike’s and then I’d need a ride home. But if we go shopping in the morning and Mike’s in the afternoon, I’d only need a ride home because Jamie’s mom will be taking us shopping.”

  “And here I thought I was going to get out of playing ‘Mom’s Taxi’ Saturday, but I guess not.”

  “So that’ll work?”

  Back on the phone to Jamie she said, “OK, if we make it nine in the morning we can do both.”

  “Good, I’ll tell Mom we need to pick you up by nine.”

  “See you at work tomorrow.”

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