Crimes of Passion - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three – The Verdict


Westchester County Court – The Trial – Day Four

“Mrs Nielsen, you married your husband twelve years ago, is that correct,” William Sanford asked his witness.

William began the fourth day of trial by calling Mary Nielsen as a character witness and to substantiate some facts in evidence. He had deposed her privately and she had sometimes been present during the pre-trial conferences and he was confident that she would be a good witness.

“That’s correct we have been married for twelve years,” Mary had been briefed to keep her answers succinct and on point.

“Did your husband ever tell you about his crossdressing before you married?” William asked.

“No, and neither did he tell me during our marriage. The first I heard about it was when Stephanie was arrested and charged,” Mary swallowed dryly and reached for water.

“You had no inkling that about your husband’s extra-marital activities?” William waited for Mary to sip her water.

“Stephanie worked long hours and was often away from home on business and I also worked erratic hours so I guess if I’m honest I did wonder if he ever strayed. Stephen was a handsome man and I would suppose that any wife might perhaps wonder if her husband may be tempted to stray given the circumstances. He had the same concerns about me,” Mary answered straightforwardly.

“Really?” William feigned surprise.

“We both joked about it occasionally. You know, me joking about him chasing his secretary around the office and him joking about me being pursued by handsome young doctors,” Mary gave a wan smile.

“But you were both only joking,” William said for clarification.

“Stephanie’s secretary was a sixty-five year old spinster rumoured to be a lesbian so of course I was joking,” Mary smiled again.

“You work erratic hours as you said, as an administrator at a prestigious hospital, is that right?” William asked.

“I now know that while I was working the overnight shift was when Stephanie would go to see Jeremy Wallace or some other man with whom she had an assignation,” Mary blushed.

“And if I may ask you one last time… you never suspected that your husband was crossdressing and cheating on you or that he was suffering gender dysphoria?” William said firmly.

“No,” Mary answered firmly.

“Now if we can turn to the matter of the snub-nosed .38 Smith and Wesson handgun that Stephanie reported stolen,” William changed the subject.

“Our house was broken into while I was at work and Stephanie was in Washington meeting with clients. A burglar broke into our house and stole some jewellery that I had left out along with four expensive watches and the pistol. Luckily most of our good jewellery was locked in the bedroom safe,” Mary answered precisely, as she had been briefed.

“I refer the court to the police report lodged at the time,” William held up the exhibit.

“What did the police have to say about the matter?” William waved the report and put it back on the exhibit table.

“They said it was a crime of opportunity. The house was unoccupied, I had forgotten to set the alarm and the crook or crooks were in and out in a matter of minutes. No fingerprints were found and the police said that burglars almost always wore gloves. They checked with pawn shops known to handle stolen goods but nothing was recovered so we lodged a claim with our insurance company,” Mary was once again succinct.

“Has your husband ever used violence against you or have you ever witnessed Stephanie offer violence to others?” William was about done.

Mary guffawed.

“Look at her; even as a man Stephanie was small statured and demure by nature. She would rather catch a spider in a glass and release it outside than kill it,” Mary chuckled.

“Do you still love you husband? I know this is a difficult question,” William said gently.

“Yes, I love Stephanie but it is not the same as it was before. We have both been to see Doctor Strauss and she explained to me Stephanie’s condition and why it was imperative that she be allowed to undertake gender reassignment. Stephanie did so with my blessing. We are companions and friends but we have agreed to go our separate ways after the trial. The breakup is amicable and we will remain friends for life,” Mary wiped at a tear.

“Thank you Mary. No more from me your Honour,” William tendered the witness.

Gerald Thatcher arose to conduct his cross-examination. He knew that he had to be careful because Mary was a sympathetic witness.

“So this woman, at the time presenting as man, lived under the same as roof as you for twelve years and for the last three years has been living a double-life and in your own words you had no inkling?” the ADA asked pointedly.

“No,” Mary followed the brief to keep her answers concise.

“You saw not a skerrick of lipstick, not a trace of mascara nor smelled a scintilla of perfume on him over the three years your husband was crossdressing right under your nose? I read now from the transcript of the forensic exam conducted on your husband on the morning of the arrest: ‘minute traces of mascara, eyeliner and lipstick were found on the subject’s face’. How do you explain that?” Gerald Thatcher looked up from the report in front of him.

“I guess I just never forensically examined my husband,” Mary replied sarcastically and there were a few muffled laughs in the gallery.

“Ok then, let’s move on to the so-called stolen pistol. Where did your husband keep the weapon? Was it kept in the safe?” the ADA moved along.

“It was kept in the bedside table drawer. Stephen, I mean Stephanie, said it was pointless locking away a gun we had bought for our protection,” Mary replied, blushing because she had dead-named Stephanie in her reply.

“Ok, so it was kept in Stephanie’s beside table. When was the last time you saw it?” Gerald Thatcher had a gleam in his eye.

Mary looked puzzled.

“The gun was reported stolen the morning after the burglary when your husband returned from Washington. You knew that the watches and jewellery had been stolen because they had been left out on the dresser. But I assume that you only discovered that the pistol was missing when you conducted an inventory to see what else had been stolen,” Gerald continued.

“Objection, does the ADA have a question for the witness?” William didn’t even bother getting to his feet.

“So it’s possible that the gun was missing before the burglary or that the weapon was not stolen but hidden elsewhere. I ask you again Mrs Nielsen, when was the last time you saw the gun?” the ADA grinned at Mary when he saw the look of uncertainty on her face.

Mary baulked and looked helplessly at William Sanford who looked just as helpless.

“I honestly don’t know. It was Stephanie's gun,” Mary whispered.

“I’m sorry Mrs Nielsen, can you speak up so the jury can hear your answer?” the ADA smirked.

“I said I don’t know. It was Stephanie's gun,” Mary answered succinctly.

“So, as I said, it’s possible your husband hid the gun elsewhere and reported it stolen as part of the burglary?” Gerald sounded triumphant.

“Objection! Calls for speculation from the witness!” William Sanford sounded panicked.

“Withdrawn,” the ADA had done the damage.

“One final question, and this time I read from the transcript of the expert witness Doctor Helena Strauss, ‘during our counselling Stephanie told me that she has been monogamous since she came out as a transwoman’. Monogamous means being faithful to one person. Are you that one person?” Gerald Thatcher couldn’t keep a smirk off his face.

“If you mean are Stephanie and I still fucking… well that’s kinda personal counsellor but I bet you’d get off imagining that wouldn’t you?” Mary smirked right back at Gerald Thatcher who stood there gobsmacked, as was the judge, the jury and the gallery.

Judge Allison Vogel rapped her gavel as the courtroom erupted.

“Order in the court! The prosecutor’s question is rescinded and strike the witness’s reply as non-responsive,” Judge Vogel brought the court to order.

During the recess William, Stephanie and Mary sat in one of the courthouse anterooms looking dejected. Mary’s testimony had been a disaster. Gerald Thatcher had rattled her and Mary was still fuming after the cross-examination.

“Ok. Let’s put things in perspective. All of the prosecution’s evidence is circumstantial. We are far from done here,” William tried to sound confident.

“I shouldn’t have let him rattle me. I shouldn’t have risen to the bait,” Mary was forlorn.

Stephanie sat beside Mary consoling her and William had to admit that he was a little jealous. Mary’s answer to the question about Stephanie being monogamous did not rule out that Mary and Stephanie were still fucking. If that was the case then Stephanie was lying because he assumed that Stephanie’s monogamy extended to him.

The Offices of Stone, Lyman and Sanford – Four Months Before The Trial

“I want a speedy trial William,” Stephanie paced the floor of William Sanford’s office.

It was late and they were alone in the law firm. Stephanie and William had been meeting almost daily preparing for trial, usually after hours because William was in court during the day trying other cases.

“In New York, the average time to process a murder case is around twenty four months. This is due to a number of factors, including the complexity of the cases, the large number of criminal defendants requesting jury trials, and the limited amount of court time available each year.”

“The New York Criminal Procedure Law governs the Speedy Trial Clock, which requires the prosecution to be ready for trial within six months of a felony charge being brought. However, the clock can be paused for a number of reasons, mainly because the defendant requests a delay or if motions or interlocutory appeals are being considered. Murder cases contain the most evidence and involve several technical witnesses, which contributes to the length of time it takes to resolve them,” William explained.

Stephanie was about to complain but William held up his hand to stop her.

“In your case it’s different. We have stipulated to most of the prosecution’s facts because you admit that you were at the scene of the crime before the murder. Most of their case is circumstantial and I think I can punch a few holes in it,” William continued.

“The prosecutor’s office and I have submitted to the court that we can get the trial done in seven to ten days at the most, as neither of us have many witnesses to call and many of the facts in evidence have been agreed to. The Clerk of the Westchester County Courthouse has set a trial date four months from now,” William smiled at Stephanie.

“Thanks god! I can’t wait for it to be over,” Stephanie stopped pacing and sighed.

“The ADA will try to bias the jury against you to get his verdict. He knows the evidence against you is thin but it is very provocative, especially where it goes to motive. He’s going to paint you as a deviant adulterer and promiscuous slattern who cheated on her spouse and her lover, as a means of turning the jury against you,” William said gravely.

Slattern,” Stephanie chuckled.

“Now there’s an archaic word but it is probably appropriate,” her laughter resonated around the room.

William stepped into Stephanie and glared at her.

“This is serious Stephanie. We will rebuff the implied slander; Doctor Helena Strauss will be a very important witness. We have to convince the jury that no matter what you were, you are not that person now. That by freeing you the jury are freeing not only an innocent person but also someone who has sought and found redemption,” William continued to stare into Stephanie’s eyes.

“You still loathe me don’t you? Even with all the time you spent talking to Helena about me and her explaining why I was what I was, you find me repulsive,” tears welled up in Stephanie’s eyes.

“I’m sorry Stephanie, I’ve seen the pictures, I’ve read the emails and texts, I’ve studied the evidence and I’m not convinced that just because you had a little surgery anything has changed,” William sighed.

“If you don’t believe me what chance do I have with the jury?” a single tear ran down her cheek.

“That’s my job, to convince them otherwise. Your job is to present yourself just like you have been doing to me: a beautiful woman who lost her way but is now virtuous and regretful of her past. How you present yourself in court and how you behave on the stand will have a significant effect on the case,” William admitted.

“And that is going to be difficult. I could put you in a sack dress and sneakers and you would still look beautiful and alluring. The men on the jury will look at those pictures of you and they will fantasise and the women will look at you and hate you,” William brushed away Stephanie’s tear with his fingertip.

“What about you, William? Do you fantasise?” Stephanie whispered.

“No. You are correct, I still loathe you. I can’t reconcile what you were with who you are now,” it was William’s turn for tears to well up in his eyes.

“Then what chance do I have? I’m lost,” Stephanie’s face was inches from William’s.

Her perfume was intoxicating; her face was so beautiful, framed by the platinum shock of hair, her makeup perfect, that sexy overbite framed by red lipstick. She stood inches away from him, petite, frightened and tearful but still sexy in her tight-fitting dark suit, shimmery hose and heels.

“You’re confused aren’t you?” Stephanie raised her hand to William’s face and stroked his cheek.

“You want to believe that I’ve changed because you find me fascinating but you are also repulsed by me because of what I am. I see that look in men’s faces all the time. It’s ok William. I’m used to it. Just do the best you can, even if you despise me,” Stephanie turned away from William and stepped towards the door.

William caught her wrist and pulled her back to him and held her at arm’s length.

“Yes I’m confused and also a little afraid. I will admit that over the time we have spent together I have become attracted to you but I wouldn’t know what to do with you, even if I were to make a move and you were to reciprocate. It is also highly inappropriate for a lawyer to become romantically involved with a client,” William breathed.

“Then let’s not be inappropriate William,” Stephanie put her hands on his chest, keeping a chaste distance between them.

She kissed him softly on the lips and he held her gently while she did so.

“We shouldn't be doing this Stephanie, it’s a bad idea,” William hissed when Stephanie broke the kiss.

“Then don’t,” she smiled up at him sweetly.

William pulled her close against him and crushed his lips against hers and drove his tongue into Stephanie’s mouth. She clung to him and lifted one leg like a 1930’s movie actress. She felt like she was floating on air and once again was overcome by that feeling of safety but this time there was an undercurrent of deep affection.

She could feel William’s hard body under his designer suit. Because it was late his face had the rasp of five o’clock shadow, his cologne was something musky and manly, his breath tasted faintly of coffee and breath mints. William was very masculine and confident; he strode around the room like a panther, his voice was deep and commanding. Stephanie had been falling for him ever since he took the case.

She didn’t think anything would come of it. She knew that he loathed her and did his best to hide it and she knew that he was too professional to get involved with a client. But every now and then she’d seen signs that he was curious: looking at her ass when she bent over the conference table to retrieve a document, checking out her legs when she slumped in a chair nearly exhausted and her skirt rode up, looking down her blouse when she had her jacket off as they worked late into the night and a button popped on her blouse.

Stephanie knew that men desired her; she had fucked enough of them. But she would be the dirty little secret. She was the woman you took to a sleazy hotel and fucked just to see if it was like the tranny porn on the internet. She was the woman men joked about with trusted friends at the bar but would never be seen in public with her. She knew that no self-respecting man would want be seen with Stephanie in public because of what she was and especially because her whole sordid past was being played out in the media.

Their kisses became more impassioned and William struggled to get Stephanie out of her tight jacket and then she helped him out of his. They continued to kiss while they did this, not wanting to break the bond they had formed. Then they became a little sordid with each other, William squeezed Stephanie’s buttocks through her tight skirt. He had wanted to squeeze that ass for months and found it round, plump and supple; just as he expected it to be.

Stephanie gasped as William circled his fingers on the globes of her ass, squeezing them intermittently, tracing the cleft between them, teasing her. She reciprocated and squeezed William’s tight ass, digging her nails into the pliant glutes. She could feel his cock pressing against her belly through the fabric of his trousers. As much as she was tempted to squeeze the appendage, she would make him wait.

Whilst still kissing her, his lips crushing hers, his tongue darting in her mouth, her moved his hands from her prim ass to her chest and unbuttoned her blouse. Her firm, creamy orbs were cupped in a satin and lace brassiere and William popped them out of the half-cups and stroked the magnificent globes. They were a perfect handful, the skin silky and white, the areolas pink and inviting, the nipples like berries ready to be plucked.

Stephanie's kisses became more ardent as William felt the heft of her breasts and began to stroke them, her nipples hardened to his touch as he lightly fingered them. He was gentle with them, cupping them, using his long fingers to softly massage the tender flesh and the ball of his thumb to knead her nipples until they were fully erect and Stephanie was gasping into his mouth. William didn’t know it but he was the first man to touch Stephanie's breasts since her surgery and the feeling was ecstatic.

She ground her body against him, encouraging him and she was rewarded. He kept manipulating her breasts with one hand while the other worked its way back down to her ass. He cupped a buttock and squeezed it and then her slipped his hand under her skirt and was rewarded with the feel of lacy stocking tops against his fingers and the sleek gossamer sheen of the nylon shrouding her thighs. Stephanie was wearing thigh-high hold-up stockings and she felt William’s lips break into a smile as he kissed her.

“You like them?” Stephanie placed her hand on top of William’s and guided it up and down her thigh.

“They’re sexy,” William whispered.

“You’re sexy,” he smiled at her and kissed her quickly.

Stephanie slipped her hand between their bodies and found him, hard, expectant and throbbing. She squeezed his cock and it trembled in her fingers. It felt long, thick and meaty even through the fabric of his trousers.

It was William’s turn to gasp.

The silence of the office was broken by the reverberant metallic scraping sound of William’s zipper being undone and then the clink of a buckle being opened and the rasp of trouser fabric against hairy legs as Stephanie lowered William’s pants to his knees.

“This is it William, we can stop here and put this down to too many late nights, overtiredness and bad judgement,” Stephanie looked up into William’s soft brown eyes and he looked lovingly into her emerald-green orbs.

“You’re the client, you decide,” he smiled at her cheekily.

She smiled back at him and then watched as William closed his eyes in anticipation as Stephanie freed his engorged manhood and slowly and softly caressed it with her fingertips. She gently raked her nails along the steely shaft and glans, lingering on the sensitive fold of his fraenulum and listened to his breathing quicken and felt his heart pounding in his chest.

She slowly lowered herself down his body, clinging to him like a snake slithering down a limb, her breasts pressed against his body and her fingers raking down his torso until she was crouched down with William’s magnificent penis inches from her face. She reached out and touched it, relishing the contrast of her bright-red nails against his pink shaft and bloated glans. A filament of pre-ejaculate oozed from the eye and she caught it with her fingertip and massaged it into William’s veiny appendage.

She felt William shudder as she did so and then she felt his fingers stroking her tousled blonde hair. He wasn’t pushing her but he was encouraging her and Stephanie obliged. She opened her mouth and took his sturdy rod into her mouth, clamping her lips gently on the shaft while her tongue flittered against his glans.

“Oh god Stephanie,” William gasped and Stephanie’s eyes lit up with delight.

She slowly fellated him, suckling his tender organ whilst her hand cupped his scrotal sac and gently kittled the furrowed pouch. She let his cock slide out of her mouth and she slathered the shaft and titillated his bulbous glans with her wet tongue and full lips and then she took his scrotum in her mouth and suckled it while she stroked his cock.

William was mewling and sighing, his hands resting lightly on Stephanie's head while she ministered to his desires. William had been fellated by many women during his lifetime but Stephanie was the best he had ever had. She edged him to extremis and then retreated, allowing him to recover before her mouth did things to his genitals that he never dreamed of. She worked her mouth up and down his shaft, expertly using her lips and tongue, introducing her fingers into play as necessary.

William knew that he wouldn’t be able to suppress his orgasm much longer and he wanted more. He wanted to feel Stephanie’s petite body under him while he fucked her.

He lifted Stephanie to her feet and gazed lovingly into her eyes. Stephanie looked sexily dishevelled and alluring: her lipstick was smeared around her impossibly full lips, her blonde bob mussed, and her mouth slightly open as she breathed heavily. She looked amazingly provocative as she tottered on her heels, her blouse open with her magnificent bosom peeking out of her blouse, her skirt had ruched, exposing the lacy bands at the top of her shimmering tan hose.

William growled and pulled her into his embrace and smashed his mouth against hers. He felt her go limp and held her tighter, his lips crushing hers, his tongue flittering in her mouth, his hands squeezing her ass, his cock pressed against her tight belly.

“I want to fuck you,” William hissed as he pawed at the diminutive sexy goddess, inhaling her perfume, feeling her feminine bumps and curves.

“If you bend me over you won’t have to see my cock,” Stephanie smiled up at him sweetly, deliberately trying to shock him.

William's response was to lift her bodily from the floor and carry her over to his desk and lower onto the hardwood surface. Stephanie wrapped her arms and legs around him as William carried her, their mouths locked together. William pawed at her, hiking her skirt up her legs until her pretty pink nylon panties were exposed. Stephanie had been tucked during the day but as the day wore on she had freed her genitals from their uncomfortable trap and now her hard cock tented the front of her panties and her scrotum rested in the gusset.

William looked down, fully expecting to be repelled by what he saw but to his surprise he found that he wasn’t. The front of Stephanie’s panties was distended and wet with pre-seminal fluid and he knew that he had caused that state of arousal in her. To his mind’s eye it was no different to cis woman wetting her panties with vaginal juices in anticipation of sex. The constant reviewing of the evidence, seeing the pictures of Stephanie posing provocatively and the pornographic images of her having sex had inured him. In fact he had been subconsciously stimulated whilst his conscious mind felt disgust.

But that was now all academic. He had this beautiful, provocative transwoman perched on his desk, her long stocking-sheathed legs wrapped around him, her magnificent breasts heaving, her face a picture of rapture and his steely appendage was barely an inch from her panties.

He pressed his cock against hers as he leaned down and kissed her. He could feel the pliable hardness of it through her gauzy undergarment and it felt amazing. He rutted against her as he kissed her passionately, her legs scissoring against his flanks, her bottom raised off the desk so that she could press her extremities against his phallic sword.

“What now?” William was a little perplexed.

He understood the dynamic of anal sex, in fact one of his ex-girlfriends was an aficionado, but they were in his law firm office and totally unprepared.

“Wait, just let me…” Stephanie's fingers scrambled across the desk and clawed at her handbag.

She unclasped it and rummaged around inside until she found what she was looking for. She produced a tube of Dior moisturising hand cream and smiled cheekily up at William as she secreted a generous dollop of the salve on her fingertips.

“Don’t cum in my hand,” she jokingly admonished William as she lathered his manhood with the lubricious emollient.

William gasped and Stephanie leaned forward and drove her tongue into his ear and nipped his earlobe. She kissed him, feeling his cock judder in her fingers as she did so. She eased aside the gusset of panties and positioned his glans against her puckered bud.

Using her legs as a fulcrum Stephanie impaled herself on William’s hard throbbing cock.

“Oh god!” William sighed as her tight, velvety anus clasped his penis.

He clamped his mouth on hers and began to fuck Stephanie, withdrawing his cock all the way out so that her sphincter circled his glans and then thrusting it forward until his scrotum slammed into her pantied taint. Stephanie clung to William and met his thrusts, gyrating her buttocks, expressing every scintilla of pleasure from his magnificent organ as it lit up the pleasure centres in her anus and extruded a continuous vibrato of delight from her prostate.

It had been so long since Stephanie had had sex that her orgasm bloomed almost immediately. She could feel William’s cock pulsating inside her slick anus and she could tell that he too was close. She stifled a scream when William clutched her buttocks and rammed his cock all the way inside her and ejaculated. She could feel his cock quiver and convulse, feel the freshets of steaming milt fill her void. His tongue flickered in her mouth.

William could feel Stefanie's anus contract around his ejaculating penis, milking him of his issue. She screamed into his mouth as she came like an express train, her nylon-clad legs rubbing on his sensitive flanks, her high heels locked behind his back, her breasts pressed against his chest.

He broke the kiss long enough to watch the front of Stephanie’s pink nylon panties suddenly effloresce with a spreading stain as a puddle of creamy semen bloomed where the glans of her penis distended the diaphanous garment.

He had made her cum!

William continued to fuck Stephanie until their orgasms peaked and began to subside and even when he finished thrusting he left his cock inside her, kissing her, holding her tight, feeling a bond between them that was undoubtedly sexual but there was something more that he couldn’t put a name to and didn’t really want to… at least not yet.

“Have you broken some sort of law or commandment or something by making love to me?” Stephanie had a twinkle in her eye.

“Oh yes. Oh god yes,” William chuckled.

“Wanna do it again?” Stephanie looked up at him adoringly.

William left Stephanie impaled on his cock as he carried her over to the leather sofa in the corner of his office. She rained kissed on him and whispered endearments as he did so.

They did it again.

Westchester County Court – The Trial – Day Five

William had asked Stephanie to dress demurely for court but there was no hiding her comely figure, killer legs and pretty face as she strode to the witness stand. She was wearing a conservative dark suit: a knee-length pencil skirt and long jacket, pale-pink satin blouse, transparent hosiery and black low heels. Her alabaster skin, long swanlike neck, shock of platinum blonde hair and full red lips gave her a Marilyn Munroe like countenance, despite the subdued makeup.

There was just no way to make Stephanie not look sexy and desirable.

The scandal sheets had been taking pictures of her every day as she entered the court and plastering them all over the media. The pundits had been commenting on her fashion and one media outlet had used the banner: ‘Happy Wife – Happy Life’ and then gone on to quote Mary Nielsen’s response to the ADA’s question about Stephanie’s monogamy.

There was a climate of schadenfreude pervading the paparazzi and mainstream media which leaked into the courtroom. The gallery was packed with people who wanted to see this beautiful, wealthy, confident, articulate transwoman taken down a peg or two. The LGBTI community was evenly split, with some labelling Stephanie a fraud who had undertaken gender reassignment to garner sympathy and those who fully supported her and of course the TERFs were having a field day. A famous female comedian did a skit on a late night chat show mocking Stephanie, portraying her as a dumb blonde who accidently shot her lover because she thought the gun wasn’t loaded.

Stephanie made her affirmation and sat quietly, waiting to be questioned.

“Did you kill Jeremy Wallace?” William opened his examination.

“No,” Stephanie answered confidently.

“Do you know who did?” William followed.

“No,” Stephanie repeated her answer.

“Do you know of anyone who might have had a grudge or resentment against the deceased; after all you knew him intimately for three years?” William was determined not to shy away from the facts of the case.

“Yes I knew him intimately but our relationship was secretive. We mostly met at his apartment, and yes, while Jeremy discussed his life outside of our affair, he never told me about anyone who had displayed animosity toward him or who he was having a disagreement with,” Stephanie’s voice was husky and sexy, almost breathless and it was having an effect on the jury.

“Did you ever discuss your life outside of the ‘affair’ as you put it,” William asked next.

“Jeremy only ever wanted to see my feminine side, he never once saw me presented as a man. He knew that I was married and he knew that I was an investment banker and we moved in similar circles but he never saw each other professionally and Jeremy never wanted to see Stephen Nielsen, only Stephanie,” Stephanie answered honestly.

“So you transformed from your male self into Stephanie at home and went to his apartment regularly over a period of three years, sneaking around behind your wife’s back,” William had warned both Stephanie and Mary that he would have to ask some difficult questions.

“Yes,” Stephanie’s reply was almost a whisper.

“The logistics involved and the secretiveness must have been almost overwhelming. You presented as a happily married, successful businessman, whilst at the same time living a double-life carrying on a long-term relationship with Jeremy Wallace and also meeting strange men in hotel rooms. Are you a devious person Stephanie?” William hated asking these questions but he needed to take the wind out of the prosecution's cross-examination which he knew would be withering.

“I was. I am not anymore. As Doctor Helena Strauss explained I was gender dysmorphic and that was how I dealt with it,” Stephanie’s replied honestly.

“Jeremy Wallace told you that he loved you and that he wanted you to come out openly as a transwoman and live with him. He encouraged you to do so and to undergo reassignment treatment and you argued about that didn’t you?” William continued to ask difficult questions.

“Yes,” Stephanie answered succinctly.

“Why didn’t you?” William asked the question many wanted answered.

“Because I still loved Mary and I knew that if I came out it would destroy her,” Stephanie looked over at Mary and gave her a wan smile.

“But after everything that has happened, it hasn’t destroyed her has it?” William asked coolly.

“Objection, goes to the state of mind of Mrs Nielsen, not the witness,” the ADA made a desultory objection just for the sake of it.

“Overruled,” Judge Allison Vogel’s response was just as desultory.

“No. She is a strong woman and she has stayed by my side throughout the investigation and my gender reassignment,” again Stephanie smiled at Mary who smiled back.

“Did you love Jeremy Wallace?” William had not warned Stephanie that he would be asking this question because he wanted an honest response and he wanted the jury to see it.

Stephanie didn’t answer, she just stared out into nowhere and the judge became impatient.

“The witness will answer the question,” Allison Vogel encouraged Stephanie to respond.

“Yes, I suppose I did. I never told him so and now I wish I had,” Stephanie replied looking at Mary as she made her response.

Mary quivered in her seat and took out a handkerchief to dry her eyes and everyone saw it.

“Jeremy Wallace was alive when you left his apartment that night, is that correct?” William was nearly finished.

“I transformed at home and went to his apartment. We made love several times and drank wine and then I left and came home. Jeremy was very much alive when I left his apartment,” Stephanie held her head up high as she made her declaration.

“No further questions,” William tendered the witness.

ADA Gerald Thatcher shot to his feet. This is what he had been hoping for. The defence didn’t have to put the accused on the witness stand and they often didn’t because it left their client vulnerable to attack and allowed the prosecution to bring up prior acts and review other testimony related to the defendant.

“You said earlier that you were a devious person but no longer are, so let’s explore that shall we?” everyone could see that the ADA was relishing his turn to take on Stephanie.

“How many men did you have sex with while you were married to your wife?” the prosecutor was going over old ground but he wanted to open old wounds.

“I don’t know,” Stephanie answered truthfully.

“According to the crime technicians there were over fifty rendezvous arranged online or by text, does that sound about right?” the ADA smiled maliciously.

“I would have thought a lot more,” Stephanie replied blithely, catching the ADA off guard.

“And you had sex with all these men to validate your femininity?” the ADA continued.

“Oh, the sex was good too,” Stephanie smiled demurely.

William Sanford was doing his best to catch Stephanie’s eye to indicate to her to stop being a smart ass. He had put Stephanie on the stand to garner sympathy not to antagonise the Assistant District Attorney.

“Is this the attitude that led to you and Jeremy Wallace fighting?” Gerald Thatcher struck back.

“Jeremy and I seldom argued and we never fought,” Stephanie snapped.

“But there was an ongoing diatribe in your correspondence with him about your promiscuity wasn’t there?” Gerald was back on the front foot.

“He wanted something I couldn’t give him,” Stephanie’s response was meek.

“I’m not talking about his insistence that you undertake gender reassignment. I’m taking about his disapproval regarding you having sex with multiple partners other than him,” Gerald directed Stephanie to the question.

“No, he didn’t like it,” Stephanie admitted.

“But now that he’s dead you have undertaken gender reassignment and stopped copulating with strangers. How convenient for you and unfortunate for him,” Gerald said viciously.

“Objection!” William leapt to his feet.

“Sustained. Ask questions councillor and do not badger the witness,” Judge Vogel instructed the ADA who had made his point and was satisfied.

“The defence has made much of the fact that your wife is standing by you throughout these proceedings but she has in fact petitioned for divorce has she not?” Gerald changed his approach.

“It will be uncontested and amicable,” Stephanie replied staidly.

“So once the trial is over, provided you are found not guilty of course, you can live the life you have always dreamed of, living as a single woman unencumbered by a spouse or a lover, is that your intention?” Gerald knew that he was close to being sanctioned again by the judge but he wanted to hammer home his point.

“I have no idea what I will do after the trial,” Stephanie replied curtly.

“But you have lodged divorce proceedings, you have put a down payment on a condo in New Rochelle, you and your wife have opened separate bank accounts and, if my sources are correct, you have been approached by a prominent publicist with an offer to have a book or screenplay written about you… haven’t you?” the ADA played his trump card.

Stephanie looked stunned as did William Sanford. William was unsure if he should object but the ADA made the decision for him.

“Don’t bother to answer. Your silence is the only answer the jury requires. I’m finished with this witness,” Gerald gave Stephanie a withering look and took his seat.

“The defence rests,” William Sanford addressed the judge and sat down looking a little rattled.

Westchester County Court – The Trial – Day Six

“Three years, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Three years! For three years Stephen Nielsen lived a double life married to his wife, secretly presenting as Stephanie while conducting an affair with a man she has admitted she loved and at the same time having sex with countless strangers,” ADA Gerald Thatcher began his closing.

“Stephanie Nielsen has admitted to being devious and it was her deviousness that led her on the path she chose so that she could live the life she wanted to live. By killing Jeremy Wallace she became unencumbered. She was free to divorce her wife, free of an insistent lover, free to undertake gender reassignment, free of all commitment and responsibility,” Gerald paused for dramatic effect.

“Or maybe there is an alternative rationale. Stephanie Nielsen has not fully committed to the metamorphosis she and her phycologist insist is the only recourse to her to live the life she needs to live. She hasn’t undertaken bottom surgery. She still has her male genitalia. A cynic might propose that after the trial she could transform back to her male self just as easily as she changed her gender to female,” Gerald stalked the floor in front of the jury box as he spoke.

“A simple procedure to remove those implants, fill in some paperwork and lodge it with the appropriate authorities, wipe off the makeup and get a haircut and Stephen Nielsen can be down with his buds at the Rocka Rolla drinking beer, playing pool and chasing skirt with his bros,” Gerald said snidely.

“Now let’s look at the evidence. Stephanie Nielsen and Jeremy Wallace had been constantly arguing about her promiscuity and her refusal to openly present as the woman he loved and that he wanted to live with him. There is no viable suspect other than Stephanie, she had means, motive and opportunity,” Gerald counted the off on his fingers the three aspects of a crime needed to convince a jury of guilt in a criminal proceeding.

“It was her gun that killed him and her fingerprints were found on the weapon, no one else’s. The only fingerprints and forensic evidence found in the apartment and on the bodies of Jeremy Wallace and Stephanie Nielsen were theirs. She admitted being in the apartment that night and there is video evidence to support that she came to Franklin Manor that night and left around the time that Jeremy Wallace was proved to have been shot,” Gerald Thatcher glared at the jury.

Her semen, her hair, her makeup, her clothing, her car, her fingerprints, her gun, her texts, her email… they all tie her to the scene of the crime. There is no other viable suspect. She admits that she was there and we saw her on the security cameras, her and nobody else,” the ADA was emphatic.

“There has been much talk in this courtroom about of a crime of passion. This was not a crime a passion; this was a cold, calculated assassination,” Gerald hissed at the jury, impassioned and angry.

“Do not let that pretty little blonde woman sitting at the defence table fool you into thinking that she is anything but a devious, conniving murderer who saw a way out of living a devious conniving life and she took it by killing Jeremy Wallace,” Gerald Thatcher’s face was red with outrage.

He walked over to an easel facing the jury and turned around a portrait of a smiling Stephen Nielsen dressed in a business suit and tie.

“This is the person that killed Jeremy Wallace. This man here, not the demure little lady sitting over there,” Gerald pointed vehemently at Stephanie Nielsen who held her head up high and didn’t flinch.

The ADA sat down, satisfied that he had proved his case.

“My client freely admits that she was at Jeremy Wallace’s apartment on the night that he was killed,” William Sanford began his closing remarks to the jury.

“She freely admits that she was in a long term relationship with him. All of the so-called conclusive evidence rattled off by the prosecutor has been accounted for by this fact. She made no attempt hide the fact that she went to that apartment that night, no attempt to fake a break-in, to contaminate or clean up the crime scene or blame somebody else, which someone guilty of murder would be likely to do,” William Sanford’s speech was quiet, considered and controlled.

“Much has been made of semen and fingerprints and DNA but that has all been accounted for by my client’s testimony. But you notice that the ADA never mentioned gunshot residue or blood spatter. There was no GSR or blood found on my client or the clothes she was wearing. Then there is the preposterous hypothesis that she wore gloves,” William looked beseechingly at the jury.

“Their supposition is that my client left traces of her hair, her makeup, her semen and her fingerprints all over the crime scene; she even left a pair of pantyhose and panties that she had been wearing behind… but she put on gloves before she shot Jeremy Wallace and disposed of them on the way home. She didn’t take the murder weapon with her and didn’t even bother wiping down the gun. How preposterous is that?” William declared.

“If you take away everything that has been adequately explained by my client, the prosecution is left with nothing but supposition and a pair of gloves that were never found,” William paused.

“My client’s sexuality, gender and previous promiscuity are not on trial here. Mary Nielsen sits behind Stephanie supporting her. Would a wife still support someone they though was capable of murder? Mary has forgiven her husband’s transgressions and both have admitted that they will divorce but amicably,” William walked over and turned around the picture of Stephen Nielsen so that the blank side faced the jury.

“Doctor Helena Strauss has explained to you why Stephanie is what she is and did what she did. The allegation that Stephanie undertook gender reassignment to garner sympathy is absurd and ludicrous,” William replaced the picture of Stephen Nielsen with a picture of Stephanie posing demurely for the camera.

“This woman is innocent. Whatever bias you may consciously or unconsciously hold against my client you must put aside and you must consider only the facts of the case. Has the prosecution proved their case beyond all reasonable doubt? William paused again and looked each juror in the eye.

“Let me say that again ladies and gentlemen… beyond all reasonable doubt!” William turned to look at the picture of Stephanie and then back at the jury.

“I think not,” William walked calmly back to his seat.

Judge Allison Vogel gave the jury instructions and sent them away to deliberate. The jury had not been sequestered during the trial but the judge had ruled that they would be sequestered while they deliberated to keep them away from the media circus.

The Nielsen Residence, New Rochelle, New York – After Day Six of The Trial

Stephanie and Mary Nielsen fought their way through the crowd of reporters who kept sticking microphones and cameras in their faces despite their repeated ‘no comment’ statements. They kept their heads bowed while they followed in the footsteps of William Sanford who forged a path ahead of them like a destroyer cutting through the waves.

Outside the courthouse Stephanie and Mary were whisked away in a town car with dark tinted windows and the paparazzi gave up the chase, stopping on the courthouse steps to listen to prepared speeches by the ADA and the defence counsel.

“What do you think?” Mary asked.

“I think I could use a drink, what about you?” Stephanie replied.

Mary remained silent.

“It’s in the hands of the jury now,” Stephanie added and the couple stayed silent during the drive to the house.

Mary reached across the seat and took Stephanie’s hand in hers and squeezed it comfortingly.

At William’s suggestion they had agreed to go back to the house on Decatur Road because the press would be staking out the Radisson where Stephanie was staying. Stephanie would return to the hotel once things had quietened down. The house now technically belonged to Mary. As part of the divorce settlement the deeds had been transferred into Mary’s name. They were wasting no time splitting their assets because regardless of the verdict Stephanie might be subject to a civil suit by Jeremy Wallace’s family although they had not indicated that was their intention.

Inside the house Mary led the way into the room which had once been Stephen Nielsen’s study but was now Mary’s reading room and where she did her art. The big desk was gone, replaced by easy chairs, a low table and a workbench scattered with art supplies. Some of Mary’s artwork hung in the spaces on the walls not filled with bookshelves.

Both women took off their jackets and kicked off their high heels. Mary briefly massaged her toes and Stephanie recalled briefly her fascination with her wife’s toes encased in the reinforced footlets of her stockings.

“You didn’t waste any time changing things to suit your new lifestyle,” Stephanie commented while Mary went to the little wet bar and poured drinks.

You can’t talk to me about changing things. You became a whole new person,” Mary replied flippantly, her back to Stephanie, making drinks.

“This is the room where you used to change from Stephen to Stephanie. This is the room where you used to make assignations with strangers or arrange your next meeting with Jeremy Wallace and I was blissfully unaware,” Mary turned and offered Stephanie a drink.

“I can’t go over this again Mary. We’ve had counselling, we’ve had multiple sessions with Helena Strauss and we have both had to talk about our private lives in court and seen it splashed across the media,” Stephanie slumped into an easy chair.

She was wearing the same conservative knee-length pencil skirt, pale-pink satin blouse and transparent hosiery that she had worn when she had given her testimony. Mary was wearing a bone business suit cut similarly to Mary’s except the skirt was a little shorter.

“I’m sorry but I can’t help feeling a little bitter now that the trial is over. I’ve been asked to come in and see the board at the hospital after the verdict is rendered,” Mary flopped down in a seat beside Stephanie.

“Are they going to fire you?” Stephanie asked.

“They think they are but I’m going to quit and threaten them with a lawsuit if they don’t pay me a good severance package. You’re not the only one with a lawyer wrapped around her finger. My guy will sue their asses for wrongful termination if they don’t cough up,” Mary smiled sweetly.

“You go girl, but I don’t think I have William Sanford wrapped around my finger,” Stephanie blushed.

“Methinks the lady doth protest too much,” Mary chuckled.

“I see the way he looks at you. I asked you six months ago when we first met him ‘does he want to fuck you yet?’ and you told me he despises you. He doesn't now, that’s for sure,” Mary chuckled again and sipped her drink.

“It would be highly inappropriate for a lawyer to have a relationship with a client during a trial,” Stephanie’s blush deepened.

“Oh, I wouldn’t blame you for fucking him. He’s a dish and I’ve seen the pictures of the men you met with and of Jeremy Wallace. William Sanford is just your type. I’d fuck him,” Mary laughed light-heartedly.

Stephanie laughed along with her and took a long pull on her drink. Mary reached in her purse for her cigarettes.

“Can I have one of those?” Stephanie asked.

“We both quit when we got married,” Mary admonished Stephanie but offered her the pack anyway.

They both lit up and blew smoke at the ceiling.

“Would you really fuck him?” Stephanie took up where their conversation had stalled.

“Why not, William is the stereotype isn’t he: tall dark and handsome, great hair, a dashing lawyer, articulate and broody. My lawyer is a balding dweeb but he’s ruthless,” Mary quipped.

“You told them about our little joke,” Stephanie mused.

Mary looked at her quizzically.

“You told the court that we both joked occasionally about me chasing secretaries around the office and you being pursued by handsome young doctors. And the look on that fuckwit ADA’s face when you said that you bet he would get off imagining us fucking, that was priceless,” Stephanie’s laughter was genuine.

“Would you like to?” Mary extinguished her cigarette in an elaborate crystal ashtray.

“Would I like to what?” Stephanie was a little stunned.

“Would you like to fuck? If you go to prison the only sex you will be getting is when three big bald tattooed guys hold you down so they can take turns buggering you in the shower or maybe they will make you their bitch and put you in a French maid’s outfit and have you clean their cells between blowjobs and sodomy,” Mary sniggered.

“You can be cruel sometimes Mary. I’m pretty sure I’ll be housed in a special wing or something if they don’t send me to a women's prison. That comment really hurt me Mary, you know what happened to me when I was in college,” Stephanie crushed out her cigarette.

“I know now. You never told me about it. I had to find out about it in court. I’m sorry Stephanie; that was cruel of me. Anyway I think you will be found not guilty,” Mary got up and sat down on the arm of the chair where Stephanie was sitting and patted her on the shoulder.

“I forgive you. Anyway it should be me asking your forgiveness, I’m the one who led the double life,” Stephanie patted Mary on the knee.

“And I never suspected. Everything seemed normal and our sex life was great. You did like me to wear nylons and sexy lingerie though. Did you imagine that it was you wearing the nylons and panties when we fucked?” Mary whispered.

“Not really. You just looked to so hot dressed like that and I love the feel of nylons and satin,” Stephanie admitted.

“Even on me?” Mary inched her skirt up higher, exposing her nylon-clad thighs and the lacy bottom of her satin panties.

“Especially on you,” Stephanie put her hand on Mary’s leg and lazily stroked it.

“So do you wanna? Do you want to fuck one last time for old time’s sake? I’ve never fucked you since you transitioned,” Mary caressed Stephanie’s breast through her satin blouse.

Stephanie brushed Mary’s hand away but Mary rested it on Stephanie’s thigh.

“I’ve often wondered what it would be like to have sex with another woman. I fooled around a little with my roommate in college but it never went anywhere. Anyway, technically we are still married. We wouldn’t be doing anything wrong,” Mary circled her fingers on Stephanie’s knee.

Whether it was relief that the trial was finally over, the alcohol or the fact that Stephanie still had feelings for her spouse didn’t really matter. What mattered was that Stephanie was suddenly aroused and in need of comfort and Mary was attractive and sexy and available.

“For old time’s sake then,” Stephanie whispered and got to her feet.

Mary stood too and they gazed into each other’s eyes questioningly. Was this right? Should they be doing this after all that they had both been through? Then they kissed and Stephanie stopped trying to rationalise.

Stephanie and Mary found comfort in each other's arms; two women cuddling and nuzzling but there was an undercurrent of desire there. They were both acutely aware of Stephanie's penis pressing on Mary's belly. Mary was becoming a little wet inside her panties and her breasts were tingling. This was how Stephen used to make her feel when he wanted sex and would cuddle up to her and press his needs on her.

Stephanie kissed Mary gently on the lips. She tasted sweet, her lips soft just as Stephanie remembered them. Their kisses became more impassioned as they crushed their lips together and Mary slipped her tongue into Stephanie's mouth. Stephanie had never done this before; had sex with a woman while she presented femme and it was delightful, her cock throbbed inside her pantyhose and panties and Mary felt it pulsing on her belly.

“Are you sure we should be doing this?” Stephanie felt another pang of guilt but Mary didn’t reply.

Instead Mary kissed Stephanie softly and slid her hand along Stephanie's thigh, circling her fingers on her silky pantyhose. Her fingers continued upwards, under Stephanie’s skirt, to the crevice where Stephanie's thighs joined her torso and stroked the delicate flesh there. Mary loved it when Stephen used to do it to her and she was sure that Stephanie would like it.

The featherlight touch of her wife's fingers on her upper thighs caressing her flesh through her gossamer nylons was delightful and Stephanie reached down and stroked Mary's thigh clad in her slinky pantyhose.

When she used to secretly crossdress and since her transition Stephanie had never thought of Mary carnally. She only felt desire for other crossdressers and men, and since transitioning she had only had sex with William. Stephanie admired other women but did not desire them. Mary too was a little confused. Despite her brief dalliance in college she had never seriously considered having sex with another woman. But this was different. Her soon to be ex-husband was now this gorgeous, sexy creature with whom she had made love with on countless occasions when she was a man. There was something inexplicably naughty about having sex with ‘Stephen’ now that she was a woman.

Mary's fingers crept across the front of Stephanie's panties and Stephanie shivered as she felt the soft caress of her wife's fingers on her panty-clad penis.

"Your panties are wet," Mary whispered and giggled.

"I wonder why?" Stephanie sniggered and then she gasped as Mary gently grasped her penis through her panties and pantyhose.

The satin panties and diaphanous pantyhose chafing against Stephanie's hard cock felt delightfully decadent as Mary gently stroked Stephanie's cock.

Mary took Stephanie's hand and guided it under her skirt and between her legs and Stephanie could feel the heat of Mary’s quim through her panties and hose. She could feel the outline of Mary's mons and she could feel that Mary’s panties were becoming damp.

Stephanie explored the folds and crevices of Mary’s vulva through the sleek fabric moulded to her sex. It had been so long since Stephanie had touched her wife’s vagina that she had forgotten how amazingly complex a woman’s sex organs were. She felt Mary shudder and groan as her fingers pressed into Mary’s labial folds. Mary stroked Stephanie's hard cock through her panties and pantyhose. It was a bizarre feeling, her husband’s hard cock swathed in ladies undergarments, but it was also very arousing.

Feelings of carnal delight radiated from Mary's pudenda as Stephanie held her tight and kissed her passionately while Stephanie gently caressed her sex. To Mary it felt a little strange being kissed and caressed by another woman, although admittedly this woman possessed a potent and virile appendage in her panties.

The softness of Stephanie's body, the feel of her pert breasts through her sleek satin blouse, the hem of her skirt tickling Mary's wrist as she reached under it to grasp the throbbing appendage encased in satin and nylon and the scent of Stephanie's perfume and the taste of her makeup was a beguiling combination. She was making love with a beautiful mature woman who possessed a large penis and Mary was becoming incredibly aroused.

The fact the gorgeous mature woman had once been her husband and now presented as a foxy, sophisticated woman only inflamed her desire. Stephanie recalled the many times she had made love to Mary while Mary was wearing pantyhose and panties and she instinctively opened the folds of Mary's sex and was pressed two fingers into her cleft and rubbed Mary's slinky pantyhose on her labia, occasionally brushing Mary’s clitoris with a fingertip to tease her.

Mary softly squeezed Stephanie's cock. She recalled the heft of it. She had always been impressed by its girth, and she began to slowly stroke it causing Stephanie to moan as the silky fabric of her panties and hose grazed her sensitive organ causing another release of pre-ejaculate that soaked Stephanie's already wet panties. Stephanie's tongue writhed in Mary's sweet mouth, and she held Mary tight, encouraging her to keep stroking her quivering organ. Feelings of blissful sensuality were building and Stephanie could feel her orgasm simmering deep inside her, waiting to erupt as she pressed her fingers deeper into Mary's cleft.

"Oh god!" Mary gasped as Stephanie's fingers grazed her clitoris through her silken undergarments.

Mary let go of Stephanie's cock briefly and unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, followed by her panties. Stephanie also dropped her skirt and gazed at Mary’s pubis and long legs clad in shimmery sheer pantyhose. Mary took Stephanie's hand and put it between her legs and wrapped her body in Stephanie's warm soft embrace and kissed her deeply and searched for Stephanie’s cock.

Stephanie tore a hole in the gusset of Mary’s pantyhose with a long fingernail and explored Mary's sex with her fingertips. It was moist, warm and intriguingly fleshy, the outer folds opening to reveal smaller delicate inner folds that guarded the entrance to her vagina. She pushed a finger into Mary’s tight, sultry hole and was rewarded with a gasp from Mary as Stephanie's thumb found Mary's clitoris and pressed on it.

Mary pushed down on the front Stephanie's underwear, bunching her pantyhose and panties so that Stephanie's erect penis sprang free. She grasped the hard sleek appendage and squeezed it and was rewarded with a mewling groan and a pulsing throb from Stephanie's penis. She could feel the string of slippery pre-ejaculate dangling from the tip of Stephanie's cock.

“Are you still sure we should be doing this?” Mary asked one last time.

Stephanie didn’t answer; her eyes were closed with ecstasy as Mary stroked her throbbing cock. Stephanie lowered Mary down onto the shag pile rug and lay between Mary’s thighs.

Mary guided Stephanie's penis to her succulent cleft and guided it to the entrance of her vagina. The feeling of her cock pressing on her Mary’s vulva was unimaginably gratifying and carnal. Was it wrong what they were doing? They had both agreed to divorce and Stephanie was sure that she was in love with William but for now it just felt right.

The warm fleshy folds of Mary's labia seemed to lure in Stephanie's phallus as they clung to her shaft. The glans of Stephanie's penis was inside Mary's vagina and her soft spongy flesh clutched at the sensitive corona. Such feelings of wanton delight and forbidden pleasure were compelling as much as they were venal.

"Is this wrong Mary?" Stephanie whispered.

"I don’t know Stephanie and I don’t care. Just fuck me and make it all go away," Mary cried and thrust her crotch into Stephanie's and wrapped her legs around Stephanie's waist.

She clung to Stephanie. Her arms wrapped around Stephanie’s neck and her legs locked around her waist as Mary impaled herself on Stephanie's long thick cock, kissing her passionately, her tongue wriggling in Stephanie's mouth.

Stephanie felt Mary’s cunt envelop her throbbing organ, clasping at her engorged flesh. Mary’s steamy maw quivered as the concentric rings of Mary's slippery, spongy clunge milked Stephanie’s penis. Mary's orgasm was shattering. She clung to Stephanie, pressing her body against Stephanie's, wanting to feel her heart beating wildly though her blouse as Stephanie also orgasmed, filling Mary with a flood of hot musky seed that dribbled from her vulva and ran down her thighs.

Stephanie felt the most delicious raw sexually as her engorged phallus throbbed and shuddered deep inside her wife's tight plush vagina and she began to thrust her cock in and out of Mary's steamy hole harder and faster as she came.

Mary was steadily climaxing. Circlets of delight radiated from deep in her vagina as soon as Stephanie's cock slipped into her buttery cunt and when Stephanie actually began to fuck her, Stephanie’s glans pounding on Mary's G-spot and her pubis pressing on Mary's clitoris caused Mary’s orgasm to erupt.

Stephanie continued to fuck Mary vigorously, her engorged cock slamming in and out of Mary’s tight vagina and she could feel their slinky pantyhose rubbing together, taste of their lipstick and the scent of their perfume comingling.

Mary was moaning with lust and desire, her legs wrapped around Stephanie, her crotch rising up off the rug to meet Stephanie's thrusts her orgasm coursed through her body. Mary mewed and moaned and her body shook as she felt Stephanie ejaculate deep in her bruised, sensitive cunt. The woman lying on top her, her face so pretty, her cock so long and hard was still legally her husband but she wouldn’t be for much longer.

They lay on the rug in post-orgasmic bliss until the practicalities of the situation dictated that they extricate themselves from each other.

They both stood, wiping drooling secretions from their genitals, passing the box of tissues back and forth. Then they adjusted their underwear and stepped into their skirts and straightened them.

Mary suddenly burst out laughing.

“How bizarre!’ she continued to laugh and Stephanie couldn’t help but laugh along with her.

“But pretty fucking awesome. You might be a girl now but you have lost none of your technique,” Mary teased.

“Is that what you call a grudge fuck?” Mary asked as she went to the bar and poured more drinks.

“I don’t know what it was but I think it is the last time we will do it,” Stephanie dropped back into the easy chair she had vacated before the sex.

Mary sat down beside her and offered Stephanie a cigarette.

“To an amicable divorce,” Stephanie held out her glass.

“To an amicable divorce,” Mary reciprocated and clinked her glass against Stephanie’s.

That night as Stephanie made love with William she debated with herself whether to tell him what had happened between her and Mary and decided not to. She didn’t want anything to come between them especially now that William had finally told her that he loved her.

She had told William that she loved him too and she didn’t want to ruin their blossoming romance.

After all it would never happen again, Stephanie was determined to remain faithful to William from now on.

Westchester County Court – The Trial – Day Seven

“Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?” Judge Allison Vogel asked the foreperson.

The foreperson replied that they had.

“Will the defendant please rise,” Judge Vogel directed her gaze towards Stephanie Nielsen who got to her feet alongside William Sanford.

“What say you?” Judge Vogel asked the foreperson.

“In the matter of the State of New York versus Stephanie Nielsen on the count of murder in the first degree… we find the defendant not guilty,” there was a hushed murmur around the courtroom.

“In the matter of the State of New York versus Stephanie Nielsen on the count of murder in the second degree… we find the defendant not guilty,” the murmur rose to a crescendo as reporters clamoured from the court to meet their deadlines.

As the prosecutor had not offered manslaughter as an alternative finding, there was no need to rule on it.

Stephanie hugged William and kissed him chastely on the cheek and then she turned and hugged and kissed Mary. ADA Gerald Thatcher sat forlornly at the prosecutor’s table thinking that his run for election as District Attorney would have to wait at least another year.


One year later…

Mary was propped on the bed in the expensive hotel room, smoking an illicit cigarette, her laptop open on the coverlet beside her. She was massaging her feet after a long day. Stephen would have loved it because she was still wearing her nylons and he used to spend hours playing with her feet and toes encased in the gauzy reinforcements of her stockings.

“Pervert,” she chuckled to herself.

She had known about Stephen’s crossdressing for nearly two years. At first it was the little things. He had always had a fascination with lingerie, nylons and heels but so what? That’s why women wore them for fuck sake, because men loved women dressed that way. But Mary had noticed the skerricks of eyeliner, the traces of lipstick in the corners of his mouth, the faint whisper of that awful Dior Poison perfume that was so cloying.

At first she thought he was having an affair… well he kind of was, but not the type of affair she had at first assumed.

Men were so easy to dupe when they become comfortable with deceit. They stopped being as careful as they should be and Stephen, it still grated on her a little to call her ex-spouse Stephanie, had become complacent.

Mary was able to take Stephen’s keys to a strip mall key-cutter and have duplicates made and she soon discovered his hiding place in the kneehole of his desk. The laptop, the burner phone, the garage door opener and the key fob were arranged neatly on the shelves in the hidey hole. It had taken her a while to discover the suitcase but she found it. She had plenty of time to explore these things while Stephen was at work or away for business.

The contents of the suitcase had stunned her at first but she soon realised what they implied. Mary was a woman of the world and she had seen plenty of transvestite hookers and drunken drag queens sitting in the waiting room of the emergency department of the hospital where she worked.

Getting into Stephen’s secret laptop and burner phone had taken some ingenuity but time was on her side. As an executive administrator she had a great deal of interaction with the hospital's IT department and she knew that one of the young men who worked there had a crush on her.

She traded sex for services which was the most pragmatic thing to do. She didn’t even have to get undressed or go to a seedy motel somewhere. David Linton, the young man infatuated with her, would come to her office when she had the night shift, lock the door, bend Mary over the desk and have his way with her. Or if she was lucky he might just settle for a blowjob.

For these services he cracked the password on Stephen’s computer and on his cheap burner phone.

“He should have bought an Apple; I would never have got into it,” David commented one evening while Mary was on her knees in front of him sucking his cock.

Mary didn’t mind performing these duties. She was not above fucking a young intern or two who took her fancy and had had brief affairs with two doctors.

David Linton was easily able to copy the settings on the garage door remote for the Franklin Manor underground parking garage onto a cheap version of the same type that Mary purchased online but getting him to duplicate the fob that activated the elevator and opened the stairwell doors had cost her a little dignity. Why were men so infatuated with anal sex? She’d just found it uncomfortable but David seemed to immensely enjoy buggering her. She was glad when she no longer needed his services.

At first she was appalled by what she found on the laptop: pictures of Stephanie having sex with men and the plethora of cheesecake and pornographic imagery. Mary was surprised at how passable Stephanie was. If she had ever passed Stephanie on the street she would never have guessed that Stephanie was her husband. Mary had actually been a little jealous.

Scrolling though the emails and online activity had at first repulsed and embittered her. Her husband was dressing up as a woman and meeting strange men in hotels and having sex. Her initial urge was to confront him with the damning evidence but the more she thought about it, the more she realised that if she took her time she could wreak her revenge more savagely.

After the initial shock she came to terms with her husband’s philandering. After all, wasn’t she also being unfaithful when the mood struck her. The way she saw it, it was tit-for-tat… Stephanie was fucking strangers a couple of times a month and she was fucking doctors on a similar schedule. When she came to realise that Stephanie would only meet with these strangers once and then cut off all contact, ghosting they call it, she reconciled herself to it. He was being unfaithful behind her back and she was being unfaithful behind his back.

But she could not tolerate Stephanie's ongoing relationship with Jeremy Wallace. The more she read their correspondence and text messages the angrier and more embittered she became. They were lovers and there was no doubt that Jeremy loved Stephanie and was even willing to come out openly if Stephanie would leave Mary and go live with him. Jeremy implored Stephanie to undergo gender affirming surgery and live the life he believed she deserved to live.

Mary was consoled a little that Stephanie refused to do so because of her love and devotion to Mary but there was no doubt that Stephanie also loved Jeremy. They had been in a three year relationship for fuck sake! Jeremy knew things about her husband that even she didn’t. Not just sexual things but her husband’s hopes, dreams and aspirations.

A little fucking around on the side was acceptable but being in love with someone else was not.

Jeremy Wallace needed to be dealt with and Stephen needed to be taught a lesson, even though it would ruin their marriage.

That was when Mary had David Linton copy the garage door opener and offered her ass in exchange for him making a duplicate of the fob.

Mary was patient. In her free time she stalked Jeremy Wallace and used that garage door opener and key fob to access his building during the day. She had been to apartment 3F in Franklin Manor many times. Never inside of course but she had stood outside the door shaking with rage knowing that a man her husband was in love with lived inside. She’d even bumped into that idiot supervisor once and given him a cheery hello. She had nearly pooped her drawers when she ran into him in the courthouse but he didn’t remember her.

Mary noted the position of the security cameras and figured out their blind spots and over time she figured out how she could enter Franklin Manor through the garage door, use the fob to open the staircase and access the third floor without being seen.

When she was ready to act she staged the burglary and called the police, encouraging Stephen to ensure that the theft of his .38 handgun was listed on the crime report. On the night of the murder she had gone to work as usual knowing from the text messages that she read on Stephen’s burner phone that Stephanie and Jeremy had an assignation arranged for that night.

She had planned everything down to the last detail and rehearsed it many times. If it didn’t go to plan there would be plenty of other nights that she could execute her scheme.

As it turned out everything worked swimmingly.

At 3am, other than the Emergency Department, the hospital was deadly quiet and Mary told the front desk that she was going into her office to catch up on some work and was not to be disturbed unless it was a genuine emergency that required her administrative skills, which was unlikely at that hour.

She had slipped out of the hospital unnoticed and driven to Franklin Avenue in her Mercedes just in time to see Stephanie’s Lexus exit the underground car park. Using the remote and the key fob she had made her way to the third floor undetected and stood outside the door to apartment 3F around 3:45am. She put on the surgical gloves and took the pistol from her purse and knocked on the door.

Thinking that Stephanie had returned for some reason Jeremy Wallace had opened the door and at first mistook Mary for Stephanie.

The smile on his face turned to a look of incomprehension and then horror when he saw the pistol in Mary’s hand. Jeremy was still naked and erect and Mary noted with disgust the appendage that so fascinated her husband. The rest was easy.

She closed the door behind her; backed Jeremy into the bedroom, where he instinctively fell on the bed. She stood in the doorway and emptied the pistol into his body. She dropped the pistol and carefully retraced her steps. She heard the police siren in the distance when she stopped on a quiet street and disposed of the surgical gloves in the trash.

No one at the hospital had even noticed her absence.

When she went home after her shift she had even gone to bed wearing only her pantyhose and panties hoping Stephen might fuck her one last time before he was arrested. It would have been the revenge fuck of the century but the police had acted too quickly. At least she got to fuck Stephanie after the trial to make up for it.

Even her abysmal performance on the witness stand had not been enough for the jury to find Stephanie guilty. That was a disappointment. But revenge is a dish best served cold and she would bide her time before she acted again.

She picked up the laptop and looked at the screen and scowled.

There was a picture of Stephanie Nielsen and William Sanford kissing each other openly in one of New York’s finest restaurants. It had been posted in the gossip column of a major newspaper with the headline: Respected New York Attorney and His Onetime Client Announce Their Engagement

The story began: Criminal attorney William Sanford and notorious transwoman Stephanie Nielsen, found not guilty of murder in the New Rochelle County Court nearly a year ago, have announced their engagement…

Mary tossed the laptop aside.

“Come on Floyd, finish brushing your teeth and get out here and fuck me. I’m not paying you a thousand dollars an hour just to use my bathroom,” Mary called out to the muscular handsome young male model who was using her bathroom.

Yes, revenge was a dish best served cold and Mary was in no rush to deal with her ex-husband and the hot-shot lawyer who had stolen him away.

Time was on her side…

The End

Author’s Note: Any mistakes regarding legal procedure and terminology in this story are all mine. I’m an Aussie transvestite and my knowledge of the American justice system and court procedure comes from watching legal dramas on TV and my old pals Google and Wikipedia. I do know a little about gender dysphoria being on the trans spectrum myself and I certainly know plenty about promiscuity being an avid practitioner. I openly discuss my promiscuity in my ‘True Stories’ series.

I always appreciate feedback and comments so please take some time have your say.

Michele Nylons, November 2024

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