Pretend Princess - Chapter 13


November 16, Early Evening.

It had been three weeks since the debacle at the Paediatric hospital. As expected, that story ran for as long as the media outlets could justify it. There were so many pictures of me in tears floating around the official channels and even more online.

When I realized most people weren't treating my behavior as something awful, I was eventually able to stop worrying so much about it.

Mothers of all ages had taken it especially well it turned out. You should have seen my reaction when I was told I was polling really well with that demographic. Imagine me of all people, polling.

My reaction while exiting the NICU also raised the question of a Royal baby on the horizon. Not officially, but on various pages and gossip blogs on the internet. You know the type. It turned out people really cared about what was going on in our lives-- and I in turn really cared what they thought about me.

Since I'd been allowed a phone weeks ago, I'd developed the bad habit of egosurfing about myself on the internet. Apparently, Lenorians weren't the only ones interested in Nick and I.

The Americas were eating it up just as much, and so was most of Europe. I was famous.

"Whatever happened to this gown?" I interrupted Celeste while she painted my nails by putting my phone in her face. I took the chance to admire my perfectly manicured nails. Gold and black, the hockey team's colors.

"I don't know, my lady" she replied, "I can ask"

"Can you? Please" I retrieved my phone to take another look at the blue gown I'd worn to some charity thing. I'd thought it was really pretty and it was a shame that it had disappeared forever like all the other gowns.

"I will, my lady," she told me before returning to her task.

I scrolled down some more to find yet another video talking about the possibility of a Royal baby. We weren't even married yet. They seemed to be treating that fact like a forgone conclusion.

They reasoned that the royal family wouldn't allow us to be seen together so frequently if things weren't serious. I wondered how people would react if they knew the real circumstances behind our relationship.

When I was done entertaining myself with videos centered around me, I turned my attention to what was really trending today. The first match of the Pre-Qualification rounds, Lenoria vs Slovenia.

From the discussions being had on the boards, I gathered that the sentiment was we had a really strong team this year and Lenorians were cautiously entertaining the possibility of making it to the Winter Olympics when it arrives in less than two years.

And would you know it, the King was one of those hopefuls. He was a man with actual interests if you could believe it and Hockey was one of them. The two of us had had more conversations since the tours but none nearly as nerve-wracking as those earlier sessions.

He was a man of results, and so far I'd given him little complain about.

Nick and I had been instructed to attend the opening game to represent the Royal Family just as we'd often done recently. I even wore the team's jersey to fit the occasion. Black skinny jeans and white sneakers completed the look.

This was the most like a boy I'd dressed in the month since I'd been here and I still looked just like any other girl.

I'd had to put my phone down when Celeste finished painting the nails on my right hand and moved to my left. I now had only my thoughts to entertain me.

I thought back to what had transpired in the last month.

Celeste still gave me those injections every Saturday and had done so just that morning. For the life of me, I still couldn't tell you what they were for. I never felt any different following any of the shots.

Izzy had suggested it might be HRT intended to feminize me. If it was that, wouldn't it have done something by now? Anything? The possibility of my body being feminized even more than it already was didn't bother me nearly as much as not knowing what it was for.

In other news, Nick spends more time in my bed now. Multiple times a week in fact.

At first, he would return from whatever errands his father sent him on, sad and exhausted from whatever he was up to, and ask if he could stay with me.

Now though, he just shows up randomly, walks past me, and climbs into bed. I wake up in the middle of the night, find myself cuddling next to him, and fall right back to sleep.

One time he'd woken up to use the bathroom and had clumsily woken me too. I'd stayed quiet and pretended to sleep while he went about doing his business. He'd returned about a minute later, quietly climbed back into bed, and resumed holding me right how we'd left off.

Neither of us spoke about it because there was nothing to speak about. It was comfortable sleeping in each other's arms and there was nothing more to it.

I admired Celeste's finished work. Beautiful as always. Makeup was already done so there was nothing left but to put on my jacket and make our way out the door. Nick and I had a game to attend.


I'd gotten used to the paparazzi by now. They'd take a thousand photos from the moment we stepped out of the car until we made it into the arena.

Some of those photos will make the headlines tomorrow morning. The rest would fade into oblivion like so many others before.

While we were being led into the VIP area and up to our booth, I could tell from the noise that the arena was packed. Few would miss the opportunity to come into the capital. They would rush to buy the tickets for the games regardless of whether they were interested in the sport or not because those tickets came with a Pass that allowed them to move around most of the capital city. Except the GRAs of course.

"Are you okay?" I asked Nick as we walked hand in hand, guided by security. "You seem quiet today"

For once we were dressed almost identically. We both sported the jersey and jeans trousers but where I'd opted for a jacket, he must have thought a black sweater underneath his jersey would suffice-- or his stylist did.

I'd probably have frozen to death if I dared try that. It was the middle of November and even though it wasn't snowing yet, it was already reasonably cold.

"I'm okay, A few things on my mind is all" he replied.

I knew better than to ask for any specifics by now. I knew I wouldn't get them so why bother?

"Okay," I said simply.

The inside of the hockey arena was even colder so I was thankful our Booth had its own ventilation.

I walked up to the glass to get a better look at the arena beneath us. I could barely make out any of the players fighting it out on the ice below. There was even less chance of making out the puck from all the way up here. If we wanted to follow the game, we'd have to do it from one of the televisions.

"Darling, do you mind coming over for a moment" I heard Nick call out to me.

I turned to find several men with cameras who had followed us into the room.

"Of course," I replied with the smile Lenoria had come to recognize over the past weeks.

"These gentlemen are going to announce our arrival," Nick explained as I took a seat beside him, just before he threw his arm over my shoulder. I leaned into him and felt that familiar feeling. It reminded me of just last night.

The men worked on setting up their cameras while another seemed to liaise with someone else through his headset.

"Are you ready, Your Highness?" one man asked.

"Darling, are you ready?" Nick asked me. I loved the way it sounded when he said it.

"Mmh" I moaned my approval.

Nick gave the guy a thumbs up with the arm that was around my shoulder.

It took another 30 seconds for a call to halt the game to arrive.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," I heard an announcer's voice come through both the arena speakers and the television in our booth, "It brings me such profound pleasure to announce that His Royal Highness, Prince Nicholas, and his companion, Miss Amelia Beaumont are here with us in support of our National team"

It took all I had in me to keep from turning to look at the television. It was tough but I managed to keep my focus on the camera in front of me, smiling and waving as I'd done on many occasions before.

The crowd in the arena erupted in cheers and applause. It was a feeling that never got old and one I could never explain.

In the end, Lenoria did win the match but not by much. That was worrying to the supporters since they believed we had a caliber of players that should have been able to easily dispatch with Slovenia. But a win was a win. Who could complain about that?


December 3, Late Evening.

"Are you coming tonight?" I asked Nick while we sat together in the backseat headed to yet another event. I was thankful that tonight's occasion was more of a private affair. I was less thankful that the King and Queen would be in attendance. Events always seemed to be overwhelmed with ceremony when they were present. But this was Prince George's fifth birthday so there was no avoiding it.

The Grand Duke and Princess Sophia had opted to host the party at their own residence, Rosemont Hall instead of at Eclipton so we were all making the trip.

"I think so," Nick replied, "Did you have something in mind?"

"Not yet," I answered, "Could just watch a movie?" I offered.

Somewhere along the line, we'd taken to spending those nights when he showed up at my door -- which was most of them now -- doing more than just sleeping together.

"Depends, what movie do you have in mind?"

"You still haven't watched Birdbox, have you?"

"Oh goodness no, no more horror movies please," he pleaded to my amusement. I would admit I had the tendency to make my fear his problem but this one wasn't really a scary movie so I told him as much.

"It's barely horror, I promise"

"No," he stood his ground, "You'll still end up screaming and waking up the entire castle. I'd like to keep my hearing thank you very much"

"Well, what do you suggest then?" I looked at him expectantly.

"I'll figure something out"

"Last time you said that, we ended up looking till we fell asleep"

"We'll look faster this time,"

"Really helpful" I teased him.

By now it was common knowledge that we spent most nights together. Servants talked and I'm sure the rest of the lords and ladies did too but we didn't mind. The way they saw it, we were madly in love and would be married soon. I'd caught myself wondering if that would be the worst thing if it were to happen.

Rosemont was absolutely beautiful. It wasn't nearly as big as Eclipton, not even close but that served it in its own way. It felt more like a home where people lived more than Eclipton ever could.

The hall that had been set up for George's celebration was breathtaking. It was adorned with elegant floral arrangements with crystal chandeliers hanging overhead, casting a soft, golden light over the gathering.

I thought the lighting was particularly flattering on my champagne-colored gown.

"There's my little man," I watched with a smile on my face as Nick spoke to his young nephew.

"Uncle Nick!" The boy exclaimed at the sight of his uncle, "I want a fort but mummy won't allow it"

Nick picked the boy up from the care of his servant. Nick was really good with children, related or not. I couldn't help but wonder what his plans were regarding that.

"A fort? We can build you a fort in secret," my boyfriend replied playfully, "We don't have to tell mummy, do we?"

"Nicky, if he's telling you about his fort, it's a lot bigger than you're imagining" Sophia's voice came from somewhere behind behind us.

"Well, anything for the birthday boy," Nick spoke after we both turned our attention to his sister and I'd finished my curtsy. If you'd told me I'd be able to so easily curtsy while wearing heels, I would have called you crazy.

"Well don't say I didn't warn you," she added finally, "May I speak with Amelia for a moment?"

My heart skipped a bit following her words. Princess Sophia and I hadn't had a moment alone since that tea session. I'd all but locked that encounter away in the far corners of my mind.

What could she want to talk about?

"I'll have George here to keep me company," Nick told her.

"Don't spoil him too much," Sophia added while gesturing for me to walk with her.

"I won't take up much of your time-- or mine," Sophia started as we walked, "If I remember correctly, your motivation for doing all of this was the salary you were promised, correct?"

"Yes, Your Highness" I replied shyly. I'd grown much less wary around the King but she was still another matter entirely.

"And is that still accurate?"

I nodded.

"I just sense other motivations at play and wouldn't want them to come in the way of our arrangement," she told me, "You do remember our arrangement, do you not?"

I watched her seemingly manufacture a genuine smile when one of the guests we were walking past greeted her with a bow.

"Duke, I'm so glad you could come"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," the man responded, "You know how fond the Duchess and I are of Prince George"

"Oh, you are very kind. Enjoy the party"

"With pleasure, your Highness"

I watched the pleasant expression dissolve from her face the moment she turned away.

"About our arrangement?" she asked turning back to me.

"I remember,"

"Do you love my brother?" she asked me.

I shook my head in response because unlike with the King, a negative felt like the right answer this time.

"If that changes, you will talk to me, won't you?" she looked me deep into my eyes.

"I will," I answered. Again, that felt like the right answer.

"You may go," she turned away from me. "And Amelia?" I heard just as I'd begun to turn to hurry back to Nick.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"I'm here if you ever need anything" She flashed me that genuine smile before turning away.


Viscount Montague had stepped in my path while I'd been trying to make my way back to Nick. He'd caught me so off-guard I'd desperately tried to hide the fact that I'd been shaking following the conversation with the Princess.

What was he even doing there, I wondered.

This event was exclusive even among the aristocracy. I found it hard to believe a lowly viscount would be in attendance.

It wasn't my fault. I was already tense when he began speaking in that almost pretentious way he spoke and it only made things worse.

"Miss Beaumont, I had been hoping to get another moment to speak to you," he started, "As I mentioned, I have managed to get in contact with the Normandy Beaumonts if you remember. They are most eager to meet you if you would be interested. As I say, family is of the utmost importance"

It wasn't my fault. I was still tense and he hadn't even allowed me a moment to decompress before saddling me with this.

"Enough, Viscount," I let out a frustrated sigh, "I have no interest in meeting these people. I don't know them and do not wish to. You're wasting your time here. I'm sure you have better things to do"

He was quiet for a moment which finally allowed me the opportunity to think. I glanced at our surroundings and let out a sigh of relief. The guests were engaged in their own conversation and were paying us no mind. I turned back to the Viscount and found a saddened expression in place of the previous vibrant one.

I promised I was going to apologize but he beat me to it.

"Quite right, Miss Beaumont. I will leave you to it" he said before he walked off leaving me standing there feeling like a terrible person.

It soured the entire party for me and I went to bed early that night leaving Nick to wonder what had befallen.


December 31, Near Midnight

Every once in a while, the encounter with the Viscount would pop into my head and I would feel terrible all over again. It had been going on all month.

I had fully intended to apologize to him tonight but he was nowhere to be found. I even had Celeste on the lookout for him but no luck.

Surely he wouldn't miss the King's New Year's ball. It was perhaps the biggest event of the year.

I really wanted to apologize to him so here I was doing a lap around the ballroom yet again.

I stomped my foot signaling my frustration when I still couldn't find him after yet another lap. Why was I the one dealing with such heartache? I wasn't the one at fault here.

I never asked him for his help but he had offered it anyway and wouldn't take hints. Speaking of hints, couldn't he see that I hadn't been in the mood at the party? This was all his fault.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped in shock. Bringing my hand up to my chest, I let out a sigh of relief when I turned and saw my boyfriend reflecting my shock.

"You scared me," I told him.

"I scared you?" he asked with his own shock subsiding, "I've been looking for you everywhere"

"Well, you found me," I said before starting my advance past him. Ugh, Viscount Montague had put me in a mood yet again. Another ruined party. The thought made me even more upset.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nick asked after stopping me in my tracks by taking my hand in his.

I sighed, "I told you about the thing with the Viscount right?"


"Well, I was hoping to apologize to him tonight but I can't find him anywhere"

"Yeah, he's not here, I told you--" he paused, "Wait, did I tell you?"

"Tell me what, Nick?"

"I thought I told you," he stepped forward and spoke in a soft whisper, "Father stripped him of his land and titles"


"Well yeah, that happened weeks ago,"

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

"I thought I did,"

"Wait, tell me what happened," I told him as we began walking together.

"Why are we talking about this? It's almost midnight," he complained, "Come dance with me"

"Just tell me," I whined.

"Umm, Apparently he got into some illegal gambling, lost his fortune, news reached father and he stripped him of everything else. Of course, we can't have nobility acting like common criminals," Nick groaned and then stepped closer to me, "Amelia, none of this matters. It's about to be the new year. Can we stop talking about old news and have fun?"

"Okay," I conceded. There was no point thinking about this now anyway.

"Get him out of your head, okay?"

"I got it"

"Let's dance"


A few things were different from the last time I danced in this ballroom. For one, I was wearing a silver dress this time around. More consequential was the fact that Mr. Carter Sinclair was nowhere to be found. In fact, I hadn't laid eyes on him since that day at the Royal Navy headquarters.

I figured he had concluded whatever business he was here for and had departed. Good riddance.

Another thing that was different was the fact that I had Nick's full attention this time around as we danced together.

"Are you worried about the surgery?" he asked me as we swayed together to the slow music.

"You make it sound like I'm getting cut open. It's just laser" I replied.

"Yeah but doesn't that mean you'll never be able to grow a beard? Isn't that a big deal?"

"It's not 'never'," I corrected, "But yeah for a while. It's not really a big deal, to be honest. It's not like I'm able to grow one now. And I never really liked them"


"I could never look as good as you with one anyway," I brought one of my hands up and lightly rubbed his beard.

"So you're really okay with this?" he asked.

I was. Perhaps I wouldn't have been so okay with it in the past but I wasn't so defensive about stuff like that anymore.

"I am" I smiled.

"Okay then,"

"How many minutes to midnight?" I asked him.

He checked his watch, "Two, give or take."

"I don't want to spend that time talking, do you?" I asked him while returning my arm around his shoulder.


"Then shut up and dance with me"

And that's what we did. We spent those last few minutes in each other's arms holding each other tightly like we'd gotten used to.

At midnight, we kissed to welcome the new year.


January 12, Wee hours.

I was awoken that night like I usually was when Nick pulled away from me. He had the nasty habit of needing to pee in the middle of the night.

I'd have to tell him to go before we climbed into bed. He had just ruined a pretty good dream that was lost to me now.

As he stepped away in search of the bathroom, I glanced around the room, quickly remembering we weren't at Eclipton.

Following the first session of my laser procedure a few days ago, the King had offered us a holiday, a break from our responsibilities.

At least that was the official word. More likely he'd seen the redness and swelling following the procedure and decided to ship me away to recover away from prying eyes.

So Nick and I were staying at this sort of country estate that belonged to the crown while I recovered and waited for my next session.

Nick wasn't actually supposed to come with me but he'd insisted. I hadn't been there so I couldn't tell you how the King had taken it.

In any case, I'm very happy he'd agreed to it. I couldn't imagine being in this large house alone with only Celeste to keep me company. Even worse considering she didn't even reside in the main lodge. None of us did. That privilege was reserved for just Nick and I.

Nick was returning so like I always did, I pretended to be asleep.

He climbed back into bed and wrapped his arm around me from behind.

'Is he hard?' my eyes shot open as I thought to myself. 'No, that's not it'

Either way, I could definitely feel him pressed against my butt. He felt so big. I adjusted and pushed closer to him.

I may have just been imagining it but I swear I felt him tense up.

'Fuck,' I closed my eyes in an attempt to regain my senses. I wanted him so bad.

Slowly I brought my hand over his and rubbed gently. I definitely wasn't imagining it this time, I felt him get harder.

Following a very awkward shuffle, I managed to turn around and face him. His eyes were wide open, watching me.

I leaned in slowly covering only an inch at a time before my lips connected with his.

There was no audience, no cameras, just us. That kiss was just between us and felt all the better for it.

I pulled away to gauge his reaction. There was no pretending. Up till now, I had the plausible deniability that I was doing it all for the job.

That kiss, if he didn't want it just as much as I did, I had no defense.

He leaned in and kissed me. I felt a wave of shock run through my body, forcing me to moan.

He kissed my neck and sent shivers down my spine. When his lips returned to mine, his hand caressed my face.

My hand in turn went exploring, feeling every last inch of his body that only my eyes had ever had the pleasure of.

By the time I was done, I would be able to draw you a map from memory.

I felt my way down his chest, abs, and into his underwear. If he hadn't been hard before, he was now.

Our eyes met as I felt the length of his member.

My eyes asked if this was okay as I began stroking. His eyes conveyed only desperation.

He tilted his head back as I went to work. Everything I needed to know about pleasing a man, I learned on the spot.

I must have done something right because only two minutes later, I watched his whole body convulse and felt the member in my hand grow harder.

He let out a relaxing grunt just as I felt a warm liquid on my hand.

He kissed me again and I kissed him back with everything I had.

I felt his own wandering hand search beneath my nightgown and as if I lost control of my body for a moment, I recoiled away.

There was shame present among all I was feeling.

I apologized when I saw the expression on his face. I didn't understand why I'd scurried away from his touch like it would kill me.

"It's okay," he told me, "We should go wash up"

"I'll go first," I said. I was desperate to get away my hand was still wet after all.


January 12, Morning

I had a brilliant idea just after taking a shower. I was just about to put on my gaff when the thought popped into my head.

I knew what I had to do.

I walked up to the vanity and searched for the solution to remove the breast forms' adhesive.

Nick hadn't been in the room when I woke up that morning. That wasn't unusual. He was probably in the library studying like he'd taken to doing recently.

Knowing him, he was probably being noble and giving me space. Space wasn't what I wanted, far from it.

I wanted him, that much was clear. If he wasn't going to come to me, I would go to him.

I placed the breast forms back in their protective container before stepping up to the mirror to admire my naked body.

Slim, slender, petite, any one of those words would have been accurate. Neither of them bothered me anymore.

I'd pretty much ruled out HRT as the contents of that injection.

No matter, there were much more important things afoot. I walked to the door and stepped through.

'Now where's that library?' I thought to myself.


"Nick?" I called out after pushing open the door to the library, "Are you in here?"

"Yes, morning" I heard him before I saw him sitting at a desk facing the wall.

"I didn't see you when I woke up,"

"Yeah I figured I'd let you sleep in," he said just as he was putting the book down, "Didn't want to wake--"

I smiled at the dumbfounded look on his face.

I closed the door behind me and walked ever so slowly towards him.

"Amelia, you're--"

"Naked? Yes, I'm aware" I laughed.


I caught him glancing down before expertly returning his attention to my face.

"I figured we could continue where we left off last night," I answered. "You don't object, do you?" I asked while making the final steps to stand before him.


"Good, take off your pants"

I giggled as he fumbled with his shoes and then tossed his trousers aside.

"Underwear too"

He obeyed. It felt nice giving a prince orders.

Slowly I dropped down to my knees, maintaining eye contact the whole way down.

Nick would fuck me right there in that library for the first time. It would be the first of many.


February 14, Late Afternoon

"Close your eyes," Nick said to me while I lay on our bed pressing away on my phone. Unfortunately, from my latest surf session, I'd found that the people were starting to miss their favorite couple.

"Why?" I giggled in excitement as I sat up.

They didn't know that their favorite couple had only recently become a real couple. It pleased me to say that none of our kisses moving forward would be for the cameras.

I'd recently had my second laser session so Nick and I were still away in our own kingdom, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

"I got you something," he told me.

"Oh my God Nick, no!" I whined, "I didn't get you anything, don't do this to me"

"I don't need anything, just close your eyes"

I sighed before closing my eyes as he'd requested, "You better not hold this against me later"

I felt the bed depress slightly as Nick sat behind me. I felt him place a cold metal chain around my neck and immediately knew what it was.

I raised my hand to touch the pendant to confirm but Nick was too quick.

"No cheating," he said stopping me in my tracks.

"Fine," I laughed.

When he had finished fumbling with the clasp, he led me off the bed and toward the vanity mirror. He was being so obvious it was kind of cute.

"Open your eyes"

What I found was a small heart-shaped locket with our initials engraved on it.

"Open it," he told me.

I fumbled with the small locket until I managed to pry it open. Inside was a photo of the two of us on either side.

I looked at him and frowned. I really should have gotten him something.

"I love it, thank you. And I hate that I don't have anything for you" I pouted when I saw how proud he looked.

"Yeah, shame on you" he laughed.

"Stop!" I whined which only made him laugh harder.

"Okay," he conceded, "You'll just have to make it up to me, won't you?" he leaned in to say.

"Oh?" A smile crept onto my face, "What did you have in mind?"


April 3, Late Evening.

We'd returned to Eclipton Castle a little over a month ago following my third and final laser session and it had been non-stop events since then.

Tonight was no different. Nick and I were back at the Arena celebrating the Hockey team's qualification for the Winter Olympics.

Unlike last time when Nick and I were stationed in a booth high above, tonight, we were much closer to the action.

A stage had been set up in the middle of the arena above protective flooring for the ice below.

Nick was addressing the large crowd, and I stood proudly beside him. It felt good to be back in the public eye by his side.

"Lenorians have even more to be proud of tonight. The boys behind me have proven themselves worthy of our love and admiration as they carry our pride with them to the biggest stage of all" Nick spoke into the microphone.

There were camera flashes coming from all directions. Almost a little game of mine at this point, I wondered which of those photos would make the front page tomorrow.

"Give them a round of applause," he called out and the crowd erupted in response.

"Yes, they have indeed proven that they can compete on equal footing with the very best and it is with great joy--"

There was a loud bang quickly followed by two more. Three gunshots. And then another before anyone knew what was happening.

I froze for a moment, staring wide-eyed into the crowd as chaos erupted.

"DETHRONE THE TYRANT KING!" I heard someone shout.

It was only then that I came to my senses.


The sound seemed to fade away, and the world moved in slow motion.


I turned to look at him but he was already several layers deep in a wall of security.

Was he okay?


There it was again from somewhere in the audience. I scanned frantically.

"My lady, we have to get you to safety" one of our guards took my arm.

"Nick" I muttered to him.

"We have to go, my lady" he repeated.

The sound returned and I realized just how loud it was in the arena with all the screams.

The man pulled me off the stage and into the tunnels behind.

"Is Nick okay?" I asked him as I stumbled forward in reaction to the man's forceful pulls.

He didn't answer. Something felt wrong.

"Take me to His Highness right now" I pulled at his forceful grip that was already causing my skin to bruise. "Take me back to him right now"

No answer.

"Nick!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. A cloth covered my nose and mouth no more than a second later.

I tried to scream but no sound escaped the man's tight grip. I couldn't even breathe except through the cloth.

'Help' That was the last thought that crossed my mind.











Hiya, hope this doesn't feel too rushed. I had more side stories to tell in this section but just wanted to get to the main story before I got bored lol. Anyway, hope you're enjoying this story.

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