Abigails Midweek Adventure 02-04

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 ©October 2012

Part Four of Four

Chapter Seven: Black Thursday

    Adrian woke and let out a groan when he sat up and felt the little men with their hammers and drills working away happily in his head, but all that soon faded away to a dull ache when he remembered what he’d seen Tanya doing on the dance floor with that man who’d bought them both a drink. He just fell back on the bed and pulled the covers up over his head again. He didn’t feel like going to work today for two reasons. The hangover and the fact his heart had been broken.

    He did finally get up and take some pain killers, and then he called the office and said he was feeling a little under the weather and wouldn’t be in for the rest of the week. He never took time off and the woman on the other end of the phone hoped he felt better soon and they would cover for him until he returned on Monday.

    Adrian made himself a cup of coffee and then put a couple of slices of bread in the toaster, and managed to eat them both without feeling sick, but they had no taste to them, and he found himself thinking about Abigail, and whether or not he’d ever dress as her again, but the more he thought about it, the more he realised that it wasn’t the fact he was Abigail that ended his short romance with Tanya, and it wouldn’t be fair to himself to stop dressing just because of that.

    Before he had time to change his mind, Adrian went for a shower and then checked his legs before going back to the bedroom, where he started to get changed into Abigail again. He was going to go out and do some window shopping on his own, or her own.

    Tanya had showed him that Abigail could pass out in the world, and he was going to start and make the most of it. People said that the best way to get over a shock of something bad, is to get right back up and carry on, so that’s what he was going to do by going out on his own shopping as Abigail.

    It took him some time to clean up the breast forms and then the wig that had all been thrown in the wardrobe the night before, but he soon had everything ready and he set to work. He felt a little better as a little bit of Adrian vanished to reveal Abigail in his place. It was like Adrian was the one with the troubles, but Abigail was happy because she was about to go shopping.

    Abigail was dressed in a simple summer dress with nude pantyhose and she was wearing ballet slippers because her feet were still a little sore from wearing the high heels the night before. She had a natural daytime look to her makeup and thought she looked quite nice, not a supermodel, but cute.

    She did a final check to make sure she had her money and keys, and then she took a couple of deep breaths before stepping out the flat and walking down towards the elevator.

    It all felt scarier now she was doing it on her own, but she wasn’t going to keep hiding in the flat, not now she knew Abigail could pass, she just wished she’d done it sooner. She made her way up the road to the bus stop, missing the click of her heels, but at the same time it felt nice to not be torturing her feet as well, and she planned to do a lot of walking around today, hoping to drowned out the memories of Tanya, not that she expected to be able to do that, but it was worth a go.

    She didn’t have to wait long at the bus stop before a bus came along and she found a seat away from everyone else, and then she remembered she hadn’t looked at her cell phone since last night, not that she ever got many calls, or Adrian got many calls that should be.

    Abigail was shocked to see ten missed called and a dozen texts that Tanya had sent her, some last night and some from this morning. Abigail just hit delete on all of them and cleared the messages without listening to any of them. She put her phone on silent and pushed it to the bottom of her purse. Abigail looked at the purse and remembered that it had been a gift from Tanya, a thank you for helping her out last Friday. Part of her just wanted to call Tanya and talk things out, but another part just felt heartbroken as the memory of Tanya kissing that man flooded her mind, and she was mad over it all now, so she didn’t want to speak to her, or see her for that matter, which would be hard when she lived in the flat facing Adrian.

    The bus pulled into the bus station and Abigail got off and smiled at an old man that helped her get off.

     “Thank you.” She said in her best female sounding voice. The old man smiled and nodded at her before he walked off in front of her, happy with the good deed he’d just done.

    Abigail was soon lost in the fun of window shopping and wandering into the clothes shops and looking at all the nice things without feeling weird about it. All anyone saw was a pretty woman looking for something nice to buy.

    She stopped for a coffee and a cake mid morning and decided to see if she’d had anymore calls or texts from Tanya, and she saw that she’d had three more missed calls and two texts, so she decided to look at the texts while she had her coffee and nibbled at her cake.

     ‘A, I’m sorry about last night, I don’t know what got into me. Please text me back and let me know you’re alright. I know you must hate me, I hate me for hurting you, but I’m worried about you, please don’t do anything stupid. Call or text me when you get this! Love you. Tanya XXXX.’

     ‘Don’t do anything stupid? Like what?’ Abigail thought to herself as she looked off into space.

    Still not sure what Tanya was getting at, she scrolled down and read the next one.

     ‘A!!! If I don’t hear back from you in the next hour, I’m going to call the police and get them to break down the door so I can make sure you’re alright. I’m really scared that you might have done something silly. Please contact me!! Tanya XXXX’

     ‘Oh crap, that’s what she meant by doing something stupid.’ Abigail thought as she looked at the time the text was sent. The time said it was sent half an hour ago, so she sent a reply, if only to stop the police breaking down the door to find the place empty and then sit around and wait for Adrian to get home, just to have Abigail turn up.

     ‘I’m fine, not at home, just don’t want to speak to you. As for what got into you last night, I think it was Mr Octopus’s tongue among other things for as far as I know. A.’ Abigail hit the send button and felt quite bitchy as she watched the message get sent.

    It didn’t take long for another text to come through though, even though she’d just said she didn’t want to talk to her.

     ‘Where are you, can we meet up and talk about this face to face? Nothing happened between me and Mr Octopus as you call him, good name for him by the way. Please let me come and see you, so we can get this sorted out. I love you A *pleading tone*’

     ‘We have nothing to talk about. You’re looking for an open relationship, and I don’t want to share you with anyone, so better to just end it now before either of us gets hurt anymore than we already have. A.’ Abigail hit the send button and waited for the reply she knew was going to come, and it did a couple of minutes later.

     ‘Please let me come and explain everything to you. It wasn’t my fault he kissed me, and I didn’t kiss him back, I was trying to make him stop. Please just meet me for a drink and let me tell you the full story, if you still want to break up with me, then I will walk away. Tanya XXXX (Love U)’

    Abigail found herself thinking about the night before, and just what she saw on the dance floor. Yes it looked like Tanya was kissing Mr Octopus, but now she’d read the last text from her, it could have also been her fighting him off. She had been drunk, and the strobe lights on the dance floor could have made things look different. Part of her felt some hope that she had been wrong, and she hadn’t lost Tanya after all, but it was still too early to relax just yet.

    She quickly started typing in a message, which she found much easier with her longer nails. She gave the name of the coffee shop she was sat in and then said that she was willing to talk about what happened, but she wasn’t making any promises, and then she sent it to Tanya.

     ‘I’ll be there in ten minutes, don’t leave. Still love U, Tanya XXXX’

    Abigail felt nervous about seeing Tanya all of a sudden for some reason, and she was worried she didn’t look her best. It was the longest ten minutes of her life, but she finally saw Tanya walk right past her and enter the cafe. Abigail had taken a seat outside due to it being a nice day, and Tanya would have been looking for Adrian, not Abigail.

    Tanya ran back out the cafe and looked up and down the road thinking she’d missed him, but her eyes soon locked on the woman sat at a table with a coffee mug and a half eaten cake on a plate next to it. The worry vanished from Tanya’s face to be replaced by a grin as she walked over and leaned down cupped Abigail’s head in her hands just before she kissed her right on the lips.

     “I’m so sorry I hurt you last night and I know it was foolish to lead those assholes on like I did, but I didn’t know that we’d been set up when they bought us those drinks.” Tanya started to explain as she sat on the seat next to Abigail and took hold of her hand like Abigail might run away if she let go.

     “What do you mean we were set up?” Abigail asked when she got her mouth to work again once it had recovered from the mind blowing kiss.

     “It turns out that Lilith was in the club last night, and she saw the two of us having a good time, and she paid a couple of guys to flirt with us. She said she’d give them fifty pounds apiece if they could get a kiss from us both. I guess your creep got his kiss, and a little extra.” Tanya added with a grin.

     “Lilith did all that? Does she know who I am?” Abigail asked, struggling to keep her voice sounding feminine as the panic started to show in it.

     “No, she just thought I’d found a new girl to hang with. She was there with the ex boyfriend and he had a couple of friends with him. They were the two creeps that hit on us.” Tanya growled. “You did a real nice number on the one that kissed you, his wife won’t be very happy with him.” Tanya added with a giggle.

     “Good!” Abigail pouted, but she was soon grinning at the thought of him trying to explain to his wife why he had claw marks down his face, and he stunk of perfume. “How do you know it was Lilith that set you up, and what is she still doing with that creep if she said he was no good for you?” Abigail asked, still not 100% sure that Tanya was telling the truth.

     “The asshole told me after I slapped him across the face and kneed him in the nuts.” Tanya growled. “He said that my friend told him I liked it rough, and to take no notice if I started fighting him. I think I might have broken my finger though when I hit him.” Tanya added with a pout as she held up her left hand to show Abigail the two fingers that were taped together. “Lilith will keep him on the hook until she finds another boyfriend with money. That’s just the way she is.” Tanya shrugged.

    Abigail didn’t care whether Tanya was telling the truth or not anymore, she was just worried about her baby being hurt, and she quickly cupped Tanya’s hurt hand in hers and put her other hand over the top to form a protective shell around it.

     “That Lilith is one seriously psychotic chic.” Abigail frowned.

     “You don’t need to tell me.” Tanya agreed. “I did track her down in the club though last night after I saw you leave, and I couldn’t catch up with you before you jumped in that Taxi. I warned her that if she came near me or any of my friends again, I was calling the police and getting a restraining order taken out against her. I also used my phone to take photos of my ex and his friends and warned them I would be reporting them for attempted rape.” Tanya explained what happened after Abigail ran off from the club.

     “You wouldn’t really do that would you?” Abigail asked looking worried about what might happen if she did, and it came out that Abigail was really a man that liked to dress as a woman. She could just see how that would play out; everyone would think she was the one that led the guy on.

     “No, but it will help keep Lilith in line now her boyfriend and friends have something to lose.” Tanya said with an evil grin.

     “Why did you think I’d be alright with you trying to get free drinks for us both?” Abigail asked the question that had been on her mind since last night in the club when all this trouble started. “Seeing that asshole put his hands on you, made me feel so jealous.” Abigail growled

     “It’s just something Lilith and I use to do all the time. Most guys are happy to just have a pretty girl on his arm and buy her a couple of drinks for a dance and a promise of more later, but we would always give them a false number to call in a couple of days.” Tanya explained how it normally worked. “I just never planned on my psycho ex-friend screwing up the plan and paying those two assholes to spoil our night out.” She added with another growl.

     “I know I like to dress like this Tanya, but I’m what you’d call a lesbian when I am.” Abigail started to explain. “I’m not like you, and can swing both ways, and the only manhood I want to get close to is my own.” She added.

     “I know I was wrong to let things go as far as they did, but I thought we’d have a couple of dances and get some free drinks out of it.” Tanya said looking upset with herself for what she let happen. “I forget that you’ve had no experience dealing with men.” She added looking ashamed of herself.

     “No I haven’t, and I never want to either. I love you, and I have no desire to flirt with men of any shape size or form. I’ll happily buy my own drinks when I want them, thank you very much.” Abigail said as she leaned back and folded her arms trying to look upset, which wasn’t hard.

     “Does this mean you’ll give me a second chance?” Tanya asked looking hopeful.

    Abigail just sat and looked at Tanya, and she couldn’t help but let out a sigh as she saw just how beautiful Tanya was, and how much she was still totally in love with her. “Yes, but only if you promise not to flirt with anyone else while we’re dating, and I do mean men or women.” Abigail made her promise.

     “I promise that the only person I’ll flirt with is you.” Tanya said as she leaned over and let Abigail wrap an arm around her as she rested her head on Abigail’s shoulder. “It felt all wrong when that ape kissed me, it was all rough and macho.” Tanya shuddered at the memory.

     “I’ll take you back then.” Abigail said in a tone that made her sound like she was doing it reluctantly, but she was glad that it was just a mix up, and Tanya had been forced to kiss the man, just like she had.

     “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Tanya squealed as she threw her arms around Abigail’s neck and started kissing her over and over again.

     “You look tired; did you get any sleep last night?” Abigail asked looking worried when she saw the bags under Tanya’s eyes.

     “No, I was sat on your doorstep most the night hoping you’d try to leave, so I could explain what happened, but finally I had to get ready for work.” She explained.

     “Were you at work when I texted you back then?”

     “Yes, I ran all the way here from the office.” Tanya said with a puff. “That is some run, let me tell you.” She added.

     “I should let you get back then before I get you in trouble.” Abigail said looking worried. “I can’t believe you drove your car in this state though.” She added in a more scolding tone.

     “I didn’t, I’m not that stupid.” Tanya said with a roll of her eyes. “I got a taxi, and Amanda said I could take the rest of the day off to sort out this personal problem.” Tanya added with a grin. “I think she got sick of me not having my head in the game today and was glad to see me leave the office.” She giggled.

     “So I get you all to myself then?” Abigail asked with a grin of her own now, as the day suddenly didn’t look so black anymore.

     “Yep, we can go do some shopping if you like.” Tanya said with a tired smile just before she went back to resting her head on Abigail’s shoulder while she wrapped an arm around her. “You look really good by the way, I was glad to see Abigail sat here.” She added in a mumble like she was drifting off to sleep.

     “I think shopping can wait for another day. Let’s get you back to my place, so you can get some rest.” Abigail said as she lifted Tanya’s head up to stop her falling asleep where they were.

     “I’ll be fine in a minute, just let me have another coffee.” Tanya mumbled as she tried to wake herself up, but it wasn’t working. Abigail could see that Tanya was running on empty now she knew they were okay again.

    Abigail got Tanya to her feet and then down the road to a taxi rank. They were soon on their way home with Tanya curled up against Abigail like she might vanish if she let go. Tanya woke up enough to let Abigail get her up to her flat where Abigail helped her undress, or more to the point she undressed a sleeping Tanya and then got her tucked up in her bed before going back out to clean up the flat a little bit. Abigail had neglected her house work the past week with having Tanya in her life now.

    Once the housework was done, Abigail sat down with a mug of coffee and thought about how things could have worked out if not for those two creeps spoiling the night. A plan started to form and by the time she’d empted the mug of coffee, she was ready to put it into action.

Chapter Eight: Where were we?

    Abigail was in the kitchen checking on dinner when she heard the patter of feet on the hardwood floor just before she saw a sleepy looking Tanya appear in the kitchen doorway. Abigail saw the look of worry turn to one of pure lust when she saw what Abigail was dressed in.

     “Wow, you look even better than you did last night.” Tanya said as she ran across the room and threw herself into Abigail’s arms and found Abigail’s lips with her own.

    Abigail was now dressed in the same clothes she’d had on the night before. The leather miniskirt and the silver silk top, she even had the four inch pumps on, but tonight she had on stockings and suspenders instead of pantyhose. She had a feeling that Tanya would want to do more than just eat dinner, but not miss out on seeing Abigail in this outfit, so other than removing the panties that had been put on over the suspender belt, she was ready to please.

     “I know you were looking forward to unwrapping me when we got home last night, but with everything that happened, we both got cheated, so I thought we could pick up where we left off like part of last night never happened.” Abigail said in a breathy whisper as she started to nibble on Tanya’s ear, making Tanya go weak at the knees, but Abigail had a good grip on her.

     “Have I told you that I love you so much Abigail.” Tanya growled as she cupped a hand behind Abigail’s head and forced her to kiss her again.

     “I think you might have said it once or twice.” Abigail grinned. “Do you know that I love you?” She asked as she looked deep into Tanya’s grey eyes.

     “I do now, but I was worried when I first woke and saw that I was in bed alone.” Tanya admitted.

     “I knew you’d be hungry, and I wanted to spend more time in this sexy little outfit, so I got changed and then made us a nice meal to enjoy before you help me with dessert.” Abigail grinned even more.

     “I hope the dessert will be served in the bedroom.” Tanya purred.

     “Yes, among some other rooms in the flat.” Abigail purred back.

    Abigail soon had Tanya sat at the kitchen table while she wandered back and forth with bowls of wonderful smelling food. Tanya took in a deep breath and suddenly realised just how hungry she was, and remembered she’d not eaten since the night before at the restaurant.

     “This all looks nearly as good as you do.” Tanya said with a grin as she watched Abigail walk over to the counter top and then turn and strut back with a bowl of mixed salad. Tanya thought that Abigail looked every inch the beautiful woman, even if it was all window dressing, and she still thought those legs were wasted on a guy.

     “I’ve already said I forgive you, you don’t need to keep buttering me up.” Abigail blushed as she took the seat facing Tanya and started to fill up her plate once she’d poured them both a glass of wine.

     “I know, but you do look totally breath taking in that outfit. I was so looking forward to pealing you out if it last night when we got home as well.” She pouted as she said the last part.

     “I know you’ve not eaten all day, so I want to see a good plate full, and I want to see a clean plate at the end, or no dessert for you.” Abigail warned as she pointed her fork in Tanya’s direction.

    Tanya not wanting to miss out on dessert was soon filling up her plate, and she enjoyed it so much she even took a second helping. She even managed to clear her plate both times and then sat there grinning at Abigail.

     “Does this mean I get my dessert now?” Tanya asked like she was a small child.

     “Yes, but only after we’ve done the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.” Abigail said as she got up and started taking the plates and bowls from the table.

    Tanya just sat and watched for a couple of minutes as she enjoyed the view of Abigail’s tight round ass wrapped in the black leather miniskirt and the milky cream colour of the perfect skin on Abigail’s exposed back.

     “You do realise this would go much faster if you helped.” Abigail pointed out as she struck a sexy pose and looked over her shoulder at Tanya still sat at the table looking right at Abigail’s bottom.

     “True, but I just wanted to sit and look at you from the back one more time before I start helping.” Tanya never took her eyes off Abigail’s bottom as she spoke.

     “Help me and you can do more than just look at it baby.” Abigail giggled as she gave her bottom a little shake just before she carried on walking towards the sink.

    Tanya was soon on her feet and rolling up the sleeves on the dressing gown she’d grabbed while in the bedroom, and then she started helping Abigail wash the dishes while Abigail dried.

     “Thank you for the lovely meal.” Tanya said as she took a break from washing long enough to give Abigail a kiss when they were half way through the clean up.

     “I was happy to cook for you, and you look much better now you’ve had some sleep.” Abigail smiled between kisses. “I’m also glad that we’re not apart anymore either.” She added with a sigh as she wrapped her arms around Tanya and hugged her.

    They soon had the dishes washed, dried and put away, and then Tanya dragged Abigail into the living room and made a start on dessert. Tanya slipped off the bathrobe after pushing Abigail down on the sofa. Abigail was left looking at a naked Tanya who then dropped to her knees and helped to remover Abigail’s panties as she lifted the tight leather miniskirt to expose Abigail’s secret, then she leaned down and wrapped her lips around it as she took the full length into her mouth and started bobbing up and down.

    Tanya bobbed up and down for some time, but she stopped before Abigail could get any release. Abigail let out a groan as she tried to push Tanya’s head back down, but Tanya shook her head and then stood up before she slid onto Abigail’s lap, impaling herself on Abigail’s secret. Tanya took the groan Abigail made, to mean she was enjoying all this. Tanya was soon rocking back and forth and up and down as they both enjoyed it. Abigail found she couldn’t hold back anymore as she finally let her head flop back as she shot her load up into Tanya, just to have Tanya start to groan as she had her first orgasm of many she would have that night.

     “Did that make up for last night?” Abigail asked some time later as they lay in bed side by side with Abigail still in the silver silk top, leather miniskirt and stockings. Tanya was naked next to her, but she was sporting a big grin that answered Abigail’s question.

     “That was amazing.” Tanya replied in a dreamy voice as she cuddled up to Abigail.

     “Do you mind if I get undressed now? I don’t fancy trying to sleep in this skirt and top.” Abigail smirked.

     “I think you look sexy in it though.” Tanya pouted, pulling Abigail closer to her.

     “I’m glad you think so, but it’s a little uncomfortable with it up around my waist.” Abigail pointed out the problem with trying to sleep in a leather miniskirt that was tight to begin with, but was now pulled up around her waist due to the two of them having sex in various parts of the flat. “I could do with removing this wig and makeup as well, and taking a shower.” Abigail added.

     “We never did it in the shower.” Tanya grinned as she suddenly jumped off the bed and pulled Abigail to her feet and started to help her undress, and then she helped remove the wig and the makeup before she helped to remove the breast forms. By the time Tanya had done helping Abigail, she was left looking at Adrian again. “Hi baby.” Tanya said as she looked at Adrian’s male form.

     “Hi.” He said back in his normal voice. “I love you so much; I thought my life was over last night when I saw you kissing that guy.” Adrian said as he wrapped his arms around Tanya’s body and the two of them hugged each other skin to skin.

     “I got so lost in you being Abigail that I forgot about how much something like that might hurt you, and I had no idea that Lilith was involved, but I never should have led those creeps on like I did.” Tanya said with a tear in her eyes as she looked into Adrian’s eyes that were also welling up with tears.

     “It’s all water under the bridge now, and I’m glad that we still have each other, but I was being serious when I said that I don’t want to share you with anyone.” Adrian reminded her of the conversation they had at the coffee shop earlier in the day.

     “I don’t need anyone else now I have you.” Tanya smiled. “I have the best of both worlds, a girlfriend to go shopping with and a boyfriend that is just amazing in bed, and various other places.” She added with a giggle.

     “But can you be sure about the bathroom?” Adrian asked with a grin.

     “We better go and check.” Tanya said as she took Adrian by the hand and pulled him towards the bathroom.

Chapter Nine: Meet the parents

    Adrian was lying in his bed with Tanya cuddled up to him, they were both worn out from all the loving making and just enjoying the closeness of one another.

     “It will soon be time to get up for work.” Tanya said with a sigh when she saw the time on the bedside clock.

     “I’m not going back until Monday.” Adrian said with a relaxing sigh of his own. “I called in sick, and said I’d be back Monday when I woke yesterday morning with a hangover and a broken heart.” He explained.

     “I’m so sorry for making you feel that way.” Tanya said as she cuddled up to Adrian even more. “Amanda said I could take the rest of the week off as well, so we can stay in bed all day.” She added with a grin as she looked up at Adrian.

     “Or we could go and see my parents, so we have the weekend to go shopping as girlfriends.” Adrian pointed out.

     “Now that does sound like a good idea.” Tanya agreed as she relaxed; now they weren’t in any rush to get up.

     “I’ll call my mum later and warn her we’ll be dropping in.” Adrian smiled. “She’ll get a real kick out of meeting you.” He added.

     “I hope she doesn’t think I’m not good enough for you.” Tanya said sounding worried now.

     “Don’t worry, my mother isn’t like that, and I can already tell you that she’ll fall in love with you the minute she meets you.” Adrian promised.

    Adrian gave Tanya directions once they left the dual carriageway and they were soon pulling up outside his parent’s house. Adrian’s mum had sounded really excited about them coming to see them so soon, and she was stood at the front door before they even got out the car.

     “Hi mum!” Adrian shouted as he waved to her while helping Tanya get out the car.

     “Hello dear. I hope you had a good trip here?” His mother asked as she walked down the path to meet them halfway.

     “Yes, we just hit a few road works getting down here, but nothing too bad.” Adrian explained as he reached his mum and gave her a hug. “Mum, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Tanya.” Adrian said with a big grin on his face as he stepped out the way to let his mother greet Tanya.

     “Hello dear. My you are a pretty one.” Adrian’s mum said as she stepped forward and gave Tanya a hug.

     “Hello Mrs Russell, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Tanya said as she let Adrian’s mum hug her. “Adrian’s told me so much about you.” She added as she enjoyed the hug.

     “Please call me Brenda, Tanya, and I hope it was all nice things Adrian told you about us?” Adrian’s mum said with a giggle.

     “Adrian has nothing but nice things to say about everyone Brenda.” Tanya gushed as she looked at Adrian blushing. “I’m lucky that he hadn’t been snatching up before now.” Tanya added with a grin as she stepped over and took hold of Adrian’s arm as she rested her head on his shoulder.

     “Is dad around?” Adrian asked trying to change the subject away from him for a short time.

     “He’s up on his allotment at the minute, but he’ll be back in time for lunch.” Brenda said. “I was thinking we could do a barbecue.” Brenda added with a knowing look at Adrian.

     “I swear the only time we ever have a barbecue is when I come to visit.” Adrian said with a roll of his eyes as he and Tanya followed his mum into the house and then the kitchen where she put the kettle on to make them all a drink.

     “Not all the time.” Brenda argued. “We didn’t get you to use the barbecue the last time you came to see us.” Brenda pointed out.

     “That was back in March, and it was snowing.” Adrian pointed out. “But that still didn’t stop dad from trying to get me out there anyway.” Adrian chuckled.

     “You know he was only joking when he said that.” Brenda said with a wave of her hand in a dismissive manner.

     “I’ve never been to a barbecue before, but I have tried some of the things in the supermarket that they say are barbecued.” Tanya said as she felt her mouth start to water at the very thought of trying some real barbecue cooking.

     “That stuff doesn’t count.” Adrian pointed out with a frown. “We better see about educating you in the fine art of real barbecue cooking then.” Adrian added with a grin just before he leaned in and kissed Tanya.

     “That is just so sweet.” Brenda said with a grin as she watched the two of them kissing. “Adrian could have become a famous chef if he’d wanted to, but he decided there was more money in advertising and computers.” Brenda added with a sigh.

     “I know he can cook Brenda. He’s made me some amazing meals since we met.” Tanya grinned. “I’m worried about my figure though now.” She added with a giggle.

     “You’ve got nothing to worry about yet, and Adrian seems to keep himself looking slim, so he must use the right things in his cooking.” Brenda said as she looked a little jealous of Tanya and Adrian’s slim figures.

     “She’s not one for looking after herself very well.” Adrian commented as he thought about the lack of food in her flat, and how many meals she’d have missed out on if he’d not kept her fed this past week.

     “I can’t help it if I need a good man to look after me.” Tanya pouted as she cuddled into Adrian even more.

    They were stopped from saying more when they heard the front door open and close just before a male voice shouted he was home.

     “We’re in the living room dear!” Brenda shouted towards the door, as that is where they had settled after making the drinks.

     “We? Who’s here?” The man asked as he entered the room and looked around. “Hello son.” Adrian’s father said with a smile.

     “Hi dad, this is Tanya, my girlfriend.” Adrian grinned. “Tanya, this in my father.” He added.

     “It’s nice to meet you Mr Russell.” Tanya said as she rose to her feet and held out her hand for Adrian’s father to shake.

     “Please call me Barry, and it’s nice to finally meet you.” Adrian’s dad said looking impressed at the girl Adrian had found.

     “Hello Barry.” Tanya smiled. “I hope you don’t mind us dropping in like this, but I was dying to meet the two of you after Adrian told me how wonderful you both were.” Tanya added as she sat back down next to Adrian.

     “We don’t mind you dropping in at all; it’s nice to see Adrian, and you my dear.” Barry said with a smile. “I’ll just pop up and get cleaned up and then we can talk more then.” Barry added as he looked down at his allotment clothes he had on.

     “Adrian is going to help us have a barbecue, so they’ll be stopping for some time.” Brenda said just as Barry was leaving the room.

     “Sounds good to me.” Barry said rubbing his hands together as he turned and left the room again.

     “I’ll get the barbecue warming up and then I’ll help you in the kitchen.” Adrian said as he got to his feet and left the living room and made his way out into the garden where the barbecue was.

    Adrian smiled as he entered the kitchen and found Tanya and his mum laughing like old friend as his mum showed Tanya how to coat some pork steaks in a sauce ready for going on the barbecue once it was hot enough.

     “Do you want me to start on the salad mum?” Adrian asked as he went over to the fridge and started getting the items out.

     “That would be wonderful dear.” Brenda said.

    Barry came back down and walked out to check on the barbecue five minutes later and then wandered back into the kitchen and took the first plate of meat out to start cooking it.

     “That’s quite some catch you’ve found yourself son.” Barry said when Adrian took his father a can of bitter out.

     “Thanks dad, I think so as well.” Adrian said as he stood looking at Tanya giggling with his mother in the kitchen. “I feel so lost when we’re apart, and it’s only been a week, but I can’t think of how I lived before she was in my life.” He added with a shake of his head as he realised just how daft that sounded.

     “That’s just how I felt about your mother when we met.” Barry admitted with a smile as he looked at his wife proudly. “I can tell she’s mad about you as well.” His dad added as he nudged Adrian with his elbow.

     “Is it wrong to be thinking that I want to spend the rest of my life with her?” Adrian asked.

     “I won’t pretend to understand how love works son, but some people can spend their whole life looking for that one special person, and others can just open a door and see them right away.” Barry smiled. “I think you’ve found your soul mate in Tanya, and she in you, so hold on to her with all your might.” His father added with passion in his voice.

    Adrian looked a little shocked to hear his father speak like that, but he knew his father was right, and he would hold on to Tanya for all he was worth.

    Tanya and Brenda set the garden table and then Adrian and Barry brought over the meat when it was cooked, and they were soon sat enjoying a nice meal while Adrian’s parents did their best to embarrass him in front of Tanya. They told her stories of silly things he did growing up, and then they all went into the house when it started getting dark, and Adrian’s mum dragged out the photo albums and showed Tanya all the pictures of Adrian growing up.

    It was getting late when Adrian and Tanya finally left his parents, but Tanya had loved every second of the day, and was even a little sad to be leaving.

     “I hope you’ll find the time to come visit again soon.” Brenda said as she gave them both a hug as they were leaving.

     “You can count on it Brenda, I still want to hear all those other stories about Adrian.” Tanya said as she hugged Brenda back.

     “You’re welcome to call in anytime sweetie.” Brenda smiled.

     “Thanks for the meal mum.” Adrian said as he hugged his mum.

     “I’m so glad to finally see you looking happy.” His mother said with a tear in her eye. “You always looked troubled when you came home to see us, but all I see now is happiness, and it suits you.” She added just before giving him another hug.

     “Remember what I told you son.” His father said as he also gave him a manlier hug and smacked him on the back a little too hard.

     “I will dad.” Adrian said as he thought his dad was on about hanging on to Tanya with all his might.

     “It was a pleasure to meet you Tanya, and don’t be a stranger.” His father warned with a smile as he hugged Tanya in a much gentler fashion.

    Adrian and Tanya were soon in her car and on their way back to their block of flats.

     “Adrian?” Tanya asked after they’d been driving for ten minutes without speaking.

     “Yes?” Adrian asked looking a little nervous about what she was about to say.

     “I want to live with you.” She said with a grin. “I don’t ever want to be apart from you again.” She added in a pleading tone.

     “I guess we better see about getting all your stuff moved over to our flat then.” Adrian said with a grin.

    Tanya let out a little squeal as she took both hands off the wheel and started clapping them together, but she was soon gripping the wheel again when the car swerved into the other lane and earned her a pip from a car in that lane.

    Once they got back home it was too late to do anything that night, so they went to bed, but they did spend the rest of the weekend getting things boxed up at Tanya’s place while working out how to set up the spare room at Adrian’s so it was a large walk in closet for them both to use.

    Tanya talked Adrian into letting Abigail out on the Saturday night and they went out for a meal and then went onto a club, where they spent the whole night buying their own drinks and telling all the men that took an interest in them to sling their hooks.

    They got Tanya’s place cleared out and the two of them moved in together the following week.

The End ....For Now


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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Just a note to say I have enjoyed every word so far.

Abigails Midweek Adventure 02-04

Wondering if Adrian will choose to transition completely into Abigail and if he will tell his parents about Abigail. Will the lovebirds marry and have children?

May Your Light Forever Shine

I Liked it

I Liked it alot !


"Life is pain, Princess ~ anyone telling you different is trying to sell you something."

AH! So THAT explans it

Does suggest Lilith needs to be taught a lesion she will not forget.

She has hurt Tanya multiple times at no real cost to herself.

Lord knows who else she has done this to.

Time to end her *little game* and put her out of circulation.

Hum, as she *swings both ways... Doesn't heat damage most drugs? Heat treat her birth control pills in the oven? THAT could cause some FUN in a few months... And it looks like her male targets are married men she can pressure for goodies or she'll tell their wives.

But a pregnant Lilith and by which one of several men she is seeing at the same time? As greedy as she is I wouldn't doubt she has several on her string at the moment.

But most important our two injured souls have found love, a love that might just last a lifetime.

Nice stuff. Good ending.

A fun read. Will read more if your muse so permits. Or whatever other new or old stories of yours it choses to work on.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Great story, I hope we see

Great story, I hope we see more from Abby and Tanya, I'm glad they sorted things out and get back together.

Thanks sharing, I'm looking forward to where this might go.

Big hugs

Lizzie :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p

A Man Da

Really enjoyed this tale Ms UK but given how Adrian n Tiffany seem to be setting out their lives may be Amanda is a more suitable moniker than Abigail for their female visitor. Hope we will catch up with the happy menage afore too long k-jo

I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me

Kept Waiting...

...for something to go wrong at the parents'. Things worked out well...

Tanya's surely behaving as though she's telling the truth about everything. Bothers me a little, though, that AFAIK Adrian has no proof of anything she said about last night -- not even about Lilith being there. Any possibility of a big con job here?


Abigails Midweek Adventure

Well it ended as it should, I'm excited to see when  Adrian's little secret  will be discovered