Abigails Midweek Adventure 02-01

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 ©October 2012

Part One of Four

     (Authors note: This story picks up where Abigail’s Weekend ended on the Monday morning, so reading that one would be a good idea before you try reading this story in my Abigail series.)

Chapter One: Text’s from Tanya.

    Adrian was sat in Tanya’s car smiling as he thought about all the fun he’d had as Abigail over the weekend shopping with Tanya, but all the love making had been the icing on the cake that was Adrian’s new life now he’d found someone to share Abigail with, and Tanya loved him just as much as she loved spending time with Abigail.

     “What you looking so happy about?” Tanya asked when she looked over at Adrian and saw him looking so happy, as he smiled at her as she sat waiting for the lights to turn green.

     “I’m just happy to have you in my life.” Adrian blushed. “I never realised just how lonely my life was until Friday when I answered the door to you.” Adrian said, remembering just how upset Tanya had looked when she’d thrown out the ex boyfriend that had been cheating with her ex best friend behind her back.

     “That’s just how I feel about you, and I think you were wrong when you said you didn’t look like much of a man.” Tanya smiled. “I think you’re really cute in that suit.” She added with a grin, but her eyes said she’d like to turn the car around and go back to one of their places and get busy.

     “But you still think I look a little feminine, don’t you?” Adrian asked with a raised eyebrow.

     “Yes, I can still see Abigail in your features, but I’m sure it’s just because I’ve spent most the weekend looking at you that way.” Tanya tried to explain.

     “It doesn’t bother me.” Adrian said trying to help calm Tanya’s nerves. “I’d rather look this way as a man, and know I look as good as I do when dressed as a woman, than look more macho like this and not pass when dressed.” He added as he looked down at his fingernails feeling jealous of how pretty Tanya’s looked with their subtle pink nail polish on them compared to the stumpy natural nail colour of his own.

     “Would you ever consider working as Abigail, if you could?” Tanya asked when she noticed Adrian looking at her hands and then his own as he suddenly fell quiet.

     “I won’t lie and say I haven’t dreamed about getting up in a morning and getting dressed up as Abigail, and then going into work, but up until this past weekend, I never thought I’d pass out in public.” Adrian sighed heavily. “You’ve given me a lot to think about.” He added with a smile.

     “I’m sorry.” Tanya pouted.

     “Don’t be sorry.” Adrian said looking shocked. “This has been the best weekend I can ever remember having.” He quickly added. “And I hope we can have many more of them in the future.”

     “Who says we have to wait until the weekend to have a good time.” Tanya grinned back. “I wasn’t joking when I said I wanted to spend time with you as Adrian as well as Abigail.” She reminded him.

     “But I like spending time as Abigail, and now I know I can go out and not get made, it’s even more fun to get dressed up.” Adrian grinned. “That’s as long as you really don’t mind me being Abigail?” He asked looking worried all of a sudden.

     “I’ll take you anyway I can get you baby.” Tanya purred as she pulled up outside the office block where Adrian worked. She pulled on the hand break and then unclipped her seatbelt and leaned across to give Adrian a hug and then plant a long loving kiss on his lips.

     “Wow.” Adrian grinned when they stopped kissing each other. “I could get use to this car pooling thing.” He added with a goofy smile.

     “As much as I love to see you wearing lipstick, I think we better keep it for when you are suitably dressed.” Tanya giggled back as she wiped his lips to remove the traces of her lipstick from them.

     “Well it would give all the others in the office something to talk about.” Adrian said with a smug smile.

     “I think you might have already.” Tanya said when she noticed Paul stood just outside the building smoking a cigarette. She remembered him from the day before when her and Abigail were in the city centre shopping.

    Adrian couldn’t help grinning when he saw Paul stood with his mouth hanging open in shock. “He won’t be able to gossip about me being gay anymore.” Adrian said just before he leaned over and kissed Tanya again.

     “Maybe a lesbian with a little something extra, but not gay in the way he thinks.” Tanya whispered in his ear. “Now go and have a good day at work, and I’ll pick you up this evening, and we can grab some dinner on the way home.” Tanya added as she kissed him once more and waited for him to get out the car before she pulled away from the curb waving to him.

    Adrian waved back and smiled as he watched his girlfriend drive off up the road. Tanya had barely gone out of sight before Adrian found Paul stood at his side grinning.

     “Hey Paul. You have a good weekend?” Adrian asked trying not to look smug as he slung his back pack over one shoulder and made his way into the office block like nothing had happened.

     “Could have been better, but it looks like you had a good time.” Paul said as he ran to catch up with him. “I didn’t know you have a girlfriend.” He added, hoping to get more details from Adrian.

     “You sound shocked to find out I like girls.” Adrian frowned. “Kind of blows the whole gay thing doesn’t it?” He added with a smirk.

     “I never said you were gay Adrian, I just said I’d never seen you with a girl, or trying to chat any of them up in the office.” Paul said in his own defence.

     “I just have a little more respect for them than you do, so now you know the truth.” Adrian said sounding smug again.

     “Did you get to first base?” Paul asked, blanking the comment about respecting women.

     “You watch way too much American TV.” Adrian chuckled. “And unlike you, I don’t kiss and tell.” He added with a grin that let Paul know he did more than just kiss over the weekend.

     “Seeing you this happy on a Monday morning tells me you got some action this weekend.” Paul said looking excited. “Way to go man!” He added as he held up his hand trying to get a high five from Adrian, but all Adrian did was frown at him.

     “What do you mean it’s odd to see me looking so happy on a Monday morning?” Adrian asked looking puzzled.

     “Normally you look like you have a serious case of the Monday back to work blues, but today, you get dropped off by some beautiful girl who kisses your lips off while trying to stick her tongue down your throat, and you’re sporting a silly grin.” Paul explained.

    Adrian suddenly realised what Paul was getting at with his comment. Adrian was normally in a gloomy mood because he was Adrian again after spending all weekend locked in his flat as Abigail, but this weekend had been very different with him meeting Tanya and going out shopping with her as Abigail, and then making love to her so many times he’d lost count.

     “I hope to feel like this every Monday morning from now on.” Adrian smiled. “How was your weekend?” Adrian asked, not wanting to explain anymore about his own.

     “Not one of the best I’ve had.” Paul frowned sadly.

     “What happened?” Adrian asked. He wondered if it had anything to do with Paul getting in trouble for showing an interest in Tanya and Abigail yesterday.

     “I had a little too much to drink on Friday lunchtime, and didn’t get home until late, and I was supposed to take the girlfriend to see some stupid play she’d bought tickets for.” Paul said with a roll of his eyes.

     “Ouch! Bet that didn’t go down to well?” Adrian said with a pained look.

     “That would be an understatement.” Paul huffed. “I ended up having to take her out Saturday night for a nice slap up dinner and dancing.” He added with a look that said it cost him a fortune.

     “Sounds like it all worked out in the end though.” Adrian shrugged.

     “You really don’t know my girlfriend very well.” Paul said rolling his eyes again. “I had to take her out shopping yesterday, and it cost me a fortune. Then all because I look at a couple of women the wrong way, I’m back in the dog house.” He sighed.

     “What do you expect if you go looking at other women while out with your girlfriend.” Adrian shrugged as he wondered if it was him and Tanya he was referring to with his comment.

     “I still don’t know what got her so worked up; the two women I looked at were so far out of my league, that I’d never stand a chance with them.” Paul admitted.

     “They were that good looking?” Adrian asked.

     “Oh god yes!” Paul shouted. “Looked like they had both just stepped off the cover of a magazine.”

     “I wouldn’t go telling your girlfriend any of that stuff, not sure it would help your case.” Adrian chuckled as he tried not to look smug at the unknown compliment Paul had just paid him and Tanya. Adrian was glad that Tanya had been wearing a pair of sunglasses when she dropped him off at work, and her hair looked different up in a bun, compared to it being down and wavy the day before when they were out shopping and Paul saw them, not that Paul was smart enough to work out the second woman and the guy he was now walking next to were one and the same.

     “Do I look that stupid?” Paul asked, but answered himself before Adrian could reply. “Don’t answer that.” He warned. “I’ll call a florist and have a bunch of flowers delivered to her at work with a sorry note, and tell her she’s the only girl I’ve got eyes for.” Paul explained his big plan to win back his girlfriends trust.

    Adrian couldn’t understand why Paul spent all his time chatting up women and then dating them for a couple of months before getting bored and moving on to the next, but then Adrian had never been in love until this past weekend. Adrian planned to hold onto Tanya with everything he had, but he already knew that his relationship with Tanya meant more to him than any of the relationships Paul had had with the large number of girls he’d seen Paul with.

    The two of them had made it up to the floor they worked on while they talked, or more to the point Paul interrogated Adrian about his new lady friend. Adrian kept his answers vague, so he didn’t slip and let out his secret about Abigail. He knew that Paul would never understand any of that stuff, and would then make his life a living hell because of it.

    Adrian made his way into his little cubical and fired up his computer and then went to get a drink while it warmed up. By the time Adrian got to the small canteen area where the coffee machine was, Paul had already told a hand full of other people in the office about seeing him with a woman in a car.

     “What’s this I hear about you having a girlfriend then Adrian?” A woman called Jane asked as she dunked a tea bag on a string up and down in a mug of hot water.

     “You’ve spoken to Paul already?” Adrian asked with a roll of his eyes as he tried not to grin like an idiot.

     “Yes, he’s running around the office telling everyone willing to listen.” Jane smiled. “So is it true?” She asked.

     “Yes, I’ve met someone and we’re head over heels in love with each other.” Adrian admitted.

     “I’m really happy for you sweetie.” Jane said as she stepped over and gave Adrian a friendly hug. “I will be honest with you though, me and some of the others thought you might be gay.” Jane added in a whisper.

     “I know you all did.” Adrian frowned. “That was also thanks to Paul.” He added.

     “We should all learn to take no notice of what he says, but you know how people love to gossip.” Jane blushed.

     “I have noticed that.” Adrian smiled as he sorted out his cup of coffee and then returned to his cubical and started his work day. He couldn’t help but notice how a large chunk of the office kept looking at him and smiling like he’d achieved something spectacular.

    Adrian had been working for just over an hour when his mobile phone pinged to let him know he had a text message from someone. He’d never had anyone text him before, so he smiled as he got his phone out and saw it was from Tanya. He opened the text message and smiled when he read what it said.

    ‘Hugs A. Missing you like crazy and can’t wait for this evening, what time do you have lunch? Tanya XXXX’

    Adrian liked the fact that Tanya had just used the letter A as a name, so it had double meaning to him, and stopped anyone from seeing anything if they ever got hold of is phone. This turned out to be a good thing when he jumped because someone was stood behind him looking over his shoulder at the text message.

     “Ahhh that is so cute.” Paul’s voice said suddenly from just behind him. “You guys really are in love.” He added in a mushy sounding voice.

     “Where the hell did you come from?” Adrian asked sounding annoyed as he tried to hide the screen on his phone from Paul, even though he’d already seen it.

     “I was just wandering past when I heard you get a text message from someone.” Paul said, not looking bothered with the fact he’d just made Adrian jump.

     “Well it’s a private matter, so please go away.” Adrian said as he held the phone pressed to his chest as he waited to Paul to leave again.

     “The last thing you want to do is reply to that text so soon. It makes you look desperate.” Paul warned.

     “You look after your love life, and I’ll look after mine.” Adrian scowled as he looked at Paul and then the open doorway from his cubical indicating that he wanted Paul to leave now.

     “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Paul said just before he turned and strutted out of Adrian’s cubical like he was god’s gift to women.

     “Jerk.” Adrian muttered under his breath as he hit the reply to text button on his phone and sent Tanya a message back.

    ‘Hugs Tanya. I take my lunch break at 12 until 1. I’d love to spend it with you if I can. A XXXX’ Adrian hit the send button and then looked busy while he waited for a reply.

    He didn’t have to wait long before he got another text from Tanya.

    ‘That’s perfect; I’ll meet you outside your office block just after 12. Love you. Tanya XXXX’

    Adrian couldn’t help grinning as he realised that he’d be seeing Tanya at lunchtime. He looked at the time and saw that it was just after ten, so he had a couple of hour to wait yet, and he knew they would drag on because he wanted to spend time with Tanya.

     Adrian was stood outside the office block just after twelve, looking nervous as he knew a number of his co workers were also stood around waiting to get a look at this new woman in his life. He saw Tanya pull up to the curb in her car and he quickly jumped in.

     “Let’s get out of here, please.” Adrian said with a pleading tone as he looked around and saw a hand full of faces he knew from his office, and they were all looking right at him and Tanya.

     “Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” Tanya asked looking a little hurt as she pulled away from the curb again.

     “No!” Adrian shot back looking shocked that she could even think such a thing. “I think most the office has come down to get a look at you. I feel like an animal in a zoo.” He tried to explain.

     “How did they all find out about you and me seeing each other, and the lunch date?” Tanya asked looking puzzled.

     “Paul spread the world once he got into the office after he saw us this morning kissing when you dropped me off. Then he managed to see the text message you sent me about meeting for lunch.” Adrian said with a roll of his eyes. “He said I shouldn’t have text you back so fast. I should have kept you waiting.” Adrian added with a frown.

     “This Paul sounds like a jerk.” Tanya said with a frown of her own.

     “He is.” Adrian agreed. “I think he likes to hang out with me at work because it makes him look more macho in front of the women in the office.” Adrian said putting himself down again.

     “I wish you’d stop doing that.” Tanya said with a scowl.

     “What?” Adrian asked looking puzzled.

     “Stop putting yourself down all the time. I love the way you look.” Tanya said in a softer tone as she reached over and took hold of Adrian’s hand. “Please don’t ever try to be something you’re not, just keep being yourself.” She added with a smile.

     “Except when I’m Abigail that is?” Adrian asked with a grin. “Or do you want me to stop being her as well?”

     “You know what I mean baby.” Tanya frowned again. “Abigail is part of what makes you such a wonderful person.”

     “Is it wrong for me to feel jealous of seeing you and all the other well dressed women walking around, now that I’ve been out while dressed as Abigail?” Adrian asked with a sigh as he looked out the car window at all the women walking around living their lives like nothing was wrong.

     “I can’t answer that question for you baby.” Tanya said looking sad. “It’s how you feel, and whether or not you want to be Adrian or Abigail more.”

     “I miss being Abigail right now, and I hate these clothes.” Adrian said with some anger in his voice. “I feel pretty and nice as Abigail, and the clothes feel really good, but as a man I just look like a joke.”

     “You’re not a joke!” Tanya snapped. “You’re just not the macho type.” Tanya added in a calm tone as she took hold of his hand again. “Have you had these feelings before?” She asked.

     “Not like this, but I do feel depressed most Monday’s, or whenever I have to go back to being Adrian.” He frowned as he pulled at his tie. “I thought my life was pretty simple until I met you, and now I’m not sure anymore.”

     “Sorry I complicated it so much.” Tanya shot him an angry look as she said it. “Do you want to forget about it all and go back to how it used to be?” She asked looking at the road ahead, not bothering to look over at the shocked look on Adrian’s face.

     “You know that’s not what I mean Tanya.” Adrian finally said as he looked down at his lap in shame. “I’m just so confused about things right now, but the one thing I’m sure of, is you are by far the best thing to ever happen to me, ever.” Adrian admitted with a smile as he reached over and rested his hand on Tanya’s stocking covered leg and started stroking it, loving the feel of it, and the leg wearing it.

     “I’m sorry for snapping at you, but can you please stop stroking my leg before we end up having a car crash.” Tanya giggled as she moved Adrian’s hand back to his own knee.

     “Sorry, but it just feels really nice.” He blushed.

     “What, the leg or the stocking?” Tanya asked with a grin.

     “Both.” Adrian blushed some more.

     “Are you wearing anything of Abigail’s under your suit?” Tanya asked as she realised she’d gone back to her own place that morning before Adrian started to get dressed, so she had no idea what he had on under his suit.

     “I’m wearing a pair of panties, but only because I have trouble finding male underwear to fit me properly.” Adrian mumbled looking embarrassed about admitting the fact.

     “I can understand that, you have a better looking ass than I do.” Tanya pouted.

     “I doubt that, you have a beautiful ass, and breasts, and face and...” Adrian smiled as Tanya raised a finger to his lips.

     “I get the message, you think I’m beautiful.” She smiled back. “I think you’re beautiful too, in either mode.” She added the last part to stop Adrian asking the question she could see in his eyes.

     “Where are we going to eat?” Adrian asked when he suddenly realised that they were heading out of the city centre area and heading towards someplace he’d never been before.

     “I hope you don’t mind, but I grabbed us some lunch, and I thought we might go and sit in a park and just enjoy each other’s company.” Tanya explained.

     “That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Adrian smiled, happy to be away from the mass of people in the city centre. “I like the fact you like to be the one in charge.” He added with a grin.

     “Are you calling me bossy?” Tanya asked with a smirk.

     “You do look the part in your power suit and your hair pinned up in that bun on the back of your head.” Adrian smiled.

     “But I bet you wish you were dressed the same way?” Tanya guessed.

     “Yes, but I couldn’t hand out orders and get things done like I bet you do.” Adrian admitted. “I’m more the take orders sort of guy.” He added.

     “Or girl.” Tanya pointed out with a grin as she pulled into a parking area for a park and found an empty spot.

     “I’d love to be able to go to work as Abigail, but with how bad the job market is at the minute, I’m not about to risk losing this job.” Adrian said once Tanya had parked up and they were out the car. Adrian took the bag from Tanya that had their lunch in it, then they walked towards the park.

     “If you’re good at your job, it shouldn’t matter what you dress like.” Tanya said as she linked her arm through Adrian’s and they walked into the park. Tanya knew the spot she wanted to sit and eat her lunch at, and Adrian let her lead him.

     “I’m sure they would find some reason to get rid of me, and I’m not sure I’d like to be working near Paul as Abigail.” Adrian said with a shudder.

     “Do you dress as Abigail through the week, or is it just a weekend thing?” Tanya asked wanting to change the subject when she felt Adrian shudder at the thought of going to work dressed as Abigail.

     “I have done once in a while when I’ve had a bad day and wanted to relax, but most the time it’s just not worth all the effort getting dressed up to sit around the flat reading a book or watching a movie on the TV.” Adrian shrugged.

     “Would you get dressed up if we went out some place fancy for dinner, or to go dancing?” Tanya asked looking hopeful.

     “I’d jump at the chance to go out doing anything with you baby.” Adrian grinned.

     “Good, then we’ll find someplace to go Wednesday night, so Abigail can let her hair down and have some fun.” Tanya grinned back at him.

     “Do you still want to meet up after work this evening and do something?” Adrian asked looking worried that Tanya might want to leave them spending time together until Wednesday.

     “I want to spend all my free time with you.” Tanya said as she led him over to a park bench that looked out over a large duck pond and made him sit down next to her. “I just want to make sure I get plenty of time with Abigail as well.” She added as she took the shopping bag off him and then pulled out a sandwich and bottle of water for him.

     “I want to spend all my time with you as well.” Adrian smiled back as he took the offered sandwich and bottle of water. “Thank you for the lunch, and the beautiful company.” Adrian added just before he took a bite out of his sandwich.

    They both ate there lunch in quiet, both happy to have the other one sat next to them, even if they weren’t saying anything. Adrian looked a little puzzled though when he heard Tanya start to giggle as she looked at him eating his sandwich.

     “I’m sorry.” Tanya apologised. “I wasn’t laughing at you, well I was, but not for any nasty reason.” She explained.

     “Then what are you laughing at?” Adrian asked with a frown.

     “I just love the cute little way you nibble on your sandwich, you look like a girl when you do that.” Tanya explained. “I love it; it lets me see a little bit of Abigail, even when you’re all butched out in boy mode.” She added with a grin as she threw an arm around Adrian to let him know it didn’t change the way she felt about him in any way.

     “I’ve never really taken much notice of how I eat before; I guess it does look a little girlie.” Adrian admitted. “I’ll try and eat a little more manly then from now on.” He added as he took a large bite from the sandwich before Tanya could stop him.

     “Please don’t change the way you eat.” Tanya whined. “It looks hideous for one thing.” Tanya added with a frown as she watched Adrian’s cheeks bulge out due to his mouth being full of bread.

    Adrian tried to say something, but it was just a mumble that Tanya couldn’t understand.

     “Finish eating what you have in your mouth, then try to speak, silly” Tanya giggled some more as she playfully slapped Adrian on the arm.

    Adrian made a noise that sounded like he was trying not to laugh as he put his hand over his mouth to stop any of the sandwich being spat out if he lost it and burst out laughing.

     “Serves you right for being a pig.” Tanya said trying to not look bothered about Adrian having trouble trying to chew and swallow the large amount of sandwich he still had in his mouth.

     “I was trying to say that eating like a pig was manly.” Adrian said when he’d finally swallowed what he had in his mouth.

     “I don’t want you to act manly; I want you to just act like you.” Tanya pouted as she cuddled up closer to him.

     “Okay.” Adrian agreed as he went back to taking little nibbles from his sandwich.

    They finished their lunch, and even shared some of the left over’s with the ducks floating on the pond. Tanya let out a sigh when she saw the time, and the fact she needed to get Adrian back to his office block, so she could get back to work herself.

     “I wish we could just sit here for another couple of hours.” Tanya finally said as she sat up and then let Adrian help her to her feet.

     “I know what you mean, but it was still the best lunch I’ve ever had.” He leaned in and wrapped his arms around Tanya before kissing her softly on the lips. “I’m sure we’ll be able to do this again soon as well, and I will be seeing you this evening.” He pointed out with a grin when they stopped kissing.

     “That little fact is the only reason I’m letting you return to work this afternoon.” Tanya grinned as they made their way back to the car park, and Tanya’s car.

    Tanya was soon pulling up outside Adrian’s place of work and then they spent a couple of minutes kissing and saying goodbye before Tanya looked at the time and saw she was going to be late if she didn’t get a move on.

     “I’ll see you here just after six.” Tanya said as she got one last kiss before Adrian closed the car door and waved to Tanya as she drove away.

    Adrian floated into the building and up to his little cubical. Paul poked his head in saying something, but Adrian wasn’t listening and Paul finally wandered off again.

    He had other members of the office staff poke their heads in trying to make small talk with him, which he found a little odd due to them not normally showing an interest in him. He told them little details about his weekend, and how he’d helped Tanya when she had trouble with an ex. He left out the part about him being dressed as a girl called Abigail though.

    The afternoon seemed to go slower than the morning, and he found himself watching the clock, willing it to go faster and get to six o’clock.

Chapter Two: Adrian’s first date

    Adrian found Paul walking at his side when they knocked off and made their way out to the elevators to go down to the ground floor.

     “You fancy grabbing a drink and talking about the trouble with women?” Paul asked.

     “Sorry, but I’m meeting my girlfriend for dinner.” Adrian said loving the way it sounded as he said it.

     “You act like this is your first time with a girl.” Paul moaned. “Don’t let her see that you’re a push over, or she’ll walk all over you.” Paul warned.

     “All this advice coming from the guy that had to send his girlfriend some flowers to say sorry for checking out all the other women that walked past him.” Adrian shot back looking smug.

     “We’re not talking about me; we’re talking about you my little buddy.” Paul said trying to take no notice of what Adrian had just said.

     “No, you’re talking about me; I’m trying to take no notice.” Adrian pointed out as they stepped into the elevator.

     “I think it’s nice that they want to spend so much time together.” A woman that worked in the same office called Penny said. “I don’t think you understand what real love is Paul.” She added to a muffled snigger from some of the other people in the elevator.

     “Yes I do.” Paul said in his own defence. “I just want him to play the field before he ends up married and then trying to see what he might have missed out on.” Paul added.

     “Not all men are that shallow Paul, they actually find their soul mate and that’s it.” Penny said in a dreamy voice. “I’m jealous of you Adrian; she sounds like someone very special.” Penny said the first part with a pout, but ended it with a grin. “Just do what feels right for you, that way if it doesn’t work out, you know you were yourself.” Penny explained what she’d do in Adrian’s place.

     “I’d do that anyway Penny, but thanks for the advice.” Adrian smiled happily.

     “I still think you need to take it slow and check out the field.” Paul grumbled.

     “And you wonder why you can’t keep a girlfriend more than a month.” Penny said with a roll of her eyes.

     “I’ve been seeing this one for nearly three months if you don’t mind.” Paul shot back looking smug with himself.

     “Wow, she must be a sucker for punishment.” Penny said with a giggle, which set off some of the other’s in the elevator.

    Paul just mumbled something under his breath, but it did shut him up, and Adrian tried to think of something nice to do for Penny, to thank her for finally shutting Paul up.

    Tanya’s car was waiting just outside the office block, so he ran over to the car and got in before he leaned over and gave Tanya a kiss. Tanya was trying not to giggle when they stopped.

     “What’s wrong?” Adrian asked looking worried.

     “I’m sorry, but you run like a girl.” Tanya said as she gave up and started laughing.

     “I can’t help it if Abigail’s pleased to see you as well as me.” Adrian said trying to hide the hurt he felt over Tanya laughing at his run, but part of him liked the idea of his run being feminine.

     “I’m sorry.” Tanya said looking a little more serious when she stopped herself from giggling. “I was only laughing because I loved the way you ran, but it just didn’t look like the run of a man.” Tanya said as she held her arms open to give Adrian another hug and a kiss.

     “I’ll forgive you then.” Adrian said just before he found Tanya’s lips pressed against his. He just wasn’t bothered about her laughing at him after that.

     “We better see about getting off before I end up with a ticket.” Tanya said when they stopped kissing this time.

    Adrian sat back in the seat and put his seatbelt on before Tanya pulled away from the curb to join the other cars making their way home, not that they were going home.

     “I feel a little nervous about this.” Adrian said as he looked over at Tanya driving.

     “My driving isn’t that bad.” Tanya said with a hurt look, not understand the point Adrian was trying to make.

     “I’m not nervous about your driving.” Adrian chuckled. “I’m nervous because this is like our first date.”

     “We went out over the weekend.” Tanya said looking confused now.

     “Abigail and you went out; this will be the first real date for us as a male and female couple.” Adrian blushed.

     “It’s not that bigger deal, so don’t worry about it.” Tanya smiled as she reached over and took hold of his hand. “I already know your deepest darkest secrets.” She added with a grin.

    Adrian just blushed an even deeper shade of red as he smiled back at Tanya. He found himself falling in love with her more with every minute he spent in her company, and he didn’t think that was possible. Before this past weekend, he didn’t think falling in love with anyone was possible for him, but here he was sat in a car with the woman of his dreams, and she loved him, all of him, and his little kinks.

     “Every minute I spend with you is a big deal.” Adrian finally said just before he let Tanya have her hand back to change gear before she turned a corner.

     “I feel the same way about you Adrian.” Tanya smiled back as she gave him a quick look before looking back towards the road.

    Tanya pulled in to a car park just down the road from the place they were going to eat, and Adrian tried to play the perfect gentleman, which was harder than he thought it would be, as Tanya was a take charge kind of woman, something that Adrian liked about her, but more when he was dressed as Abigail.

    They were half way to the restaurant when Tanya let out a groan as she stopped walking and pulled her cell phone out her pocket. Adrian looked puzzled as Tanya growled at the phone and hit the cancel button before stuffing the cell phone back in her purse with some anger.

     “Problems?” Adrian asked nervously, not sure how to deal with an angry girlfriend. “I don’t mind you sorting that out, if you really need too.” He added trying to play the perfect boyfriend.

     “Yes it’s a problem, a problem that she won’t get the message that I don’t want to talk to her.” Tanya snapped, but then her hard look softened as she looked at a worried Adrian. “I’m sorry, but she’s been calling me all day, and I’m getting a little sick of it.” Tanya added with a sigh.

     “Just a little?” Adrian asked trying not to grin at the way Tanya had just nearly pushed her hand out the bottom of her purse as she stuffed her cell phone back in it. “Who is ‘she’ anyway?” Adrian asked.

     “She is the ex friend that stabbed me in the back and I found out he was sleeping with her behind my back.” Tanya said as she started walking again, but only after slipping her arm through Adrian’s.

     “You don’t need to worry about that happening with us.” Adrian said when he thought that was the reason she didn’t want to let this old friend anywhere near him.

     “Good to know.” Tanya frowned. “I think I’d notice if you started bringing other women home.” She added looking serious.

     “I just mean I’m not going to be looking to see if the grass is greener someplace else.” Adrian tried to explain. “I was trying to help you calm down.” He added with a sigh when he realised how stupid it had all sounded.

     “I’m sorry Adrian, but she can be a real bitch when she wants to be, and I don’t want her anywhere near you because she would come up with some way to make your life a living hell if she found out about Abigail.” Tanya said looking worried.

     “Why would she have such a problem with Abigail?” Adrian asked looking confused.

     “She was also one of my ex lovers, but we realised that both of us wanted to wear the pants in the relationship and decided to be friends instead, but she still liked to play around once in a while.” Tanya said with a blush. “I think she was hoping that we’d get back together one day, and if she finds out that I’ve fallen in love with you, she will do all she can to break us up.” Tanya added as she chewed on her lip.

     “Let her do her worst and we will send her packing together.” Adrian said trying not to sound worried as he stopped walking and turned to face Tanya before he wrapped his arms around her and then kissed her while stood in the middle of the pavement. “I’m not going to be letting you go, not after it taking this long to find someone to put up with me and my weird little kink.” He whispered when they broke the kiss.

    Tanya was just about to reply, but was cut off by a horn blasting out as a van went past with a man sticking his head out shouting for the two of them to get a room.

     “I think we better get to the restaurant.” Tanya blushed, all other talk forgotten for the time being.

    Adrian just chuckled as Tanya took hold of his hand and pulled him down the pavement in a version of a run, which was hard for Tanya to do in the heels she was wearing. Adrian found himself wishing he was dressed as Abigail, and he was making the same sound with his heels. He was enjoying the view of Tanya’s beautiful round ass in the tight fitting skirt she had on though. Adrian wasn’t so hungry anymore, and he just wanted to go home and take her to bed.

     “How about we just grab something and take it back to my place?” Adrian asked as they got to the entrance to the restaurant.

    Tanya looked at him puzzled for a couple of seconds before she worked out what he was getting at, and the way he looked to be undressing her with his eyes. “No! We will eat here, and then you can have me for desert.” She said the last part with a grin, just before she dragged him into the restaurant and he could protest, not that he was going to, but he was wondering how many calories he’d be saving with the desert later in the evening.

    They were soon seated at a table and they bother ordered sparkling water. Adrian wanted to have full control of all his senses later in the evening, and Tanya was driving. They both ordered what they wanted to eat, and then chattered while they waited for it to arrive.

    “So what’s the story with this ex friend of yours? Does she have a name?” Adrian asked with a smile, trying to keep the mood light and also find out a little more about the woman he loved, and any trouble that might be on the horizon.

     “Bitch would be a good name for her.” Tanya smiled back, but had a sarcastic look on her face at the same time.

     “I asked what her name was, not what you thought of her.” Adrian said with a raised eyebrow. “I can’t go calling her Miss Bitch when I meet her.” He pointed out.

     “Who said you’d be meeting her?” Tanya asked looking a little shocked.

     “I have a feeling that it will happen sooner or later, and from what you’ve said, I think it will be sooner, so what’s her name?”

     “Lilith, her name is Lilith.” Tanya said it like it left a bad taste in her mouth.

     “How did you meet this Lilith?” Adrian asked ignoring Tanya’s mood.

     “We met up in college, it was fun to start with, but she wanted to be the one in control of everything, and she started getting a little to possessive, so I gave her the choice of being friends, or never seeing each other again.” Tanya shrugged. “I wish I’d just broken off all ties with her now.” She added with some anger in her voice.

     “Did you like this guy you were seeing, the one that Lilith slept with?” Adrian asked, but wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer.

     “No, not a little bit.” She said with humour in her voice. “I was going to dump him anyway, but it just made me angry that Lilith was sleeping with him behind my back, and pretending to be my friend.” Tanya growled.

    Adrian was quiet for a couple of minutes as he thought about what might happen further down the road when she got bored with him, how would he deal with being on his own again. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Tanya speak to him.

     “What’s wrong baby? You look so sad.” Tanya asked as she reached across the table and took hold of his hand while looking concerned.

     “Nothing, I was just being silly.” Adrian smiled as he tried to mask his worries, but the look Tanya gave him said she wasn’t buying it.

     “What’s wrong?” She asked in a firmer tone.

    Adrian looked her in the eyes and then let out a sigh before telling her his worries. “I was just wondering if you’ll get bored with me and then I’ll be the one getting dumped.”

    Tanya just looked him in the eyes for the longest time, Adrian wondered what she was thinking, but he felt a little better when he saw a smile spread across her face.

     “I’ve never felt the way I feel about you with anyone else. I love you Adrian/Abigail. If anyone gets dumped it will be you dumping me, then I may become a crazy stalker, just to be close to you.” She admitted.

     “That’s sweet in a creepy kind of way, but sweet all the same.” Adrian chuckled, even though it sounded more like a giggle than a chuckle.

     “That is what I love about you, I get everything I want in a lover, and I love how that chuckle of yours sounds so feminine.” Tanya beamed with pride for the person sat facing her.

    Their food arrived and they ate in silence for a short time until Tanya asked him about his family.

     “Do your parents know anything about Abigail?”

     “No, not as far as I know, they wouldn’t understand my need to be her from time to time.” Adrian said with a shudder as he thought about his mum and dad seeing him dressed as Abigail.

     “So you never snuck into your parent’s room to borrow your mother’s things then?” Tanya asked with a grin as she thought about Adrian wearing his mother’s clothes.

     “I thought about it, but she never had anything I wanted to wear.” Adrian said looking thoughtful. “It would have been a different matter if I’d had any sisters though.” He admitted.

     “Do you see much of your Parents?” Tanya asked. “I don’t see anything of mine anymore.” Tanya added in a sad tone.

     “I talk to mother on the phone once a week, but I don’t go visit them that much. Why don’t you speak to your parents anymore?” Adrian asked.

     “They found out I liked boys and girls, and they freaked out over it. Told me I had to stop dating girls if I wanted to be their daughter, so I left with Lilith and never looked back. It’s been nearly three years now.” Tanya said looking lost in thought now as she thought about her parents.

     “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have any other family?”

     “I have an aunt that keeps me informed of how they are doing, but they don’t know we talk, or I don’t think they do.” Tanya said with some humour in her voice.

     “I don’t want to freak you out, but I’d love to take you to meet my parents, if only to see the look on their faces when I turn up with a beautiful girl on my arm.” Adrian grinned as he thought about the look his parents would have. “I’m sure they both think I’m gay.” He added with a chuckle.

     “And that doesn’t bother them?” Tanya asked sounding a little jealous.

     “I think my dad would be a little upset to find out I was, but neither of them would disown me over it.” Adrian shrugged.

     “I’d like to meet your parents now myself.” Tanya grinned.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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Abigails Midweek Adventure 02-01

Tanya is the best thing to ever happen to Adrian/Abigail. And Adrian/Abigail is perfect for Tanya. Best of all Tanya has a bot/girlfriend in Adrian/Abigail.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Paul sounds like a real

Paul sounds like a real loser, glad Adrian is ignoring his "dating advice". Looking forward to more, hope Lilith doesn't become a problem although I have a sneaky suspicion Abigail will end up outed at work sooner or later. I expect Paul would be an idiot about it but I reckon Penny would be okay.

Looking forward to more, thanks for sharing

Big hugs

Lizzie :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p


An interesting way for a sequel.

It does a good job on providing more back story to our two protagonists and it pushes Adrian's needs forward. A bisexual woman would be the best choice for any T-girl imho. I don't think a lesbian woman is worth the chance on for me.



Hi Sara
Just had to say this is a lovely story and it is developing nicely for A and T.
Keep up the good work please


Abigails Midweek Adventure

I'm already excited to see how things go when they meet Lilith, how long it takes to discover Adrian / Abigail's little fetish