Battle Scars Part 5

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Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

It had been years since he married Natalie and they have these weekly routine of sparring together. Lucifer missed the adrenaline he felt while battling Nathan, hence after they got married he made sure they sparred every few days, no holds barred to relive the battle. They go all out with their strength and just the clash of their aura is strong enough to kill a human bystander. This adrenaline rush of battle gave Lucifer enough satisfaction that it aroused him as well .

Their sparring sessions will end with the demon couple getting intimate, usually making out or having sex. Lucifer never knew he could ever love anyone else except power, strength and invincibility. But since he met Natalie he had fallen in love with her. He was proud of her , the way she had managed his kingdom and increased their influence, taking over the city , dealing with the Resistance. He smiled thinking about her.

Natalie entered shortly with two daggers in her hand . She removed the dress she was wearing and threw it, standing in a black bra and panty holding dual daggers. Lucifer removed his robe and stood just wearing his underwear as well. Natalie taunted Lucifer asking him if he was ready to lose again to which Lucifer blinked behind her holding her in his arms as they kissed each other and smiled.

Natalie kicked him across the room as their battle commenced. Their blades clashed as the massive aura they released cracked the walls in the training room, despite barrier spells to contain the aura. They mercilessly slashed at each other defending the other's attacks and looking for an opening to deal a fatal blow. The regeneration spells were active hence they didn't have to worry about death and go all out fighting each other.

They didn't hesitate to cut each other and within minutes both of them were covered in blood which didn't even slow them down. The demon blood inside Natalie had made her surpass the limits that restricted her as Nathan. They both laughed as they fought and cut each other, clearly enjoying the battle. They were evenly matched in terms of strength and skills .

Natalie playfully tore Lucifer's underwear revealing his large erect penis. In turn Lucifer pushed her to the ground and held her hands restricting her movement. They both smiled as their lips met. Natalie pulled her panties down and moved her body towards Lucifer, as his penis touched her vagina. She wanted to have sex, but like everytime since their marriage , Lucifer turned her around, kissing her neck . He gently put her large erect penis into her ass as Natalie moaned slowly with a hint of disappointment.

She moved her body slowly to let his penis penetrate her ass, moaning in pleasure. His fingers moves towards her vagina and started rubbing it as she moaned in pleasure.

Somehow Lucifer couldn't have proper sex with Natalie, he always preferred anal ,to Natalie's disappointment. Maybe it was the fact that he knew his wife was a man, which made him unable to do it . He knew about Natalie's sexual exploits with Lilith ,but he didn't care , instead he found it sensual. Natalie was left yearning for more. She didn't feel satisfied by Lucifer which made her get involved with Lilith and Olivia. She wanted to have sex with him but was always let down by him. She felt their marriage wasn't complete as they still haven't had proper intercourse.
Their sparring session ended and they both cuddled for some time exhausted before heading to their respective chambers. Natalie took a shower and she lay on her bed exhausted .Natalie closed her eyes and fell asleep. Like everytime for the last few years ,as part of post sparring recovery session, her attendant came in , her face covered with a veil. The attendant gently held her temples and chanted an incantation which made her palms glow as Natalie wriggled.

Her body seem to be in mild pain but her eyes didn't open .In some time her body relaxed as she fell into a deep slumber. Tristan entered the room and watched Natalie as the attendant continued casting her spell.

"How far are we?", Tristan asked.

"Few days", the veiled figure replied .
Nolan had recovered from the effects of the poison and started working on his skills. He knew it would be difficult to defeat both Lucifer and Natalie at the level he currently is . The white magic he currently had was not enough. So he needed to get stronger. This defeat somehow felt personal. He was not just defeated but also humiliated by two women .

Kayla had been supervising his practice for some days now, analysing his moves and correcting his mistakes. She had analysed his fight with Natalie and realised the difference in their skills and strength and how to close the gap. Despite teaching him for days , Kayla felt that his progress had been very slow. At this rate it will be years before he can even think of challenging the demon queen and king. Kayla asked Nolan to meet her at a abandoned building in the evening.

The place was dark with moonlight coming in through the cracks in the roof and broken windows. Nolan waited there for Kayla to show up. Few minutes later he narrowly missed a small dagger thrown at him . He quickly became cautious and on guard as daggers came flying from dark corners of the room. Nolan blocked them with great difficulty trying to match the speed and find the person throwing it.

He could hear Kayla's voice echoing in the room telling him to keep all his senses sharp and not just depend on his eyes. He turned back to see Kayla wearing a sleeveless red dress and a masquerade mask showing just her beautiful eyes and red lips. Her long straight hair was loose instead of her usual pony tail. Her large breasts being held by the dress and showing off her cleavage. She moved towards Nolan trying to slash him which he blocked easily .

As he stood smiling Kayla activated the traps she had placed which fired small daggers when triggered. As Nolan defended against the daggers , Kayla found a opening and kicked Nolan across the room , as he hit the wall and fell down ,she swiftly went towards him and punched him hard .Before he could recover she placed her red lips on his cheeks .

She moved back and declared,"Now you are dead in the battle against the demon queen".

Nolan seemed frustrated having fallen to the same trap again. He told her to start over again. He started dodging and blocking the daggers but this time he knew he had to get smarter . He remembered Kayla's teachings well . She always insisted he made use of his surroundings better . Despite it he couldn't change the outcome and few minutes later he was again bested by Kayla. So he started to leave a weak spot on the left hand side , intentionally as he blocked the other daggers inviting an attack on the left. He even let few daggers thrown at him cut him on the left to lure her in .

Kayla saw this as a opening and lunged forward to take advantage of it .But Nolan was prepared, he had caught one of the daggers that were fired at him . As he blocked the incoming daggers with his sword . He quickly threw the dagger he was holding to force Kayla to move left and attacked the rock where Kayla was supposed to land instead of directly attacking her,moving it resulting in her slipping and falling down. He moved towards her restricting her hands as she lay on the floor. He removed her mask and playfully kissed her on her forehead and smiled. Kayla pushed him away.

As she tried to get up and move away ,Nolan held her hand from behind . Kayla kept looking away from Nolan . Nolan held her hand tightly. She asked him to stop in a feeble voice, somehow she was trying to restrict herself from getting close to Nolan.

They have been fighting together for over four years. Kayla had saved his life countless times . Nolan had developed feelings for her even though he had never seen her face . He finally saw her beautiful face today and was smitten by her beauty . He was in love already for years, Kayla knew it but she always kept her distance . She somehow didn't want to get involved with Nolan even though she seemed to have a soft corner for him. The hardships of the battle had toughened her and she didn't want to indulge with any one romantically , especially Nolan. She was quick to shut down all his advances over the years.

Nolan didn't heed her words .He pulled her into his arms. He looked at her face in the moon light. He gently tucked the loose strands of her long hair behind her ears. She feebly told him to let her go but Nolan didn't listen . Tears rolled down her eyes as she buried her head in Nolan's chest .

"I am in love with you. I have been for a while now. I know you feel the same way for me . I could feel it everytime we were together. I don't know why you kept pushing me away . I don't know what reason you have for keeping me at a distance for years now. I don't want to waste any more time than we have already wasted. I don't want to stay away from you. I don't care about your reasons to stay away . I love the way you are . I don't even know if we are gonna survive this war we are fighting but would you at least give it a thought if we survive this war?" Nolan told her looking in her eyes.

Kayla wiped her tears ,embracing Nolan.

She apologized for her behaviour all these years and accepted that she had feelings for him as well but she made it clear , she can't get involved with him not even if she wanted it. She promised him though if they win against the demon king,she will think about it. Nolan moved his lips closer to Kayla's trying to kiss her . She turned her face resulting in Nolan kissing her on her cheeks.
Lilith stood before Lucifer with a large sack in her hand . She threw it in front of Lucifer as numerous human heads rolled out . She informed him that she had successfully wiped out two more Resistance outposts .She further informed him regarding the new intel confirming the location of the Resistance headquarters.

Lucifer smiled in approval as he called for preparations to begin to wipe out the enemy for good .He was frustrated with their sneak attacks and skirmishes on their goods. He had been losing soldiers as well as valuable goods to them for years which included advanced weaponry . The demons around him cheered loudly calling for blood to be spilt.

Lilith promised him a visual spectacle filled with blood and gore . Lucifer burst into laughter , overjoyed by the fact he would himself kill the leader of the Resistance with his own bare hands.

"In three days we kill all of the rats", Lilith shouted as all the demons moved out to begin the preparation for war.

War cries echoed the halls as they moved towards the barracks . The combined bloodlust made the aura change around the place.

Olivia looked at the message Isaac received, informing him of the new and advanced weaponry that got delivered for the armed force , courtesy the Demon Queen . Isaac had a small model of the Demon tower in his study with figurines depicting positions of deployed troops with entry and exit points.

Isaac sat at one corner of the room, visibly distraught. He still couldn't get over the incidents from the party . He felt guilty for what happened to Olivia and he couldn't forgive himself. Everytime he closed his eyes to sleep ,the entire sequence played before his eyes filling him with despair. Olivia could sense the anguish her husband was in and went and sat next to him holding her hand . Isaac couldn't help it and broke down . He couldn't stop thinking about it . Everytime he saw her ,it reminded him of his failure ,his helplessness. It had morally broken him down .

He stopped going out of his house. He stopped looking after town affairs. He remained scared all the time , shedding tears at his helplessness. He had lost his mind completely. Olivia held his hand and guided him to their bedroom . She made him lay on the bed as she removed the robe she was wearing standing in a bra and panty . She removed the bra she was wearing revealing her large breasts and nipples , followed by the panty she was wearing. She moved on top of Isaac .

She opened the robe he was wearing. She wiped his tears and kissed him on his lips passionately . She pulled her long golden locks of blonde hair down, shaking her head and brushing it with her fingers . Isaac looked at his wife, still awestruck looking at her beauty after all these years. Isaac moaned as she rode his dick. She took his hands and placed it on her breasts kissing his lips passionately .

A while later , both of them were exhausted and lay on the bed naked embracing each other. Olivia gently caressed his head.

Isaac whispered in her ears, "You are the best thing that had happened to me . Please don't leave me ...ever" .

Olivia smiled and nodded .Isaac fell asleep within few minutes holding her hand. Olivia got up and moved towards the balcony. She stood naked with her phone in her hand. A gentle breeze was blowing as she tied her hair in a bun . She dialed a number and held the phone to her ears. The voice on the other end told her about the Resistance headquarters being found.

Her voice changed and became deeper as she spoke in a male voice on the phone," I have taken over command here and ready to take them all down. I am craving for blood now.". She disconnected the call and smiled in excitement.
Three days later...

The preparations of the demon army was over, personally supervised by Lilith. She held her sword in her hand ready to lead the army in to the battle. "Its gonna be a massacre", she thought and smiled. She made sure to keep everything as secretive as possible making sure no humans knew about the attack. She stood at the top of the demon tower watching her soldiers move out to attack.

The demons crawled out of the dungeons below as the higher demons rode their vehicles out of the demon tower. Lilith called Olivia , informing her its time to act and ordered her to move her troops, comprising of the police force to an defensive position to protect the tower as her own army moved to offense against the Resistance.

The veiled lady stopped the incantation. She looked at the message on her phone which had told him to initiate the ritual ,one final time and deleted it. She gently massaged Natalie's temples and touched her forehead. A while later Natalie's body moved as she slowly gained consciousness. She tried standing up on her feet but collapsed.

With great difficulty she got up. She felt uneasy in her stomach , holding it with her hands. She could not resist and puked her guts out. She walked with great difficulty and went towards the mirror and stood in front of it. She looked at herself with surprise. She wiped the lipstick off her lips with her hands quickly and eyeliner off her eyes .She removed and threw the nose ring , earrings and the other jewelry she was wearing. She hurriedly let her hair loose , and it fell below her waist. She tried to pull her hair off and realised it wasn't a wig. Her chest felt weird and she ripped the dress apart and threw it ,standing in panties ,revealing her bare breasts. She held her breasts in her hands and confusedly looked at the veiled lady .

She ripped her panties off her body and stood naked in front of the mirror. Her fingers gently moved on her vagina as she looked at her reflection in the mirror in disbelief.

The veiled lady called her from behind..."Natalie...".

Natalie gently moved her fingers over her vagina and she let out a cry in anger.

"Its Nathan", she replied in a female voice punching the huge mirror breaking it into small pieces, "What have you done to me? What kind of perversion is this? I will kill the bastard !!" ,she shouted holding her breasts in one hand and hiding her vagina in the other as her hand magically healed from the injuries.

The veiled lady removed her veil and moved towards Natalie embracing her, trying to calm her down.

"Amber",Natalie exclaimed with tears in her eyes as she collapsed on the floor and into Amber's arms.

"We have lot to prepare for and lot for you to catch up love. We haven't got much time but trust me ,I will get us out of this".Amber said hugging Nathan tightly as tears rolled down her eyes.

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joannebarbarella's picture

I think it's better. It's not so frantic and you have a ray of hope for Nathan.

Lucifer and Lilith have become over-confident. I hope Olivia's forces will be successful.

Thank you for your review hun

Thanks for reading and sharing your feedback. I will work on it