Miss-Taken Identity pt-2

Part two for you - for future readers its best if you read this work in order...

As we drove along, mom explained a few things about the last few days. The hospital admitted to everything being their fault in what had happened, especially when dad had our family attorney speak with theirs. It was simple case of mistaken identity. Seems a 26 year old woman named Jamie Stone was in for the procedures I got, and scheduled for the 11am slot. Then I, Jamie Stone the boy was scheduled for my procedure at 4pm.

That explained why they came and got me so soon in the morning. Somehow, we had been switched well before the scheduled surgery. The girl thankfully didn’t get my procedure as I was in recovery when they caught the error. So, the “agreement” to date was they would cover any and all of my needs, wants and desires for the next year. Then, if I chose to have the implants removed in a year (like I wouldn’t!!), they would cover all costs involved. In addition, they will also set up a four year scholarship program for children who have had “bad experiences” in the hospital (meaning things went wrong).

I would be the first recipient upon my graduation from high school at the end of the year. I will also receive $50,000 for the next 2 years to offset “pain and suffering” that the gender change is going to bring about. Oh…and the BMW was mine not moms. WOW…I have a Beemer I thought to myself. Heck of a first car!

Mom wasn’t kidding about dinner. She said we were meeting dad at a nice place uptown at 5 so we’d stop and get my hair and nails done since it was only 2:30. We were almost late but mom and dad said I looked wonderful, even with the bandages. From what I saw at the salon, I’d have to agree. I must admit, once I heal, I’m going to be pretty! My hair now frames my face, my eyebrows are femininely arched, I had a laser treatment on my neck, and my first manicure with small tips to just even out the fingers the tech said.

Since I hadn’t had any “real” food till this morning and lunch, I ate a pretty light supper just to be safe. After all, I had a girly figure to take care of now. Mom and I went straight home after dinner. I was getting pretty tired. You’d think that after all the sleeping I had done over the last 3 days I could go for 24 hours but I was worn out. Dad said he had a stop to make and would join us shortly.

That couch never felt so good. I started to plop but mom stopped me and made me sit properly (like a lady she said). I was starting to doze off when dad came in. Dad had stopped to pick up the other requirement of the Doctor….the night time restraint. Since the hospital was paying for it dad had it custom made to fit me based on the measurements they took on one of the days I was totally out of it.

Dad said that there were really only two choices for a restraint system. One was the kind made for people into bondage for sex games, and the other for long term real restraint and control. The games type was cheap and would work, but it would require one of them (mom or dad) to put me to bed every night and the same for me to get up every morning, meaning one of them would be late to work everyday unless I got up between 5 and 6am. He said we would all get tired of that pretty quick. So, he went the other route, especially since the hospital was paying for it.

This system was simple; at least to look at it seemed simple. Two stainless steel bands with a suede-like waterproof lining (hot pink – silly them, they thought they were making it for a girl) with a single link of chain between the two. The bands are about two inches wide with small, round, ratcheting locks about a ½ inch in diameter to both adjust it and to keep it in place just under the crotch. These were made to stay in place 24/7.

Then there were two similar fashioned “bracelets” about an inch wide (also with a hot pink suede liner) with similar ratcheting locks that kept them in place that could be removed if they so desired (did he say if “they” desired?). The nice part of this system was it was electronic. A small box about ¼ inch thick and an inch long on each thigh band near the crotch area controlled the magnetic locks on each side.

Press the button on the controller (it looked just like a car remote) and all you had to do was get the wrist band close to the pad on the outside of the crotch area and it would magnetically “grab” it and lock it down. Press the button again and it released it. All they had to do was press the button and I could go to bed, get comfy, then bring my wrists to my sides and everything was automatic. Same for the morning, they could push the button as they left and when I woke up I was free to do what ever I needed throughout the day.

Since I was pretty tired, I went ahead and got ready for bed. Mom was thinking ahead and bought me a baby doll nightie (which ultimately stopped right above the crotch bands) which she helped me get on after getting me out of everything else…except the bra. I would be wearing a bra 24/7 for the next 4 weeks the doctor said (except for bathing of course). When ready, we went back in to show dad how cute I was and to get me fitted into the restraints and make sure everything worked.

I only thought it odd for just a moment that here I was, a 17 year old boy, with C cup breasts and a feminized face wearing a black with pink trim baby doll nightie with a black satin bra and tie-side crotchless black panties (the center-link of the crotch-bands would prohibit Jamie from wearing ‘regular’ panties) with a tube passing through the opening. One end of the tube stuck up into my penis (somewhere down there) and the other end plugged into a pee bag attached to my leg. All this while standing in front of my father while he attached permanent bondage bands to my legs so I could be securely restrained as I went to bed. Ok, maybe I thought about it for more than just a moment. For some reason it kinda turned me on.

Dad first slid the bands up my legs while mom helped me with the bracelets. Once the bracelets were adjusted they were locked, then dad pressed the button on the remote and my wrists were sucked into the locks on the bands when I got about an inch away from them. Once positioned a couple of inches below my crotch (I would not be spreading my legs anytime soon that was for sure), he pushed the button again and everything unlocked and he was able to adjust the size on the bands till they were tight enough. They weren’t going to move or be removed (but not uncomfortable to me) and he locked them into place.

Neither band nor bracelets were going anywhere till someone unlocked them. I was now ready for bed. Mom had already hung my night bag on the side of my bed. It was easy; sit next to it then swap the tubes from the leg bag to the other and then shift over on the bed and lay back then I pulled up the white satin covers. But…I don’t remember having satin sheets. Ah…sleeping in my own bed for the first time in 3 days was wonderful. Mom gave me a kiss on the forehead and said goodnight then pressed the button on the remote, I brought my wrists to my thighs and CLACK everything locked together and I was set for the night.

Now some of you may be wondering about now why a perfectly normal 17 year old boy would be so agreeable to not only the changes to his body but his new dress and sleeping arrangements as well. Truth told I found out as well about 4 months later. From day one I was on a cocktail of drugs that were not only anti-rejection drugs for the implants and pain meds for the facial surgery, but also a blend of anti-androgens, hormones, and relaxants to keep me docile and willing to please till I considered my situation as second nature and had no problem with living as a girl…or being permanently locked up. Plus, mom had been doing her best to encourage the positive aspects of being feminine and girly with all the satin and lace, pretty clothes and now, the satin sheets.

I awoke the next morning feeling somewhat refreshed from sleeping in my own bed. It is an odd sensation to wake and not need to run to the potty to relieve oneself but as the weeks went on I was very glad I didn’t have to as I’ll explain in a moment but I’m getting ahead of myself and the story. Mom had pressed the magic button at some point and I just rolled over and sat above my bed bag and transferred the tube to my walking bag, strapped it to my leg and got up.

Mom had placed on my chair a black chiffon peignoir that matched the nightie and on the floor a pair of black satin mules. I put both on and as I turned to exit the room actually noticed my room. It was all white. From the new dresser to the new four post bed to the new white lace curtains. I thought it all so pretty.

Anyway, I went out to see what the plan for the day was. It was after ten so she was beginning to think about lunch so I had a piece of toast and a cup of decaf coffee to tie me over till then. Mom had bought me one other dress when she bought what I came home in, a cute little sweater dress that came about mid thigh. Nice but as I explained to her I had the walking bag that would probably hang out below it. She frowned, but said I was right and so went to dig through her closet.

A few minutes later I was rewarded for my wait. Mom appeared, smiling a big “lookie what I found” smile and showed me what the back of her closet had coughed up. It was a pink knee length dress with off white trim and lace panel across the bodice that provided a bit of modesty for its plunging neckline. The sleeves were elbow length with similar lace trim at the openings. I told mom I thought it was a bit fancy for daylight and she agreed but said it went with my bracelets so well I should consider it.

She put it down and went back to rummaging and came back out with a pink and white angora sweater with matching skirt that was just past knee length. This I said yes to and had just turned to go take a sponge bath (the Doctor said I could take a real bath tomorrow and a shower by the weekend) when the doorbell rang. The drugs must have been working because had I not been on them I know I would have run for cover but instead I just stood there in all my sexy finery while mom answered the door…and let in…Sara.

I don’t think it was a “deer in the headlights” look but we stared at each other for hours (ok…it seemed that way…maybe 2 seconds). “Jamie?” is all she said. I almost felt like I wanted to cry seeing her and thinking nothing of how I was dressed we met in mid-room and embraced. We kissed and it was wonderful until she touched my nose with hers and the proverbial moment was toast as they say.

I jumped back and loudly said “OW” and she pulled back with a gasp but then we both giggled about it and hugged again. “You’re beautiful” was all she said next, and then we small talked for about 10 minutes, moving with mom to the couch to sit and talk about what had happened, what I was going to do and so forth. Now mind you I’m still sitting there in my see-thru peignoir and nightie and my girlfriend sitting next to me constantly looking me up and down. Mom said she had something to do for a few minutes so she excused herself and went off to another part of the house leaving Sara and I alone on the couch.

Almost as soon as mom was around the corner Sara was all over me kissing me (gently) and asking if she could touch me. Our kissing was passionate to say the least and even in my drugged state I felt an urging. Sara on the other hand was getting hot and began to gently stroke my breasts, first with her hand then just her fingertips. I know if I hadn’t have been on the drugs I would have exploded in an orgasm but I was just mildly aroused by this.

Sara on the other hand was getting short of breath and I’m pretty sure came herself just by touching me. “God you are so beautiful” she said again. “If your mom wasn’t here I’d rape you for sure. As it is, I have done it twice so far with just my eyes” she continued. I blushed I know because I could feel my cheeks warming. I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to loose my girlfriend thru this.

Mom came around the corner about that time and saw Sara looking into my eyes. “She’s going to be pretty when the bruising and swelling goes away” she said to Sara. “She’s pretty now” Sara replied smiling at me. “I AM sitting in the room ya know” I retorted. They both laughed at that then Sara reached out and grabbed my hand and squeezed it, then quizzically reached for the other hand and began inspecting my bracelets.

“These are pretty. When did you get them” she asked. Mom then came over and we explained how I had to sleep for the next several weeks. Sara at first was aghast at such a situation almost not believing they were locked on, but then a mischievous look came over her face and she asked to see how it worked. Before I could say anything (yes or no) Mom reached into her purse and pressed the button then walked over to me and holding back the peignoir had me place my hands at my side with which I demurely complied.

CLACK…CLACK and I was standing there in front of my girlfriend, bound. She reached out and tried to pull my arm away from my hip but all of me moved. “WOW” she said. She then rubbed my arms gently, and then with mom watching stroked my breasts. Uncontrollably, my eyes closed to enjoy the moment. “This could get fun” Sara softly said. “It could, but you two had better be good or your not going to get to baby-sit my new daughter Sara Dawson” mom said to Sara.

I looked at mom with a raised eyebrow and she responded that she had things to do today. She said just because I was home and not yet able to be out in public (not without explaining my bruised face to a million people) didn’t mean she had to stay home with me and entertain me like a baby. Hence, Sara volunteered to come over for a couple of hours while she went and got some errands run. It’s a good thing I was “incapacitated” as I was or Sara and I would enjoy the next few hours…and maybe give mom and dad grand children a bit earlier than they wanted.

As it was, anyone, especially Sara, was safe around me for the foreseeable future. With that, Mom picked up her purse and headed out the door. With mom gone, Sara continued her ministrations of my breasts and body. She wasn’t even repulsed by the tube sticking out of my crotchless panties (my little man I was told by mom had retreated up inside me), but instead was intrigued by the fact that that was all I’d be wearing till I got rid of the tube.

She said she’d love to wear nothing but crotchless, especially when she was with me. I told her she could do it all the time right now, but that I would have a hard (pun intended) time doing anything about it. I was thoroughly enjoying Sara’s touch when I asked if I could return the favor. She began to remove her blouse and then her bra. She wanted to take mine off but I reminded her I have to wear it 24/7 for the next 4 weeks and that maybe after that we could have some mutual breast fondling fun.

As it was she invited me to enjoy hers for the time being. I smiled and said I’d love to but she needed to do me a favor first. She said “what?” with that coy expression again. “Umm...” I began, “I need my hands to truly do a good job of it” we both having forgot I was still in my “display mode” showing her how everything worked.

Thus began my first day of bondage as when mom left, she didn’t leave the remote and didn’t push it to release me. Sara called mom (since I certainly couldn’t) and asking her about the remote I could hear mom chuckling in the phone. “Well, I know the two of you will be good then and just have to make do for the day. You be nice to my scantily clad daughter” she told Sara. “Oh I will Mrs. Stone” Sara replied with that cat just got permission to eat the bird look on her face. “And if your wanting to play, the rest of the kit that matches what she has on already is in the hall closet”, and hung up the phone.

Sara looked at me like I was holding out on her and we walked together to the hall closet. There on the middle shelf was the box that dad took what I was wearing out of. Sara, retrieving the box, opened it. There were several more rings in the case. There were a pair similar to my thigh bands but wider and had two links between them, then two smaller pair similar to my wrist bracelets but also wider, and finally a single large ring about 3 inches wide with a large “D” ring on it, all in the same pink suede. “I’m going to assume you didn’t know about the rest of this” she said. I shook my head no. “I think we’ll have some fun then” she said.

The larger ring looked like it was a collar and had a hinge/pivot point at what appeared to be the rear. Sara twisted it and it sprung open and placed it around my neck. As she brought it together in the front, it “SNAPPED” right out of her hands to the closed position and stayed there. The small pink broach in the center hid the front seam so that nothing could be wedged between the halves to force it open.

“COOL” Sara exclaimed. With that, she pulled out the bands similar to my thigh bands and went to place them just above my knees in the hobble position. I wasn’t begging but I asked her not to do it. She figured out how to adjust them to fit but thankfully didn’t have the key to lock them. I was effectively hobbled. Thankfully, she didn’t bother with what we assumed were ankle bracelets as there was nothing to attach to them (or so we thought).

Sara then took from the case a long coiled metal “leash” and hooking it to the “D” ring of the collar and led me around the room several times. “Oh I could have so much fun” she said. “Your not?” I questioned. “No…I want to go out and show you off” as she walked towards the front door. “Please don’t” I sweetly asked. Sara, sensing she had crossed a line, turned to me and said “I will never humiliate you or put you in a position that someone will be able to see or determine your real gender my love” and with that she closed the front door.

I did offer her something in “exchange” for her kindness. You have to remember, she didn’t have on a top or bra as well. I asked her to stand still and close her eyes. As she did, I hobbled over to her and suckled one of her nipples. She almost dropped to the floor right there. We did head for my bedroom and she again was taken aback by my new, very feminine bedroom and especially the satin sheets that I asked her to lay on.

Using my best abilities, and under her guidance, I serviced her to probably a dozen orgasms over the next two hours with just my lips. We thought it might be close to mom’s return, so we cleaned up and she removed the hobble bands and leash from the collar, but we guessed it would take the remote to remove the collar itself.

Mom did arrive about 10 minutes later and we were thankful we had quit when we did. She handed Sara the remote and told her to “release the beast” looking at me and smiling. Sara toyed with me for several minutes while mom got the things she had bought out of the car and finally hit the button once mom was back inside. My wrists popped free as did the collar.

We returned the collar to the case and replaced it on its shelf in the closet. I finally went to the bathroom and took my sponge bath. Sara really wanted to help – and mom kidded her about loosing the opportunity to do so for the last 3 hours. Sara did get to help dry me off though which was fun. Dad would never have allowed that.

Sara helped me get dressed in the angora sweater/skirt. She thoroughly enjoyed helping me with my pink satin bra and the matching pink garter belt and hose (It took her almost 15 minutes just to get the bra on – not difficult, just playing!). But I could see the gleam in her eye as she did up my matching pink crotchless panties. She was fascinated by my hiding little man and how invisible he was compared to how big he normally is.

Finally came the sweater and skirt to complete the outfit (or so I thought). Sara was amazed at how lady-like I looked. But mom had one more surprise. While she was out, she bought me a pair of shoes to go with the outfit.

A 3” heeled pair of sandals with a wide upper strap in a similar pink to the trim on the sweater. Sara helped me put them on then mom handed Sara the surprise. A small sterling silver padlock! The upper strap of the shoes had a hasp on it allowing the wearer to be locked into them. Sara enjoyed that moment immensely based on the look on her face as she clicked the locks shut.

They both took turns trying to decide what to do with my hair. It was agreed that just freshening to what it was the night before would be best. Sara really wanted to put makeup on me, but mom said the doctor had said nothing more than lipstick till after the bandages were removed next Monday.

Next Monday…first day back at school…suddenly I was bummed. Sara could see my countenance fall and circling me with her arms from behind me asked what could possibly be the matter. “I’m getting my bandages off Monday which means I’ll have to go to school without makeup” I whined. Not that I had to go to school looking like a girl, or wearing a dress or skirt, but that I wouldn’t be able to wear makeup.

Sara and mom both began to laugh at the same time. Mom stifled her laugh to a giggle seeing the expression on my face for the two of them then chortled “if it means that much to you, you won’t go to school till Tuesday then”. Sara added that that might be good too giving the school a day to absorb the news about Jamie and her change (and Sara knew just how to help it along).

Word had already spread about a mess-up at the hospital and now only 4 days later it was beginning to filter out that it was a boy who was made into a girl and not another girl getting the “treatment”. Sara decided that she could “help” the story along next week by dropping Jamie’s name to several of the schools biggest gossips. By the time Monday arrived, everyone would be looking for him/her. With “her” not showing up till Tuesday, most of the excitement and distraction would be over.

Mom thought that would be a good idea overall but said to wait till she ran it by the attorney tomorrow to make sure we weren’t violating any agreement by it getting out that it was Jamie. Dad called about 5 minutes later and asked if we wanted to meet him for supper. Mom and I piled into Sara’s car and headed out to meet up with him. Did you know that when the light hit the silver locks on my heels, they sparkle?

Dinner was nice, a seafood place up town near dad’s office. When finished, Sara and I went to the movies and mom went home with dad. Which movie? ...I don’t remember. We were a bit pre-occupied. It was funny though. We decided to get popcorn and pop to share before going in. The cashier looked at me and took a double take. I recognized him from school but obviously he didn’t me.

“I lost a fight with an airbag” I told him. “Bummer” he said. “You still look nice” he finished. I thought Sara was going to kill the guy for saying I looked nice. Now THAT was funny. When the movie was over, Sara took me home and like a perfect date walked me to the door and gave me a good night kiss and I went in. Mom and dad were already in bed. Sitting next to the light on the counter was the remote and shoe key.

I almost pushed it then but thought about it and decided to get totally ready for bed before doing that just incase I accidentally got my hands too close to my hips before I was ready. As anticipated, there was a pink nightie and peignoir on my bed with a pair of pink mules at the foot. I got all ready then headed into the living room to push “the button”. I took my sleeping pill then right before pushing the button I got a kinky idea.

I went to the hall closet and got the case down. I put the collar around my neck and the hobble binders on then added the ankle bracelets as well. I then went back to the living room and hit the button. I felt the collar snap shut. I didn’t feel anything else. It took a few minutes to hobble back to the bedroom, switch the bags, turn off the light and get under the covers. I was exhausted just getting this far. With an exhale, I brought my wrists to my hips and the familiar CLACK, CLACK took place.

What I didn’t expect was what happened next. I felt both the hobble bands and ankle bracelets begin to move. Both began to adjust, especially the hobble bands. They were contracting and relaxing much like a blood pressure machine. They finally settled in a position that was pretty snug and I knew wouldn’t move. The ankle bracelets just contracted, released a bit, and then stopped. I was definitely not going anywhere if I had to get up in the night. Needless to say my dreams were pretty kinky!

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