Team Mate (Part 3: Knock at the Door)

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We spent several hours that evening talking about what had just happened and what was going to happen over the coming weeks. The entire time I was sat wearing the leggings and sports bra Miss Snell had asked me to wear. It was all incredibly surreal, but undoubtedly exciting. I could feel my penis getting aroused during the initial stages of our conversation, but luckily my gaff kept it from springing loose. After about 15 minutes, that initial excitement died down, and the whole situation began to feel completely normal.

Miss Snell wouldn't reveal how she had acquired the clothes I was wearing, nor how she got hold of the breast forms or gaff. She said she would get all the clothes and make-up I would need for our little 'project', as she called it. All I had to do was focus on being a convincing girl.

At 11pm, I realised the time and said I better be heading home. As I began opening the front door Miss Snell called, "aren't you forgetting something?". It was only then that I realised I was about to leave her house still dressed as Tabitha!

"Come on, I'll take your make-up off and you can put your own clothes back on."

I ended up leaving just after 11.30pm. That night, I couldn't sleep, thinking about what had happened and how I was going to get to experience it even more over the coming weeks.

I'd agreed to see Miss Snell again the next day at noon. She told me we were going to do a 'passability test'. Even though I had no idea what that meant, I couldn't wait to be dressed as Tabitha again. I wore a pair of tracksuit bottoms and an old football top and knocked on her door at 11.45am. Wearing male clothes felt so boring after what I had worn last evening. I was itching to get whatever female clothing Miss Snell had prepared on and become Tabitha.

After an interval of about 20 seconds, Miss Snell answered. She had her hair worn in a top knot bun, and she was wearing a short denim skirt with a white milkmaid's top. "Goodness me, somebody's eager. Go straight upstairs to my bedroom and get your gaff on, it's lying there ready for you on the bed. I'll come and apply your breasts in a minute and we can begin your transformation."

No sooner said than done! I raced upstairs and was wearing just the gaff before you could say 'Jiminy Cricket.' Miss Snell then applied my breasts. When in place, she asked me to do a few star jumps, which I did, and the breasts jiggled up and down with my movement, not remotely coming out of place.

"Wow, they're amazing." I gasped.

"I know, right. Now, put on your underwear and sit by the vanity. I'll do your make-up and hair and then we can get you fully dressed."

I put on the black bikini cut knickers I was handed first, followed by the matching plain black t-shirt bra. Miss Snell then proceeded to fix my make-up and style my brown wig into what she called a waterfall braid. She showed me to the mirror, where I saw reflected a gorgeous brunette.

My outfit for today was a pair of tight-fitting blue denim ripped jeans, a thin strap low neckline black tank top and a grey knitted cardigan that was draped around my shoulders.

"Don't do your cardigan up", Miss Snell told me, "enjoy the opportunity of displaying a bit of cleavage."

With my outfit complete, we went to Miss Snell's kitchen, where she explained what her 'passability test' involved:

"In about 10 minutes, my boyfriend is coming over for lunch. I'm going to present you to him as my niece, who is going to play for our school in the county cup. That's also the story we're going with when I present you as Tabitha to the team. He'll only be here an hour at most."

I was slightly scared about being seen by a stranger as Tabitha, but knew I was going to have to be her in front of all of the girls football team anyway, so thought 'what the hell, there's no getting off this train now.'

10 minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

"Go and answer it Tabitha, and show him through to the kitchen."

I did as asked. I wondered on the way to the door what Miss Snell's boyfriend would look like: I imagined he would be a good-looking man of early-thirties, about 6 foot 3, extremely athletic and with no facial hair. I opened the door, and the man who stood there fit that description to a tee. My jaw dropped.

"Ah, you must be Tabitha", he said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mark."

'Holy cow', I thought. 'Miss Snell is dating Mr Phillips!'

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No, you're 100% right! Going

No, you're 100% right! Going to edit now, she should be a "miss" really xx