I am sort of flattered: I stumbled onto a Forced Fem story on You tube that is almost word for word my "Autobiography", and "You Did What To Me".
I messaged them but do not intend to ask You tube to take it down.
Some of you may be offended if their work is stolen like this.
I am not sure what to do.
Ahabidah, Gwen Brown.
This is someone who knows me.
The details of the story are so intimate. I feel chilled.
Russians, Chinese, Romanians???
This is serious.
u tube plagerism
there are about 6 accounts that are going through sites with very old stories, maybe changing names of characters, or tossing in the views of feelings as the story progresses, and posting them. some are doing them in chapters, post one or two, and then directing you to a patreon account, to get the rest of the story. transcripts are available to read along. along with the computer generated pics that usually have nothing to do with the text of the story. i have left comments a few times. i actually had one response. the word usage and choice of some phrasing jumped at me and said "oriental". they admitted to using some old stories, making a few changes, adding a bit of text here and there. the individual then added they did this because they could not write new stuff fast enough to put up the number of posts desired. it also seems they are using voice to text to cover any accents, and gender of the account holders.
There have been tools that 'tweak' text in an effort to avoid being called out for plagiarism for some time now, and they're being used to steal the things creators shared for free so they can be used for profit. Dead authors are particularly targeted for theft, due to shitty policies on takedowns at all the big websites. YouTube is one of the worst.
Why do people steal stories? Because AI is fabulously bad at having new ideas. What you get is rather like if you took everything in your refrigerator and fed it through a blender, before boiling it in a pot. It probably won't kill you, but it's never gonna be good!
Virtually everything you ever published online has been used as a feedstock for AI development, now.
The Internet is filling up with AI-generated slop. An interesting phenomenon because the corpus on which the current generation of AI was trained was the contents of the internet itself, which means that the next generation of AI will not be an improvement: it's being trained on its own AI-generated slop.
This is the golden age of infotrash, where there is more and more information getting less and less attention. Advertiser revenues are diluted and information is stolen, to be served up in mangled form on websites that make shit up, in the hope of eyeball time. Google is broken and most other methods of search are compromised as well. AI tools pounce on the pre-publicity for any book and offer a fake version for sale before the real one comes out.
Personally, I've got a pretty good suite of adblocking arrangements, but from what I hear the general online experience is like wading through a sewer, now.
Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh
Theft Of Creative Work
I agree. I've been writing since the late 80s or so. Just this spring I took a free workshop with "Write Around Portland", thinking I could start publishing in dead tree or Amazon Kindle. As it turns out there is just no way to make a living in writing or doing videos unless you are one of the exceptional few.