Well this morning i got the call, Dad passed away in the early hours of this morning.
As you might imagine, i'm quite emotional atm, the reality of his passing hasn't sunk in yet, i'm sure there will be some low times in the next few days.
On the plus side things moved very quickly and whilst he was in some pain yesterday, a strong dose of pain meds meant that he passed away peacefully without intrusive intervention. Of course i would have preferred to be there but things moved so rapidly there was no chance for me to get there in time but at least my brother was there with him to the end so he wasn't alone.
Speak soon,
Madeline Anafrid
sending condolence
My sincere condolences to you and your family during this time. you are in our heart and prayers .
My heart and thoughts go to you and your loved ones now. It is always hard to lose people you love especially your parents. They are the people that has known you the longest.
Love from Denmark
Bouncy of Denmark
I am so sorry for your loss
Sorry you couldn’t be there
Sorry for your loss Maddy, glad he didn’t suffer.
So sorry
So sorry to hear your dad died. My thoughts are with you.
Red MacDonald
Hugs and condolences, in vast quantities. Such is never easy. :/ <3
So sorry
I am saddened by your loss.
Love, Andrea Lena
Much sharing of your loss hon
Honestly, you still got to say goodbye!
While you were not there at least there were things not left unsaid!
My partner died right in front of me so quickly that the pain of our parting stills burns me to this day, so many words left unsaid!
And he was not alone at the end, please celebrate that.
I am sending my condolences for your loss.
Prostate Cancer
Killed my dad nearly fifty years ago. For the last three months he was only living for his next dose of morphine. I would never ask but I wouldn't be surprised if he got an 'accidental' overdose at the end. I can't say whether a death that you know is coming is better than one that catches you unawares. The loss and the grief are the same, except that some of your grieving has been already done in the former case.
Condolences and sympathy don't help much, but if they help you have mine.
I am so sorry for your loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this season.
Tears ...
Sending you all the Huggles I have ...
A coupla things ...
= No Big Decisions, at least not ones that you can't change. If you
must decide something you can't change, ask a friend for a 'sanity check' on the decision.
= Grieve in your own way. There are no rules, no timetables, no 'shoulds' or 'oughts' to grief. And you will blind-sided "out of the blue" by grief.
Nothing much else to say.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Maddy, I want to give my condolences for the death of your father. It is a difficult time for you but you have the support of your readers here at BC and elsewhere. I would like to celebrate your father and express my appreciation to him and your mother for giving us YOU. You have entertained us so well with your stories of Gaby, Nena and Trixiebelle. So I say thank you to Maddy's Dad. Thank you.
Pippa NewHouse
Nothing anyone can say
Can help, I know.
Yes, there will be hard times ahead. Yes, things will catch you just when you don't expect them to.
If it's any help at all, I found that the space of being outdoors gave my head time to think about "stuff". Whatever works for your head.
Thinking about you, and wishing you the very best for the tough weeks to come.
Lucy xxx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."