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 © by Trilliam

Day One

“I'm sorry miss, but we don’t seem to have your luggage” the baggage handler said, frowning over his lists. “But if you two young lady's will wait over there, ”he kindly gestured to some benches, “I will double check."

His kindly manner was all that kept me from complaining about him referring to me as a ‘miss’,well that and I was getting tired of correcting people. I'm going to have to cut my hair I mussed.

Standing only five foot two inches and having a very delicate frame, weighing only ninety five pounds with shoulder length wavy red hair tied back in a low pony tail; I didn’t wonder why people kept mistaking me for a girl. Hell, I mistake me for one, if I catch the reflection on a window at an odd angle.

I was sixteen, but still waiting for that growth spurt that would make me man size

“Tomas, you are going to need a hair cut,” my big sister laughed,”unless you plan on keeping ‘Tessa’ around.”

Brenda loved teasing me about that. This last Halloween…Mom and Dad were gone. She impaired my judgement with some wine and convinced me to go out dressed in a ‘rainbow bright’ costume. Its summer now and I still cant get her to shut up about it.

I suppose that it didn’t help that after I relaxed into the inevitability of mingling with other people at the party, I had fun, and laughed with my sister about all the guys that wanted me to dance with them.

“just shut up” I said grumpily walking to the benches in a huff. We had been on the train for three days and although I'm usually not to picky about wearing the same shirt two or five times before washing it, right now I wanted nothing more than to get to the hotel, jump in a shower and get these itchy clothes off me.

It was getting to be the end of summer but the nights were still warm here in the north west. We live in Colorado with our parents, sis was eighteen but still at home, mom didn’t want her baby to leave while dad thought his little girl should go right out into college to get something he called real world experience.

But for now she was taking ‘time for herself’ probably cause our parents were really easy to live with.
Take this trip for example, Brenda had wanted to come party with some of her high school friends before they started college in the fall at University of Washington.

She told dad that she wanted to tour the city and see the university, hinting that she might want to go to school there, while mentioning the museums and the parks to mom and assuring here that she would never move so far away. All in one conversation. With them both in the same room.

When Brenda set her mind on a goal she could pretty much talk her way into or out of anything.
By the end of that talk dad was online booking train tickets and getting hotel reservations for the both of us, while agreeing with my sister, “your going to be a man soon son, and you will have the same dilemma that your sister has about picking a school, you might want to pay attention while your there, U of W is a damn fine university”

“Henry don’t curse, no one is going to U of W, they are just going to visit and see the country.”I wasn’t sure if the cursing that mom was referring to was him saying damn or talking about one or both of us ever leaving home.

At this point my thoughts were interrupted by the elderly seeming gentleman returning from behind the counter where he had been busy with a phone.

“I'm sorry, but it looks like your bag got off at one of the wrong stops” he seemed truly apologetic. “If you gal’s will leave a phone number where you can be reached while you are in town I can give you a ring as soon as they show up“

“And how long should that take?” my sister saved me from having to answer.
“I couldn’t say, might be weeks” he admitted
“Very well, call us at the downtown Shiloh Inn if they get here. Common’” she said to me, “lets get outta here”

We hailed a cab outside of the station and were getting into our two adjoining rooms at the hotel within a half hour.

With all the input of the seeing this city's streets for the first time and checking in at the hotel I hadn't really given much thought at what I was going to do to replace all the stuff that was in my luggage: I had just cursed and put it in the needs to be dealt with file, and had given it no more conscious thought.

But as I bathed off the accumulated sweat and grim of the last three days I started to wonder, could my small allowance for this trip buy me enough clothes to last me a week, and pay for little things like food and bus fare? I better look into getting my clothes washed, I thought as I got out of the shower grabbing one of the fluffy white hotel robes.

I looked at my reflection as I toweled off my hair. With delicate almond shaped green eyes and my freckled face and fair complexion to a red head like my self, combined with my petite stature I defiantly came off allot more feminine than I wanted. And this robe wasn't helping things either.

Tying it in the center gave me the appearance of having hips and it came almost up to my knees, showing off my nearly hairless and delicate legs. My red hair was messily parted down the center, and with my should length locks being wet the normal wavy pattern had joined into little bunches of curls and ringlets. I looked cute I decided. Dammit.

“Sis, what am I going to do for clothes?” I yelled as I walked through the door that connected our rooms and flopped down on her bed.

“Ive been thinking, we don’t have that much extra cash, we are going to have a bit of a problem there”

“That’s an understatement, I sniffed the clothes I was wearing on the way out of my shower. I would say they are ready to be shot, but it smelled like some one did it weeks ago, and forgot to bury them.”

“Well,"she smiled "till we do figure it out, I think I packed some things that aren't very girly that you could wear tonight. sweats and such.”

“Tonight?” I replied intelligently.

“Yea, we still need dinner, and dad would kill us if he saw room service on the bill.”

I couldn’t fault her logic so I accented.

”What do you have?”I grumbled. “And don’t try to hand me anything cute or ill skip dinner.”

Brenda replied by giving me a small smile, and getting up and digging around in her suitcase, coming back with a small stack of clothes with her deodorant on top. She seemed to know she was on dangerous ground cause she made no comment other than. “please use the deodorant since you are going to be wearing my cl-- ,uh, wearing these.”
I grunted a sure and walked with the pile back into my room, closing the door behind me.

I put on some of the flowery scented deodorant while looking through what she had offered me.
The first thing that made my eyebrows shoot up was the underwear. Why the hell would I want to wear a sports bra? And the briefs! They were a pair of white cotton briefs, or if I was being honest then panties, with a thin elastic strap on them. Much like the kind that i usually wore but with the bikini cut, these were unmistakably girls, not guys. As I looked at the thin black cotton sweats that were provided for pants I realized that I would have to wear them, unless I wanted to advertise what was underneath them.

The next eyebrow raiser was that the thin black sweatpants where actually capri style, showing off a very delicate curve of my calf, and hugging my hips enough that it contoured the shape of my butt. After I slipped them on I glanced at the mirror again and noticed one detail seemed amiss… Blushing, I remembered what we had to do on Halloween to hide the tell-tale bulge in my rainbow bright costume; and reaching down my undies from behind and wiggling around, I tucked myself out of sight, between my legs.

I decided to skip the tee shirt, a soft black cotton thing that looked way to small and just slip on the sweat shirt when I had to change my mind.

The baggy white soft wool sweater had such a large neck that most of my upper chest showed without an undershirt. The shirt turned out to be a bit bigger than It seemed, but still left my belly button exposed, and if it weren’t for painful rumblings going on under that small band of exposed flesh I would have given up right there.
I sighed while slipping on the large sweater again and pulling it all the way down in a futile attempt at covering my exposed feeling belly and behind. Looking in the mirror I saw that pulling the sweater all the way down made the outfit go from tom boyish to giving me enough illusion of curves to be a cover girl for casual elegance. Either way, I decided, there was no doubt about it, I looked like a girl.

To complete the look were a pair of ankle socks with tiny pink Nike swooshes on them peeking over the top of my tennis shoes.

I left my hair down thinking that it would make it harder for anyone to recognize me, realizing that this made me look even more girly, and began to feel real nervousness at the though of going out in public like this.

I walked back into Brenda's room complaining, “I cant go out like this, I look stupid. And whats the deal with that stupid sports bra, there's no reason for me to wear that!”

My sister poked her head around the wall from the bathroom and looked at me thoughtfully. “Sorry to break it to ya hon, but stupid is not one of the words I would use to describe your appearance right now. And the bra is to keep your nipples from poking out if you decide to take off your sweater, ya know, for comfort.”

“Whatever,”I replied sullenly. ”Don’t you have anything better I can wear?”

“Sorry but you know I packed for fun this trip, I do have a skirt that would look absolutely killer on you,”she teased.

“Hey. This is hard enough as it is, you think I want to look like a stupid girl !?!” I really was getting angry now. Between the guy at the station, the guys at school and a dozen other odd encounters I was starting to get a bit of a complex going.

“Hey, don’t snap at me, I'm trying to help. This is a crappy situation and I'm just trying to make the best of it. And lets be honest for a moment about that killer skirt comment, if you have to go out looking like a ‘stupid girl’,”she gestured to my clothes, ”then what better place then a thousand miles from where anyone who knows you. And while we are being honest, once you relaxed, didn’t you have fun at Halloween?”

”Well, yea… But-“

“And this will be even safer for you that then, cause there is no chance that you will see anyone you know. Think of this as an opportunity. You can see how the other side lives and maybe get some ideas about how to talk to that girl from school you are always going on about.”

“Well, i can kinda see that, but-“

“And on top of all that, we have to eat tonight, so you might as well try to enjoy the inevitable.”

“Okay, fine! Jeez, you don’t have to turn into a used car salesman on me, and I am hungry…”

“So am I. And I want to get out of here as soon as I finish my hair, witch is why I had to make sure that you saw that you really have no choice in this unless you want to spend this whole week hiding in the hotel room. Witch I wont allow you to do.”

“You're right.” I moped.

“Now come here and let me see what I can do with your hair.”

“Huh?” I intelligently replied.

“That’s no way for a young lady to go out for dinner, even at a casual restaurant. And you want to look your best so no one outs you as a guy, right… Tessa?”she smiled a diabolical smile.

“Uhhh, right.”

We were down in the lobby after minimal fusing with my hair and clucking over my face. I now had a high ponytail that bobbed when I walked with a few messy lose coils that framed my face. She had managed to talk me into a small amount of makeup and I now had mascara and a bit of shiny lip gloss on.

“I feel like everyone is staring at me,” I whispered, as I tried to imitate the flowing way she walked across the lobby, figuring that my survival now depended on making a convincing girl, or at least not getting spotted as a guy…. Its amazing how quick ones values can change, I giggled nervously to my self.

“Just relax and look confident, even if you aren't. And smile, being a girl for a day isn't the end of the world you know.” She replied while steering us towards a small pizza by the slice restaurant on the corner.

As we stepped in to the pizza place loud music and the voices of a large crowd trying to be heard over the volume came out to meet us.

We paused in the door way to get our bearings and I tried to lean in and suggest that we find a place less crowded.

Brenda seemed to not be able to hear me and I was forced to follow her through a crowd of younger alternative looking people sporting a variety of tattoo's, piercings, and a large variety of shades of hair that you cant find in nature.

I felt like a country bumpkin in the big city as I tried not to gawk and remember to walk like a girl at the same time. I caught up with my sister, without embarrassing myself as she had just finished placing our order, and we settled around a small table against the wall and took in our surroundings.

Small tables and a few booths were tucked where they could be fitted around a large array of arcade games. A small stage was against one wall at the end of a bar and I could see instruments leaning up against the amps and a large group of people standing around it, most of them holding clear plastic cups of beer; it looked we came in during intermission.

“Hey Bren, can we just get our food and go back to the room? I'm not very comfortable wearing-”

“Tessa,” she said deliberately, “If you think I'm going to miss my whole vacation hiding with you in the hotel, then you had better guess again.

"I'm sorry that the train lost your clothes, but look around you. This is not something that we could ever see back at home. Now you need to stop being so gloomy, cheer up and enjoy your vacation, or ill leave you here like this and go home crying to mom that you ran off to become a show girl.”

She finished talking right as a younger guy, okay, my age, or maybe as old as 17, brought our pizza up and smiled at sis talking about me being a showgirl.

“A Girl as pretty as you would make star of the show for sure.”He blushed at me, quickly placing our food in front of us and running off.

I was forced to laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole situation, and sis rewarded me with a big smile.”that’s the spirit, this should be fun!”

“Yea, maybe…”I reluctantly agreed to save face while feeling much more relaxed and strangely less self conscious. The boys sweet assertion seemed to be what I needed to stop the broken record of insecurity that I had been feeling since I put on these silly clothes.

I was finally able to enjoy my surroundings and the way these soft and strangely cut garments felt on me. I got a strange, almost sexual rush as I meet eyes with our server while thinking about the cute panties I was now wearing and imagining the shock that he would receive if he ever got me out of them. Then I blushed at the visuals that went along with that scenario.

Wait a sec, what the hell was I doin? Imagining the cute waiter taking off my panties? Did I just think of him as ‘the cute waiter’? Whatever.

Still, Brenda was right, as long as we were here I might as well just try to relax and enjoy myself. Its not like this whole girl thing was permanent, tomorrow we would get some normal cloths for me, and I could put this nightmare behind me. And plus I defiantly wouldn’t be able to find a place like this within 100 miles of home, and its not like I'm going to see anyone I know.

With the mantra ‘I wont see anyone I know’ playing in my head I took a deep breath,relaxed, and lightly nibbling on my pizza I finally took note of my surroundings.

There really wasn’t as many people here as there seemed when I came in, really only 20 at the most. But with the tightly packed room it felt like more.

As I watched, a girl with shockingly blue hair and matching peacock earnings caught my eye. She was wearing a black spaghetti strap shirt, a near black denim skirt that ended half way down her thigh. Her black stalkings stopped just short of her skirt and had a skull and crossbones at the tops. She wore combat boots.

Everything about her, from her ‘I know I'm cute and I don’t give a shit attitude’ to her spiked bracelets enthralled me.

She chose that moment to turn from the group of four guys she was chatting to and as she turned towards me our eyes met.

As she caught me staring at her, she flashed me a smile that would have knocked me off my feet had I been standing, and I blushed furiously and looked down. The music faded at the end of the next song and the four guys that had been chatting with the blue haired girl were now on stage picking up the instruments.

One of the mic’s made a screeching sound as it came to life in the hands of a tall red headed boy, and a thick Irish brogue rang out the house speakers, “ Hey there Ladys and Gents, so glad that you could join us on this fine evenin'. We are the Pissed Thistles and this song is called The Pillage of Dover!”

From that point there was an eruption of sound coming from the stage that was honestly like nothing I had ever heard. It was an almost punk almost metal based sound that made one think of gypsy caravans and pirate ships.
Other than the questionable lyrics that were hard to understand through the heavy accent and heavier guitars, they had a pretty good sound that made you want to move to it.

“Lets dance!” Brenda shouted acrost the table at me.

“Um….” I responded for what felt like the twentieth time tonight.

“Fine, I'm going to dance. If you decide to stop being boring then you are welcome to join me.” With that she flashed me an almost cruel grin, and left for the dance floor in front of the stage where just about everyone else in the place had gathered.

I glanced around the place again, having resolved to just hide in the corner and not talk to anyone for fear of having them see through my disguise, when once again my eyes fell upon our waiter. He was giving me a big grin that was just too adorable not to smile back at when my heart froze a beat. Here I was ‘a cute girl’, sitting alone, trading smiles with our waiter.

He made a movement like he was about to make his way over to me and in a panic I bolted.

I saw Brenda dancing off to the side of the dance floor in the corner where the sound board was. I practically ran up to her side thinking 'safety in numbers' when a cute voice, yelled above the music made its way to me.

“Hi.” I looked around for the source and found the blue haired girl a few feet away from me holding a slice of pizza in one hand and manipulating dials on the sound board with the other hand.

“Im Ruby, whats your name?” She yelled.

“To- uh, Tessa.” I stammered blushing.

“What?” she asked, motioning me forward with her hand and touching her ear to indicate she hadn't heard over the blaring music.

Joining here at the side of the sound board, and for once thanking the gods that I was a late bloomer and my voice hadn’t changed yet; I repeated louder while making sure that my voice was pitched in a higher and feminine tone. “Hi, I'm Tessa”

She flashed me another of those dazzling smiles, “What do ya think?” indicating the band with her eyes.

“They are pretty cool I guess… Ive never heard anything like it.”

“You new here?”she asked

“Yea, my sister and I are hear visiting some of her friends from school. How could you tell?”

She shrugged and we made small talk for a minute. I learned that she was 16, my age and the sound girl for a few bands that played here regularly, including her brothers band. We chatted about music for a while and I mentioned that I liked to sing and was into bluegrass.

At this her eyes lit up, ”In that case you would love the Boarder Kali’s! That’s my brother Drew’s band, its hardcore blue grass! Hey, will you make sure no one touches the board while I get another slice?” she asked while bouncing off into the crowd.

Brenda turned twards me in her dancing and shouted, “Go Tess, making new friends already! I told you this would be fun!”

I did a graceful little shrug and smiled back at her, other than always being aware that I looked like, and therefore had to try to act like a girl, I was having fun.

I even tried to dance a bit behind the sound booth, copying the way Brenda was dancing, but stoped when some of her moves became pretty provocative. I may be a girl tonight , but there was no need for me to do anything like that! The thought made me giggle.

Just then Ruby came bouncing back to the booth, grinning with her slice in hand. Right before she reached me this huge guy came rushing out of nowhere and collided with her, sending her pizza flying all over the white sweater that I was wearing.

“Oh my god! Tessa, your shirt! I'm so sorry!” And to the guy, she yelled “Watch where the fuck you are going next time you ass-hat!”

Turning and grabbing me buy the arm she dragged me through the crowd to the bathroom. The women’s bathroom.

“Take off your shirt.”she said as soon as she locked the door behind her.

“My shirt?” I repeated as I looked down at the greasy red stains that were decorating half of my sisters sweater that I was wearing.

“Yea hurry, we have to soak it before the stain sets.”

Blushing, I slid the sweater off and handed it to Ruby who was running the water already. This left me in only my small black tee shirt with my belly button showing. And as I saw in the mirror, with the capris that tightly contoured my legs and butt and the tennis shoes I look like a cute teen girl who was about to go jogging. The only difference that I could see from me and any other girl was that I was a bit lacking in the chest department.
Ruby must have noticed me crossing my arms to cover that up and said, ”Don’t worry, a lot of girls our age don’t wear a bra if they are as small as you.”

She must have interpreted my blush and small sounding “Um, yea.” the wrong way cause she then said,”relax girl, I was a late bloomer my self, my own just started growing a few months ago… Tell you what, You can borrow my bra. It will make you feel better about just having that tee shirt on. And its one of my old ones, with the padding to give you that little bit of help.” she said while she abruptly pulled her shirt off and started playing with her bra in the back.

I was shocked speechless by the sight of Ruby casually striping in front of me. As she unhooked her bra the tension on her small and perfectly shaped breasts was released and I blushed all the way to my toes and lowered my eyes.

Accepting the bra while backing up and stammering thanks, I made it into the bathroom stall and closed the door without tripping over my feet. But just barely.

‘This is ridiculous,’ I thought.’ The first girl that ever takes off her shirt in front of me, and she does it to lend me her bra.’

“You can get the bra back to me at my brothers show tomorrow, sound good?” Ruby was asking from outside the stall while working the stain out of my sweater.

“Um yea, okay.” I replied distractedly, while trying to figure out how to get a bra on. ‘It is better than running around with my nipples poking out of my shirt for all the guys to ogle,’ I thought as I finally solved the puzzle.

I experienced a strange rush as I looked down. The bra was a cute black thing with black lace around the trim and padding inside that gave me the illusion of having cleavage and small A cup breasts.

I sliped my shirt back on and slipped out of the stall and caught sight of myself in the mirror again. ‘Wow’ was the only thought in my head, now I looked 100% like a teen girl.

With thoughts swirling I said, “Wow, thanks Ruby, I do feel a lot more secure in this. Won’t you need it?”

“Nope, my tank to has one built in, see?” She replied , and I once again blushed. I sure seemed to be doing a lot of that tonight.

“Common’” she said, finishing up at the sink” I’ll take care of this and we can trade back at the concert tomorrow.”

I smiled and followed her back into the fray as I thought, ‘Oops, I agreed to see her tomorrow. And as a girl! How distracted was I by that stupid bra?’ but it was strangely comforting to wear it . I mean, even though it brought more attention to my boobs, I did feel less exposed. Did I just say ‘my boobs’? Crap.

I wandered over to were Brenda was dancing with some guy and as she caught site of me she gave a huge grin.”I dig the bra little sis. Where did you pick that up? This is Drew. Drew, this is my little sister, Tessa.” She indicated the guy now standing next to her. It was the cute waiter. Oh crap.

"Nice to meet you,” he smiled charmingly down at me as he took my tiny hand firmly in his and kissed the back of it. It felt like a bolt of electricity emanated from his lips as they touched my hand, and shot through my whole body, leaving a warm glow in its wake. My Legs felt weak and wobbly as I blushed gazing up at him though my mascara coated lashes.

“Nice to meet you too,” I smiled. Standing at about five foot ten, with well defined football players shoulders, shaggy black hair and green eyes that were shining at me, and that adorable smile, I felt downright petite and ,well, girly.

"Brenda shot me a look that was mostly amused as I thought to my self, ‘Whoa girl, I mean dude, get ahold of yourself. He’s a guy, I'm a guy. I just need to play it cool and get out of here as soon as I can.’

“Care to dance?” he smiled, still clutching my hand

“Dance?” I asked, and he seemed to take that as a yes cause he guided me onto the dance floor in between him and Brenda who was still dancing.

As he started moving in time with the energetic music Brenda took my hands and said, “Common girl, loosen up!”

Ruby chose that time to bounce back up to us and started dancing like she was born to do it. And seeing as though my hands were being controlled by Brenda, I didn’t see much of a choice, I guess I was dancing.

Ruby and Bren introduced them selves but other than that it was kinda hard to make conversation this close to the stage. I mostly just tried to copy most of what Brenda and Ruby and a few other girls dancing nearby were doing, without trying any of the more outrageous ‘stripper moves’. But to be honest I was crossing the line a bit once I discovered the secret to dancing, if you are a girl, is to move from the hips.

Drew kept smiling down at me as we danced together and after a while I found that I was kinda dancing with him. Well okay, I was dancing with him. ‘Maybe there was a weird gravitational thing there with us cause he is so much bigger than me’ I thought as I turned back to the girls to dance more with them for a while.

It took me only a second to realize that didn’t work as I was very aware of Drew's presence behind me, and realized that even facing the other way I was still dancing with him. He felt so close that I thought if I moved backwards I would be pressed against him. The thought excited me in an very strange and unfamiliar way, and as I turned to look at him I was almost disappointed to find him still at a very polite distance but his eyes met mine with the most enthralling look in them.

My stomach was fluttering and I once again felt that warm glow that I had felt when he had kissed my hand, only this time it seemed to originate from somewhere at the core of my body. I excused myself from the dance floor and ran into the bathrooms, remembering to use the ‘right’ bathroom at the last second.

I locked the door behind me and slumped against it. ‘What is going on’ I wondered. My heart was pounding, my legs were almost shaking again, and in a very curious and almost scary way I felt wonderful! ‘Why is dancing with Drew making me feel like…’ I struggled to put into words these new feelings I had. Was I attracted to Drew? I somehow didn’t think so, I mean, I'm not gay or anything. Of that I was sure.

The music finally ending in the other room interrupted my thoughts, which were honestly just flying around in circles. ‘Whatever, I can figure this out later. Sounds like Bren and I can leave now.’ I checked my reflection in the mirror, realized that nothing had changed. I still saw a tiny little red head girl, only now she looked like she had just been working out for the last half hour.

I tugged a few stray hairs back into place, took a deep breath and stepped back outside.

Brenda came running up to me smiling and talking excitedly,”I knew you would have fun! And Drew! Just wow little sis, there was some major chemistry between you guys! Ruby and him have to help the band break down there equipment, but Ruby told me about my shirt and tomorrow night and we traded info. She said that she would see ya there and Drew said he was looking forward to it. But unfortunately I already have plans tomorrow so its going to be just you guys.”

“See Drew tomorrow night?”I panicked.”I can’t do that! Ruby didn’t mention him being there tomorrow!” But then I realized that she had. She had told me that her brothers name was Drew and that I had to see his band, then she invited me to his show. It figures that the first friend I met here has an uber cute brother that looks at me like he wants to eat me. And that I look like a girl. And Brenda wouldn’t be there to get me out of a jam. This was not going to work out.

“No. I cant do it. I'm going to go get back your shirt, give Ruby her bra and break off plans. I just can’t do it.”

Brenda just shrugged. “I don’t see why you are getting your panties in a bunch Tessa, you had fun tonight, but suit your self. I won’t force you.”

I shot a glare at Brenda and pretty much ran back stage. I was starting to go into full fledged panic mode. I just couldn’t go out as a girl again. Not with Drew. Everything that I was feeling was way to new and intense. I feared that if I had to do it again my stress would send me off the deep end. ‘Yea, stress….. that’s what I'm feeling.’

At that moment I ran headfirst into a wall where I swear there was a door only moments before. Two strong hands shot out of nowhere and caught me before I fell flat on my butt, and I realized they belonged to the wall I had run into. It was the tall Irish boy who had just been singing on stage.

“Ya got to be careful back here lass, ya could hurt yourself dashin around like that, But alas, ya came back here lookin for me, and now ya found me. I saw you out there on the dance floor, shakin yer cute little butt for me ta see. Now why don’t we go some where a bit more private so you can show me a few more of yer moves? Would ya like that darlin?” His thick Irish brogue had an even thicker scent of beer on it.
I tried to back away from him but he still held me up by the arms and soon I was trapped against the wall with him trying to press him self closer.

“No! Let go of me creep!”I struggled but it was no use. Just like a real girl, he overpowered me and there was nothing I could do. I was about to go into full fledged panic mode and scream when I heard the most welcome sound ever.

“Are you okay ….is that you Tessa!?! Hey Patric, get your hands off my girl!” It was Drew.
Patric, surprised, loosened his grip on me for a second and I used that moment to break free and rush over to stand beside Drew. Drew placed a protective arm over my shoulders and I sank into his side, one arm around his back and shaking with relief as I pressed my face into his chest.

“If that’s yer girl then tell her not to hit one me.” Patric gave a drunken smile then wandered off.

”Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you did he?”I could hear his chest rumbling as Drew looked down at me with concerned eyes.

“Yea, I'm fine… Thank you for helping me.” I said smiling up at him and starting to feel a bit awkward about being pressed so intimately against his hard chest.

He seemed to notice my awkwardness cause he stopped pressing me against him and took a step back. ”Sorry about the whole ‘my girl’ comment, that guy doesn't seem to take a hint with the ladies . I figured it was the quickest way to help you out” He smiled a bashful little smile that reminded me of a kid with his hand in the cookie jar,”I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not,” I grinned back “you saved my from having to try out my new kung-fu moves on him!”

He laughed and gave me a smile that melted me down to my toes. “Well glad I could help, but now I gotta run and close up here, see you tomorrow.”He leaned forward and started to bend his head towards mine and I turned my face up to meet him. We both realized what was happening at the same time and both stopped with startled looks.

“Yea, tomorrow” I mumbled and pretty much ran back out to the front with thoughts swirling through my head. What the hell is happening to me? Its like I.m reacting to everything like a real girl. This is just an act for tonight, a game. Why am I getting all these strange feelings? Its got to be the stress getting to me, that's it.

I met up with my sister at the front door, and though she shot me an odd look, she said nothing about the fact that I was still wearing Ruby’s bra, or the absence of her sweater ,as we walked back to the hotel in silence. I finally noticed after I hugged Brenda good night and I took off my tee shirt getting ready to slip into bed. Ruby’s bra. Crap. I will have to figure out how to get this back to her and ditch out on the show tomorrow.

I caught sight of my self in the mirror of the bathroom and had to stop and look. Clothed now in only the lacy black bra and the form fitting capri sweats and ankle socks I had to admit to myself that I looked nothing even remotely like a guy. The padded push up effect of the bra gave me small boobies, and with my slender waist and perky butt I looked like every teen guys wet dream.
I felt a stirring in my panties as my trapped member tried become erect at the sight but couldn’t free itself. I removed my sweat pants and looked again.

Wow, even striped down to my undies I look nothing like a guy. In fact if anything, the view in the mirror with my small penis tucked in between my well shaped legs seemed to prove that I was all woman. My arousal began to get the better of me as I stuck a few sexy poses and began to let one hand explore the tiny cloth triangle that covered my crotch and the other began to massage my new found breasts.

On impulse I hit the light and slipped into bed with my undies still on and began exploring my new found femininity. After what seemed an eternity of confusing fantasy's of the cute redhead posing in the mirror, some of Ruby, and maybe even, if I was being honest, some involving Drew; I had the most intense orgasm I ever had and almost immediately passed out to strange dreams that had something to do with needing to get a wedding gown back from Ruby. Weird.

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Good start on a new story.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Not bad at all.

So please continue.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Fell for the old lost lugage trick. Thats the 3rd time this week

As Maxwell Smart Agent 86 might say.

-- grin --

The question is and your twist on this old but useful literary device is why? BTW lost luggage happens a lot in the real world though not having enough cash on hand to go to say a Wally World or Krud Mart for a few cheap pairs of jeans, underwear and such is a bit of a stretch but believable. Hey the sister IS about to start college.

The question is was it an accident or is this the sister and family giving the younger child a chance to find out who he or she is? At 16 to look as he does is starting to be abnormal, for a guy or a girl. Why the late/yet to start puberty? A family trait or something else. Is he a young gay man who hasn't realized it yet, TG or intersexed or just a straight late bloomer temporally overwhelmed at his situation? You have set the scene now the action can start.

For now as a reader I can only speculate as I am missing key pieces of FYI likely to come up later. Like did he have any romantic relationships to date? Did he act or dress-up as a girl when little? is he a loner or does he have friends? Are they male or female? Are his interests male oriented, female or neutral? Was he born ambiguously sexed and the family chose to wait and see? We can probably rule out him being a space alien but beyond that ...

-- snicker --

So is this a voyage of discovery leading to a different life than he or she expected or just a one-time thing?

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. Pictured Sven and Ole's established 1981, pizza place up in Grand Marais Minnesota as the place with the band.

John in Wauwatosa

Great start

I love how this is started. Can't wait to see what develops.

liked this a lot

His (her?) confusion seemed very realistic.



A great start

And one I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you follow up on!

Melanie E.


Thanks for taking the time and writing this great short story and Kudos for being brave enough and leave your comfort zone to write the story KUDOS--HUGS RICHIE2

good start

Fun start to your new story, i enjoyed it. Thanks, and hope there is more soon.

good start

Fun start to your new story, i enjoyed it. Thanks, and hope there is more soon.

It's really disappointing!!!!

Andrea Lena's picture

...I don't recall just how many trips I took when I was Tessa's age but I know I never lost any luggage! No Fair! Great Beginning! Thank you!

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

tessa journey

can't wait to see what develops.

Band-Aid by Trilliam

Band-Aid by Trilliam
Good start to a good story's been a while..uh...
where's the rest of it?
Write more?

So looking forward...

to seeing how this all develops, does he get the girl or does "she" get Brian ????

checking in!

Would love to know that you are alright and hoping someday to see this story completed.

Carol Anne