Life Seems to Suck Sometimes (Part 3)

Life Seems to Suck Blue cut small.png

Life Seems to Suck Sometimes (Part 3)
By Sabrina G. Langton

Author's Note: Hmmm... this is the chapter with just a little angst, just a little. We also find out how our heroine got her name. (It's cute, I swear.) Life starts sucking just a little bit, but we are strong we can take it, we know it's only temporary... ha... I hope YOU like it...


Part 3 of 5

I heard someone attempting to open the front door. I opened it, Lilly was slightly disheveled. She was holding a half-full bottle of vodka and a shopping bag.

"Hi, hope I didn't wake you." She pushed by me and collapsed on the couch. She had her eyes closed as she talked. "Benjamin was so happy with me, he said I did a, 'scuse me, a great job."

"Lilly, how did you get here?"

"Car, it took forever, I got lost on Route one. Ha." She laid down on the couch.

"You shouldn't of driven, you couldn't get a ride? I would of come and got you." I was disappointed that she would get in a car in this condition.

She then opened her eyes, "I gotta get changed, I need a toothbrush." She swayed to the bathroom and took longer than I expected. I had time to think about Marcelo and Rachael, and then make coffee.

She came out in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, her workout clothes, and walked into the emptier bedroom. I brought in coffee and she took a sip, she lay on the bed. I put the blanket over her, I was going back to my own. I didn't want Lilly to ruin my night any more than she has.

"Where are you going? Stay with me. I don't care if you look like a girl. You looked like one all night, I felt like I didn't even know you." She moved up, then opened her eyes. "Wait, I forgot, do you still look like one?" She saw me in my small nightgown and then fell back under the covers. I shut off all the lights and got in bed with her. She didn't smell of toothpaste.

I thought she was sleeping, but ten minutes later I felt her take my hand. She put it on her leg. I was so tired I wasn't paying attention. I felt something hard. Hard and long. I put on the light, she had a crooked smile on her face.

"Surprise!" She moved up and pulled down her sweatpants, she had a huge strap-on dildo. It was blue and it almost went down to her knee.

"What the fuck is that?"

"It's a dick, don't you want to play with my, 'scuse me, dick?" She was watching me with her eyes half-open.

"That's not a dick." I then got up and slammed her door. I went into my bedroom, I was once again on my back. "What the fuck!" I yelled to the ceiling. I heard her call me, I ignored her until I fell asleep.


Sunday morning, I felt indifferent. I had slept in my sexiest nightgown, it was white and I felt like a brand new bride in it. And then I remembered Lilly was here with her big plastic fake dick.

Sunday afternoons were for my mother. Out of all the people I had to spend time with, my mother was the least needy. I would go over for lunch and visit her and her second husband. He never got my name right, he never even looked at me. Lilly never came, but she would make me come over to her place after I was done.

I called my mother and told her I would be busy today. I didn't want to show her my new look, I didn't want to change my hair and nails.

I also wanted to wear something I haven't worn in a while.

Lilly got up she was quiet, she was still drunk. I called up Trevor and asked if he would come with me to drive Lilly's car home.


"Lilly where is the car?" I asked her but she couldn't remember, it took about twenty-five minutes to find it. I put her shopping bag in the back and she got in. I introduced her to Trevor, he was going to drive her car, I didn't want to talk to her.

I was wearing something short and revealing, I wanted to show Lilly I could become a 'real looking woman' very easily if I wanted to. Once inside my own car, the phone rang. "Nena, you following or leading?" It was Trevor, thank god he was doing this for me.


Twenty minutes later I was outside her Aunts home, she took her keys and bag and ran into the house. I didn't even have time to get out of my car.

Trevor was at the passenger window. "She said she doesn't want to talk. She knows an awful lot of curse words, did you know that" He laughed and got in. "She also asks for a lot of favors. Haha"

I told him how great the night was. I couldn't wait until the two of them saw my pictures. Then I told him what happened when she got to the house, I told him she was drunk. Then I told him about her huge fake dick. "What was she thinking?"

"Maybe she thought you would like it."

"It was so big and fake looking. It was a parody of a real one, I like when a cock looks like a cock. Did she tell you she left me at the event last night?"

"She didn't say much, but she wanted me to tell you she met someone and they hung out at the hotel next door." He looked straight ahead.

I stared at him. "And he let her drive like that, that's ridiculous."


I dropped off Trevor and went in to say hello to Angie, she didn't approve of my outfit. It was an orange tube top and a short distressed denim skirt. I paired it with white four-inch heels.

"Last time I saw you wear something like that we were in the back of some jerk's car." She told me.

I just shrugged, this wasn't a day for a flowered dress. I said goodbye and thank you and went right to the Mall, the parking lot was crowded. I knew who I was looking for.

Angie grew tired of sucking cock at the Mall but not me. I was going three times a week after that initial introduction. Short skirt, tight top, boobs but never a bra. This was the type of outfit the men responded to, well the ones that were looking. I would be there a half-hour and easily play with three cocks. I was always looking for GBD-1122, turns out he worked in the mall, I found him in a different parking lot. I used to leave notes on his car. I wanted to leave him one now.

It was still early, I stepped out of the car and a huge man called me over. I gave him my phone, I wanted proof. I slid in and gave him head. He wasn't too big but he was very appreciative. I missed this. Why would I need something plastic and fake when I could have something attached to a human. He played with my real hair and I took him down my throat, he came for so long. He praised me the whole time, I needed that. I even let him rub my legs, they were covered with white pantyhose. I looked like a slut. I put on the stockings after I left Angie's, she would of certainly known what I was up to otherwise. After two more men, I went home to put the videos on social media, it was activated and getting lots of traffic. I couldn't wait to shoot and then put up more.


Monday morning I put my hair in a baseball hat. My work was extremely needy, SO much more than Lilly. The year before I created a macro that had made the company sixteen million dollars that year, they gave me my own office, they gave me a raise. During lunch, I went to the Mall to look for GBD-1122. There was a time when I had his cock in my mouth twice a week, sometimes more. He had a habit of making me feel good about myself, he knew how to stroke my ego, and I knew how to stroke his hard manhood. I went once again at night. I was determined to find him. It wasn't that long ago and his car wasn't that old, I couldn't imagine him getting another one.

Since my hair was still perfect, that night I was dressed up and set about visiting that lone parking lot again. Monday was a quiet night but I did find a couple of men to take care of. I was so much better at this than when Angie and I first came here. Putting on makeup knowing that you were doing it for men was nice. I loved putting on mascara and painting my lips knowing that they would be appreciated. I was wearing another crop top and a short stretchy skirt. It made bending down in the backseats, or maneuvering around the steering wheel easier. I should write a pamphlet, it would be extremely short but totally indispensable. The first man of the night, I gave him a hand job while reaching into the driver's window. My ass was on display to the other drivers. I was getting hard and pressing into his car door. I let him play with my breasts as they hung. I was wearing my double D forms and they looked and felt incredible. He was kissing one and playing with the other. I rubbed him with both hands and he came all over the steering wheel. He gave me two twenty-dollar bills and I slipped them into my back pocket when we were done. I felt very sleazy.

Once home I was still so horny. I put some old pictures up on my account and even put one of my new videos. I changed again, I had on a tight white sweater, showing off so much cleavage. My skirt was short and showed off my legs in beige pantyhose. I looked so cute, matching with my white pumps. I then pulled out my silicone cock with the suction cup. I couldn't believe I was still so worked up. I was glad Lilly wasn't really talking to me, I knew I wouldn't be bothered tonight. I was walking around my room posing and sucking on the hard cock, I had never done this before. I needed cock in my mouth something terrible. I sat at my vanity. I then put on a slideshow of all my new pictures on my laptop. I had a strong touch of Autogynephilia, I loved looking at myself in all of my feminine glory. I was quite proud of how I turned out. I started to feel like one of the Sosa's again, I just wished I looked a little happier in my pictures. At least the couple that I had from the event on Saturday showed me with people, I looked so happy to be part of a crowd.

It didn't take long, fapping in front of my computer, the hard seven-inch cock in my mouth. One day I will give it a name. Being with the men in the Mall parking lot was so anonymous, I longed to call out my lovers names as they made me orgasm or I made them cum. I would love to just cuddle in someone's arms after it was over at least just once. This night I just closed my eyes and lived in my imagination for a little while longer.

Tuesday was exactly the same, a couple of handjobs and quick suck and then back in front of my laptop. My silicone dildo was never this popular before. I searched for GBD at the Mall, but saw nothing of course. Then on Wednesday, I found his car, I put a note on his windshield asking him to meet me on Thursday night. Our spot. With love from Nena.


The entire week I went to the Mall parking lot, intending to meet GBD, but meeting so many others. I felt like I was losing control a little. My wrists, mouth, and jaw were so sore when I got home. My makeup was done a little too quickly on those nights and I definitely wasn't dressing up to the Sosa sister's standards. A couple of nights I didn't even wear my false lashes. Once I found the white car I was looking for I felt a little better. I feel like I had to close this chapter of my life. This would be the way to end it. Late Wednesday night I called Juliana and Márcia, I couldn't believe how much I had been missing them. They were like comfort food or a childhood movie to me. When I heard their voices I felt a little more grounded.

Years ago, in their little house in Edison, when I told them I was probably transgender, they didn't even know what it meant. Juliana is now a therapist back in Brazil and Márcia and her Mom now run the family business. I felt like all of us have grown. All of us have taken chances and lived and loved a little more. I missed them and I needed to share my life with them again. I needed them to get me back on track.

I started to remember, it was long ago. I felt so young around them, I was wearing one of Márcia's flowered dresses and my hair was probably in a ponytail. I was sitting at their kitchen table, I just turned nineteen, we were having a wonderful dinner. We were definitely drinking wine or some sort of specialty drink. I probably made it for them, they were easy, they loved everything.

I remember that day so vividly I was feeling a little melancholy, my mother was getting remarried. She and her new husband were going to Atlantic City with their new friends. I wasn't invited, I was the only one not to attend the wedding. My mother told me I would have a terrible time. I wanted to see her in her dress, I wanted to throw rice.

I was a little sad, looking at the three beautiful women. I would do anything in the world for them. I knew I would never really be like them. They were letting me stay the weekend, and I was so grateful.

"Mamãe Sosa, if I was your third daughter what would you have named me?" I asked her, for some reason I started to form tears. She was so good to me, I spent more time here than my own home. I loved her and her two daughters more than anyone else in my life. They would never tell me I would have a terrible time. They would show me their dresses, they would let me throw rice.

She gave me the look she always saved for me. I couldn't really tell what it meant, but I loved it. I knew she was happy. She put her hand in my hair. "Mmm, let me think. Mmm, nineteen years ago, mmm we were still in Goiânia. The girls and I were living with a man named Claude, he was from Paris and he worked with my father. I was so in love with him, meu amor."

"I remember him, He was nice and he was gorgeous." Juliana reminded them.

Mamãe Sosa laughed, "You," she took hold of my wrist, "you would have been his child, ha, ha... We would have called you something French. Something like... Giselle." Her eyes widened.

I looked at her and held her hand, "Can I be Giselle?"

"Of course, you can, my little love child from my Parisian lover, ha."

I smiled at my new mom, relishing my new name. "Maybe we can call him for child support." They laughed, they were always laughing. They thought I was so funny. My tears were totally gone.

After that, I felt so much better about myself. I didn't mind being transgender. I didn't mind whatever I was, I was part of a family. They then got me my own subscription to Vogue Magazine. The Sosa sisters sent catalogs from their favorite clothing places to my house. They wanted me to get started on a collection of my own dresses. A collection of perfect flowered dresses, from Spain, mostly. My mother never asked me who Giselle was, but the catalogs were always in my room. If she asked I would have told her. Actually, I would have had Mamãe Sosa tell her.

Ring. Ring.

I couldn't wait to hear their feminine voices. "Hi, is it too late, can you talk?"

"Giselle? Of course, you still sound so maravilhosa. I have missed your voice."

I talked to them for an hour. First I asked how they were, and asked about their mom. I even asked if they had heard from Claude, which made them laugh. It has been more than three years since I had seen them, it felt so much longer, so many things have changed in our lives. I then gave them my update. I told them about the job and all the extra money I had been given. I took updated pictures of my townhouse and showed them all my new curtains and new couch and dresses. Lastly, I told them about Lilly and then sent pictures from the Breast Cancer event.

Juliana said, "You are becoming even more beautiful. When are you coming to Brazil? When are you coming to visit the rest of your family?"

We all laughed. They were my family and I missed them, saying goodnight was hard. I was thinking, would I ever get to Brazil? Would I EVER see them again?

"Goodnight Giselle."


It was Thursday night, I hadn't heard from Lilly since Sunday. It was the longest we had ever gone without seeing or hearing from each other. I started thinking, I had never gotten angry with her or disappointed until now. I was always so easygoing anyway. She was the one with the temper but she rarely got angry at me. I did her every favor she ever asked for. I thought about it, yes everything, I was a pretty good boyfriend. Turns out being a girlfriend was a different story.

Once home from work I took a shower and washed my hair. I put a couple of rollers in to curl the bottom and picked out my outfit for the night. I wanted to be slutty. I put on my D-cup white bra and filled it with my forms. It had full coverage, I didn't want to be hanging out. I slipped on a yellow tank top that barely covered the bra straps. I had on white panties that had little roses around all the trim. They were very fancy-looking and pretty sexy. I put on nude thigh highs and then a short full denim skirt. It wasn't tight at all and the hem landed at the same level as the tops of my stockings. I slipped into four-inch nude pumps and grabbed my matching bag.

I had a date at eight, I was meeting a man in his car. Sometimes when it's late and I can't sleep I take my silicone friend to bed and make-believe I'm pleasuring the man in the pine-smelling car. It always works, I cum and then fall asleep. Other times I just color.


I saw the white car and parked right behind him. The lot was pretty busy, Thursdays and Saturdays were the busiest. I saw him glance at me in his rearview mirror, I decided I was going to change the rules. I was going to bring him home. If Lilly could be seeing someone else so could I. I was wishing I gave some of the men from the corporate event my real number. I very rarely came in contact with real men for something like a date.

He walked out of his car and came to my window. "Hi, I haven't seen you in so long, do I get a kiss?"

I smiled up at him and pursed my lips, we kissed on the cheek. "I was thinking, why don't you follow me I know a better place."

I could tell he didn't want to leave the lot, he checked his watch and finally said okay.

"I could drive you back if you want," I told him but he got in his car and followed me.

We got two perfect spots right in front of the house. He followed me up the steps and then followed me into the townhouse. I looked around outside, I didn't want anyone seeing me bring a man into the house for some reason. I even double-locked the door, I was acting a little paranoid.

He glanced around the room, he seemed pretty impressed. I made drinks and handed him one, "Port wine and tonic with lime," I told him. He smiled as he drank, I was going to start entertaining more men, starting right now. I was going to sneak them through the basement.

"You live alone?

"Sometimes," I was being cute.

He moved closer to me and kissed my neck. He had one hand on his glass and another on my hip. He was much stronger than I thought, I felt him pull me into his body. I took his glass and placed it on the table. I put my arms around his neck and he slipped his hands under my skirt and rubbed my panties. He pulled back and smiled at me.

"You are hot. Do you know you were my first tranny?"

The bell rang and I froze.

"What the fuck," I whispered. Then my phone rang. We disengaged and I went to answer it, this was crazy. "Shit." My hands started to shake.

"I have to ask you something, open up." It was Lilly, why does she keep on showing up with no warning?

"Um, can you come back in an hour, please, I'm in the middle of something?"

"Wait, you're dressed up, I don't care. Actually, that's better, I have the pictures from the event and I have to call Mr. Flores. Just open the door."

I looked over at the man, he gave me a 'what's the matter look.' I took his hand and his drink and brought him into my room.

I was feeling a little frantic, "I can't believe my girlfriend is here I will get rid of her a soon a possible. I'm sorry." He then grabbed me, I dropped the glass and it broke, making my stockings and the bottom of his pants wet. He pulled me close, his face right in front of mine.

"Let her in, then come back in here."

He was making me nervous, "I don't want her to know you're here, please..."

"She won't know, let her in but if you don't come back in this room I am going to introduce myself to her," He gave me this weird grin. I started to shake, I put on music and closed the door.

Lilly was holding her laptop when I opened the door. "About time. Why you lockin' the door?" She walked in while I held it open. "Why didn't I realize you are always dressed like a girl. Was I not paying attention?" She put down her computer and looked at my legs. "That skirt is kind of short." She seemed a little surprised.

"Well, um, this is just for in the house."

"I circled the block two minutes ago and your car wasn't out front, must have been a quick change." She then went to the kitchen and put down the laptop. "I got all the pictures back, there is a lot of them, I will give you all of 'em." She then picked up the drink on the table and sniffed. "And do me a favor, make me one of these, please."

I couldn't believe I had a man in my room, and he was being a fucking jerk. I should just tell Lilly and make him leave, but I didn't want her to know. I didn't want her to think I was gay, or liked men, or was cheating on her. Even though I was doing all three. Being gay was the first question she asked me, I would feel like an even bigger fool. I gave her a drink and told her I would be right back, I dropped a glass, I had to clean up. I walked back into my room with Windex and a towel. I closed the door and he grabbed me. I dropped the Windex this time.

"Can't believe your girlfriend is here, you don't want her to find out you're a faggot, huh? Let's see how quiet you can fuck then," He then pushed me onto the bed.

"I'm not letting you fuck me," I whispered.

"You most certainly are." I stood up and he pushed me back on the bed. He ran his hands on my nylon legs. "God you are so fuckin' hot, I wanted to fuck you the first time I ever saw you. You are so much hotter now."

"Wait, let me give you head, we can't be doing this. Please." I slipped by him and put the music louder. He grabbed me again and pulled me back onto the bed, I tripped on my heels and fell on my backside.

"Turn around, let me see that ass." He grabbed me harder by the hips and spun me around, he then pushed me down on the bed and slapped me. He put his full weight on top of me as he kissed my neck and arms. He then pulled my hair.


"What the fuck I thought you said you were a tranny?"

He was getting loud and I tried to turn around to look at him but I couldn't move. He started rubbing my back and then he went back to my legs, I started to turn around and he forcibly turned me over. He grabbed my breasts. "You lyin' to me, these real too." He put his hand under my top and then under the bra. I could tell he was satisfied they were fake, but he wasn't going to like what was in my panties. I was completely tucked, I had a tiny bit of tape. My 'clit' was small, to begin with, and I never had a problem hiding it. He reached under and pulled down my panties, bringing them over my heels. He stuffed them in my mouth. He grabbed my hands and he held them on my stomach. He was so strong, I was getting nervous in his grip.

I heard Lilly call through the door, "Do you have a thumb drive or something for the pictures?"

He was smiling he pulled down his pants, his cock was so hard and throbbing. He let go of my hands as he pulled my body closer to the end of the bed, my ass was almost hanging off.

Lilly knocked, "Giselle I need a drive."

I pulled the panties out of my mouth as he leaned into me. "I have to find one, I will be right out."

He got close and whispered, "Giselle, I like that. You couldn't of picked a fucking girlier name for yourself." His smile was so big, he was enjoying this. He lifted my skirt and got lower to investigate my crotch. I pushed him, I tried to get up and his body went on me again.

He put his hand on my throat, "Do you want her finding out about this?" He slightly tightened his grip, "Just stop, you know this is the reason you brought me here." I then felt his cock get closer to my 'pussy.' He let go of my throat as he moved up and put both of his hands on my legs, he bent them back. He kissed my knees and licked the nylon. "Mmm, nice baby girl, you almost have a pussy, ha." His hands were now on the back of my thighs, his cock was looking for a hole. He moved closer and I felt him right outside of it. "I am going to love fuckin' you, I hope you are a virgin. A virgin tranny with no cock." He gave a little laugh and spit, I felt him push in. It hurt, I wanted to scream. He pushed more and I put my hand on his hip I tried to stop him from pushing into me too quick. He then started pumping, getting a little deeper with every push. I felt him inch in even more. He let out a huge sigh once his cock was buried inside me. I felt his body leaning against me. He was taking my virginity against my will.

"You are so tight." He bent down as close as he could, bending my body back. "If you are gonna scream now is the time." He then started pumping again, he was fucking me so hard, he was going so deep. He had an evil grin the whole time. "You like me fucking you with your girlfriend right on the other side of this door. I'm fucking her fairy boyfriend who likes cocks. Maybe I should fuck her too"

I looked at him, I was full of disgust, "Hurry up asshole." And I shook my body, his cock fell out and he slipped it back in.

He started to push harder, he was moving me more onto the bed. He was grunting with every push, I then felt him cum. He fucked me until his orgasm subsided. I stayed completely tucked the whole time. He shook me a little more, he pulled out and finally let go of my thighs. I would be red for days, I could still feel his hands on them. "First you and now her." He said.

I kicked him in the balls with my heels.

He let out a slight yelp, I jumped up. I was over him as he doubled over. I whispered, "Just shut up, I let you fuck me, now be quiet for like five minutes. When did you become such an asshole?" He was still doubled over and his pants were down so I grabbed his wallet from his back pocket. I stood up and straighten myself out as best as I could. I raised the music some more and went into the kitchen.

"Here you go." I gave Lilly a hard drive. She was silent, I didn't know what she heard. I was listening, and thinking the man might be dead he was too quiet. I thought for sure he was going to make a scene. My hands were shaking.

She called me over. "Look how beautiful you were." And then she went through a couple of the pictures. I couldn't wait to see all of them, but I couldn't concentrate with a man in my bedroom, one who just screwed me. And I felt a little funny standing here with Lilly while wearing no panties, I was glad his cum wasn't dripping down my legs.

Lilly then picked up her phone as I filled up her drink, I was still shaking, things seemed so crazy.

"I promised I would call Benjamin once I was with you." She told me and laid her phone on the table next to her laptop. I didn't really understand what was happening, I downed my drink. "Hi, Ben. I'm with Giselle."

I looked at Lilly as I heard Ben's voice. "Hey, ladies, thank you so much for calling. Giselle, did you see the pictures?"

I cleared my throat, "Yes, some of them."

"Great, you looked wonderful, and thank you again, you can not even imagine how much anxiety I would have been in if you hadn't magically appeared." He laughed. "I have one more thing to ask of you and then I will let you get on with your life."

I shot a quick look at Lilly and she shrugged.

"My son has done nothing but pester me about you, he told me he had such a nice time on Saturday and he begged me to invite you over."

Lilly gave me a weird look, "Your son?"

"Yes you met him at the event, I was thinking... can the two of you come over this Saturday? We can have a perfect authentic Argentinian meal, a barbeque, you two will love it."

"Okay," I said a little too quick, I just wanted Lilly out of the house, I wanted to get rid of everyone.

"Great, I will have a car pick you up at two, send me an address. We will have a party in the yard."

"Okay that sounds great," Lilly told him and we said goodbye. She hung up, shut her phone, and closed the laptop. "I didn't know that's what he was going to ask. I thought he wanted to just ask you about the pictures. Maybe he wants us to babysit."

"Maybe. I think I'm pretty good with children,"

"Do you remember the kids' names?"

"Alma and Bruno," I tried to smile at her, I don't know if I succeeded. "Maybe you better go, I don't feel too good."

She looked at me and then touched my chin, "Your lips are smudged. Every other time I saw you, you have looked so perfect."

She packed up and I walked her to the door. "Thank you," I told her.

She smiled, then walked down the stairs, "No thank you, you are going to make me employee of the year. You are such a diva. You are going to break the hearts of children everywhere." She laughed and I watched her walk to the car. I watched her drive away. Tonight, I was going to miss her.

I almost forgot I had an unwanted guest. I ran back in and opened my bedroom door, I would have to clean and mop once he was gone. He was laying on the bed, looking at his phone. He looked up when I stood over him. "Done? Hold on... one... sec... Okay." He got up, tapped my ass as he passed me, and walked out of the room. He made a grab for, sniffed, and then he finished Lilly's drink. "Where's my wallet?"

I opened it and looked at his name and address, and then threw it at him. "You were a jerk, I would have given you all night."

"All night? I gotta get home, my wife is gonna be pissed. I don't have all night."

He walked to the door and I followed, I was so disappointed in him. He was always so nice in his car. Angie was right, never get involved with people from the parking lot.

He turned around as he exited the door, I was about to close it on him. "Wait, can we do this again? Up until you kicked me in the nuts I was having a pretty great time."

I stared at him, he wanted to get together again? I couldn't believe I was seeking him out and thinking about him this whole time. I need better taste in men. "You want to do this again?"

"Yeah, you are so hot and it was fun. I love hanging out with you. Sorry, I got too rough, I was getting into it."

"You called me some nasty names." I didn't know what to say, I was surprised, he was playing a game. "Um, I'm going to need flowers, candy, I need you to start apologizing, big time."

"You got it. Sorry, Giselle. Next time you see me I will be holding a huge bouquet of roses." He walked down the steps.

"Goodbye Raymond." He looked back at me and then got into his car. I closed the door, leaned against it, and slid down on my ass with a little thump. What a fucking night.


End of Part 3


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