Wishes (Edited)


Ammi stood there in the steamy bathroom, defogging the mirror with her blow dryer as she dried and fluffed her Hip length hair. When she finished, her locks were shoulder width; barely covering her modest breasts. Her completely nude slit peeking out below it. Her sex seemed to buzz with arousal.
She’d completely lost track of time. After she’d graduated High School, and signed the contract with the research University, her future since seemed like a fairy tale. In short, they required that she take a single capsule every morning that took the place of her birth control pill. She took it every day, not skipping certain days as with the other pills. She had no idea what was in the new capsules. In the contracted exchange she got full room and board, a free ride in a college of her choice, with a major of her choosing. College kept her busy, and after she got the required courses of the first year out of the way, she chose ancient history, not knowing that even that preference had been suggested.
Ammi had no idea what the capsule did. Among other things, were a mood stabilizer, something to make her suggestible, and an anti-depressant. She did not know that the woman that she met for coffee several times a month was deviously manipulating her to the best interests of the University. The woman, Jane, was the reason that Ammi did not cut her hair and caused her to wish that her breasts were twice their size. Jane had suggested that getting her labial hair lasered was very modern and sexy. Ammi wanted to be sexy despite the fact that there were no sexual partners, though wild sex toys and self-bondage were fine.
It seemed surreal to Ammi that she now had D cup breasts instead of B’s. There was no question of wearing a bra now, and her nipples were so sensitive and obvious all the time. The nipple sensitivity seemed to trigger her pussy to stay hot and wet. When she walked, she swayed so much. Pants were just irritating and seemed forbidden. Ammi found that a knee length full skirt was much more modest and helpfully concealed the sexy swaying of her hips.
She’d adjusted to her new slim waist after removal of two ribs, and a tummy tuck. In a radical new procedure, her hips and butt were now very pronounced and wide. It took a long time to get used to sitting on the additional padding.
In her quiet moments the size of her dildo was very large and satisfying. Ammi was not conscious that she’d become so much more sexual. By the time she finished her PhD. She’d go on trips in the spring and stay home as a wife the rest of the time. She owned one pair of very strange pants with a thickly padded crotch. She did not know that the crotch was impregnated with a chemical that made her sexually insatiable. Now, Ammi had developed a fetish for stockings and garter belt. Sometimes there would be a corset. Two corsets that she had were charming to wear exposed under a skirt. On cool days she could wear a flannel shirt or coat over it. This spring she felt almost compelled to wear her skirt so short that her stocking tops showed.

She now found that she could easily see to read, but no matter what she did, even with glasses, anything more than a dozen feet away was a hopeless blur. She lost her Driver’s license but due to her circumstances, could thankfully hire a car for everything that she needed. She could not help feeling helpless, yet privileged as was the objective of those whose contract she was under.
The larger breasts and other body enhancements took some getting used to, but Anni was managing. She’d taken to wearing very short, pleated skirts that showed off her stocking tops and her butt if she bent at her hips over too far.
In bed alone one night, Anni dreamt about how much emotional pain she felt from not having a companion. The dream was painful, and she longed for someone to hold her.
Ammi hadn’t yet encountered the latest pheromone modification so this morning, when it swept through her body, the drug caught her by surprise. That afternoon when her boyfriend came over, they talked and then necked, her body became more ready for sex, and she found herself more and more physically weak and submissive. After a surprisingly short love making session, Ammi found her arms limp, her legs widely spread and her pussy soaking wet. Tom had a time with her dress and panties and finally just tore the panties off her.
She couldn’t make a sound, feeling like she was gagged. When he ploughed into her, she found her hips rocking and her pussy milking him though her limbs seemed too weak to move. Who knows what the University would do next? Would he become the husband that she wanted so keenly? What would her children be like?

** Not sure where this is going. It might end here, or perhaps this is Chapter 1. Tired of fiddling with it. **
Published 12-2-2023 GB, edited 12-3-2023.

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