Image Resolution

Image Resolution
By Daring Diane

Rene Auclair stared at the card.

The last two years were difficult. The pandemic triggered a new business model for the company. Working from home, there is little work related human interaction. Some enjoy these changes. For me, having replaced Darren Rogers as Networking Director in the middle of the pandemic has been hard. I’ve never met in person with some of my subordinates.

The ongoing system upgrades are made possible by your hard work. The first phase after Thanksgiving was a huge success. A nice bonus will be in your end of year check.

I wanted to do something personal for the Christmas holidays. I purchased a full salon day package for you at Body and Mind Salon. No one will work on New Year’s Eve. I booked you into their location nearest where you live. Everyone will be beautiful to ring in the New Year.

Jan Michel

His boss, who he never met, thought he was a girl. Rene avoided video meetings with excuses. People did not need to see him or his home.

After working at home for a month or two, zoom requests dwindled to none. As a network engineer, he programmed routers, switches and firewalls. With attrition and new employees, he was the most senior traffic cop in the company. Intimate knowledge made him a key resource whenever things failed. He kept the bad guys out while locking out idiots who brought their laptops to a company location to try to infect his network. People did not need to see him. Define the problem and let him work.

Kimberly asked, “Rene, did you get Ms. Michel’s Christmas card?”

“Oh god, her name is Jan. At work you refer to people by their name.”

“Fine. Did you get the card?”


Kim gushed, “Mind and Body is the best salon. Rich socialites go there. Salon days cost 600 to 800 dollars.”

Rene questioned, “800 dollars?”

“It’s an all-day adventure. Brides go for wedding day preparation. Walking out, you’ll be beautiful. We should meet for a drink that night.”

Staring at his computer, Kim thinks he is a girl? Rene realized that since Jan arrived, he was the only male left in networking. Was Jan only hiring females? What happens when she finds out I’m male?

Kim said, “I’m scheduled at the Franklin location.”

“I’m at Raytown.”

“I went to Franklin when my cousin got married. They pamper you and really make you feel special.”

A salon day, an entire day immersed in femininity.

Rene looked in his top dresser drawer deep in thought. The drawer was full of bright colored panties. In the next drawer were camisoles and a few bras. Wearing these things satisfied an inner need.

He dreamed of looking feminine, but he didn’t want to be a girl. He wanted to be beautiful, mostly for himself.

In early high school, his sister Marie practiced makeup skills on him to see how things looked. She said the mirror was misleading. Both knew he enjoyed the game and it was a special time. A year older than Rene, once she started dating, their games stopped.

Rene never stopped. In high school, he had a small chest with a lock where he kept one of Marie’s old bras along with two pair of panties. They were his most precious possessions.

In his closet now, he had a skirt and white blouse that made him look like a secretary or office worker. He had a cotton dress which was fun to wear.

Staring at the ceiling while holding his favorite silk nightgown, he asked himself why he had these feelings. Like Kim, a salon day and makeover was Rene’s dream gift. What was he going to do?”

With a shaggy mop of hair that hadn’t been cut since before the pandemic began, the truth was, he needed a haircut.

Christmas dinner with mother, Marie, her husband Gary, and their two daughters was wonderful. Mom’s sweater seemed like a nice gift for a 29 year old man. His sister gave him homemade candy to satisfy his sweet tooth.

Marie asked, “Are you going to fix up that small house or move to something more in keeping with your financial situation?”

“I think I’ll fix it up. I’m putting money away for a rainy day or my retirement. I’ve actually done pretty well in the market.”

His mother said, “Without a girl, you must be saving a lot. I’d like more grandchildren.” She smirked as Marie laughed.

“Please mom. The pandemic put a dent in my dating.”

Marie said, “You weren’t dating before the pandemic.”

“It didn’t help.” Change topics.

Luckily, Gary stepped in. “How did the upgrades after Thanksgiving work out?”

Thank you Gary. “It went well. We swapped out antiquated switches and redistributed traffic. We locked up external access and installed detection software to identify unapproved equipment hooked to the network. Several higher ups got upset when personal laptops were locked out. My boss was pissed off until I told her that the President’s laptop had four viruses and a major hack that would have taken down our entire network. He didn’t have virus software and wasn’t following any of the required protocols he approved.”

With a glazed look, his mother said, “Sounds really important.” She looked towards Marie with a questioning look. Marie raised her shoulders and shook her head to let her mother know she was lost.

Gary said, “Sounds like you have the right tools. A lady in human resources let her kids try to hook their computers to the work network. It was a nightmare and they almost fired her. Eventually, everyone will realize you are the one keeping them safe.”

After dinner, Marie said, “Gary and I are getting in shape for New Year. We joined a local gym and plan to work on yoga four days a week.”

Gary said, “I’ll be working on the weights.”

Marie asked, “What are your New Year resolutions?”

“I’m thinking about cleaning up my image. I may get my hair cut. I want to be comfortable with myself.”

His mother asked, “What does that mean? Comfortable with yourself?”

“I’ve spent two years only talking to people on the phone. I don’t dress up or worry about what I wear.”

Marie suggested, “You could upgrade your wardrobe. There are great sales after Christmas.”

Laughing, Rene said, “I’ll think about it. We still have upgrades to implement before New Year’s.”

Over the next couple of days, Rene considered his boss’s gift. Kim kept calling and asking what he was doing on New Year’s Eve. “We should make a night of it.”

While Rene thought that would be fun, he doubted that Kim would feel that way once she realized that Rene was a man.

No real woman would want to be with him once they found out his secrets. Where was his life going? It was a lonely existence.

When in public, he expected someone to yell, “That guy has on panties.” Or, “He’s wearing a bra.”

Tuesday, Rene went to the mall where every store was having a sale. Marie was right. He wore a bra which hugged his chest under a dark shirt and winter coat.

In Macy’s, there were skirt suits, pant suits, and dress suits. Wandering through the suits, he was astounded by the clearance prices. A skirt suit in his size in black with miniscule pink pinstripes was 75% off. He found a dark blue dress suit. Two blouses, one in ivory and the other in light pink silk completed his shopping and everything was 75 or 80% off. It was close to five hundred dollars in clothing for less than a hundred. Rene hadn’t bought anything for himself for Christmas. At checkout, no one said anything.

His black patent pumps would match either suit.

Wednesday, Rene stared at his new suits. He had no one in his life to upset. His co-workers lived in other parts of the city and would be going to different salons. Rene decided. For New Year’s, I’m going to change my image. No one sees me working at home. I can wear what I want and no one will see me if I get a new haircut. I can wear my clothes and no one will be the wiser.

He would accept his boss’s Christmas gift and enjoy a day of pampering. He’d be alone, but it would be a dream come true.

His phone rang on Thursday. “Is this Rene Auclair?”


“I’m from the salon confirming tomorrow’s appointment.”

Feeling trapped, Rene found himself saying, “Oh, yes. That’s me.”

“Kurt from our car service will pick you up at 7:45 tomorrow morning. I have advice.”

Advice? “Go ahead.”

“First, don’t shave your body. It’s part of the service and if you shave ahead of time it actually makes it harder to give you the full treatment. If you notice a few longer hairs, you can trim them but not to less than a quarter inch. Dress for comfort. You’ll be taking it off. No jewelry. That way we avoid issues with lost items.”

“Thank you,” Rene said.

“Any questions?” she asked.


“We’ll see you around eight o’clock.”

Staring at the phone, no one knew he decided to go except him, until now. He was committed.

With little body hair due to his heritage, Rene used an electric shaver with the shortest guard on his legs.

He hardly slept. Dressed in Santa panties and yoga pants, his bra gave the impression of small breasts under a camisole and a women’s polo shirt. After trying to do something with his hair, he applied lipstick.

Kurt knocked at 7:45 and did not scream, “You’re not a girl.”

The receptionist explained, “The first thing is body cleanup. We want to deal with body hair issues and get your skin ready for the next phase. There is a robe inside the cubicle. You will lock your things in a locker. The only thing you should have on under the robe is the pair of panties in the new packaging. I will warn you it is a thong, but we want to have access to your skin. No one will see it except you.”

Not being well endowed, the thong stretched to control his male attributes, squeezing them almost flat.

The technician explained, “We wax your legs. If you want a full Brazilian, we will do that and remove hair anywhere in the groin area front and back. The second part of the treatment is an epi-wash to remove any remaining hair below the neck. If you wear the special panties, the process will not affect your groin area or the buttocks. You can just do the epi-wash, but regrowth on legs can return pretty quickly.”

Turmoil showed on Rene’s face. He asked, “Can I get the waxing done only up to mid-thigh? I’m very private.”

“Absolutely. The epi-wash will take care of everything else.”

It was painful, but Rene had dreamed of getting his legs waxed. He controlled the first few screeches and after that became numb to the pain.

To get the full effect, Rene removed the panties for the Epi-wash. Rene stepped into the machine nude with no one in the room and closed the cover around his neck. The technician operated things and soon, a hairless Rene was being rinsed off with warm water.

A mud bath and facial followed. “These processes will open your pores and ensure your skin is totally clean. A shower followed. He retrieved his bra.

A forty-five minute body massage never went near his privates and worked around the bra. It felt like every muscle in his body had been loosened up. He lay on the bench for fifteen minutes in a semi-sleep to recover. The masseuse said nothing about his body.

After the massage and a half an hour in a sauna, Rene was given a shower cap and rinsed off in a special shower.

In bra and panties, Rene put on a smock which hung to his knees. In a small lounge, he consumed a fresh salad with lobster chunks and a small glass of white wine. Several tables were occupied by individuals who all seemed subdued, but terribly relaxed. Everyone was in their own world.

Moving into the salon, a bubbly woman slightly older than himself introduced herself. “I’m Kennedy. How was your morning?”

“Wonderful. My entire body seems alive.”

Kennedy said, “It’s been a while since you had your hair styled?”

Chuckling to himself, he said, “Forever. I work from home. We’ve continued, since the pandemic. No reason to worry about how I look.”

“Do you have a specific style or look you wanted?”

Smiling, Rene answered, “I don’t. I am open to suggestions. I’d like something easy to care for and I don’t want something edgy. I’m just your everyday worker bee.”

Kennedy was running her fingers through Rene’s hair and looking him in the face. “Have you ever thought about curls? Not tight curls but wavy curls. Your hair isn’t that long, but I think I can bring out a look that will compliment your face. It will be easy to care for and certainly different than what you’ve been doing? Let me show you a picture.”

Opening a magazine, Kennedy showed a beautiful woman with large wavy curls. Rene thought, if I need to, I can just put on a hat to flatten it out. This was certainly going to be a new image. “I never considered that, but let’s do it.” He wondered, have I lost my mind?

Kennedy took a quick picture for before and after comparison.

After a scalp massage along with shampoo and conditioner, he was back in her chair. Kennedy said, “I’ll cover the mirror so you’re surprised by the result?”

For Rene, it was probably better to be surprised. “Sure. That will be fun.”

Kennedy talked as she worked. Two women worked on his hands and feet. The foot massage was just a bonus after his earlier massage. The women chattered and Rene kind of zoned out as he enjoyed this once in a lifetime adventure.

The nail technician suggested, “Pearl is a great New Year’s color.”

Rene nodded.

Kennedy asked, “What kind of work do you do?”

“Networking. Information technology. I’m on a computer all day long, typing away, keeping the company safe from the outside world.”

“Interesting,” she said.

After a short amount of snipping, Kennedy put his hair in curlers. Rene had never been to a salon and everything was new. This was what women of leisure did to get pretty.

There were curlers, liquid, waiting, rinsing, drying, liquid, waiting, rinsing and drying.

While he waited, Kennedy stated, “It looks like you had your ears pierced but the holes closed up.”

Thinking fast Rene said, “I haven’t had a lot of need for earrings while working at home.”

Kennedy declared, “We’ll remedy that problem.”

A machine was moved over to the side of his chair. He had used a needle and ice cube to pierce his ears during the pandemic. Why would they need a machine?

Kennedy instructed, “Hold still.”

She pulled his ear, rubbed some liquid, and there was a quick sting. She rubbed some more liquid and the stinging subsided. Then, she was on the other side.

Rene asked, “Why the big machine? Don’t they just poke a hole and insert starters?”

Shaking her head, Kennedy explained, “We don’t do that anymore. This laser creates a hole and cauterizes it immediately. There no scarring and the hole never closes up. It’s the newest thing.”

Holes in my ears forever. That’s a new image. Lots of guys have earrings. Now, I’m one of them.

Kennedy asked silly questions which distracted him from what was happening as she removed curlers and began additional shaping his hair.

The nail technician said, “All done. What do you think?”

Rene had not been focused and saw his toes separated by some foamy material. His toes were a shimmering pearly color with a stark white tip across each. He smiled to himself. Glancing at his hands, his face showed surprise. They had been manipulating his hands and he had all but ignored them. Looking at his fingers, the nails seemed a little longer than normal. They extended just past the tips of his fingers. The nails were the same pearly color with white tips. He had French tipped nails.

The technicians were worried, “Do they look okay?” she asked.

“They are beautiful,” he said. “Thank you.” He had no idea what else to say. This was certainly a new image.

Kennedy said, “Your eyebrows have gone a little feral. I’m going to clean them up.”

Concerned, Rene said, “I’m not into thin brows.” He’d never be able to cover that up.

“I’ll clean up the edges, trim the length and give it a professional look. You’ll love it.”

While he didn’t have much facial hair, Kennedy used small wax strips to cleanup his upper lip and chin along with a few stragglers on his face.

A light foundation was used and Kennedy began applying makeup. Rene tried to pay attention to learn to do things himself.

“How will I replicate what you do when I get home?” Rene asked.

“Your package includes all makeup used today.”

Finishing the lipstick, Kennedy stepped back and smiled. “I was worried at first because you didn’t seem to use a lot of product, but I didn’t use that much and you are beautiful.”

As he looked to the covered mirror, Kennedy placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Hold on, one more surprise.” Kennedy handed Rene an envelope.

The card read,

It occurred to me that all my girls were getting beautiful for New Year’s Eve and maybe they hadn’t planned anything. In the envelope are two tickets for the Burlington Arms Annual New Year’s Eve party at the penthouse restaurant. Come alone or bring a friend. I have reserved tables for our department. I want to get to know you all better or in some cases finally meet you.

In the salon’s boutique you will be fitted for a perfect evening outfit to go along with your new look.

No obligation, but I hope to see you later.

Happy New Year.


Rene tried to absorb the note.

Kennedy smiled. “I’m going to show you what you look like and then we’ll visit the boutique.”

“Close your eyes.”

Rene closed his eyes. His new image, if only for the weekend. Ever since those sessions with his sister, he wanted to be beautiful. Would he still see the boy, Rene?

Kennedy said, “Open your eyes.”

Rene sucked in his breath with eyes wide. There was a knockout woman in the mirror. Rene looked right and left to make sure there was not someone else in the area before looking back at the mirror. A perfect face with eyes that pulled you in. Luscious lips and her hair was curly and beautiful. His hand came up to his mouth and he saw the nails in the mirror. Exquisite.

“Don’t you start crying,” Kennedy said in a kidding tone.

Rene looked to Kennedy and back to the mirror.

There were shiny earrings that looked like diamonds in his ears. In his wildest dreams, he had never considered that he would be this beautiful, this feminine.

The boutique featured fancy dresses appropriate for high-end parties or dinners.

Rene, Kennedy and Caroline, the saleswoman, were alone in the store. Rene fingered dresses and dreamed of what it would be like to wear them. This was getting out of hand. He couldn’t go to a fancy dinner party with co-workers.

Caroline asked, “Is there something which catches your fancy?”

Rene answered in a shaky voice, “Everything catches my fancy. I’ve never worn clothes like these. I won’t look right in these dresses.”

Caroline laughed. “Girl, I could make you look wonderful in almost any dress. You have great legs. Why don’t we look for something knee length? You look like a twelve or fourteen.”

“Yes, probably fourteen. I haven’t been keeping in shape.”

“Hogwash,” Caroline said. “What do you think of this black dress?”

Rene stared at the dress. He didn’t have the figure to wear it.

Caroline said, “We’re going to try things on. We’ll take pictures and you can see how a third person might perceive you.”

Rene was in a dressing room wearing a bra, panties and a salon smock. He couldn’t run and these two women wanted him to try on a dress. It was another dream, but he was still trying to absorb how he looked after the makeover.

The black dress fit in the body but was loose up top.

Caroline said, “Step out here so we can see it.”

They would know he had no chest.

Kennedy was at the door. “Do you need help?”

Rene sucked in a breath and opened the door.

Kennedy smiled. “Cute.”

Caroline had him stand in front of a three mirror panel. She had him turn left and right as she tugged on the dress and felt around the shoulders and sides of the chest.

Smiling, Caroline said, “This isn’t right for you. I have a better choice.”

The next choice was a wrap dress. It fit differently and his chest was not as much of an issue. Rene found himself going in and out of the dressing room. Each time a picture or two was taken. It started to get fun. Time flew by.

Eventually, Caroline returned with a huge smile on her face. In her arms was a silver dress with sequins. It was knee length on the left and dropped to mid-calf on the right. It hugged his figure but did not highlight the lack of chest.

Exiting the dressing room, both women smiled. Caroline stated, “This is the dress. Let’s try something.” She asked, “What size bra do you wear?”

“38A,” Rene answered.

On her return, Caroline handed Rene two nude pieces of material. Smiling, she said, “A woman’s best friends. Spanx and a silky slip. Try them on and then put the dress back on. First replace your bra with this.

‘This’ was the most feminine white bra encrusted with lace that Rene had ever seen. Included was a matching panty. They seemed like something a bride would wear for her wedding.

The panties were heavenly and seemed to cover and control his special parts. The padded bra made him feel very feminine while giving him more of a chest.

The Spanx fit from high thigh to just below the bra and smoothed out his bumps while creating a smaller waist. The slip slid easily on his now smooth body.

The silver dress seemed to float. It was luxurious.

Looking at shoes, everyone agreed on a pair of silver gladiator sandals that highlighted his toes and wrapped around his calves. The heel was slight and Rene did not feel like he would break a leg.

Kennedy handed Rene a silver clutch that matched the dress.

Rene posed in front of a display, a wall and on a couch as several pictures were taken.

With hair, the dress, shoes and everything, Rene felt totally feminine. This was not an image he could have ever imagined. Caroline forwarded all the pictures to him.

Kennedy escorted him to his locker.

Rene asked, “Should I change?”

Kennedy was perplexed. “Rene, your ride is here. You don’t have time to change clothes.”

Rene and Kennedy placed his clothes in a bag with the salon’s name on it. He emptied his personal items into the purse. Kennedy laughed at his money clip. She placed purse versions of his makeup in the clutch along with a silk handkerchief. A second bag held the cosmetics.

Kennedy suggested, “Don’t forget to touch up your lipstick. You’ve been holed up at home and may be out of practice.”

Rene laughed.

At reception, Kurt took Rene’s bags.

Kurt asked about his day. Rene said, “It was wonderful.” Other questions were asked before the car came to a stop.

Rene looked out the windows. “This isn’t my house.”

“No mam. This is the Burlington Arms. It’s just before eight o’clock and the party is starting. There is dinner and dancing before midnight. I came to the party last year. It is great. You’ll have a wonderful time. Here is my card. Call me. I’ll be waiting to take you home.”

“You’re here for me all night?” Rene asked.

“Yes mam. You’ll be one of the most beautiful women there. Enjoy.”

A doorman opened the car door, offering Rene a hand. Cars were lining up behind them. Rene took the hand, swung his legs together and stood from the car.

Operating on instinct, Rene walked slowly.

The doorman said, “Elevator is on your right mam. Have a nice evening?”

He showed his ticket. “Your group is along the windows facing downtown. Have a nice night.”

Rene had no intention of going near people from work. He needed a drink.

What would happen if he ran into anyone he knew? His eyes drifted to the mirror behind the bar. Hell, he didn’t recognize himself.

He sipped white wine.

The women at the company tables were all beautiful. Due to many new hires, he had never worked with any of them in person.

Rene needed a restroom. Would women see through his disguise? It didn’t matter.

At the mirror, Rene stared at himself. It was unbelievable. He touched up his lipstick, more for the experience than a need.

A blonde wearing a little black dress that highlighted her generous chest refreshed her own lipstick.

Rene said, “I love your dress.”

“Thank you. It was a gift.”

Rene chuckled, “Lucky girl. He’ll want a special reward.”

She shook her head. “It’s not like that. It was a gift from work.”

Rene was on alert. “Work?”

“My boss paid for a spa day and bought the evening dress for tonight’s party. I didn’t have a date for tonight and my only friend from work, I can’t find.”

Rene needed to get out of here. He felt horrible. “I hope you find them.”

She said, “I appreciate your compliment of my dress, but girl, you look like a supermodel.”

“Thank you.” Rene nodded and left.

Wandering aimlessly towards the bar, he bumped into a woman and they both stumbled. Picking up the woman’s purse, he handed it to her. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

“No problem. I wasn’t paying attention. Your dress is beautiful. I wish I could pull off that look. You’re a knockout.”

“Why thank you,” Rene responded with a laugh and a smirk. “Where’s Gary?”

“He’s with Max and Laura.” Suddenly, Marie stopped and stared.

Rene realized his mistake and turned to escape. “Rene? What the hell?”

Stepping close, he whispered in a pleading tone, “Please, Marie. Don’t.”

Staring at this beautiful woman, where was her brother? Seeing fear in her eyes, Marie took a deep breath and nodded. “When you said change your image for the New Year, this is not what I expected.”

“I know,” he whispered.

“Rene, are you here with a date?”

“No. It’s complicated.”

Rene’s phone rang. Holding up a finger, he answered.

“Someone called your name. Why didn’t you come to our tables?” Rene glanced around.

“Kim, I’m leaving.”

“Where are you?”

Leaning close, Marie said, “The main bar.”

Rene exclaimed, “Marie?”

With the phone back at his ear, the call was dead.

“No way!”

Looking left, Rene saw the blonde from earlier. His eyes closed as his shoulders sagged.

With a smirk, Marie said, “Rene, introduce me.”

“I’m Kim. Rene and I work together.”

“Marie, I’m Rene’s older sister. We ran into each other unexpectedly.”

Kim embraced Rene. “I was so afraid you wouldn’t come.”

Rene hugged back. “Why?”

“You’re my best friend. I’ve been dying to see you in person.”

“I feel the same way. I was scared when I met you earlier.”

The two of them were staring into each other’s eyes.

Marie said, “Well ladies, I’ve got to get back to my husband. Rene, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

Kim said, “Let’s get a drink.”

“I don’t know other employees like I know you,” Kim stated.

Rene said, “I don’t know any of them other than on the phone. You’re the only one I talk to every day.”

“There is something special about you, Rene.” Kim seemed to be leaning into Rene and constantly touching his hand.

When a popular song came on, Kim said, “Let’s dance.”

After five songs, Rene said, “I need a break.” Chatting, Kim told about her family and asked about Marie.

Grabbing food, they ate away from the work group. Conversation came easily, just like on the phone. Rene wished he could have this relationship with a girl. Well, with a girl when he was a man instead of a girl. His mind was turning to mush. Kim brought more drinks. He needed to be careful.

As a slow song started, Kim wrapped her arms around his neck and they danced. Rene loved holding her. More dancing and drinking followed with more slow dances.

At midnight, they drank champagne toasting the New Year. All around, couples were kissing.

Kim inched close, staring him in the eye and wrapped her arm around his head as she kissed him. Rene’s arms encircled Kim and pulled her into himself, kissing her back.

Separating for a second, he stared into her sparkling eyes before diving back in for a long intimate kiss.

Kim whispered, “Hey beautiful, you’re coming home with me.” Fear of exposure and ridicule rose. Feeling him tense, her arms pulled him tight. Her tongue explored his ear. “As your friend, I felt comfortable kidding you about the salon day gift, but I love your new image. Of course, we should probably update your LinkedIn picture.”

Kissing again, Rene felt a tear of happiness.

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