Pretend Princess - Chapter 6


The crowds parted as Nick and I made our way through. The guests - who all belonged to Lenoria's highest echelon - bowed their heads in respect and admiration.

I knew that symbol of respect was probably aimed at Nick and not me but that did little to dampen the impact of the moment.

I was so nervous I ended up clinging tighter to his arm. I dared not look up at him because I feared that would only amplify all I was feeling.

These feelings were so new and foreign and I couldn't control them. I don't know what caused the tightness in my chest as I held his arm but that tightness caused me to hold on tighter.

It was a vicious cycle.

"There's someone I want you to meet," Nick said shortly before we arrived at a group conversing.

I couldn't hear what they were saying over the chatter of the hall that had now resumed, but the whole group seemed entirely captured by whatever one woman was saying.

I recognized her from the research into the Royal Family. Princess Sophia, King Richard, and Queen Arabella's first child. The older man that stood next to her I also recognized as her husband, the very well-decorated Grand Duke Rowland Stanhope, Supreme Chief of Staff of the Royal Armed Forces of Lenoria.

His title of Grand Duke was actually just an honorary one with no accompanying territorial responsibilities. That privilege was given to his and the princess' 1-year-old son.

His most significant title was his military one as Supreme Chief of Staff which made him the second most powerful man in the country.

His marriage to the princess made it so both families had absolute control over all facets of the nation.

"May I introduce Miss Amelia Beaumont, my love" Nick spoke as soon as the entire group turned their eyes to us.

Following his introduction, I proceeded with the most intense, most revering curtsy I could manage. I didn't recognise the other members of the group but if they were engaging the Grand Duke and Princess in conversation then they had to be important as well.

"My, my, she is even more beautiful in person" The Grand Duke spoke first "Well done lad"

'Lad'? Was he allowed to call him that? I guess he was family so it could have been alright.

"I have heard so much about you," Princess Sophia said warmly "It is nice to finally meet you".

"It is an honor to meet you, Your Royal Highness" I responded.

Speaking was a gamble. I didn't know the etiquette yet so I could have said the wrong thing at any moment but I felt like that was a safe enough sentence.

"Maybe one day you will join the family and you won't have to be so formal" she smiled warmly.

This was probably just an act for the rest of the group. Sophia most likely knew the situation and knew very well that I was never going to be 'part of the family'.

I wondered whether the Grand Duke knew. Would they keep such a secret from him? Would she? It all depended on how much the king trusted him.

"It would be such an honor" I tried my best to make it seem genuine.

"Quite a gem you've found, Nicholas," she said with a smile "Amelia, would you join me for tea in the morning?"

"Of course, your Highness" I bowed my head slightly before Nick and I made our exit.


Nick introduced me to several other dignitaries and it really started to feel like the work had begun. My job was fairly easy so far. All I had to do was smile, be charming, and pretend to be entirely in love with Nick.

If I was being honest, that last part was proving easier than I'd have expected.

Each time he introduced me, he added some term of endearment or another and it would make my heart flutter every time. I hated it. It felt like my heart was betraying me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" A familiar announcer's voice came through the speakers "It is my honor to present to you His Royal Majesty, King Richard, and Her Royal Majesty, Queen Arabella of Lenoria".

All eyes turned towards the ballroom's grand entrance to witness their entry. A moment after the ceremonial music began playing, they appeared in the doorway and began the journey to the front of the ballroom. As they approached, the guests bowed or curtsied as they passed.

Nick and I patiently waited our turn as we were towards the front. I wondered what it must have been like to be in that position. Surely, that kind of reverence from an entire country had to get to your head.

When Nick started his bow, I began my curtsy and turned my face to the floor. I was getting pretty good at it.


Now that their majesties had arrived, it was finally time for the ball to begin which would be opened with a speech from the King.

The entire ballroom was quiet as he was handed the microphone and he cleared his throat to begin. Only those of us in this room would ever hear this speech as it was a private event. His words here would be lost to history upon our deaths.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed guests, and cherished friends," he began.

"Tonight, within the walls of this castle, we gather to herald the return of Prince Nicholas and his beloved, Amelia Beaumont. Their arrival, a beacon of hope, should cast a luminous glow upon this evening's affair. And alongside their homecoming, let us not forget the return of my daughter, Princess Sophia, from her diplomatic efforts in Italy that proved to be a resounding success"

He paused, a flicker of unease crossing his face.

"However, as we bask in the joy of their reunion, I cannot ignore the thorns that have infiltrated the delicate fabric of our kingdom. An unwelcome shadow, an appeal unbidden, challenges the very essence of our sovereignty, casting doubt upon the sanctity of our rule."

The crowd hung on his every word. I wondered how many understood and appreciated his words. Was the culprit in the room with us? Surely they had to be. This was everyone that was anyone in Lenoria. I scanned their faces for any signs of guilt and wondered if the King did the same.

"Miss Beaumont's presence, a testament to unity and love, stands in stark contrast to the deceit that festers within our realm. The betrayal... it lingers like a foul stench, threatening the harmony we strive to maintain."

"Nonetheless, let us not permit these shadows to eclipse the radiance of this evening. Tonight, we honor the return of Prince Nicholas and Amelia Beaumont, their love a beacon in these turbulent times. We celebrate the return of Princess Sophia and her unwavering dedication to our kingdom. And let us not forget my wife, Queen Arabella, and our diligent son, the Crown Prince Theodore.

"Enjoy this moment, my esteemed guests. Eat, drink, and dance in celebration of my family together again under one roof. May their presence illuminate this evening with hope and unity. Thank you, thank you for gracing us with your presence amidst this fragile peace. Please take your seats, let us eat."


I was sat at an incredible table. The King, the Queen, the Crown Prince, Princess Sophia, the Grand Duke, Lady Olivia to my right, and Nick to my left. I was so nervous I could barely eat the food in front of me.

Other than Nick, the only person at the table I could reasonably hold a conversation with was Olivia and she wanted nothing to do with me.

I'd found out more about her situation since we first met. Since her father, the former Duke of Huxley died without a male heir, the title and lands would normally have been returned to the Crown for the King to pass on as he saw fit but due to the friendship the King and Duke shared, the title would be allowed to pass on to her firstborn son which made her one of the most sought after ladies in the kingdom.

"Have you met?" The queen broke the silence "I believe you two are around the same age. I'm sure you'll make very good friends".

I looked to Olivia who looked back to me. I didn't think she had changed her mind about me.

"We've met, your majesty" Olivia replied.

"Oh good, people in our position need friends that they can trust. The Duchess of Huxley was my dear friend. It's a shame what happened"

"It is" The king agreed. "A terrible tragedy".

The entire table agreed.

"I thank you for your kind words" Olivia answered softly.

"I would love to see the two of you bond. Amelia, you could learn so much from you Olivia" the Queen reiterated again.

It wasn't like I hadn't tried.

"I am eager to learn, Your Majesty" I replied "I admire Lady Olivia so very much"

"Good, good" The queen seemed pleased. "It is very fortunate you girls have more sense than we did when we were your age. So many senseless fights back then".

I listened carefully as she reminisced. When it was clear she wasn't going to say anymore, the King spoke again.

"So Sophia, how was your trip?"

"Good, although you know how the Italians are"

God, how many people would love to be a part of this conversation?

"Yes, yes" The king agreed. I didn't know what he was agreeing to. What were the Italians like? I was missing crucial context. The Grand Duke although quiet was nodding as well.

"Nicholas and Amelia are starting their tour tomorrow, would you like to join them?" The king asked Sophia. "I'm sure the people would love to see you"

"I want to spend some time with George now that I'm back" George was her son.

"Of course" The king understood.

"But I may make an appearance" she compromised.

The group ate quietly until it was the Grand Duke's turn to start a conversation. This time, addressed to me.

"Amelia, how are you enjoying Lenoria so far?"

Questions about Amelia were what I'd spent a good amount of my endless free time preparing for so I was ready.

"It's my first time in the castle so it's quite a different experience from the last time I was here"

"Was that when you met Prince Nicholas?" The Grand Duke asked.

"Yes," I placed my hand on Nick's and smiled "We actually met one of those times when he snuck out of the castle" I looked at him and smiled "And I'm so glad he did".

The truth was Nick did actually sneak out a lot back then. Someone had the brilliant idea to integrate that into our fake story.

I studied the Grand Duke but couldn't figure out whether he was just testing me to make sure I had my story straight or if he was asking to get to the bottom of our relationship.

I'd have to ask Percival. Where was he anyway? Shouldn't he have been there?


There was small talk here and there for a while until the music started playing to signify that dinner was over and it was time to dance.

The king took this as his cue and stood offering a hand to his wife.

"Would you do me the honor of having the first dance with me?"

She took it graciously with a smile. Whatever else I thought about them, I think they did love each other-- or at least, that's how it looked to me.

The crowd applauded as the King and Queen took to the massive open area of the ballroom.

The two of them began a routine that I wouldn't have expected from them. It was complex and graceful and much more than I could ever hope to learn. The soft melody of the orchestra enveloped the room, casting a romantic ambiance that seemed to ignite with their every step. The king held her with an air of reverence and guided her effortlessly across the polished marble floor.

I especially kept my eyes on Her Majesty and at some point in their dance, I really began to admire her. How she made the most powerful man in the kingdom handle her with such love and care.

The room seemed to sit still as they moved, the world faded into the background as their dance became a display of the trust they clearly had in each other.

One by one, couples began joining them on the ballroom floor. The music slowly sped up and became a tune they all recognized because the floor was filling up fast with the high-ranking members of society moving together and dancing in circles.

At first glance, it seemed like nonsense but the more I looked, I began to see an order to the madness as they paired into larger and larger groups and danced together.

It was like a wonderful secret that only they knew. Eventually, Princess Sophia and the Archduke as well as Prince Theodore and Lady Olivia in pairs joined the circles.

This form of dancing went on for several minutes and would only occasionally change to a different but just as elegant variation. To my surprise, no one seemed to tire. This style of dancing was as old as Lenoria itself and they seemed intent on passing it on to their children just as it had been passed on to them.

I decided I would learn this dance if only to do my part in keeping it alive just a little longer.

I only felt bad for Nick who remained by my side through it all. At first, I thought he looked longingly to the dance floor but when I traced his eyes, I saw that it led to a dejected-looking Duke Charles. He too hadn't heard the call of the dance and remained in his seat.

They couldn't keep the energetic dancing going on forever though because eventually, the music slowed down and so did the dancing.

It was at that moment that Nick invited me out to the ballroom floor. It was time for us to put on our own show. I prayed the heels would allow me.


Nick held me closely as we swayed together. Even though he tried his best to play the part of the loving boyfriend, I could tell his mind was elsewhere so it was up to me to put on a convincing show.

I placed my arm around his neck and pulled myself close. A quick glance around told me we had an audience.

There were the usual crowd stares aimed at us but among them, Duke Charles' and Princess Emily's eyes watched us.

As crazy as it sounded, I was hoping for another moment like yesterday. Ever since then, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. It was like I had no control over my head or my heart. It scared me and excited me at the same time. What was happening to me?

But this was nothing like yesterday. It was tense. Damn it, I wanted him to hold me and kiss me but instead what I got was the bare minimum.

"What's wrong?" I had to ask. He was the one who said we had to do this properly.

"Nothing" he responded. "I just need some air".

Slowly he pulled away from me and planted a kiss on my forehead to end the show before leaving me by myself on the ballroom floor.

What had just happened?

Before he could go far though, Princess Emily intercepted him and asked for a dance. Ever the gentleman, he obliged her.

I couldn't help but think how that must have looked. He'd just left me to dance with Emily. Optics aside, it annoyed me that he would do that.

Standing on the dance floor alone was too embarrassing for me to bear so I decided our table would be a better place to be.

I managed only about three steps before a man I didn't recognize placed himself in my path.

"Excuse me," I said.

"May I have this dance?" he responded.

He was good-looking and very sharply dressed. I had to admit that his interest in me was a confidence boost. Besides, that's what we were here for right? To dance?

I nodded. He smiled and walked closer to me taking my hand.

"And you are?" I asked as he placed his other hand a little low on my back.

"Carter" he smiled.

"Just Carter?" I placed my free hand in the traditional position on his shoulder.

"Sinclair" he flashed me another smile.

"Just Carter Sinclair?" I followed up.

"Just Carter Sinclair"

"No titles or are you just deliberately being vague?"

"I'm not anything like these pompous pricks if that's what you're asking"

"My boyfriend is one of these pompous pricks".

"The same one currently being manhandled by that blonde?" he smirked.

I started to turn but he stopped me with a hand on my chin, "Don't."

He wasn't Lenorian, I knew that much. No Lenorian would talk about the aristocracy that way, at least not to someone like me who was close to the family.

"You're very bold, Mr. Sinclair" I moved my head to get his hand off. His bold hand went back to my back and if it wasn't my imagination, went a little bit lower than before.

"Is there any other way to live?" He asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He intrigued me.

"I'm a guest, same as you"

"Whose guest?"

"You ask a lot of questions"

"Well you are a strange man"

Did his hand just creep lower?

"You should move your hand" I suggested careful not to disrupt the flow of our swaying.

He moved it even lower. The audacity of this man. What was I even doing? I was in a room with my boyfriend and his family with another man's hand dangerously close to my butt.

"I'll answer your question if you promise to answer one of mine" he offered.

It sounded harmless enough so I nodded. The height difference caused me to look up at him.

"My company does business with the Lenorian government. Don't look now but your prince is leaving" Carter's gaze looked past me.

This time, I completed the turn to see Nick walking away towards one of the side exits leaving Emily standing alone. I broke away from Carter and followed Nick.

I needed to know what was going on. He didn't seem himself at all.

I was several paces behind him so when he exited the doors, it took another half dozen seconds for me to pass through the doors as well.

Through the doors, I found myself in a section of the garden that was barely illuminated. Still, I spotted Nick walking deeper into the garden so I followed.

I didn't want to call out to him to avoid drawing attention to us so I simply kept at it until we were a sufficient distance away.

He took one turn and another and just when I was about to call out to him, I spotted another figure. As I got closer, I was slowly able to make out the slim figure to be Duke Charles.

I hid out of sight. What were they doing out here in the dark? I peeked careful not to expose too much of myself.

I saw Charles caressing Nick's cheek and Nick let him. I wasn't prepared for what came next, they kissed.

I covered my mouth to keep from making a sound.












Hehe, we're getting into it now. Stay tuned for more. And please, let me know what you thought about this one.

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