Pretend Princess - Chapter 5


"Ginny, how does it go again?" Emily pretended to ask the other girl "Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas?"

What was her problem? This reminded me of middle school. Looking the way I did back then, I was an easy target. A boy that looked like a girl? The jokes basically wrote themselves.

Middle school taught me to have a thick skin. So whatever Emily here thought she was going to achieve by insulting me, I had bad news for her.

By the time high school came around, I had learned to stand up to the bullies. Could I stand up to her? Decorum puts her well above me so I would have to think of another way out of this.

"Princess," I said as I bowed my head slowly.

"What are you still doing here?" Emily asked much more directly and seriously.

"I am a guest of His Majesty. I hope I have not offended in any way" I answered innocently.

"Oh, but you have" She didn't even attempt to mask or water down her opinions of me "Your very presence offends me."

I bowed again, "I will do my best to stay out of your sight"

She scoffed, "At least you know your place. Now just return where you belong"

I know I shouldn't have but I just couldn't resist.

"My place is at Nick's side," I said only just managing to maintain my innocent expression.

When her face scrunched up, I knew it had really annoyed her. She liked him. Wasn't he like her cousin or something? Gross.

"How dare a commoner refer to His Highness by his name?" Ginny asked angrily.

"My apologies, I am only acting as he requested" I answered trying to sound as genuine as I could.

That was the trick. Pretending I only innocently spoke the truth. It was kind of fun.

"I know what you are. A parasite. I will make sure Great Uncle sees that" She said finally before turning to leave.

I bowed again because Ginny was still staring at me even as Emily began walking away.

'Yeah good luck with that' I thought to myself.

When the two girls were out of earshot, I turned back to Olivia with a smile but she seemed disappointed somehow.

"I don't know what her problem is with me," I said while folding my arms.

Olivia didn't respond.

"So like I was saying, can you show me around?"

"I'm sorry I can't" she replied quickly.

"Why not?" I was genuinely confused.

"I do not like the games people play here. I do not want to be a part of it. I do not want to be friends with someone that plays these games"

I didn't respond. How could I respond to that? I didn't even really understand what she meant by it.

"I'm sorry" She added before leaving me standing alone by the pond.


My walk had turned sour after that so I had decided to return to my room. The next few hours had been boring with absolutely nothing to do.

I had to remember to ask about wifi or cable the next time I saw Percy. If I had to go a whole year like this, I would probably lose my mind.

They wanted Nick and I to get out there and publicise our relationship but here I was lying in bed with nothing to do and he was nowhere to be found.

Even worse was that Celeste had other duties when she wasn't attending to me so I couldn't even spend the day with her. All around shitty day.

The contract was no longer on my vanity by the time I returned so there was no going back now.

I wondered about the syringe from earlier. I didn't feel any different which was a good thing right? I made another mental note to ask Percy about it.

I'd have to get his phone number and a carrier as well. I couldn't remain cut off like this.

Sometime around 4 pm that day, my wandering thoughts were interrupted by knocking on the door. Who could it be? It wasn't Celeste because she would usually just walk in after knocking.

"Who is it?" I called out.

The door wasn't locked so this was really just a courtesy.

Nick maybe? Did he finally return?

I quickly arose from the soft bed and smoothed my dress in the mirror making sure I looked presentable. My hair was a mess so I ran my fingers through, followed by a palm over it.

Strangely, I never got a response.

Still, after I was satisfied with my appearance, I made my way to the door and opened it.

"Ta-da" Izzy exclaimed excitedly.

"Hi," I stepped aside for her to pass. That was all the invitation she needed.

"So how are you enjoying your first day in Lenoria?" She placed a small chest on the vanity before turning back to me.

"Awful" I answered while heading back to regain my former position in bed. "I'm bored out of my mind. I need wifi"

"Oh, I don't know about that. I'll ask Sir Percival" she offered.

"Yes please, I can't carry on like this"

"So, anything interesting happen?"

I thought quickly about whether I should tell her about my day and decided there was no harm in it.

"Celeste injected me with some liquid. Should I be worried?" I asked.


"Oh, my lady-in-waiting. Is that what you call it?"

"Oh yeah," she took the seat at the Vanity table. "It's probably just estrogen. To keep you from getting any more masculine"

Oh, I guess I should have expected that. It would put a dent in all our plans if puberty finally decided it was time. As long as it was temporary or reversible, this was fine.

"Right. Oh yeah, I think Princess Emily hates me"

"Why? What happened?" Izzy asked as she opened the case.

"She called me a parasite"

"Ooh" Izzy voiced "Between you and me, I think she's in love with the prince"

Well, I figured that out for myself already. She thinks I'm stealing her man. Wish I could tell her that Nick would never be hers regardless of my existence.

"Aren't they cousins?" I asked.

"Second cousins I believe. Same as the King and Queen. It's quite normal"

"Ugh, whatever. I just wish she'd leave me alone" I complained.

Izzy seemed understanding. "You can ask His Highness to talk to her. I'm sure she'll listen to him".

"Run to Nick for protection? No, I can handle her"

Izzy shrugged and accepted my choice, "Can you stand for me?"

"Why?" I asked while already complying.

"I need to get your exact measurements" She replied while revealing a tape measure from her case.


Izzy had measured every part of me specifically the shoulders, breasts... er breastforms, waist and hips. She'd revealed that the measurements were for my ball gown.

"You're going to love it" she'd claimed. Somehow I doubted that. The nightgown and the purple dress I had on had managed to make it so I didn't mind wearing dresses due to how comfortable they were or could be, but we were still a long way off from 'loving dresses'.

As of yet, they were simply work attire.

In any case, she'd left after informing me that she would be back in the morning to sort out my hair. We said our goodbyes as she exited the room once again leaving me to my boredom.


Late that night, I got another quiet knock on my door. Celeste had been around earlier to bring my food and draw me a bath so unless she'd forgotten something, it wasn't her.

"It's me" Nick's voice was faint and quiet but still instantly I knew it was him.

I hurriedly opened the door. I looked at him but couldn't see the carefree boy I'd known for 8 months. He looked so serious.

"Walk with me?" he asked.

He wasn't asking to come in. He wanted me to follow. My short nightgown was hardly appropriate attire to be walking around the castle with.

"Sure give me one second" I turned around and headed for the closet. Even though he peered into the room, he made no attempts to come in.

I quickly slipped on a matching night robe and slippers and headed back out the door.


Nick expertly navigated the corridors which thankfully were all empty. At the end of one hallway, we came to another flight of stairs heading upstairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see"

This floor seemed even more barren in the night than the one we'd just come from. We walked through its hall and upon reaching its end, we came to a winding stone stairwell going even higher.

"I want to go back," I told Nick.

This place was dark, and uninviting, and didn't seem like I was allowed to be there.

"Don't be afraid" he took my hand in his and led me up the stairs.

Round and round in circles we went in the dark stairwell until we reached a wooden door. Nick pulled it open and we were greeted by the night sky.

We stepped out into the night and I realized we were at the very top of the castle in one of the towers. There was only a narrow circular space that would fit only a few people at the most.

It was scary, but also peaceful. I looked over the tower's high walls and could see the battlements below and the garden even farther down.

"I used to love coming up here as a kid" I heard him say.

"Did you bring me to your special place, Nicky?" I teased him using the name Theodore had called him.

"I wanted us to have a place we could talk and not worry about being overheard" he answered. "I wanted to ask you a question".

He was being very serious so I thought I should at least try to be as well.


"Do you want to leave here?" was his question.

It caught me off guard. We just got here. The work hadn't even started so why was he asking me this already?

"Say the word and we leave tomorrow" he added.

He did seem very serious which was concerning but I really didn't want to leave. I'd just had a day where I had done absolutely nothing, had my meals brought to me and taken a walk, and I was to be paid a salary that I could never earn working back home.

Admittedly, it had been boring so far but compared to a 9-5, this was heaven.

"I want to stay" I answered him.

He seemed disappointed. Did he want to leave? Already? What had happened?

"Nick, what's wrong?"

He forced the most bogus smile I'd ever seen.

"I'm not sure but I think my father wants me to take his place"

"He wants you to be king?" I asked making sure I understood what he meant.

"I think so" Nick confirmed.

"What about your brother?" I felt that was the obvious question to ask.

"I don't know"

"Do you want to be king?"

A sudden gust of wind blew past us. I studied Nick's face. I'd gotten pretty good at reading him. He looked conflicted.

"No, that's not why I came here"

So I asked the obvious question again. One I suspected he wanted me to ask.

"Why did you agree to come?"

They weren't exactly forcing him. He's the one that agreed to it.

"I came for Charles but understandably, he was upset with me for leaving in the first place"

"And so you want to leave again?" I asked.

"Not because of him"

"So you do want to leave?"

He turned away from me. He didn't say anything and so neither did I. I just watched his broad, tall frame in the moonlight. One I could never hope to achieve, not in a million years.

"I want to leave because I am afraid of what I have to do" I heard him say. He sounded so unsure of himself. This version of him was so at odds with the boy I knew.

I reached out and touched his shoulder. I wanted to understand but I didn't want to say the wrong thing.

"I'm here" was all I managed.

"Kiss me" I heard him say.

I stepped back in shock. He turned to face me. I half expected or even hoped for a joking smile but even then, he was serious.

He walked forward and took my hand.

"What are you talking about?" I tried not to panic but my hand enveloped by his was sending waves of shock through my body.

"If we stay, then I won't be able to sit idly by while people suffer"

"I don't understand" I was trying to but he wasn't making any sense.

"If we stay, then I have to make him choose me and maybe then I can do some good. For that, we have to be perfect. We have to give the appearance of two people in love. I know it will be hard for you but you have to try. If you can't then we leave tomorrow"

So this was a test? Didn't he know that I'd already signed a contract? I guessed my job hinged on him anyway so without him, it would be worthless right?

"Okay," I replied.

We'd have to kiss sooner or later anyway so better now that it was just the two of us.

He stepped forward and I did my best not to take a step back.

He leaned in awkwardly, I strained as I leaned in as well.

'Try to enjoy it' I thought to myself before our lips connected. The first thing I noticed was how fast my heart was beating.

The electricity at the points where our hands and lips touched was too much to bear. It felt like I was having a heart attack. The feeling as he pulled me tighter dwarfed any other in recent memory.

When I moaned, I realized I hadn't even been trying to enjoy it. I pulled apart from him, my eyes wide with shock.

We were both blushing. He stepped back and cleared his throat.

I knew I couldn't let the moment linger so I spoke to clear the air, "Well? Did I pass?"

"Uh yeah, you did".

Oh God, I'd moaned audibly. He knew I had enjoyed that. Why did I? And why did he suddenly look better in the moonlight?

"I'll walk you back"


I was in a daze the next morning even as Izzy finished with my hair. I'd been so utterly absent-minded, I hadn't even noticed when she'd finished washing and styling my hair.

I'd had such trouble falling asleep last night and even now, I still couldn't focus. My mind was entirely preoccupied by that kiss even if it was the last thing I wanted to think about.

The suggestion had come entirely out of nowhere but Nick's reasoning made sense when I thought about it. What didn't make sense however was how it had made me feel.


"Yeah?" I answered.

"What's on your mind?"


Izzy looked at me suspiciously but didn't press.

"I was saying, now that we're done you need to try out the shoes and make sure you can walk... and dance in them"

"I can't dance, period"

"The important thing is balance. The men will lead, you just have to stay on your feet and follow. Don't worry, all it takes is practice"

It turns out normally, Nick and I would have had to do the first dance since the ball was in our honor but thankfully, that idea had been tossed aside.

As it was, I was going to make a fool of myself. I'd rather not do that when everyone was staring at me.

"Why do I even have to wear heels anyway?" I whined as Izzy handed me the silver rhinestone heels that were at least a foot taller than the one from two days ago.

She had shown me a picture of the admittedly beautiful tulle gown she'd be delivering later in the day so I knew it was a floor sweeper. Nobody would see the heels anyway.

"I accounted for the heels when designing the dress. It's meant to give you the illusion of longer legs. Trust me, okay?"

I reluctantly slipped on the heels and checked to make sure it wasn't too tight. Perfect fit again.

"Here, let me help," Izzy said taking my hand.

Shakily I managed to stand to my feet but struggled to find any balance. I took one unsteady step after another. I could walk but the tiniest bit of contact would probably topple me over.

"It's okay, you'll get it. Just focus on finding your balance" she encouraged, her gentle tone was very welcome and helped to calm me down. "We have..." she checked her watch "... eight hours. Plenty of time".


Between the lessons I'd received and the breaks where we'd talk which did a lot to calm me down, I'd gone from barely being able to walk to confidently strutting around the room in a more composed stride.

She'd left me to my own devices a few hours ago after renewing the adhesive on my now familiar breasts and bidding me to keep practicing which I had obeyed.

As Celeste helped me into the numerous dress layers, it really began to dawn on me that I was going to an actual ball. Even now, members of the aristocracy were arriving and mingling in anticipation of the night's events. I was in uncharted territory for most women and my life would only get more unrecognizable.

How was I going to go back to being a man after all this? I'd been living as a woman for two days now. My nails were painted a soft blue color and Celeste was fitting me in layers upon layers of undergarments to create an hourglass shape that far exceeded normally attainable proportions.

My gaze focused on the gorgeous tulle dress and silver heels that awaited their turns. How was I going to do all of this and then turn around and be a man again?

"Please sit, my lady. I will help you with the shoe"

"I really wish you would call me Amelia" I replied as I took a seat on the bed.

"Sorry," she replied before encasing my feet in the familiar footwear.

"Time for the dress"

I nodded and regained my feet.

I watched my small frame in the mirror. A blessing or a curse, I wondered. Soon Nick would be holding me as we dance together.

Butterflies in my stomach.

Celeste helped me step into the dress and then slowly and carefully began to zip it up. The dress seemed to melt and hug my body perfectly.

Next came jewelry and other adornments and when the final piece, a beautiful diamond necklace found its place on my neck, I was done and ready.


From the moment Celeste opened my room door, I could instantly hear loud chattering coming from downstairs. I was so nervous my palms were sweaty. I was so grateful for all that practice or I wouldn't have even been able to make the journey to the staircase in my current condition.

"Don't worry, you are perfect" Celeste said to my right.

I turned and smiled at her. Surprisingly, that was part of my worry. Maybe people were coming to see me. The prince's girlfriend. Me.

I was worried I'd be a disappointment. I wanted to measure up.

Celeste hadn't led me down the usual path. She explained that this path led to a special ballroom staircase that led directly down into the hall. As we approached, the chatter got louder.

The final stretch of the hall was a balcony with a full view of the ballroom floor.

It was quite the sight. Like something out of a fairytale. The lights reflected off the golden surfaces which produced the most brilliant ambient atmosphere.

Along the edges of the walls were numerous round tables where the guests would feast before the dancing began.

I scanned the crowds. They were all smiles as they drank their wines and engaged in conversation. A refill was only a snap of a finger away. So this was how royalty lived, not a care in the world. And not even as a reward for any hard work, they were simply born into it.

But I didn't care about them. There was only one person on my mind. Nick. I scanned their faces looking for him. I'd expected him to be somewhere in the middle of the crowd mingling with those who were desperate to speak to him again after all these years but that wasn't where he was.

Nick stood just at the top of the staircase that my current path would eventually lead me. He was waiting for me right below.

I hurried to the end, turned the final corner, and stood at the top of the staircase. He looked so handsome. How hadn't I noticed that before?

I mean, I knew he was handsome through the way the girls acted near him but I hadn't seen it for myself until now. Though he didn't need the help, the black coat and the red sash enhanced his image even more.

I think I understood a bit of the despair Emily must have been feeling.

I hadn't noticed it but the crowd had quieted and now watched me watching him. Our eyes met and I felt how I'd felt yesterday all over again.


One step at a time, Nick climbed the staircase to meet me at the very top.

"Hi," he said charmingly.

"Hi," I croaked. My voice had failed me. It wasn't my fault. I'd challenge anyone to be in that situation and not falter.

"Get any more beautiful and you're going to make every girl here hate you"

I blushed.

He outstretched his arm for me and I placed my wrist through. Together we walked down those steps hand in hand.

None of the onlookers could take their eyes off us.











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