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Silver Bell Wish 4
by Peregrine

Copyright © 2023 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Chapter 4
‘He picked up his costume’s garment bag, slung the purse over his shoulder, and left. He wondered what else could go wrong.’
Rian walked into the large main entrance area of the pavilion. With the play being over, it was mostly empty. On the far left, he could see the security desk with a guard speaking to someone. There were a few people in the area as he started walking to the door. On his right, he saw a janitor wearing a Santa hat admiring a Christmas tree he had finished setting up. As Rian passed, the janitor stepped back for a better look and bumped into Rian, who dropped the garment bag.
“I’m so sorry, miss,” said the janitor. He reached down and picked up the garment bag. “Here, let me get that for you.” He handed the garment bag back to Rian. “Here you go. Are you alright?.”
“Thanks for picking that up for me,” said Rian accepting the bag. “I’m fine.” Rian looked at the tree. The janitor noticed.
“Isn’t she a beauty?” said the janitor. “It was the best tree on the lot. We were lucky to get it.”
“Yes, it’s very nice.”
“Wait until you see it decorated. It is going to be spectacular! Imagine hundreds of silver bells hanging from the branches. Say, aren’t you one of the elves that were in the play today?”
“Yes, I am.”
“You’re the elf that saved Christmas! My niece loved your show. You were terrific.”
“Thanks, I appreciate the compliment. Is your niece in the hospital?”
“No. One perk of being an employee, we got to bring our family to see the play. Wait until I tell her I spoke with the star of the play.”
“That’s very kind of you to say.”
“I have a question if I can be so bold?”
“The playbill referred to you as a guy. Was it a misprint?”
“No, I am a guy. There was a costume mix-up and my male elf costume wasn’t ordered. So, I have to wear the female elf costume.”
“Let me say you did a remarkable job. I never would have known. But the play is over. Why are you wearing a dress? Are you a method actor? You know; fully immersing yourself in your character.”
“No, it was a prank by some of my cast mates.”
“Ah, that explains it. I guess it was expected.”
“No, it wasn’t,” said a frustrated Rian. “I didn’t ask to be a female elf. Just like I didn’t ask for my sister to be sick or my entrance to the Master’s program to be based on how well I do in this play. I didn’t ask to spend yesterday and today dressed as a girl almost all day and now have to go home wearing a dress. I wish things could be different.”
“Well then, you could try this.” He swept his arms towards the tree. “This is a Christmas wishing tree. The children here or members of their families can make a wish and hang a silver bell on the tree.”
Rian smiled at the thought. “Do their wishes come true?”
“Some do, some don’t.” He bent down and pulled out a small silver bell from a bag at the base of the tree. “Take this, make a wish, and ring it.” He handed Rian the bell.
“Oh, no. I couldn’t,” said Rian as he took the bell.
“Suit yourself,” said the janitor. Rian tried to hand the bell back to the janitor. “You keep it. If you change your mind, make your wish and ring the bell. Merry Christmas.”
“Thanks, Merry Christmas.”
Rian put the bell in the purse and walked to the door. He passed the guard, wishing him a Merry Christmas, and left the pavilion.
The moment Rian his car started moving, Rian could hear something was wrong. Stepping out of the car, he saw his passenger side back tire was completely flat. “Ah, crap. Why now? I just want to get home.” He decided not to change the tire while wearing the dress and heels. He called the car service and then got back in the car to wait.
As he sat there, he thought about all that had gone wrong, starting with his sister’s illness to now having to wear the dress home. “God, I wish things were different.” He pounded his hands on the steering wheel and then put his forehead on the top of the wheel. He heard a faint ringing. Lifting his head, he looked at the purse on the passenger seat. “No…,” he said. Putting the purse on his lap, he opened it and took out the bell. “Really Rian,” he said out loud. “You’re seriously thinking of doing this.” As he began to put the bell back, he stopped. He thought of all the wishes he could make. He wondered if he could make one wish to include them all. ‘This is silly,’ he thought. Holding the bell out, he closed his eyes and said, “I wish for a different life.” He rang the bell. He waited until the ringing had died down. Nothing happened. ‘I knew it was silly,’ he thought. He dropped the bell onto the seat, then put his head on the steering wheel and closed his eyes to wait for the auto service.
“Rian, come on.” Rian seemed to hear the voice through a fog. “Get out there. Take your bow,” said Professor Atwood.
Rian recovered and went to take a bow. Things seemed off, yet nothing appeared different. Still, he could feel a change. Rian’s arms swept in Santa’s direction, and Santa came out and took a bow. Both Santa and Rian held hands, then took hold of the hand of the person on either side of them, and the entire cast took a final bow. The curtain closed, leaving Rian standing there trying to make sense of things. Rian walked backstage, and the girls wanted to take a group picture, and then another picture of the elves and Santa. As the group disbanded, Santa accidentally brushed up against Rian’s chest. Rian jumped at the sensation, bringing a hand up to the breast. Startled at the feeling, Rian was trying to figure out what was going on.
“Rian, oh, there you are.” Rian’s mother appeared, holding a garment bag. “You forgot to bring your dress for the cast party. You were fantastic. Your father and Renee both said they never saw you act better.”
“My dress? Wait, Renee came to the play?”
“Of course, she came. Do you think she would miss her sister’s opening night?”
“But her meds?”
“She took a little pain medication. It was all she needed.”
“Pain medication? But…”
“Your father’s double parked. I told him to go around the block if he had to. Enjoy the cast party. See you at home.”
Rian watched as she left. ‘What did she mean by my dress?’ Rian started for the men’s dressing room and was stopped before pulling the door open by Jordan.
“Ladies’ dressing room is across the hall, Rian. Unless you want to see me naked.” Rian looked at Jordan as he went in, leaving a confused Rian staring at the door.
“Rian, we want another picture,” called Kimber. Rian joined the others for the picture and stood there, still holding the garment bag. “Is that your dress for the party? I have to see. Come on, said Kimber.”
Kimber began guiding Rian into the ladies’ dressing room.
“I can’t…” Rian protested.
“Will you stop being silly and get in there?”
Kimber led Rian into the dressing room and to a chair with a sticker that said Rian. Rian wondered why the sticker was on a chair in the ladies’ dressing room. Kimber hung the garment bag on the rack by the chair and unzipped the bag. Reaching in, she took out the dress.
“This is beautiful!” Kimber was holding a short color block holly green sleeveless dress with a black lace overlay. Rian had to admit it was stunning.
“This dress is perfect for the star of the show. I can’t wait to see it on you. I better start getting changed.” Rian was left standing there, still befuddled, as Kimber walked away.
‘What is going on?’ thought Rian. ‘Why did Mom bring me a party dress? Why am I in the lady’s dressing room?’ Rian stood up and was bumped and someone brushed Rian’s breast again. Rian reacted to the unusual sensation with a hand coming up to cover the breast. ‘I have to see what’s going on.’
Rian entered the restroom stall and then removed the vest and top of the costume. Reaching back, the bra clasp was undone. Rian went to catch the breast forms, but they didn’t fall. Surprised, Rian’s hands came up and cupped each breast. “What the…?” Realizing they would not fall, Rian let them go.
“What the fuck is going on?” Rian said out loud. A sudden thought hit Rian. He pushed down the skirt and slowly slid his hand down the panties and felt a totally foreign sensation. With wide eyes, Rian looked down and screamed. His male equipment was gone. He had a vagina! He had breasts! Rian sat on the toilet and began to hyperventilate. Rian’s scream reverberated in the restroom and out into the dressing room. The girls rushed into the room with the guys hanging just outside the door. The girls got to the stall.
“Rian, open the door. Are you alright? We heard you scream,” said Tammy
Rian opened the door, panting. “She’s hyperventilating. Get a paper bag.” Someone came in with a bag and handed it to Tammy. “Breath into this,” said Tammy, handing Rian the bag. Rian began breathing into the bag and slowly calmed down.
“Can you tell us what happened?” asked Ellery.
Rian sat there bare-chested in front of the girls, trying to figure out what to say. I just found out I had breasts, and a vagina did not appear to be the right thing to say. Rian took a deep breath and said, “I thought I saw a mouse.”
The room emptied quickly with a few squeals, leaving Kimber and Ellery to help Rian. Ellery walked around the room and picked up a scrunched-up brown paper towel. “Is this what you saw?”
“I think so,” lied Rian.
“It probably moved when someone opened the door.” Ellery threw it into the trash can. “The excitement is over. If you’re done, let’s go get dressed for the cast party.”
“Thanks, guys. I really appreciate your help.”
Rian followed Ellery and Kimber out to the dressing room.
Rian took her time getting ready. She still didn’t understand what was going on. The one thing she knew was she was now a girl. The evidence was right there in front of her as she looked down at her breasts, now back in her bra. She put the dress on and used the heels of her costume to complete her look. She commented on how nice each girl looked and sat down in the chair again.
“Come on, let’s get to the party,” said Ellery as the girls surrounded Rian’s chair.
“You go on. I’m still feeling a little woozy.”
“Come on, girls. I think she wants to make an entrance,” said Tammy. The girls laughed and left for the party next door.
Rian sat there, trying to comprehend what was going on. She didn’t remember performing in the play. Her mother saying her sister needed only pain medication was strange. Bringing her a dress for the cast party made no sense until her discovery that she was now a girl.
“Maybe this is a dream. I’ve never had a dream like this before,” she said. She took one last look at herself in the mirror and then stood up. “I’m an actor. I can act as if this is normal.” She took a deep breath. “I better get to this party.”
The party was in full swing. Everyone at the party seemed to know Rian only as a girl. As the evening wore on, Rian began taking things in stride.
The girls were standing together when the Activities Director of the hospital walked up to them.
“Ladies, thank you for visiting the children this morning. I know it must be difficult to find the time with all that must be going on in your lives during the holidays. We had so many positive comments about you girls and I was wondering if any of you would like to continue visiting the children until the play is over. I understand if you can’t make it. Even if it were one or two of you, the children would love it.”
“I could do it again,” said Amelia.
“I guess I could, too,” said Rian, almost without thinking.
“Thank you so much. I’ll let you decide who can come and on what days.”
The party ended and Rian left. She was still confused as she walked to her car. Rian heard a bell ringing and turned toward the sound. She saw a guy in a Santa hat ringing a bell in front of a red kettle. Opening her purse, she found her wallet and was pleased to see there was some money in it. Taking out some bills, she walked over to the kettle and dropped the money inside.
“Thank you and Merry Christmas,” said the guy ringing the bell.
“You’re well…” Rian started to say. Turning to the man, Rian realized she knew him. “You! It’s you!”
“Well, if it isn’t the elf who saved Christmas. How have you been?”
“How have I been? I’ve been terrible! What did you do to me?”
“Me? I’ve done nothing to you,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“What do you mean, you’ve done nothing to me? The last time I saw you, I was a guy and now…” Rian looked around and lowered her voice. “I’m a girl.”
“The last time you were wearing a dress and complaining about how things were going in your life. Today I see you in a dress, which is very pretty, by the way, complaining you are a girl.”
“I wasn’t a girl then,” Rian said sharply. “You’re the last person I saw.”
“Ah,” he said. “What’s the last thing you remember from our first meeting?” Rian thought back to their first meeting.
“You had finished putting up the Christmas wishing tree and gave me a bell to make a wish. I didn’t want to, so you told me to keep it in case I changed my mind. When I went to my car and found I had a flat tire. I started feeling sorry for myself and got out the bell and wished…for...a…different life.”
“There you go. I knew you were a smart one.”
“I never wished to be a girl.”
“You wished for a different life. What could be more different than going from the life of a boy to the life of a girl?”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Embrace it.”
“How am I going to get through this?”
“You’re a smart girl. You’ll figure it out. Being an actor should be enough.” He saw the look on Rian’s face. “If you need me for anything, ring the bell. I’ll try to be there. Busy time of year for me, though. Don’t ring it too often.”
“But I don’t have…” Rian heard a faint ringing coming from her bag. She opened her bag and took out the silver bell. She looked over and found him gone. “Great, just fucking great,” she said. She put the bell back in her bag.
‘Now that I know what’s going on, maybe I can get through this,’ she thought. She got to her car, started it, then left for home.
Thanks for reading. Comments welcome.
Cover picture Credits:
Photo Created with AI using Gencraft (after many tries)
Photo Composite by Peregrine
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Well that . . .
. . . certainly went in a direction I didn’t expect! I’m still thinking he’s in his car, dreaming, waiting for AAA to show up. But only the great falcon knows for sure!
— Emma
Waiting for AAA to Show Up???
Now we need at least 3 or 4 more chapters until they show up!
What a fun story, I really enjoyed it.
This kind of reminds me of……
The Family Man, which is my absolute favorite Christmas movie.
Perhaps this is “just a glimpse” of what could be and Rian will wake up just like Nicholas Cage does, only to regret the life he lost
Like Emma Anne, I have the feeling that Rian is asleep in his car waiting for the car service to show up and will awaken from the dream when they show up to change his tire. The question is, how long will the dream (or the glimpse of a different life) last?
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
“How am I going to get through this?”
good question!
Silver Bell 4
there's more behind our wishes than words. I like the story.
Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
I Know It's True
Christmas is the time for magic and Rian definitely needed some after the shit sandwich she was given. So shove that in yer pipe and smoke it, Jordan!
And I know it's magic because Peregrine loaned me her wonderful pictures for MY story!
Hmm. Not sure this is going
Hmm. Not sure this is going my way.
If the earlier commenters are right and this is a (day) dream while he waits for the AAA it might be OK, but without those comments I was ready to bale out on the story.