A couple weeks ago I asked writers to identify which of their short stories they liked the best. But if I hadn’t limited the field, there is no doubt that An Aria for Cami is my personal favorite of all the stories I’ve written. It is being published by Doppler Press on Amazon for kindle as four books, and the first one, The Holly and the Ivy, has just been published. I hope that you will purchase, read and review it — all proceeds will go to BCTS to help support the site!
For anyone who read Aria a year ago when I first posted it, I can promise that the published version is better than you remember. It has gone through several rounds of edits, and the final posted chapter was completely revamped.
Many, many thanks to everyone who helped get this across the finish line, especially Angela Rasch, for a thorough line-edit and many thoughtful suggestions, Catherd and Dee Sylvan, each of whom went through the whole thing for me a second time, and Nyssa, whose early editorial suggestion sparked my first editing effort. Thanks, as well, to Erin and Melanie E. for the final edits, and for believing in the story enough to publish it. Melanie also did spectacular original cover art! A final note of thanks to AlisonP, who encouraged me to keep writing after Duets was done. Alison, The Holly and the Ivy is your book, and I dedicated it to you.
Because this publication will put more of my work behind a paywall, I’m compensating a bit by releasing the first part of a novelette later today. Cheers!
I just bought this…….
And I will post a review after re-reading it - it’s been a while since I read it previously, so I definitely want to refresh my memory before posting anything. It was an outstanding story, as is all of your work!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Thank you, Dallas!
— Emma
Amazon Kindle
I went over to Amazon Kindle and though there were books with the word Aria in the title, I do not see yours.
Got you covered!
I had the same issue with Duets. I find selecting “books” and searching for my full name in quotes plus the book title works (“Emma anne tate” Aria). Anyway, here’s the link:
— Emma
Duets and Aria
Two of my favorite stories of Emma's revolve around Cameron's journey. I was happy to see they are now on Kindle and I will be adding my reviews shortly. I appreciate the immense effort you put into these stories, but more than that, when you pour out your heart on these pages, it makes me love your efforts even more. Your subsequent efforts here on BC and your connection to readers through your comments in my opinion has transformed this site into a community. I hope other readers come to appreciate you through Kindle as much as the I and your loyal fans here on BC do. Best of luck and all my love sis! :DD
Oh my goodness!
Dee, thank you so much! BC was a wonderful community long before I showed up, though. I'm just happy to be a part of it.
Love you to death, woman!
— Emma
In My Library
Looking forward to the read. Will review as I know reviews help sales and sales help BC.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thanks, Jill!
For this, and for all of your help!
— Emma