I'm incredibly excited -- My first book is available on Kindle!!! Appropriately enough, the very first installment of Duets (then "Duet") was posted on BC almost exactly a year ago. All proceeds will go to BC, so I hope anyone who liked the story will be inspired to purchase it and give a review! :D The revised version of the first few chapters is now available on the site as a teaser.
Many thanks to everyone who helped get the story from its original incarnation to the published version -- Catherd, Dee Sylvan, Rachel Moore, Melanie E., Erin, and most especially, Jill Rasch.
Also: Check out Melanie's cover art!!!
Imho, Emma's books have taken BC to a new dimension. I purchased this immediately and if only I could somehow get a signed copy, maybe someday... Duets is an amazing book. Cameron comes from a conservative family that is finally ripped apart by a stone hearted father with his head buried in the sand. Cam stands up for his brother and then is driven out. Cam is a likable character, one I can relate to in many ways. He is an intelligent young man with a strong sense of integrity but is looking to find himself. Emma unveils his journey and the friends that help him along in a heartfelt way.
I love this book and highly recommend it to my friends. And thank you for donating the proceeds to BC! :DD
Top Five
Doppler Press has come a long way! I'm not meaning to criticize some of the early writing because some of its earliest books are still in the Top Five. And, right there with them is Duets.
We are taken on an excruciating journey that is made enjoyable by the bountiful love and compassion that moves Cam to a much richer life.
This is a book that makes you ask yourself very important questions.
This is a book that comes directly from Emma's loving heart.
Emma has earned a spot on BC's Mount Rushmore.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I was really on the fence about publishing, because I was fighting all the insecurities any new author probably has. You believed in the stories enough to undertake the task of editing them. The editing was great, but your faith in the stories was essential.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
— Emma
Thank you for the recommendation!
Dee, you’re a wonder! Thank you for your help with the story, for your great review, and for your friendship!
— Emma
Got it read
I got it on Kindle as soon as possible. I just now finished it. Sorry for the delay but sometimes life gets in the way. I'm used to your style but after a thoroughly developed opening it seemed to bog down. The Cam/Candi and Liz games just seemed to get in the way.
The wedding dress conflict was the answer to a prayer for Emma Anne insight. And then a swift Gallup into epilogue and fin. A good realistic work but not your best. I'm looking forward to more.
Thank you, Ron!
Gosh, I can remember auditoriums of young people chanting that . . . . :D
Duets is rather different from most of my other work in certain respects. Thanks for your perseverance!
— Emma