If an author puts something on Kindle, getting to it to read it is simple. Patreon on the other hand is very difficult for me and I usually just give up. Does Patreon Pay more? Is Amazon too difficult for Authors? For me if a story is offered on Patreon, it might as well have gone down a black hole.
They're completely different types of service.
Patreon is a way of getting paid for your work as you do it, via donations and subscriptions from folks who want to see it ahead of time.
Kindle is a marketplace for completed work.
It's the difference between funding someone doing something and buying the finished product.
Melanie E.
This is a complex issue
I ended up having to move to Patreon for my TG fiction because Amazon started restricting my account due to 'content violations' saying my stuff had pornography. To me, pornography is sex for sex's sake without lending to the story. I obviously disagreed with this characterization but Amazon really doesn't care and when they ban your account they ban ALL OF it and I have mainstream fiction under another pseudonym.
I decided patreon was the best way to interact with my audience and discontinued offering my works on Amazon (though anyone that purchased a book can still download it from their kindle reader app).
I have put a handy 'links' page at the top of my posts so people can immediately find completed works and now with the new Collections function ive been gathering my stories under those so theyre a lot easier to find, I hope.
I do wish Amazon were a bit kinder to tg fiction authors but there ya go.
You couldn’t make this up - Amazon is awash with porn - the amount of gender-change books they have which are basically just an excuse for literary pornography is beyond belief, and most of it is crap, nowhere near the standard of the majority of the stories on this site!
I guess that all it takes...
to get a book banned on Amazon these days is just one person to complain (just like getting rid of the US House Speaker????)
They take the complaint even if it is a total fabrication and ban the book. Then it is up to the author to prove that it is not porno or whatever. With a faceless monstrosity like AMZN,(aka the Borg) that is next to impossible. They have all the power. That is why I've stopped using them for anything.
Porn on Amazon
I go to BCTS first to see if there is something I like. If not I go to Amazon Kindle. I just finished reading a long book that is full of Lesbian Porn. I would not have chosen to read it at first but it was so well written that I did. I'm not sure what all the book banning and complaining is about.
Book banning
Religious ideologues have stoked ignorance and fear by pointing to LGBTQ+ related AGE APPROPRIATE books as being the means to recruit and groom children. It's ignorance on steroids and about as harmful as it sounds, with armed thugs showing up at school board meetings and libraries to intimidste and further the hatred of OUR community! Misinformstion taken to foolish and dangerous conclusions.
Love, Andrea Lena
BC Patreon
BC Patreon is mostly free to read. Most of the stuff, more than 90% I post there doesn't even need an account, let alone a paid one. The only things that need to paid accounts are things Patreon would consider Adults Only or 18+. This does include two of the more popular series there, Wednesday Knights and Pete's Vagina and a few others.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.