Round the Mulberry bush

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and other random things!

I'm not having a great week. Oh its not my health or anything nasty but rather an accumulation of 'stuff' which has put a downer on things. It satarterd on Monday, i had the day all planned out but it was dependant on my bank doing their thang which of course they failed to do. How is it that i get funds transferred from accounts around the globe and they are in my account in minutes but funds from a UK account take two days, or in this case, three days to reach my coffers? Anyhoo, That was Mondays plans laid to waste.

Tuesday was better, well i was out on the bike, a loop taking in a double ascent of the Mendip and visits to Cheddar and Wells within the 100km ride. I stayed dry, had an all day breakfast for lunch and even had some wind assist as i crossed the crumpled landscape back to the Avon.

And so to today. The stuff from Monday was rescheduled for today so i was expecting a full day. First though was a trip to collect Aunty Bev's new E bike, or rather not, after 8 weeks they still hadn't sourced / fitted a missing / damaged part so that was a couple of hours wasted. Well it was still early enough to do my planned purchasing, surely that couldn't go wrong?

I walked to the Swedish shop and got some lunch, i hadn't been for quite a while so i had a mooch before aiming for the item i was after, a USB adapter (i left mine at the B&B last week), simples yeah? Wrong, they had everything but what i was after, strike one. Next i headed for M&S to look for mark downs in the food hall - well that was at least succesfull, i scored a nice piece of salmon for my tea!

The plan was to then take the bus the several miles to our king size Lidl so i made my way to the bus stop. the first bus didn't arrive, nor did the second so change of plan, start walking. The next stop claimed the bus i wanted would arrive in just a couple of minutes so i waited, and waited, nada, get walking again Mads. I did get a bus when i reached the next stop but only back to Fishponds, after waiting an hour for buses i really was beyond going further and i could get most stuff in the local stores right?

Wrong, i wanted some hair dye, nope the shade i wanted was the only one missing from the shelves! At which point i was getting pretty cheesed so when the supermarket didn't have any parmesan, well that was it, the final straw. hopefully things will go better the rest of the week, watch this space.

Thats all for today, i'll be back Sunday,
Madeline Anafrid

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Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it……

D. Eden's picture

I live in an area without the option of public transportation - at least without driving several miles to a park and ride lot, or scheduling a ride on the FlexBus two days in advance.

So, it is necessary to depend on my car to get where I need to go. Wasteful? Perhaps - but at least it is a 2023 Prius.

The advantage is that if one store doesn’t have what I need, it’s a short hop to the next one.

I often feel sorry for those who have to depend on public transit, especially where I live as it is not a good option. I have seen them standing in the rain or snow waiting, and having utilized it before, I have seen how often the trip requires going way out of the way to transfer in order to get where you are going - just to do it all in reverse on the way back.

I guess like all things, there are good and bad sides to this too.

Better luck tomorrow Hon.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


If things start happening one after the other like that, you should finally realise that it is Fate trying to give you a hint.

Now what that hint might be about I wouldn't care to guess, but I think it's saying "You shouldn't be doing this today."


Oh! Well, after a (1/2) week like that ...

All I can suggest is that you have some tea.

No, not your favorite tea - that one is out of stock.

Your second favorite tea, which is in stock ... in the store's back room. And when the only person who knows the stock-room gets back from break ... in 45 minutes - then you can have that tea.