Mystery Injuries

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Today, I found a fairly large scratch on my lower right leg, and as occasionally if not often happens, I have no idea how it happened.

I feel like maybe I should use the technique lepers use - Visual Survey of Extremities - in case I had seriously hurt myself without knowing.

I honestly don't know what else to do.


Sounds like a plan ...

... to self check. I'm >guessing< here, but a diabetes self care site may give good guidance.
If you've worn a ring for some amount of time (you might need a magnifying glass or loupe) you may find it has any number semi-impressive nicks and dings.

Our hand and the ring on it should be getting pretty much the same whacks and impacts. Any whack forceful enough to dent our rings, if it had hit flesh, we'd think it would leave us bleeding ... But somehow, the bleeding part doesn't seem to be all that common ...
One day on vacation, my Dad was concerned about a black spot on his toe. Our "automatic" thought, of course is 'skin cancer'.

... think ... think ... "Uhm, Dad. Didn't you jam your toe underneath that rocking chair yesterday - and it hurt bad enough to make you cuss about it?"

End of worries ...
Depends on whether you used to 'live in the Sun' (sunbather, outdoor work, lotsa-lotsa time outside), or not.

Our backs, necks and scalps are pretty much impossible to self-check. Perhaps imposing on a friend or relative to self-check.

Saying "Don't panic" is just about always useless, but let your 'checker' know what to look for:

A (cell phone) photo can let you see it too. Or let your doc see it.

I don't trim my toenails ... uhm ... quite as often as I should. (My Lady called them Tiger Toenails.) So when I use one foot to scratch an itch on the other leg ... Later, I notice a 'groove' on that leg, with a bit of scabbing. I figure that the itch relief overrode the pain of scratching myself.
Pain thresholds vary, Long ago. in a therapy session, it seemed like a good idea to whack the stuffing out of the couch I was on. Whack! Whack! THUNK!

I'd hit the wood part. I 'calmly' checked my hand for breakage, then whacked the couch a few more times.

If you were pre-occupied at the time of your mystery injury, you may, quite literally, have never felt it. Too "busy" to feel it at the time, so you never formed a "hey, that hurt!" memory, and voilà! instant mystery.

A couple of weeks ago

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

After my morning school bus run, I came home and went to the bathroom to relieve the pressure in my bladder. Mind you I'd worn a high visibility rain jacket to work, but had taken it off when I came inside. Sitting on the commode I leaned forward, arms resting on my knees. Once I'd finished, I lifted my arms and discovered blood on my left knee. taking some toilet paper, I wiped the area trying to discover the source of the blood. I found nothing. I pulled up my pants and went out to sit in my leather recliner and watch some television. Resting my arms on the armrest, it felt a little sticky. So I looked at the underside of my arm; lo and behold, there was a rather a large gouge in my arm, which was oozing blood. It wasn't a small pin prick, but gouge nearly half an inch wide and a quarter of an inch of skin pushed back. It should have hurt, but I have no idea of how it happened. It wasn't there when I put the jacket on and I went straight to the bathroom after taking it off. So how and where was I injured???


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

I know this one...

bryony marsh's picture

You brought back happy memories of when I attended an evening with a programme of speakers who believed in UFOs. One lady was convinced that the reason for things like that is because we’re all being abducted on a regular basis. (Our memories get wiped but the stigmata remain, apparently.) The same speaker also said she saw a group of yetis queueing to board a flying saucer, however, so... take it with seven thousand grains of salt.

Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh

mysteries of arthritis

I can often notice a break in the skin; my mystery is what I did to my joints. Stress today, swelling overnight, pain tomorrow. “Now what did I do recently?” I pushed the vacuum cleaner with my left hand, and now my right thumb doesn’t work. Idontreallyneedthespacebar. Ah, untangling hair from the beater brush! Long hair is evil.

I had a scratch on my lower

I had a scratch on my lower right leg, too, one morning after waking up. I guessed that I scratched it on a sharp edge of my bed frame in my sleep.