I found out my aunt had passed away

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We got a message today that my dad's sister had passed away last month.

We had heard she was in hospice care, so its not a total shock, but I'm still struggling to process it.

See, I don't remember actually meeting her in person, even though apparently she came with her husband to visit us when we lived in Germany.

Mind you, the only things I remember about Germany was being fascinated to discover "Kindergarten" was an actual German word, and being confused about being asked to line up with the boys.

Well, she's gone now, and there is nothing I can do but mourn her loss.

Hugs appreciated.


Hugs over the wire

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

Sorry to hear of your loss. Your memories are quite evocative... you wondering why you were supposed to line up with the boys.

I hope this triggers happier memories, and maybe uncovers old photos and sympathetic relatives.

take care,

- iolanthe