Hail Caesar!

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or anyone else who's daft enough to be out this afternoon!

Having got through the 'holiday' weekend essentially dry, the last couple of days have reverted to the cold, wet and windy weather of yore and yes, here in Brunel land we've been treated to several hail falls just to add to the misery!

As i mentioned previously, Monday i stayed mostly indoors, just a dhort trip to pick up some cow juice taking me from the keyboard from where i finished writing the first chapter of the next Gaby book. Yesterday had a firm forecast of a dry morning followed by more wet so i decided on a shorter bike ride to stay dry. For once it all worked out, 55km in a loop to Aquae Sulis arriving back just as the first few spots of damp fell from the heavens.

The weather window was even smaller for today so i made a fairly early start on the day's chores. Laundry was sorted around my morning coffee then it was time to move all my holiday money to an accessible portal, viz the current account! Next up was buying my bus ticket for the airport journeys and in short order i had my currency ordered too, unlike the bus, that needed physical intervention so i dressed for a monsoon and headed out to pay for and collect said monies.

Its not a long walk to Kingswood so less than an hour later i had my dosh and was heading back, at which point the promised wet arrived - at least i was dressed for it. I've never really understood why currency exchange rates need to fluctuate and why someone saying that cheese is nice on toast* should influence the rate like they do, i'm sure its to everyones benefit to have a stable money market - oh hang on, the EU has one! (* other stupid comments have sent exchange rates into meltdown at different times.) Anyhoo, i consider 1.10€ to £1 as the median, better than that is a bonus, worse, well things quickly start looking expensive, so the 1.11€ i got today made me quite happy. I am still on a very tight budget, there won't be any frivolous spending during the trip but on the plus side, apart from the bike hire everything else is now paid for, essentially i just need to feed myself!

Once back i planted some spinach (why not) and i/ve fitted new cleats and cleaned my best cycling shoes, sorted out my 26000A/h powerbank and emptied my day pack ready for flying (where does all the junk come from?) I'll tackle the main packing later, just need to decide exactly what to take.

One thing that i'm not taking to Germany is a laptop, both my machines (apart from being old) are heavy, especially by the time you've added the power cables and to be honest, i'm not too likely to actually use one for more than checking my emails. Of course i'll have my phone along which eill act as entertainment, communication and photographic centre, yep the camera is staying at home too. About the only thing i can't do is actual story posting here on BC, i can write blogs so i will do my usual posts just without new Gaby on the Sunday. (there will be a chapter this weekend of course.

I mentioned the spinach, well the rest of this years crops are starting to show their heads, lettuce, swedes, onions, i think i spotted a leek or two and the rhubarb is looking great. I'm sure the other stuff, carrots, peas, beans and asparagus won't be far behind, the various soft fruits are lookung good and it looks like we'll have a nice crop of cherries too. The new flower bed is looking quite cheerful too, the bulbs are starting to show so hopefully we'll have a good show through the summer.

The weather is improving into the weekend so i'm expecting to get in a couple of decent rides before Sunday, maybe even get the legs out!

Well i think thats everything for now, i'll be back with that new Gaby chapter on Sunday and maybe a teaser for Book 28!
Madeline Anafrid

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First real ride of season

Went for my first real ride of season yesterday. Not terrible. About 15km had glass puncture halfway home so ended up walking home as I couldn’t get glass shard out of tire without tools. Totally overdid it. Got home pumped up tires in trainer bike took that too store. Came home, soaked in tub, ate dinner. Three hours later got to work on tire and tube. Some tweezers and a knife got the shard out of tire. Patched tube and pumped it up.

Word of advise. If it is short ride to check out river levels still take along repair kit! Spring here is just happening so broken glass from winter is still here there and everywhere. Oh windows are frozen on car. Let’s use power window…smash..what happened to window? Yes it happens… a lot. Plus dropped bottles from litter bugs and well things are interesting.

Read up on bike laws here in Winnipeg. Any e-bike is considered a moped or powered scooter and is supposed to be on roadways and hug right hand curb. Helmets are mandatory by law as well. Missing pedals on e bike also is a felony charge.

Regular bicycles no helmet required, unless under age of 13. Nothing else changed. High in my mind was the five year old girl that just about got run over last summer by two idiots zooming on bike path with e scooters. They thought it was fun! The girls mother and myself…not so much.

Horizontal rain and 4C

That was the welcome I received to GOC (aka Yorkshire) yesterday. Ultra Strong winds as well. Not nice. It seems that the Yorkie Gods didn't like me so I did the bit of business I had too and only stayed the one night in Skipton and returned home today. Middle of April and with that wind, it is still brass monkey weather. I was hoping to stay longer but the forecast was horrible. Supposed to be summer next week (yeah right)


Maddy Bell's picture

Was snow over Ribblehead yesterday!

We had hail several times yesterday, todays ride had @ 60mm into 25/30 mph wind, Clevedon was quite bracing ! It has been mostly sunny tho’


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Spring flings

I've been reading about some huge waves off Cornwall. Any sight of them by you?



Maddy Bell's picture

Is a long way from here!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Green stuff

Podracer's picture

Is definitely moving again :) Around here that also means the yellow fields too, which my missus doesn't like but I don't mind apart from the powdery pollen deposits on the car. Yeah pretty manky weather yesterday but I had to use said car to go to work so didn't get damp. Plenty of other days for that!

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."