I have the strangest dreams

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Okay I really have to share the dream I had last night.

I was working in a store that was getting ready for Christmas, as huge amounts of stuff came in that we needed to find room for.

Suddenly, I realized there was something wrong - we were apparently stuck in a time loop, doing the same stuff over and over again.
Not only did I figure this out, I figured out how to get us out of it.

The store's Santa had to pick a particular item as a present.

I told him of it, he picked the right package, and the loop was broken.

Which led to a group of aliens who apparently were responsible for the loop showing up, but they were no match for some very angry workers, and they took off.

We also got help from some friendly aliens, who ended up taking one of the girls who worked at the store for a trip around the universe.
I wanted to go too, but they didn't want me, so I went back to the store to celebrate saving everybody.

Only to find one of the bad aliens had stolen a vehicle and everyone was chasing them.

I was asked if I wanted to join the chase, and I shrugged and said "Why not"

Then I found a motorcycle and joined the chase.

The thing is about the dream is everything had a wacky comedy feel to it, like the whole thing was a crazy movie.

Dreams. What can you do with them?



Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Sounds like you read too many of the Alien Abduction contest entries.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Or She's ...

Been watching Benny Hill re-runs again. ;-P

- Leona

"Dreams. What can you do with them?"

Enjoy the Good Dreams.
Forget the Bad dreams.

For repetitive dreams, see if a "theme" emerges. Sometimes, it might be our subconscious "trying to tell us something".

Don't try all that hard to figure them out. That can make our synapses go all sigh-snap-sies.
And for the funny dreams - hey, post them here.
And for the really funny dreams - write a story for here.

But be careful about getting abducted in your dreams by Space Aliens. You might not be seen for years, until you are found wearing very ragged pajamas, fleeing from Area 51.
Wait - !!!

Stuck at work, doing the same thing over and over and ove-

That's not a dream - that's working for a help-desk, assembly line (*), or fast-food place...

(*) I had a college buddy who got an intern job in a plastics factory. He asked a 'long-timer', "What are we making?", and got "I don't know and I don't care. Why do you care?"

Christmas Invasion?

laika's picture

Are you sure it was a dream and not a repressed memory?
Christmas 'tis the season for alien invasions after all.
And a week later everything is back to normal;
like no one remembers that gigantic vessel
hovering in the sky above London
or whatever impossible thing
happened over Christmas...

And were the friendly aliens traveling in a blue box?
That would be a clear sign this actually happened.
One in particular is always taking Earth girls
for rides around the universe.
~Care for a Jelly Baby? V.

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)
