My Response to Tucker Carlson
Read at your own discression
Okay so the other day, Fox News host Tucker Carlson had some things to say about trans people, and it bothered me enough to want to make a response.
He portrayed trans people as being the enemies of Christians. He said that while Christians humble themselves and accept the will of God, trans people want to be God.
Now, this is a form of rhetoric called “straw manning”. Usually it involves taking your opponent’s views and trying to make them sound as weak and silly as you can, so that by refuting that version, you can say you have refuted your opponent.
In this case, Mr. Carlson isn’t just trying to make the arguments of trans people look weak, he wants to make them look dangerous, especially to Christians, and it's a lie.
There are several denominations and churches who not only welcome trans people, trans people have served in positions of authority in those churches, including being pastors and preachers. So it seems that Christianity and being trans aren’t as much enemies as he wants to make them look.
But I also want to talk about accepting the will of God. There is a group of Christian doctors called Operation Smile, who go to third world countries and give children reparative surgery to correct the condition of having a cleft palate. This birth defect can prevent a child from being able to speak or even eat properly, and these men and women have dedicated their lives to helping correct the problem.
So are they going against the will of God? It's a birth defect, so maybe God willed the kids to have it, and they should just accept it. Obviously the Christians who work for Operation Smile, as well as those who donate to the charity, don’t think this is the case. So why would being trans be any different?
Lastly, I want to point out I at least share one thing with every other Christian. I believe I have a soul, a fundamental part of me that is not part of my body, but is the essence of everything I am. Since that soul is not dependent on the body, and will in fact live on after the body crumbles to dust, it can look different from the body. And even God says he does not judge based on appearance but by the heart. So who is Tucker Carlson or anybody other than God himself to decide what gender my soul is?
So that is my response.
Thank you, Dot
I know Tucker is an idiot and moral defect but I don't watch the Fox network. I agree whole heartedly with your assessment.
If I might add something. Cleft palate kids in the third world are shunned and lead short tragic lives. The doctors are truly doing God's work.
Tuckums and the MAGA plan
is to use us as a diversion from their total inability to govern "for the people" and not their rich donors.
They are pretty open that they want to exterminate all Trans people from the USA. In their tiny minds, we are less than human so deserve no rights at all.
Once they are done with us, the LGB sector will be fair game. Then it will be Muslims and Jews. etc etc
The thing is that they are not hiding their plans. Only voting Blue down the ticket can even begin to stop them.
Nothing is sacred to them apart from their worship of a criminal and their particular brand of Christianity which is not one that Jesus would recognise as they worship an Idol.
I look on what is going on in the USA from the other side of the Atlantic as the USA slides backward at a great rate of knots with sadness. We used to look upon the US as a progressive and forward looking nation. The advent of the Orange Man has put a stop to that.
I agree
What you have stated this Tucker guy said, is total garbage. And this is a perfect place for you to vent about this! And I have to say, if he did say these things, the guy is a complete and total ass!
I got rid of cable a long time ago and I can't pick up fox stations at my home, so I can't be positive he said that. I'm not arguing about what he said, I'm just saying I didn't hear it so I go with what my grandpa used to tell me, "believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see." And say if this is true, I agree with you.
Now as for this post being hijacked and turned into a political rant. First I’ll point out that I am a Libertarian. The Republicans have gone too far to the right and the democrats, which I used to be a member of, have gone too far left. A good friend of mine is in the US congress and when she is home we have had some long and enlightening discussions over US politics, (I think she is trying to pull me back under the blue blanket...hehe)
I believe that people should be able to do whatever they want as long as it does not effect others. That being said, a person born male that wishes to dress and act as a woman has not effect on anyone. A person born one sex and wishes to have a series of operations to change their body to appear the other sex has no effect on others, it hurts no one so people like this Tucker jerk has no business voicing his opinion. And let’s face it, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all smell.
Now here’s my opinion of foreign politics. I don’t live in France, or Germany, or Denmark, or the UK, or Brazil, or Pakistan. I live in the US and I feel that I do not have the right to tell anyone in another country what I think of their political system or how they should vote (if that country even has voting) Heck I don’t think I have the right to attempt to sway people that live in any of the other 49 states in the US that I don’t live in to vote for their state’s laws and political appointments!
There is a lot more that I could write, but We're having some bad weather here and the tornado sirens are going off, so I need to shut everything down and prepare for something that is really worth worrying about, Not about some guy I saw on TV and wish to make fun of the color of his hair and rant about how much you don't like him, even though nothing he has done has any effect on you, that lives in a completely different country, has any reason to be so venomous about.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
I totally agree that a person's soul houses a person's gender.
You don't amass a net worth north of $40m without making astute decisions. Tucker has decided that bigotry is profitable. He apparently is right.
Perhaps Tucker will lose a chunk of his fortune when things shake out in the Dominion lawsuit.
He fosters hate. Those who support him are contingently fostering hate.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Just finished reading the SJ ruling in the Dominion lawsuit
It’s pretty amazing stuff. If you are interested, the whole thing is available here. Bottom line: Dominion successfully established most of the elements of liability as a matter of law. All that is left for the jury to decide is whether the statements were published with malice or reckless disregard for their truth, and the amount of damages. And the evidence on malice/reckless disregard is going to be very hard for Fox to overcome.
With that said, however, the only defendants in the lawsuit are the Fox corporate entities. Carlson, Dobbs, Pirro, Bartiromo, Hannity, Ingraham, and their producers and minions get a pass. They won’t enjoy their time on the witness stand — not one bit — but they won’t be out any money.
— Emma
Six Million Reasons
If the suit goes to court and an aggressive jury adds triple damages to the $1.6 billion ask, FOX will be crippled and might even consider cleaning house. Tucker has already worked for CNN and MSNBC, so moving to a new network wouldn't be all that traumatic. However, when Chris Cuomo had to change networks he took a cut from $6 million to $1 million. And, maybe Tucker will be considered so toxic even the trash networks won't have him.
Maybe, if his world collapses, he can save some expense by going back to those silly bowties he wore for years.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
One of the gravest sins . . .
. . . is presuming to know the mind of God.
St. Paul teaches that on this earth, we can only see through a glass, darkly. In Mr. Carlson's case, the glass is dark, indeed.
— Emma
Not News only Entertainment
If the rhetoric didn't clue on in then the way he talks and raises his voice at key pieces of his sentences, should. Tucker is a very successful. If one would try and hold their nose long enough to examine his style.
A barker, often a carnival barker, is a person who attempts to attract patrons to entertainment events, such as a circus or funfair, by exhorting passing members of the public, announcing attractions of the show, and emphasizing variety, novelty.
Only thing missing is the gaudy costume, balloons, clowns, spinning lights. Yes I know this is hard for a lot of you to understand as I slice and dice the man, cough cough, hard to swallow. And he is on Fox which is a network so many love to hate. Then there is I which many of you want to take a shower and gargle a mouth rinse after getting close to me, ultra conservative that I am.
Take heart my little nemesis as I am an equal opportunity skewer of lies, untruths, propaganda, socialist liberal government, and right wing nut jobs. Besides that self preservation weapon I seem to sleep with like a favorite Teddy and carry everywhere sends my bestest GF(s) on this channel running for their Prozac bottle.
Putting all the aforementioned aside, let's face it, Tucker is a very successful BS salesman and makes wheelbarrow loads of that green stuff pumping up the faithful. He probably sleeps very well at night on a mattress stuffed full of the green stuff. I think of him the same way I think of that which collects on my inexpensive, cheap, worn out, boots when I walk out into the cow lot. And I'm jealous. Not of the cow lot stuff but of all that green stuff he makes selling cow lot stuff.
Where's the justice in life?
Hugs Dorothy
Tomorrow isn't mine, it's not here yet. The past can't be redone, let it go. Today, only today, this hour, this minute, this second is mine to cherish. If others happen to follow I'll cherish them as they come.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Maybe interesting articles
Tucker Carlson, Trans People, Mermaids + M&M's
My response to Tucker Carlson's transphobic ranting involves him, the horse he rode in on and a giant tube of lube...
Oddly enough he also has a bizarre inaccurate take on Mermaids. Apparently he was terribly upset over the casting of an African American girl as Ariel in the new THE LITTLE MERMAID movie; expounding with great authority that Mermaids couldn't be Black because they live deep under the ocean, where all creatures are pale with translucent skin, so a mermaid would be like that too. Did he even watch the animated version? There's plenty of light, and brightly colored corals, and all kinds of colorful fish where Ariel lives, so she clearly could be Black, Caucasian looking or pink with purple polka dots since the cartoon shows her living in the the top layer of the sea (where 80% of marine life lives) which oceanographers call the Sunlit Zone, and not down in the zone that he's talking about, which is called the Abyss. But just like with trans issues, he's using garbled pseudoscience (and in this case about something fictional, to which science doesn't even apply) to justify his real issue with the new film, that a Black actress ruins his fantasies of making hot interspecies love with a cute, white redheaded underage Mermaid. EWWWWWWW! No Mermaid I know would let a creep like him anywhere near her! And I'm pretty sure that underlying all his half-baked "scientific" objections is just plain old racism. I'm hoping the next LITTLE MERMAID will be Trans; that would really get him howling! Tucker clearly lives in the zone of Earth's hydrosphere directly under the Sunlit Zone, which (really, look it up) is known as The Twilight Zone...
He also apparently has a fetish for the cartoon M&M candies from the commercials, and went on at great length about how his favorite little candy-coated chocolate strumpet was rendered horribly unsexy when they changed her high heels to more sensible shoes. Really, he said this; calling this change nobody else even noticed a terrible WOKENESS that's destroying the very foundations of our society. Poor Tucker just can't jerk off to an M&M who isn't shod in sexy high heels she can stomp on his crank with! There's nothing wrong with a little esoteric kink (I myself have occasionally had the hots for Mr. Goodbar, Mike&Ike or a Jolly Rancher...) but an M&M fetishist doesn't get to lecture me on what's normal!
After pronouncements like these it just blows my mind is that ANYBODY can take ANYTHING
this weirdo says seriously!
~hugs, Veronica
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Wasting time
Hint: If you are reading or listening to F**ker Carlson and especially trying to refute F**ker, you are wasting your time. It's like shouting louder in a vaccum, trying to be heard. Carlson is a professional contrarian. If somebody could prove that god favored LGBTQ+ people, he'd take about 30 seconds to change his story. To what, I don't know. It could be anything, as long as he didn't lose any listners.
You could call this Carlson's theme:
I know you believe you understand what you thought I said,
But what you don't realize is that what you heard is not what I meant.
If you have the time to spare, take a nap. It's better for you.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I love it when Christians say
I love it when Christians say "accept the will of God," Fine lets do that. If you get cancer, don't get treatment then. If you are in the path of a tornado, just stand there.
God created everything accordng to the Bible. perhaps this is what he thinks of gender?
The Clownfish
All clownfish are born males. A clownfish group consists of a dominant male and female and 0-4 juvenile males. So where did the female come from in the group? When the female dies, the dominant male changes sex to become the dominant female and one of the juveniles becomes the dominant male.
If god hated anything changing sex, why create the clownfish?
Some real Hitchhikers Guide logic there!
Would blow most of the Evangelicals brains into smithereens. Those who do survive would simply say
"God created man in his own image and no other of his creatures are important to the will of God.
i.e. Only THEY are important in this world. nothing else matters (which just happens to be my favorite Metalica song)\
These people have a smart ass answer for everything.
In God's image
Read Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." and then Genesis 2:21,22. "21So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he slept, He took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the area with flesh. 22And from the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man, He made a woman and brought her to him."
It's clear that Adam (in God's image) was created both male and female (inter-sexed) and it was later that God separated the female (Eve) from the male. It seems to me that transgender individuals (male body, feminine gender or vice versa) are closer to God's image than cisgender.
It's commonly held that every man has some feminine characteristic and that every woman has some masculine characteristic. I believe this is the residual effect from God separating the male and female. Those of us who are transgender just have a bigger dose of it.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I am told that Eve was the
I am told that Eve was the second woman.
God created Adam and Lilith, just as he created two of each animal.
Adam and Lilith fell out and something happened to her, so God made Eve from Adam's rib.
Wikipedia says that Lileth disobeyed Adam so was thrown out of the Garden of Eden.
So two women chose to ignore what Adam said; maybe the fault was with him, not them ?
Get Fucked
What I want
Well I advocate that all
All images have a date time and place tag
Remember an image used for both the east and west coast just reversed and not identified as to when.
All media should clearly identify commentary from fact.
Big banner on the telecast should be hilarious as most media has very little factual content and is mostly opinion
If every image had a
If every image had a (trustworthy) place tag, doxxing would be much easier and many people would be less safe.
I meant to comment on this yesterday
I meant to comment on this yesterday, but when I finished with my appointment, I realized I hadn't eaten yet (It was 5 PM) the whole day, and my blood sugar was getting low enough I only drove to the nearest Jack in the Box. I finished eating, and I sat in my car for a bit... At least long enough to get enough blood sugar to drive home. Once there, I laid down and slept for a while. I don't recommend doing that for anyone.
Anyway, I agree with what you're saying, Dot. I have heard some things Tucker Carlson has said that I agree with, but it's never regarding transgender people. The same goes for most conservative people. But then again, I'm not Republican OR Democrat, so it's hard to find someone I agree with 100% of the time. LOL
Anyway... What so many people forget is the fact that when sin entered the world, it brought death into the world. Perhaps not immediately, but in the form of entropy. This caused DNA to start breaking down, allowing for many birth defects. Yes, you know where this is going, but my point is, are as was said, are we trying to be God when we repair a cleft palette? Are we trying to be God when we take a vaccine? Are we trying to be God to separate conjoined twins? So why are we trying to be God if we're born somewhere in between two sexes and we have surgery to correct the physical body to agree with the brain?
We're certainly not "fixing what God did." He didn't bring sin into the world; we did. We can't do anything to save our souls from hell, but we can certainly make our lives more comfortable in this messed-up world that we live in.
Anyway, those are my beliefs in the situation.
The Cardinal Sin
It's that some people say that God exists when they can't prove that claim.
You can prove the existence
You can prove the existence of something or someone. Unless you're omnipresent, you can't prove the non-existence of something or someone.
Agreed on the last sentence.
Agreed on the last sentence.
Now for the 1st sentence: I claim there's a blue elephant living on a planet in a galaxy 2 billion light years away. Now, at the moment, I can't prove that, nay anybody on earth can't prove that at the moment (for obvious reasons). Now substitute "blue elephant" for "God" here.
Now let's assume there's a higher dimension outside of the standard universe where God might exist. But since we can't perceive it (with our senses or technical instruments) we can't search it, and since we can't search it we can't prove that God exists.
So, even proving that something exists can be impossible (at the moment).
If I believe it's true (and I do) and I believe that Jesus is the only way to get to heaven, what kind of an a$$ would I have to be to not tell others about my beliefs and what He's done for me? Someone tells me they're not interested, fine. I'm not going to push it on people. That's the wonderful thing about free will. The least I can do is let you know I care enough to share my belief that Christ is the way to Heaven. Anything less would be me not caring about you.
I've been amazed that people think that they have the right to tell me how wrong I am, even if I'm not interested in their beliefs, yet I don't have the right to tell them what I believe. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you're doing that at all. I just wish people would realize that I tell people what I believe not because I'm trying to score points with God, but because I truly care about other people.
Like Tucker Carlson is with Transgenderism. He can get on his soapbox and tell all he wants about Trans people, but would he listen to my take on it as a Bible believing Christian who is Trans? Probably not. I pray he would listen, but very few people do.