You Have it All Wrong Two - Part 02b

You Have It All Wrong

Amy’s Story

By SaraUK

Part 2 Continued

    "Penny for your thoughts Amy." Mandy asked as she sat at the table next to Amy.

    Amy suddenly looked up at Mandy, she had been miles away and hadn't realised Mandy had sat next to her. "Oh, sorry Mandy, I never realised you had come back down."

    "That's okay Amy. Becky and Chrissy will tell you that I am always creeping up on them." Mandy giggled. "You did seem to be miles away when I came in though. Is everything okay?" Mandy looked a little worried as she asked.

    "Yes I'm fine Mandy, just thinking about how much my life has changed in the last several months. And how great Chrissy, Becky, and you are."

    Amy was smiling as a tear ran down her cheek.

    Mandy wiped it away. "Hay, there's no need for any tears Amy. We all love having you around. Were all happy we got the chance to help you. We just wish we had seen you standing across the road from the club, instead of lying in the road half dead." Now Mandy had a tear running down her cheek.

    They both hugged each other, and then Mandy got up and got a bottle of wine out the fridge and four glasses. "I think we can do better than that glass of water you have their Amy." Mandy said as she waved the bottle from side to side with a grin on her face.

    Amy smiled back and then pushed the glass of water away and took a couple of wineglasses from Mandy and put them on the table. Mandy put down the other two glasses and then sorted out taking the top of the bottle of wine and filling up the four glasses.

    "Thanks Mandy." Amy said as she took a sip from the glass.

    Mandy and Amy wondered if the other two could smell the wine, as they were soon walking in the kitchen door laughing and giggling at each other. "MMM wine. Just what the doctor ordered." Chrissy said as she got a straw out a packet on the side and put it in Becky's glass for her. Chrissy then sat in the seat next to Becky and pulled her into a hug.

Becky was sitting upright, so Amy assumed that Chrissy had laced her very tightly into a corset tonight. Amy thought that Becky looked amazing in the dress she was wearing. It was a red cocktail dress that was so shiny it looked like liquid. Chrissy had done a stunning job with the makeup and the hair to match. Amy could see that Chrissy was proud of her wife, and wanted Becky to look her best when she went to work.

    "You look really beautiful Becky." Amy said as she sat smiling at her and Chrissy.

    "Thanks Amy, I do love this dress, but I have to be laced down a little tighter than normal to get in it so keeps looking right." Becky said as she started to get use to the feel of the corset, or as use to it as she could.

    "I've never worn a corset, what's it like?" Amy asked a little shyly.

    "Well I love wearing corsets, but that is how I first met Mandy. So I am going to say that." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "They can do wonders for your figure Amy, but we will have to ask my mum on Wednesday if you're okay to wear one yet. I would hate to do any more damage to your ribs." Mandy said.

    "So if your mum says I can, you will let me try one on?" Amy asked with a hopeful smile.

    "Yes, if she gives you the all clear then we will sort you out with a corset. After all you did nearly die to get in one." Mandy was grinning as she said it.

    Amy realised what Mandy was getting at, that was what she stole from the shop the day the van hit her. She went really red in the face and just stared down at the table. "Maybe I should keep away from them then." Amy said in a sad voice.

    "I'm sorry Amy, I was only teasing you." Mandy said as she gave Amy a hug.

    Amy lifted her head when she felt Mandy loosen the hug. She smiled as she once again was reminded of how much Mandy was like Ann.

    The moment was broken when they heard the doorbell, they looked at the time and realised that it would be Vicky. They all got up and went with Becky so they could wave her off, and say hello to Vicky.

    They found Vicky standing at the door wearing a stunning black dress, and sporting long blonde wavy hair. "Hello Vicky, you're looking as lovely as always." Mandy said.

    "Hello ladies, you're all looking as beautiful as always." Vicky said in reply.

    Amy, Chrissy, and Becky all said hello and then gave Vicky a hug.

    Chrissy stood and hugged Becky, then did the normal thing of stopping Becky from kissing her. Once they were both happy to let the other one go they parted and then Chrissy watched from the doorstep as Becky got in Vicki's car and drove away.

    The girls all went to the kitchen and got there wine glasses and the bottle of wine, then they went to the living room. Amy said she would be in later; she wanted to call Ann and see how she was doing.

     Amy sat at the kitchen table and scrolled down the numbers in the phone till she found the one for Ann home. Mandy had programmed it into the phone, so Amy didn't have to keep punching it in every night. Amy sat waiting for Ann to answer, and then got a smile on her face when she heard her sister's voice.

    "Hi Ann it's me Amy, your sister!" She shouted down the phone.

    "Hi Sis. I know who you are, and how many Amy's do you think I know?" Ann said with a giggle.

    "Sorry Ann, but I just really look forward to when I can call you." Amy said after taking a deep breath and calming down a little.

    "I know what you mean Sis. I look forward to the time the phone rings every night now." Ann said back down the phone.

    "It'll be even better when I don't need to call you, and I can just hug you." Amy replied with a giggle.

    "I know Sis. It won't be much longer now, and then we can go out and do lots of fun things again." Ann said sounding a little sorry.

    "I know Ann, but I just really want to be with you. I don't mean to make you feel bad Sis."

    "I know you don't Amy. You just wait and see, it won't even seem like four weeks before I am there and driving you nuts." Ann said with a giggle.

    Amy giggled back down the phone then said, "You can drive me nuts any time you want Sis."

    Ann asked Amy what she had been doing over the past couple of days. Amy apologised for not calling her the night before, then went on to tell her about going shopping and then going to see a movie with the others.

    Amy left out the bit with the guys watching Chrissy and Becky kissing in the car.

    It was nearly an hour before Amy ran out of stuff to talk about with Ann. They said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.


    Amy found the other two sat on the sofa watching some program on telly.

    Chrissy and Mandy both looked at Amy to make sure she was okay, then they both smiled when they saw that she seemed happy enough with herself.

    They made a space for Amy to sit between them, then she smiled even more when they each cuddled up to her. Amy really did feel wanted, and it helped her keep going until Ann could get there.

    Amy had to giggle when she saw that Chrissy and Mandy were having trouble keeping their eyes open. "Come on you two, I think it's time for bed."

Chrissy and Mandy smiled at Amy and then said, "You may be right." They all got up and made there way off to bed.

    Once they were all ready for bed, Amy was the main filling in a sandwich between Chrissy and Mandy. Chrissy knew how great it was from the times she was like Amy, and Mandy and Becky would protect her why she slept and held her when she had a bad dream.

    Chrissy felt Becky get in bed when she got home, then she felt her cuddle up to her. Chrissy let out a nice moan and then cuddled back to her, then fell asleep again.

    Tuesday went the same as Monday. Amy got up and made breakfast, then helped Becky do some housework. Amy sent Becky to bed, then sat in the garden and carried on reading the book she started the day before. She started on dinner when it was time and she had it ready when Chrissy and Mandy got home.

    All the girls loved the meal and they all thanked Amy for cooking it. They were all full so they just had a couple of cookies for dessert and a cup of tea.

    Chrissy went up stairs with Becky to get ready for work and Mandy helped Amy wash and dry the dishes. Amy and Mandy were sitting and drinking another cup of tea when Vicky got there to pick up Becky. They both went to the door and greeted Vicky, and then they chatted until Chrissy came down with Becky, who looked as stunning as always. They waved Vicky and Becky off at the front door and then went to watch some telly, while Amy went and called Ann.

    Amy seemed a little quiet when she got back from chatting with her sister, so Chrissy asked. "Is everything okay Amy? Is something wrong with you and Ann?"

    "No Chrissy, everything is fine with Ann. I'm just a little worried about meeting Prue tomorrow." Amy said sounding really worried.

    "Don't worry Amy, Mum will just run some tests and then set up an appointment with Sarah, she is the same shrink that saw Chrissy, and is a good friend of the family." Mandy said as she pulled Amy into a hug.

    This all made Amy feel a little more relaxed and they spent the rest of the night just watching telly and chatting about fashion and other little things until it was time for bed.

    Amy woke in the morning just as Mandy was getting out of bed and making her way to the bathroom, she rolled onto her back and looked over to see Chrissy cuddled up to Becky. She slid out of bed and made her way to her own room to take a shower before she went down to start breakfast, because they were all going out to see Mandy's mum.

    Mandy came back out from her bathroom and saw Chrissy and Becky still asleep in her bed. She walked over to the bed and then slapped Chrissy on the backside. Chrissy let out a loud scream, which made Becky jump.

    "Hay Sis that hurt!" Chrissy said as she rubbed her bottom.

    "I'm sorry Sis, but we need to see about getting up if were going to see Mum, and then take Amy to see Sarah today." Mandy said as she sat on the bed next to Chrissy.

    "What the hell is going on?" Becky asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

    "I'm sorry Babe, but Mandy found some new form of alarm clock." Chrissy giggled as she rubbed her bottom some more.

    "Did that nasty new alarm clock hurt my baby?" Becky asked as she rapped her arms around Chrissy and then ran them down to Chrissy's bottom.

    "MM, that feels nice." Chrissy said as she let Becky take over rubbing her bottom.

    The moment was broke when they heard Mandy say. "Hay you two; don't even think about doing anything in my bed."

    "Not even a quickie Sis?" Chrissy asked as she hugged Becky some more and kissed her.

    "Unless you want me to take aim at your cute behind again, you better see about making a move." Mandy leaned on the bed, ready to take aim at Chrissy backside again.

    "Okay, okay Sis, were moving." Chrissy said as she sat up and started to slide out of bed, taking Becky with her. Mandy had to giggle as she stood and watched Chrissy dragging a half-asleep Becky out her room.

    Amy had just come out her room when she saw Chrissy walk out of Mandy's room pulling a half-asleep Becky behind her. Amy stood and watched them enter Chrissy's room, and then she made her way down stairs to make a start on breakfast.

    When Mandy got down stairs, she found Amy beating some eggs up in a bowl, getting ready to make omelettes. "Morning Amy, how did you sleep?"

    "Morning Mandy. I slept okay, but I think I was still a little worried about today. I've made a pot of tea if you want to poor a couple of cups." Amy said with a smile.

    "That's the least I can do after you made it Amy." Mandy put milk in two cups and then poured the tea in. "Everything will be fine Amy. No one is out to stop you becoming the girl you want to be, they just need to be sure it is what you really want. Chrissy went through the same worries, and she came out just fine." Mandy said as she slid a cup over to Amy.

    Chrissy and Becky came down a little later and Amy finished off making breakfast. They all ate it and then went up to finish getting ready once the pots were all washed and put away.

    Amy did not really need Chrissy or Becky to help her get ready any more, but she liked the way they made her feel even more like a sister when they did. Becky picked out the clothes Amy would wear, and Chrissy did the hair and makeup. Becky kept the clothing simple, as she knew that Prue would want to do some tests, and having to spend a lot of time getting undressed and dressed again would be a real pain. So with Amy in a nice summer dress and sandals, but no tights they were all ready to leave the house.


    They all left the house and Mandy locked up and then went to the car and unlocked it for everyone to get in. Amy was a little shocked when she saw Becky get in the front so Chrissy could keep Amy Company in the back of the car. Amy smiled when she felt Chrissy take hold of her hand. Chrissy was smiling too when Amy looked over at her. Amy knew that if anyone knew how she was feeling right now, it would be Chrissy, and if Chrissy was smiling then everything was going to be just fine.

    The drive took Twenty minutes, but seemed longer for Amy. She had been here a couple of times for check ups since she came out of Hospital, but today it seemed like it took even longer.

    Mandy parked up in front of her mums practice and waited for Chrissy to drag Amy out the car. Mandy and Becky had to giggle at all the trouble Chrissy was having with Amy. "Come on Amy. I said everything would be fine." Chrissy said as she pulled Amy from the car.

    "I'm scared Chrissy, what if I have something wrong with me and I can't become a woman?" Amy said as she let Chrissy pull her from the car.

    "Stop being so silly Amy, and if you don't come and have the tests done you will never find out anyway." Chrissy replied as she helped Amy straighten herself up.

    Mandy led the way with Amy in the middle of Chrissy and Becky following close behind. Mandy pushed the intercom button and told Kim it was them when she heard her ask. Kim came to meet them half way and hugged Mandy, then she hugged Chrissy, Becky and finally Amy. "Hello Amy, I'm glad to see your well on the way to being fully recovered." Kim said as she picked Amy up off the ground in a great big hug.

    "Thanks Kim, It's nice to be able to get out and about again." Amy squeaked out as Kim hugged her even tighter.

    Kim put Amy back down and then led the way back to her desk so she could let Prue know that they were all there. She pushed a button on a small box sat on her desk and waited for something to happen. It only took a couple of seconds for them to hear Prue speak. "Hello Kim, what is it?" they all heard Prue ask.

    "Hi Prue, I have Mandy, Chrissy, Becky, and Amy hear to see you." Kim said as she pushed a button on the box again.

    "Good, please send them in." They heard Prue's voice coming out of the box.

    "You heard what she Said girls." Kim said with a smile as she pointed to the door that led to Prue's office.

    Mandy led the way and the other girls followed behind. Chrissy had to pull Amy along by the hand as her legs didn't want to work. Amy took one last look at Kim as she was dragged out of sight.

    Kim just smiled at Amy as she watched Chrissy drag her out of sight. Kim sat thinking back to the time Mandy was doing the same thing to Chrissy. Then she had a little chuckle to herself.

    Prue got up from behind her desk and went to greet the girls with a hug each. Mandy was the first to get a hug, then it was Becky's turn. Becky loved getting hugs from Prue, as it was the closest thing to having a mum she had ever known. Prue now thought of Becky as a daughter just as much as she did Chrissy.

    Chrissy was the next to get a hug when she entered the room with Amy being dragged behind. Prue put her arms around Chrissy and hugged her really tight.

    Prue then moved onto Amy. Prue could see how worried she was, and thought that a hug would help her relax a little more. "Hello Amy, I must say you're looking a lot better now. How are you feeling?"

    "I'm feeling a lot better now Prue. Thank you for all you have done to help me get better." Amy said as she hugged Prue back.

    "You're more than welcome Amy, but I think you need to thank Mandy, Chrissy and Becky more than me. They are the ones that have been there for you every day." Prue said as she led Amy over to her desk so she could have a chat about what tests she would be doing today. Chrissy stopped with Amy while Prue spoke with her, but Mandy and Becky both went to chat with Kim.

    Chrissy kept Amy company till it was time for Prue to start the tests, Chrissy went to chat with Kim as well then and let Prue take some blood samples and check her weight and other samples.

    Amy was a little shocked when she found out that Prue had finished, she was expecting a lot more painful tests. "Is that it then Prue?" Amy asked.

    "Yes, that's it for now Amy. I will get all these samples tested, and if all checks out okay, then I can work out a course of hormones for you to start taking." Prue helped Amy get the breast forms back on, then she added a little makeup to hide the edges. Prue then left Amy to finish getting dressed while she went to finish writing up what she had found out about her.

    Prue waited for Amy to come back into her office and then she explained what will happen next, then Prue pushed a button on her intercom and told Kim that the other girls could all come back in now.

    "Did everything go okay Amy?" Chrissy asked as she came in the room.

    Amy nodded her head and then said, "Yes, it all went really well. I was getting all worried over nothing."

    "I did tell you that last night, but it was the same when Mandy first brought me here." Chrissy said as she sat down next to Amy.

    Mandy sat the other side and took a hold of Amy's other hand, with Becky sitting next to Chrissy.

    "Is there anything we should be worried about Mum?" Mandy asked.

    "Not from what I can see from the first look, but the tests will show us anything I might have missed. Not that I am expecting anything, so don't look to worried Amy." Prue said with a smile.

    "I hope so Prue, I really just want to get started on my transition." Amy said as she gripped Chrissy's hand a little tighter.

    "Well if the tests come back okay Amy, I should be able to give you your first shots next Wednesday. So you only have to wait a week before you can get started." Amy got a large grin on her face when Prue said this.

    They made small talk while Prue explained that Amy was looking really good now and that all the injuries were heeling really well.

    "Mum, would Amy be able to wear a corset now?" Mandy asked.

    "I can't see why not Mandy, but don't tighten it down to much for the time being." Prue said as she kept writing up her notes.

    Amy smiled, and Chrissy smiled, as she had a gift idea for Amy's birthday. She just needed to make sure they had the items in stock back at the shop, and if they didn't she would need to get them ordered and in at the shop for Friday. So she could get it gift rapped and sent off to the hotel ready for Saturday.

    "Do you think you and Kim will be able to join us for some lunch?" Mandy asked.

    "I would love that a lot Mandy dear. I will just check with Kim to make sure, but I am sure she will jump at the chance." Prue hit the button on the intercom and asked Kim about going out for some lunch with the girls. As she said, Kim jumped at the chance to go out with them all.

    "I've made an appointment with Sarah for two this afternoon, so Kim and I will take my car to the restaurant so you can go straight to see Sarah from there." Prue said as she closed the folder with all the information in it.


    The girls all got up and went to wait with Kim while Prue got ready to leave. Once she was ready, they all made there way out to the cars. Mandy told Prue which restaurant they were going to and then they both got in their cars and set off.

    Mandy was the first to arrive, so she and the others were just getting out of the car when Prue parked next to her at the car park on the side of the restaurant. They all entered the restaurant and were taken to a large table by a waitress.

    They all ordered what they wanted from the menu and then sat chatting until the food came out. The food was really nice, and the girls all had a laugh when Prue and Mandy argued over which one of them would get the bill. Prue won out in the end, but Mandy was okay with it.

    When they finished the meal, they all used the rest room and then walked out to the cars again.

    "Don't worry about your meeting with Sarah, Amy. She is a good friend and she will really be able to help you a lot." Prue said as she took a hold of Amy's hands and then smiled at her.

    Amy felt a lot better knowing that Sarah was a friend of Prue's, and Chrissy said that she had really done a lot for her. "Thanks Prue for everything, I hope I can repay you one day for all this." Amy said with a smile.

    "Don't be silly Amy, I'm never going to ask you to repay me. You risked your life to save Chrissy, so I am just glad you're still here to share this life with use all." Prue said as she pulled Amy into a hug.

    Mandy, Becky, and Chrissy all gave Prue and Kim a hug before they got in the car and made there way to Sarah's office.

    Amy sat looking out the window as Mandy drove the car. Amy had no idea where this Sarah's office was, but she trusted Mandy did so she just relaxed and made the most of the drive. They were soon pulling into an underground car park. Mandy found a space and parked the car, then they all got out and followed Mandy.

    Becky was walking arm in arm with Chrissy, so Mandy did the same with Amy as she looked a little worried about the meeting with Sarah.

    Amy looked over at Mandy and felt a little better when she saw Mandy smiling at her. "Don't worry Amy, you will really like Sarah. She had a way of making you want to tell her everything that is worrying yourself."

    "I do trust you all, but it's hard to suddenly have all these people willing to help me." Amy said, as she let her head drop a little. She was worried she might have said the wrong thing.

    "I can understand what you're saying Amy and that is what were going to see Sarah for. She will help you come to terms with what happened with your parents and the accident." Mandy said as she hugged Amy's arm a little tighter.

     Mandy led the way to a large office block and entered, she went to a desk where a man was sat. Mandy told the man whom they were there to see and he pointed to the elevator and said have a nice day. Mandy led the way again and they made there way up to Sarah's office.

    Chrissy and Becky were the first out of the elevator so they led the way to the large double doors that led to Sarah's offices.

    Amy saw a red hared woman get up from behind a desk and run to Chrissy and Becky. "Hello Chrissy, Becky. How have you been doing?" The woman asked as she hugged them both.

    "Hello Maggie. I'm sorry for not coming to see you in some time. But I've been really busy with the shop and looking after my lover here." Chrissy said as she looked at Becky.

    "I'm just happy to see you here now Chrissy. I heard about the accident, and how some young man saved your life." Maggie said as she broke the hug.

    "Yes I thought I was a goner." Chrissy said as she looked at Amy and smiled. Amy just let a little nerves smile cross her face, just before she looked down at the ground again.

    "Well I'm glad your safe Chrissy." Maggie said with a smile, then she turned to Becky and said, "Hello Becky. I trust your taking good care of your wife here?" Maggie looked at Chrissy as she hugged Becky.

    "It sometimes feels like a full time job, but I do my best." Becky said with a fake sigh. Then Becky and Maggie both started to giggle.

    "Hay! I'm not that much trouble." Chrissy said with a pout.

    "Your never any trouble babe." Becky said as she pulled Chrissy into the hug she was having with Maggie.

    When Maggie broke the hug she looked at Mandy and then the young woman stood next to her. "Hello Mandy, how you been keeping?" Maggie asked as she went and hugged her.

    "Hello Maggie. I've been doing fine, I've had Chrissy and Becky keeping me fed." Mandy replied as she hugged Maggie back.

    "You're really lucky having Chrissy and Becky living with you. I got to taste some of there cooking when we were stopping at the villa after the marriage. I would love to taste it again some time." Maggie said as she looked back towards Chrissy and Becky.

    "You're welcome to come for dinner any time Maggie." Chrissy said as she stood with her arm around Becky's waist.

    "I would love to have you come for dinner one night soon Maggie." Mandy added as she hugged Maggie again.

    "I would really like that Mandy, I'll give you a call next week so we can sort out a night for me to come over." Maggie said with a grin.

    Amy had stood off to one side staying very quiet. Mandy saw Maggie looking at Amy. "This is Amy, Maggie. She's here to see Sarah." Mandy said as she put her arm around Amy's waist.

    "Hello Amy, it's nice to meet you." Maggie said with a smile.

    "Hello Maggie, it's nice to meet you too." Amy said in a quiet voice.

    "There is no need to be so shy around me Amy. Chrissy, Mandy, And Becky can tell you that I am nothing but a big pussy-cat." Maggie leaned forward to try and make eye contact with Amy.

    Amy saw Maggie trying to make eye contact and looked away even more. "She is a shy one, isn't she?" Maggie said. "How did you come to know Chrissy and the others then Amy?" Maggie asked, trying to get Amy to open up to her.

    Mandy was about to speak for Amy, but Chrissy had walked over to Maggie and spoke first. "Amy is the one that saved my life Maggie."
Maggie looked at Chrissy with an odd look on her face. "I thought it was a young man that saved you?" Chrissy saw Maggie realise what she just said and that this young woman was really a man. "You mean that this is really a man?" Maggie asked as she pointed at Amy.

    Amy jumped back when she heard Maggie say that she was really a man. Amy knew it was true what Maggie just said, but it still hurt to hear someone say it.

    Maggie saw Amy jump and then shiver when she called her a man. "I'm sorry Amy, I didn't mean it to sound like it did. I think you look really good. Please forgive me Amy, I didn't mean to upset you." Maggie threw her arms around Amy and hugged her in some hope of showing Amy that she didn't care what she was under the clothes.

    Amy was a little shocked when Maggie hugged her, but she soon realised that if Maggie hated her, then she wouldn't be hugging her now. Amy hugged her back then said, "Hello Maggie. I'm not upset with what you said, I just worry that everyone can see through the way I am dressed." Amy said as she relaxed into the hug a little more.

    "Trust me Amy when I say that no one would ever think of you as anything but a young woman." Maggie pulled away from the hug and smiled at Amy.

    Amy smiled back then said, "Thank you Maggie, I do have Chrissy, Mandy, and Becky to thank for most of it."

    "You're in very safe hands Amy. I can't think of a better group to look after you." Maggie said with a grin, as she looked at the others all smiling back at her and Amy.

    "Well, as much as I would love to stand and chat with you like this all afternoon, I better let Sarah know you're here. So are you ready to pour your heart out to her then Amy?" Maggie asked as she made her way to her desk.

    "Not really Maggie, but it is what I'm here for." Amy said with a nerves smile.

    Maggie giggled at the little joke Amy made and then pushed a button on her phone as she picked it up. Maggie spoke into the phone to who Amy took to be Sarah. Then she put the phone down again. "Sarah said that you could all go right in."

    Mandy thanked Maggie and said she would be back out as soon as she had spoke with Sarah. Chrissy and Becky took one of Amy's arms each and then followed Mandy down the hallway to a large set of doors. Mandy opened the doors and entered.

    Chrissy remembered the first time Mandy brought her here and then looked at Amy and saw the same worries showing in her eyes. "Everything will be just fine Amy." Chrissy said as she squeezed Amy's arm.

     Amy looked at Chrissy and smiled back, but never said a word. Mandy introduced Amy to Sarah and they spoke for a short time. Mandy and the others left Amy to talk with Sarah and they went back to chat with Maggie for a bit.


    It was over an hour later before they saw a very tired looking Amy walk out Sarah's office with Sarah leading the way. Chrissy jumped up and ran to help Sarah guide Amy to the sofa in the reception area.

    Once Chrissy had Amy seated she asked. "Are you okay Amy? You look really worn out." Chrissy sounded really worried.

     "She will be fine Chrissy, don't you remember the first meeting we had, and how drained you felt by the end of it?" Sarah asked as she sat on the other side of Amy.

    "I do feel tired Chrissy, but at the same time I feel a lot better for it as well." Amy said with a week smile.

    "I can remember now how I felt after my first visit. They do get easier as you go on Amy." Chrissy said as she hugged Amy.

    Amy felt better just sitting there and letting Chrissy hug her. Sarah got up and let Becky sit the other side of Amy to where Chrissy sat, so she could hug her as well. Sarah watched the way Chrissy and Becky both hugged Amy in a protective way. Sarah knew that Amy was going to be just fine.

    Mandy sorted out with Maggie for Amy to come once a fortnight. With that all sorted out the girls left, but not before making sure Maggie was going to give them a call about coming for dinner. Chrissy and Becky helped Amy get to the car, then Mandy headed for home so Amy could have a rest.

    Chrissy sent Becky to have a nap as she had to be ready to head off to work when Vicky got there at eight. Amy wanted to sort out some dinner, but Chrissy said she would sort something out tonight as she's had a long day. Amy went to argue with Chrissy, but saw the look on her face and realised that she wasn't going to win.

    Chrissy watched as Becky led Amy out the kitchen and off up to hers and Becky's room to take a nap with her. Chrissy didn't want Amy sleeping alone, not after what she would have been talking about with Sarah.

    Mandy had made a pot of tea while Chrissy was sending Amy off to lie down with Becky. Chrissy would have liked to go and lie down with Becky as well, but she knew that Becky need to get some sleep before she headed off to work, so she went back and sat with Mandy. "How you doing Chrissy? I could see you having some memories of how you felt when you first started your transition."

    "I'm fine Sis. It did all bring back some memories, but I came out the other side okay. I just hope Amy can see that and draw some strength from it." Chrissy said as she took a sip from her cup of tea.

    "We will do all we can to help her Chrissy." Mandy said with a smile.

    They sat drinking their tea and chatting about the plans for the weekend, then Chrissy got up and made a start on dinner.

    Chrissy decided to do some jacket potatoes and then do a mixed salad, she knew they had some cooked meats in the fridge and she could grate some cheese to go with it, so she set to work on sorting it all out.

    Everything was done, and Chrissy was sitting at the kitchen table talking to Mandy when Becky and Amy came back down a couple of hours later. Becky went and sat on Chrissy's knee. "Hello lover, did you miss me?" Becky asked as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy's neck and pulled her into a deep kiss.

    "I always miss you babe when you're not here with me, you know that." Chrissy said in a dreamy voice when Becky broke the kiss.

    "Something smells nice, what's for dinner?" Becky asked as she sat on Chrissy's knee cuddling with her.

    "Nothing much, just some jacket potatoes, cooked meat, and salad." Chrissy replied.

    "Sounds nice to me babe." Becky said as she stole another kiss.

    "Do you need any help Chrissy?" Amy asked.

    "It's all ready, and just needs bringing to the table now, but you can help me sort it out if you want too?" Chrissy said with a smile as she got up after Becky slid onto the seat next to her.

    Amy got up and went to help Chrissy bring the dishes with the salad in to the table and then a plate with the cooked meat on it to the table. Finally Chrissy brought the plates with the jacket potatoes on over to the table while Amy brought a plate of grated cheese and a bowl of home made coleslaw to the table and then sat down to enjoy the meal.

    Amy, Mandy, and Becky all loved the meal Chrissy had done for them. Amy knew she could learn a lot from Chrissy about cooking, and preparing meals.

    Mandy and Amy said they would do the dishes, so Chrissy could spend some time with Becky before she had to leave for work. Becky stood up and then pulled Chrissy to her feet and then led the way up to there room so they could spend some time together the best way Becky knew.

    Amy finished making a pot of tea that Mandy had started once she finished drying the last of the dishes, then she joined Mandy at the table to enjoy a cup. They both walked to the front door when they heard the bell go at just before eight.

    They found Vicky stood there looking as stunning as she always does. Amy was amazed at how different Vicky looked to how Vic looked, but she knew that Vic was a real artist at becoming Vicky.

    "Hello ladies, how did everything go today with Prue and Sarah?" Vicky asked as she entered the house.

    "Hello Vicky, you look as lovely as always. I think it all went well, but Amy would be the best one to answer that." Mandy said as she looked at Amy to let her give Vicky the answer.

     "Hello Vicky, you do look really good. The tests with Prue went okay, and the meeting with Sarah wasn't the nicest thing I've ever done, but she was really nice, and I do feel a little better. It's hard to put into words, but I just feel more at peace about how I feel." Amy got a puzzled look on her face as she said it.

    Vicky pulled Amy into a hug and then said, "I can only guess at what you must be feeling Amy. You have been through a lot, and I know that Sarah has a way of getting you to open up to her about it."

    "She does have a way of making you open up to her. Once I started talking about how I feel, I couldn't stop." Amy said with a nerves giggle. "Have you been to see Sarah then as well Vicky?" Amy asked.

    "No, but Cathy and Sara have both been to see her. She has done wonders to help Sara." Vicky got a worried look on her face as she realised that she shouldn't be talking about Sara's rape with Amy, so she stopped talking about it.

    Mandy could see that Vicky was worried about saying too much so she said, "How's Jenna and Cathleen?"

    "They are both doing fine, Cathleen is getting good grades at school, and Jenna is now head of her division at her job." Vicky said with a thankful look at Mandy for helping her change the subject before Amy started to ask to many questions.

    Amy could see that Mandy was helping Vicky hide something about Sara, but knew that it was up to Sara to let her know what it was. Amy had come to like Cathy and Sara, she could see that they were as much in love as Chrissy and Becky were. The way Cathy was with Sara, and Chrissy was with Becky, had her wondering if she was going to find a girl to settle down with, or whether she would want to find a man. But for the time being she would do what Mandy had said and just live life, and see what happens. Amy was snapped out of her thinking when she heard the sound of heels on the marble floor behind her.

    Chrissy was walking towards Mandy, Vicky, and Amy with Becky on her arm. Becky looked amazing like always and was looking at Chrissy, it was almost like she wanted to make the most of every minute she had to soak up the image of the girl she loved. Amy found herself wondering if they would ever stop loving each other like they do now. Judging by the look on both their faces, she couldn't see it happening any time soon.

    They all stood and watched Becky try and get a kiss like normal and then they all stood and waved as they watched Becky and Vicky drive away. Mandy and Chrissy went to the kitchen to get a bottle of wine and some glasses. Then they left Amy to give Ann a call.


    Amy picked up the phone and scrolled down the list till she found Ann's number, she hit the button and then waited for the sound of it ringing, but all she got was the busy signal. Amy hit the cancel button and then waited a couple of minutes, then she tried again, but got the same sound. It took her nearly fifteen minutes before the phone finally made the ringing sound.

    Amy heard some one pick up at the other end, she was just about to speak when she heard. "Stop calling me! I don't ever want to hear from you ever again!" It was Ann that said it.

    Amy was in shock as to why Ann would say such a thing to her, what had she done to make Ann say such a thing. "Sorry." Was all Amy said before she hung up the phone. She dropped the phone on the table and ran off to her room crying.

    Mandy and Chrissy were sat watching telly when they heard the phone ringing, they both thought that maybe Amy and Ann got cut off so they left it for Amy to answer, but it just kept ringing and ringing.

    Chrissy gave Mandy an odd look then got up to go and see why Amy wasn't answering the phone, Mandy was following close behind. When they got to the kitchen they saw the phone on the table ringing, but no Amy.

    Mandy picked up the phone and hit the button to take the call. "Hello, Mandy speaking."

    "Oh god Mandy, is Amy there?" Mandy heard Ann say down the phone sounding really worried.

    "I thought she was talking to you Ann? What happened?" Mandy asked sounding puzzled as to where Amy might have gone.

    "I've had Mum and Dad calling me all day at work, and then when I got home. I got so sick of it when the last time they called, I told them to never call me ever again, but it was Amy the last time. I heard her say sorry, then she hung up." Mandy could tell that Ann was crying at the other end of the phone.

    "Oh, I see. I bet she must have gone up to her room then." Mandy could see Chrissy was looking worried. "Ann, I will fill Chrissy in and then go and have a chat with Amy for you, and give you a call back in a little while. Is that okay?"

    "Please tell her I am sorry Mandy, I would never hurt Amy like that. I was just sick of them calling me all day." Ann was pleading with Mandy to fix this mess she just made.

    "Don't worry Ann, I'm sure that Amy will understand once I explain it all to her." Mandy was trying to sound upbeat as she said it.

    Mandy hung up the phone and then filled Chrissy in on what happened as they made there way up stairs to see if Amy was in her room. As Mandy thought, Amy was lying on her bed crying.

    Amy felt someone sit on the bed behind her and then she felt someone sit on the bed in front of her. "What's wrong Amy?" Chrissy asked.

    "Ann doesn't want to see me any more." Amy said through sobs of tears.

    "Do you really think she would do that to you Amy?" Chrissy said in a questioning way.

    "She has Chrissy, she shouted it down the phone at me." Amy said as she kept crying.

    Mandy pulled Amy to her and looked her in the eyes. "Amy, you know Ann better than that. She's had your mum and dad calling her all day, so by the time you called her, she'd had enough. And thinking you were your mum or dad, she shouted that down the phone." Mandy said as she hugged Amy. "Ann is really worried she upset you Amy. Will you give her a call now and let her know your okay?"

    Chrissy was already on the case and was making the call for her. Chrissy waited for Ann to pick up, which didn't take long. "Hi Ann, it's Chrissy here. I have some one that wants to speak to you." Chrissy handed Amy the phone.

    "Hi Ann." Amy said in a worried voice.

    "Amy! I am so sorry for upsetting you. I thought it was mum and Dad, they have been calling me all day. They found out that I am going to be moving to be near you from someone, and as you can guess, they weren't to happy about it all." Ann said with a sigh.

    "Don't worry about upsetting me then Ann. I can understand why you would be in such a bad mood, having to talk to them two. It's just a shame they didn't get to hear what you said to me." Amy said with a giggle.

    "Don't worry Sis, they will get that said to them and a lot more when they call again. But enough about that pair, how was your day Amy?"

    Amy started to tell Ann about the trip to see Prue and then the session with Sarah. Chrissy and Mandy were happy to see Amy back to her old self, they gave Amy a wave and shouted, "Bye." To Ann as they left the room.


    It was an hour later when Amy came into the living room, but she was smiling and had a happy step in her stride, so Mandy and Chrissy were both happy that she was okay.

    Mandy handed Amy a glass of wine after she sat down between herself and Chrissy. "Thanks Mandy, I'm really thirsty. I'm sorry for all the trouble." Amy said as she took a sip from the glass.

    "That's okay Amy, I'm use to sorting out misunderstandings. Living with Chrissy has taught me that." Mandy said with a giggle as she looked past Amy right at Chrissy.

    "Hay! I resemble that remark." Chrissy said with a pout just before she burst out in a fit of giggles, this set Amy and Mandy off.

    The girls sat watching telly for a couple of hours as they finished off the bottle of wine. Chrissy and Mandy had to help Amy get up to bed, as she wasn't use to drinking so much wine.

    They both got her ready for bed and then got in bed them selves with Amy cuddled up between them. Amy fell asleep feeling warm and protected.

    Chrissy felt Becky get into bed some time later and cuddle up to her, this made Chrissy feel better. She was soon fast asleep again, and dreaming of doing fun things with Becky, Mandy, and Amy.


    Amy woke the next morning when she felt Mandy get out of bed and go to take a shower. She got up and went to make a start on breakfast and get a pot of tea made ready for Mandy. Amy collected the paper from the front door as she made her way to the kitchen.

    Chrissy felt Amy move and looked at the clock on Mandy's side of the bed. She let out a grown when she saw that it was time to get up and get ready for work. She dragged herself out of bed and dragged herself into her own room and slipped out of her nightgown and then got in the shower. She felt Becky's arms slip around her. "Morning babe." Becky said as she rested her head on Chrissy's back.

    Chrissy slowly turned around and then pulled Becky into a hug. "Morning lover." Chrissy said in return as she lifted Becky's head up and kissed her.

    Things soon got a little heavier in the shower, but Chrissy loved every minute of what Becky was doing to her. It wasn't long before Chrissy was returning the favour.

    Amy had a pot of tea on the table when Mandy got down stairs, with the paper sitting on the table in front of where Mandy sat. "Thanks for making the pot of tea Amy, and for putting the paper on the table for me. I could really get use to this treatment you know." Mandy said as she went and gave Amy a hug.

    "I'm just happy to do my little bit to help out around the house. I'll leave starting breakfast till Chrissy and Becky get down. They can take some time getting showered in the morning, and I would hate to serve them a cold breakfast." Amy said with a grin.

    "I know what you mean, I have no idea how they can get so dirty." Mandy was grinning back at Amy, then they both started to giggle.

    Amy and Mandy both looked at each other with a grin when Chrissy and Becky finally walked into the kitchen. Amy and Mandy could both see the glow that Chrissy and Becky had.

    Amy got up and made a start on breakfast, Becky went to help her, but Amy sent her back to spend some more time with Chrissy before she left for work. Becky wasn't going to argue with anyone who said she could spend more time with her lover. So she went and sat back down next to Chrissy and hugged her some more, and stole the odd kiss.

    Amy soon had the breakfast done and took the plates to the table. She thought about just putting Chrissy, and Becky's on the one plate as they always shared what they had, but she wasn't sure if they would see the funny side of it or not, so she just gave them a plate each.

     Chrissy and Mandy went to finish getting ready for work while Amy and Becky made a start on getting the dishes washed and dried. Becky waved them both off at the front door when they were ready to leave. Then Becky went back to finish helping Amy in the kitchen.

    Amy had everything finished in the kitchen when Becky got back there, and she was just putting a fresh pot of tea on the table. Becky smiled and then took a seat. "Chrissy told me about the mix up last night when you spoke to Ann on the phone, is everything okay now?"

    "Yes, thankfully it was just a mistake. She's getting grief from mum and dad because they found out that she is talking to me and is going to be moving here to be close to me. And as you can guess, they're not very happy about it." Amy said with anger in her voice.

    "I didn't think Ann spoke to your mum and dad any more? Not with what they did to you." Becky asked.

    "In their eyes, they were doing the right thing by kicking me out. So they are even more upset with me now that Ann is moving away from them to be with me. Even though Ann said she wanted nothing more to do with them, they still call her and act as if everything is okay between them."

    "I hope you don't mind me saying this Amy, but I really think your mum and dad aren't right in the head." Becky looked a little worried as she said it.

    Amy just burst out laughing. "I'm glad that I'm not the only one that thinks that then."

    "I'm glad about that Amy. Is Ann still moving then?" Becky asked.

    "Yes, she says she want's to move now more than ever. The sooner she can get away from them, the better I will feel." Amy said as she took another sip of tea from her cup.


    Amy sorted out what little washing there was to do with some help from Becky, then they set to work cleaning the house. They had it all done by lunchtime and then they had a sandwich and a glass of juice while they sat out in the back garden.

    Becky went back to bed after lunch, she left Amy to sit in the garden with her book, after she washed the dished they used at lunchtime.

    The shop was busy, Chrissy and Mandy never really stopped all day, apart from at lunchtime when Carl had some food delivered from the hotel. Chrissy had got all the bits together for Amy's birthday present. She put them on one side ready to send to the hotel ready for Saturday.

    Chrissy and Mandy called in at the post office to drop off the Ebay orders on the way home. Amy was working on dinner when they got home, so Mandy had time to take a shower before they ate. Chrissy and Mandy both gave Amy a hug.

    "I'll go and wake Becky then." Chrissy said with a grin as she followed Mandy out the kitchen and off up the stairs.

    Mandy went to her room when she got to the door and Chrissy went to her room to see how Becky was. Chrissy saw Becky asleep in the bed, so she climbed on and lay her head on the pillow and watched Becky sleep. Chrissy must have been tired as she fell asleep instead of waking Becky.

    Chrissy was dreaming of kissing Becky, it felt so real. The touch of her lips on Chrissy's felt so good, Chrissy rapped her arms around Becky and pulled her tighter into her as she kissed her even deeper. She opened her eyes when she realised that she wasn't dreaming at all, Chrissy had her arms rapped around Becky and was kissing her.

    "I'm sorry Babe, I thought I was dreaming about kissing you." Chrissy said as she pulled away looking very red in the face.

    "Don't be sorry, I could cope with being woke up like that all the time. It must have been some dream you were having." Becky said with a grin.

    "They are always nice dreams when you're in them lover." Chrissy replied as she stole another kiss. Chrissy looked at the clock and realized that she had slept for nearly half an hour. "We better see about making a move babe. Amy will have the dinner done by now."

    Chrissy sat up and waited for Becky to use the bathroom, then they both headed down to see what wonderful meal Amy had made tonight. They could both smell something wonderful coming from the direction of the kitchen. Chrissy had to giggle when she heard Becky's tummy rubble. "Is my baby hungry?" Chrissy asked as she pattered it.

    "Yes, but I don't know why. I had a sandwich with Amy at lunchtime. It must be that smell that is making me feel more hungry than I should." Becky said as she kept walking with Chrissy to the kitchen.

    Amy and Mandy were sitting and talking when Chrissy and Becky walked in to the kitchen. "It's about time you two got here, I was just about to come and see what was keeping you." Mandy said with a giggle.

    "Sorry everyone, but I fell asleep on the bed next to Becky when I went to wake her." Chrissy said looking sorry for keeping everyone waiting.

    "Don't worry about it Chrissy, I only just finished getting it all ready anyway Chrissy." Amy said as she got up to go and get the dished of food from out the oven and off the hot plate. Chrissy went and helped get a couple of them to help out.

    The dinner that Amy had cooked was really nice, she even made an apple crumble for dessert which was really nice too. Chrissy went to help Mandy do the dishes after they finished eating, but Amy told her to spend the time cuddling with Becky. Chrissy went to argue with Amy, but saw that the look on Amy's face said she wasn't going to win. So she just sat at the table with Becky and made the most of the extra time they would get to spend with each other.

    It was soon time for Becky to go and get ready for work, so Chrissy went with her and they both took a shower together, but didn't spend as long as they did this morning. They were soon out the shower and drying each other off, then Chrissy set to work getting Becky ready for the club.

    When Chrissy got down stairs with Becky, they found Vicky already there and chatting with Mandy and Amy in the hallway. "Hi Vicky, you're looking really hot tonight." Chrissy said with a grin.

    Vicky was wearing a short cocktail dress on a sparkly red fabric and red stockings, and red shoes with a one-inch heel. She even had her fiery red wig on to really give her that she devil look. "Thanks Chrissy." Vicky said with a giggle.

    Chrissy stood at the door and watched Vicky and Becky drive away, then Mandy and Amy dragged Chrissy to the living room so they could watch a movie. Ann had told Amy that she would be working late, so Amy wouldn't be able to call and talk with her tonight.

    Mandy had got a bottle of wine and a bag of popcorn ready on the coffee table, so they all sat on the sofa with Amy in the middle and put the movie on.

    Once the movie was done they all cleared the glasses away and the empty wine bottle, then made there way to bed.


    Chrissy woke in the morning just as Amy was leaving the bed, so she made a move to go and take a shower before she headed down for breakfast. Becky was close behind to help get them hard to reach places.

    Amy had the breakfast ready when they got down stairs and they all got stuck in. Mandy and Chrissy had a busy day ahead of them so they were going in a little earlier this morning.

    "Why do you need to go in so early today?" Amy asked as she made conversation.

    "We just got behind with a couple of things this week, so we thought that going in early today would help us catch up." Mandy said before Chrissy could say a word.

    Amy could see that Chrissy looked relieved when Mandy answered, so Amy knew that it was for another reason. "Well I hope you don't have to work to hard to catch up. I could always come and help out if you want me too."

    "Maybe next week Amy, but we don't really have the time to wait for you to get a shower and ready to come in." Mandy was trying to do her best to make it sound convincing.

    Amy really knew that they were up to something now, but what could they be planing? She thought to herself. She knew what ever it was going to be would be great.

    Becky went and saw Chrissy and Mandy off then returned to help Amy clear and wash the dishes. Then they sat and had another cup of tea while they chatted about stuff. Amy tried to trick Becky into telling her about what they had planned for her birthday, but Becky was a little too smart for her.

    "You will have to wait for Chrissy and Mandy coming home tonight, then we will all tell you what we have planned for your birthday Amy." Becky said with a grin.

    "You have all done so much already Becky, I would be happy with going to see a movie and grabbing some take out after. That is the most I have ever done on a birthday before." Amy said.

    "You don't sound very excited about it being your birthday tomorrow Amy." Becky said sounding a little puzzled.

    "There has never been anyone other than mum, dad, and Ann to share in my birthday before. Mum and Dad never did anything for me, I was lucky if I got a card from them. Ann always treated me to a movie trip and then a pizza after. Her friend Amber would always come along and treat me like a little brother too. They were really fun trips out." Amy had a far away look in her eyes as she was saying it.

    "Well Amy. All I will say, is you're going to have one hell of a good time on this birthday. We are going to make sure of that." Becky was grinning as she said it.

    Amy could feel the excitement growing inside her now. "I don't know if I can wait till tonight to find out what you have planed for me." Amy said it in a childish whiny voice, which made Becky giggle.

    "I'm sorry Amy, but you will just have to wait. There is no way I am going to pip Chrissy and Mandy to the post and tell you now." Becky had a worried look on her face and then she giggled, which set Amy off too.

    Becky sat in the garden with Amy till lunchtime and then they both had a sandwich, then Becky went to bed. Amy got her book and sat out in the garden trying to take her mind off what the others could be planning.

    Amy closed the book and made a start on dinner when it was time. She had it ready when Chrissy and Mandy got home. Becky came down at the same time they got home, so they all sat down to eat dinner.

    "This is a really nice dinner Amy." Mandy said as she took another mouth full.

    "Thanks Mandy, I'm glad you like it." Amy said with a smile.

    Once dinner was finished and they had all eaten desert, Becky said, "Amy knows were planing something for her birthday tomorrow. And I know we said that we would all sit and tell her what we have planned, I hope you didn't mind?"

    "Not at all Becky." Mandy said with a smile.

    Amy sat at the kitchen table so Chrissy, Mandy. And Becky could tell her what they had planned for her Birthday. "Amy, were going to send you for a full spa treatment at Carl's hotel, then you're going to get a full makeover by Cathy, and the team before you go to the club for a night of full VIP treatment." Mandy said with a grin on her face.

    Amy just sat staring at them all one at a time as she let it all sink in. "You're going to take me to the club for my birthday?"

    "Yes we are Amy, and give you a full makeover by some of the best girls around." Chrissy added with a grin.

    "Thank you so much, but you really don't need to do anything like that for me." Amy said.

    "Amy, it's your birthday. Why shouldn't we treat you to a special day of being pampered?" Chrissy asked.

    "It's just come as a shock, the most I've ever done on my birthday in the past is go to a movie and then get a pizza with Ann and her friend Amber." Amy said as a matter of fact.

    "Well, we could cancel everything and go see a movie and then get a pizza, if that is what you want to do Amy." Chrissy said.

    "No, No! I didn't mean it like that. I've just never had anyone go to such lengths for my birthday before. Thank you." Amy got up and went and hugged Chrissy, Mandy, and Becky.

     "You're never going to have a dull birthday while we're around Amy." Becky said with a grin.

    "Will you all be coming with me, or is it just for me?" Amy asked sounding a little worried all of a sudden.

    "Becky and I will be coming with you to keep you company, but Mandy has to work at the shop." Chrissy said.

    "Can you not close the shop for just one day Mandy? I would really like to share my birthday with all of you." Amy said in a pleading voice.

    "I would love to Amy, but the shop is really busy on a Saturday. I have to make sure that the changing service at the hotel as the right under garments for there customers." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Well could we not move the hotel visit to Sunday? Then we can all go." Amy said with hope in her voice.

    "The club isn't open on a Sunday night Amy, so your idea wouldn't work. I will join you at the hotel for dinner before we go to the club. We can all go to the hotel spa at a later date together." Mandy smiled as she said it.

    "As long as you don't mind me taking Chrissy away from the shop for the day Mandy. I'm sorry if I am causing you any trouble." Amy sounded a little sad.

    "Hay, I don't want you thinking like that Amy. I won't be alone at the shop anyway, Carl and Vic said they would come and help me out for the day." Mandy pulled Amy into a hug to show her she wasn't upset with her one bit.

    Amy looked at the time and then said, "Hadn't you better go and get ready for work Becky?"

    "I'm not working tonight, Carl gave me the night off so I can be well rested, ready for tomorrow." Becky said with a grin.

    "Right then, now we have all that sorted out. What do you say we open a couple of bottles of wine and have a girlie night in?" Mandy said as she walked over to the fridge and got a couple of bottle out. Chrissy got the glasses and then they all made there way to the living room.

    They all settled down on the sofa and flicked around the movie channels till they all decided on a movie they liked and then sat drinking the wine and watching the movie. Chrissy rested her head on Becky's shoulder, while Amy did the same with Mandy.

    Bye the time the movie ended, they had finished the two bottles of wine. Amy was starting to nod off, so Mandy said, "I think we should all call it a night, I have work tomorrow and you three have a busy day of being pampered." Mandy was grinning as she said it, so the girls knew she really didn't mind.

    They all got ready for bed and then all climbed in, Chrissy and Amy were cuddled between Becky and Mandy. Amy fell asleep with a smile on her face, happy at the thought of what a great day tomorrow will be.


To Be Continued


Edited by ChrisW



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