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No not a tyre but the weather.

Since the weekend its been a bit blowey here, up to 40mph gusts and a fair bit of damp too so i've effectively been confined to barracks for three days - i can't see the point in battling the wind and rain when i don't have to. Things aren't expected to improve until at least tomirrow afternoon so it'll likely be Friday before i get out on two wheels again,

I've not been idle though, as promised i've been scribbling away at more Trixiebell and around six this evening i finished the next part! my Patreeon supporters can read that first draft now, the rest of you have a slightly longer wait. It's actually 14 months since i last wrote of Ms Heartswoon so its taken a bit of time to get back into the swing of the tale but i'm confident that you'll enjoy it when you do get to read it. It's been a little slow going as the research for the visit to Leipzig, to the Wave Gotik Treffen, has taken quit a chunk of each writing session, indeed its brought back memories of visits to the city solo, with both my parents and most recently, just my Dad. Damn i miss travelling, curse you Covid and those responsible for its spread. And of course i like to get into the role as well so i've been sat here in my Goth finery tickling the KB, let me tell you, fishnets, high hemlines and big boots aren't the most comfortable of writing outfits! I'll be cracking on with part four from tomorrow.

Its Wednesday so today i offer you part 38 of Gaby book 1, Euro Drew. The Bonds travel to Germany to visit Jenny, what could possibly fo wrong? Please bear in mind it was written almost 20 years ago so things like the Eurostar journey reflect what was true at that time, it being based on my own experience in 2002!

That's about it for today, hopefully i will have been out on the bike by the time i next post on Sunday and i'll have more Trixie in the can too.

See you soon,
Madeline Anafrid


... those responsible ...

About 70% of our 'catchable' diseases, from the 'common' cold, to HIV/AIDS, to the 1981-20 (*) pandemic flu - came to us from messing with, almost always by eating, animals.
And covid ... Bats & pangolins in a "wet market". "Wet Markets" are bio-identical to USA CAFOs.
This is a Must Watch. Note video is from 2008: (

So, the responsible people: anyone eating animal stuff. Including me, until 2008.
(*) My Dad (b. 1908) had memories of this pandemic. A relative in Milwaukee, WI, USA was a wood-worker, made nothing but coffins. For five months. The City of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, USA >shut down<. They could not even run the Dead Wagons. (CDC = USA Center for DIsease Control.)

Not sure

Maddy Bell's picture

What any of that has to do with my post.


Madeline Anafrid Bell