...for a long, long time. about 50 years, in fact. Our company Christmas party is coming up soon, so I decided my hair, which had returned to the wild, needed something which wouldn't get in the soup, or require the usual ponytail band all the time. I took this here photo, just after being outdoors so pardon if the mop still looks a bit unruly. If you feel the need to laugh, be my guest! It makes me smile.
Colour needs re-doing.
I haven't cut my hair in over 10 years
Since retired from truck driving and started driving school bus (I guess that makes me semi-retired) I've given up the ponytail in favor of an indescript barrette which only pulls the sides and top to the crown of my head. To my surprise, no one in the small town I moved to when I quit driving truck seems to think anything of the switch. I've noticed that one of the ladies on the school staff where I pick up the kids has pretty much the same hair style.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
that colour
makes you look very washed out Pod, mayhap you could try something a bit softer?
I've not done more than tidy the ends and do my fringe in @ 35 years but it stubbornly refuses to grow much past my shoulders.
Have a good party
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Pale face
Need some sun on me... The very white light on the landing / white doors didn't help..
Next - nail appointment Monday, another new experience :-0
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Well, that was an experience - a nice one :) The lady at the small salon locally wasn't fazed at doing my hands, says her 6-year-old likes having his done, though he shies away from taking them to school. I'll definitely be going back there in a few weeks.
These were impulsively chosen for the festive season, and I count myself lucky that family and workmates raise very little eyebrow at my eccentricities. The only comments I have garnered so far are "I like your nails!" and one of the wives at the works party had near identical ones. Anyway, they are gel and surprisingly durable, and look like this - brace yerselves:
Oh yeah, and the hair looks miles better blow dried and brushed ;)
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."