Games Can Lead To Love

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Games Can Lead to Love

We were lying in bed in Pam’s dorm room, and she was on top of me. I was already naked. She asked me to unhook her bra, and we kissed while I managed it. It slid off her shoulders and down to my chest. She was propped up on her arms, and took a look at me. A smile formed on her face.

“That looks very sweet on you.”

Okay, I guess that was all right. Sexy games and all that. But then she hitched her knees up so she could kneel, with a knee on either side of me, and pulled me up to flip the bra around and put it on me. Then we were kissing while she fastened it behind me!

She grabbed some socks, balled them up and stuck them in the cups.

“Yeah. I like what I’m seeing!” she said.

In short order she had a pair of lustrous panties on me, and black tights. She fumbled in her drawer and pulled out a cincher, which she also got on to me. Yes, it felt too tight, but this was kind of fun, and the sensations were pleasant, on the whole.

She found me a white blouse that buttoned up the back, and fastened it. It had a satin Peter Pan collar and belled sleeves with elastic cuffs. Then she got out a black pleated , knee-length skirt and had me step into it. As hard as it was for me to believe, her pumps fit me. I had never thought about it too much, but we were close to the same height (5 ft. 6 for me) and weight. With the pumps on I was the same height. The next thing she did was part my long dark hair in the middle and put a barrette on either side to hold up a little piece away from my face. She gave me a coat of lip gloss and then looked very happy with herself. She threw on my shirt and pants and then embraced me.

“You are my kind of girl!” she said. She was about to add something when the fire alarm went off.

With no time to change she thrust her better winter coat at me, and put on her down vest. Then she pulled me out into the controlled chaos in the hall.


Pam and I had been seeing each other only for a month, and were getting along very well. We shared two classes and saw each other as often as possible. I really liked her, but I had no idea she had a thing for cross-dressed guys. And I wasn’t exactly against that, but I would never have gone outside her dorm room dressed up. I’m not saying I would rather have burned up, but no way was I ready to be in public in a skirt.


Along with everyone else we exited the building to stand in the parking lot nearby. It was chilly but above freezing, and I was glad of her coat. I wished it had a hood, to hide my face.

There was an announcement I didn’t quite catch, but the gist of it was that we would be allowed back in in about a half hour. So Pam said we’d walk over to the Student Union and hang out there until we could get back in. It’s about a ten minute walk. During the walk I got used to the pumps and their two-inch heel.

Once there she got us each a hot cocoa, as she had brought her purse, and I, well, I had no purse, and my wallet was certainly not in these clothes.

For Pam this was a more or less normal situation, and she was completely relaxed. Not so me. For one thing I didn’t think my baritone voice would pass as female, and for another I was still in a very panicked state of mind about being out and dressed like this. So she did most of the talking.

In about ten minutes a couple of very large guys came in. The bigger of the two saw me and headed straight for me. “Karen!!” he shouted. I looked behind me, but there was no one there.

Once in front of me, he looked directly at me and said, “Karen! Where in the world have you been?”

I looked up at him, and kind of whispered, “I am not Karen.”

His brow furrowed and he said, “Of course you are! I’ve been really worried about you! You just disappear, and now I see you here, all relaxed and sipping cocoa, while I was thinking maybe you were kidnapped!”

“Um, listen, whoever you are. I’m telling you, I am not Karen, and I don’t know you. Please leave me alone.”

Pam added, “Yeah, buzz off.”

The guy, who may have been the teeniest bit tipsy, looked like he was not going to take no for an answer, and he leaned down and picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing. He turned around and started out, while I was waving my arms and shouting, “Help!!”

No one paid much attention. Pam just sat there with a very odd look on her face, but did nothing.

I beat on the guy’s back a little, which he hardly appeared to notice, and in reply he reached up with his other hand and spanked me!

I was mad and afraid. I didn’t know if this guy was going to try and rape me or kill me or what, whenever he discovered I was not Karen, but I didn’t really want to find out.

Yelling didn’t seem to do any good. I figured the guy was a star football player or something. The few people who did react were smiling, as if he and I were playing a game.

He continued on his way, with his buddy following, and I saw we were heading for the frat houses. As bad as a boys’ dorm might be in this getup, I thought a frat house would be a worse place for me now. I would have struggled more, but that spank was still smarting.

At the door of one of the houses, he set me back down on my feet, and I saw he was more than a head taller than I was, even with the heels. He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside and up the front steps. We entered a nice-sized room, which I assumed was his, and he pushed me down onto a chair.

“What is going on with you? Where’ve you been for the last week?”

“Look, whoever you are, I don’t know how I can explain it any more clearly that you are mistaken. I am not Karen and I have never been Karen. I’m sorry she’s been missing, but I can give you no information about her.”

“Sticking to that lame story, eh?” he asked. “You’ve been my girl for a year now and you’re going to play games with me? You could have just told me you wanted to break up with me.”

Rolling my eyes, I couldn’t figure out how to get through to this guy.

“Look, why don’t you try phoning Karen? When she answers you’ll see that she is not me.”

“What do you think I’ve been doing for the last week?” he said. “You never answer my calls.”

“Oh my god! No wonder Karen split up with you! You won’t take no for an answer and won’t listen to reason! Do you want me to take a DNA test to prove I’m not her?”

To my surprise he broke down then and started weeping. Apparently he had heard this line before. I calmed down a little bit.

“Look, whoev— hey, what’s your name?”

“It’s Nick, as if you didn’t know.”

“Nick, I’m really sorry about Karen, but for all either of us know, she could have been kidnapped or injured. Have you checked hospitals? Called her parents? Called the cops? Anything?”

“Well… No. I’ve just been calling and getting voicemail. I never thought of those other things.”

How dumb is this guy? “Okay, listen Nick. If you will stop saying I am Karen, I’ll try and help you find her.”

“Really? You’d do that?”

“If you will, I will,” I replied. “Hey, do you by any chance have a photo of you and Karen? I’d really like to see why you think I look like her.”

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through the photos until he found a solo shot of Karen. He handed me the phone. I hadn’t really gotten a look at myself since Pam did this to me, so I asked him if there was a mirror anywhere. He pointed toward his en suite, and I went in there to compare. To my shock he was right—she and I looked very close, like sisters, maybe. She had similar-colored hair and it was done up the same way mine was. I did see a small mole on the left side of her chin, and I brought Nick the phone and showed him the mole, and how I didn’t have one. Also, she was smiling in the picture and had dimples, where I had none, so I smiled for him so he could see that.

It was starting to penetrate his thick skull that perhaps he was wrong about me being Karen.

“Look… I’m really sorry. You look a lot like her and I’ve been going out of my mind with worry. Hey, I don’t even know your name.”

“It’s, um,” not having thought of one, I said the first one that came to mind, “Cindy. I guess I understand where you’re coming from, Nick. So let’s start calling around.”

I had him phone the campus police, and then her parents. Bingo! Apparently her grandmother was deathly ill, and they brought her home with no warning. She had forgotten her phone at the university, and was being kept busy visiting her grandmother and helping out. They told Nick they would ask her to call him at the earliest opportunity.

“Feel better now, Nick?”

“Much better, Cindy. I’m really sorry I dragged you away. Let me walk you back to your dorm.”

I accepted, since I thought I’d be safer now that it was getting late, and also because when he wasn’t crazed with worry, he was a pretty nice guy.

“Where’s your purse, Cindy?”

“Oh, there was a fire drill and I didn’t have a chance to grab it. We were waiting it out in the Student Union when you came in.”

“Ahh,” he said.

He walked me right to the door of Pam’s dorm, and then, to my shock, gave me a big hug, almost crushing my ribs.

“You’re a nice girl, Cindy. I’ll see you around,” he said, and walked away.

‘Yeah, I don’t think so,’ I said to myself.

I got myself to Pam’s floor and knocked on her door. She answered but didn’t stand aside to let me in.

“So, done with your boyfriend, Karen?”

I stared at her incredulously.


“There you were, acting all coquettish for that jock. Obviously you’ve dressed up before.”

My ears were hearing these words, but they weren’t making any sense inside my head.

“Are you crazy? You call that coquettish??? And why weren’t you helping me? You just let him carry me away. You didn’t even go for help!” I retorted.

“I didn’t know I was dealing with a back-stabbing, two-timing cross-dresser!” she spat at me.

“You don’t know how wrong you are, and if you think so poorly of me, then just give me my clothes and I’ll leave.”

“Oh, I don’t know why, but I can’t find them,” she said, very insincerely. (She certainly wasn’t wearing them anymore.)

“Fine. Just give me my wallet and phone and I’ll leave.”

She grudgingly handed them over, and then tried to demand her clothes.

“I am not walking back to my dorm nude. You’ll get these back whenever I can get them back to you,” I said, and left.

This was not how the day was supposed to go. I had thought I knew Pam fairly well. How she could assume what she did was just beyond my comprehension.

On my way down the hallway a tall form detached itself from another doorway and started to walk with me. It was Heather Farris, who was in one of my classes.

“I couldn’t help overhearing your little argument with Pam. I was there at the Student Union. She really believed that jock was your boyfriend?”

“Apparently. She’s just as deluded as he was. She didn’t even try and help me when he threw me onto his shoulder.”

She looked at me as we walked. “Do I know you?” she asked.

I stopped and looked up at her and sighed.

“Yes, Heather. It’s Kevin, from Communications class.”

“Ah. Oh. Well, you look very nice, Kevin.”

“Just call me Cindy. It’s the name I told that big jock. Pam and I were, uh, playing before the fire drill. She got me all dressed up and then the alarm sounded.”

“Oh, and now she says she can’t find your clothes. How are you going to get back to your dorm room?” she asked.

“I haven’t thought that far ahead, Heather. I really do not want to walk in there looking like this, but I don’t have a stash of clothes somewhere along the way.”

“Hmm. What if I took you to a shop for some clothes to get you into the building?”

“I have hardly any money. They’d have to be pretty cheap clothes. Ugh! I just realized she has my shoes and coat too. Buying new shoes was not an expense that I had budgeted for.”

I stopped and sat down on one of the benches, and put my head in my hands. Heather sat next to me and put her arm around my shoulders.

“Maybe I can help you,” she said. “I know I’m a little taller, but I have some clothes I think would get you into your building and room.”

I looked at her with a flicker of hope in my eyes.

“I always thought you were a nice guy Kevin. And you really do look good.” She smiled and stood up, holding a hand out. I took it and she pulled me up, and we walked back the way we had come.

In her room she pulled out an old sweatshirt. That could work. Then she found some sweat pants. They were too long, but we rolled them up, and they would get the job done. She was kind enough to unbutton the blouse and take the bra off me, and then helped get the lip gloss off. I borrowed her brush and got my hair back to its normal side part. She had an elastic for me.

The pumps looked pretty jarring under the sweats, but the sweats covered them somewhat and they’d have to do. And the coat was obviously a girl’s coat, but I could just carry that once I got to the building. And, hey! how was I going to afford a new coat??

“Heather, it is so nice of you to help me out. How can I repay you?” I asked.

“I’ll think of something, Kevin.”

I turned to her and gave her a chaste hug, which she accepted.

She gave me a plastic bag to put the clothes in, and I walked back to my dorm. I took the coat off before I went inside and attracted no attention on my way to my room. Fortunately I had a tiny single room, and no roommate.


I cleaned Pam’s clothes, and on the day of my Communications class I gave the bag of them to Heather and asked her to put them by Pam’s door. I had to wear my jean jacket now, with a sweater, to try and stay warm, and a pair of sneakers, which were my only alternative to the heavy shoes that Pam had somehow ‘misplaced.’

“I don’t know why you’re being so kind to her,” said Heather.

“Hey, just because she has decided to go whacko, that doesn’t mean I need to sink to the same level. I don’t want to have anything I need to feel guilty about, like losing her clothes the way she ‘lost’ mine.” I replied.

Heather had noticed how cold I was when I arrived at class, and one day she presented me with a nice woolen scarf. That really helped, and I thanked her profusely.

“Kevin, what if you and I go to the thrift shop in town? Maybe we can find you a coat and some boots, maybe even gloves?”

“Okay. That sounds great.”

We went Friday afternoon and were able to pick up all three items for pretty cheap. They weren’t exactly what I would have gotten if I’d had the money, but beggars can’t be choosers. I thanked Heather again for her help, and wondered again how I could repay her kindness.


The two classes I had with Pam were large enough so that I was able to stay out of her way. I had no wish at all to see her.

It was several weeks after the fire drill, and I heard from a friend that Pam was in the Student Union when Nick walked in with the real Karen. Pam happened to look up and see them, and her eyes bugged out. Nick and Karen were all lovey-dovey, as you might expect, and I’m sure Pam thought it was me. Nick and Karen sat close enough to Pam that she could hear Karen’s voice, which was nothing at all like mine. Add to that she was wearing something that showed off a bit of cleavage very nicely.

But as smart as I thought Pam was, she still made a snide comment to Karen.

“Hey KEVIN, how’s it going?” she sneered.

They both looked at her, very puzzled. I think Karen was willing to let it be, but Nick wasn’t so forgiving.

“What’s the matter with you?” he asked.

“I was just wondering how things are going with your GIRL friend,” Pam, said, digging herself a bit deeper.

“Very well, thank you. What’s your problem?”

“Let’s sit somewhere else, Nick. She obviously has some kind of mental disease,” said Karen.

They got up, although Karen could tell Nick was itching to defend her.

At this point I walked through the door. I saw Pam at the same moment she saw me, and I averted my gaze and headed in another direction. I’m sorry I did, because as a result I didn’t see that Nick and Karen were there, so I could have then looked back to see how red Pam’s face was.

I got myself a cocoa to go, and left.

A couple days after that I found a bag at my dorm room door with my missing clothes, coat and shoes in it. I guessed that was as close to an apology as I was going to get.


In the meantime Heather and I had been spending some time together, and also did some of our homework together. I really enjoyed her company, but I wasn’t entertaining any ideas that she would want to have a closer relationship. Every so often I’d ask if she had thought of what I could do for her, but all she’d say was that she hadn’t forgotten about it.

And then the day came. It was a couple of months later. We had just finished our homework and I was visiting in her dorm room. She sat down next to me on the bed and put her arm around my shoulders.

“Kevin, we get along pretty well, don’t we?”

“Yessss,” I said slowly, wondering where this was going to go.

“I have this idea for how you can repay me. I was very impressed with how you looked dressed as a girl, and I’d like to take you somewhere dressed up.”

“Oooo-kay, Like… where?”

“Well, this is going to sound weird, as well as really old-fashioned, but my parents have this idea that I’m interested in the son of a friend of theirs. Nothing I’ve said so far has changed their minds about this, so I thought, what if I show them I’m a lesbian? It could be at a dinner where they invite the guy and his parents. You and I come as girlfriends and maybe that will teach them not to interfere in, shall we say, youthful mating rituals.”

“Okay, let me get this straight. You dress me up, take me to a dinner and we, like, hug and kiss passionately in their presence to let them know your sexual preferences? Heather, we don’t even kiss now.”

She turned my head toward her and placed her lips on mine. It was a very satisfying kiss, and left me kind of dazed. I stared into her eyes, and slowly went in for a kiss myself. She had a bit of a glazed expression too, and willingly opened her lips to me. The kissing progressed to deep French kisses and hugging and gradually lying down on her bed. It lasted quite a while, and we finally lay there contented, in each other’s arms.

“Wow, Heather. That was really nice.”

“I totally agree! You know, I don’t think we’ll have any trouble at all kissing at my parents’ dinner.”

No, except that I’d have to go there as a girl.

“Don’t you think your parents are going to object to blatant displays like that in their presence?” I asked. “I mean, even if I went as myself they’d hardly want to look at us make out in front of them.”

“Well, that’s true, but we want to make a point, so maybe we’ll just kiss at every almost-discreet opportunity, and hold hands the rest of the time. How does that sound?”

I wasn’t sure that any of it sounded like a very smart thing to do. But I said, “I guess it could be worth a try. And I do owe you.”


Heather made the arrangements for the dinner in three weeks, and told her parents she was bringing her girlfriend. She didn’t ask them to invite the unwanted parties, because she knew they’d be invited in any case.

Then she bought me some basic girl clothes so that we could go shop for a nice dress for the dinner. She was fine paying for it, as her family had way more money than mine. We found a serious enough dress for the occasion at a thrift shop, and she got one for herself too.

She also bought me a purse, some decent breast forms and a cincher and tried to coach me on my voice and mannerisms, although she didn’t think I needed much, from what she had seen on the day of The Great Fiasco. She thought I came across very naturally as a girl. That made me wonder about myself.

Way before I was ready the day of the dinner arrived, and Heather drove us the hour or so to where her folks lived. We entered the house holding hands. After we hung up our coats she put her arm around me and introduced me to her folks. Her dad was taller than she was, and her mom was about the same height. I was the only short person in the room.

“Mom, dad, this is Cindy Dillon, my girlfriend.”

“How do you do, Mr. and Mrs. Farris.”

They greeted me, I smiled and shook their hands, then Cindy put her arm back around me. Her parents looked a little puzzled.

“Oh Heather, I invited the Roberts and their Martin. I hope you don’t mind,” said her mother.

“No, mother, that’s fine,” she said, and nibbled under my ear a little bit.

Her folks went into the kitchen, presumably to talk about Heather’s odd behavior, and the two of us stayed in the living room. Heather had her eye on the big picture window, and when she saw the Roberts’ car parking outside she took me into a loving embrace and we shared a splendid kiss in front of the window, which lasted until we heard the bell.

“Heather, would you please get the door?” came from the kitchen.

“Sure, mom.”

We went together and opened the door to the Roberts family, who had peculiar looks on their faces.

“Won’t you come in, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Martin? This is my girlfriend, Cindy.” She looked at me with undisguised lust as the Roberts gaped.

“Uh, yes, uh, very pleased to meet you, Cindy,” said Mr. Roberts. Mrs. Roberts said nothing. Martin, who was tall and handsome in a country club way, didn’t look that happy.

We took their coats and hung them in the closet, and showed them into the living room. Shortly her parents came out and greeted the Roberts.

What I can say about the evening was that it went according to Heather’s plan. There seemed to be more than one contrived meeting in the kitchen between the older people, and Martin didn’t say very much, as we rubbed up against each other and touched as much as possible.

The Roberts left in a sort of frosty mood shortly after the meal was over, all their plottings up in smoke. Once they were gone, Heather showed me up to her old bedroom. We were followed by her mother, who stood there with a hand on her hip, looking decidedly pissed off.

“Since when are you a Lesbian, Heather?”

“Since I met Cindy here.” She looked at me adoringly, then turned back and said, “Not that it’s really any of your business. I told you fifty times I didn’t like Martin, but you never listened.”

Her mother sputtered a bit, and then said, “I’m not happy about this,” and walked out.

“Heather, was this going to be an arranged marriage to consolidate two rich families?” I asked.

“Something like that. They just wouldn’t give up on their machinations, never paying the slightest attention to the fact that I had less than no interest in him.”

“Am I going to be a problem for you with your folks?” I certainly didn’t want to cause a schism in the family.

“No, not you. They basically need to learn that I won’t stand for this kind of thing.”

I started to wonder just how far they would go to get their way. Would they try and split us up? Actually, for that matter, were we even together? I thought our ‘practice’ kissing sealed the deal, at least for me, but Heather hadn’t said anything about becoming exclusive, so I didn’t know where we stood. I mean, I was doing this as a favor for her, to pay back her kindness, so I should have no expectations that it was anything more than that. I tried tamping down my desire for her a bit, though it wasn’t easy.


We stayed the night, though they put us in separate bedrooms. The next morning I went into Heather’s room and she got me ready in a denim skirt and a long-sleeved top. She decided to take a quick shower, and while she was occupied her parents cornered me.

“I don’t know who you are, Cindy, but you don’t fit into our plans for Heather,” began her father.

“I’m sorry you feel that way, Mr. Farris, but Heather is very smart, and can think for herself, and she doesn’t believe in arranged marriages, especially in this country and century.”

“Martin is a very good catch, and he’d be able to give her things I’m sure you couldn’t even dream of,” he countered.

“I’m sure that’s very true, sir. I have very little money and I’m not even done with university yet. But then again, Heather and I weren’t planning on getting married tomorrow.”

That seemed to surprise them just a bit.

“Oh, well, we’re pleased to hear that,” he said.

“Mr. Farris, you need to understand that does not mean that Heather will magically be interested in Martin, who probably sees her mainly as a means to an end, just as you see him as one. I’m afraid it doesn’t say much for the way you think of your own daughter that you’d want to use her to cement an alliance, and find that more important than her happiness. All I can offer Heather at this point is my undying love and devotion, and I hope she feels the same about me.”

“I do,” she said, from the doorway. How long had she been listening?

“I do love you, Cindy, and I’d like to spend the rest of my life with you.”

My eyes went as wide as they could. “Do you really mean that, Heather?”

She came over to me and pulled me to her. “Yes, Cindy, I do. I love you.”

I couldn’t help it; my eyes filled with tears and I hugged her tight. She gently kissed me and turned to her parents with steely resolve.

“I will not tolerate any more interference in my love life. There had better not be any digging for dirt on Cindy, or otherwise trying to undermine our relationship. If that happens, you two will never see me again.”

The Farrises looked shocked. I think they were starting to understand the depth of Heather’s commitment, and it evidently surprised them. It also seemed like they never knew she was capable of standing her ground.

“We thought you were just being stubborn about Martin,” said her dad.

“That’s because you never truly listened to me. You were more interested in your desires than mine. If you’ll think back, I told you countless times that I didn’t even like him. It wasn’t what you wanted to hear, so you didn’t hear it.”

They had the grace to look ashamed.

“We owe you an apology, Heather, and you too, Cindy.”

“Thank you, father, mother. Would you please leave us alone now?”

They turned and left, closing the door. We were still hugging.

“Do you really love me, Heather, or was that part of the act?”

“Can’t you tell, Cindy? I fell for you the first time I saw you in the dorm.”

My mind wandered back and I remembered that the first time I’d seen her in the dorm I was dressed as Cindy. We had been acquainted before that in our Communications class.

“Wait, does that mean you love Cindy and not Kevin?”

“No, I love both of you, but meeting Cindy kind of triggered something. I already thought Kevin was cute, but you were going with Pam.”

“God, what a mistake that was!” I said.

“But if she hadn’t gotten you dressed up, then we wouldn’t be standing here together now. Everything happens for a reason.”

“Good point! You’re even smarter than I already gave you credit for!”

“So yes, I do love you and I do want to marry you… both of you!”

“Meaning I’d be Kevin at times, and Cindy at other times?”

“That’s right, girl.”

“Okay. I think I could be good with that. Being Cindy isn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. Yes, I will marry you!”

“Oh, and just in case you’re worried, I’m a trust fund baby, so we won’t starve.”

“Wow, this day just keeps getting better and better!”

The End.

--- I didn't even mean to WRITE this story. Meanwhile, what about the three other stories languishing, waiting for endings to write themselves??

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