If you can, but have not yet ...

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If you are here, it's because you want to be here.

For you to "Be Here", Big Closet also has to "Be Here".

The only reason BCTS is 'on the net', is because every month, enough people 'cough up' enough money to pay for everything.

And our Admins and core people are way too close to 'coughing up blood'. Every month.

Please think about what BCTS is worth to you.
This is only for people who can, but have not yet contributed - let's do a simulation:

>>>Log OUT of BCTS<<<
While you're off, amuse yourself however you like. Solitaire, pet the cat, learn a new recipe ...

While you are off-line and BCTS 'has gone dark' for you, think about why you logged in today.

- Stories that give you 'happy sniffles'?
- Catching up with friends?
- Stories that give us wish-fulfilment that just about nobody can get in real life?
- Ideas for your own stories?
- News items that will never be on 'nightly news at eleven'?

When you know why you signed in today, figure out what all that's worth to you.

When you have it figured out, come back with 'cash in hand', but only an amount that is comfortable - and donate. (Nobody should be 'breaking their retirement account piggy banks' ...) ... Please ...

Again this is only for people who can donate, but have not yet done so.


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