Sam is getting worse

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so yesterday Mom and I helped Sharon and Sam go to a doctor's appointment, and she has apparently been getting worse.

Sharon said she's sleeping poorly, having nightmares, and she had to fight like crazy to get Sam to take a meal replacement drink.

Sam's brain scan on Tuesday can't come soon enough . . ..


Just when I had suggested ways to reduce crud ...

... coming in to your life ...
Sam's problems are clearly 'way above the paygrade' of you and her Mom ...

What we can hope for is getting professionals helping her. You and her Mom are 'cheerleaders', support staff and such.
You have reminded me of a book I read long ago. It opens with the premise of you (the reader) opening your front door and finding a ginormous pile of ...

Your first thought is "Who ordered this truckload of dung?"

(My next thoughts are: many cheap copies online; remember your Libraries;

I'm not sure if the book is "for you". But I think it's good to know about it, so you can find in just in case. Amazon will let you read about 3-4 short stories there-in.
Everybody gets a truckloads of dung, Only the timing, size, color, and stink varies.

My most recent tiny pile was hand delivered to my doorstep a coupla weeks ago, Name was Chestnut. Needing a bath was the very least of his problems ...