Professor Prick 15 - Eastern Promises

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I looked at Eddie worried that this would change things between us.

“So did he hurt you” he asked.

“No Lesley came out and hit him and I managed to sneak off in the commotion. It doesn’t change anything between us, Oh and promise me you’ll leave it alone and not challenge Gordy about it?"

He looked at me and said “Why would it change anything? You know I love you and care for you. Just please be careful Nikki. I can’t think of what I would do if anything happened to you. I’ve lost enough in this lifetime. Losing you would just be the final straw.”


By Karin Roberts

Mother was right the next morning thing’s seemed a lot brighter, I decided that I would tell Eddie about last night not right away but when the time was right I most definitely didn’t want him going after Gordy the way he had with William, so I had to pick my moment.

Carol called to find out what had happened last night as she had heard there was some commotion and Gordy had been involved, I explained what happened and she listened and sympathised.

“You should report him to the police, I mean that’s assault.”

“Eh I don’t want to do that” I replied.

“Why not”

“I just can’t” I insisted

“Look is it because you had a sex change”

There was silence on the line; she knew how did she know.

“Nikki you there Nikki”

“Yeah I’m here” I replied.

“Look it makes no difference to me about your past, you will always be my friend, and I don’t see anything other that an attractive female” she added.

“Thanks, how did you find out?”

“Andy had a go at me after you left asked what it was like to go around with some sort of freak. I tipped a glass of beer over his head and left, shit for brains that gut. Anyway I don’t care I’m here fro you if you need me.”

“Thanks, I better go”

“Ok you stay safe and I love you babe”

“Me to” I said as I hung up the phone.

Later that day Eddie called, “You ok babes” he asked

“Yeah I’m sorry about yesterday, time of the month thing” I joked.

“I really missed seeing you I’ve just been so busy with course work and all that I should have got the car checked out”

“Its ok babes I shouldn’t be such a stroppy cow” I replied.

“I was thinking” Eddie went on “It’s only a few months till I finish this session, we could all do with a holiday, why don’t I book something we can get away from it all just chill and relax, what do you say”

“Sounds good to me, where do you have in mind.”

”Don’t know leave it with me I’ll get back to you, Love you” he said “I miss you babes” I replied as he hung up.

Me and Carol met up on Wednesday lunch time for a coffee; Carol was keen to learn more about me in an interested friendly way rather than prying into my business.

“So you’ve had the full op then.” I explained the circumstances from the beginning the plan to ruin Eddie the plan how I never went through with it, Eddie’s search for me our subsequent dates and the surprise of me falling in love with him and him with me, by the time I had finished there was a slight tear in Carol’s eye,

“Oh that’s so sweet” she said, “wish I could meet a guy like Eddie instead of some of the jerks I’ve been with, the latest areshole included” she said with an ironic chuckle.

“Look if it helps you I had absolutely no idea that you had been a guy, and more to the point I don’t give a damn we are friends and that’s it, if other people have a problem with it the too bad. I’m not going to say anything to anyone so you’re secret is safe with me” she said.

“Thanks” I said. Our lunch date over we headed our separate ways agreeing to meet up soon for a drink,

“But no guy’s” this time she said laughing as we parted company. Late that night when I got back home mum was in a state of great excitement.

“What’s up” I asked,

“You need to phone Eddie” she said, “He called earlier today he’s got some news for you”

I picked up the phone and called Eddie’s dormitory after a couple of minutes he was on the line,

“Hi babes look I don’t have long going to an evening lecture in about 15 minutes, I just wanted to tell you that I booked our holiday”

“Great where we going” I asked.

“Well it’s hot and sunny”

“Yeah” I said,

“It’s far away” he said.

“Look just get on with it” I said bursting with excitement.

“It’s 10 days in Thailand and Bali” he said,

“Oh” I said,

“You don’t sound happy” he said,

“No it’s great I said just thought that you might have picked somewhere closer to home” I said.

“Look I hope you don’t mind but I’ve booked it for four so that your mum and Robert can come as well, it’s been a rough year for us all and we need a break”

“No I don’t mind that was thoughtful of you” I said

“We’ll speak soon, I need to go” he said and with that hung up.

“Isn’t it great” Mum said as I walked back into the kitchen.

“Yeah it’ll be great; I’m looking forward to it.” I said sitting up on a kitchen stool and lighting a cigarette.

The weeks and months passed we had Christmas and the New Year together as usual before Eddie went back to University. Four people excited by the prospect of a great holiday early in the New Year.

Just over a year after my surgery we all stood in the airport departure lounge waiting for our flight to Thailand. Me and Eddie walked hand in hand in the lounge the first time we had spent any time together since Christmas. We found an empty smoking booth and Eddie walked in with me to have a cigarette, I lit up,

“Eddie there’s something I need to tell you, it’s been bugging me for a few weeks now”

He looked at me intently I took a draw on the cigarette and blew a cloud of smoke away to the right from his face.

“What is it babes I thought you’ve been a bit tense”

“You know the night that the car failed and I went out with Carol”

“Yeah” I continued, “Well something happened we were in a club and this guy followed me out and dragged me up an alley and kissed me”

I took another long puff on the cigarette then speaking through smoke I said “The guy was Gordy”

“You what” he said.

“You see Carol was seeing Andy, I didn’t know that till on that night she mentioned some guy but never said who he was. Anyway they were at the club and came over, I left and he followed me, the thing is he knows about my op and us being together”

I looked at Eddie worried that this would change things between us.

“So did he hurt you” he asked.

“No Lesley came out and hit him and I managed to sneak off in the commotion. It doesn’t change anything between us, Oh and promise me you’ll leave it alone and not challenge Gordy about it?"

He looked at me and said “Why would it change anything? You know I love you and care for you. Just please be careful Nikki. I can’t think of what I would do if anything happened to you. I’ve lost enough in this lifetime. Losing you would just be the final straw.”

I looked at him and just had to kiss him my mouth opening greeting his tongue eagerly. Had we not been in an airport departure lounge I think our first sexual adventure would have happened right there, I was tingling with excitement I wanted him inside me and I knew that within the next day or so he would be, we broke the kiss and just looked into each others eyes.

Just then an announcement came over the tannoy, “That’s our flight darling let’s go on holiday” he said.

“Yeah let’s" I crushed out my cigarette and stood up taking his hand, and together we walked back towards our departure gate.

Several hours later we touched down in the early hours of a Thai morning, a taxi transfer to our resort we stepped in to a marble reception cool and welcoming from the oppressive heat outside. Eddie claimed our keys and directions to the two cabins which we had in the grounds of the hotel my mother spoke first.

“When I packed I packed two boys cases and two girls cases so it needs to be me and Nikki tonight and the two boys sharing as well, we can sort out all the stuff tomorrow once we have had a sleep.”

Tiredness had rendered the rest of us silent and we meekly accepted the situation and trooped of to our cabins. Once inside we collapsed into our beds and sleep followed quickly.

The next we awoke late morning and me and mum wandered down to the restaurant area for some fresh fruit, cereal and black coffee to try and kick off some of the jet lag. Over a coffee and a cigarette she asked,

“What you two going to do today” she asked,

“Oh just chill out do a bit of sunbathing” I said continuing I said.

“I told Eddie about what happened with Gordy in the airport yesterday”

“What did he say” she asked,

“He was angry I think but he’s ok with it now, I just hope he doesn’t get any ideas when we get back on taking him on about it”

“He won’t” she replied “He’s a sensible guy and if you asked him not to then he won’t because he loves you” As we took a last draw from our cigarettes we put them out and picked up our bags to go and find the guys.

Robert was dressed and sitting flicking through the satellite TV when we walked into there cabin

“Ready lover” mum asked him crossing the room and planting a kiss on his lips I cringed as all people do when the see affection between parents.

“Where’s Eddie” I asked.

“He’s in the shower shouldn’t be too long” Robert said.

“Ok we ready to hit the road” he asked my mother.

“What are you two doing” I asked
”Eh we arranged a hire car were going to have a little drive around, give you two some time to yourselves” my mum said.

“Ok enjoy your day” I said as she took Robert’s hand and they left the cabin. I could hear the shower running in the bathroom, maybe I could take advantage of this I thought.

I was dressed in a wrap over skirt with a bikini underneath and flat sandals. I undid the skirt and let it drop to the floor walking towards the bathroom. All the cabin’s appeared to be of a similar design so I knew that when I went in Eddies back would be to me. I opened the door quietly and slipped into the misty room slowly I walked over and stepped opened the shower cubicle a splash of water hitting my leg as I did so, quickly I stepped inside pulling the door behind me.

My arms encircled Eddie’s waist and my lips touched his shoulder. “Morning darling” I whispered in his ear my hand moving down his flat stomach towards his groin finding his penis growing by the second as I kissed his neck gently. I wrapped my fingers around the now fully erect member and slowly pumped him with my hand, he turned,

“You’re a naughty girl” he said with a smile.

“I’ve not been naughty yet , but I intend to be” I said with a shy seductive look on my face as I put my arms around his neck and our mouths met, two tongues showing ferocity as they battled it out in each others mouths. The kiss broke and I traced my hands down Eddies body feeling his nipples stiffen as I began to bend , pushing in the chest him with one hand against the tiled wall I crouched before him my hand cupping his balls and gently squeezing them as the tip of my tongue teased the tip of his penis moving forward I fixed my lips to the side of his cock and slid it into my mouth moving forward until his wet pubic hair pricked my nose and chin. My pace was gentle as I moved backwards and forward while my tongue ran up the shaft or curled around it.

Moans began to escape from Eddie’s mouth “Nikki, Oh yes Nikki” my pace increased I could feel Eddie’s hands tighten on the side of my head and increased throbbing in his manhood before it erupted in my throat.

“Aaaachh jezsus Nikki” he said as I stepped up a little speck of his juice on my lip I touched it with my finger and seductively put the finger in my mouth the full length before slowly drawing it out. I moved forward and we resumed kissing Eddie’s hand on my hip I eased it away and drew it across between my legs pushing his fingers against my new toy.

The kiss broke “Wait Nikki, I need my breakfast” he said I looked in amazement “Really honey there will be plenty of time for us but I really need some food” I stood back and he took my hand and opened the shower door and led me out while Eddie dried off I blew dry hair and put my skirt back on ten minutes later we were seated together in the hotel restaurant.

I lit a cigarette and blew out a stream of white smoke away for the table as Eddie tucked into a bowl of cereal. Nervously I worked away some ash from the tip by running it around the side of the ashtray before inhaling once more,

“Eddie can I ask you something”

“Sure” he said lifting his fruit juice and taking a drink.

“We are ok, aren’t we you know after the Gordy thing”

“Sure we are” he replied, I spoke quietly nervously tagging another drag on the cigarette,

“It’s just back there when I wanted to you know” a flush of embarrassment on my cheeks
“You didn’t seem to want to,”

He reached forward covering my hand speaking quietly he said “Look I did want to, god I’ve been waiting to do that with you for so long, it’s just…. Just that I want the first time to be special for both of us, it’s not that I didn’t enjoy what you did, I just want it to be something we will always remember, ok” as he squeezed my hand gently, I looked up,

“Ok” I said,

“Fine now lets do some sunbathing before your mum and Robert get back otherwise they will think we spent all day in the room.”

Mum and Robert arrive back around four and we all headed back to our cabin’s to grab a quick nap before dinner. Around seven with a change of clothes I wore a short white denim skirt tight on my hips and a pink cotton halter top and pink stilettos while mum had a tight navy skirt with matching high heels and a red cotton tube top. Both of us arrived just before Eddie and Robert we sat and lit a cigarette watching the other diners

“Did you have a good day, see anything interesting”

“Not much really just seen a bit of the town visited a couple of shops, you”

“We did some sunbathing goofed around a little nothing major”

Eddie and Robert approached I got up both guys planting a kiss on their respective partners cheeks we settled down to eat. After dinner Mum and Robert retired to the guys cabin with a half empty bottle of wine, while me and Eddie strolled hand and hand along the beach we reached a small broken down wall and sat down I opened my bag and took out a cigarette lighting it we gazed at the stars,

“You enjoy today” Eddie asked.

“Yeah it’s a really nice place and the foods lovely” I said.

“You remember the first time we sat on a wall like this”

“Yeah it was just after we escaped the evil clutches of Gordy and his gang”

“We’ve come along way since then” he continued “and I want to go a lot further” he slipped of the wall and knelt in front of me. Quickly opening a box “Nikki will you marry me” In front of me was a eight cluster diamond ring surrounding the biggest diamond I think I have ever seen in my life,

“But how we can’t I mean you know”,

“No we can” he said “it’s perfectly legal here and it’s booked for Saturday” I stood up so did Eddie I dived up into his arms my two legs around his waist.

“So that’s a yes then” after a long kiss.

I replied, “It’s a yes then, now I need to find mum” dropping out of his grasp a very excited little lady scampered up the beech with shoes in hand to find her mother.

I never even thought of knocking as I burst into the cabin Mum and Robert were having a bit of a snog on top of the bed as I rushed in.

“Mum, Mum, Eddie wants to get married out here”

“So I guess you said yes” then looking at the smile that was spread across my face.

Both of us beginning to cry tears of joy, as she wrapped her arms around me, hugging each other tightly. The tears had just subsided when Eddie arrived back at the cabin Robert shaking his hand and congratulating him.

“What am I going to do for a dress though” I said in a panic a slight smirk crossing my mother’s face as I uttered the words the suddenly I realised.

“Wait a minute this has all been pre-planned hasn’t it, the separate cabins, mum and Robert being here, the reason you chose Thailand, this morning” mum interrupted “How what happened this morning”

“Eh nothing” I said with a blush on my face the others were beginning to laugh a bit.

“Oh I’m so dumb I can be so blonde at times” I said sending the others in to laughter, my mum squeezed my shoulders and said “What do you think me and Robert were up to today, you’ve got an appointment with a dressmaker in the morning and a salon appointment fixed up for next Saturday morning for your hair and nails prior to the wedding, returning the hug I began to cry a bit again,

“I love you mum”

“I love you too dear,” Robert bent down and produced a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket.

“Time for this I think then and let’s drink a toast to Mr and Mrs Wilson” he said as he poured us a glass each.

To Be Continued...

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Lucky Nikki

joannebarbarella's picture

Keep 'em coming, Karin,

Cute ditz

Following this for a long time and glad to see they are going to tie the knot. Nikki is just such a total girl and so adoring of her man it is good to see. Really nice intimacy too. She knows exactly what a man wants.

Hugs, Kristi

Kristi Lynne Fitzpatrick