Sammi's story part 2

Sammie's story an incident of magic and Fae

I am adding this character in to flesh out my stories with more characters I can control fully and not barrow too many of others laying around the Whateley school

Lets see how you all like it and PLEASE PLEASE comment or I don't know what to do next or if you even like this plot?





Bill hung up on Scott for now, then innerly hoped the dad would calm down a bit, not go off the handle and call in who knows bad people while he was desperate for help. He took a few extra seconds to sync up his larger tablet with his phone and download Scott’s video of his daughter or what might be his daughter?

“Honey I got to run down the block to the Barron’s place and talk to Kyley about something. If I am not back, don't tell the twins anything about where I went if they get back early from their ride.” he asked his wife Jineen while making a beeline for the front door.

Bill was in luck and both of the twins were gone when Scott called or they would be over there in LA within a hot nano-second trying to help out in any way possible and right now they did not need even more grief on their plates!

Happy that the twins were not here to worry about something they had little control over, He ran down his row of upscale condos, then down the street that looped over to the rest of the huge complex of condos towards the room that Kyley and her girl Becky lived in.

As he was about to run down their walkway to the front of their condo, when he heard the distinctful slam of the pair’s garage door closing…it sounded very much like a vault door closing. Because it was nearly a vault door, with it being made of several inches of thick composite armor and huge locking bolts that cammed into the garage walls!

Many people wanted access to Kyley, any access and some even wanted to hurt or kill her because of what she was. She was a ‘GOO' or a ‘Great Old One’ in many ways she was and in many ways she definitely was not. Why she might be in danger was some thought, all of the GOO were 100% evil beings, devils or demons here to harm humankind or end the world itself!

Upon hearing that large door thud, Bill instantly changed direction to make sure he was not running right on past them leaving to go somewhere and might not be back for hours or days! On his new path, he ran up the driveway towards both women who had just finished backing up in their car and Becky was driving mostly because Kyley had not taken up driving and had no plans at this time or for years if you talked to her. She’d rather take to her own wings and just fly to where she wanted to, but flying around like that was frowned upon. That being a mutant or person with powers showing off in sight of the public in general!

As he ran up on the car turning down the driveway, Becky thought for a brief second that he might be a new attacker and pondered running Bill right over as a defensive move…then she recognized him and rolled down her armored window on the BMW that ARC had issued for her use.

“What’s up Bill? She asked, “Is there something wrong to have you all running around like a mad man?” Becky asked while Kyley was in the passenger seat listening intently waiting for his reply.

“I need…well someone I know needs help on this and I think Kyley is the only one that might even know what this is?” Bill said, pulling up the video in question on his tablet and showing it to the pair of girls.

Kyley leaned over Becky to watch the video and nodded at it, “Can you give that___me Bill?”

Bill handed the tablet over as Becky corrected her love, “Honey that is ‘Give that TO me bill’ You left off the TO again love”

Kyley corrected herself at a mumble while watching the video, “This bed is a very good looking toy Bill and I don’t see anything really wrong. I’d say ‘greats or is that gratz’ to his child growing up.” she said while trying to hand the tablet back.

“Its Gratz hon” Becky said, making sure that Kyley was sure of the right term to use in this case.

“AHHH that bed is not a toy bed, it's a human sized queen bed with a blob on top that used to be a human girl inside it!” Bill corrected the teen or what looked to be a teen to most that even looked her way.

“Are you sure of this?” Kyley asked once again as she replayed the video and looked for something to judge size better within the pic and spotted a quarter sitting on the nightstand, she zoomed in to see the coin clearer and sure enough it appeared real and very much human sized!

“So do you know what this is and can you help her…help this kid?” Bill had to ask and try to speed this up for Sammi’s sake.

“Where is this happening? I have to see this in person to judge if I can even help or just let it run its set course?” Kyley stated to Bill very much like a teacher would to students.

“So you know what this is then?” he had to ask again wanting to get a faster answer for the worried father.

“I have to see it in person to be sure, until then I will say or do nothing to help or hinder the family.” Kyley insisted flatly as she handed the tablet back to Bill.

“Okay okay, so can you go see this today…now maybe?”

“Yes, if Becky agrees we don’t have other important plans.”

“Love, I think this kid’s life is way more important than us shopping or having an early dinner out!” Becky warned Kyley.

“I have to be sure, remember you don’t always tell me everything and I find out at the last minute sometimes what is going on in my life!” the teen said obviously rubbing salt into a wound or an old fight between the two!

“Fine then Becky get up to ARC, I’ll call ahead and have you booked for a gate to LA and have your emergency ‘go bags’ standing by for the trip…now GIT!” Bill ordered and Becky just nodded while the window rolled up and she floored the car to the end of the driveway, then made a side sliding drift turn down the street.

Bill shook his head to the act, the tire smoke and the speed. “She must have taken lessons from the twins!”


Fifteen minutes later.

Bill had ran back to his condo, then upstairs to the master bedroom where he shut the door to be private and then pulled out a small gem from the nightstand. The gem was a gift from the twins so that Bill and Jinneen could have more private moments that a married couple would have and not have the insanely sensitive ears of a pair of Drow listening in or the both of them with pillows over their heads going “LALALAALLAI hear NOTHINGGGG!” in a sergeant Shultz voice!

With the room all set for prying ears or eyes, Bill called Scott back, “Scott I got my expert all lined up and I just want to make sure of your address again before they leave from here.”

Scott gave his address again even though it had not changed since the last encounter they had, but Bill was making sure of everything and that is what a trained Ex-corpsman and trauma nurse like him did when lives were on the line…they made sure work of each and every step!

When Bill was sure that Scott was holding it all together still, he added in needed important information, “Now Scott please write this down… the person I am sending to help you is Kyley Barron and Becky Dahlgrean. Becky is a woman, human about Twenty five-ish and is Kyley’s guardian. Now Kyley is a WHOLE new kettle of fish, she might look like a teen-aged human BUT she is several hundred of thousands of years old if not several million! AND I am not joking, I will not explain all about her…But go look up ‘GOO’“ he spelled out to Scott for better clarity ”or Great Old Ones and you will get a better idea of what she is.”

Scott wrote down each important item and shook his head, “What am I getting into!” he thought slinky just before he asked, “Can this Kyley help my Sammi?” he pleaded.

“If she can’t or does not know what can…then no one I personally knows can and I have access to the best minds in the world with a phone call. Kyley is the best I can do!” Bill insisted.

“How long will this take…them getting here to us in California?”

“I’d say an hour or so? Most of the travel time is them driving up to ARC to catch a ride to LA and then once in LA drive down to your place from the ARC facility in the Santa Clarita valley.”

“Can they go faster?” Scott worried out.

“Not that I can tell Scott, there is no landing area for a hovership or helicopter near your home that we can use without the police being involved and making it really messy, then the MCO might get involved as it is their job to?” Bill warned that what was planned right now, was the best option they all had for now to remain secret and out of the eyes of the authorities.

“Okay I don’t want MCO involved just yet and I am sure you would agree?”

“Yes, but let me get some of your information over to Becky so they know where to go!...bye” Bill said not really wanting to cut Scott off, but he had too.

Bill got up and yelled down stairs to his wife, “Honey get up here please?” He asked having an idea!

Jineen ran upstairs as fast as she could when Bill yelped, because his voice that tone of “Something bad happened”

When Jineen got to the master bedroom she was a bit more than excited, “Well Honey, what disaster has befallen us now?” she worried out.

“Jin you remember Scott and his little girl Sammi out in LA that the twins dropped in on a few months back?” Bill asked.

“Sure, I remember them both. That Sammi sure is a nice kid and Art hooked her up with some fine movie stuff for helping out that night.”

“Well it seems that Sammi is in trouble and is covered or trapped inside some kind of strange thing…” he said and showed his wife the video that Scott took.

Jineen was shocked at what she saw on the tablet, “I have never seen such a thing happen to anyone and I have lived a very long time. So do we call the twins?”

“No I called Kyley in on this over stacking even more crazy on the twins minds right now and she is headed out there right now with Becky…Ohh I gotta call them to give them Scott’s address and make sure they are all set with gating from ARC.”

“Well get on that!”

“Ohh honey,” Bill said handing Jineen his cell phone, “Call Scott back and have him search the house for anything that might have caused this mess…It will get his mind off his kid for a few and help settle him down a bit I hope?”

While Jineen called Scott back, Bill made his own call to Becky on his tablet. The call connected almost instantly and Bill could tell they were just entering ARC’s inner drive by the sounds of the gate shutting and the car still making sounds, “Hey Bill we just got here and I will skip parking and just leave the car at the main entry…call them and tell them to move it?”

“Will do and I just sent you the address in LA with contact info for Scott. Did you call ahead for a gate time and set up a ride in LA?” Bill had to ask and if she said no he could call in up at ARC while they walked in.

“All done and I set up one high priority so they are waiting just for us. It's nice to have tons of pull with the higher ups!” Becky beamed that the ARC bosses listened to her every word and jumped on any request she made in Kyley’s name.

Kyley laughed at hearing her love talk about being important, “It's good to be queen or king or emperor!”

“Yep it's good to be queen!” Bill agreed with both ladies.

Kyley took the phone from Becky’s hand as she grabbed a bag from her car’s trunk, “Tell me Bill, how do you know this family out in LA…It___strange you know a regular human that far away?”

Becky heard that verbal mistake, “Seems…love…seems!” She corrected Kyley!

“Well we met the Solberg family a few months back when the twins teleported into Sammi’s closet when they had a mental bump and Sammi is a teen girl about fourteen or fifteen years old, her dad is Scott.” Bill started to explain.

“Why did Rohanna and Rehanna go there, ____ out to Los Angeles?” Ky asked next.

“Way out….love” Beck added before Bill could speak, “Well it's the same home that Rohanna grew up in when she was human…a human man.” Bill gave finally.

“This home is where Rohanna grew up?” Ky had to ask again.

“Yes it's a fact, his or her old human part grew up inside that home years before her or his change into a Drow.”

“How long ago did this happen...The last time Rohanna or her old self was there?”

“Ohh the late 1960’s after her parents died in a car wreck.”

“So Rohanna changed when?” Ky had to ask because none of this was making sense and she had not really ever asked the twins about their personal history…she just accepted them as is! Though she did know for sure they were older than they looked and that some very very powerful magics were used in changing them or her into Drow!”

Bill gave his best a quickest history on the pair without letting too much information go free, “The human part vanished back in December 1976 and then popped back up suddenly, still a human in early 2007. Then changed over a day or so into a Drow and you know that the Rehanna half came later?”

“Okay, so a human was not around for three decades and then suddenly popped back up? Was he over fifty when the change to Drow happened?” she had to ask, wondering how much magic was involved!

“When ‘he’ popped back up, he was not a day older that we could tell, then he changed within hours to the Drow you know now.”

OHHHHH this is very complicated!” Kyley said and a creature as old and knowledgeable as her being confused was telling!

“You are telling me!” Bill tried to laugh, but knew this was no joking matter!

“So the same house years apart has two rather interesting things happen to those that lived or are living there?” Kyley said, but was more stating a fact.

“Could it be all connected?” Bill wondered out.

“Might be, BUT it____early to tell”

Becky interrupted, “It's way early….” she said correcting Ky, “and Bill we gotta go, our gate to LA is charged up and ready for us. We'll call you once we are en route!” and she hung up.


While Bill was going over details with Kyley and Becky

Jineen called Scott and quickly introduced herself to the man again to be sure that he indeed remembered her. Jin had found in her many years alive that people tended to forget even the simplest facts when in stressful situations like this!

“So Scott I can overhear what Bill is dealing with for you and your daughter and I can tell you that help is in the way. The best we can find right now in the whole world in my opinion!”

Scott sighed over the phone, “Good…so this woman or ‘being’ is coming to over here in LA soon?”

“Yep, both of them are on their way and Kyley may look like a teenager, but she knows far more than us simple humans could ever know or learn in our short lives.”

“I’ll have to ask why or what she is later…a longer, more complete explanation. Right now I can’t even think straight with my Sammi looking like this!” Scott added in and Jineen could tell the poor father was close to panicking.

Jineen had to change the subject and get Scott’s raging mind off his kid, “Scott while help is on the way let's do a simple check of your house and see if what caused all this is in the house? I bet you’d spot something out of place long before Kyley might…so let's start by you looking around Sammi’s room for anything strange?”

“Okay” Scott said reluctantly, but Jineen kept on him and led him through Sammi’s room as he started to search. She had seen the layout of the home and Sammi’s room while they were there to get the twins back, so she knew the place more than basically.

“Now Scott I’d start around Sammi’s bed real quick, but take care not to touch the bed till Kyley gets there and can judge if that is a good idea or not?” she suggested and he reluctantly agreed to the plan.

Scott looked all around his child's bed that was on one far side of her room and found nothing out of place or the norm, then he got on his hands and knees to take a look under the bed…a small peak.

“Baby I am so sorry, but daddy has friends coming that will fix this!” he said almost crying as he did look under the bed via using a lightsaber toy Sammi had. He poked it under the bed’s dust skirt from a distance and saw nothing but her storage boxes and a few candy wrappers she must have hidden or let slip down there.

Next he went through all the drawers in her dresser and made sure to thoroughly check under each pile of clothes. He trusted his daughter, so invading her privacy dwelled on him some. Twelve drawers searched and nothing strange or out of place. Scott did find her little ‘personal box’ most kids have, he peeked inside and only saw a diary, her pics of friends or fun times and a few things she saved as memories!

“Well on to Sammi’s closet next,” he told Jineen on his phone, then went to open the small room’s door and found the room filled with a soft pulsing glow. “WHAT THE HECK?” he barked at the sight.

WHAT! Scott what?” Jineen shouted at the line, hoping it was not bad and the father was now in danger too!

“There is a glowing golden or brass or bronze colored metallic box on Sammi’s closet floor and it's glowing on and off!” Scott said as he stepped towards the glowing object.

“DO NOT EVEN GET NEAR IT SCOTT!” she warned the father at a shout!

“Well what should I do then?” he had to ask, watching as the strange thing glowed on softly.

“Tell me what it looks like, size or anything else?”

“It is golden or brass metal covered in symbols or some might call them runes?” he more than kind of asked Jineen who might know?

“Yes magic users usually call them runes over using the description of symbols” Jin gave and she should know the subject well. She was a magic user at one time and gave that all up for Bill, her husband and love in life.

“Okay, and going on the darn thing is a little less than three foot long by one and half and one an half foot tall.”

“Huuum, so it's one by half by half then?” she asked and wondered.

“It seems so?”

“That measurement has some magic connotations…It's a representation of perfect math and sometimes math is used in spells as a basis for magic or in place of runes.” she said yet wondered out at the same time!

“What does that mean then?” Scott had to ask as he was getting very frustrated!

“It’s like the ‘2001 space odyssey monolith’ perfect in all measurements and this one is just a bit different in size but might be along the same idea.”

“What fucking ever, I just want my Sammi back all fine and this thing gone!” he barked at the phone in frustration.

“I get it Scott, let’s just take a break and you go get a soda or something to calm down and try to stay sane for Sammi…she will need you to be as calm as possible.”

Scott gave in with a sigh, “You’re right I have to stay calm and sane for Sammi,” and he headed into the home’s kitchen, grabbed a coke from the fridge that he poured over some ice in a glass, then he pulled a bottle of whiskey from a high up cabinet and added a small slash to the drink.

He took a sip, “Ahhh that is what daddy needed!”

While Scoot took that needed drink and break from worrying about Sammi’s fate for just a bare second


Outside the home while Scott tried to relax

Five black SUVs rolled up in front of the home and anyone could tell these were not your normal ‘soccer mom’ SUVs buy the fact they were a bit longer, stretched in the middle for more room in the back passenger area and the way they shined as if just polished…the sure sign of each SUV being very well taken care of!

The pack of SUVs pulled up the street much like the secret service would do protecting the president, they somewhat parked loosely with wheels pointing out back out into the street with the SUV at each end ready to block off the whole street if need arose to!

Each SUV but one off loaded no less than five people that took to checking out the area around them, a pack of four broke off and walked up to the home while four others opened the middle SUV’s door for two women to exit, well really one blond woman and one utterly beautiful blond teen girl.

“Kyley love, please wait for the team to make sure it's safe,” the older one of the pair warned.

“Them protect me?” the teen questioned as she spun around for a brief second, “More like___protect them!” she laughed and kept walking.

“Like ‘I’ protect them…my love,” the older one said and waved to the team to spread out and make one more check of the street.

“I…I…I…when will ‘I’ ever get this language right!” the teen growled at herself more than the women that just had corrected her.

Kyley knocked on the home’s door and Scott came to the door at a run to answer it. He was a bit taken back that most of his lawn and the street was now covered by the ‘ear piece mafia’ of bodyguards. His mind raced, “this kid must be some kind of important!”

“Hi I am Kyley and you must be Scott then?” the beautiful teen he found at the door asked and a huge male bodyguard standing by her side eyeballed Scott from top to bottom making sure he was not a threat.

“Yes I am Scott, so you are here to help?” he had to question even after being warned that this teen was far more than she looked and she looked like an angel!

The older blond was just now getting to the door and waved to Scott, “We are here to save the day…we hope!” and she walked right past the still stunned Scott as he let her pass-by into his home, then let Kyley in as well. The huge guard was last with a buddy female that moved so fast it looked like she could run a marathon in an hour tops even with stopping for a meal! The big guy closed the door softly, but did not let the door latch in case he wanted or needed back outside quickly!

“Scott, can we see your daughter or what you think your daughter is?” Kyley smiled, lighting up the room instantly with her presence.

“This way, “Scott said as he waved for her to follow him and the other woman was right behind introducing herself as they walked, “Scott, I am Becky and I look after Kyley… the guards are here just because it was faster to use ARC resources to get to you here in LA and ARC protects its bigger investments like Kyley.”

Scott entered the room first but waited just inside the door for both ladies to pass him, Kyley tilted her head in puzzlement at the sight of Sammi encased laying on her bed. Becky seeing and feeling her love puzzled was certainly not the norm at all.

“So?” Becky was the first to ask.

Kyley slipped into using her race’s language that Becky knew by heart, the only human in the world that did! “Ahhh this is very strange indeed. I have only ever seen this happen with Fae and the biggest ones of those were only about this big!” she said while measuring out about a foot between her outstretched hands.

“Becky was taken back by that information, “Really?”

Yessss…really. I have not seen this in ages and here on your planet since your flow of essence is still low until that World tree planted by Whateley grows up a bit more. This does not happen to the Fae of this world. They just get older like humans do, going from a young child, to teen, to finally adult. This right here is what an old age or older world Fae would look like changing from a child to a teenager!” Kyley told Becky, but kept Scott wondering what they were saying about his kid as they stuck to a strange language he did not know!

WHAT!” Scott finally broke and shouted at the pair, “WHAT about my girl are you both talking about!”

Becky took Scott’s arm and guided him just outside the room’s door, “Scott please give us a few here to fully figure out what has happened and we talk in Kyley’s native language so that she does not have issues with skipping words or meanings by accident. You see, as smart as she is, she has a bit of trouble with English and many other earth languages as well.”

“She is not from earth?” he asked, shocked that she was not!

“Nope her planet was very far away and is gone now…obliterated. But she goes on living here with us and helps us silly humans as best she can. I can get into more of this with you later please.” Becky asked as she walked back over to Kyley that was leaning over the bed and the strange mound on top of it.

Kyley leaned closer and even dared to touch the mound. She ‘tapped’ on it a few times with a fingernail and even gave it a few pokes. “Yep she is coming along nicely inside there, the outer caprice is all hard now and in a few days or a week we get to see what she becomes?” Kyley said in her native language.

“What is that?” Becky asked, taking a few notes on her tablet that she just pulled from her large messenger bag.

“Not too sure, she might end up as some kind of elf or sidhe or some other large Fae. But this caprice says fairy or pixie all over it to me. It's just that the size is WAY off!” Kyley said while taking a slow walk around the bed to see it from all angles that she could.

“You said it should be about a foot long at best?”

“Yes, that is normal for the smaller Fae that change or ‘grow up’ or transition like this via what could be called a cocoon. Much like you present butterflies do.”

Becky made quick notes and made some ready for ARC, they would want in on this and would help the family out to further the company’s research. Unless Kyley stopped them and she had that power. ARC would not want to go around her wanting to keep this more personal for the family! ARC did not want to anger Kyley and lose harvest knowledge as it was a very valuable resource!

“Let me see” Kyley started as she waved a hand to open her personal magical storage and pulled out a small crystal jar. “I think you are powered from over here?” she said as she switched her own personal vision to see the small ley lines of magic flowing across the room and into the closet right through the wall.

When Scott saw that Kyley was headed that way, he checked to see where the guard was and noted that he was far enough away, “I found a strange golden or bronze metallic box in there and it's all glowy with runes all over it!” he said at a low whisper as he walked past them, then opened the closet door and pointed towards the pulsing glow.

“Thanks Scott I have it from here, please back out of the room again.” Kyley said confidently, while instilling in Scott that she did indeed know something and was not the simple teen that she appeared to be at all!

“Yes here we are,” Kyely said to the box, “You must be the cause and I have seen your bigger brothers in the vault under the Medawihla tribal village!”

“What boxes are those Kyley, I never saw notes on them for ARC while you worked on translating the library down there for the tribe and ARC?” Becky asked in their personal language.

“And you will never see me make notes on them, both boxes are in the deep vault that no human can ever go into and not die or go raving insane then die a few days later. There are a few things we must both keep from the humans around us and those boxes up at the tribe or this is one right here is one of them.”

“All forgotten my love, but let me guess they have some connection to the box that Rohanna was found with and that she reclaimed as her own. This smaller box looks every much like pictures I have seen of her’s,”

“Yes, I do see a connection with this one’s runes and shape or measurements just being smaller for the only real difference that anyone would note first.”

“With Rohanna growing up right in this home until she or he was eighteen, that is one big connection…love!”

“It is!” Keyley gave as she opened the small jar in her hand and sprinkled a small pich of it over it, then tossed the rest of the dust into the air of the closet and watched as it too glowed in synchronization with the box as it showed several lines going to the box as it floated along unseen air currents or something else!

Becky knew what that dust was flowing in instantly by sharing vision with her life mate Kyley, “So the magic or essence of the area is flowing into that box and being amplified greatly and sent over to Sammi to change her or feed the change?”

“You are learning!” Kyley smiled, “all my time teaching you magic is not wasted then!”

“Yes I am, but I still have to master pulling a rabbit from a top hat!” she giggled as loudly as she dared to with Scott only a few yards away, she did not want to upset the father with humor right now.

“No rabbits, but you can put this away for me and don’t break it like you did the bottle last time,” Kyley quipped as her hand extended with the small.

Becky bowed a bit as she took the small jar from Kyley’s hand, “Yes ohh great teacher!” and then she made several jesters in the air that had glowing traces from her fingertips and a shadowy hole opened in the air much like Kyley had to done to obtain the jar. Becky then put the jar in the hole and waved it closed. Any good magic user could tell that Becky needed far more gestures to do the same thing as Kyley did that only needed one wave of her hand to really reach for the jar!

“Keep trying, that spell was horrible and almost closed on your arm. You would have lost it to my storage space and that is not good. Then add sooner or later I will get you creating magic with your thoughts alone and none of that hand waving, finger wiggling crutches stuff other humans need!”

Kyley walked out in the home’s hallway and spoke to the anxiously waiting father, “Scott from what I see Sammi will be just fine…changed into a creature of the Fae. But she will be better in most ways than her human self was.”

“Can’t you stop this with…magic!” he nearly shouted.

“It would hurt her and anything I did to stop this would come at the cost of ending her life, the life she had in many ways.”

“What is that?” Scott had to ask.

“This is drastic and only she can agree to it…she would be bound to me forever and basically she is mine…very much like a slave.”

“You can do that?” Scott puzzled out and now was a bit leery of the teen.

“I am not human and far past what you would call mortal.” is all Kyley said.

“Can you take me instead!” he spat out.

“I could, but why? She is going to be better in so many ways. So many ways that she will be better, it might take hours to tell them all to you…she will live longer, be in better health and who knows beyond that!”

Scott pondered what Kyley just said and leapt to a quick conclusion as a thought popped into his head, “Did those damn twins have anything to do with this!” he shouted at Kyley.

“No they did not do this, what changed them and Sammi might come from the same place as both lived here. Whoever lived here Sammi or the twins had or has good odds they would have changed in some way. I think this place, this home might be some kind of nexus for this kind of thing to happen? I am not sure and it might take me years if not decades to find out one way or another?” Kyley explained what she was pondering herself!

“I still think those fucking elves did this!” Scott raged on not really understanding what was going on. He was just frustrated, scared for his kid and lashing out wildly at anything.

Kyley let slip her power of projecting emotions and let off waves of calm toward the angry father as she spoke, “Scott you have to know the elves, Sidhe like I do and any one of them would rather chop off an arm or leg before hurting a kid. And if they ever willingly killed one, they would be instantly ostracized by all others of their race and many other races forever if not hunted down and killed for the crime.” she explained even farther. (note Kyley had to add ‘Willingly’ to her description because it was known by the race as a whole, that many of their kind were indeed FORCED to do heinous acts by the royals!)

Scott sighed as he calmed down, “So what do we do now?”

“We wait till she is done changing and see what her new life has given her and help her from there.”

“How long again?” he asked once more.

“A few days maybe a week at best I think, but if you want to I will stay here and watch over her with you.” Kyley said and Becky nodded along with her, “Yes we can wait with you, watch her as you rest and just so you know Kyley does not really need to sleep. She can stay up for days, weeks, months straight if need be and she is the best I know of to help your daughter.”

Scott gave in, “Then we wait…want some coffee?” he offered, waving the pair towards his kitchen.



Shadowsblade here.

But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

this warning is for our story stealers off site, not the BC family of readers we all know and love!

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