I feel like a lot of people around here expect a lot of the moderation and maintenance staff here at BCTS, but that they don't tend to get nearly enough recognition for all the hard work they do.
As such, I would like to take a moment to list them all, so we can all show each of them the love they deserve.
Erin Halfelven
What, were you expecting more?
Folks... I know a lot of us think of BCTS as this huge institution of a web location. For some of us it's been part of our lives for most of two decades.
But BCTS isn't some massive corporation.
BCTS isn't a crew of 200 people working together with nigh-unlimited funding to provide a public service.
BCTS isn't some Ur-deity that simply exists and will always exist.
BCTS is a core of like 4 folks, mostly disabled, retired, or both, working diligently to try and keep the lights on and the servers from spontaneously exploding.
And of those five, there's only one of them whos's here probably 80+ hours a week, fixing your messed up chapter orders, correcting your improperly formatted tables, moderating the blogs and comments, and all the other 'little' admin duties that add up to one supreme headache.
Erin Halfelven.
Please keep that in mind when something goes wrong. When it takes a bit for something to get fixed. When you have an issue with your account, or anything else.
Everyone on the BCTS staff works hard, long hours, for what amounts to below minimum wage, to keep this place going.
So, please: let's show them the respect and appreciation they deserve.
Melanie E.
I agree.
Thank you, Erin, and all of your helpers who keep Big Closet running.
I truly am grateful
like I said to Erin and company Thank You for all the work you do
Thank you all for all you do!
Thank you all for all you do! You are an amazing group of wonderful people. Without you many many authors wouldn't have a safe place to post their wonderful stories.
There isn't any other place in my life ...
... where I can, with such great regularity and reliability, get my "Minimum Daily Requirement" of happy sniffles, Love, wish fulfilment, romance ...
So ...
Thanks, Everybody {inset hearts and smileys emoticons here} Authors too, of course!
Finest Kind!
My greatest thanks to Erin and her band of magic pixies!
>I feel like a lot of people around here expect a lot of the moderation and maintenance >staff here at BCTS, but that they don't tend to get nearly enough recognition for all the >hard work they do.
>As such, I would like to take a moment to list them all, so we can all show each of >them the love they deserve.
>Erin Halfelven
>What, were you expecting more?
>Folks... I know a lot of us think of BCTS as this huge institution of a web location. For >some of us it's been part of our lives for most of two decades.
>But BCTS isn't some massive corporation.
>BCTS isn't a crew of 200 people working together with nigh-unlimited funding to >provide a public service.
>BCTS isn't some Ur-deity that simply exists and will always exist.
>BCTS is a core of like 4 folks, mostly disabled, retired, or both, working diligently to try >and keep the lights on and the servers from spontaneously exploding.
>And of those five, there's only one of them whos's here probably 80+ hours a week, >fixing your messed up chapter orders, correcting your improperly formatted tables, >moderating the blogs and comments, and all the other 'little' admin duties that add up >to one supreme headache.
>Erin Halfelven.
>Please keep that in mind when something goes wrong. When it takes a bit for >something to get fixed. When you have an issue with your account, or anything else.
>Everyone on the BCTS staff works hard, long hours, for what amounts to below >minimum wage, to keep this place going.
>So, please: let's show them the respect and appreciation they deserve.
>Melanie E.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Thank you Erin and team
Thank you Erin, and thanks also to your team. You are providing a great and unique service and you deserve our utmost gratitude and support. It is always a pleasure to visit BC and spend time in the varied worlds created by the authors. We know it is not easy keeping the site running, so thanks for carrying on under difficult circumstances.
Thank you
Thank you for all your hard work.