Being Invisible by Leslie Moore on Amazon

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After a traumatic bullying incident at Wilson High School, Ethan retreats to his bedroom and never wants to go out again. But, after a year of hiding and homeschooling, he just wishes for a change. “If I was invisible, no one could see me. I wouldn’t be laughed at or teased. I could go where I want and be free!”

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I loved this book

I'm now going to have to go look at more books by this author. I have Collected, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet, but I will now!

Very worth buying this book. It's a sweet story about a young gamer boy who has a traumatic incident that makes him withdraw from society. Later, through an amusing set of circumstances he's able to grow and emerge from his isolation.


Can't seem to leave a review at Amazon so I will do it here.

This is the story of a gentle soul who discovers herself in the limelight of publicity. Is it obviously wish fulfillment. Yeah, if you've got a problem with that, you might feel the MC has things a bit too easy, but she earns her successes.

Thank you for writing this, Leslie.


You are too kind

Dear Meade,

Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate you reading and writing.

I enjoy a good fantasy and a happy ending.

Think I said this

Before. But this is a sweet story and an enjoyable read. ♡♡♡!

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin