I am trying to finish "Amadeus Irena" by Shawna on Kindle. I have to say that it is expertly written and a hard read. I am vulnerable to significant depressive episodes but still muddling through it. I hope to finish this week end. After that I am going to try to find some Sci Fi for teens.
Sci-Fi for teens
If you are not averse to some oldies (and haven't read them yet), among my favourites are Robert A. Heinlein's "Have Space Suit – Will Travel", "Red Planet", "The Rolling Stones" and of course "Podkayne of Mars". Also Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Colors of Space", Vonda N. McIntyre's "Barbary" and Linda Nagata's "Skye Object 3270a".
First Science Fiction?
I think the first Sci Fi I read was Robert A. Heinlein's "Red Planet" some time in the 50's. Some time when I was young, I remember a book where men were wearing skirts, but I have not been able to find it in modern times.