Revenge is a dish best served cold. Chapter.2

Carmen woke up as sun rays entered from the window. She got up and stretched her arms, happy to be home and with her mom. Leaving the bed in her nightshirt and leggings, Carmen left the bed and walked to her closet by habit.

Carmen was surprised to open the closet to see that all her old clothes were there. Quickly though, her surprise turned to a smile, knowing that her mom had kept her old clothes in place, hoping she would return one day.

Closing the closet door, Carmen walked to one of her suitcases. Carmen opened the suitcase and took out her bathrobe before walking to the bathroom to shower. She sat down, relieving herself before starting the shower. She could see a new bottle of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash on the bathtub’s edge, and her mom would usually use a different brand from these. It only meant that her mom had bought them for her.

After showering, Carmen walked out of the bathroom walking back to her room. Going through her suitcases, Carmen took out a black straight mid-tight skirt, a white bodysuit, black tights a pair of over-knee boots with 4 inches heels. Fishing out a bra and panties, Carmen started to get dressed. She wanted to look her best for her first day back to school as Carmen, and she needed to be close to Sophia.

Carmen walked downstairs after getting dressed. She could tell that her mom was still asleep but would wake up in about 10 minutes. With a smile, Carmen walked to the kitchen to see what she could do for breakfast. There was not a lot of food in the kitchen. After all, they were only two people living in the house. Still, Carmen was able to make a good breakfast for two people.

Bridgette woke up like every other day. The last two months were the worse in her life, the house couldn’t feel emptier without her son. Today, however, she felt happier than ever. She just hoped it was not a dream and that her child had returned to her.

After showering, she dressed in a simple white blouse, a pair of beige tights, and a dark brown pencil skirt. She walked downstairs, only to smell the fried eggs. Walking to the kitchen, she saw Carmen making breakfast. “You didn’t have to do that,” Bridgette exclaimed with a frown.

Carmen looked back at her mom before smiling and returning to make breakfast. She placed the eggs on plates with a piece of toast, and Carmen set the table. “I will make your coffee,” Carmen said before making coffee.

Bridgette would have none of it, however, as she moved and hugged Carmen. She walked to their old coffee machine and struggled with it trying to make coffee.

“No, you just sit down, and I will make our coffee,” Bridgette led Carmen over to her chair, pulling it away and sitting Carmen down. She watched as it sputtered and puffed, as the coffee slowly dripped into the pot.

“We will have to buy a new coffee machine. This one is ancient,” Bridgette sighed before pouring coffee for her and Carmen.

Placing a cup of coffee in front of Carmen and one in front of her, Bridgette took her seat. She looked up at her daughter and shook her head upon seeing the look in her eyes.

“No, Carmen, you’re not buying anything else. It’s enough that you bought me all these gifts and got us another house,” Bridgette stated. She knew what was going on in Carmen’s head. Now that she has the money, she will spend it all on me, not herself.

“But….” Carmen started before her mom cut her off.

“No, Carmen, I am not going to argue about this. It’s your money, so use it on yourself,” Bridgette replied in a sweet yet slightly stern tone. This tone surprised Carmen and even Bridgette as she had never used such a tone before.
“I am sorry, honey. I just had been very stressed the last two months. It would be best if you didn’t feel obliged to do anything. Having you around is enough to make me happy.”

Carmen sighed but smiled. Her mom still has a lot of pride. She should have known that Bridgette would not accept money from her child. Carmen has already got away with spending a ton of money on things. She didn’t know how her mom would react to the surprise she had for her.

Carmen sat in her car nervously at the parking lot of her school. She had been waiting for this moment, yet she was still nervous. She hoped that no one would recognize her. Even with how silly this idea is, it still made her a bit nervous.

Finally, getting over her nerves, she made her way out of the car. She immediately received a wolf whistle. “Nice ride, baby. I have something better for you to ride,” someone shouted.

Carmen turned to look only to see a group of guys she knew very well. Including Sophia’s twin brother Jett. Carmen had to hold her anger and not say anything that might give away her identity. Instead, Carmen faced him with a smile on her face.

“Unless you can do better than this baby,” Carmen said, patting her car. “I don’t think you have a chance,” Carmen added with a wink as she reached into the car, took out her handbag, and headed into the school.

When Carmen turned her back to Jett and his group, they started laughing while Jett just blushed. He couldn’t believe he had just met this smoking hot girl, and she didn’t just reject him but also embarrassed him, and to make the matter worse, it was in front of his friends.

Carmen walked into the school and headed to the principal’s office. She walked to the secretary’s office, who gave her rude a look. “I am supposed to meet Mr. Caleb today,” Carmen said, trying to remain polite. The secretary was an annoying person and hadn’t changed at all during the last two months.

The secretary looked at her screen, then looked at Carmen while raising an eyebrow. “Ms. Morrison?” she asked, which made Carmen roll her eyes.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t change her last name to Stewart. She received an email from the center explaining that they couldn’t change her last name. Even Dr. Jasmine explained she couldn’t. Someone higher up was interfering, so she couldn’t change her last name. She didn’t know who would do something like this and why?

“Yes, that’s me.” Carmen tried to maintain a polite smile, although she didn’t like that woman.

“Okay, just a second,” the secretary said, ringing the principal’s office. She confirmed with the principal that Carmen was coming in. She then handed Carmen a piece of paper before telling her to go in.

Carmen walked to the office and knocked on the door before she was allowed to come in. Behind his office sat a man in his mid-thirties with neatly combed brown hair and a muscular build. Mr. Caleb had an air of confidence around him and something that demanded everyone’s respect without even saying a word or lifting a finger.

“Ms. Morrison, please have a seat,” the principal said, pointing to the comfortable chair in front of his desk.
“I viewed your records, and I must say they are perfect. It reminds me of a bright student I used to have, and he also had the same last name,” the principal explained, eyeing Carmen suspiciously. She had very similar looks to the looks of his favorite student but was a girl. It was very suspicious.

“That would be my twin brother, Sir,” Carmen replied calmly. She was extremely cautious when talking to him, and he was her teacher for a long time before he became the principal. He knew her very well, more than anyone else. Cameron was his favorite student, after all.

“When the court sent Cameron to jail, it broke Mom’s heart, so I decided to return and live with her. I was living with my father, but I don’t get along with my stepmom,” Carmen added, “It was an easy decision to make.”

Mr. Caleb looked at Carmen suspiciously before sighing. He wanted to believe that this was Cameron, his favorite student, but he knew it couldn’t be him.

“Alright, I understand that you don’t want to use your father’s last name. Instead, you want to be called by your mom’s last name, Stewart?” Looking at Carmen, who nodded, he turned to his computer to type something.

“Unfortunately, I can’t change your name officially, but I shall inform your teacher of your desire to be called Ms. Stewart. Please, if there is any news about Cameron, tell me, I know he would never commit such a crime, and Ms. Anderson is well known for her lies.”

Carmen was surprised to hear that someone believed in her innocence. She was worried about what Mr. Caleb had to say about Cameron. She was glad that his opinion had not changed.

Leaving the office, Carmen made her way to the lockers. To her surprise, her locker was only two lockers away from Sophia’s. She didn’t know whether she was supposed to be happy about it or get mad. Aside from that, Carmen was starting to feel very uncomfortable with the feeling of being watched. She knew Jett was watching her but felt more than two pairs of eyes.

To Carmen’s luck, the moment she closed her locker and turned to leave for her first class for the day, she found herself face to face with her arch-nemesis, Sophia, and her group beside her. Sophia looked at Carmen up and down, recognizing the expansive brands of clothes.

“Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around before,” Sophia exclaimed before one of the girls giggled beside her and leaned to whisper something in her ear.
The girl giggled again, and Sophia did the same. She grinned at Carmen.

“I see you taught my brother his place. I like you already,” Sophia announced. Her relationship with her brother was not that good. She liked the fact that someone put him in his place.

Carmen had to try her best to keep up the act, and she couldn’t let Sophia catch on to anything. She wanted to punch Sophia severely but couldn’t show any emotion.

“I like anyone who knows fashion,” Carmen replied. Fashion was one of the last things Sophia knew, she wore expensive clothes, but her style was cheap. She complains about boys’ dirty looks but leaves nothing to their imagination. Still, Carmen needed to boost her ego. It seemed to work well as Sophia could only grin like an idiot.

Carmen walked to her first class after exchanging numbers with Sophia. After leaving Sophia and her friends, Carmen gagged. “What a bimbo,” Carmen mumbled, entering her first class for the day. Thankfully, neither Sophia nor her friends were in this class.

It was lunchtime, and Carmen had to endure sitting down with Sophia and her crowd. That’s when her phone started ringing. She knew it was her mom’s unique ringtone. Carmen gulped before taking the phone out of her handbag.

“Hello.” She answered, knowing exactly why mom was calling. Hopefully, she’s not mad at me.

“Carmen, it’s mom.” “DUH, of course, it’s you, mom.” Carmen thought to herself.

“Hi, mom, how are things?” Carmen tried to act dumb as if she didn’t know what was happening.

“What have you done, Carmen?” “Busted.”

“I’m not sure what you mean, mom. I haven’t done anything.” Carmen replied, trying to keep this act going as long as possible.

“Yes, you have, dear. I am at the supermarket, and there are two gentlemen in suits telling me to sign some papers, and I am the new supermarket owner.”

Carmen smiled widely; she knew how much of an asshole her boss was. Her mom is now his boss, and he can’t afford to be rude to her, Carmen just hoped she would fire him. She would love to see his face now.

“That’s great, mom! Aren’t you happy?” Carmen asked, even though she knew the answer.

“Carmen, I’m in shock here. What have you done?”
Carmen rolled her eyes; sometimes, her mom can be dramatic. She can’t believe she owns the supermarket now.

“Well, mom, I was trying to make your life a little easier, so I bought the supermarket for you,” Carmen admitted. Her mom had been taking care of her alone, without having a dad, so it was time for me to repay her.

“You did what?”

“I bought the market for you. Didn’t you hear me the first time?”

“Well, I did, but I still can’t believe it.”

“Mom, all you have to do is sign the papers, and I will talk with you when we get home.”

The school bell rang, and Carmen had to get to her next class.

“Mom, I must hang up now and get to my next class. Don’t worry about this. You are now the new owner of the supermarket. I am sure that you will do just fine.”

“Carmen, wait...”

Carmen ended the call and ran to my next class before she was late.

Sophia left the cafeteria, heading to where Parker, her boyfriend, was waiting for her. He didn’t look happy, with his arms folded around his chest.

“Hi, baby, you wanted to talk to me?” Sophia asked, approaching her boyfriend. Sophia was worried that Parker might discover her secret. She hoped it was something else.

“Yeah, no shit,” Parker said, taking out his phone from his pocket. “I am going to be direct with you, Sophia. Are you cheating on me? You had better not lie to me,” Parker asked, not even looking at Sophia. He didn’t like the way this relationship was going. He’s no fool or an ATM for Sophia to withdraw money carelessly.

“No, I am not cheating on you,” Sophia said, a bit worried. There’s no way Parker would know she was cheating on him. He was not very smart, and Sophia didn’t cheat on him with a guy. She had been cheating on him with girls, and he could never suspect her of having girls over at her home.

“Is that so?” Parker looked at her; his eyes were saying he did not believe her. “Then how do you explain this?” Parker said, showing Sophia a video someone had sent him today. It was Sophia having another naked girl in her bed. Both were kissing, and the video even showed them going too far.

Sophia’s face turned white. How did this video come into Parker’s hands? No one was in the room except her and that girl, Sandy. She knew that Sandy wasn’t filming it or that she would be in trouble with her boyfriend. Sophia stood there speechless, unable to reply.

“I thought so. We’re over, Sophia, I gave you a chance, but I have had enough,” Parker stated, putting his phone back in his pocket and walking to his class when Sophia grabbed his arm. Parker quickly pulled his arm away. He then started to walk away again.

“Parker, you can’t do this,” Sophia shouted, making everyone walking in the hall turn and look at her.

“Oh, yeah? Watch me,” Parker challenged before turning and walking to his class. His mom may not like this, but he has had enough of Sophia
Sophia stood there surprised that the boy she had known since they were little would turn against her. But then, again, she’s the one who cheated on him, so she probably deserves this. Still, her child-sweetheart breaking up with her was not easy.

“Are you okay?” Carmen asked, walking to Sophia, who shook her head with tears running down her face. Carmen wanted to smile and laugh at her; this was her first victory over Sophia. But still, she couldn’t just do that. No, Carmen had to lead Sophia down the path. She wants to get her revenge. For that, she will act and pretend to be Sophia’s best, no, Sophia’s only friend.

Sophia shook her head as tears rolled down her cheeks. Why was she so stupid? Parker knew she was bisexual. Sophia likes the hard muscular boys and the feminine, most girly girls. He was okay with that, as long as she didn’t cheat on him. He decided to give her one more chance when she did, but she blew that up.

Carmen was a bit surprised and almost felt bad for Sophia. She never thought that Sophia would have any emotions. Still, this was her first of many victories.

Carmen moved and took Sophia’s hand, leading her into the girl’s bathroom. “You should wash your face before the next class.”

What happened next shocked Carmen as Sophia hugged her tightly. It was an unexpected action from Sophia. Even though she didn’t know what Carmen was aiming for, she felt of Carmen as her friend. Sophia’s friends didn’t care much about her feelings, and no one would do as Carmen did.
It took me too long, I know and I apologize for that.
Chapter three will be out in a couple of days, just waiting for my friend to review the chapter.
Anyway, if you like the chapter make sure to leave a comment, and if you could donate a dollar to my PayPal account.
I will soon be posting two more stories that have more progress in them, so look forward to it.

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