A couple of days ago I looked at my reflection in a window and was shocked. I look nothing like a woman, and don't care. I used to work really hard to appear feminine, in leggings and skirt and nice top on my bike. I don't walk much because my knees are both awful, and doing research, at my age (75) knee work just doesn't seem to work out. I'll stop complaining.
Now, when I go out, it is long pants. I have naturally grown B cup breasts but can't wear a bra of any sort because my lymph nodes all up and down my ribs hurt awfully. The girls really stand up with no sag.
I'm confused but thankful that whatever happened was not disabling. Researching, it could have been a silent stroke. Or maybe I'm just turned off by the bullshit that a trans person goes through? Perhaps I should present at the ED? I'll perhaps get in touch with my Doctor. I hate to run to her complaining about the problem that I don't have.
Decisions, decisions.
... to run to a doctor about a problem that you don't have, than not run to one about a problem you have. Most doctors understand this. I hope.
-- Daphne Xu
Check it out
My delay probably caused the stroke to be worse.
knee surgery
I'm 74 and am recovering from my second knee surgery. I'm no jock but it's worth it.
Count on a year of recovery. Go for it girl! it's worth it!
I don't understand what has happened but doesn't scare me. In the last 18 years I have worn pants probably twice. Now, since Tuesday, pants are all I have worn. I'm not trying to look like a girl at all. I'm just being me. According to the Internet, If I stop with Estrogen, my breast will not go away. My hair looks ok in a high pony tail. In a restaurant with a friend the waiters still called me mam. No thoughts of suicide. Maybe I'm just not going to try so hard to look like a woman anymore. I have no idea where this is going.
It happens to all of us at one time or another
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison