Royal Retreat Part 2: Rearguard Action

Royal Retreat  

Tammyverse Book 13


Royal Retreat
Part 2
Rearguard Action
Shiraz & Snowfall


Please note this is a work of fiction and any references to real people, real institutions or real heavily armed military units are for artistic purposes only!

Wednesday 7th March (Continued)

Tammy and Maisie followed the signs and descended a few floors. Room 11-03 of NATO's London command centre turned out to be the fitness assessment suite.

"Lieutenant, Sergeant, I've been tasked with checking your fitness."

Maisie laughed.

"Why is that humorous?"

"I'm a qualified fitness instructor."

"Well, Sgt Staines, it appears you have no recent records on file so this will have to be your baseline. As for you, Lt Smart, there's a set from a few months ago."

Tammy shrugged. "Okay, let's get this over with."

"I suggest you change into the appropriate kit in the next room."

Luckily, the athletic clothes were to their sizes. They changed quickly and returned. Their instructor had two treadmill type running machines and an assistant approached with a mask.

"Sgt Staines, you're up first. We will be conducting VO2max testing, please tell me now if that will be an issue?"

"No problem here."

A minute later Maisie was under way, Tammy had the same brief question before she too was connected up.

Tammy hadn't had the chance of a warm up and knew that Maisie would also have complained, had she not been dealing with a Petty Officer who outranked the pair and clearly didn't like the Army or Army personnel. The girls had managed a good run, swim, run early the previous day by way of getting out of the house, and Tammy had been pleased with her performance.

With the mask on, as well as the constant changes to the treadmill there was little or no talking. Tammy concentrated on just moving herself in the 'zone' as she guessed that's where Maisie would be.

She had no idea how much time had passed when a halt was called and was a little wobbly on her legs when the machine stopped. It took a few seconds before the mask was removed and she could take a look at Maisie.

"That was okay, Tammy?"

"Yeah." She fibbed a bit. "When do we get the results?"

"Your commanding officer will be sent the results in due course. You are due next door now, good day."

They were dismissed, somewhat abruptly and changed back into uniforms. The room next door contained a nurse, and a pair of syringes. The girls hadn't put their jackets back on so their arms were ready for the duty vampire. Two minutes later they had lost a couple of phials of the red stuff.

"What's that for?" Tammy belatedly asked.

"Routine testing. Have you been taking any substances that we need to be aware of?"


"Either of you pregnant, or suspect you could be?"

"Planning, but not yet."

"Fine. Dismissed."

The girls had no instructions so went back to their rooms to shower, using the two tiny cubicles along the corridor. Tammy found herself walking back to her room alone and was barely decent when Maisie was knocking on Tammy's door within minutes.

"Done already?"

"Practice, in my regiment I would have been late on parade if I had needed the time you take!"

"Maybe, Miss Staines, maybe. Now what was all that about, testing and testing?"

"Pretty standard."


"Any time there was a specialist operation, away from a base, everyone would have a fitness and medical check-up unless there was a recent one on their files. You don't need someone having a problem during the operation."

"So did you go on an op?"

"No, but I was tasked with the testing and I was qualified to take blood. If anyone came to me for testing I could do both, but then I knew they were going on an op even if they hadn't been told themselves."

"Did that happen?"

"It may have done. What's the time?"

Tammy checked her phone, although she knew it wouldn't have a connection. "Four." She put it down and finished pulling on a clean t-shirt. There was a knock on the door, Maisie opened it just enough to see a young woman waiting outside.

"Oh, sorry, Sergeant, I thought Lieutenant Smart was in here?"

"She is, you are?"

"Flight Lieutenant Elizabeth Mary Harrison."

"Oh, come in."

Tammy had taken the few seconds to make herself presentable and could now be seen by the Flight Lt.

"Elizabeth? That's a lovely name. I'm Tammy and this is my partner Maisie."

A look of dread on Elizabeth's face changed to a smile. "Thank you, I was dreading this meeting?"


"Well, I changed."

"You're the same person, just a slight adjustment and a change of name. I can't see a problem. Tell me, though, who told you where to find me? This is rather a secure site."

"Captain Wade collected me from RAF Northalt twenty minutes ago and told me which room you would be in."

"Damn, Marcus."

"Is there a problem?"

"No Elizabeth, but we've been played. Where have you been for the last week?"

"I was sent on leave after seeing the base shrink, then did a Statutory Declaration to change my name. I sent a copy to Coningsby and two days later a Squadron Leader called me to order me to report to Northolt on Wednesday for a debrief. I was there last night and brought my kitbag here today."

"I was told you were AWOL?"

"That was a malicious attempt to trash my name. No, technically I was on medical leave."

"Oh, okay, have you been told why I was here?"

"No, I guess you weren't expecting to see me."

"I wasn't, but that's quite normal with my work. The question is, what next? I don't know why you're here and I can't tell you why Maisie and I are here."

"You're a couple?"

"We're engaged."

"That's unusual."

"Two girls?"

"No, working together. In the RAF that wouldn't be allowed."

"I don't fit normal parameters, Elizabeth."

"Like getting into an Apache and returning with spurs? No-one would tell me what happened."

"That's because very few people knew. It was fun to fly."

"You flew it?"

"And used the weapons, all justifiable of course and there won't be an inquiry."

"What about the rescue?"

"Everyone was fine, except the kidnappers."

"Oh good, Tammy. Tell me, you're talking to me as if I've always been Elizabeth?"

"You have, haven't you? At what age did you know?"

"I was eight."

"And it's taken you, what, fifteen years to fix that?"

"Yes. I had panic attacks, but somehow when I was at RAF Benson it all fell into place. Something about you helped me, Tammy, oh sorry!

The Flight Lieutenant started to cry, Maisie grabbed a tissue from a bedside box and handed it over. "Here, don't be silly. Tammy is someone special and you're not the first transgender woman Tammy's met."

"I'm not? That explains Captain Wade's comment."

"Which was?"

"'Lieutenant Smart knows your kind.' Those were his words. I didn't understand them at the time and wasn't certain how to interpret them."

"I'll have to thank him later, and tear him a new arsehole."

"You can't say that about a senior officer."

"I can, and I will. If he thinks he can play us then he's very much mistaken. Have you been told what's happening next?"

"Next? Today? I think it's nearly dinner time."

"Well, that, yes, but how long are you here, where are you going next? Will you go back to your unit?"

"My base commander wasn't happy and claimed I would be a liability, that's when he put me on leave. I'm told he wasn't too kind when he spoke to the pilots the following morning judging by the texts I received."

"I thought there were Ministry of Defence rules for dealing with transgender personnel?"

"There are, so long as you do it by the book. Anything else is liable to be determined as disruption or attention seeking."

"Damn, well, we'll have to work out how to handle this. Hmm, food?"

"I've eaten here before, there's no set time as it's a twenty-four hour operation. I'll show you the way, it's a few floors up."

Tammy tried to assess Elizabeth Harrison. She was certainly more vocal, more chatty, than the Flight Lieutenant who had flown with Tammy only a week earlier. There was confidence now that hadn't been apparent, but how well did Tammy really know this latest addition to womankind?

What had Paul Dannigan said a few hours earlier? Was he referring to Harrison? That didn't make sense, she was a local problem, who Marcus had insisted re-acquainted herself with Lieutenant Smart, contrary to his own orders? Yep, Tammy was being played and didn't like it one bit.


Six floors up and along a long corridor, then through an airlock and two blast doors, followed by four floors down.

"Where are we, Elizabeth? I'm a bit disorientated." Maisie was asking what Tammy felt.

"Technically it's a separate building, with limited surface access, completely self sufficient. If the main structure is attacked then this section can isolate itself."

"How do you know this?"

"My late father was a part of the maintenance crew, he met my mother here when she was deployed from her ship. She was a comms Leading Hand at the time, later she got a posting in the Foreign Office and we spent a couple of years shuffling between embassies upgrading their communications equipment."

"So you know this building?"

"And the satellite sites. Thing is, the military spooks didn't like me and didn't trust me because I was a member of a few anti-war groups when I was at school. They told me to drop it or mum would lose her clearance."

"Did you?"

"It became moot, mum was diagnosed with cancer and came home, a year later she was dead. I was finishing sixth form that year and ditched the groups to concentrate on my exams. Mum made me promise to do something useful so I signed up for the RAF. Dad wasn't keen, but I was hardly built for the Royal Marines."

They had reached the refectory and their conversation ended. Elizabeth pointed to the servery. "Tap your ID card when you take a tray. Contractors get billed for every meal, service personnel and government folk just get counted. The local bean counters want to know how much food is wasted and the local medical team want to know if someone is skipping meals."

The fare on offer wasn't extensive, but Tammy saw that the meal choices were changing. A depleted chilli con carné was replaced with a vegetable curry as Tammy stood in queue.

"Mix and match if you like. I'm told the ratatouille is really good, add that to something else - there's some spicy potato further down."

Tammy found plain rice and added that to her curry, placing a fruit juice and a cheesecake to her tray. The three found a table and had barely started to eat when Marcus sat down on the free chair and placed a coffee on the table.

"Good, you've met."

"Why don't you just piss off and leave us to our food?"

"I'll deal with you later!"

Tammy glared at him. "Likewise."

He left.

"Wow, you weren't joking were you?"

"No, can I call you Liz?"

"I prefer Lizzie."

"Sure, Lizzie, it's simple really. Captain Marcus Wade doesn't like me, but can't do anything about it."


"I upset his carefully arranged apple-cart. I'm not full-time military and can't just drop everything to dance to his tune. I've also gained a reputation for finding the rotten apples."

"Like at Wattisham last year?"

"That was me, how did you guess?"

"Someone else had referred to the rotten apples and the phrase stuck. Well done."

"I spent a few hours policing brass on the range, keeping out of the way. It sorted itself out later, that's not a subject for casual talk."

"Understood, but you pulled a weapon in the canteen?"

"As I said, not for discussion."

Lizzie smiled then returned to her plate. Tammy's appetite was starting to wane, but she struggled on. In the end most of her cooled rice was left but the cheesecake didn't take long to turn into crumbs. Maisie had finished several minutes earlier and now had a refill for her tea, calorific intake was important, and that had helped Tammy make her choice, even if the dessert was on the 'naughty' list.

Tammy was surprised to find a bar on site, one floor up, but this was divided between the junior and senior ranks.

Before Tammy could query the protocol an orderly approached her, "Lieutenant Smart, you are cordially invited to join Colonel MacTaggart in the Admiral Nelson room."

"All of us?"

"Just yourself, Lieutenant, those are my orders."

Tammy shrugged and followed the orderly, behind her she heard Lizzie ask Maisie a question. "Does this happen often?"

Once through the port-holed inter-connecting doorway she soon spotted where she was being led.

"Ah Tammy, you remember Lieutenant Colonel Wells?"

"Good evening, Sir."

"Lieutenant, a pleasure."

"Please sit. Jeremy is taking command of the operation, the intention is that you'll come under him for the duration."

"I see, Sir, what will my role be?"

"For our purposes you'll be a part of the forward team and will liaise with the local assets. When the principals arrive you will be available to support the Commander in any way he needs. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir. Do I get that in writing?"

"Writing? I suppose we could do something, why?"

"My college is complaining."

"I thought Wade had provided some information?"

"It was insufficient, it doesn’t help that the only person at the University who could sort it out is bound by the Official Secrets Act and is currently thinking of retirement."

"Your situation isn't standard, and I suspect that doesn't help?"

"It doesn't sit well with Marcus."

"He means well, Tammy, but one day I might have to let him put you on a charge for insubordination."

"To teach me a lesson, Sir?"

"No, just to get him off my back!"

Wells picked up a jug of water and poured a splash into a glass before lifting it to his lips, all the time keeping his eyes locked on Tammy. She waited.

"I do not want you on the team if you can't follow orders, Lieutenant."

"That won't be an issue, Commander. I don't handle idiots easily but will carry out any instructions to work with those idiots."

"Good, but this operation requires the best people. You have been chosen because of your skills, not your personality. That is true of the whole team."

"Sir, what will Sgt Staines be doing?"

"For the duration of this operation she is at your, and my, disposal."

"Does she get a full briefing?"

"She gets the same briefing as you, Lieutenant, that's 0800 tomorrow. You are not needed on Friday."

"Oh. Understood."

"Do not think you will not be privy to the operation or are being kept out of certain arrangements, Miss Smart, but you really don't need to know about weapons deployment, logistics and the exact hour by hour security plan. You will be needed if that plan fails and any instructions will be relevant to the moment. Advance knowledge, beyond a good outline, is irrelevant at this time."

"Understood, Sir."

"It is my understanding that you have been to the region before and are familiar with the local facility?"

"I am. In fact there is a civilian business matter to be agreed whilst I am on the island, and that could cover my presence."

"I have been informed that they have upgraded the location to include specialist facilities. Also that you are trained to utilize air and water assets?"

"I am, although I will use a portion of my time for that aforementioned business."

"Fine. I do have plans for you in regards to your capabilities. You're dismissed. Go back to your friends."

"Just two things, Sir. Maisie is my fiancée and not my personal gopher. I'm also just getting to know Lizzie as we didn't interact very much on a personal level when we met previously. I am also trying to work out why she is here."

"That was Captain Wade's idea. I believe he has a plan for her limited involvement during the operation but some training is required. She has particular skills that are relevant."

Tammy stood, saluted and walked back into the junior ratings’ wardroom. She quickly found the other two.

"I need a drink."

At the bar she didn't bother looking at the spirits on offer. "A large Wolfburn please, with water."

"We don't stock it, Miss."

"It's available in the other bar. I'll be eternally grateful if you could fetch a bottle?" She smiled, then pointed over her shoulder. "My friends will also be grateful."


The barman was back very quickly. "A senior officer was sending this over for you, most unusual."

"Thank you, three glasses and a water jug please. We'll take the bottle."

She summoned the girls and had them assist. "Back to my room, let us talk over a good malt."

"I don't drink whisky."

"Don't worry Lizzie, you'll get used to this."

Thursday 8th March 2018

Tammy had a sore head but now had plenty of background on Lizzie. It seemed that her mother had known about Lizzie's preferences, but her father had banned her from acting in a feminine way around him.

Lizzie's father, however, had passed only a year and a half after her mum's funeral and just before her twentieth birthday Lizzie had become alone. By then she was earning her wings in the RAF, but had been sent on a six month attachment to GCHQ before being deployed to Benson for her helicopter training. It sounded like either the Ministry of Defence had a clever plan to develop the Flight Lieutenant or perhaps they really didn't know what to do with her?

Tammy needed two mugs of coffee and took the second one into the briefing, whilst Maisie had a bottle of water. There was no sign of Lizzie in the room, a mass of khaki and blue.

Lieutenant Colonel Wells called the meeting to order.

"Good morning everyone. We're here to ensure there are no misunderstandings about our roles for Operation Jewel. Firstly, the contents of this briefing are Top Secret, the Royal couple's holiday on Kestrel Island is not a public engagement and there will not be any announcement. Having said that, and despite our best efforts, the press could become aware and may attempt to reach the island. It is your primary role to prevent that, or any other incursion, without creating a media incident in the process. Understood?"

There was a massed grunting. Tammy tried to identify anyone who was in the room but from her position, back left, only the adjacent face was visible and that was Maisie’s.

"Let me make this clear; a successful mission in this case is one where the principals have a good and incident free time. Additionally, in an ideal situation, everyone of you is returned home at mission completion without injury, and let’s ensure that no locals, children or animals are harmed. Whilst that is the ideal, something close to my previous may also constitute a good mission."

He paused to sip water.

"Our base of operations will be a facility on a different island, the name of which isn’t important right now, but it has a private airstrip that can handle a C130 and suitable covert military assets for our needs. Each of you will now head to your allocated room for a focussed briefing relevant to your team. We'll reconvene after lunch."

Tammy found herself, once the majority had left, with Maisie. "Did you get told where to go?"

"No, Tammy."

Jeremy Wells walked over. "You weren't missed, come with me."

Their destination was room 8-42 again, although the screens were still dark. Harrison was waiting there.

"Good, Flight Lieutenant, you know Lieutenant Smart and Sgt Staines?"

"I do, Sir."


A satellite image of an island came up on one screen.

"Ram's Rock Island. Another privately-owned island, but this one is owned by an American." Wells stated then nodded for the image to change, revealing a man.

Tammy recognised Rodrick and gave him a subtle nod.

"Morning Jeremy. What's the word?" Rodrick greeted

Wells smirked. "Good evening Rodrick. I'll be in overall command of this operation."

"You?" Rodrick feigned disbelief then sighed. "God help us."

"I do appreciate your confidence." Jeremy replied with sarcasm then joined Rodrick in laughter.

"Lieutenant, Flight Lieutenant and Sergeant, may I present; Rodrick Mason. Formerly of U.S. Navy SEAL team Four. Retired Captain. According to records his specialities were ship-to-ship assault and riverine warfare. The man is an expert at coastal conflict and taking down ships." Wells recounted.

"You remembered; must have cut back on the booze."

Rodrick snarked then addressed them all: "The assets on this island come under my command as the owner and as the senior military rank (retired). For information, I've signed a contract between ourselves and the British Government for the use and rental of our facilities. This is not an ongoing agreement. It's a one-off, just like last time. It is my understanding that Miss Smart and a crew are flying out ahead of the main teams?"

"They are. We were going to add Captain Wade to that group."

"I suggest you don't, better that he comes in with the main contingent."

"I see, is there a reason?"

"We run a low-profile facility, Colonel, anyone who finds it difficult to separate military and non-military would have a really bad time here. I hear he has issue with being low-key."

Tammy noted Rodrick didn't use the term civilian. As far as she knew the only civilians on Ram Rock Island were the children and even that was debatable.


"What would his role have been, Wells?"

"As ranking officer for the covert teams."

"So he would be under-foot or in the way. I think we can cope without him for a while."

"I don't perceive a problem, there's just a few days between the teams' arrivals."

"I'm the local ranking officer so my word is law, is that correct Lieutenant?"

"Yessir. Or do I say 'Aye, aye, Skipper?"

"Hoo-yaa, Lieutenant. I like her already."

"Tammy does tend to be a bit naughty, Rodrick."

"Oh? So she's been hanging around you too much. Jeremy's a bad influence on the young."

"Malicious gossip, instigated by that pirate himself. Ladies, don't listen to him."

Both men laughed as the women giggled at the banter.

"Now, what about Harrison? I haven't yet been asked to provide facilities for her."

"That's still under consideration."

"Can I suggest we make a decision and she flies out with Tammy and Maisie? She can deploy from here."

"That is an option."

"Go or no-go."

"Given she doesn't need to interact with the main team; the alternative is that she flies out on her own, and that creates risk."

"That's not recommended, put her with Tammy for now. It allows the team to talk to her securely."

"Indeed, I think that's acceptable. We are Go."

Rodrick nodded. "Then we got business. Out."

The screen went dark before Tammy could ask Rodrick any questions, the local officer would have to suffice even if it bordered on insubordination.

"Lt Colonel, what does that mean for me?"

"That you work with Harrison on acclimatisation and fly out together."

"What are the alternatives?"

"We put her on a base somewhere, effectively in isolation, until she flies commercial to her posting or is discharged from the military."

"Oh. I don't know what her role is, assuming she stays?"

"It's a role that's being developed, and perhaps we should brief Harrison about her role before you're told what that is?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You're dismissed."

Tammy and Maisie were shown out of the room but their new friend, comrade in arms, remained. It was too early for lunch but, without any orders, the canteen was the best place to be. They followed Lizzie's prior directions and soon found themselves at the servery.

They didn't see anyone else familiar in their immediate area as they took coffees to a vacant table.

"Did we just get ordered to have a guest for the next week?"

"Yes, Maisie. I can't say I'm surprised."

"So, we've been stitched up?"

"Again. Welcome to my world."

"It hasn't happened before?"

"Not as such whilst you've been with me, but to me alone it's a regular thing."

"Does Lizzie have to know about you, your status?"

"I don't believe it's relevant."

"So what are we going to do with her?"

"Treat her as a guest, that's all. You'll be responsible for her fitness."

"Yes, Boss."

"Meanwhile, I need to make a phone call but I haven't seen an outside phone except in the Colonel's office?"

"Can it wait until we're outside?"

"Possibly, Maisie."

Lizzie found the pair as they finished their drinks.

"You've been there?"


"No, the island?"

Tammy shook her head, wondering if Lizzie knew much about operational security despite her previous roles?

"I think it's a few hours after breakfast Lizzie, so let's eat before anyone else needs us?"

"Oh, we can leave the site, we're done here."

"Fine, but I still need food before we fly." Maisie had already scanned the hot trays.

Tammy debated changing back into civvies but figured she could remain in khaki for the time being but she did need an answer from Lizzie of a personal nature.

"How many skirts or dresses do you have?"

"With me?"


"None, apart from a spare uniform."

"Where are your clothes?"

"Back at the house, my parents' old place. I couldn't risk having anything on base with me in case of problems."

"Where's the house?"


"Ah, Farnborough Airport isn't far from there?"

"I know, but there’s no commercial flights from there so are you looking to hire a plane?"

"No, I already have one here, but we have a four to five hour flight ahead of us and I don't fancy any diversions, especially in the wrong direction."

"That far? I caught the train, there's a tube station by the main gate of RAF Hortholt. I could go home to collect my stuff?"

"I'd rather get moving, we'll have to sort you out later. Let's eat first though." Maisie was returning with a full tray.


An hour later they were back at the main entrance and Tammy withdrew her weapons as they handed back their visitor passes. Maisie distracted Lizzie long enough that Tammy could hide her kit without causing an incident.

"I need a taxi to Elstree? I can’t get a signal in here yet."

"We don't do that, Lieutenant."

"I was driven in here so how about you give the keys of a vehicle and you can collect it later?"

"No, I suggest you leave the premises before the Provost remove you?"

A voice behind them spoke. "Give them the keys to the unmarked Landrover."

"Ah, yes sir."

Rank had privileges, clearly. Tammy took the keys then turned. "Thank you Colonel."

"I'm riding with you."

As they ventured into the fresh air, several mobile phones beeped, although Tammy resisted the urge to check her messages. They drove out of the gate as Maisie used her phone for directions to the airfield. Lizzie was in the back with the Colonel and stayed very quiet.

Fifteen minutes later they pulled up next to the hanger at Elstree airport. Tammy handed the keys to Sean MacTaggart. "Enjoy the ride back, Sir."

"I have some orders for you all, please don't open until tomorrow when you are on secure premises." He handed her an envelope.

"Understood, Sir. Can I ask something?"

"Of course."

"Could someone please fast-track Flight Lt Harrison's paperwork? She'll need to fly as a civilian so will need appropriate and genuine accreditation. All the documents would need to be couriered to my location at least by the time of our next briefing, sir."

"I will pass your request on, Lieutenant."

"Thank you."

"Have a good flight."

The Colonel drove back to the gate as Maisie was putting Lizzie into the aircraft. Tammy sent a text message to Jim with an ETA and received an immediate acknowledgement. Another text went to Joey with a request to book a set of appointments. She briefly looked at her emails, spotting one from her solicitor – that could wait.

Lizzie was examining the plane, whilst waiting for Tammy to finish with her phone.

"Nice plane, who is KT Flight?"

"I am, it's my company. Now, will you please disable your social media accounts and the GPS function in your phone. Better still, do that then turn it off."

"So I can't be tracked?"

"Yes, unfortunately I don't have a bug finder with me today."

"Seriously? I don't do social media anyway."

"Good. Let's get permission to go."

"Where are we going?"


The plane was stocked with drink, biscuits and chocolate so that would have to suffice for their return flight, although the hop was – on paper - well within the scope of the plane's service range, assuming there were no diversions.

Once they were at cruising altitude Tammy engaged auto pilot and slipped back, Maisie was already interrogating their passenger.

"Hold on, you two. We have some practicalities to deal with, and that includes hitting Tesco for some clothes. How is your bank balance, young lady?"

"There's about a thousand spare. I normally move the bulk of my salary into a savings account but I left it in case I suddenly found myself out of work."

Lizzie started to cry, this was the second time she'd sobbed in Tammy's presence and, as before, Maisie went to the rescue with a tissue.

"Thank you."

"Tell me Lizzie, truth please, are you taking any hormones?"

"No, why?"

"It's just a feeling I had, but I’ve decided you need to be seen by our GP as soon as possible. When was your last full physical?"

"I had a fitness test a couple of months back which I barely passed, but I haven't had a full medical for about two years. To be honest I didn't like them."

"Were you checked at the NATO place, for fitness and blood?"


"I see. I wonder what game Marcus is playing?"

"Marcus? The Captain?”

"The same; From what I know it's possible Wade will cancel your part in this because you don’t have a recent medical and send you back to your squadron?"

"For a dishonourable discharge, no doubt. Would he do that?"

"To blame me, yes."

A squawk from the cockpit sent Tammy back up front before Lizzie could answer. She was back two minutes later. "Course correction. Now, where was I?"

A phone started to ring, Tammy retrieved it from the box under the fridge.

"KT Flight, how may I help you?"

"Miss Smart, this is Sir Thomas."

"Oh, good afternoon Sir, how did you get this number?"

"From your support manager, are you aware that Sean has passed on a request to me?"

"I wasn’t, but would this concern my passenger?"

"It does, I hope you understand that you are asking for some considerable amendment to databases in a very limited timespan?"

"I am, Sir, will that be an issue?"

"Not for me, Miss Smart, but for those whom I will instruct."

"For that, Sir, I am eternally grateful. Is there anything I can do in return?"

"Yes, I need a replacement bottle of Wolfburn. Mine seems to have mysteriously developed vapours where there used to be liquor!"

Tammy laughed. "Consider it done and I'll go better. I'll send two, Sir. Thank you."

"You're welcome, good bye for now."

Tammy sat back. "Well, Lizzie, that just about secures your identity as Elizabeth Mary Harrison."

"I don't have a magic wand, I'll still be Ethan Harrison to the authorities for a few months."

"Maybe not, but when the Chair of the Intelligence Oversight Committee says he'll issue instructions then you can expect people to jump."

"The MOD will take weeks, if not months."

"This is my world we're in Lizzie."

"The world where you have a sat phone?"

"It came with the plane."

"Doesn't that have a secure module?"

"No and my guess is Sir Thomas wasn't calling from a secure phone on this occasion in any case."

"I could only just work out you were talking about me, I suppose anyone else would have trouble?"

"Unless they are a Scotch Whisky promoter?"

"Remind me not to let you pour me any drinks again, Tammy."

Tammy grinned and popped an Atomic Fireball into her mouth, gaining a dirty look from Maisie.

"Stay away from those Lizzie, pure lava." Maisie warned as Tammy went back to the cockpit with a fresh coffee.


They touched down well after 5pm, Jim was waiting for them. A slew of new text messages hit Tammy’s phone.

"Sorry about the time Jim, but I promised I would get her back."

"Indeed, what's the situation?"

"There's vapours in the main tank and the mini fridge is empty."

"I thought you refilled down there?"

"I caught headwinds and didn't want to divert just for another fifty litres."

"Just remember, you can't pull over and call for assistance when you're at twenty thousand feet."


"When do you need it next?"

"Unknown, we might need a chopper to Aberdeen or Glasgow next time we head South."

"Understood, give me as much notice as possible."

"Will do."

Tammy quickly completed her logs whilst Maisie loaded everything into the Mini.

"Okay, Tesco. Let's get you some essentials, Lizzie."

Tammy wasn't comfortable in the store, given her past history, but hoped the mix of khaki and Royal Air Force blue would be enough of a distraction.

She needn't have worried as it seemed there was an cadet exercise going on nearby and they weren't the only uniforms in the store, although they were the only ones looking at lingerie.


Tammy Spycraft is a full reworking of Moving On and is now available on Kindle. Tammy's increasingly unhappy with the Security Service and Suzie's just plain bored. Tammy needs a change of direction and Suzie needs to get back to a proper job.
Powered armor with a crew of two works best when the man and woman inside are romantically linked. But Dylan’s last love left him without hope and Alison’s experience with abuse has made her afraid of being touched.

Contains strong language and adult situations.

Can the Self-contained Powered Armor they wear bring them together, or is even trying going to be a disaster? Love is a combination the two can only dream of in this science fiction romance!.

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