Personal Foul


Synopsis: Everything seemed to be going Danny’s way as he went off to celebrate his college football team’s latest victory; that is, until he began to change into a girl at a crowded bar. This story is set against the background of the Ohio State football season of 2002 and is a sub-story of the Turbulence story cycle.


Personal Foul
Julie O

Edited by Amelia R.

Author’s note: The football games in this story are the actual games played by Ohio State University in their 2002 season.

Chapter 1
Saturday November 2, 2002

“I’m telling you, Jill, this is our year!” exclaimed Danny Norris. They had just watched the Ohio State Buckeyes defeat Minnesota 34-3.

The auburn haired young woman next to him shook her head in mock disgust. “You’ve said that every year.”

They were walking across the campus of Ohio State University on a brisk fall afternoon towards High Street for some of the post game celebrations. High Street was the main road running by campus, and in spite of the efforts of the city of Columbus to clean it up, there were still numerous bars, presently filling up with exuberant scarlet and gray clad football fans.

“Okay, that may be true, but this year it’s different. I mean, we won today big time, we’re 10-0 and it’s November,” replied Danny joyfully.

“We still have three games left, two of those are on the road, and we still have to play Michigan,” countered Jill. In spite of her kidding, Jill was almost as big of a diehard Buckeye fan as Danny. Growing up in a household of football fans, she’d decided earlier to learn about the game, and to her surprise, she loved it.

“Hey, I thought I was the one going to law school next year,” replied Danny, as he put his arm around Jill. “You don’t need to argue every point, just enjoy the season.”

“Danny, I’ve been a Buckeye fan since I was a kid, and I’ve been burned before. Yes, we’re playing great, and I’m enjoying this season, but I don’t have to remind you of our past failures.”

Danny smiled back at Jill. They had been friends since second grade, having grown up next to each other. They were both entering the last year of their undergraduate degrees. He was a history major and was planning on attending law school the following year. Jill was a biology major who was taking pre-med classes. She wasn’t totally sure if she wanted to become a medical doctor or a veterinarian.

Their relationship wasn’t totally platonic, and they had dated a few times, but they had never gone to bed with each other. Both dated other people at times, but they’d always been friends. While Danny was strictly interested in women, Jill considered herself bisexual.

Neither was presently dating anyone, although it wasn’t out of a lack of potential partners. Danny was 5-11, thin, but athletic. He had short light brown hair, having recently given in to Jill’s needling him over his long hair. Jill told him that his best features were his piercing blue eyes.

“All you have to do is wink at a girl and she’s yours,” she had told him more than once.

“Then why doesn’t it work on you?”

Jill just laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

Jill had a natural beauty that shone through even though she mainly dressed in sweaters and jeans. She told Danny that she was at school to get an education, not a husband. She wore thin wire-framed glasses because they were more practical than contact lenses.

She was a few inches shorter than Danny, and had a runner’s build. Her breasts were small, barely B-cup, but Danny always thought that they were perfect.

“I mean, I know it sounds strange, but I’m more concerned with doing my readings for class than making sure I look cute,” she had once told him.

“You’ve always been cute,” he had replied.

They crossed the large grassy area called the Oval as they headed towards High Street.

“So tell me again why Nate couldn’t make the game?” asked Jill, referring to Danny’s roommate.

“He went home to Canton. His brother got a promotion, and they had a big party planned tonight at his Dad’s bar,” replied Danny.

Nate Cooper had been Danny’s roommate for three years. They shared an apartment just south of campus. At 6-2, 220, he had been considered a can’t miss prospect for the baseball team. He had been awarded a full athletic scholarship and it appeared that he was on his way to becoming a star at third base. He started as a freshman and was hitting .345 when he tore up his knee sliding into second to break up a double play. It ended his baseball career, but he still had the scholarship and had become a top student. He was studying business and planned on becoming a sports agent.

Danny had met Nate at a party, and they’d hit it off immediately. They were both living in the dorms, and they shared stories of how much they hated it. Two weeks later they’d begun to share an apartment. Each appreciated the fact that their roommate was more interested in finishing college than partying. Yes, they both had an active social life, but they put their studies first.

“Which brother?” asked Jill.

“Bobbie, the fireman. He just completed his EMT certification,” replied Danny.

Jill nodded. “You’re lucky to have a roommate you like.”

Unlike Danny, Jill lived by herself. She preferred it this way, after having several annoying roommates. She lived just one block away from Danny’s place.

“I know, he’s pretty cool,” replied Danny.

As they passed the student union building they caught their first look of High Street.

“Wow! Look at the crowds!” exclaimed Danny.

“Let’s go get something to eat first, then we can hit the bars; by then the crowds should have stabilized,” noted Jill.

Chapter 2

Two hours later, Jill and Danny were sitting at the bar of a club. She was drinking straight vodka on ice, while Danny was on his fourth drink. The music in the bar was loud and to talk you had to shout into the person’s ear.

Jill leaned over. “What’s up with you tonight? You don’t normally drink anything but beer; by the way, what is that?”

Danny held up the glass and grinned. “Margarita, I think.”

Jill shook her head and sipped her vodka. She could nurse one drink the whole night, and the nice thing about drinking vodka was that she could switch to water and no one would notice.

She glanced at her watch and was about to lead Danny home, when he nudged her.

“Would you look at that!” he shouted into her ear.

Jill turned and looked at what Danny was pointing at. There were two young women dancing very close and suggestively with each other. The song was one of Jill’s favorites; it was Leave Your Hat On, being sung by Joe Cocker.

The two girls were now alone on the small dance floor, as the rest of the dancers had stepped aside for them. If they cared, neither showed it, as they moved closer together, their hands passionately caressing each other.

It was pretty erotic thought Jill. The two girls may not have been sober or in love, but they were definitely in lust.

As Danny watched them, he became aroused. While he had seen girls dancing together before, this was different. He could feel his cock hardening in his jeans and his breathing became heavy. He cock wasn’t just hard, it felt like it was about to explode. Suddenly, he began to feel warm all over. He was about to pull off his sweatshirt, when something didn’t feel right. His chest began to itch slightly; he reached under the sweatshirt and when he began to scratch he immediately noticed that his chest was bigger. Glancing down, he saw that his chest was growing, as if he had breasts.

All interest in the two girls vanished as he stared at his chest. He reached up and placed his hand on the side of his face to brush away his hair. What was happening? His hair wasn’t long. He pulled off his ball cap and a cascade of long brunette hair fell down around his face. In a growing sense of panic, he looked around, fearful that someone would notice. Thankfully the girls on the dance floor were attracting all interest. Danny pushed his hair up under his hat and reached over to Jill. He pulled back, seeing that his once muscular arm was thin; additionally, his hands and fingers looked feminine. He held up his hands in front of his face and stared at them. Even his nails had changed, as they were now long.

As his fear grew, he reached down between his legs and after a momentary hesitation reached down to discover that his cock was gone.

Barely holding back his panic, Danny knew he had to get out of the bar immediately, and he reached over and shook Jill’s shoulder.

“We need to leave, NOW!” he shouted into her ear. Shit, even his voice sounded different. What the hell was happening?

Jill turned around, and before she could speak, Danny grabbed her by the hand and motioned for them to leave. At first she thought he must be sick from drinking too much, but then she noticed that something was wrong.

They reached the door and stepped out into the cool evening air. Jill was about to ask what was going on when Danny turned towards her. She gasped. Danny was now the same height as her, and his clothes looked too big for him.

“I’m changing. I have no idea what’s happening, but I’m changing!” cried Danny. His voice was now softer and a much higher pitch. His hands went up to his mouth. “Crap, even my voice is changing!”

Jill stared at her friend, not knowing what to say or do. He was looking more and more like a girl. She wasn’t sure, but it looked like his face was changing before her very eyes. His cheeks were higher and his lips were becoming fuller.

“Come on, we’d better go to the hospital,” she stated.

Danny shook his head. “No! Please, let’s go home. I need to see what’s happening to me first!”

Jill nodded. It was a fifteen minute walk to her place, and she didn’t think Danny would last that long. She waved down a cab.

“Where to ladies?” asked the cabbie.

Danny glanced over at Jill in panic. He thinks I’m a girl, thought Danny.

Jill reached over and took Danny’s hand to comfort him. She whispered to him. “It’ll be okay.” She then gave the cabbie her address.

Chapter 3

Danny’s sneakers fell off as they exited the cab as his feet were smaller now. The driver made a comment to Jill about her friend celebrating the Buckeyes’ victory too much.

They walked up the flight of stairs to Jill’s apartment.

Danny walked in and immediately began to undress. “Sorry, but my jeans are killing me, they’re so tight in the hips.”

Jill just stood back and watched. She saw the reason for Danny’s discomfort, as his hips and ass were now quite curvaceous.

Danny began to pull his sweatshirt over his head. “What caused this? I mean, I look like a girl!”

“I don’t think you look like a girl; I think you are a girl now,” remarked Jill. Her eyes took in Danny’s new look as he stripped. He was now a very attractive young woman. His breasts were C-cup, and very round and pert, just the way Jill liked them on her lovers. What am I thinking? she thought. But the more she saw of Danny the more aroused she became. She shook her head, as if she could shake away the growing thoughts of lust in her mind.

Danny was standing in front of Jill. The only thing he was wearing was his pair of boxers. Danny took a deep breath and pulled them off.

There was no doubt that he was now a woman.

“Please tell me that this isn’t happening. I’m drunk, right? And this is just a dream.”

Jill shook her head slowly. “You’re not drunk.”

Danny looked down as his feminized body as he brushed his shoulder length hair out of his eyes.

“When did you notice the changes starting?” asked Jill.

Danny plopped down on the couch and wrapped his arms around his chest. “Back in the bar, I was watching those two girls dancing.”

Jill sat down next to Danny. She was finding it harder to concentrate on Danny’s problem, as she was becoming more and more aroused by the sight of the stunningly beautiful naked girl he had become.

“Are you sure it started then?” she asked, focusing herself.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, what about the fact that you were drinking so much?”

Danny cocked his head. “That’s right. I have no idea why I was compelled to drink so much. I don’t even drink mixed drinks, unless….”

“Unless what?”

“Unless I’m on a date.” replied Danny.

Jill’s eyes were on locked on Danny’s breasts. “Oh, that makes sense.”

Danny glanced over and caught Jill staring at his body. “What’s up with you?”

Jill looked up with a sexy grin on her face. “I have no idea, except that I’m becoming very turned on right now.”

Danny stared back and cracked a slight smile. “Really?”

“I know it’s wrong, and that I should be worried about you and what’s happened, but all I can think about is taking you to bed,” confessed Jill. “Damn, that didn’t come out right, what I meant to say was….”

A change came over Danny and he reached over and took Jill’s hands into his. “I’d like that.”

Without another word, Jill leaned over and began to kiss Danny. Their kissing started out soft and tender, but quickly evolved into deep lust. Jill pulled Danny closer and began to run her hands across Danny’s hardening nipples. With each touch their desires grew, neither made any attempt to hold back.

Jill stood up, and pulled Danny to his feet. “Come on, you’ll love what I have in my bedroom.”

Chapter 4

They lay together, locked in embrace, both feeling totally drained by their mutual sexual encounter.

Danny wanted to talk, but was too exhausted and soon drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Danny awoke to discover he was his old self again. He sat up in Jill’s bed and began to run his hands over his body. It was as if nothing had happened.

Jill woke up and looked up at Danny. “Well, it’s a surprise to see you here.”

“Whatever happened reversed itself,” he remarked.

Jill pulled the comforter up around herself as she sat up. “That’s obvious.”

Danny glanced over at her and playfully punched her in the arm. “That did happen right?”

Jill nodded as she pointed to the strap-on dildo on the night-stand.

“That was weird on a variety of levels,” remarked Danny. “I hope that you’re not too upset with me. I mean, I don’t want you to think that I took advantage of you.”

Jill laughed. “Please! Danny, I practically raped you last night. No need to apologize. Whatever happened to you, obviously affected me too. We were both overcome with a near primal sexual desire, I doubt either one of us could have resisted.”

Danny nodded. “You’re right. Funny, all the times I tried to take you to bed and you end up fucking me.”

Jill laughed. “I prefer to think of it as making love. Well, let’s shower, dress and head up for some breakfast, I’m famished.”

A short time later they were sitting in the Bob Evan’s restaurant on Olentangy River Road.

Jill waited until the waitress left after refilling their coffee mugs for the third time. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” replied Danny, as he ate some toast.

“Do you have any sexual drive right now?”

Danny smiled. “Why? What do you have in mind?”

Jill shook her head in disgust. “Idiot.”

Danny laughed. “Sorry. The answer to your question is no. I have no sexual desire at the moment.”

“That makes sense. I think whatever happened last night was tied to your sexual drive. Your emotions were building up all day at the game, then you started drinking, next came the two girls dancing, and well the rest, as they say, is history.”

Danny took a sip of his coffee. “Okay, that sounds logical, but what caused it to happen? People don’t just change sex.”

“Animals do. There are several species that change gender.”

“Sure some fish species do, but I’ve never heard of it happening to a human,” replied Danny. “And before you look all surprised, I watch the Discovery Channel.”

“Well, it just proves that it can happen. I’ll hit Google this afternoon and see what turns up.”

“Okay, I suppose that’s better than doing nothing. Do you think I should tell Nate what happened? I mean, what if it happens again?”

“I think you can trust Nate, but wait until I’m with you. He might just think you’re playing a joke on him.”

“I wish we had proof,” replied Danny, as he ate the last of his scrambled eggs.

“We do. I snapped a few Polaroids last night, don’t you remember?”

Danny shrugged his shoulders. “I think so, I wasn’t exactly thinking straight.”

Jill smiled back. “I know this is strange, but you’re not alone.”

“Thanks. I’m just worried if it happens again. What will I do if I don’t change back?”

“We’ll cross that bridge if we get to it.”

Chapter 5

“Looks like Nate isn’t home yet,” remarked Danny as they approached the house where he lived. It was a large two story building, converted into apartments. Nate and Danny had the large two bedroom apartment on the second floor.

“Isn’t that his truck?” asked Jill, pointing towards a red Ford pickup.

“No. It belongs to one of our neighbors,” replied Danny. “It’s fooled me more than a few times.”

A few minutes later they were sitting in his apartment. It was slightly better furnished than the typical college apartment. They had a ten-year-old couch and a matching chair, bought at a yard sale. They had several real bookshelves instead of the usual cinderblock and plank ones found in many apartments. They even had a real entertainment center for their TV and stereo. The room was arranged so that the couch faced the TV, with the chair to the right of the couch. There was also a used Lazy-boy to the left of the couch. The white walls were covered with cheap framed art, also found at local garage sales. Neither saw the need to put a lot of money into the place, although they did have a 27-inch color TV and a Bose stereo. Nate always said that you need to prioritize, and it was better to watch a great TV on an old couch than the other way around.

“I have another question; did you enjoy last night?” asked Jill.

Danny nodded. “Yes I did, I can’t deny that. That’s one of the reasons why this worries me so much.”

“You’re afraid that you might want to stay a woman?” asked Jill.

“Yes. The weird thing is that the longer I was female, the less strange it felt.”

“That might be part of what changed you,” replied Jill.

Danny sighed. “Look, we’ve been dancing around the issue, what happened last night wasn’t natural, so the only other answer is that the cause is supernatural.”


“Maybe,” replied Danny. “Look, I know it sounds crazy, but then again, I did transform into a woman in a bar on High Street last night.”

“You may be right. Isn’t there some sort of witchcraft shop on High Street north of campus?”

Danny shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t remember seeing it.”

“I think there is. I think I’ll stop by there this week. Maybe they can help.”

Their conversation was interrupted by sound of the front door opening. Nate walked in carrying an overnight bag in one hand and a grocery bag in the other. “Mom gave me some more food. There’s some more in my truck.”

Jill and Danny helped him unpack the plastic containers of food and place them in the fridge and freezer.

“Looks like we won’t starve anytime soon,” noted Danny with a laugh.

“Nope. Hey, I watched the game on TV, looks like the Buckeyes finally had a blowout,” stated Nate. “Did you two have a good time?”

“You could say that,” replied Danny.

Thirty minutes later Nate stared back in disbelief after hearing Jill and Danny tell him about their strange evening. Even when he looked at the photos, he was still fighting off doubt.

“Look, Nate, this isn’t some sort of joke. Something happened to me last night that was very out of the ordinary. I just want you to know….”

“Just in case it happens again?” asked Nate.

“Yep,” replied Danny softly.

Nate turned to Jill. “You promise this isn’t a joke?”

“Cross my heart and hope to die!” she stated, holding up her right hand as if she was taking a pledge.

“This is so strange,” replied Nate.

“You can say that again,” added Danny.

“Point taken,” countered Nate. “So what do we do?”

“For now, I’ll do some research. If it happens again, then we’ll deal with it,” replied Jill.

“You make this sound like an attack of heartburn,” commented Danny with a nervous smile on his face.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to trivialize what happened. For now try to go about your life, there’s no sense in worrying about what might happen,” she replied.

“I agree with Jill, you can’t live in fear of what might happen,” added Nate.

“What happens if I change here? You might not be able to help yourself, just like Jill,” commented Danny.

“I’ll know you it’s really you, don’t worry. I do have my standards,” replied Nate with a wink.

“Really? Since when? You’ve dated a few – how do I put this? – strange girls lately,” countered Danny.

“Okay, I’ll admit Scarlet was a little strange, but you have to admit that she plays a mean set of drums.”

“Scarlet?” asked Jill. “I don’t remember her.”

“She’s with a band that was playing in a High Street bar. Red spiked hair, tattoos, and a few piercings,” added Danny. “Hell, she was normal compared to Cassie or whatever her name was, wasn’t she a devil worshiper?”

“Her name is Chelsea, and no, she didn’t worship Satan. She was a bit strange though,” replied Nate with a chuckle. “Damn good in bed, though.”

“Don’t forget Dakota, the ‘all natural’ girl from California,” piped in Jill. “Oh wow, Ohio is so materialistic.”

“Then there was girl, I don’t even remember her name, who was on the softball team,” added Danny.

“Okay, okay, I admit it I’ve dated my share of some offbeat women, but I still won’t touch you, Danny” replied Nate.

“I bet you would if I had big tits – oops, sorry Jill,” remarked Danny. He started to laugh. “Damn, that’s the first time I’ve been able to laugh about this.”

“I’m not offended. I’ve noticed that about you too, Nate; you do like girls who are well endowed,” added Jill.

“Come on, I don’t just like girls with big breasts,” countered Nate.

“Bull, look at that girl you were with last month, what was she, D-cup?” asked Danny.

“DD,” replied Nate. “Okay, point taken. Still I won’t hit on you, I can control myself.”

“I hope you’re right,” replied Danny.

Chapter 6

The week flew by without further incidents of transformation. Danny noticed that he had zero sex drive, and he wondered if this was due to his becoming female. He was hesitant to try to get aroused, as he worried it might lead to another transformation. However, he didn’t even have his usual morning erection for the first few days after his transformation. By Friday he was back to normal.

Surprisingly, Danny’s week was relatively normal. He went to class, studied, and for the most part it seemed liked a typical week at school. That in some ways bothered him. He had changed genders and had sex with his best friend, and yet he wasn’t in great emotional turmoil. He wondered if this was part of what happened to him.

As to what had caused his change, Danny was worried. If his transformation was due to the supernatural, then that meant that magic is real. It was a jolt to his reality. As a history major, he loved finding the reasons for why things happened. He learned to look for the scientific answers for historical mysteries. Now he had to consider magic as a possibility.

Chapter 7
Saturday, November 9, 2002

All week Danny focused on his classes, and by Saturday he was looking forward to watching the football game. It would be a great way to forget about his worries and to relax.

The game was on the road against Purdue, so Jill, Danny, and Nate watched the game on TV. They watched it at Danny’s place, as they had the better TV. On paper it shouldn’t have been much of a challenge for the undefeated Buckeyes, but Purdue played them tough and the day had the feeling of a major upset.

At half time the score was tied at 3-3. It stayed that way until midway through the fourth quarter, when Purdue’s kicker made a 32-yard field goal.

“I can’t believe we’re going to blow it again,” exclaimed Nate in disgust.

“Hey, no negative thoughts!” snapped back Danny, who was pacing back and forth behind the couch. “We still have time.”

“Less than four minutes,” bemoaned Nate.

“Stop it, you’ll jinx them,” snapped Danny.

The lethargic Buckeye offense had slowly moved the ball to midfield, but after a long pass on third down, they were short one yard with less than two minutes left in the game.

“It’s fourth down, what do you think they’ll do?” asked Jill.

“Short pass to the tight end, that way he can run out of bounds and save some time,” replied Danny.

“I agree, anything else would be too risky,” added Nate.

“Makes sense to me,” replied Jill.

“Shhhh, the play is starting!” interrupted Danny.

In a play that would go down in Buckeye lore, quarterback Craig Krenzel checked off throwing to the tight end and threw a deep pass to speedy wide receiver Michael Jenkins in the end zone for a touchdown. Danny, Jill, and Nate jumped up screaming in delight as the Buckeyes took the lead.

“Holy shit! Did you see that catch? Damn!” shouted Nate.

“Illinois, here we come!” replied Danny, referring to the next team on the Buckeyes’ schedule.

“You want to go out and celebrate?” asked Nate.

Jill glanced over at Danny.

“Sure why not, I’ll just think unsexy thoughts if I start to get aroused,” he replied.

To everyone’s relief nothing happened while they were at the bars. Around ten they walked back to their apartment. Along the way they discussed the game and the fact that Danny was still a guy.

“I guess it was a one time deal,” remarked Danny. “I mean, I was even more excited this week than last week.”

“Maybe you burned it out with your screaming at the end of the game,” noted Jill.

“Along with most of my hearing,” added Nate.

“Very funny,” replied Danny. Inside, he was very relieved; maybe it was only a one time deal.

After seeing Jill back to her place, Nate and Danny returned to their place. Nate flopped down on the couch and, after grabbing a can of soda, Danny joined him. They watched ESPN and then the local news to catch the highlights of the game.

“You know, these are the games we used to lose. I have a special feeling about this season,” noted Danny, as they watched the replay of the game winning catch for the twentieth time.

Nate began to channel surf and after a few minutes found a rather interesting movie.

“What’s this?” asked Danny.

“Looks like it’s one of those free premium channel weekends; this is Showtime, and we don’t get that,” replied Nate, as he looked at the channel guide. “They usually show some pretty racy stuff after eleven.”

The movie was a lame detective story, but several of the lead characters were large breasted, scantily clad women. What plot there was seemed to involve getting the women undressed and involved in near-pornographic scenes.

Danny stood up and yawned. “Enjoy, I’m going to bed.”

Nate glanced over at Danny and then back to the movie. “But it’s just getting good.”

“I’m sure it is,” replied Danny as he started to walk out of the room. He then glanced over at TV one last time. One of the actresses had her top off and was making out with the male lead. They were sitting together in a hot tub and were kissing each other passionately. Danny was suddenly locked to the scene. He was transfixed, and his breathing started to become heavier. Without thinking, he raised up his right hand and began to rub his left nipple. He let out a slight moan as pleasure began to radiate out from his hardening nipple.

He began to lick his lips as he watched the man kiss the sexy young woman. Danny suddenly realized he was fantasizing about being the woman. He momentarily snapped out of his trance and looked down, seeing his large breasts pressing against his t-shirt. It was happening again!

“Shit!” he exclaimed in a soft wispy voice.

Nate looked over his shoulder and then did a double take. “Holy crap, you’re turning into a girl!”

Danny looked over at his roommate. “No shit, Sherlock!” He then began to pull off his jeans as they were becoming too tight. His body was even curvier this time, and his breasts were definitely bigger – they were becoming huge.

Nate couldn’t take his eyes off his roommate as he transformed into a buxom blonde beauty.

“Danny, you’re a blonde,” noted Nate.

Danny ran his hand through his long hair. “That’s the least of my problems.”

Danny stripped off the rest of his clothes, partly due to the fact that they didn’t fit right, but he also had a strong urge to become naked.

Nate sat there staring at Danny. Without thinking, he smiled. “You’re gorgeous.”

Instead of being upset, Danny looked over at Nate and sauntered slowly towards him. “You think so?” Danny couldn’t resist his urges and with a whimper surrendered to his lust.

Nate smiled. He was now fully aroused and couldn’t take his eyes off the sexy young woman walking towards him. “Oh yeah, you’re hot.”

Danny felt as if he was being pulled towards Nate; this was now out of his hands, and all he wanted was to be in Nate’s arms. He sat down next to Nate on the couch and looked deep into his roommate’s eyes. Without a word, Nate reached over and placed his hand behind Danny’s head and pulled him close. They began to kiss passionately, their tongues pressing deep into each other’s mouths. Nate began to rub Danny’s breasts as he kissed her.

It didn’t take long until they were making love on the couch. Instead of being horrified by the idea of making love to his roommate, Danny was lost in the bliss of a massive orgasm. He never gave it a second thought that Nate came in him. Danny was lost in the moment and everything seemed so natural.

“That was incredible,” whispered Danny as he lay next to Nate.

“Um huh,” replied Nate, as he pulled Danny closer to him.

Danny then noticed something was different; unlike when he’d made love to Jill, he didn’t feel drained. In fact, he could feel his sexual energy recharging. Maybe he was stuck like this, he thought. Soon, all he could think about was having Nate’s cock back in her body. Crap, she thought, I’m starting to see myself as female. This internal struggle soon passed as the idea of sucking Nate’s cock began to dominate his thoughts.

Without a word, she slinked off Nate’s body and moved down to his cock. She looked up into Nate’s eyes, and he just nodded as she began to lick and kiss his cock. Danny felt a wave of satisfaction grow as he felt Nate’s cock grow in his mouth.

As she sucked Nate, she fingered herself. She just knew that she had to coordinate her orgasm with Nate’s. Within a few minutes, she achieved her goal as Nate climaxed at the same time she did.

“Come on, Danielle, let’s go to bed,” ordered Nate.

Danny didn’t argue and smiled at the fact that Nate called her Danielle. They made love again, and a few minutes later they fell asleep together.

Chapter 8

Danny awoke alone in Nate’s bed. He was back to his male form. He wondered where Nate was, and he got up and walked to his own room. He pulled on his robe and walked into the kitchen. Nate was scrambling some eggs and cooking bacon.

“Hey, you’re finally up; you want something to eat?” asked Nate.

Danny sat down at the kitchen table. He debated how to bring up what had happened the previous night. “Yes, that would be great, I’m starving.”

“I can’t understand why,” replied Nate.

Danny looked up at Nate with a stunned look on his face.

Nate saw how his remark hurt Danny. “Sorry, Danny, that was out of line.”

“It’s okay.”

“Look, let me say right off the bat that I don’t blame you for what happened last night. Whatever caused that was bigger than either of us,” stated Nate. “I felt as if I was pulled to you, and I was unable to resist you.”

“That’s what Jill said. I also noticed that my form was different than when I was with her. I looked more like the girl in the movie you were watching,” replied Danny. “So obviously whatever is doing this to me, causes me to take on a form that’s attractive to the person I’m with.”

Nate attended the eggs without a word.

“Can I ask you something?” asked Danny.


“Do you feel anything for me now? I can tell you honestly that I don’t feel anything sexual for you,” remarked Danny.

“I feel the same way.”

“I don’t want you to think that I’m gay or anything. I’m just a were-chick,” replied Danny.

Nate broke out in a big smile.” Were-chick? So you can only be killed by a silver dildo?”

Danny laughed. “Stop it; I don’t want to feel happy.”

Nate served the eggs and bacon. “Look, you have a problem, there’s no denying that. But we’ll get you through this. When we get done, let’s call Jill.”

“You mean tell her that we made love?” asked Danny.

Nate shrugged his shoulders. “Why not? Look, I didn’t fuck you last night; I made love to a beautiful blonde woman. By the way, you were very good in bed.”

“That doesn’t help,” replied Danny.

“Now, can I ask you something, and please be honest?” asked Nate.


“What did you think of me?”

Danny put down his fork. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No, I figure I can count on an honest answer from you,”

Danny sighed. “You were very good. Now don’t ever ask me again, okay?”

Nate smiled back. “Okay.”

They ate for a while, and then Danny stopped. “Can I ask you a huge favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“If there is a next time, could you not fantasize about such large breasts? They’re not very comfortable.”


Danny nodded. “Yes, they were so heavy.”

“Okay, I didn’t have any idea. Thanks for telling me.”

“That’s what roommates are for,” replied Danny.

Chapter 9

Jill arrived around noon. Danny and Nate told her everything that had happened.

“And you had no sexual drive all week leading up to this?” asked Jill.

“That’s right. I feel totally drained right now,” replied Danny.

“So whatever this is, it’s tied to your sexual drive. Think about it, both times you were jump-started by seeing others in sexual acts.”

“Great, so what do I do? Get castrated?” replied Danny.

“Let’s not jump to extremes. The other thing that worries me is that you stayed female longer this time and needed three orgasms before you fell asleep.”

“That’s right,” replied Danny.

“Now, do you feel any different, or do you notice any changes physically?” asked Jill.

Danny shook his head. “Nope.”

“That’s good. Still, I think we should measure you, that way we have something to compare to, should there be changes.”

“You think this might become permanent?” asked Nate.

“I have no idea, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful,” replied Jill.

“Did you find anything out on what could be causing this?” asked Danny.

“No. I went by the store, but it was closed all week. It’s supposed to open again this Friday,” replied Jill.

“I’ll go with you. I only have one class on Friday and that’s in the morning.”

“Okay, we’ll meet at the Varsity Club for lunch and then walk over to the shop. Now, I need to take your measurements,” stated Jill. “Why don’t you put on some running shorts?”

Jill was very detailed in her charting of Danny’s body. She measured almost every part of him, including the length of his hair. She also took photos of Danny, including close-ups of his face.

“If there are changes, they might be minor at first,” explained Jill, as she recorded everything in a notebook. “I’ll plug all this into my computer, along with the photos. Damn, I wish I had a digital camera, but they’re too expensive right now.”

“Maybe you can buy one after you sell my story to the Dispatch,” joked Danny.

“The heck with the local paper, I’m going national with this. How much do you think the National Inquirer will pay for something like this?”

Danny laughed. “Well, I’d better get dressed”

Jill left the room, and a few minutes later Danny came out dressed in jeans and an Ohio State sweatshirt.

“Well, I need to go to the library. I have a paper due soon in my ancient history class and Dr. Pappadimos hates excuses,” stated Danny.

“You okay?” asked Jill.

“Surprisingly so. I mean I just turned into a girl, had sex, twice, with my roommate and changed back. All things considered, I’m okay. I shouldn’t be; I mean I should be a wreck. Do you think it’s part of what’s happening to me?”

“Maybe. Hopefully we’ll find out Friday,” replied Jill. She then gave Danny a big hug.

“What was that for?” asked Danny. “Not that I’m complaining.”

“You looked like you could use a hug,” replied Jill.

“I did. Okay, I’ll be back in a few hours, that will give you and Nate plenty of time to talk about me,” stated Danny as he put on his coat. “It’s okay; I would be doing the same thing if it was one of you that were the were-chick.”

“Technically speaking, I’d be a were-dude,” noted Jill.

“I stand corrected. See you later,” stated Danny as he left.

Chapter 10

Danny walked over to the main library to do some research on his paper on the Phoenicians. Actually, the paper was almost done; he just needed to get out of the apartment to do some thinking.

In twenty minutes he found the books he needed, and to his total amazement they hadn’t been checked out yet. Maybe things were looking up, he thought. He paged through the books and found they were just what he was looking for.

What was bothering him wasn’t the fact that he had slept with Nate, rather how he had so easily shifted into a female frame of mind. When he was with Jill, he hadn’t really thought of himself as female, but with Nate it was different. Maybe the spell, or whatever it was, was progressing. He wondered what would happen the next time.

On a whim he checked the card catalog computer for books on witchcraft and magic. To his surprise there were hundreds of titles in the stacks. He found that many were in the same area, and he decided to check them out.

After an hour he had gone through twenty books. None had actual spells in them; rather they discussed the various types of spells and how they might be cast. This raised many new and somewhat disturbing questions for Danny. The biggest ones were, if this was a magic spell, who cast it, and why?

Danny searched his memories and couldn’t think of anyone he had angered enough to do something like this. He had dated a girl the previous spring, but they only went out a dozen or so times. They broke up when she decided to transfer to Ohio University. In fact they had stayed friends, at least through the internet. As for someone else, Danny was at a loss. He mainly went to class and hung out with a few friends. True, he had nearly gotten into a fight with some jerk from the University of Michigan two years ago, but he doubted if he had cast a spell two years later.

Danny glanced at his watch and figured it was time to head home, as Jill and Nate had had plenty of time to talk.

Chapter 11

At the same time Danny was in the library, Jill and Nate were talking about his predicament in the kitchen.

“I couldn’t believe how fast he changed,” remarked Nate. “I mean, in less than a couple of minutes he was a blonde bombshell.”

Jill wrote down Nate’s comments in her notebook. “His first transformation took almost thirty minutes to complete. You also say that he was more aggressive sexually.”

“Yes. Granted, I wanted her pretty bad, but she came on to me almost immediately. You could see it in her eyes,” he replied.

“This is looking worse all the time. I wonder what he’ll be like the next time,” replied Jill.

“It’s amazing how he assumed physical characteristics that matched our fantasies,” noted Nate as he walked over to the fridge. “You want anything?”

“Diet Coke, please,” replied Jill. “That’s why one of us will need to be near him. Can you imagine what would happen if he was near a stranger when it happened?”

“Next question, why is this happening? If it is magic, then who cast the spell?” He handed Jill the soda.

“So you’re buying the magic hypothesis?”

Nate shrugged his shoulders. “After seeing Danny change, I’m definitely a believer. There really can’t be any other explanation.”

“Danny is one of the most inoffensive people I know. He’s always been popular and friendly. I’ve known him since we were kids, and I can only remember him being in one fight and that was with that jerk at the Michigan game a couple of years ago.”

“True, but if that’s the person who cast the spell, then why didn’t he cast it on me? After all, I was the one who punched his lights out,” noted Nate.

“I don’t know. I just hope the magic shop has some answers,” replied Jill. “I’m really worried about Danny.”

“Me too. He’s my best friend; hell, I’m closer to him than my older brothers.”

“Any lingering feelings about sleeping with him?”

“No, and that’s sort of strange in itself. I’ve never been attracted to another man, never even curious about it, but last night I wanted Danny so bad.”

Jill nodded. “How do I put this… would you sleep with him again?”

Nate rolled his eyes. “Under the same circumstances… I’d say yes.”

“Me too,” replied Jill.

Nate took a deep breath and let it out. “Okay, so we’ll keep an eye on him, especially Saturday.”

“Call me at anytime, if you can,” added Jill, as she took off her glasses to clean them.

“Same here,” replied Nate. He then got very serious. “If someone did this to him, they’re going to pay.”

Chapter 12

The week dragged by for the three friends, mainly because they couldn’t wait until the shop opened up. For Danny there were mixed feelings. Part of him was worried that the shop wouldn’t provide any help. The other part that worried him was that they might have information and that his condition would only get worse.

Something else that bothered him was the fact that he wasn’t totally freaked out by the idea of changing into a female and back. As soon as the initial shock passed, it all seemed normal. He wondered if this was part of whatever was changing him.

Thankfully, in addition to his friends, Danny had the Buckeyes. The fact that they were undefeated and there was talk about a possible championship helped him get through the week. Danny would have felt better about Illinois at home, as their stadium acted as a wind tunnel during harsh weather. Still, Danny couldn’t image the Buckeyes losing against the Illini. Thinking about the game gave him a nice diversion from thinking about whatever was changing him into an over-sexed woman.

Friday finally arrived, and while the lecture on the Greeks was interesting, Danny couldn’t wait until class was over. He rushed across campus towards the Varsity Club, a bar/restaurant across the street from Ohio State on Lane Avenue. Danny walked in and was relieved to see Jill sitting in a booth.

“I hope you don’t mind if we eat first, I’m famished,” Jill greeted him.

“Okay,” replied Danny.

“Look, I know you’re anxious to get over to the shop, but a few minutes won’t make any difference. Besides you look like you could use something to eat,” noted Jill.

Danny stared back at her. “What do you mean by that?” There was a sense of anxiety in his voice.

“When was the last time you weighed yourself?” she asked.

“This morning, and my weight was 166,” replied Danny.

Jill pulled out her notebook and flipped it open. “Sunday you weighed 172.”

“Do you think it means anything? I mean, I have been under some stress this week,” stated Danny.

“6 pounds in less than a week is pretty significant,” replied Jill.

“I guess I’d better eat something then.”

Danny ate two cheeseburgers with fries. As he ate, he tried to fight off his worries. Losing a few pounds wasn’t a big deal, except for the fact that he was eating the same amount of food.

They left the Varsity Club and headed up Lane Avenue towards High Street. They then walked two blocks north of campus.

“There it is,” stated Jill, pointing to the shop.

“Ye Olde Magik Shoppe? You’ve got to be kidding me!” stated Danny.

“Trust me; I’ve heard some promising things about this place. Yes, they sell charms and other bric-a-brac, but I’ve heard the woman who runs the place is very knowledgeable about the occult.”

“Is she a witch?” asked Danny.

“I don’t think so,” replied Jill.

“There are ways of telling if she is a witch….”

“Okay, I call an immediate moratorium on Monty Python and the Holy Grail jokes. Seriously, as you must know, they prefer to call themselves Wiccans, and it’s becoming a recognized religion.”

“I know, just trying to get rid of some nervousness. Okay, we might as well go in,” stated Danny.

“Good. By the way, if she does weigh the same of duck, she must be made of wood,” stated Jill with a wink.

They walked into the small shop. It was crammed with all sorts of things. Some was obviously meant for the casual client. There were crystal balls, charms, statues of fairies and demons, and t-shirts. Danny laughed when he saw a Monty Python and the Holy Grail shirt. There were two back rooms, one was full of books and the other was filled with jars and other containers. This room had a velvet rope across the door and a sign stating that it was off limits, unless with an employee.

A tall, elegant woman was standing behind the counter. She had long, slightly curly hair and dark emerald eyes. She was tall and had large breasts. She was wearing a dark purple dress that seemed to flow over her shapely body.

She looked up from her book and smiled. “Can I help you? Are you looking for charms for the game or midterms? We won’t get our anti-Michigan charms in for another week.”

Danny immediately felt as if he could trust her. She had a sly sense of humor, and she didn’t seem to take herself too seriously.

“No, we need some information. My name is Jill, and this is my friend, Danny, and we need to know about magical spells,” stated Jill.

“What sort of spells?” the woman asked. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m Rowena.”

“We were hoping you could help us with that. Are there spells that can actually physically transform a person?” asked Jill.

Rowena stared at the two young people intently. “Why do you want to know?”

Jill glanced over at Danny, who nodded. “I think my friend may be under a spell.”

Rowena ran her eyes over Danny. She then picked up what looked like a green crystal monocle and held it up to her right eye. Without a word, she set the crystal down, got up and walked around the counter to the front door. She turned around the sign and locked the door. “I think it would be best if we weren’t interrupted. Please follow me.”

She led them into a back room. There was a small wooden table and several chairs around it.

“Please sit down, would you like some tea?” she asked.

Both Danny and Jill nodded as they sat down.

“Tell me everything,” stated Rowena, as she prepared the tea.

Forty minutes and a pot of green tea later, Rowena got up to consult a book.

“So you believe us?” asked Danny.

“Yes, my child, I do. The crystal I examined you with shows that you have been enchanted.”

“What can you do?” asked Danny.

“Unfortunately, unless I know the exact spell, there isn’t much,” she replied as she continued to page through the book. “I can tell you about this type of spell. Okay, here it is. You’re under a revenge spell, usually cast by a jilted lover.”

“That can’t be, I haven’t jilted anyone,” replied Danny.

“That doesn’t matter, someone thought you did,” replied Rowena.

“So is this going to get worse?” asked Jill.

“Most spells like this result in the total and complete transformation of the victim,” replied Rowena.

“And my elevated sex drive?” asked Danny.

“It will get worse too,” replied Rowena. “It’s designed as a punishment spell.”

“Shit!” cursed Danny.

Rowena walked over to Danny and put her hand on his shoulder. “It’s not hopeless, my dear. I have a friend who may be able to help. I’ll call her today, and I’ll ask her to come out and examine you.”

“What good will that do?” asked Danny.

“She may be able to determine the spell that was used on you. Now don’t despair, my dear.”

Danny smiled back. “I won’t. When will you call her?”

“This afternoon. I’ll call you as soon as I know something,” Rowena replied.

Danny gave her his phone number. “What happens if I change completely this weekend?”

“You won’t.”

“How do you know?” asked Jill.

“Spells like this are designed to torment the victim. In most spells of this kind, the victim experiences anywhere from five to seven transformations before it becomes permanent. The victim will also begin to change slightly, gradually becoming more and more feminine.”

“So a six pound weight loss in a week isn’t due to stress?” asked Jill.

Rowena shook her head. “No, weight loss is usually the first sign of permanent change.”

“Thanks for everything, especially for believing us,” stated Danny as he stood up.

Rowena walked over and hugged both Danny and Jill. “I’ll call you sometime later today.”

Chapter 13

“You trust this woman, what’s her name again?” asked Nate.

“It’s Rowena, and yes I trust her,” replied Danny.

“She believed us, and that’s a good start,” added Jill.

“Okay,” replied Nate. “I hope she can help.”

Just then the phone rang. Danny immediately picked it up. “Hi, Rowena.”

“Danny, I talked to my friend, and she’ll be here on Monday,” replied Rowena.

“That’s great. Did she have anything to say about what I should do this weekend?”

“Stay close to people you know and trust.”

“I can do that.”

“Good, I’ll call you Monday; she gets in around five, so why don’t you come by the shop at seven.”

“Sounds good. Can I bring my friends?”

“Yes, in fact she requested that they come along.”

“Okay, see you Monday.”

“Have faith, Danny,” stated Rowena. “Also, Go Bucks!”

Danny laughed. “You’re a football fan?”

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”

Danny said goodnight and hung up the phone. He told the others of the Monday meeting.

“So there’s nothing we can do until then?” asked Nate.

“No, but maybe it’ll skip a week,” offered Danny.

“Do you believe that?” asked Jill.

Danny shook his head. “No, but I can always hope.”

Chapter 14
Saturday, November 16th

The Illinois game was far from easy. It was a back and forth affair, still the Buckeyes held onto a 3-point lead with seconds left in the game. Illinois lined up for a 48-yard field goal.

“There’s no way he’s going to make that. It’s too windy,” stated Nate, standing up next to the couch.

As the game was in Illinois, they watched it in Danny and Nate’s apartment. Jill was sitting on the edge of the couch, clutching a pillow to her chest. Danny was pacing back and forth behind the couch.

The kick just cleared the goal post, tying the game with no time left.

“So it looks like overtime,” stated Jill.

“First time for us, ever,” added Nate.

“Tell me again how this works,” asked Jill.

“Each team gets a chance to score. They’ll start on the 25-yard line and try to score. This will go on, back and forth, until someone wins,” explained Danny.

“Looks like we’re on offense first,” noted Nate.

Danny never stopped pacing as the Buckeyes slowly moved towards the end zone. If they failed to score, all Illinois had to do was kick a field goal.

Craig Krenzel handed the ball off to Maurice Hall, who ran eight yards for a touchdown.

Jill joined Danny and Nate in jumping up and down cheering the score. However, they didn’t cheer long, as now Illinois had the ball, and if they scored, it would start all over again.

Illinois marched down and looked like they had scored a touchdown on a pass into the end zone. However the ref ruled that the receiver didn’t have complete control of the ball as he went out of bounds. On fourth down, Danny, Jill, and Nate stood together in front of the TV, watching the play intently. Two of the Buckeye defenders blitzed the Illinois quarterback, still he got the pass off, but it was knocked down by another Buckeye defender, ending the game. The Buckeyes were 12-0 and their hopes of a championship were still alive.

Danny, Nate, and Jill, were screaming and hugging each other. If the neighbors downstairs complained, they never heard them. Besides, as Nate said, no cop would give a ticket to a Buckeye fan for cheering.

Danny flopped down on the couch, mentally exhausted from the ordeal of watching the game. Jill sat down next to him.

Nate sat down on the edge of the Lazy-Boy.

No one wanted to say what was on their minds. Finally, Danny broke the silence.

“If it happens again, who wants to be with me? Look, it’s obvious that the only way we know to reverse the spell is for me to have sex.”

“I can loan you a vibrator,” suggested Jill.

“I’ll give it a try, but I have the feeling that I’ll need actual sexual contact with another person.”

“We can’t have you out with strangers,” noted Nate.

“Well, maybe it won’t happen,” stated Danny. “I’ll just stay here and watch TV.”

“That’s what kicked it off last time,” stated Nate.

“Okay, I’ll only watch the late football game on ESPN and then Sportscenter. No movies, no TV shows, nothing to arouse me,” stated Danny.

“I’ll go get the vibrator,” stated Jill, as she stood up. “Be back shortly.”

Danny nodded and picked up the remote to catch the local news sports-cast.

“I’m hungry, there’s some chili left in the freezer; I’ll nuke it up,” stated Nate.

“Okay,” replied Danny.

He watched the replay of the highlights on TV and listened to the commentators start to play up the last game of the regular season, the game against the Buckeyes’ hated rival, the University of Michigan Wolverines.

The news shifted to the weather. Danny was about to flip to another channel when the weekend weather girl came on. She was a lovely young redhead, who usually filled in on the weekends and whenever the regular weather person was out. Danny had always thought she was pretty cute.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of arousal sweep through him as if he had been hit by a strong wind. In a flash, he was now a young woman with long, flowing red hair. The only good thing was that he had been wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.

“Son of bitch!” he screamed as it hit him that he was female again.

Nate came running out of the kitchen.

“I was just watching the weather and boom, I’m a girl! No warning, no buildup!”

“What about your, um… sexual urges?”

Danny hesitated. “They’re starting to build up.”

“Hopefully, Jill will get here with the vibrator,” replied Nate as he took in Danny’s new form.

He was now 5-9, thin, with C-cup breasts, his long red hair seemed to flow around his face. Unlike his previous forms, he looked like he could be his own sister.

Danny got up and walked over to the bathroom. “Well, I now know what I look like as a redhead.”

“You look pretty cute,” added Nate, as he stared at Danny.

Danny turned around quickly. “Are you coming on to me?”

“Maybe. Jill better get here quickly!” He continued to stare at Danny.

Right on cue, there was a knocking on the door. “It’s me,” stated Jill.

Nate opened the door. “He watched the weather girl.”

Jill stared at the feminized version of Danny. The first thing that came to her mind was that Danny was very hot looking. “Okay, I guess I’d better give you this, before we all end up in bed.”

Danny took the vibrator and retreated into his room without comment. He stripped down and lay down on his bed. He fumbled with the controls until he found a speed he liked, then as if he had done it dozens of times before, he began to insert it.

To his delight, it was a very pleasurable sensation, and he soon found that he was playing with his nipples with his free hand. He also found that he was slipping into a more female frame of mind. By the time he had his first orgasm, he had accepted that she was now Danielle.

She got up and studied her form in the mirror. She was very attractive, and Danielle was very pleased with the way she looked. She wondered if Jill and Nate would find her sexy. Crap, she thought, as she tried to refocus.

“I need to think of something besides sex,” she said aloud.

Then it hit her that something was wrong, instead of changing her back, the orgasm with the vibrator only increased her sexual desires and seemed to reinforce her feminine status. She grabbed a robe and slipped it on and walked outside to share her observations with the others.

She walked out to find Jill and Nate sitting on the couch.

“It didn’t exactly help,” announced Danielle.

“You sure, Danny?” asked Jill.

“Yes, and could you call me Danielle?”

“Uh oh,” replied Jill.

“I know,” replied Danielle, as she sat down next to them.

She then described what had happened.

“Sounds like it’s part of the spell; maybe it’s a trick, forcing you to have sex with other people,” stated Jill.

“I was thinking the same thing. I also have a feeling that this may be my female form from now on. Don’t ask me why, but I just know it,” replied Danielle.

“You could do worse,” stated Nate.

Danielle smiled. “Thanks.”

“So the million dollar question is what’s next?” asked Jill.

Danielle looked over at her two friends. “I’ve already involved you two too deeply.”

“Nonsense,” replied Nate. “Look, this is bizarre, but if you need to have sex to un-become a were-chick, then I’d rather you do it with me, and not some stranger.”

“I agree with Nate. If you need to have sex, then please have it with us,” stated Jill.

Danielle began to laugh. “You have no idea how funny and thoughtful that just sounded.”

“Do you have any preferences?” asked Jill.

“No, my sexual urges are starting to kick up, if it’s like the last time, then one or both of you will become aroused. Look, I know this is silly, flip a coin or something, and do it fast, or else we might end up a threesome, and I’m not ready for that,” replied Danielle. “I’ll go to my room.”

Danielle got up and walked into her room, took off the robe and climbed into bed. A few minutes later Jill joined her. No words were exchanged, as Jill began to kiss Danielle softly.

Outside of Danielle’s room, Nate slipped on his jacket and went outside for a walk.

Chapter 15

“So, she’s asleep?” asked Nate.

Jill was sitting across from him at the kitchen table, drinking a mug of coffee. “Yes, she’s out cold.”

“Do you think she’ll change back?”

“If not, then it’s your turn,” replied Jill with a wink.

“The things we do for our friends.”

“I know Danielle or Danny feels bad about this. We’re just feeling a small part of what she’s going through. I hope that Rowena’s friend can help us.”

“His change was almost instantaneous this time,” noted Nate, as he refilled his mug. He extended the pot to Jill, who held out her mug.

“She’s also becoming more feminine. Assuming it’s Danny in the morning, I’ll take another set of measurements,” she added.

“How do you feel about having sex with Danny?” asked Nate.

“I don’t have a problem with it. I look at it as saving my friend.”

“Sort of like donating a kidney?”

Jill laughed. “That’s one way of describing it. The thing is, once I was with Danny in bed, I could only imagine her as female. I guess it has something to do with the spell.”

Nate looked up at the clock on the stove. “It’s pretty late; you want to stay here tonight?”

Jill yawned. “Not such a bad idea.”

“You can take my bed; I’ll crash on the couch.”

“I’m not going to kick you out of your bed, I’ll take the couch,” countered Jill.

“Nope, seriously, it’s no big deal; I’ve slept on that couch many nights. Besides, I know where all the lumps are,” replied Nate.

Jill smiled. “Thanks.”

“Look, we don’t have to beat around the bush; we’re both worried about Danny. I also know both of us would do anything for him.”

Jill stood up and hugged Nate as tears began to run down her face.

Chapter 16

Danny joined Jill and Nate a little after nine. He was just wearing his bathrobe.

“Good morning, Danny,” Jill greeted him.

“Hey, Danny, you want some pancakes?” asked Nate.

“Sure,” replied Danny.

“What’s wrong?” asked Jill, holding back her concern.

“I guess it doesn’t matter, as you’ve both seen me naked,” replied Danny, as he opened up his robe. His nipples were larger and looked like those of a girl starting puberty. “I’ve also lost three more pounds.”

“I can see, your waist is thinner,” noted Jill.

“After breakfast, we’d better take some more readings. At least we’ll have a record of what’s happening to me for Rowena’s friend.”

Nate took the cue and began to produce a small mountain of pancakes.

“Besides the changes, how do you feel inside?” asked Jill, as she and Danny set the table.

“Okay, I guess. I mean I’m scared about how easy I shifted last night, both mentally and physically, but for some strange reason, I’m not freaked out. I mean I have every right to be, don’t I?”

“It probably is a side effect of the spell. If I was you, I’d be going crazy,” stated Nate.

“You’re probably right,” replied Danny. He walked over to the fridge and took out the container of orange juice.

“Okay, the first pancakes are ready, pass me the plates,” stated Nate.

Jill got up to help. “How did you learn to cook? I mean, your mom is a great cook.”

“Mom also worked when I was in high school. I often came home from baseball practice hungry and got tired eating sandwiches.”

“Do you miss it – I mean, playing baseball?” asked Danny.

“Yes, but getting injured was the best thing that happened to me. I was good, but not that good. You couldn’t have told me that when I was playing, as I had visions of playing in the majors one day. When I was told my competitive playing days were over, I threw myself into my studies.”

“So you transferred your competitiveness in sports to your studies?” asked Danny, as they sat down to eat.

“Yes, that’s about right.”

The pancakes were very good, and Danny had three helpings.

As they cleaned up, Danny turned to his friends. “I’m really scared. I mean, I know that part of the spell is making me accept what’s happening, but how will I present myself? What will my family think? What about school?”

“Danny, we’ll get you through all this. No sense in worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet. Give Rowena and her friend a chance,” stated Jill. “Do you mind if I take your measurements and photos?”

“No, I suppose it’s something we need to do.”

Danny was now a half inch shorter. His waist was now two inches smaller too. Overall, he was getting smaller all over. The only good thing was that the changes were gradual and most people wouldn’t notice.

“I don’t think you’ll have any problems this week. Your nipples are a little big, but as long as you don’t wear a tight t-shirt you’ll be okay,” noted Jill.

“What will I do when they get bigger?”

“Wear a sweatshirt.”

“Well, at least I won’t have to change my wardrobe much, although my jeans are way too baggy now.

“I’d tell you to buy some new ones….”

“But then they might not fit after I change some more,” interrupted Danny.

“Exactly,” replied Jill.

Danny sat down on his bed. Jill sat next to him.

“Look, we’re friends, regardless of what happens. If you do become a girl, I’ll help you. I know I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but I know how to do it. I’ll teach you how to be a girl.”

“Thanks, and thanks for last night.”

Chapter 17

Monday at six Jill, Nate, and Danny were sitting around the apartment waiting for Rowena and her friend to arrive. Rowena had called and said that they would be there shortly.

At 6:10, there was a knock on the door. Jill answered the door and greeted Rowena and her friend.

“Danny, this is Dr. Taylor,” stated Jill, as she introduced her friend.

Dr. Taylor was an attractive woman with short auburn hair. She was dressed in a gray skirt, red sweater, and black boots.

“Please, call me Amelia,” she stated as she shook Danny’s hand.

Danny introduced the others to Amelia and Rowena. He immediately noticed that Nate couldn’t keep his eyes off Rowena.

“Rowena told me all about your case. I understand that there was another transformation this weekend,” stated Amelia.

“Yes. It happened almost instantaneously,” replied Danny.

“Interesting. That certainly narrows down the spells you’re under,” she replied. “Tell me everything else.”

Over the next hour, Danny described what had happened. She also asked Nate and Jill for their input. She was very pleased to see the notes and photos taken by Jill.

“You’ll make a good doctor, Jill, these are excellent notes,” stated Amelia.

“Thank you. I haven’t decided if I want to treat people or animals,” replied Jill.

“Animals can be very rewarding to heal,” replied Amelia, as she read the notebook. “I’ll need to examine you now, Danny. We can use your bedroom if you like.”

Danny stood up. “It’s this way.”

“Jill, Nate, I’ll need to examine both of you too. You’ve had sexual contact with Danny, and there may be a residual of the spell on you, it’ll help me determine the spell.”

“Whatever it takes,” stated Nate.

Amelia smiled and followed Danny into his room.

“You have some wonderful friends, Danny.”

“I know. I’m very lucky. So what do you want me to do?”

Amelia had Danny strip and lie on the bed. She used a clear crystal to scan his body. Next she lit a candle and turned off the lights. She slowly examined his body by the light of the candle. The exam took almost an hour.

“Okay, you can get dressed,” stated Amelia. “I found what I was looking for.”

“Does that mean you can reverse this?” asked Danny hopefully, as he slipped on a pair of sweatpants.

Amelia shook her head. “Sorry, Danny, it’s not that easy. I do know the origin of the spell. It’s old English. There are five spells of this nature. Three cannot be reversed.”

“What about the other two?”

“They can only be reversed by the person who cast them. If I try a reversal spell, and it’s the wrong one, it would only make matters worse,” replied Amelia.

“Oh,” replied Danny. He sat down on the bed and put on a t-shirt.

“Hey, hey, don’t give up. I can do things to help you.”

“Like what?” he asked.

“Besides becoming female, what are you two biggest worries?” she asked as she sat down next to Danny.

“My identity for one, oh, and being so over-sexed,” he quickly answered.

“I can help you with both. There are three options concerning your identity. One is that I can create a whole new life for you.”


Amelia smiled. “I expected that would be your answer. Second choice is that I can cast a spell that will change your history. Instead of being born Danny, you would have been born Danielle. No one, not even you would know that Danny had ever existed.”

“What’s the third choice?”

“Similar to the last one, except you would remember being Danny.”

“Just me?”

“No, I can exempt anyone you wish. From what I’ve seen and heard, I suspect that you’ll want Jill and Nate to remember.”

“Only if they want to,” he replied.

“Okay, I can do that.”

“What about my sexual nature?”

“I can cast a spell to tone it down. You’ll always be slightly over-sexed, but you’ll be able to control it.”

“I guess that will be an improvement. Now one more question,” he asked.

“Just one more?” she replied with a smile.

“Okay, one more right now. Will I be a complete woman, I mean will I be able to get pregnant?”

“That’s a distinct possibility. In most spells like this, the victim is fully transformed.”

“Oh,” replied Danny.

“You’ll survive,” stated Amelia. “I can tell you’re strong.”

Danny nodded. “I’ll send the others in here.”

An hour later everyone was sitting in the living room drinking a wine that Rowena had brought along.

“How could someone do this to me?” asked Danny.

“You’re positive that you haven’t angered anyone lately?” asked Rowena.

“I’ve told you everything I can remember.”

“This sort of spell often requires a piece of the victim’s clothing, usually recently worn. It works best when there is some fluid from the victim on it, such as blood or sweat. Have you noticed anything missing recently?” asked Amelia. “Do you change clothes somewhere else? Where do you do your laundry? Think carefully, Danny, this item would have disappeared a week or so before your first transformation.”

“No, I can’t think of anything missing lately. I’ve lived here with Nate for the past few years. I don’t use the locker room at the gym, and we have a washer and dryer here in the building,” replied Danny.

“Wait a minute, didn’t you did lose one of my t-shirts, the gray one from my baseball days?” piped in Nate.

“I threw it in your hamper after I used it,” replied Danny.

“You remember him losing a stupid t-shirt?” asked Jill.

“It wasn’t just a t-shirt, it was my lucky t-shirt; I had a sixteen game hitting streak wearing that shirt,” replied Nate.

Jill rolled her eyes at how superstitious athletes were.

“Tell me about this t-shirt,” asked Amelia.

“It was just a gray shirt with Ohio State Baseball on the front. I wore it while I was working out. I tossed it in Nate’s hamper after I used it,” replied Danny.

“Nate, did this shirt have your name on it?” asked Amelia.

Nate nodded. “Yes. It was the type of shirt we wore under our uniforms. I loaned it to Danny, as he was out of t-shirts.”

“Interesting. This gives me something new to work with,” answered Amelia.

“What’s that?” asked Danny.

“The spell may not have been meant for Danny. It may have been meant for you, Nate.”

“Me?” asked Nate, pointing to his chest.

“Yes, I want to talk to you about your past lovers,” asked Amelia. “Have you ever dated someone who was into the occult?”

Nate sat there in silence. “Well, there was this girl, Chelsea; she was into that sort of thing.”

“Tell me more about Chelsea.”

Nate went on to describe Chelsea Utley. She was a Goth girl he had met in a club. They had dated a few times, and had sex a few times.

“She’s the one who broke it up. I called her a few times, and she never called me back. I went by her apartment, and her roommate said she’d moved out. That was last spring. I saw here again the first week of school. She acted like she barely knew me, so I moved on.”

“Do you have any photos of her?” asked Rowena. “Maybe she’s been in the shop.”

“I think I have one,” stated Nate. He got up and returned with a box of photos. “Here she is.”

The girl had a black pageboy cut with streaks of dark purple, heavy eyeliner and dark eye shadow. Her lips were dark red. Like most of Nate’s previous girlfriends, she had large breasts.

“Oh, I know her,” stated Rowena. “She came into my shop looking for a bunch of ingredients. There was nothing exotic on her list. Mostly herbs and plant extracts.”

“When?” asked Amelia.

“A month ago,” replied Rowena. “I can give you the complete list, but the most damage she could have done with those items would be to make some nasty herbal tea.”

“Are there any other stores around here, ones that might sell illegal items?” asked Amelia.

“I’ve heard rumors of one right on the West Virginia border, but I’ve never been able to confirm this,” replied Rowena.

“What do you mean by illegal?” asked Danny. “You mean like dope?”

Amelia and Rowena laughed.

“No, Danny, there are magical supplies that are controlled, just like conventional medicine. The spell that was cast on you needed some of these. They aren’t the type of things that you can just go out in find in a store.”

“Like eye of newt?” asked Danny.

“You’re not that far off,” replied Amelia. “These items are controlled. If someone sells them to the wrong person, they can face prosecution.”

“Prosecution? You mean there’s a magic court?”

“Yes,” replied Amelia. “Back when the dark ages were ending, rules were established regarding the ethical use of magic. It was done out of self-preservation. Non-magical people were going after us, and with the world becoming more science minded, we also changed to protect ourselves.”

“So you went underground?” asked Jill.

“That’s one way of putting it,” replied Amelia with a smile.

“You said that the spell is most likely old English, why?”

“They perfected the spells; they were actually created by Druids.”

“And they were used in revenge?” asked Jill.

“Yes, and in some cases political fighting. One was used on the King of England. King Edward VII was attacked this way by supporters of Mary Queen of Scots.”

“Wait a minute, there was no Edward VII until 1901,” argued Danny.

“There was; he became Elizabeth I. A spell was cast to cover the mess up, by my relatives. Queen Elizabeth at her request, retained knowledge of her past; to history, she has always been female, and Edward didn’t exist,” replied Amelia.

“Wow. That really explains a lot about Elizabeth,” replied Danny.

“It also explains why she never got pregnant,” added Jill.

“That’s amazing,” stated Nate. “And no one else ever suspected that she had once been Edward VII?”

“No, the spell that was used to change her history is very thorough. If Danny chooses the option Elizabeth used, then he’ll be the only non-magical person who will remember he existed.”

“I want to remember!” stated Jill, as she slipped her arm around Danny’s shoulders.

“Me too,” added Nate.

“Thank you,” replied Danny. “I was going to ask you both. Oh, Rowena, I’d like you to remember me too, assuming the spell cannot be reversed.”

“I’d be honored, Danny,” replied Rowena.

“Wait, the identity spell wouldn’t affect you would it?” asked Danny.

“No, it would. You see, I’m not magical. I act as a liaison. I know the spells, but lack the powers,” replied Rowena.

“Does that mean that Chelsea is magical?” asked Nate.

“Unlikely; if she was, we’d know about her. Sometimes non-magical people find a way to cast a spell. Some spells don’t require powers if the ingredients are strong enough,” answered Amelia. “Either way, if she did cast this spell, she’ll face prosecution.”

“So what happens now?” asked Jill.

“I’ll try to track down Chelsea. I’ll be able to tell if she’s been casting spells,” replied Amelia.

“How?” asked Danny.

“I have my ways,” replied Amelia with a wink.

“So what will happen to me?” asked Danny.

“Judging by what has happened, you won’t have another transformation until Saturday. I’ll try to come up with a spell that will counter the sexual attraction and your elevated sexual urges. Now, here’s the bad news, you’ll still need to have sexual gratification to change back, and you’ll also retain more of your female side,” explained Amelia. “Hopefully, I’ll contact Chelsea first. If she is the one responsible, we might be able to reverse it.”

“What sort of changes will happen next?” asked Danny.

“I can’t say exactly, but most likely your breasts will continue to grow, you’ll lose muscle mass, your body hair will change. However, you should be able to pass as male for at least a few more weeks,” replied Amelia.

“What do you mean about my body hair?”

“The hair on your arms, legs, chest, will be come lighter. How often do you shave?”

“Every other day,” replied Danny.

“You may notice a difference soon. Also the hair on your head will grow thicker and longer.”

“What about my mind? I mean, after the last couple of transformations, I saw myself as female, will this carry over too?”

“It might. Your emotions may become looser; also you may find yourself wanting to dress in women’s clothes.”

“One last thing: what’s the possibility of reversing this spell?”

“To be honest, slim. However, I’ve very confident about helping you with the sexual drive.”

“Thanks for being honest,” replied Danny. “My acceptance of what has happened; is that also part of the spell?”

“Yes, it’s part of the revenge factor. You begin to accept that you’re becoming female, and your resistance fails.”

“Lovely,” replied Danny.

“Well, it’s getting late. I’ll try to have the sexual drive charm ready for you this week, Monday at the very latest,” stated Amelia.

“Try to enjoy the buildup to the game,” added Rowena.

“Are you going to the game?” asked Jill.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” replied Rowena.

Before they left, Amelia gave Danny and the others her phone number. “Call me if there are any problems.”

Chapter 18

“My life has definitely become an episode of The Twilight Zone,” stated Danny.

“That may be, but it looks like you’ve found some allies,” noted Nate.

They were sitting on the couch watching TV.

“That’s true. I feel better knowing Amelia is trying to help,” stated Danny.

“I know this may seem inappropriate, but what do you think about Rowena?” asked Nate.

“Besides the fact that’s she’s ten years older than you?” asked Danny with a wink.

“Okay, other than the age difference, do you think she’d be interested in a guy like me?”

“You serious?” asked Danny.

Nate nodded.

“Well, she is into the bizarre and occult…” quipped Danny.

“I didn’t ask if she was interested in you,” retorted Nate with a playful punch to Danny’s arm.

“I don’t know, I suppose she could; what besides her large breasts attracts you to her?”

“I can’t put my finger on it, but she’s the one. I just have a feeling she’s the one for me.”

Danny laughed. “Well, I can’t argue with that sort of logic. Seriously, find out what she’s interested in, besides magic and football.”

“Good point,” replied Nate.

“Glad to have helped. I’d hate to think that my being a were-chick would go to waste!”

Chapter 19
Saturday November 23, 2002

The week of the Ohio State-Michigan game was always a huge event on campus. This year many Buckeye fans felt like kids waiting for Christmas morning. There were events all week, and by Saturday Columbus was ready to burst. If the Buckeyes won, they would be undefeated and heading to the Fiesta Bowl and the national championship game on January 3 rd 2003.

The game was an early start because of network television coverage, so Danny, Jill, and Nate headed over towards the stadium early.

It was a cold November morning and the sky was a light gray. Danny noted this and called it an omen, as gray was one of the school’s colors.

Jill made sure that they all had their cell phones, and they also agreed to a meeting place, should they get separated. They picked the statue of William Oxley Thompson in front of the main library.

Danny was wearing jeans, a gray t-shirt, with a gray Ohio State hooded sweatshirt. Over the sweatshirt he wore a scarlet colored Ohio State windbreaker. He also had on a scarlet colored ball cap with a gray O on it. He laughed to himself as he looked in the mirror, as he wondered how much of his wardrobe was made up of things with the school’s logo on it.

Jill and Nate were similarly attired. Jill was also wearing a necklace of buckeye nuts. They walked towards the stadium, stopping at several tailgate parties. While it was cool enough outside that they also needed gloves, this didn’t stop them from having some cold beers.

Danny noticed that Jill and Nate were being rather protective of him and keeping an eye on him at all times. He finally pulled them aside as they walked closer to the stadium.

“Look, I wish that Amelia had acquired the charm for me, but she didn’t. I’ll be okay, so please don’t spend your whole day worrying about me, okay?” he asked.

“Was it that obvious?” asked Nate.

“Yes,” replied Danny as he smiled.

“Call us if you get separated, okay? It’ll be crazy after the game, whether we win or lose,” added Jill.

Danny held up his index finger. “Not if, WHEN we win!”

“Excuse me, oh superstitious one, WHEN we win. Still, I’m afraid of what could happen to you, should you change while we’re in the stadium,” replied Jill.

“Look, I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t worried, but Amelia thinks that my final transformation won’t be for a few weeks. If I change, I’ll try to get a hold of you guys immediately.”

They arrived at the stadium early so they could see the band enter, which was one of many traditions associated with the team. The pre-game ceremonies included the team running out through a gauntlet of previous Ohio State players. They also had a ceremony introducing all the seniors on the team. By the time of the kickoff, the feeling in the stadium was electric.

Michigan’s band began to play their famous fight song, Hail to the Victors. Danny and Nate joined the chorus of Ohio State fans as they sang their version of lyrics. Jill shook her head in mock disgust.

The whole section was singing lustfully.

Hail to those motherfuckers,
Hail to the those big cocksuckers,
Hail! Hail to Michigan,
The cesspool of the world!!!
Hail to those masturbators,
Hail to those fornicators,
Hail! Hail to Michigan,
The cesspool of the world!!!

“Please don’t tell me that you’re going to sing that every time they play their song,” she shouted to Nate and Danny.

“Hey, I thought those were the real lyrics!” replied Nate with a wink.

Somehow it wouldn’t have seemed right if the Buckeyes had won big or easily. Michigan scored first with a 36-yard field goal in the first quarter. The Buckeyes took the lead with less than 3 minutes to go in the first quarter with a touchdown by freshman Maurice Clarett, an off-injured running back, who had shown signs of brilliance that season.

By half time, Michigan had the lead, thanks to two more field goals. Still the Ohio State defense was holding and not giving up the big score.

“Don’t worry, we have them just where we want them,” joked Danny. “We lulled Purdue and Illinois into a false sense of security by letting them have the lead.”

“Do you believe that?” asked Jill.

Danny laughed. “No. But I can’t believe that we’re going to have our hearts ripped out again.”

There was no scoring in the third quarter, and the tension rose as the clock ticked down to the start of the last quarter of the game.

The Buckeyes began to show life after a penalty on a punt gave them great field position near midfield. The Buckeyes moved down the field and finally retook the lead when running back Maurice Hall ran three yards into the end zone. The stadium exploded as the fans cheered.

There was still time on the clock; Michigan began to put a long drive together, and soon they were within scoring range. It soon came down to the last play of the game. Danny, Jill, and Nate watched as if the play was happening in slow motion. The Michigan quarterback, John Navarre, threw a pass towards one of his wide receivers, who was sprinting towards the end zone. For a moment it looked like the Buckeyes’ season would end in another frustrating loss. However, the pass was intercepted by the Buckeyes, and years of frustration ended with wild cheering and celebrating.

Danny, Jill, and Nate, were acting just as crazily as their fellow Buckeyes. They jumped up and down, hugging and cheering. They then began to move down towards the field to join the multitudes celebrating the victory.

When they reached the field, they easily slipped by the security and soon found themselves mingling with other fans and players. Danny kept looking up at the scoreboard in disbelief. All the years of disappointment were washed away. He then felt a strange wave of emotion sweep through his body. It took him a second to realize that he was once again female. Danielle was back!

She frantically looked around for Nate and Jill, but it was hopeless. She pulled out her cell phone and tried to call Jill. It was a useless act, as there was too much noise in the stadium.

Danielle figured she’d better get out of the stadium and back home as quickly as possible. But that was easier said than done. She slowly worked towards the south end of the stadium. She looked down and saw that she had fairly big breasts; for some reason she instantly knew that they were D-cup.

“Crap,” she muttered as she walked, feeling her breasts bounce as she walked. Her ball cap was knocked off and her long red hair flowed down around her face. She brushed her hair back with her hands, knowing her ball cap was long gone.

So far she hadn’t felt any sexual urges, but she knew that once they started she wouldn’t be able to fight them. She worked her way to the right, and was almost out of the stadium when she was picked up and hugged. The act caught her off guard, and it took her a second to figure out what had happened. One of the players had picked her up.

Instead of being angry, she hugged him back, wrapped her legs around him, and then on a whim leaned over and kissed him. At first it was just a peck on the cheek, but then she began to kiss him on the lips.

After a few seconds, the player let her down and smiled. “Couldn’t resist, besides you do have scarlet colored hair!” he shouted.

Danielle just smiled back. “It’s okay. I’m so happy that you guys won!”

“We’re going to Tempe! Are you going to the game?”

Danielle checked out his number. He was a defensive player. He was also huge, and he towered over Danielle.

“Maybe, right now I’m trying to get through the crowd without being run over.”

He then placed one of his muscular arms around her waist. “Come on, I’ll help you get through the crowd.”

He was able to push through pretty quickly. Danielle pressed close against his body.

They reached the tunnel leading into the locker room.

“Thanks again,” stated Danielle, she stood up on her toes and kissed him again.

“Hey, we’re going out tonight to celebrate, you want to join me?”

Without thinking or hesitation, Danielle nodded. “I’d love to.”

“Cool. I’ll meet you out here in an hour. What’s your name?”

“Danielle,” she replied.

The player looked at her with passion in his eyes. “I’ll be out soon.”

Her pulled her close and kissed her. Danielle offered no resistance and let him kiss her deeply. Her left hand rubbed up against his crotch.

“Damn, I’ll be out here in thirty minutes. Please wait!”

Danielle nodded and watched as he disappeared into the tunnel. All thoughts of leaving or calling Jill or Nate left her mind. She was only concerned with having sex with one of the victorious Buckeyes.

She walked over to the edge of the stands and sat down. The crowd was moving around her, but she didn’t care. She didn’t even notice Jill walking over towards her.

“Danielle?” asked Jill as she sat down next to her friend.

Danielle looked over with a strange far away look in her eyes. “Oh, hi Jill. I’m going to a party with one of the linebackers.”

“Like hell you are,” countered Jill, who grabbed her and pulled her to her feet.

“Come on, what’s the harm?” asked Danielle, as she tried to pull away.

Jill didn’t say a word and just escorted Danielle out of the stadium.

Once outside the stadium, Jill called Nate. “Yeah, I found her. We’re right outside the South Stands. Get here quick.”

“Jill, what’s the harm?” begged Danielle. She then told Jill the name of the player.

“He’s not even a starter; trust me, Danielle, you’ll thank me for this tomorrow,” stated Jill, as she dragged Danielle away from the stadium. The things I do for my best friend, she thought.

Her phone rang a minute later. It was Amelia.

“Nate just called me and told me what happened. According to Rowena, we’re only a few minutes away from you,” stated Amelia.

“Please hurry. Danielle wants to go off with one of the players,” replied Jill.

“I’ll be there shortly,” she answered.

Amelia and Rowena arrived at the same time as Nate. Danielle was still trying to pull away from Jill. Without a word, Amelia placed her hand on Danielle’s shoulder. Danielle turned around and was about to say something when her eyes began to roll back into her head.

“Quick, don’t let her fall,” stated Amelia.

Nate grabbed Danielle as she started to pass out. He scooped her up in his arms.

“Okay, now what?” asked Jill.

“Can you carry her back to your place?” asked Amelia.

“Sure, she barely weighs anything,” replied Nate.

“Wow, I just realized that she was shorter than me,” stated Jill.

As they walked back across campus, people pointed at Nate as he carried Danielle and smiled and laughed.

“I guess that they think she partied too much,” stated Jill. “Thankfully, that’s not that unusual here.”

“How long will she stay out?” asked Nate.

“Until we get back to your place. I want a chance to examine her in the female mode.”

Jill and Nate described what had happened. They had been walking through the crowd and suddenly Danny was gone.

“Well, I’m glad you found her when you did. I can’t imagine what would have happened to her if she had gone off with the players,” stated Rowena.

“Amelia, any luck in finding Chelsea?” asked Nate.

“Yes. In fact I’m going to pay her a visit tomorrow.”

“Why not now?” he asked.

“She’s out of town until tomorrow. A friend said that she went to see her family in Charleston, West Virginia.”

“From what I remember, her family lived in Cleveland,” remarked Nate.

Amelia glanced at Rowena. “Just like you thought, she went back to the store.”

“I just found out last night that there is a store in West Virginia selling illegal and controlled items,” explained Rowena.

“And what are you going to do about it?” asked Jill.

“It will be raided.”

“By who, the magic police?” asked Nate with a grin. He then saw the serious looks on Amelia and Rowena’s faces. “You mean that there are magic police?”

“Yes,” replied Amelia.

“This gets better all the time,” he stated. “Well, we’re almost home. So what will we do about Danielle? I suppose it’s my turn.”

“I might be able to bypass that tonight,” interrupted Amelia. “Give me time to examine her.

“This sure has been a memorable day,” stated Nate.

“She’s very lucky to have such good friends,” commented Amelia.

Chapter 20

Jill, Rowena, and Nate watched the game highlights as Amelia examined Danielle.

Danielle was totally naked and lying on her bed as Amelia ran a variety of crystals over her. She then ran her hand gently over Danielle’s face, brushing her hair away from her face. Danielle began to slowly wake up. She suddenly sat up in a start.

“It’s okay, Danielle, you’re home,” stated Amelia in a comforting manner.

“Oh my god, I was about to go be a party girl for the football team. Please tell me that I didn’t do that!”

Amelia sat down next to her. “Everything is fine, dear. Jill found you and stopped you from doing anything stupid.”

“Jill? When? I don’t remember a thing.”

Amelia explained what had happened.

“So, if I didn’t have sex with anyone, why don’t I feel horny?”

“I used a spell on you, it’s keeping your sexual urges in check. Tonight when you go to bed, I’ll give you another enchantment. It should return you to male, without the need for sex. It will cause the same chemical changes that occur through sexual gratification.”

“So that’s it? All I have to do is take something? That’s great!”

“Sorry, dear, it’ll only work once,” replied Amelia.

Danielle lowered her head. “This sucks. This should be one of the happiest times in my life, and I’m dealing with this sort of shit. It’s not fair.”

Amelia heard Danielle’s voice start to crack and she put her arm around the young woman.

Danielle looked up; tears were rolling down her face. “Why am I crying now? I mean, I’ve been dealing with this for several weeks now, and this is the first time I’ve cried.”

“You’re not blinded by lust at the moment. You’re now free to experience all your feelings.”

Danielle wiped a tear away. “So this is normal?”

Amelia smiled. “Yes, dear.”

“And so it’s okay for me to cry now?”

“Of course,” replied Amelia.

Danielle stared back, then leaned over and hugged Amelia as she cried. Amelia gently stroked the back of Danielle’s head. Amelia held Danielle tight as she vented her pent up emotions. This was very healthy, and Amelia was pleased to see Danielle was able to let out her feelings. It was a sign that she wasn’t totally affected by the spell.

After a while Danielle stopped crying.

“You feel better?” asked Amelia.

“Actually, I do, thank you. I have a few questions, if you don’t mind.” She began to wipe away her tears.

“Just a few?”

Danielle smiled. “Okay, a ton of questions, but first things first – why did I change at the game?

“From what I saw with Rowena, most of you Buckheads….”

“That’s Buckeyes,” interrupted Danielle.

“I stand corrected. Most of you Buckeyes were on the verge of hysteria after winning. Your change was due to your elevated emotional state.”

“Oh, so why do I have memory loss? I remember everything else and all my other transformations.”

“I think you were overwhelmed by being around so many other people, all on an emotional high. In a sense, you had a short circuit. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It would be very difficult to reproduce the sort of energy that was in the stadium again.”

“So, my future changes will all be due to sexual desires?”

Amelia nodded. “Why don’t you get cleaned up and dressed and come out and join the others.”

“Okay. I guess I owe everyone thanks.”

Chapter 21

“So you actually carried me back from the stadium?” asked Danielle.

She was sitting cross-legged on the couch, wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.

“It wasn’t that bad. You barely weigh 120 pounds,” replied Nate. “Besides, you would have done it for me, if the roles were reversed.”

“And thank you, Jill. Amelia told me what you did,” stated Danielle.

“You really don’t remember it?”

Danielle shook her head. “Nope. So who was it?”

Jill laughed. “I’ll tell you later.”

“Well, I think I’d better get to bed. It’s been an eventful day,” stated Danielle.

Amelia stood up and headed to the kitchen. “Give me a few minutes to prepare your drink.”

“What happens if it doesn’t work?” asked Danielle.

“It’ll work, don’t worry.”

“And tomorrow we confront Chelsea?” asked Danielle.

“Let me talk to her first. I’ll be able to tell immediately if she’s been casting spells.”


A short time later Danielle was fast asleep in her bed; the spell also was a powerful sleeping potion.

“She’ll probably sleep in late, which will be good for her,” noted Amelia.

“How can we ever repay you for this?” asked Jill.

“Don’t worry about that. Just keep your love for Danny/Danielle. She’s strong, but she can’t get through this by herself,” answered Amelia. “Now, tomorrow, it’s very important that you all keep your emotions in check when we talk to Chelsea. Don’t say or do anything you may regret later. If Chelsea cast the spell, then let the authorities handle it. You understand, Nate? I can sense your anger.”

“Sure, don’t worry, I may want to wring her neck, but I won’t,” stated Nate.

“Nicely put,” kidded Jill. “We’ll do our best, Amelia.”

“Good. Now call me in the morning and let me know how Danielle is doing.”

Chapter 22

Danny woke up the next morning, he rolled over and glanced at his alarm clock; it was nearly noon. He sat up and stretched, noticing immediately that he was Danny again, more or less. The changes were continuing.

He got out of bed and stripped. He stood in front of the mirror on the wall. His hair was not only longer, but looked different; it was darker, almost reddish in color. Glancing down, he saw that his pubic hair was the same color. Great, he thought, I’m turning into a redhead.

His chest was slightly larger. His breasts were not overly noticeable, but it was obvious to him that he was growing breasts. His nipples definitely confirmed this, as they were larger, and darker in color.

He stood on his scale and saw that he was down to 155. He dressed and noticed that he was slightly shorter, judging by how his jeans fit. He looked at himself in the mirror and could see all the differences; still he should be able to get by without too many problems. He walked out of his room and found Nate sitting on the couch reading the paper. Jill was in the chair next to the couch reading one of her textbooks.

“Good morning,” stated Danny as he walked into the living room. “I think it’s still morning.”

“Barely. So how are you doing?” asked Jill.

“I feel rested,” replied Danny.

“Anything else?” asked Nate, looking over his shoulder.

“The changes are continuing,” replied Danny, pointing to his hair. “You can get your readings if you want, Jill.”

“Amelia and Rowena will be over around two. We’ll get them together,” stated Jill. “I’m sorry.”

Danny shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sort of getting used to it.”

Nate flashed a look at Jill, who shook her head.

“What?” asked Danny. “Look, I may becoming a girl, but I’m not blind.”

“Go on, show him,” stated Jill.

Nate held up a copy of the Columbus Dispatch. On the third page of the game coverage there was a photo of Danielle kissing the linebacker. The good thing was that you could barely make out her face.

“Oh my god!” exclaimed Danny. “Is that really me?”

Nate handed him the paper. “Look at the clothes.”

Danny stared at his image in the paper for several minutes. “This is just great.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it, you’ve looked different every time you’ve changed,” stated Jill.

Danny just shook his head.

“Oh, I do have some good news. Thanks to cashing in several years of favors, I’ve scored tickets for the Fiesta Bowl,” bragged Nate. “So, we’re going to Tempe!”

“How?” asked Danny, looking up from the paper.

“Through some friends in the Athletic Department, they’ve promised me three tickets.”

“You believe them?”

Nate nodded. “They owe me big time, and let’s just say they want to pay up.”

“Okay, so that means no more questions,” replied Danny.

Nate nodded. “You got it, so all we need to do is figure out how we get out there. Do you want to fly or drive?”

“Depends on who I am,” replied Danny. “Unless Amelia comes up with something soon, I’ll be needing some new ID.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s right. What about that spell she told us about?”

“That’s true. It’s so strange to think about,” replied Danny. “Hey, I’m starving; anyone else feel like eating?”

Nate grilled up some burgers and they watched professional football as they ate and waited for Amelia to arrive. Danny had three burgers and still felt hungry, he decided to mention this to her.

Chapter 23

“I don’t know if this will make you feel any better, but you’re progressing normally in your transformation,” stated Amelia, as she finished up her examination of Danny.

“It doesn’t,” replied Danny, as he got dressed. His clothing seemed to hang on him. “I was going home for Thanksgiving this week, but there’s no way I can go home. Mom will know something is wrong, and I don’t want them to worry. Will I be a girl by Christmas?”

“Most likely; that is unless we can reverse this,” replied Amelia.

“If you can reverse this, will everything return to normal? I haven’t told Nate and Jill this, but I’m different inside now. I’m trying hard to act like I used to, but inside I’m different, does that make sense, or am I just rambling?”

“You sound like a good friend of mine. She underwent a similar experience – which reminds me, I ought to check in with her sister; she runs an art gallery just down the road. Yes, you’re changing inside. You still have the same essence. Before you say it, no, you won’t become a totally different person. I can sense that you’re a good person and that part of you will remain.”

“Thanks,” replied Danny. “So what about my appetite? I mean, I’m always hungry and yet I continue to lose weight.”

“Your metabolism is being accelerated by the transformations; it will return to normal.”

“You mean after I’m totally female?”

“That, or male.”

Danny stared back at here. “Do you think that’s possible?”

“Depends on the spell.”

“Fair enough. Now, one more thing, what will I look like? I’ve had several different forms, and I would like to have one that I feel comfortable in.”

“I suspect that you’ll look something like the way you looked when you controlled your change.”

“I hope so, I don’t need some love-struck linebacker searching for me.”

“Or to be a campus celebrity?”

“Oh no, you saw that photo too?”

“Danny, it’s a cute photo, you should keep it.”

“Maybe. So what about Chelsea?”

“You ready?

Danny nodded vigorously.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Chapter 24

“I wouldn’t suspect that Chelsea would live way out here; it’s a long haul to campus every day,” stated Jill.

All five of them were in Rowena’s Volvo as they headed north of Columbus. Chelsea’s address was a small house north of Dublin. It was located on an old farm, and once had been the caretaker’s house.

“Let me go up first. I’ll be able to sense if she’s been using magic as soon as I meet her,” instructed Amelia.

“Do you think she’ll try something?” asked Danny.

“I doubt she’s that accomplished. The type of spell she used on you is like cooking. It takes time and strict following of instructions. Still, I won’t take her lightly.”

They parked on the gravel driveway that circled in front of the house. There was a beat-up black Chevy parked near the house. Smoke was coming out of the chimney.

“That’s her car,” noted Nate.

“Okay, you all stay here until I call you up. Is that clear?” stated Amelia.

Danny, Jill, and Nate all stated that they understood.

Amelia got out of the car and walked up to the house. It was a gray overcast day and the dead leaves crackled under her boots.

She knocked on the door. There was no answer, although she could hear someone moving around, so she knocked again. “Please come to the door, Chelsea.”

The door cracked open, and a young woman peered out. She had black hair with streaks of magenta. Her skin was overly pale, as if she rarely went out in the sun.

“Are you Chelsea?”

“Who wants to know?” she responded.

Amelia immediately sensed the residual trace of magic that emanated from Chelsea. While she didn’t know if Chelsea was responsible for Danny’s predicament, it was obvious that Chelsea was playing with powers.

“My name is Amelia, and we need to talk. Do you know Nate Cooper?”

Chelsea smiled a wicked, almost malevolent grin. “How’s SHE doing?”

So much for questioning her, thought Amelia. “Chelsea, we have a big problem. I suggest that you let me and my friends in to talk.”

Chelsea looked out and saw the others in the car. “Okay, I’m curious to see how she’s doing.”

Amelia waved to the others and followed Chelsea inside. The main room was warmed by a fire. Inside, there were several pieces of old, but serviceable furniture. There were several bookshelves, filled with a variety of books related to magic and witchcraft. Amelia scanned some of the titles. Most were mass-market publications that had as much magic in them as a magic eight ball. Still, there were a few serious titles. On a table next to the bookshelves was a collection of jars and bottles. Amelia would have liked to examine the contents of them.

Chelsea stood by the fire and watched as the others came in. She stared at Nate, and a confused look came over her face. She barely glanced over Jill and Danny. Seeing Rowena seemed to worry her.

“What’s going on here!” she demanded. “He hasn’t changed one bit!”

“Did you try to cast a spell on Nate?” asked Amelia.

“Not try, I did! I did everything right, I followed the spell perfectly. It worked before, and it should have worked again!” snapped back Chelsea.

Danny gasped. She had done this to others.

“Why?” asked Amelia.

“Men have ruined my life. They say they love you, they take you to bed and then abandon you!” replied Chelsea. “Well, I found my revenge. I just don’t understand what went wrong with you!” She stared at Nate with pure hatred.

“You just missed the target,” snapped Danny.

Chelsea turned to Danny. “Oh, I remember you, you’re Nate’s roommate. Why are you here?”

“Your spell missed the mark.”

Chelsea stared at Danny. “How could that happen?”

“Did you steal a t-shirt from our apartment?” asked Danny.

“Yes, I sat outside your place until I saw Nate’s truck pull up. I didn’t see him go up the stairs, but I saw the lights come on. I went up and, finding the door unlocked, went in. Nate was in the shower, and I grabbed his shirt from the hamper. I cast the spell that night,” replied Chelsea.

“I was the one who wore the shirt,” snapped back Danny.

Chelsea then began to run her eyes over Danny. She then began to laugh. “And has Nate fucked you yet? I bet you have big tits when you’re with him; he loves big tits!”

Danny started towards her, but was stopped when Jill put her hand on his shoulder. “Patience.”

“Chelsea, you may have been able to cast a spell, but I have real powers. Now, I want to see the spell you used, or else…” stated Amelia. She then snapped her fingers and a candle on the table lit in a blue flame. “That’s just to let you know that I’m not kidding.”

Chelsea stared at the candle.

“Or would you like a red flame?” asked Amelia, as the flame changed to bright red.

The only sound was from the crackling logs.

“Okay, I’ll show you the spell,” stated Chelsea. She walked over to the bookshelf and, from behind several books, pulled out an old leather-clad volume. She handed it to Amelia.

“The page with the spell is marked,” stated Chelsea. “Does the fact that I hurt your friend bother you, Nate?”

“Of course it does. What did I do to you? You’re the one who just took off. I tried to find you, but gave up.”

Amelia and Rowena looked at the spell. “We’re in luck, the spell can be reversed,” stated Amelia.

“How?” asked Danny.

“We need the charm bag, Chelsea; where is it?” demanded Amelia.

“What’s a charm bag?” asked Jill.

“It contains part of the item used to transform the victim of the spell. Using it, I can reverse the spell,” explained Amelia.

“I have it right here, along with the ones for the others,” stated Chelsea. She opened a carved wooden box and took out several small leather bags. The bags hung from straps, and she held them out, letting the bags dangle as she walked towards Amelia. She was about to hand them to Amelia, when she tossed them into the fire.

“NO!” screamed Danny and he lunged towards the fireplace, Jill and Nate had to restrain him from reaching into the flames. “Why did you do that?”

The bags burst into flames.

“To hurt Nate, of course. You mean nothing to me, but if knowing that you can’t be changed back will wound Nate, then so much the better,” replied Chelsea with a sneer.

Danny glared back at Chelsea. “I ought to kill you. You’re an evil hateful bitch!”

“And you’ll soon be a sex-addicted slut,” retorted Chelsea.

“Enough!” exclaimed Amelia. “Rowena, get them out of here. I need to talk to Chelsea alone.”

Rowena and the others left.

“I want to know the names and locations of the others you did this to,” ordered Amelia.

“Why, what are you going to do to me?”

Amelia stared back. “Nothing. Others will apply your punishment. I will warn you not to try anymore spells. Do not take my words lightly.”

Chelsea didn’t say a word.

“Child, you’ve hurt enough people. Now write down the names of those you’ve hurt. I also want any other texts you might have.”

Chelsea sensed that Amelia wasn’t kidding and did as ordered. While she wrote, Amelia inspected the contents in the bottles. She took several and placed them in a bag she found next to the table. She then picked up several other bottles and threw them into fire.

Chelsea handed Amelia several books and a list of three names.

“Stay here. If you try to run, it will only make things worse. Besides, you won’t get very far. The authorities will be here soon.”

Chelsea smiled. “You’re calling the police? They’ll think you’re crazy.”

Amelia shook her head. “I’m calling the magical authorities. You’re facing some serious charges.”

Chelsea stared back, unsure if Amelia was telling the truth.

Amelia walked out with the bag. The others were already in the car. Danny was staring out the window, a look of hopelessness on his face.

“You’re leaving her here?” asked Jill. “After what she’s done?”

“Rowena, please pass out the charms,” stated Amelia, ignoring Jill’s protest.

Rowena gave Jill, Danny, and Nate each a greenish crystal on a silver chain.

“Wear these until I tell you otherwise,” stated Amelia. “They will protect you from any harm.”

Rowena began to drive away.

“But what about her? You can’t let her go!” stated Nate.

“She’s not going anywhere. I’ve cast a proximity spell around her home. She won’t be able to leave an area of maybe three hundred yards from the house. The authorities will be here within the hour to arrest her.”

“Then why do we need these?” asked Danny, holding the charm in his fingers.

“I suspect that she might try one last thing. It’ll be a huge mistake if she does. Danny, I can’t just strike her down; we have laws and rules. However, there is nothing against the law in letting someone punish herself,” stated Amelia. “Chelsea has committed some awful crimes, and she will pay for them.”

“So what happens to me?” asked Danny.

“The spell will be complete in two more cycles. The good news is that both the identity spell and sexual control spell will work, after you’ve been totally transformed. I know this isn’t the news you were looking for, but it’s the best I could do. I had no idea that Chelsea would be so hateful. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

“I don’t blame you, Amelia. I mean, if it wasn’t for you I would be crazy by now,” replied Danny. “So, it looks like I’m going to be Danielle soon.”

“We’ll be with you all the way,” piped in Jill.

“That’s right. Besides, I’ll get to take two good looking women to the Fiesta Bowl,” added Nate, with a wink. “Seriously, I’m here for you.”

Danny wiped back a tear. He felt his emotions starting to free up. “Crap, I’m crying.”

Jill threw her arm around Danny and pulled him close. “Let it out, it’s okay.”

Danny felt his lips tremble. He tried to laugh, but it turned into tears and he began to sob.

Chapter 25

Back at the apartment, Nate and Rowena went to work in the kitchen. They were making a stew out of the leftovers in the fridge. While there was a ten year difference between them, there was a definite chemistry building between them, much to Nate’s delight.

Jill, Danny, and Amelia sat on the couch, watching the news.

Danny got up to get another soda, when he felt something shoot through him. It felt something like a shock that one gets from static electricity.

“That was weird!” exclaimed Jill.

They had all felt it.

“What was that?” asked Danny.

Rowena pulled out her charm. It was now a bright red.

“What does that mean?” asked Danny, as he pulled out his charm. It was also red.

“Seems Chelsea didn’t keep her word,” stated Amelia. “We don’t need to worry about her anymore.”

“What does that mean?” asked Jill. She was staring at the charm, as it faded back to green.

“The charms don’t just protect the wearer from spells. They reverse the spell and send it back to the person who cast it,” explained Amelia.

“So whatever Chelsea planned for us, happened to her?” asked Jill.

Amelia nodded. “Times four. I told you she wasn’t going to walk away.”

“Nice one,” stated Danny with a grin. “So what happened to her?”

“The authorities will let us know; they should be there soon.”

Thirty minutes later, Amelia’s cell phone rang. She talked for several minutes before hanging up.

“Well?” asked Danny.

“Chelsea’s in custody. The spell she cast was another transformation spell, and when the authorities arrived they found a very large and angry house cat. Chelsea will remain in that form until her arraignment hearing. The judge will then decide if she will be allowed human form again,” explained Amelia.

“Chelsea’s a cat?” asked Jill.

“Apparently a rather vicious one, she clawed one of the agents pretty badly.”

“Drop her in the dog pound,” remarked Nate.

“What will happen to the others?” asked Danny, chuckling at Nate’s suggestion.

“I’ve send their names in, and we’ll do the best we can to help them adapt. They should be contacted in the next few days.”

Dinner was rather good. Rowena said that her grandfather had been a hobo in his youth and had taught her how to make a mean Mulligan Stew.

“He said that with a little meat, potatoes, and vegetables you can always make something good, no matter the exact ingredients,” stated Rowena.

Danny ate but seemed off in another world.

“What’s wrong?” asked Jill.

“I can’t go home for Thanksgiving. I mean, look at me; Mom will think I have cancer or something,” bemoaned Danny.

“Then why don’t we have dinner here?” suggested Nate. “Rowena, Amelia, you’re welcome to join us.”

“That’s a wonderful idea,” added Rowena, glancing over at Nate.

Nate caught the look and smiled back.

“You don’t have to do this for me,” interjected Danny.

“True, but we’re doing it anyway,” stated Jill.

The rest of dinner was spent discussing the menu. Amelia and Rowena left, although Amelia promised to be close should Danny need her.

Later that evening, Danny called home and told his parents about his plans. They were understanding, if not exactly pleased.

“Look, I know you were planning on me showing up, but I’ve got a lot of school work due, besides I’ll be home for Christmas,” explained Danny.

After he finished the call, he told Jill and Nate. “They’re okay with it.”

“My parents are the same way,” added Jill.

“Same here,” stated Nate.

“Thanks,” replied Danny, as he flopped down on the couch.

“You okay?” asked Jill, as she slipped next to him.

“I guess. Knowing my fate does make it a little easier to deal with. To be honest, I wish I could just get it over with. I don’t want to deal with two more weekends of insanity,” stated Danny. “By the way, what do you want to do about our living arrangements, Nate?”

“Nothing. I still want you for a roommate.”

“You can think about it,” replied Danny.

“I have. Look, I carried you across campus and just saw you as a friend. I’ve sorta looked at you as a brother; I guess we can change that to sister. Besides, I have my eye on someone else right now.”

“Rowena?” asked Jill.

“Is it that obvious?” asked Nate.

“Yes, and I think she likes you too,” answered Jill.


Danny laughed. He then looked over at Jill. “And how do you see me now?”

“In a new light.”

Chapter 26

With no game to look forward to, and the excitement of the previous week passing, Danny trudged to his classes. He also began to rethink his future. Suddenly, becoming a lawyer didn’t seem so important. He really enjoyed history and wondered if he should apply to graduate school instead of law school.

It was cold, and he dressed for warmth as he headed across campus to meet Jill for lunch. He was wearing a knit cap to keep his head warm, with his now longer locks hanging out the back. His backpack was slung over his shoulder as he approached High Street. The collar of his jacket was up in a vain attempt to keep out the wind.

He found Jill outside of a pizza place and they walked inside.

When they walked up to give their orders, the salesperson smiled and looked at them. “What’ll it be girls?”

Before Danny could say anything, Jill placed an order for both of them. The guy smiled, gave them their cups, and told them their order would be up in a few minutes.

“Do I really look that much like a girl?” he whispered.

“With that hat pulled down low, yes, you do,” replied Jill.

“Damn, that’s why I was getting looks in the student union this morning!”

Jill laughed. “By the way, have you seen the Lantern this morning?”

The Lantern was the college’s student-run, free newspaper.

“No, why?” asked Danny, almost afraid to ask.

Jill pulled out a copy from her backpack. Danielle’s photo was on the front page.

“Crap!” he muttered.

“I wouldn’t worry about it, but you are now famous on campus.”

“I think I’ll pass on fame.”

Their number was called and Jill retrieved their order. “I think you look cute as a redhead,” she remarked as she sat down.

“Really?” asked Danny.

Jill nodded as she bit into her slice of pizza.

Over lunch, Danny brought up the idea of looking into grad school, as a history major, instead of going into law.

“I like that idea, it suits you better; you’re too nice to be a lawyer,” replied Jill.

“I wonder if Chelsea will have a lawyer.”

“According to Amelia, she will. The courts are run very similarly to our legal system.”

Danny sipped his soda. “How do you feel about knowing that there’s a magical world out there?”

“It’s a little strange getting used to the idea. But I like the idea that they have rules and laws.”

“I wonder what they’ll do to Chelsea.”

“I talked to Amelia about that, she won’t receive as harsh a penalty due to the fact she’s a human. If she had natural powers, then the penalty would be much harsher. Amelia thinks she’ll get ten to twenty in her feline form, and then probation, assuming she’s willing to be rehabilitated.”

“Just think, you may be her vet someday,” quipped Danny.

“She’d better hope not!” replied Jill. “So what do you want to do about Saturday? You want to hang out at my place?”

“Really?” asked Danny.

“Sure. Look, someone has to be with you, and besides Nate is angling for Rowena.”

Danny laughed. “That’s the best way you can put it?”

Jill playfully punched him in the arm. “Okay, I like you.”

“Does that mean you’d want this to carry over, after next Saturday?”

“Sure, why not?”

“How open do you want it to be; I mean, our seeing each other?” asked Danny.

“I think I’m ready to leave the closet. I mean, a lot of people think I’m a lesbian as it is. What about you?”

“I’d rather be with a woman.”

“Afraid of getting pregnant?”

Danny stared back with a blank look on his face, and Jill laughed.

“My god, Danny, you mean it hasn’t even entered your mind?”

“No. I mean, it wasn’t an issue when I knew I’d be changing back, but now, oh crap….”

Jill leaned over and kissed Danny. “Oh, it’s going to be so much fun teaching you how to be a girl.”

Chapter 27

Thanksgiving was a great affair. Rowena and Nate decided that they would barbecue the turkey. This required one of them to keep running up and down the stairs to check on the turkey. Danny volunteered to do it, as all it involved was basting it regularly.

“We’ve located all three of Chelsea’s other victims,” announced Amelia, as she helped Danny check on the turkey.

They all had been ex-boyfriends. She had changed them over a three month period leading up Danny’s changes.

All three were physically female and struggling to survive. None had proper identification, and all were working dead-end jobs.

“We gave them the same options I’ve offered you, Danny. All three chose to take the total identity change,” explained Amelia.

“You mean they’ll have no memories of their lives as men?” he asked.

“Yes. They want to forget the last few months of their lives completely.”

“Were they told why this was done to them?”

“Yes. They were naturally furious at Chelsea.”

“Why did she do this?

“From what we’ve be able to determine, the guys did nothing wrong. Chelsea just blamed them for everything that wasn’t going right in her life,” replied Amelia.

“Is she mentally ill?”

“She just might be. If she is, she’ll be helped, but she’ll still have to pay for her crimes.”

“Even if she’s sick?”

“Danny, one of the reasons for the establishment of our laws was to protect all of us who have powers. Granted the Salem witch trials were a long time ago, but it shows what can happen when people are confronted with something they don’t understand. Those of us with powers must use them carefully. We’ve taken great steps to protect ourselves.”

“I thought that during the witch trials there were just innocent people killed. I didn’t think any of them were actually into witchcraft”

“That’s true, although there were people with powers in Salem. They tried to help the accused, while protecting themselves. Often it’s the innocent who are punished.”

“I’d love to read some of your history sometime.”

“That might be arranged someday. Now, what’s this I hear about you not wanting to be a lawyer anymore?” asked Amelia.

“I’ve been doing some thinking, and l like the idea of teaching history, maybe doing some writing; who knows, maybe ending up here.”

“I think it’ll suit you fine,” replied Amelia.

“What will the last change be like? I keep sensing it will be different,” asked Danny.

“It is; from what I’ve read, it’ll be more painful.”

“Is that part of the punishment?”

Amelia smiled and nodded slightly. “I also want to warn you that next week may be very difficult for you. Your male and female sides will be in conflict. You also may have difficultly passing as a male.”

“Already happening.” He then told Amelia what had happened on campus. It had happened two other times after that. “I guess I’m getting by mentally because I know that in a few weeks only a few people will know this happened.”

“Danny, you don’t have to play stoic with me. You’re not the first person I’ve known to undergo a forced gender change.”

Danny began to laugh. “You make it sound like an everyday occurrence!”

“Okay, I’ll admit that I have a unique perspective on this topic, but I just want you to know that others have undergone a similar experience and have not only survived, but have excelled.”

“Thanks for the pep talk, coach,” replied Danny. He then looked up into the sky. “I wish that my life was normal. I was doing pretty well before this all happened. Amelia, I have nothing against women, but I don’t want to be one. Isn’t there a spell that could change me back into a guy?”

“I wish it was that easy. But the spell that was used on you was designed to be a punishment. It was carefully crafted so that it was a permanent transformation. Thankfully, we can work within the spell to give you an identity and decrease your sexual drive. Most people who have been affected by this spell, without help, end up as prostitutes or worse.”

“What’s worse that being a prostitute?”

“Sex slave, for one,” replied Amelia.

“Oh. You mean that stuff still goes on?”

“Yes, unfortunately. What else is on your mind?”

Danny checked on the turkey. “I’m really falling in love with Jill. I’ve always been attracted to her, but now it’s stronger, deeper. I’ve noticed that she’s becoming closer to me. Is this due to the spell, or is it real? I don’t want our love to be forced. If it’s due to the spell, then I don’t want her to remember, I don’t want her life to be dragged down because of something Chelsea did.”

“The spell should have no effect on someone when you’re not in your transformation cycle,” replied Amelia. “Anything that is forming between you and Jill is real.”

Danny turned away and lowered his head. Amelia could tell that he was crying, and she put her hand on his shoulder. “You okay?”

‘Yes, just got some smoke in my eyes,” lied Danny.

“I understand, the smoke is pretty heavy,” replied Amelia,

Danny turned around and looked at her. “Okay, I’m just new to these emotional outbursts.”

Jill was standing around the corner, having overheard most of Danny and Amelia’s conversation. She smiled to herself after hearing Danny’s devotion to her, and how he didn’t want false love; neither did she. It was a relief to know that her feelings for Danny were real.

“Hey, how’s the turkey coming?” she announced before coming around the corner.

“It’s looking good,” replied Danny.

“Cool. It’s supposed to be done in the next forty minutes, according to the two chefs in the kitchen.”

“How’re the two lovebirds doing?” asked Amelia with a wink. “Yes, I’ve seen the chemistry between those two, and I think it’s wonderful.”

“They’re getting along quite well. I’ll stay down here with Danny; Amelia, you can go back upstairs where it’s warm,” stated Jill.

“Okay, see you shortly.”

After Amelia left, Jill slipped her arm around Danny’s waist. “I overheard what you two were talking about, and I just want you to know that I know for a fact that my feelings for you are genuine, not due to magic or pity.”

Danny bit his lower lip. “Thanks for telling me this.”

“So, I’ll be with you through your next two changes, and I’ll be doing it out of love,” continued Jill.

Danny leaned over and kissed Jill gently on the lips.

“How was that?” he asked.

Jill smiled. “Very nice.” She didn’t tell him that he kissed like a girl.

Chapter 28

Everyone was sitting in the living room, recovering after the great feast they had just experienced.

“That turkey was so juicy and tender. I may vote for barbecued turkey every year,” remarked Jill.

“The trick is keeping it moist,” noted Rowena.

“I don’t think I’ll feel like eating for a week,” stated Nate.

“Really? I was thinking about fixing a turkey sandwich,” commented Danny.

“You’re kidding, right?” asked Nate. “You had three helpings at dinner.”

Danny shook his head. “I guess it’s a good thing that this happened so close to Thanksgiving; I don’t have to worry about working out after the meal. Unlike some people, I’ll be able to sleep in tomorrow.”

Nate picked up a small pillow and threw it at Danny.

“So, how much longer are you staying here, Amelia?” asked Jill.

“Until after Danny’s last transformation and the additional spells. I may also stick around for the investigation of Chelsea, specifically where she got the books and materials to cast the spells.”

“Well, before you leave, would you like some of the leftovers? I want to offer some to you, before Danny eats them all,” asked Nate.

“I’ll help you, Nate,” said Rowena, as she got up slowly.

“Call me, if you have any difficulties this weekend,” remarked Amelia.

“We will,” stated Jill.

Chapter 29

Danny spent most of Friday working on his studies, as he wanted the rest of the weekend free.

Saturday seemed strange; for the first time since the start of school, there was no Buckeye game to watch. He did watch some of the other games, but it wasn’t the same, as he didn’t have the emotional attachment to the teams.

Jill was due to meet him at mid-afternoon and they would hang out the rest of the day.

“I’m heading out. You sure you don’t mind?” asked Nate, as he slipped on his jacket.

“No, I’ll be fine. You go have fun with Rowena,” replied Danny, as he watched football on the TV.

“Call me, if you need anything,” stated Nate. “Hey, how did you know I was going to see Rowena?”

“Women’s intuition,” replied Danny with a wink. “Look, it’s obvious that she likes you. Say hi for me.”

“I will, see you later.”

Danny’s attention returned to the game. At half time, he started channel surfing and couldn’t settle on anything. He looked at his watch and saw that Jill wouldn’t be over for another two hours.

Without really thinking about it, Danny turned off the TV and walked over to the bathroom. He decided to take a bath, which was strange, as he hadn’t taken an actual bath in years.

He stripped down as the hot water filled the tub. He looked under the sink and found that there was a bottle of bubble bath. It had been left there by one of Nate’s girlfriends. He opened the bottle, sniffed the contents and began to pour it in the tub.

The hot water felt surprisingly good as he slipped slowly into the bath. He let the water get near the top before turning it off, and he began to soak. It was very relaxing, and he found that he was falling asleep.

Actually, he wasn’t really falling asleep, but hovering at that stage just before drifting off. Without thinking, he began to gently massage his nipples. The feeling was very pleasant and he sighed softly.

One of his hands began to slide down and he began to slowly rub up against her labia. Her fingers began to slide in, and it took Danielle a few moments to realize that she had transformed. Instead of jumping out of the tub, she continued to pleasure herself. It was her first truly self-paced orgasm, as the last two times were all furiously accomplished in order to transform back. Danielle now accepted her fate, and she knew that in just a week or so, she would be female for the rest of her life.

The orgasm was very intense, and Danielle had to spend a few minutes wiping up water spilled from the tub.

Danielle inspected herself in the mirror. She looked similar to the feminized version of Danny that she had achieved two weeks ago. The main difference was that she had dark red hair. She glanced down and confirmed that she was a true red head.

Her hair was long and fell down well below her shoulders and to the small of her back. While it looked pretty, it was a bit of a pain, and Danielle decided then and there that she would have short hair after her final transformation.

Danielle also noticed that she was several inches shorter. She estimated that she was now maybe 5-6. Thankfully she didn’t have huge breasts. They were C-cup and nicely formed, but not the massive boobs favored by Nate.

She ran her hand through her hair and debated what to do next. Thanks to her bathtub orgasm, her sexual urges were under control. She decided to call Jill.

“You’ve changed already?” asked Jill.

“Yes,” replied Danielle. She then told Jill what had happened.

“Okay, I’ll be over soon,” stated Jill. “Stay put, please!”

‘”I will,” replied Danielle.

She was only wearing a t-shirt, and it fit her like a nightgown. She walked out into the living room and sat down on the couch. Glancing at the clock on the VCR, she saw it was only 3:21.

Jill arrived a few minutes later and immediately gave Danielle a hug and a long kiss.

“Wow, you came out cute this time,” she commented as she sat down on the couch.

“Thanks. I hope this is what my final look will be, although I’m getting annoyed with the length of my hair.

“Turn around; I’ll put it in a French braid for you. Trust me, I’ve done this many times,” instructed Jill. “So what do you want to do with the rest of the day? Are you ready for sex yet?”

Danielle giggled. “Actually, I’m not, but I did have a pretty good orgasm while I was in the tub.”

“Okay, so what do you want to do?”

“I’m not really in the mood for staying in here, but I have nothing to wear.”

“Au contraire, Danielle,” replied Jill. “As soon as I finish here, I have something for you in the car.”

A few minutes later, Jill was laying out a pair of jeans, a bra, panties, socks, and a red sweater.

“I also have a pair of shoes that should fit you. I noticed the last couple of times that you’re about the same size as me, except for the boob department. I gambled and bought a 34-C bra for you, it looks about right. I also have a coat you can borrow. Look, I know all your stuff is supposed to change when Amelia casts the identity spell, but you need something now.”

Danielle carefully picked up the panties and slowly slipped them on.

“They won’t bite, Danielle,” joked Jill.

“Good point,” she replied. She then began to struggle with the bra. Jill let her fumble with it a bit before helping her.

“That does look like a good fit,” noted Jill. “The jeans should fit too.”

A few minutes later, Danielle was standing in front of the mirror. She looked like a typical college student.

“What about makeup?” asked Danielle.

“Don’t worry about it; we’re just going out on High Street. If we were going out to the clubs, I’d help you with some. But I think a little lipstick would be nice.”

“Really?” replied Danielle.

“Yes, nice for me! Oh, here, I brought you a purse you can borrow; just think of it as a small backpack! Now are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

They headed towards High Street. Jill was pleased that Danielle wanted to go out, as it would give her some idea of what she’d have to look forward to the rest of her life.

They poked around a few of the shops.

“Look at all the Fiesta Bowl stuff for sale,” noted Danielle, as they walked by one of the book stores that sold Ohio State souvenirs.

“I know; it didn’t take them very long to get it all out. It’s pretty cool that we’re going to the game.”

“I can’t wait,” replied Danielle.

“How’re you holding up?”

“Not bad, actually pretty good.”

“You want to see if Rowena’s shop is still open?”

“That’s sounds cool. Nate was hanging out with her all day.”

They walked up to Ye Olde Magik Shoppe. It was still open, and they walked in.

“Well, this is a surprise!” exclaimed Rowena. She came from around the counter and hugged both girls.

Nate walked over and did the same. “You look very pretty, Danielle.”

“Thank you, Nate,” replied Danielle.

Danielle told them what had happened.

“Let me guess, the longer you’re a woman, the more natural it feels,” stated Rowena.

“That’s right,” replied Danielle. “That part doesn’t seem right. If this is a punishment spell, then wouldn’t it make it worse if I hated being female?”

“That’s one way of looking at it. But part of the reason for using this spell was to make the man into a woman, mind and body, eager to please their sexual partner.”

“Speaking of which, I think we’d better start heading back to the apartment,” stated Danielle.

Jill giggled. “It’s a long walk, you up to it?”

“Here, take my truck,” stated Nate as he handed Jill the keys.

“Won’t you need it?” asked Jill.

Nate glanced over at Rowena, who was shaking her head.

“No, looks like that’s covered,” he replied.

“We’ll be at my place,” announced Jill.

“Okay, that’s cool.”

Danielle gave him a big hug. “Thanks, Nate.”

“See you later,” he answered. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“I was just about to say the same thing!” replied Danielle.

Danielle’s sexual urges returned with a vengeance, and they just made it Jill’s apartment. They ended up making love on the couch in the living room. It was the first of an evening of making love.

Chapter 30

Danny woke up early Sunday morning and sat up. It took him a second to regain his bearings and to realize that he was in Jill’s bed. He stepped out of the bed and walked into her bathroom. He turned on the light and let out a gasp. Technically he was male, but not by much. His hands were immediately drawn to his small breasts. His nipples were pert and erect in the cool air of the bathroom. He ran his eyes down his body, and saw that his hips were larger and more feminine. He still had his male sex organs, but they seemed smaller.

Jill came in and stood behind him; she put her hand on his shoulder. “You okay?”

“I’m not sure. Amelia said that this would happen. It’ll be very hard to pass as a guy. Crap, my hair is still long,” he cursed. It wasn’t as long as it had been the previous evening, but it was down to his collar.

“I can cut that for you; as for the rest, dress in layers. It’s cold out, and no one will notice.”

“They’ll notice. Look at my face; I look like a girl.”

“You can stay home all week,” suggested Jill.

“You know that’s not possible; we have finals in a week.”

“In a week, you’ll be Danielle. Yes, this week will be hard for you, but you’ll survive, and I’ll be there for you,” replied Jill. She then turned him around and kissed him on the lips. “Let’s go back to bed.”

“You sure? There’s not much I can do.”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” stated Jill, as she took Danny by the hand and led him back to bed.

Chapter 31

By ten, they were driving back to Danny’s apartment, having made a detour for breakfast. Danny was wearing the same outfit as the day before, minus the bra. It didn’t matter, as the waitress thought he was a girl regardless.

“What time did Amelia say she was coming by?” asked Danny.

“Around eleven,” replied Jill.

“Good, that’ll give you time to cut my hair,” replied Danny.

They walked into the apartment to find Nate and Rowena finishing up breakfast. Rowena was wearing Nate’s bathrobe.

“Go on, say it; I look like a girl,” stated Danny, as he took off his coat.

“I’m going to cut his hair, that might help a little,” added Jill.

“I hope no one notices that I’m shorter,” stated Danny.

“Don’t forget thinner,” added Nate, “and cuter.”

“You’re not helping,” countered Danny with a laugh.

Rowena gave Danny a playful punch in the arm.

“Sorry, Danny, you know I care about you,” apologized Nate.

“I know, don’t worry about it.”

“Come on, Danny, I’ll cut your hair in the bathroom; we can use one of the bar stools,” suggested Jill.

Jill did a reasonable job trimming Danny’s hair.

“You know, I can loan you a couple of sports bras. They have a tendency to press down the chest,” offered Jill, as she finished up trimming his hair.

“That might work. I just have to get through a week’s worth of classes; I can skip some of the tutorials. I don’t feel like being in group discussions this week. Is it my imagination, or is my voice higher?”

“It’s higher,” replied Jill. “That might be smart, or you can pretend you have a cold or something like that. There, I’m done; what do you think?”

Danny looked in the mirror. “Not bad, it’s the most masculine thing about me. Seriously, you did a great job.”

“So when Amelia changes your identity, do you get a new wardrobe too?”

“Yes, she will,” announced Amelia, as she stood in the bathroom doorway.

“Good morning,” greeted Danny.

“I heard you had an interesting day yesterday.”

“It was pretty good. I’m more worried about this next week. I don’t exactly look butch,” he replied.

“I know, but it’s just for a week, and if anyone has any suspicions, the identity spell will take care of those.”

Danny let out a sigh. “I still can’t believe this is happening to me. So, do you need to examine me again?”

“If you don’t mind. We don’t often get to track someone through the transformation,” she replied.

“No, I don’t mind,” replied Danny.

Chapter 32

Thankfully for Danny, Monday’s weather was cool and cloudy. He dressed in layers, hoping that no one would notice the fact that he was becoming a woman. On Jill’s advice, he was wearing a sports bra under his shirt; over that he wore a sweatshirt. He also wore a ball cap, pulled down low.

Additionally, he was wearing panties. This was due to practicality, as his male underwear didn’t fit anymore. Jill had bought him several pairs of plain cotton panties. Danny admitted that they did fit better, especially with his slightly broader hips.

Another problem Danny had to deal with was that nearly all his shoes were now too big. He was presently wearing a pair of hunting boots and a thick pair of socks. Still, he had to keep them tightly laced to keep them from falling off. He decided that after classes were over he would get a pair of shoes that fit comfortably.

For the most part, the day was incredibly average and normal. Nothing happened to justify his fears. Danny went to two lectures that morning, and he found them to be a wonderful escape from his real life. All he had to do was listen and take notes. He was also pleased to see that no one was looking at him, as like him, they were concentrating on the lecture, or sleeping; either way, they weren’t noticing Danny.

By lunch, Danny was feeling pretty confident that no one was paying any attention to his appearance. He walked into the Student Union for lunch. He walked up to Mark Pi’s for some Chinese food.

“Can I help you, miss?” asked the woman behind the counter.

Danny almost gasped, but was able to maintain his composure and place his order, even though his appetite had just disappeared.

After eating, he headed across campus to his last class of the day, Ancient History.

Dr. Pappadimos gave a lecture on the importance of maritime trade in the eastern Mediterranean. The lecture focused on the Phoenicians and how they were able to create an empire based on trade, which was the topic of Danny’s paper.

As class ended, Dr. Pappadimos addressed the class.

“Your TAs have your papers and will pass them back to you. Overall, I was disappointed, and I expect much better results in your final exams,” stated Dr. Pappadimos.

Danny always felt a twinge of worry whenever he was getting a grade back. Fearing the worst, he walked down to his TA, a young graduate student named Kim Nelson.

“Here’s your paper, Danny; by the way, yours was one of the best in the class,” commented Kim. She then stared at Danny. “Are you okay? You look thinner.”

“I’ve been fighting a bug,” lied Danny, eager to get away.

“Mr. Norris, I’ve also noticed your change in appearance, have you seen a doctor?” asked Dr. Pappadimos.

“Yes, I have a viral infection, nothing contagious, and they have me on antibiotics,” replied Danny.

“Okay, I’d hate to see such a promising student get seriously ill. Your paper was a breath of fresh air compared to most of what your class produced.”

Danny smiled proudly. “Thank you, Dr. Pappadimos.”

“I talked to your academic advisor; he told me that you’re requesting admission to the graduate department. I was pleased to tell him that you’d be an excellent candidate. Oh, and if the history department doesn’t accept you, stop by the anthropology department; we can always use a bright young man like yourself.”

Bright young man, well you got two out of three right, thought Danny.

“I’ll consider it, Dr. Pappadimos.”

“Now, get home and get some rest; you need to be well with finals coming up.”

At least the day wasn’t a total loss. As he headed home he read the comments concerning his paper. His grade was a 97, and there were several glowing comments. Danny then drove to the local mall to get a pair of shoes that fit.

He went into one of those outlet shoe stores, which allowed him to try on pairs at his own pace. He decided to get a pair of hiking boots, but none of the male styles seemed to fit right. He glanced over at the female section and slowly walked over. He found a pair he liked and tried them on; they fit perfectly.

He walked to the checkout and set them down on the counter.

The salesclerk looked up and smiled. “Will that be all, miss? We do have a sale on winter socks, buy two and get one pair free.”

“Um, okay,” replied Danny. He walked over to the display of socks and picked out three pairs, then without hesitation, three more. No sense it passing up a bargain, he thought.

He walked out to his car and was about ready to leave, when he felt a strange sensation. Changing into his new socks and boots, he headed back into the mall. He walked past a jewelry store and a sign caught his eye. Without hesitation he entered.

“Yes, I’d like to get my ears pierced,” he stated.

A few minutes later, he walked back to his car with small gold studs in his earlobes.

Chapter 33

Back at the apartment, Danny did some reading before Nate arrived home.

“Hey, you feel like spaghetti for dinner?” asked Nate as he walked in.

“Sounds good. You mind if I call up Jill and see if she wants to join us?”

“No, not at all. Hey, ask her to pick up some garlic bread on the way over,” asked Nate, “and, before you ask, Rowena has to work tonight. She always keeps the store open late before finals start.”

Danny picked up the phone and called Jill. “Nate, she’ll be over in thirty minutes.”

“Cool. Hey, when did you do that?” asked Nate, as he stared at Danny.

“What do you mean?”

“You got your ears pierced. When did you do that?”

Danny reached up to his ears and felt the studs. “I have no idea.” He ran over to the mirror in the bathroom.

“Better call Amelia,” stated Nate .

“You’re composed enough about all this!” Danny snapped back.

“Hey, calm down, Danny. I feel for you, but getting upset isn’t going to solve a thing.”

Danny sighed. “You’re right. Sorry. I’ll call Amelia.”

Danny was still on the phone with Amelia when Jill arrived. Nate filled her in on what had happened.

Danny hung up the phone.

“Well?” asked Jill.

“Amelia told me that it’s not uncommon in cases like this for me to just get the overwhelming urge to start feminizing myself,” explained Danny. “Crap, this was bad enough just once a week, now I have to be on guard 24/7!”

“Okay, calm down, what else did she say?” asked Jill as she sat down next to him. She began to stroke his head softly.

“It’ll get worse, and I may not even notice what I’m doing, like today, when I got my ears pierced. I don’t know if I can trust myself to even go to class. Sorry for being such a pain. This is all my fault.”

“You’re not a pain, and you’re not to blame, don’t forget that!” interjected Nate. “If anyone is to blame, it’s me. If I hadn’t dated Chelsea, none of this would have happened.”

“You don’t know that,” replied Danny. “No sense in blaming yourself for something you have no control over.”

“You mean like what you’re doing?” replied Nate with a smile.


Over dinner, Jill, Nate, and Danny worked out a schedule, so that one of them would be with Danny most of the time. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but it was the best they could come up with.

Chapter 34

The next day Danny was able to get through his classes without any difficulties. He wondered if it was because he had something to concentrate on, so he decided to throw himself into his studies. He spent most of the afternoon in his apartment studying for his finals.

“Hey, do you mind if I head down to the gym? I need to do my rehab exercises,” stated Nate.

“No, not at all, I should be okay,” replied Danny.

“Okay, but call me immediately if you need anything.”

“I will.”

Danny read for another hour before getting up to fix something to eat. The day was almost over and he had been in control for all of it. He sat on the couch and watched TV as he ate some leftovers that he’d nuked up.

He was soon channel surfing, and he stopped on the classic movie channel. He usually didn’t stick around unless they were showing some action-adventure movie, but for some reason the movie caught his attention. He sat there watching it, unaware when Nate arrived home.

“What are you watching?” asked Nate in disbelief.

“Shhhh!” replied Danny.

Nate noticed that Danny was crying. He picked up the TV Guide, and when he saw what Danny was watching, he called Jill.

“What’s up?” she asked.

“Danny is sitting on the couch watching Terms of Endearment,” stated Nate.

“Is he crying?”

“How did you guess?”

“It’s a sad movie,” replied Jill. “I imagine with his emotional state that he’s been crying.”

“What should I do?”

“Don’t kid him. I’ll be over shortly,” replied Jill.

“Okay,” replied Nate.

Jill was true to her word, and arrived carrying a bag from 7-11. She sat down next to Danny, just as the movie was ending. She handed Danny a box of tissues.

“I can’t believe that I just watched that movie, but it was so good,” he replied.

“It’s good to watch a good tearjerker every now and then,” stated Jill. “Now, do you know what comes next?”

“No idea.”

“Chocolate ice cream,” replied Jill, as she pulled a container out of the bag.

“Do you still like football?” asked Nate, who was watching from the kitchen doorway.

“Why wouldn’t I?” asked Danny glancing over his shoulder.

“Good. I can tolerate you watching chick flicks, just as long as you still like football,” joked Nate. ‘I’ll get you two some bowls and spoons.”

He returned shortly and handed them to Jill. “I’m heading over to see Rowena; see you later.”

“Bye, Nate,” stated Danny.

“Say hi for us,” added Jill.

“I will. Seriously, are you okay, Danny?” asked Nate.

“Yes, thanks,” replied Danny.

Danny and Jill shared the ice cream as they watched some nature show.

“Anything else unusual happen today?” asked Jill.

“No. I spent most of the day studying. If anything, I should do really great on my finals,” replied Danny.

“I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone,” stated Jill.

Danny laughed. “Wow, I haven’t had chocolate ice cream in a while; I forgot how good it was. No, good isn’t the word, fantastic is!”

Jill smiled and nodded. “Chocolate is wasted on men.”

“I can’t argue with you on that point. I was never much of a chocolate lover. I guess it’s one of the better changes, maybe this won’t be so bad,” replied Danny.

“Seriously, how’re you doing?” she asked.

“I just wish it was over,” he replied. “I mean, it’s inevitable that I’m going to change, I just want it to be over and done.”

“Have you talked to Amelia today?”

“No, why?”

“She was going to question Chelsea today. Didn’t she tell you that?”

Danny shook his head. “Maybe she didn’t want to get my hopes up.”

Jill picked up her cell phone and called Amelia.

“Amelia, I’m with Danny, any luck with Chelsea today?”

“I’m actually just a few blocks away. Are you at Danny’s place?”


“Good, I’ll be there shortly.”

Ten minutes later Amelia arrived. Instead of a coat, she was wearing a dark green cape that wrapped around her.

“So tell us what happened. Was she helpful?” asked Jill.

“No, I’m sorry. We gave her the power of speech, and all she did for the fifteen minutes was to exclaim one vile obscenity after another. It was a sight you don’t usually see, a gray cat screaming the f-word over and over again in a variety of combinations.”

In spite of himself, Danny giggled. “Too bad you didn’t videotape it.”

“Actually we did, but it’s for her trial. We eventually calmed her down and began to question her. The prosecutor offered a deal, in exchange for help in reversing the spells. She refused. Her lawyer told us he’d try to talk some sense into her.”

“I can’t believe she has a lawyer,” remarked Danny.

“Why wouldn’t she?” asked Amelia.

“Do you think she knows how to reverse the spells?” asked Jill.

“Maybe, but right now she’s too blinded by her rage to think straight. Maybe in a few years she’ll see the light.”

“That won’t do me any good,” remarked Danny. “As much as I’m unhappy about what’s happening to me, I want to get on with my life. In two or three years from now, I won’t want to change all over again.”

Amelia smiled at Danny’s response. “I thought you’d say that.”

“I’m not being heroic or anything like that,” replied Danny.

Jill leaned over and kissed Danny on the cheek. “Yes, you are.”

Danny told her about his day, including the movie and the chocolate ice cream.

“The spell has your emotions in flux. You can expect wide mood swings the next few days. Now, the good thing is that your emotional state will calm down once you’ve completed the transformation,” explained Amelia. “Your idea about concentrating on your studies will work, but it’s more like a temporary dike holding back water; the changes and swings will occur.”

“That’s good to know, at least I’ll be prepared the next time,” replied Danny.

“Well, I’d better get going. I have to finish the two spells for you,” stated Amelia as she stood up.

“Thanks again, Amelia,” stated Danny.

“It’s my pleasure, my dear,” she replied.

Chapter 35

Danny woke up early and decided to take a bath before going to his classes. It felt good to soak in the hot water. Without really thinking about it, he retrieved his razor and shaving cream; soon he was shaving his legs and underarms. It wasn’t until he was halfway through that realized what he was doing. With a sigh, he completed the task.

His smooth legs felt strange as he dried off. He then ran his hand across his face and confirmed that he no longer needed to worry about shaving it. It had been over a week since he last shaved his face. He also noticed that his hair had grown a few inches overnight.

Danny continued to stare at his naked body. The only really masculine part of his body was his penis. If he dressed in women’s clothes, he would have no trouble passing, as all his features were soft and feminized. Thankfully, his breasts were still small, and with the sports bra and layered clothing, he could still disguise them, more or less.

He also thought about the identity spell and for a moment wondered if it would be better if he started totally fresh. Amelia had promised him that it would be a painless transition, and that the changes would happen in his, correction, make that her sleep. Danielle would wake up and not remember the change, Chelsea, or for that matter, anything to do with Danny’s life.

But that idea passed quickly from his mind, as he wanted to remember. He’d told Amelia that he couldn’t make Danny totally disappear, even if the knowledge of Danny’s existence made Danielle’s life more difficult. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Nate’s voice.

“Hey, you about ready to head off to campus?” asked Nate.

“Sure, I’ll be out in a moment,” replied Danny.

They walked north towards campus in the cool morning air.

“Oh, I got an offer to help out the baseball team,” remarked Nate.

“Doing what?” asked Danny.

“As a batting coach, I may not be able to run, but I can still hit.”

“True, you were hitting nearly .365 when you went down.”

“Actually it was .367,” noted Nate, as he corrected Danny.

“My mistake. So will you do it?” asked Danny.

“I’m thinking about it. My winter and spring schedules aren’t too tough, so I should be able to spare the time. I do miss being around the team.”

“I think you should do it; after all, life is short, you never know what’s going to happen.”

Nate cast a glance at his friend. “Danny, I’m so sorry about all this.”

“I know, and as I’ve said many times before, I don’t blame you. The strange thing is that it has gotten me closer to Jill.”

“You two make a nice couple, for a couple of chicks that is,” replied Nate. He then winked at Danny.

Danny laughed. “Very funny. By the way, I think you and Rowena look great together.”

“It’s pretty amazing, we’ve just clicked! Even though she’s older, I feel closer to her than I have to any women I’ve dated. We have great conversations, and we both love to cook. Believe it or not, most of our dates so far have revolved around cooking a meal together.”

“I’m very happy for both of you.”

They arrived at the building for Danny’s class and stopped outside.

“How’re you doing?” asked Nate.

“Okay, I should be okay, as long as I concentrate on my classes.”

“Call me if you need help.”

Danny had to fight back the urge to give Nate a big hug and a kiss. “Um, okay. See you later.”

Once inside, he moved quickly to his classroom and threw himself into his studies. This would be the pattern for the rest of the day, to focus on studying and be on guard for changes.

Thankfully, there were no more changes.

Chapter 36

Friday morning, Danny rose out of bed, stretched and immediately realized that he wasn’t going to class. His breasts had grown while he slept, and there was no way he could hide them, no matter how many layers he wore. He immediately called Jill and then Amelia.

Jill came over and was directed to Danny’s room by Nate. She found Danny sitting on the edge of his bed with his arms clutched around his bare chest. Jill sat down next to him.

“I woke up and there they were; I must have jumped a full cup size overnight,” bemoaned Danny.

“May I see?” asked Jill.

Danny nodded and unfolded his arms, exposing his breasts. They were round, full, and rather pert.

“Um, they’re not just a cup bigger, Danny; you’re up to a C-cup, maybe even bigger,” remarked Jill. “If it means anything, I think they’re lovely.”

Ignoring Jill’s compliment, Danny refolded his arms over his chest. “This sucks. I can’t go to class like this!”

“What’s on your schedule today?”

“Just two classes, but it’s the principle of the thing!”

There was a knock on the door. “Amelia’s here, you want me to send her in?” asked Nate.

“Yes, please,” replied Danny.

Amelia came in and closed the door behind her.

“I’ve had a growth spurt,” announced Danny, as he again unfolded his arms.

“I was afraid of this,” replied Amelia.

“Isn’t there anything that you can do?” he begged.

“I’m sorry dear, but the answer is no. We met again with Chelsea, and she again refused to help. She even tried to scratch me.”

“You should give her some fleas!” replied Danny.

“Or better yet, cast a spell and place her in heat with a nice tomcat!” piped in Jill. “That would teach her!”

Amelia smiled. “I wish I could, but that wouldn’t be fair to the tomcat.”

“Is she really that selfish?” asked Danny.

“I asked her about that. She says that if it was just you affected that she would help, but seeing how hurt Nate was, there is no way she’d help change you back. She’s very bitter and angry. Her anger has blinded her to the pain she has caused others. It sometimes happens to people who play around with magic, not knowing all the side effects.”

“What do you mean?” asked Danny.

“Any time magic is used, it has effects on those who cast the spells. Thankfully, those of us born with powers are for the most part immune. If we overuse our powers, we can get fatigued and are open to other issues. Those who don’t have powers and cast spells sometimes suffer psychological issues. I suspect that’s what happened to Chelsea. I suspect that she had self-image issues even before she started using spells.”

“Does she know what’s going to happen to her?” asked Jill.

“Yes. Her defense lawyer has explained the possible punishments she might receive.”

“And?” asked Danny.

“She said that she would risk it, as the ends justified the means.”

“Will her mental stability be an issue during her trial?” asked Danny.

“Yes, and she will receive help. In some ways, she’s like a drug addict; she’ll go through a rehab program.”

Danny stared at his reflection in the mirror, and then glanced at his alarm clock. “Well, Jill, you’d better get to class, no sense in both of us sitting here all day. I can always study here at home.”

“That sounds like a great idea, Jill. I’ll stay here with Danny,” interjected Amelia.

“You sure?” asked Jill.

“Yes, thanks for coming over. Also, could you also tell Nate thanks for me? I sort of freaked him out when I woke up screaming this morning,” answered Danny.

“Will do,” replied Jill as she hugged Danny. “See you, Amelia.”

After Jill left, Danny got up and slipped on a t-shirt. It stretched over his breasts, which only made them look bigger to Danny’s eyes.

“Don’t get frustrated, it’s all part of the spell,” stated Amelia.

“Who would create something like this anyway?”

“Why do people create computer viruses?” countered Amelia. “It was created when men had a monopoly on power and rights. It was used instead of killing the victim. The spell would strip the victim of their power and prestige yet leave them alive, probably worse than just killing or imprisoning them.”

“Oh, that make sense in a twisted way,” replied Danny. “Why kill your rival when you can ruin their life?”

“Exactly, it was also used by women to get back at men who had violated them.”

“And the counter spells?”

“They were created to help people like you, innocent victims. Unfortunately, we’ve never discovered a way to totally reverse the spell without the help of the person who cast it.”

“Okay. Now, why will the final transformation be so painful?” asked Danny.

“Part of the punishment. Remember, you know what’s going to happen; most victims don’t have a clue. They eventually accept that they’ll be transformed for part of their lives. Then the changes stick around, making life more complicated. They don’t know it’s the last transformation, and instead of a night of sexual pleasure, they get a night of intense pain, followed by the realization that they’re stuck in a female body for the rest of their lives.”

“Intense pain, huh?”

“I will be here, and will do all that I can to help you. Rowena, Jill, and Nate will also be here.”

“So you’ll use some counter spell to ease the pain?”

Amelia shook her head. “I can’t do that. If I use magic while the transformation spell is working, there could be side effects.”

“Like what sort of side effects?” asked Danny.

“The pain could become even worse and possible kill you.”


“I’m also a medical doctor, Danny, so I’ll rely on modern medicine should the pain get too intense.”

There was a long pause.

“I’m scared, Amelia,” confessed Danny softly. “I’m really scared of what’s happening to me.”

“I know, my dear,” she replied as she hugged him.

Danny wiped away tears as he broke away from Amelia’s embrace. “Thanks, I needed that.”

“You feel better?” she asked.

“A little.”

“That’s a start.”

“I’m also hungry, I wish we could go out to eat,” he stated.

“Why can’t we?”

Danny pointed down to his breasts.

“No offense, Danny, but look at yourself again in the mirror,” stated Amelia softly.

Danny turned around and inspected his reflection. His hair had grown another inch or so over night. He ran his hand through his hair and instinctively styled it. “You’re right, I look like a girl.”

“If you feel up to it, we could go out to have breakfast; we can go away from the campus area if that would make you feel better,” suggested Amelia.

“I think I’ll ditch the t-shirt and wear the sweater that Jill bought me.”

A few minutes later, they were driving out of the campus area. They picked a restaurant to the north of the campus. As expected, the waitress thought Danny was female.

“I have some more questions for you,” Danny said as he sipped his coffee.

“Okay, what’s on your mind?” asked Amelia.

“When the change is complete and you’ve changed my identity, will I know how to be a woman?”

Amelia grinned back.

“Okay, that didn’t come out like I meant it; what I’m trying to say is…”

“I know what you’re trying to say. You’ll find that you’ll be able to do things like applying makeup and things like that. At first this will be a little strange, as you’ll be able to do things without knowing why.”

“Like what?” asked Danny.

“When you have your period, you’ll know what to do, even though you’ll be confused about why. I’ve read interviews with those who have gone through similar experiences; they all agree that after a while you learn to trust your instincts.”

Danny waited until after the waitress left before asking his next question. “What about my memories?”

“You’ll have two sets, one of Danny’s and one of Danielle’s,” replied Amelia as she began to spread some cream cheese on her sesame-seed bagel. “Both will seem real to you.”

“That’ll take some getting used to,” commented Danny. “You mean that I’ll remember my first period, my first date, and my first kiss?”

“Among other things.”

“And will my essence be the same?”

“Yes, you won’t become a totally different person. There will be subtle changes, but you won’t start hating football or wanting to learn ballet.”

“That’s a relief.”

“In some ways you’re lucky, you have two wonderful friends who’ve been with you through this.”

Danny shook his head. “That’s not true; it’s four good friends.”

Chapter 37

Amelia and Danny spent the day together. Later in the afternoon they stopped in to see Rowena.

As they walked into the shop, Danny turned to Amelia. “I now know why women wear bras; this bouncing is highly annoying.”

Amelia laughed. “You’re learning! I’m pleased to see that you have an open mind and a sense of humor regarding all this.”

They were greeted by Rowena. “Nate called me and told me what happened.”

“Yep, I blossomed last night,” replied Danny.

“I must admit that you’re handling this well,” Rowena commented as she inventoried some small glass bottles filled with different colored liquids.

“Amelia says that it’s the spell,” replied Danny.

“Give yourself some of the credit,” she replied.

Danny sat down behind the counter. “Can I ask you something?”

“Let me guess, it’s about Nate and me?”

Danny smiled. “Well, he is one of my best friends.”

“Then you’ll be pleased to know that I love him dearly. What he lacks in physical years, he makes up for in intelligence.”

“We’re talking about the same Nate Cooper, right?”

“Very funny. Seriously, he’s a warm and loving person, and he is deeply concerned about you.”

“I know,” replied Danny. “I’m happy for both of you. You’re the best thing that has happened to him.”

“Thank you, my dear.”

They stayed a while longer before Amelia drove Danny home.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Danny. Call me if you have any problems,” stated Amelia, as she hugged him.

“I will.”

Danny went inside and closed the door. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost five. He clicked on the TV and flopped on the couch. He settled on the news and as he watched it he was overcome with a feeling of sadness. Retrieving his phone, he called home.

“Danny, is that you?” asked his mom.

“Yes, Mom, this is me,” replied Danny.

“Are you okay? You sound different?”

“I’m fighting a bit of a cold,” Danny lied. “I just wanted to say hi and see how you and Dad are.”

“Here, you can ask him yourself; he just got home from work,” said Mom.

“Okay, but I want to talk to you too, Mom,” replied Danny.

They talked for nearly an hour. Danny tried to act as if nothing was wrong. Part of him was worried that something would go wrong with his transformation and that he would never see his parents again.

Finally, his emotions were close to breaking, and he knew he had to end the call. “Mom, I just wanted to say that I love you.”

He hung up the phone and began to cry softly. A few minutes later he regained his composure, and he began to page through his address book. He then dialed a number. Over the next two hours, he called up many of his relatives and friends. He had to say goodbye, just in case.

Chapter 38

“How many people did you call?” asked Nate.

“I lost count; I just know that I’ll have a pretty hefty phone bill next month,” replied Danny. “It doesn’t matter; I just wanted to hear their voices.”

“I’d do the same thing,” stated Nate. “So, you feel like going out for a few beers tonight?”

“Um, I don’t think that’d be a good idea,” answered Danny. “I mean, I look more like Danielle now than Danny.”

“So? I don’t care. You can’t just sit around and mope. Look, call up Jill; we’ll go out for a few brews and then come home. I’ll look after both of you and nothing will happen, okay?”

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt,” replied Danny.

He called Jill and she listened to his plan.

“I’m looking pretty fem right now, Jill.”

“Say, come over here first, and I’ll see what I can do. Don’t worry; I’m not going to put you in a dress or anything.”

Danny agreed, and he rode over with Nate to Jill’s apartment.

Once inside, Jill inspected Danny. “I see what you mean. Well, it’ll be a lot easier for you as Danielle. If we run into someone we know, we’ll pass you off as Danny’s sister.”

“Mind if I watch TV?” asked Nate.

“No, we won’t be long,” replied Jill.

Jill was wearing jeans, a multi-colored striped sweater, and ankle boots. She was also wearing some makeup.

“I have a sweater that should fit you, even with your bigger boobs,” noted Jill, as she opened up a drawer of her dresser.

“You can have them if you want them,” replied Danny, as he took off his sweater.

“Oh, I bought you a new bra today; it’s on the bed.”

Danny picked it up and slipped it on. “It fits fine,” he stated as he adjusted the straps. He then stopped and realized what he had just done. “That was weird.”

He then told Jill about his conversation with Amelia.

“I wonder if that means you know how to do makeup now?” she asked, as she handed him an emerald green sweater. “This color will look great with your red hair.”

Danny slipped on the sweater. It fit great, except for the fact that it had a bit of a plunging neckline, which showed off his cleavage.

“Oops, I forgot about that,” apologized Jill. “Let me see what else I have.”

“Don’t worry about it,” stated Danny, as he began to adjust the sweater. “I’ll just keep my jacket on.”

“Okay, since you’re so confident, then you feel like trying a little makeup?”

“Um, I guess so,” replied Danny.

“You don’t have to; I was just giving you some grief.”

“No, we might as well try. Nothing extreme, okay?”

“Sure, Danny, just a little eye shadow, a little mascara, and some lipstick.”

Jill began to apply some eye shadow above Danny’s eyes.

“Since when do you wear makeup?” asked Danny.

“I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but I do like to dress up sometimes, even if we’re just going out for a beer. The trick is to not look like you’re wearing makeup.”

“So what’s the point of wearing any?”

“Keep it up and I’ll pull out my eyeliner!”

Jill wouldn’t let Danny look in the mirror until she styled his hair. “I can’t believe that I just cut this a few days ago. It’s almost back to your shoulders.”

“I know.”

“Okay, one last thing, I have a necklace for you. I bought it at Rowena’s shop,” stated Jill as she slipped it around his neck.

It was a small glass vial, filled with sparkly sand. The vial was surrounded by a silver holder. There were symbols molded into the silver, including a quarter moon and several stars.

“Rowena says it’s supposed to help you with transitions,” explained Jill. “I just think it looks cute on you.”

She then moved away so Danny could see himself in the mirror.

“Oh wow,” he replied. “Is that me?”

“You look great. I’m very pleased that you’re my girlfriend,” replied Jill, as she kissed Danny.

As they got up to leave the room, Jill snapped her fingers. “Ooops, I almost forgot something. I bought you a leather purse today.” She then handed Danny a small brown leather handbag. “Before you argue, think about it, you don’t exactly have room for a wallet in those jeans.”

“True,” he replied.

Jill helped him fill it with things he would need. He then slipped it over his left shoulder. “How’s that?”

“Perfect, now let’s go.”

Nate sat up as Danny and Jill walked out of her room.

“Wow, you two look great!” he exclaimed.

“It’s a good thing that you’re seeing someone,” joked Jill.

“Same for you!”

Jill nodded and then leaned over and kissed Danny on the lips.

“Let’s head out, first round is on me,” announced Nate.

“One thing, I guess you’d better remember to call me Danielle; we don’t want to confuse anyone,” stated Danny.

Chapter 39

They walked over to High Street and headed into one of the bars. It was not one that they normally frequented.

They grabbed a table and sat down.

“What do you want?” asked Nate. “Judging by the crowd, we won’t get served on our own.”

“Vodka, on the rocks, with a lime twist, please,” stated Jill.

“I’ll stick with a beer,” replied Danielle.

“Be right back,” remarked Nate.

He returned in a few minutes with the drinks. He had bought a pitcher of beer and he filled Danielle’s glass first.

“Here’s to friendship,” said Nate as he raised his glass in a toast.

“And to love,” added Jill, winking at Danielle.

They gently tapped their glasses together.

Due to the noise in the bar, there wasn’t a lot of conversation. They headed out into the cold December evening. They walked down the street next to each other. Nate was in the middle and had his arms around Jill and Danielle. He did this so no one would make a pass at either of them.

“I can’t believe it’ll be Christmas soon,” remarked Jill.

“I haven’t even started my shopping,” commented Danielle.

“Well, you’ve had a lot on your mind,” piped in Nate.

Danielle laughed.

“See, you are having a good time! This is much better than sitting around the apartment feeling sorry for yourself.”

“Hmm, I seem to notice that we’re heading towards Rowena’s shop,” noted Jill.

“Really?” replied Nate. “She’s due to get off shortly.”

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m getting hungry,” stated Danielle.

“I could use something to eat myself,” added Jill. “Let’s see if Rowena wants to join us.”

Rowena was glad to see them.

“Danielle, you look fabulous,” she said.

“Thank you,” replied Danielle.

“Any suggestions for dinner?” asked Nate.

“Chinese?” suggested Jill.

“Oooh, that sounds good,” piped in Danielle.

“There’s a great place up the street,” suggested Rowena. “We can all pile in my car.”

“I’ll call Amelia and see if she wants to join us,” added Danielle.

“I know she will; she loves Chinese food,” answered Rowena.

Chapter 40

“Oh, I’m so full,” bemoaned Nate, as they walked into the apartment.

“The food there was pretty good,” commented Danielle. “Thanks for talking me into going out.”

“No problem, Danni,” replied Nate with a wink.

“Hey, that’s right; you can still call me Danni!”

“Well, I’m going to bed. See you in the morning, Danni.”

“I’m going to watch a little tube first.”

Danni sat on the couch and flipped channels before settling on ESPN. The commentators were talking about the Fiesta Bowl and saying that Ohio State had no chance to beat the University of Miami. Oh, well, thought Danni, that’s why they play the game.

Eventually, Danni headed to bed.

Chapter 41

Danni was on his back staring at the ceiling. It was a bit unnerving knowing that soon he would be totally female, not that he was male anymore. It was strange being in between, and as he thought about this he began to rub his nipples. He was immediately rewarded by waves of pleasure sweeping through his body.

One of Danni’s hands moved down to his cock and began to stroke it. The combination of sexual pleasure was staggering, and Danni was soon moaning in delight. His mind began to drift, and he thought of his sexual encounters with both Jill and Nate. Both were incredible, but for different reasons.

Jill’s lovemaking was more mutual and sharing, while being with Nate had made him feel so feminine. He fantasized about Nate’s cock pumping in and out of his vagina as he stroked his own cock faster and faster. Soon his mind was flipping back and forth between Jill and Nate, and in a near volcanic explosion Danni climaxed. It was the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced as a male, even exceeding those he had had with a partner.

Danni felt totally weak and could barely get out of bed to clean up. Danni stared at his image, or was it her image, in the mirror. My face looks so feminine, thought Danni, as he ran his hand across his cheeks. He hoped that he wouldn’t look much more different when the changes were complete.

He then stared down at his breasts. He did like the fact that he had more than one pleasure zone, but it would take some time to get used to the added weight on his chest. Then there was the bouncing and jiggling. They seemed to have a life of their own. He couldn’t even imagine running without wearing a bra. He bounced up and down on his heels and felt his breasts move. He then prayed that they wouldn’t be any bigger after the final change. Maybe that’s why Chelsea is such a bitch, he thought.

Danny felt a wave of fatigue sweep through his body, and he went back to bed. There would be time to think about this more in the morning.

Chapter 42

Around three in the morning, Danni woke up in severe pain. Every bone in Danni’s body felt as if it was on fire. He struggled to get out of bed and shuffled slowly over to Nate’s room. He began to pound on Nate’s door.

“Nate… wake up… Nate… please call Amelia,” he pleaded, gasping in pain. “It’s started.”

Within ten minutes, Amelia arrived at their apartment. Danni was in a fetal position on the couch, moaning in pain.

“She collapsed on the floor in pain, so I carried her to the couch,” explained Nate.

“Try to tell me what’s wrong, my dear,” asked Amelia in a comforting voice.

Danni began to try to describe the pains he was feeling, but was overwhelmed by the pain. “Please… it hurts so much!” he cried. “Make it stop! Oh, please make it stop!”

“Okay, I’m going to give you an injection. It should ease the pain.”

Amelia gave Danni an injection in his arm. Danni still moaned in pain.

“Can’t you give him more?” asked Nate.

“I can’t; give the drug time to take effect,” explained Amelia in a calm voice.

Jill and Rowena also arrived within the next fifteen minutes.

The drug slowly took effect, and Danni began to feel good enough to sit up on the couch. He began to describe the pain in his body to Amelia.

“You feel up to walking back to your bed?” asked Amelia.

Danni shook his head, as he wiped tears from his eyes.

“You want me to carry you?” asked Nate.

“That’s a good idea,” added Jill.

“Okay,” replied Danni in a soft voice.

Nate scooped him up and gently carried him to his bed. Nate noted how light Danni felt. Jill and Rowena followed them in.

“I need to examine Danni; Nate could you make a pot of coffee?” asked Amelia.

“In other words, please leave the room,” remarked Rowena with a smile.

“Thank you,” replied Amelia.

After the others left, Amelia started her exam. She was able to get Danni to explain where the pain was in greater detail. “The reason your joints hurt is that your body is setting into its new form. Your back hurts because you’re getting shorter; that’s also why your arms and legs hurt. Your hips and pelvis ache due to them widening. The next series of pains will be in your abdomen. Those will be extremely painful.”

Danni bit his lip and nodded softly. “I’m so scared.”

“I know, but I’ll be here with you the whole time. Do you need anything?”

“Some water would be nice.”

Amelia got up and walked to the door. A few minutes later Jill walked in with a mug of coffee for Amelia and a sports bottle of water for Danni.

“We’ll be right out in the living room if you need anything,” remarked Jill. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

“Thanks, Jill,” replied Danni.

Amelia sat down next to Danni’s bed and took his blood pressure. “Now we wait for the next wave of change.”

Twenty minutes later, Danni winced in pain; a moment later he began to moan. Then he wrapped his arms around his waist as he shrieked in pain.

Amelia tried to get Danni to lie down. “Okay, my dear, this is going to be rough.”

Danni didn’t reply, as he began to cringe in pain. Tears were rolling down his face, and he began to hyperventilate. Amelia did her best to calm him down.

Danni was soon soaked in sweat and crying. Amelia gave him another injection, which calmed him down slightly. Even so, the pain was such that he couldn’t stay in one position for more than a minute or two.

“Oh, please make it stop,” moaned Danni. “I can’t take this!”

Amelia took him by the hand and comforted him the best she could. “You can get through this, Danni; I’m here for you.”

“It feels like my insides are being crushed!” groaned Danni.

“Your body is creating room for your uterus and ovaries,” explained Amelia.

Danni nodded and continued to suffer from the pain. Amelia would have loved to knock him out, but the spell wouldn’t allow that. It was designed to make the victim suffer. If the victim passed out or was too heavily drugged, the changes would stop, until the victim regained consciousness and then they would start up again. The best she could do was ease the pain.

At one point, Danni suddenly sat up and screamed in pain, as he reached down to his groin.

“Hang on, Danni; tell me what’s happening,” asked Amelia.

“It feels like I was just hit in the fucking nuts!” he groaned. He then turned to Amelia and mouthed the word sorry.

“It’s okay, Danni, I understand.”

This bout of transformation lasted for nearly an hour. Danni was totally drained; his hair was drenched in sweat. He gingerly reached down and discovered she was now female.

Amelia did another exam.

“Is it over?” asked Danni weakly.


“What’s left?” she asked.

“Your face and throat,” replied Amelia.

“Oh, anything else after that?”

“That should be it,” replied Amelia.

“What time is it?”

“Almost seven.”

Danni began to choke up. “I’m sorry.”

Amelia smiled and wiped Danni’s face with a cool damp washcloth. “This is my job. I don’t mind, especially when I’m helping a dear friend.”

The pain in Danny’s face started a few minutes later, and he began to scream in agony, as he clutched his face.

“Oh God, it feels like my face is imploding!” she cried. “Make it stop! Please make it stop!”

“Hang on, Danni.”

Danni could actually feel the bones in her face and even the teeth in her gums realign. The pain was excruciating. All she could do was cry.

Then, just as the pain began to ease a little, her throat seemed to lock up, and Danni sat up struggling to breathe. It felt as if she was being strangled and she felt close to blacking out. Thankfully this part of the transformation didn’t last long, and soon Danni began to breathe easier.

“Oh, wow, that was awful. I could feel each bone change; I could feel the grinding as they realigned. It felt like someone was beating my face with a bat. Then I couldn’t breathe.”

Danni’s voice was much higher and softer. There was little trace of his old voice left.

“How do you feel now?”

“Exhausted,” replied Danni. “There is no more sharp pain, but I ache all over.”

“You feel strong enough to stand up?” asked Amelia.

“Maybe,” replied Danni.

“Jill, Rowena, can you come in here?” asked Amelia.

They helped Danni into the bathroom so she could clean up; at the same time Amelia began to strip Danni’s bed of the sweat-soaked sheets.

“I’ll get some clean ones,” stated Nate.

“Thanks,” replied Amelia.

“How is she?” he asked, as he helped Amelia make Danni’s bed.

“She’s totally female.”

“So it’s over?” he asked.

“Yes, at least concerning her physical changes”

A few minutes later, Jill and Rowena walked Danni back into the bedroom. She was only wearing a t-shirt, which once was Danny’s and now served as a nightgown.

Compared to the once athletic Danny, Danielle was tiny. She was now 5-5. Her dark red hair was now down past her shoulders. Her breasts were C-cup and proportional to her body. Even with her small size, she had a pretty impressive figure; for some reason she knew her figure was 32C-22-34.

Her face was similar to Danny’s. It was now softer, and more feminine. Her nose was smaller and her cheekbones were higher. Danielle realized she looked like her mom.

“Hi everyone,” she greeted them softly. “I think I’ll sleep for a while, if you don’t mind.”

Danielle received a long hug from Jill, followed by hugs from Rowena and Nate.

“Before you go to sleep, I’d like you to take in some fluids,” stated Amelia. “It’ll take a while before you body recovers.”

After a glass of water, Jill and Amelia led Danielle back to her bedroom. They left her sleeping soundly in her room.

“She’s really cute,” noted Nate, as he began to scramble some eggs.

“I agree,” replied Jill.

“What’s next?” asked Nate.

“I just cast the spell to lower her sexual drive. I don’t want her waking up to find the first thing she wants to do is have sex,” stated Amelia, as she sat down on the couch.

“You were wonderful, Amelia,” stated Rowena.

“Thank you. I was glad to help.”

“When will you cast the identity spell?” asked Jill.

“This evening when she goes to bed, it’ll work overnight.”

By the time breakfast was ready, Amelia was sound asleep on the couch. Nate retrieved an extra blanket and covered her up.

“The rest of you can crash here too if you want,” added Nate.

“That sounds like a great idea,” replied Jill, fighting back a yawn.

They ate breakfast in silence. Afterwards Rowena and Jill crashed on Nate’s bed. He took the Lazy-boy.

It had been a very long night.

Chapter 43

Danni woke slowly, and it took her awhile to clear her head. Her entire body was sore, as if she had just had a very hard workout. It took her a few minutes to get the energy to sit up. She brushed back her hair and felt the weight of her breasts. Eventually, curiosity overcame her reluctance, and she stepped out of bed to examine her body.

She stared at her new face; at least she was attractive, she thought. After a momentary hesitation, she gently touched her face. Yes, it was real.

One thing that she had to do was to get her hair cut; she couldn’t stand the way it kept getting in her face.

Surprisingly, she didn’t feel aroused, and then she remembered that Amelia had told her she would be casting a spell on her, just before she drifted off to sleep.

Danni looked for something to wear, besides the oversized t-shirt. At first she wondered why they had given her one of Nate’s t-shirts to wear, when it hit her that she was wearing one of her old shirts.

She found the jeans that Jill had bought her and slipped them on; they were too long, but otherwise they fit.

Danni found the others sitting in the living room, watching football and sharing the Sunday paper.

“Good morning,” she greeted them.

“Try afternoon, but it’s great to see you up and about,” replied Nate.

“Oh, is it afternoon already?” she asked.

Jill got up and gave Danni a huge hug. “How’re you feeling?”

“Okay, I guess,” she replied. “I just want to thank all of you for what you did this morning. I know you all pitched in.”

“That’s what friends are for,” stated Nate.

“The pain was the worst I’ve ever experienced,” stated Danni.

“If it makes you feel better, I’ve been told by those who have experienced the same change and have also given birth, that having a baby is a piece of cake by comparison,” stated Amelia.

“Too bad I’ll never get to make that comparison, as I have no intention of getting pregnant,” replied Danni with a grin.

“Famous last words,” piped in Jill, as she slipped her arm around Danni, who turned and stuck her tongue out.

“Danni, are you hungry?” asked Nate.

Danni nodded. “Yes, but not like I was in the past.”

“Rowena and I picked up some cold cuts this morning and some nice rolls.”

“That’ll be fine,” replied Danni as she sat on the couch. She then brushed her hair out of her face.

Without asking, Jill began to braid Danni’s hair into a French braid.

“I’m getting it cut as soon as I can,” commented Danni.

“What a shame, it’s so nice,” noted Jill. “Wait until after the identity spell, before you make up your mind.”

“How do you feel?” asked Amelia.

“Good. I feel, well, normal,” answered Danni.

“And your sexual drive?” asked Amelia.

“At the moment, I don’t feel anything out of the normal. I’m attracted to Jill, but I don’t feel the need to jump her at the moment.”

“Sorry to hear that,” piped in Jill.

“You know what I mean!” replied Danni.

“Well, I’m pleased with how you’ve progressed. If you want, I’ll cast the identity spell this evening,” continued Amelia.


“Besides those in the apartment, is there anyone else you want to add to the list?”

“What about Chelsea? Will she remember?”

“That’s a different story, don’t worry about her.”

“Then I’m good.”

Amelia smiled. “Okay, I’ll finish preparing the spell this afternoon.”

“How will I take it?”

“It’s in the form of a candle. It will take six hours to burn down. It doesn’t need to be in your room; we can leave it in the kitchen sink, and it will work just as effectively,” replied Amelia.

“Okay, that sounds painless enough.”

“There is an added positive side effect, in that you’ll have a really wonderful and restful sleep. In fact, all of you will.”

“That’s good, I need it. I feel so sore.”

“That’ll pass,” replied Amelia.

“Okay, lunch is ready,” announced Nate.

Chapter 44

In her preparation for the identity spell, Amelia called everyone together in the living room.

“I need a sample of everyone’s hair. I don’t need more than a few strands and they will go into the candle. The catch is they need to be plucked out,” she explained.

“What about you?” asked Nate.

“As I have powers, the identity spell will not affect me. Now who wants to go first?”

“I will,” stated Danni. “It can’t hurt worse than what I went through last night.”

“I’ll also need something else from you later, Danni,” stated Amelia, as she plucked a few hairs from Danni’s head.

“Okay, who’s next?”

Jill came forward then Rowena.

“Okay, Nate, it’s your turn,” stated Amelia.

“The things I do for my friends,” stated Nate.

“It doesn’t hurt that bad,” taunted Danni.

Amelia pulled the hairs as Nate winced. “Crap that hurts.”

“So what else do you need from me?” asked Danni.

“While I melt the wax, I’ll need you to first breathe into it as it boils. Once it’s at a full boil, you drop in the different hairs as you recite these words I’ve written down for you.”

Danni looked at the words.

“Don’t read them aloud until I tell you to,” continued Amelia. “The wax should start heating up shortly. Rowena, could you set the wick in the mold for me?”

“Sure, come on, Nate, I’ll show you how to do this. I make all my own candles for the shop.”

Rowena set a cylinder shaped metal mold on the kitchen table. The cylinder’s diameter was three inches. Next she measured and cut off a piece of wick. She ran it through the bottom of the mold, sealed the bottom with mold sealer, then after flipping the mold over she tied off the wick on a small stick.

“The trick is to keep the wick straight and centered as you pour in the wax,” she explained. “That way the candle burns more consistently.”

“Okay, Danni, lean over the pot and breathe slowly into the wax. This will merge your essence into the wax,” stated Amelia.

Danni did what she was told. There was a pleasant aroma coming from the pot. Danni could make out traces of cinnamon among other spices. The wax was the color of dark purple.

“Okay, it’s starting to boil, so now drop in the different hairs and recite the words on the paper,” instructed Amelia.

“Change me, to match my outer body, but allow these to remember.”

Instead of just sinking into the wax, the hairs almost popped and sizzled as they hit the hot wax.

“That’s normal, Danni, please continue,” continued Amelia. “You’re doing it right.”

Danni repeated the ritual for each group of hairs.

“Okay, that was great Danni. Is the mold ready, Rowena?”

“Yes, I’m ready,” replied Rowena.

Amelia picked up the pot and, chanting some words that were unintelligible to Jill, Nate, and Danni, poured the wax carefully into the mold.

“Well, all we need to do is let that set and it’s ready,” stated Amelia.

“What language was that you were speaking?” asked Jill. “It sounded a little like Celtic, but it sounds older.”

“Very good, Jill, it’s actual a variant of the Druid language.”

“Can I ask you a question? I know this may sound silly, but how old are you really?” asked Danni.

“Didn’t your mother tell you never to ask the age of a lady?” replied Amelia with a smile.

“She also never told me that I’d become a woman at age twenty-one either,” retorted Danni with a grin on her face.

“Point taken. I was born in 1792 in the Highlands of Scotland. Our clan left in 1815 to move to the states. We settled initially in Maine, although my family later moved to Pennsylvania.”

“The stories you must have. I mean just the historical events you’ve lived through,” remarked Danni.

“Are you immortal?” asked Jill.

“Oh no, who’d want that curse? We just age slower. The first twelve years of my life, I grew at the same pace as you did. When puberty hit, so did my powers, and that’s when my slower aging took over.”

“That’s pretty cool,” noted Danni.

“I’ve aged a little slower than many in my clan, because I was chosen to be a healer. It took me until 1862 to get my accreditation as a mystical healer. Still, that was ten years ahead of schedule.”

“And I thought it took a long time to become a doctor!” stated Jill.

“It only took me five years to go through medical school. The hardest thing was finding a college that would allow women in the 1800’s.”

“Men!” stated Danni in a sarcastic tone. This was met by laughter, including Nate’s.

“Jill, have you decided if you want to treat humans or animals yet?” asked Amelia.

“Today, it’s people, especially after seeing how you helped Danni.”

“You’ll make an excellent doctor.”

Chapter 45

Danni spent the rest of afternoon studying for her finals in her room. Amelia reassured her that her classes wouldn’t be different.

“That would really be frightening, to walk into totally new classes on finals day,” remarked Danni.

Jill was sitting on the couch reading her notes for her neurobiology final, and Nate was in his room reading one of his textbooks.

In order to let Nate study, Rowena fixed dinner. She had to go out to get the ingredients, but by dinner time the whole apartment was filled with a savory aroma.

“Okay, I have to know, what is that wonderful smell?” asked Danni as she stepped out of her room.

“Jambalaya,” replied Rowena. “I learned to make it when I spent a year down in New Orleans, although I don’t make it quite as spicy as they do.”

“When will it be ready?” asked Danni.

“Soon, why don’t you get the others?”

In addition to making the jambalaya, she had bought several baguettes of fresh French bread and a couple of six-packs of Crimson Voodoo beer.

“I think we should eat buffet style, as there’s more space in the living room,” suggested Nate.

During dinner, Danni turned to Amelia. “So, all I have to do is light the candle tonight before I go to bed?”

“Yes, it’s just that simple,” she replied.

“Just in case it doesn’t work, I want to thank you again for everything you’ve done for me. That applies to everyone here. I don’t think I could have made it without all of you.”

Nate raised his bottle of beer in a toast and was followed by the others. “To friendship.”

Chapter 46

It was around ten-thirty when Danni decided she was ready to go to bed. She gave Jill, Nate, Rowena, and then Amelia each a long hug. It was as if she was saying good-bye.

“Just in case,” she stated with a wink.

“Do you want to light the candle?” asked Amelia.

“Sure, why not?”

The purple candle was on a plate in the sink. This was done for safety reasons. Danni struck a safety match and touched the flame to the wick. It sparked and took to the flame.

“Okay, that’s it,” stated Amelia. “I’ll be by in the morning.”

Danni nodded, hugged everyone, and then went to bed.

Chapter 47

Danni woke up slowly the following morning. She sat up in her bed and looked around. On her night stand was her purse; she immediately searched inside for her wallet. Instead of her male black leather wallet, she found a women’s wallet that she instinctively knew was hers. She opened it up and pulled out her driver’s license. The name was Danielle Melanie Norris, aged 21. All her identification was the same; there was no trace of Danny.

She jumped out of bed and found that her furniture had changed. Instead of the beat-up used stuff that had been in Danny’s room, there was modern furniture from IKEA. Danni could even remember buying it and how Nate and Jill had helped her put it together.

Danni opened up the drawers and found them full of women’s clothes. She quickly dressed, slipping on a pair of panties, bra, top and jeans.

Without thinking, she picked up a red scrunchie and tied her long red hair into a ponytail.

She then looked in her closet. There were dresses, skirts, shoes and boots inside. Next she looked in her bathroom. A variety of makeup containers were on the counter. All her cosmetics and personal hygiene products were now feminine. She even knew which drawer her tampons and napkins were in.

The next step was a big one – what awaited her on the other side of the bedroom door? She hesitated before stepping out of her room. “Okay, everything has worked so far; Nate and Jill will have to know you.”

The living room didn’t look that different. The apartment was a bit neater, but it never got out of hand, as Nate didn’t like disorder. She could hear Nate in the kitchen cooking, and she walked over to see him.

“Good morning, Nate.”

Nate turned around and stared. “Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?”

A moment of panic swept through Danni, but before the joke went too far Nate broke out in a smile. “I’m just kidding, Danni. Sorry, but I couldn’t resist.”

“I don’t know whether to hit you or hug you!”

“Jill’s on her way over, as are Rowena and Amelia. We all know you used to be Danny.”

“Really? That’s a relief.”

“It’s pretty cool when you think about it. Remember that photo of us at the game last year that I had in my room? Well, Danni is now in the photo and everything else is the same.”

“Amazing!” she stated as she sat down at the kitchen table. She hadn’t checked any of her family photos yet.

“Have you gone into your memories?” asked Nate as he returned to his scrambled eggs.”

“A little. It’s a bit confusing, but Amelia said it would settle down after a while. Oh, can I have some of those?” said Danni, as she pointed to the eggs.

“Sure, I’m making enough for everyone. By the way, think about you and me; tell me what you remember” stated Nate.

Danni searched her memories and her eyes opened wide. “Oh my! Do you remember what I think I remember?”

Nate nodded. “We had some fun together.”

“I’m recalling that we’ve had sex a dozen or so times.”

“Me too, pretty good sex at that.”

Danni was about to look for something to throw, but then she stopped. “According to my memories, you’re right.”

Danni recalled how she and Nate had once been lovers for several months. In fact, it was the initial reason why she had moved in with him. Thankfully, they’d had a mutual breakup, which left them as close friends.

“Well, it’s nice to know that I was good. Thankfully, we’re both seeing other people now.”

“True.” Danni searched his memories and found that she had been dating Jill for almost three months. She had even told her mom. “This is going to take some getting used to.”

“It’s a good thing that the semester is almost over. You feel okay about your finals?”

Danni thought about it for a moment. “Actually, I feel pretty confident about them. I’m just grateful that they’re the same classes.”

There was a knock at the door and Danni opened it to see Jill, who immediately gave her a big kiss.

“Good morning to you, too!” stated Danni.

Within minutes, Amelia and Rowena arrived.

“Good, so I guess we’ll talk while we eat,” stated Nate.

Rowena walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll help you serve, honey.”

“It’s very strange sorting through my memories,” commented Danni to the others.

“It takes time, but you’ll master it. If I didn’t think you could, we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” replied Amelia.

“What do you mean?” asked Danni.

“You’re experiencing a monumental change in your life, and you’ve adapted to it quite well. This isn’t always true. Some cannot handle it, even with the identity change.”

“Go on,” stated Danni.

“It becomes overwhelming, and in some cases they try to ease their pain and discomfort – sometimes with drugs or alcohol, sometimes with more drastic means.”

“Suicide?” asked Jill.

Amelia nodded. “Unfortunately, for some it’s the only solution. Then there are those who lose their minds and retreat into their old memories.”

“That won’t happen to me,” stated Danni firmly.

“I know that, Danni; if I’d thought you couldn’t handle it, I would have used a different spell.”

“You mean wipe away all my old memories?”

“Yes. I would have done it if I felt that you couldn’t handle this. It’s acceptable in the ethics of magic, as I would be preventing you from doing harm to yourself.”

“I understand, and I thank you for caring so much about me,” stated Danni.

After breakfast, Amelia conducted another exam of Danni. Everything seemed normal, which was rather remarkable considering the abnormal events that had shaped her life.

“Now, I know you have finals coming up, but as soon as they’re over I want you to relax and adjust to your life, and don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions or if you just want to say hi,” instructed Amelia.

“So where are you going when you leave Ohio?” asked Danni.

“San Diego, California. I have some dear friends out there, and I’d like to spend some time with them. In fact, I’m thinking of moving out there.”

“I’ve never been there, but I’ve heard it’s beautiful.”

“You should come out sometime. I have someone out there you’d like to meet, as you have a lot in common.”

Danni thought about it. “Oh, you mean … this?” she asked as she pointed to her body.

“Yes, her change was due to different causes, but it would do you good to meet someone else who has had similar experiences.”

“That’s true. Any news on Chelsea?”

“She’s been sentenced to forty years in her feline condition. She could get time off for good behavior, but right now she’s still pretty vicious.”

“What sort of good behavior? Not scratching the furniture or puking hairballs on the carpet?”

Amelia laughed. “No, she can request to be assigned as a comfort animal at a retirement community. I don’t image she’ll be keen on that idea for at least a few years, she’s so bitter.”

“Remind me to send her a catnip mouse for Christmas.”

Amelia laughed. “I’ll do that. Well, I need to get going, Danni.”

Danni nodded. “I’ll miss you; I know that I couldn’t have survived this without you.” She then gave Amelia a long hug.

“No, you would have gotten through this; I just helped you with some of the bigger bumps.”

Chapter 48
Friday, January 3, 2003 — Tempe, Arizona
Fiesta Bowl - Ohio State vs. University of Miami

Danni, Jill, Nate, and Rowena walked up to their seats in Sun Devil Stadium. It was late afternoon and the stadium was quickly filling up.

“I can’t believe the game is finally here!” squealed Danni.

“I know, but it has been a fun time leading up to the game,” noted Nate.

They’d driven down from Columbus and had arrived in Tempe two days before the game. They had spent New Year’s Eve in Albuquerque with some friends of Rowena. This allowed them to take in the full atmosphere of the game. They had attended several events, including the official pep rally, numerous parties, and had bought way too many souvenirs.

While most of the sports world gave the Buckeyes little chance of winning, these those dire predictions did little to dampen Danni’s spirits. After all she had been through in the past few months, there was no way that the Buckeyes could lose.

Nate began to count off the reasons why Miami was so heavily favored. “Let’s look at the facts; Miami is the defending national champion, they’re favored by eleven points, they have a thirty-four game winning streak, their coach has never lost a game….”

“Yes, but this is our season!” stated Danni firmly. She fully believed that this was a team of destiny; after all, if she could become a woman, then the Buckeyes could overcome the mighty Miami Hurricanes.

Much had happened in her life since her transformation, and there were also changes in the lives of her close friends.

Living with Nate raised some issues that threatened their friendship. In spite of her outward denials, Danni still had feelings for Nate. Likewise he was feeling something beyond friendship towards her. Added to the fact that Jill was falling deeply in love with Danni, and vice versa, it was fast becoming very complicated.

The problem was solved when Rowena suggested that Nate move in with her. She lived above her shop, and there was plenty of room for Nate. Jill in turn moved in with Danni, preserving their friendship with Nate.

Rowena pointed out that, besides solving the obvious attraction issues, it would also give Danni a much needed role model in her daily lessons in becoming female. Jill also saw this as a good time to upgrade her image and to start to move away from jeans and t-shirts to dresses and skirts.

However, the change in living situations had led to additional problems that needed to be addressed. Jill and Danni both told their families about their relationship. Danni would have liked to have waited until after the holidays, but Jill convinced her that there was no sense in waiting.

For the most part their families accepted them, even if they weren’t all happy. Danni’s father was a bit confused, but Danni’s mother promised that she’d work on him.

“These seats are fantastic, Nate,” commented Danni.

“Yes, we’re right on the thirty-yard line. Look, the Ohio State band will be sitting just over there!” he replied as he pointed to the empty rows to their left. “By the way, I like your jersey.”

Danni was wearing a home Ohio State jersey, scarlet with gray numbers on it. She had bought it especially for the game. The jersey was number sixteen, the same as the quarterback, Craig Krenzel’s.

“However, I’m a little surprised by the number. I would have thought you’d have bought one with that linebacker’s number,” stated Nate with a wink.

Danni smiled sweetly back and very subtly flipped Nate the bird.

“That wasn’t very ladylike,” Nate replied with a wink.

“What can I say? I sometimes slip back into old habits,” she replied.

Danni still had her long beautiful red hair, as Jill wouldn’t let her get it cut. Jill also enjoyed braiding it in various ways. It was one of their more imaginative methods of foreplay.

The others were all dressed in a variety of Ohio State paraphernalia. Jill and Danni also wore necklaces of buckeye nuts.

“Look at the crowd,” commented Jill. “It’s starting to look like an Ohio State home game; too bad we’re in our away uniforms, I don’t like the white jerseys as much as the home scarlet ones.”

As the stadium slowly filled up, it was obvious that there were many more Buckeye fans in attendance, judging by the massive fields of scarlet, than Miami, whose colors were orange and green. Granted, Ohio State was a much bigger school, but it seemed like for every Miami fan there were nine Buckeyes.

“I talked to one of the venders on Mill Avenue, and he said that they’re all rooting for us, if mainly for economic reasons,” stated Nate. “Seems that they’ve gambled and bought much more Buckeye stuff than Miami.”

Mill Avenue was the main street near the stadium. It was presently filled with temporary souvenir shops.

“I hope we make them very wealthy,” stated Rowena.

“We already have,” replied Jill.

Danni took out her camera and began to take more pictures. She had already shot three rolls. The camera had been a Christmas gift from her parents.

Christmas had been interesting to say the least. Jill and Danni had told their families before Christmas. They had hoped to talk their families into a combined dinner, but it was too much to ask for. So they settled on splitting their time between each other’s families.

Danni’s situation was even stranger, as she had to get used to being treated as a girl by her family. Thankfully, she’d had a few weeks to get used to being Danni before going home.

As Danny, her private life had never really been brought up. However, this was now different, and Danni was caught off guard by her mother’s questions regarding her relationship with Jill. Danni had felt more than a little uncomfortable when her mom asked if she and Jill had separate beds. Actually, they did have separate beds in separate rooms, but somehow Danni always wound up in Jill’s bed.

Her father also treated her differently. He now seemed to be overly concerned with her safety and well-being. One night Danni had wanted to go out with Jill and some other friends, and she’d been stunned to find her dad waiting up for her return. He’d made some comment about her still being his “little girl.” Danni still got emotional thinking about it.

“Here comes the band!” screamed Jill, as the Ohio State Marching Band took the field.

Danni felt chills run up her spine as the band began to play. “We just have to win!”

The OSU fans had been whipped up to a near frenzy by the performance of Script Ohio, where the band followed the drum major single file to spell out Ohio while playing Le Regiment. The highlight of Script Ohio was when the drum major lead out a single sousaphone player to dot the lowercase i.

Danni struggled to get a shot of the formation, as the crowd was all on its feet cheering. She stood on the tips of her toes to try to see over the crowd. It was at times like this that she wished she was 5-11 again.

After all the pre-game ceremonies, the game finally started. Initially, both teams played tentatively, like prizefighters feeling each other out in the early rounds of a fight. Miami struck first and scored a touchdown in the first quarter, causing the small contingent of Miami fans to cheer.

“Don’t worry, we’re playing them tough,” stated Danni. “They can’t run the ball against us.”

The Buckeyes finally got a drive going, but it fizzled. They lined up for a field goal attempt, and in a shocking move the Buckeyes tried a fake, but it failed to get a first down, and Miami started another drive.

There was some shock on the faces of the OSU fans, but Danni was still positive.

“It just shows that we’re willing to try anything to win this,” she stated confidently.

The game’s momentum shifted later in Miami’s drive, when the Buckeyes’ star safety, Mike Doss, intercepted the ball and ran it back to Miami’s seventeen-yard line. Eight plays later, Craig Krenzel ran the ball in for a touchdown, and after the extra point the game was tied.

“This is great! I’ll gladly settle for a tie heading into the second half,” yelled Nate to Danni and the others.

“Hey, the half isn’t over yet!” replied Danni.

The Buckeyes kicked off to Miami with less than two minutes to go in the half. On the first play of the drive, Damian Scott recovered a fumble for the Buckeyes. Two plays later, freshman running back Maurice Clarett ran the ball in for a touchdown from seven yards out to give the Buckeyes the lead.

Danni and the others were jumping up and down, screaming along with the rest of the Ohio State fans. Even with her bra on, Danni was well aware of her breasts as she jumped up and down. Jill leaned over and kissed her to celebrate the score, momentarily taking her mind off her breasts.

Half Time allowed the friends to recover slightly and prepare for the second half. Nate and Rowena went off to get some sodas, as Jill and Danni sat down to catch their breath.

“So far, so good,” remarked Jill, as she slipped her arm around Danni.

By now, Danni was used to Jill’s acts of public affection, but it had taken her some time to adjust. It wasn’t because she didn’t love Jill; it was that Danni still felt self-conscious about her new form. It was silly, as no one would have suspected that she had once been male.

They did get some stares at times, and the occasional rude comment, but for the most part they were accepted by their friends.

In addition to being her lover, Jill was Danni’s teacher in all things feminine. The identity spell had given Danni the knowledge of what to do, but not always the why. Jill was able to fill in the gaps.

She’d done things like take Danni out to get a manicure or a facial. They did things together that seemed to benefit both of them.

Jill had also helped Danni through her first period.

When it came to Danni’s education in being a woman, whatever Jill failed to cover was filled in by Rowena, who was like an older sister or favorite aunt to Danni. She could criticize or comment without Danni taking it personally.

On the drive down to Tempe, Jill, Rowena, and Danni had had a long talk while Nate slept in the back.

“I’ve noticed a subtle change in your personality since the final change,” noted Rowena.

“What do you mean? I don’t think I’m acting any differently,” replied Danni.

Jill, who was driving, glanced over. “I’ve noticed it too; you’re becoming softer, as if the hard edges are being rounded.”

“That’s a good analogy,” agreed Rowena.

“I thought I wouldn’t change,” commented Danni. There was a slight worried tone to her voice.

“This isn’t a bad thing, Danni. Don’t worry, you’re not changing in drastic ways; it’s just that you’re just becoming more naturally feminine,” explained Rowena.

Danni sat in silence.

“It’s like this Danni; you’re now a woman now. Your personality is adjusting to fit the body,” added Jill. “I can’t give you specific examples of how you’ve changed, as it’s so subtle. But I’ve seen a change.”

“And how do you feel about it?” asked Danni.

“I love you, Danni. I see you as a woman, not as a girl who was once a guy.”

“Danni, I have a question for you. If you could, would you change back to being Danny?” asked Rowena.

Danni thought about her answer. Her life had changed so much due to the transformation. She was deeply in love with Jill, and Danni knew that this would have never happened while she was Danny. Also, one of her best friends was now living with a wonderful partner. This was also due to her transformation.

“It’s a hard question to answer. If I suddenly became Danny again, it would also affect others,” she replied.

“Throw that all aside, think just about yourself; if you could be Danny again, would you?” asked Rowena.

Danni searched her thoughts. “If you had asked me that question right after I changed, the answer would have been easy; now I’m not so sure.”

“See what I mean?” asked Jill.

“You’re right,” replied Danni. “I hadn’t noticed it until now.”

“Hey, here come Rowena and Nate,” stated Jill, snapping Danni out of her daydreams.

In addition to the drinks, Nate had several boxes of chips and salsa.

“They’re still giving out free samples of this stuff, so I grabbed some more. Sorta makes up for the five dollar sodas,” he explained.

The game was sponsored by Frito Lay, and they had been giving out free samples of chips and salsa.

“Too bad the US Mint doesn’t sponsor a game,” joked Danni. “Then we could get free samples of money.”

Jill pointed to the field. “Here comes the team!”

The Buckeyes continued to keep their fans on the edge of their seats, although not many fans were sitting. The play that stood out most was when the Buckeyes were on the verge of scoring. Craig Krenzel attempted a pass into the end zone; unfortunately, it was intercepted by Miami. The defender ran the ball out for a long gain, but OSU running back Maurice Clarett saved the day by ripping the ball out of the defender’s hands.

“I can’t believe what I just saw!” screamed Nate, as he hugged Rowena, Jill, and Danni.

Ohio State kicked a field goal to extend their lead, but Miami scored to make the game closer, and the third quarter ended with OSU holding a three-point lead.

Tradition is huge in college sports, and one of the Buckeye traditions was for the band to play Hang on Sloopy at the end of the third quarter.

“This has the feel of another one of those crazy games,” stated Nate. “We’re in great shape.”

Danni nodded in agreement. Her mind drifted back to her new life. Academically, she had withdrawn her application to law school. The idea of becoming a lawyer was suddenly unimportant to her. The history department was pleased to get her application for graduate work. She was also pleased when Dr. Pappadimos offered her a chance to switch to archeology. While she was honored, she decided to stay with history, although the option to change was always there.

Danni also had a good chance at several scholarships. One of the more interesting aspects of her change was that her GPA had increased from 3.49 to a rather impressive 3.92.

Amelia claimed that as a woman Danni would have been more interested in her academic studies, although Danni suspected it was just a gift from the marvelous mystic woman who had helped her become reborn.

Jill had also decided that she would go to medical school. She said that what made her decision final was the fear that if she became a vet that she might have to treat Chelsea, and she didn’t want to violate her oath as a healer.

Miami pressed the Buckeyes hard the entire fourth quarter. They suffered a huge loss when their star running back went down with a severe knee injury. The game came down to an attempt at a tying field goal with seconds left on the clock.

As Nate said, it would have been too easy had the kicked missed. Miami tied the game at seventeen, and the two teams moved into overtime.

“What is it with these guys? Are they deliberately trying to take years off our lives?” asked Jill in jest.

Danni laughed and stood close to her girlfriend. Amelia had lowered Danni’s sexual drive, but it was still elevated. Thankfully, Danni could control herself.

The idea of being attracted to men, once reviled, now seemed natural to Danni. Thankfully, Danni was so in love with Jill that she never felt the need to stray. Jill jokingly referred to Danni’s interest in men as a ‘minor character flaw.’

Jill leaned over and whispered into Danni’s ear. “If we win, I’ll give you an unbelievable victory celebration.”

Danni whispered back. “What happens if the unthinkable happens and we lose?”

Jill kissed her on the cheek. “Then I’ll comfort you; either way, it will be memorable.”

Miami had the ball first in the first overtime quarter. They scored with little effort.

“Okay, we have to score a touchdown or the game is over,” stated Nate.

“Thank you for pointing out the obvious,” replied Danni with a grin.

It would have been against the script for the Buckeyes to score with ease. They converted a long fourth down attempt for a first down, giving them new life. Still, for one brief moment it looked like Miami had won the game. A desperate fourth down pass to wide receiver Chris Gamble fell incomplete. Fireworks went off, and Miami’s team rushed the field to celebrate their victory.

“It’s not over; look there’s a flag on the play!” screamed Danni.

Sure enough, Miami was called for pass interference, and Ohio State got another life.

“If the Buckeyes were a cat, how many lives are left?” asked Jill.

“I have no idea; they used up their original nine a long time ago,” replied Rowena with a smile.

A few plays later, Ohio State tied up the game, forcing another overtime.

“They’ll move down to this end zone,” explained Nate, pointing to the end zone closer to their seats.

Ohio State got the ball first, and quickly made the go-ahead touchdown and extra point. It was now up to the defense to stop Miami.

Miami was able to move the ball down to the goal line, even though their starting quarterback, Ken Dorsey, had been injured. One of the Buckeye linebackers had tackled him hard, actually forcing him out of the game for a play. A pass interference call on Ohio State gave Miami a first down on the two yard line.

Miami tried to run up the middle and only gained one yard. On second down they tried a pass, but it fell incomplete. Another run attempt failed to gain any yardage, and it was all down to one play. If Miami scored, there would be another overtime quarter; if the Buckeyes held, they would be the champs.

Danni and Jill held each other’s hands as they watched the play. Danni watched the play unfold as if it was in slow motion. Dorsey fell back into the pocket to pass, Cie Grant blitzed from his outside linebacker position, forcing Dorsey to throw the ball too soon, and it was knocked to the ground by another Buckeye defender, Donnie Nickey. The game was over and Ohio State had won. They were the national champions

Danni and Jill screamed for joy and began to hug and kiss each other. Their affection for each other was interrupted as they embraced Nate, Rowena, and for that matter everyone else within an arm’s length.

They didn’t leave the stadium for another hour. They sang along with the band, watched the award ceremony, and just plain celebrated their unlikely victory.

Danni had to wipe back tears as she watched the post-game celebration. It wasn’t just because she was happy that her team won; it was deeper than that. The games had gotten her through her transition. She couldn’t imagine what it would have been like not to have the diversion of the season to take her mind off all that had happened to her.

Amelia watched the game with friends in San Diego.

“I never thought of you as a football fan,” stated her friend Kayla.

“I’m not, but some good friends of mine are, and they’re at the game,” replied Amelia.

“Well, the way the game ended, I almost question the outcome. You didn’t do anything funny?” asked Kayla.

“Never! I would never do anything so trivial,” she replied.

Amelia agreed with Danni’s diagnosis. Just before the game, Danni had told Amelia on the phone that she felt cheering for the team had helped her deal with the spell; Amelia concurred.

“I think it’s why you adapted so well to the changes, you used the games as an outlet. I’m not saying it’s the only reason, as you’re a strong person and you have great friends, but it definitely helped.”

Danni and her friends slowly made it out of the stadium and towards the partying on Mill Avenue. Without a word, she leaned over and kissed Jill.

“What was that for?” asked Jill.

“Just wanted to show you how much I love you.”

Danni had no idea what the future held; for now she would celebrate love and victory and move on with her life.

The End

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